blob: 01133b3e01e883ff980a1b576c6585a2042e37ed [file] [log] [blame]
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'use strict';
tv.exportTo('tv.e.deep_reports', function() {
* Runs deep reports on the provided files, and pushes telemetry-style
* values to the results object.
function main(results, filesInDir) {
var lastP = new Promise(function(resolve) { resolve(); });
filesInDir.forEach(function(filename) {
// TODO(nduca): Make this like telemetry page.
var page = {
url: filename
lastP = lastP.then(function() {
return loadTraceModelFromFileAsync(filename);
lastP = lastP.then(function(model) {
processModel(results, page, model);
return lastP;
function loadTraceModelFromFileAsync(filename) {
return tv.b.getAsync(filename).then(function(trace) {
var io = new tv.c.ImportOptions();
io.shiftWorldToZero = true;
io.pruneEmptyContainers = false;
var m = new tv.c.TraceModel();
m.importTraces([trace], io);
return m;
function processModel(results, page, model) {
/* TODO(nduca): Need eakeufner's Telemetry value system here so we can
* be smart in aggregating results.
results.addValue(tv.e.deep_reports.ScalarValue.fromDict(page, {
type: 'scalar',
name: 'numProcesses', units: 'processes', important: true,
value: model.numProcesses
return {
main: main