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<link rel="import" href="/core/test_utils.html">
<link rel="import" href="/extras/importer/trace_event_importer.html">
'use strict';
tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() { // @suppress longLineCheck
var findSliceNamed = tr.c.test_utils.findSliceNamed;
test('canImportEmpty', function() {
test('basicSingleThreadNonnestedParsing', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 520, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'E'},
{name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 629, cat: 'bar', tid: 53, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 631, cat: 'bar', tid: 53, ph: 'E'}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
var p = m.processes[52];
assert.equal(p.numThreads, 1);
var t = p.threads[53];
assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.length, 2);
assert.equal(t.tid, 53);
var slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(slice.title, 'a');
assert.equal(slice.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(slice.start, 0);
assert.closeTo((560 - 520) / 1000, slice.duration, 1e-5);
assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 0);
slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[1];
assert.equal(slice.title, 'b');
assert.equal(slice.category, 'bar');
assert.closeTo((629 - 520) / 1000, slice.start, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo((631 - 629) / 1000, slice.duration, 1e-5);
assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 0);
test('basicSingleThreadNonnestedParsingWithCpuDuration', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 520, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B', tts: 221}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'E', tts: 259}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 629, cat: 'bar', tid: 53, ph: 'B', tts: 329}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 631, cat: 'bar', tid: 53, ph: 'E', tts: 331} // @suppress longLineCheck
var m = new tr.Model(events);
assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
var p = m.processes[52];
assert.equal(p.numThreads, 1);
var t = p.threads[53];
assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.length, 2);
assert.equal(t.tid, 53);
var slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(slice.title, 'a');
assert.equal(slice.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(slice.start, 0);
assert.closeTo((560 - 520) / 1000, slice.duration, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo((259 - 221) / 1000, slice.cpuDuration, 1e-5);
assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 0);
slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[1];
assert.equal(slice.title, 'b');
assert.equal(slice.category, 'bar');
assert.closeTo((629 - 520) / 1000, slice.start, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo((631 - 629) / 1000, slice.duration, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo((331 - 329) / 1000, slice.cpuDuration, 1e-5);
assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 0);
test('argumentDupeCreatesNonFailingImportError', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'a',
args: {'x': 1},
pid: 1,
ts: 520,
cat: 'foo',
tid: 1,
ph: 'B'},
{name: 'a',
args: {'x': 2},
pid: 1,
ts: 560,
cat: 'foo',
tid: 1,
ph: 'E'}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var t = m.processes[1].threads[1];
var sA = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'a');
assert.equal(sA.args.x, 2);
assert.equal(1, m.importWarnings.length);
test('importMissingArgs', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'a', pid: 52, ts: 520, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'a', pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'E'},
{name: 'b', pid: 52, ts: 629, cat: 'bar', tid: 53, ph: 'I'}
// This should not throw an exception.
new tr.Model(events);
test('importDoesNotChokeOnNulls', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'a', args: { foo: null }, pid: 52, ts: 520, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{name: 'a', pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'E'}
// This should not throw an exception.
