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'use strict';
tv.exportTo('tv.c.tracks', function() {
* A helper object encapsulating all parameters necessary to draw a chart
* series and provides conversion between world coordinates and physical
* pixels.
* All parameters (except for pixelRatio) are assumed to be in physical pixels
* (i.e. already pre-multiplied with pixelRatio).
* The diagram below explains the meaning of the resulting fields with
* respect to a chart track:
* outerTopViewY -> +--------------------/-\-------+ <- Top padding
* innerTopViewY -> + - - - - - - - - - -| |- - - -+ <- Axis max
* | .. ==\-/== |
* | == Series == |
* | ==/-\== .. |
* innerBottomViewY -> + - - -Point- - - - - - - - - -+ <- Axis min
* outerBottomViewY -> +-------\-/--------------------+ <- Bottom padding
* ^ ^
* leftViewX rightViewX
* leftTimeStamp rightTimestamp
* Labels starting with a lower case letter are the resulting fields of the
* transform object. Labels starting with an upper case letter correspond
* to the relevant chart track concepts.
* @constructor
function ChartTransform(timelineTransform, axis, trackWidth,
trackHeight, topPadding, bottomPadding, pixelRatio) {
this.pixelRatio = pixelRatio;
// X axis.
this.leftViewX = 0;
this.rightViewX = trackWidth;
this.leftTimestamp = timelineTransform.xViewToWorld(this.leftViewX);
this.rightTimestamp = timelineTransform.xViewToWorld(this.rightViewX);
this.timelineTransform_ = timelineTransform;
// Y axis.
this.outerTopViewY = 0;
this.innerTopViewY = topPadding;
this.innerBottomViewY = trackHeight - bottomPadding;
this.outerBottomViewY = trackHeight;
this.axis_ = axis;
this.innerHeight_ = this.innerBottomViewY - this.innerTopViewY;
ChartTransform.prototype = {
worldXToViewX: function(worldX) {
return this.timelineTransform_.xWorldToView(worldX);
viewXToWorldX: function(viewX) {
return this.timelineTransform_.xViewToWorld(viewX);
worldYToViewY: function(worldY) {
var innerHeightCoefficient = 1 - this.axis_.valueToUnitRange(worldY);
return innerHeightCoefficient * this.innerHeight_ + this.innerTopViewY;
return {
ChartTransform: ChartTransform