new tr.Model(events);
test('categoryBeginEndMismatchPrefersBegin', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 520, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'bar', tid: 53, ph: 'E'}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
var p = m.processes[52];
assert.equal(p.numThreads, 1);
var t = p.threads[53];
assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.length, 1);
assert.equal(t.tid, 53);
var slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(slice.title, 'a');
assert.equal(slice.category, 'foo');
test('beginEndNameMismatch', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 520, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'E'}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
assert.equal(m.importWarnings.length, 1);
test('nestedParsing', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, tts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 2, tts: 2, cat: 'bar', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 3, tts: 3, cat: 'bar', tid: 1, ph: 'E'},
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 4, tts: 3, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'E'}
var m = new tr.Model(events, false);
var t = m.processes[1].threads[1];
var sA = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'a');
var sB = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'b');
assert.equal(sA.title, 'a');
assert.equal(sA.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(sA.start, 0.001);
assert.equal(sA.duration, 0.003);
assert.equal(sA.selfTime, 0.002);
assert.equal(sA.cpuSelfTime, 0.001);
assert.equal(sB.title, 'b');
assert.equal(sB.category, 'bar');
assert.equal(sB.start, 0.002);
assert.equal(sB.duration, 0.001);
assert.equal(1, sA.subSlices.length);
assert.equal(sB, sA.subSlices[0]);
assert.equal(sA, sB.parentSlice);
test('nestedParsingWithTwoSubSlices', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, tts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 2, tts: 2, cat: 'bar', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 3, tts: 3, cat: 'bar', tid: 1, ph: 'E'},
{name: 'c', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 5, tts: 5, cat: 'baz', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'c', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 7, tts: 6, cat: 'baz', tid: 1, ph: 'E'},
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 8, tts: 8, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'E'}
var m = new tr.Model(events, false);
var t = m.processes[1].threads[1];
var sA = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'a');
var sB = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'b');
var sC = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'c');
assert.equal(sA.title, 'a');
assert.equal(sA.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(sA.start, 0.001);
assert.equal(sA.duration, 0.007);
assert.equal(sA.selfTime, 0.004);
assert.equal(sA.cpuSelfTime, 0.005);
assert.equal(sB.title, 'b');
assert.equal(sB.category, 'bar');
assert.equal(sB.start, 0.002);
assert.equal(sB.duration, 0.001);
assert.equal(sC.title, 'c');
assert.equal(sC.category, 'baz');
assert.equal(sC.start, 0.005);
assert.equal(sC.duration, 0.002);
assert.equal(sA.subSlices.length, 2);
assert.equal(sA.subSlices[0], sB);
assert.equal(sA.subSlices[1], sC);
assert.equal(sB.parentSlice, sA);
assert.equal(sC.parentSlice, sA);
test('nestedParsingWithDoubleNesting', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 2, cat: 'bar', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'c', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 3, cat: 'baz', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'c', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 5, cat: 'baz', tid: 1, ph: 'E'},
{name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 7, cat: 'bar', tid: 1, ph: 'E'},
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 8, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'E'}
var m = new tr.Model(events, false);
var t = m.processes[1].threads[1];
var sA = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'a');
var sB = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'b');
var sC = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'c');
assert.equal(sA.title, 'a');
assert.equal(sA.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(sA.start, 0.001);
assert.equal(sA.duration, 0.007);
assert.equal(sA.selfTime, 0.002);
assert.equal(sB.title, 'b');
assert.equal(sB.category, 'bar');
assert.equal(sB.start, 0.002);
assert.equal(sB.duration, 0.005);
assert.equal(sA.selfTime, 0.002);
assert.equal(sC.title, 'c');
assert.equal(sC.category, 'baz');
assert.equal(sC.start, 0.003);
assert.equal(sC.duration, 0.002);
assert.equal(sA.subSlices.length, 1);
assert.equal(sA.subSlices[0], sB);
assert.equal(sB.parentSlice, sA);
assert.equal(sB.subSlices.length, 1);
assert.equal(sB.subSlices[0], sC);
assert.equal(sC.parentSlice, sB);
test('autoclosing', function() {
var events = [
// Slice that doesn't finish.
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
// Slice that does finish to give an 'end time' to make autoclosing work.
{name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'bar', tid: 2, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 2, cat: 'bar', tid: 2, ph: 'E'}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var p = m.processes[1];
var t = p.threads[1];
var slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(slice.title, 'a');
assert.equal(slice.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(slice.start, 0);
assert.equal(slice.duration, (2 - 1) / 1000);
test('autoclosingLoneBegin', function() {
var events = [
// Slice that doesn't finish.
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var p = m.processes[1];
var t = p.threads[1];
var slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(slice.title, 'a');
assert.equal(slice.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(slice.start, 0);
assert.equal(slice.duration, 0);
test('autoclosingWithSubTasks', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'b1', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 2, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'b1', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 3, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'E'},
{name: 'b2', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 3, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'}
var m = new tr.Model(events, false);
var t = m.processes[1].threads[1];
var sA = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'a');
var sB1 = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'b1');
var sB2 = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'b2');
assert.equal(sA.end, 0.003);
assert.equal(sB1.end, 0.003);
assert.equal(sB2.end, 0.003);
test('autoclosingWithEventsOutsideBounds', function() {
var events = [
// Slice that begins before min and ends after max of the other threads.
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 0, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 3, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
// Slice that does finish to give an 'end time' to establish a basis
{name: 'c', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'bar', tid: 2, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'c', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 2, cat: 'bar', tid: 2, ph: 'E'}
var m = new tr.Model(events, false);
var p = m.processes[1];
var t = p.threads[1];
assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.length, 2);
var slice = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'a');
assert.equal(slice.title, 'a');
assert.equal(slice.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(slice.start, 0);
assert.equal(slice.duration, 0.003);
var t2 = p.threads[2];
var slice2 = findSliceNamed(t2.sliceGroup, 'c');
assert.equal(slice2.title, 'c');
assert.equal(slice2.category, 'bar');
assert.equal(slice2.start, 0.001);
assert.equal(slice2.duration, 0.001);
assert.equal(m.bounds.min, 0.000);
assert.equal(m.bounds.max, 0.003);
test('nestedAutoclosing', function() {
var events = [
// Tasks that don't finish.
{name: 'a1', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'a2', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1.5, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
// Slice that does finish to give an 'end time' to make autoclosing work.
{name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 2, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 2, cat: 'foo', tid: 2, ph: 'E'}
var m = new tr.Model(events, false);
var t1 = m.processes[1].threads[1];
var t2 = m.processes[1].threads[2];
var sA1 = findSliceNamed(t1.sliceGroup, 'a1');
var sA2 = findSliceNamed(t1.sliceGroup, 'a2');
var sB = findSliceNamed(t2.sliceGroup, 'b');
assert.equal(sA1.end, 0.002);
assert.equal(sA2.end, 0.002);
test('taskColoring', function() {
// The test below depends on hashing of 'a' != 'b'. Fail early if that
// assumption is incorrect.
assert.notEqual(tr.b.ui.getStringHash('a'), tr.b.ui.getStringHash('b'));
var events = [
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 2, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'E'},
{name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 3, cat: 'bar', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 4, cat: 'bar', tid: 1, ph: 'E'},
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 5, cat: 'baz', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 6, cat: 'baz', tid: 1, ph: 'E'}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var p = m.processes[1];
var t = p.threads[1];
var a1 = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(a1.title, 'a');
assert.equal(a1.category, 'foo');
var b = t.sliceGroup.slices[1];
assert.equal(b.title, 'b');
assert.equal(b.category, 'bar');
assert.notEqual(b.colorId, a1.colorId);
var a2 = t.sliceGroup.slices[2];
assert.equal(a2.title, 'a');
assert.equal(a2.category, 'baz');
assert.equal(a1.colorId, a2.colorId);
test('multipleThreadParsing', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 2, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'E'},
{name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 3, cat: 'bar', tid: 2, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 4, cat: 'bar', tid: 2, ph: 'E'}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
var p = m.processes[1];
assert.equal(p.numThreads, 2);
// Check thread 1.
var t = p.threads[1];
assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.length, 1);
assert.equal(t.tid, 1);
var slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(slice.title, 'a');
assert.equal(slice.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(slice.start, 0);
assert.equal(slice.duration, (2 - 1) / 1000);
assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 0);
// Check thread 2.
var t = p.threads[2];
assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.length, 1);
assert.equal(t.tid, 2);
slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(slice.title, 'b');
assert.equal(slice.category, 'bar');
assert.equal(slice.start, (3 - 1) / 1000);
assert.equal(slice.duration, (4 - 3) / 1000);
assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 0);
test('multiplePidParsing', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 2, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'E'},
{name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 2, ts: 3, cat: 'bar', tid: 2, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 2, ts: 4, cat: 'bar', tid: 2, ph: 'E'}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 2);
var p = m.processes[1];
assert.equal(p.numThreads, 1);
// Check process 1 thread 1.
var t = p.threads[1];
assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.length, 1);
assert.equal(t.tid, 1);
var slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(slice.title, 'a');
assert.equal(slice.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(slice.start, 0);
assert.equal(slice.duration, (2 - 1) / 1000);
assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 0);
// Check process 2 thread 2.
var p = m.processes[2];
assert.equal(p.numThreads, 1);
var t = p.threads[2];
assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.length, 1);
assert.equal(t.tid, 2);
slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(slice.title, 'b');
assert.equal(slice.category, 'bar');
assert.equal(slice.start, (3 - 1) / 1000);
assert.equal(slice.duration, (4 - 3) / 1000);
assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 0);
// Check getAllThreads.
[m.processes[1].threads[1], m.processes[2].threads[2]]);
// Process names.
test('processNames', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'process_name', args: {name: 'SomeProcessName'},
pid: 1, ts: 0, tid: 1, ph: 'M'},
{name: 'process_name', args: {name: 'SomeProcessName'},
pid: 2, ts: 0, tid: 1, ph: 'M'}
var m = new tr.Model();
m.importTraces([events], false, false);
assert.equal(m.processes[1].name, 'SomeProcessName');
// Process labels.
test('processLabels', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'process_labels', args: {labels: 'foo,bar,bar,foo,baz'},
pid: 1, ts: 0, tid: 1, ph: 'M'},
{name: 'process_labels', args: {labels: 'baz'},
pid: 2, ts: 0, tid: 1, ph: 'M'}
var m = new tr.Model();
m.importTraces([events], false, false);
assert.deepEqual(m.processes[1].labels, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
assert.deepEqual(m.processes[2].labels, ['baz']);
// Process sort index.
test('processSortIndex', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'process_name', args: {name: 'First'},
pid: 2, ts: 0, tid: 1, ph: 'M'},
{name: 'process_name', args: {name: 'Second'},
pid: 2, ts: 0, tid: 1, ph: 'M'},
{name: 'process_sort_index', args: {sort_index: 1},
pid: 1, ts: 0, tid: 1, ph: 'M'}
var m = new tr.Model();
m.importTraces([events], false, false);
// By name, p1 is before p2. But, its sort index overrides that.
assert.isAbove(m.processes[1].compareTo(m.processes[2]), 0);
// Thread names.
test('threadNames', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'thread_name', args: {name: 'Thread 1'},
pid: 1, ts: 0, tid: 1, ph: 'M'},
{name: 'thread_name', args: {name: 'Thread 2'},
pid: 2, ts: 0, tid: 2, ph: 'M'}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
m.importTraces([events], false, false);
assert.equal(m.processes[1].threads[1].name, 'Thread 1');
assert.equal(m.processes[2].threads[2].name, 'Thread 2');
// Thread sort index.
test('threadSortIndex', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'thread_name', args: {name: 'Thread 1'},
pid: 1, ts: 0, tid: 1, ph: 'M'},
{name: 'thread_name', args: {name: 'Thread 2'},
pid: 1, ts: 0, tid: 2, ph: 'M'},
{name: 'thread_sort_index', args: {sort_index: 1},
pid: 1, ts: 0, tid: 1, ph: 'M'}
var m = new tr.Model();
m.importTraces([events], false, false);
// By name, t1 is before t2. But, its sort index overrides that.
var t1 = m.processes[1].threads[1];
var t2 = m.processes[1].threads[2];
assert.isAbove(t1.compareTo(t2), 0);
// CPU counts.
test('cpuCounts', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'num_cpus', args: {number: 4},
pid: 7, ts: 0, tid: 0, ph: 'M'},
{name: 'num_cpus', args: {number: 4},
pid: 14, ts: 0, tid: 0, ph: 'M'}
var m = new tr.Model();
m.importTraces([events], false, false);
assert.equal(m.kernel.softwareMeasuredCpuCount, 4);
assert.equal(m.kernel.bestGuessAtCpuCount, 4);
test('cpuCountsWithSandboxBeingConfused', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'num_cpus', args: {number: 4},
pid: 7, ts: 0, tid: 0, ph: 'M'},
{name: 'num_cpus', args: {number: 1},
pid: 14, ts: 0, tid: 0, ph: 'M'}
var m = new tr.Model();
m.importTraces([events], false, false);
assert.equal(m.kernel.softwareMeasuredCpuCount, 4);
assert.equal(m.kernel.bestGuessAtCpuCount, 4);
test('parsingWhenEndComesFirst', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'E'},
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 4, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 5, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'E'}
var m = new tr.Model(events, false);
var p = m.processes[1];
var t = p.threads[1];
assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.length, 1);
assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices[0].title, 'a');
assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices[0].category, 'foo');
assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices[0].start, 0.004);
assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices[0].duration, 0.001);
assert.equal(m.importWarnings.length, 1);
test('immediateParsing', function() {
var events = [
// Need to include immediates inside a task so the timeline
// recentering/zeroing doesn't clobber their timestamp.
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'immediate', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 2, cat: 'bar', tid: 1, ph: 'I'},
{name: 'slower', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 4, cat: 'baz', tid: 1, ph: 'i'},
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 4, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'E'}
var m = new tr.Model(events, false);
var p = m.processes[1];
var t = p.threads[1];
assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.length, 3);
assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices[0].start, 0.001);
assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices[0].duration, 0.003);
assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices[1].start, 0.002);
assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices[1].duration, 0);
assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices[2].start, 0.004);
var slice = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'a');
assert.equal(slice.title, 'a');
assert.equal(slice.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(slice.duration, 0.003);
var immed = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'immediate');
assert.equal(immed.title, 'immediate');
assert.equal(immed.category, 'bar');
assert.equal(immed.start, 0.002);
assert.equal(immed.duration, 0);
var slower = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'slower');
assert.equal(slower.title, 'slower');
assert.equal(slower.category, 'baz');
assert.equal(slower.start, 0.004);
assert.equal(slower.duration, 0);
test('simpleCounter', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'ctr', args: {'value': 0}, pid: 1, ts: 0, cat: 'foo', tid: 1,
ph: 'C'},
{name: 'ctr', args: {'value': 10}, pid: 1, ts: 10, cat: 'foo', tid: 1,
ph: 'C'},
{name: 'ctr', args: {'value': 0}, pid: 1, ts: 20, cat: 'foo', tid: 1,
ph: 'C'}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var p = m.processes[1];
var ctr = m.processes[1].counters['foo.ctr'];
assert.equal(, 'ctr');
assert.equal(ctr.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(ctr.numSamples, 3);
assert.equal(ctr.numSeries, 1);
assert.equal(ctr.series[0].name, 'value');
assert.deepEqual(ctr.timestamps, [0, 0.01, 0.02]);
var samples = [];
ctr.series[0].samples.forEach(function(sample) {
assert.deepEqual(samples, [0, 10, 0]);
assert.deepEqual(ctr.totals, [0, 10, 0]);
assert.equal(ctr.maxTotal, 10);
test('instanceCounter', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'ctr', args: {'value': 0}, pid: 1, ts: 0, cat: 'foo', tid: 1,
ph: 'C', id: 0},
{name: 'ctr', args: {'value': 10}, pid: 1, ts: 10, cat: 'foo', tid: 1,
ph: 'C', id: 0},
{name: 'ctr', args: {'value': 10}, pid: 1, ts: 10, cat: 'foo', tid: 1,
ph: 'C', id: 1},
{name: 'ctr', args: {'value': 20}, pid: 1, ts: 15, cat: 'foo', tid: 1,
ph: 'C', id: 1},
{name: 'ctr', args: {'value': 30}, pid: 1, ts: 18, cat: 'foo', tid: 1,
ph: 'C', id: 1},
{name: 'ctr', args: {'value': 40}, pid: 1, ts: 20, cat: 'bar', tid: 1,
ph: 'C', id: 2}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var p = m.processes[1];
var ctr = m.processes[1].counters['foo.ctr[0]'];
assert.equal(, 'ctr[0]');
assert.equal(ctr.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(ctr.numSamples, 2);
assert.equal(ctr.numSeries, 1);
assert.deepEqual(ctr.timestamps, [0, 0.01]);
var samples = [];
ctr.series[0].samples.forEach(function(sample) {
assert.deepEqual(samples, [0, 10]);
ctr = m.processes[1].counters['foo.ctr[1]'];
assert.equal(, 'ctr[1]');
assert.equal(ctr.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(ctr.numSamples, 3);
assert.equal(ctr.numSeries, 1);
assert.deepEqual(ctr.timestamps, [0.01, 0.015, 0.018]);
samples = [];
ctr.series[0].samples.forEach(function(sample) {
assert.deepEqual(samples, [10, 20, 30]);
ctr = m.processes[1].counters['bar.ctr[2]'];
assert.equal(, 'ctr[2]');
assert.equal(ctr.category, 'bar');
assert.equal(ctr.numSamples, 1);
assert.equal(ctr.numSeries, 1);
assert.deepEqual(ctr.timestamps, [0.02]);
var samples = [];
ctr.series[0].samples.forEach(function(sample) {
assert.deepEqual(samples, [40]);
test('multiCounterUpdateBounds', function() {
var ctr = new tr.model.Counter(undefined, 'testBasicCounter',
'', 'testBasicCounter');
var value1Series = new tr.model.CounterSeries(
'value1', 'testBasicCounter.value1');
var value2Series = new tr.model.CounterSeries(
'value2', 'testBasicCounter.value2');
value1Series.addCounterSample(0, 0);
value1Series.addCounterSample(1, 1);
value1Series.addCounterSample(2, 1);
value1Series.addCounterSample(3, 2);
value1Series.addCounterSample(4, 3);
value1Series.addCounterSample(5, 1);
value1Series.addCounterSample(6, 3);
value1Series.addCounterSample(7, 3.1);
value2Series.addCounterSample(0, 0);
value2Series.addCounterSample(1, 0);
value2Series.addCounterSample(2, 1);
value2Series.addCounterSample(3, 1.1);
value2Series.addCounterSample(4, 0);
value2Series.addCounterSample(5, 7);
value2Series.addCounterSample(6, 0);
value2Series.addCounterSample(7, 0.5);
assert.equal(ctr.bounds.min, 0);
assert.equal(ctr.bounds.max, 7);
assert.equal(ctr.maxTotal, 8);
assert.deepEqual([0, 0,
1, 1,
1, 2,
2, 3.1,
3, 3,
1, 8,
3, 3,
3.1, 3.6], ctr.totals);
test('multiCounter', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'ctr', args: {'value1': 0, 'value2': 7}, pid: 1, ts: 0, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'C'}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{name: 'ctr', args: {'value1': 10, 'value2': 4}, pid: 1, ts: 10, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'C'}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{name: 'ctr', args: {'value1': 0, 'value2': 1 }, pid: 1, ts: 20, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'C'} // @suppress longLineCheck
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var p = m.processes[1];
var ctr = m.processes[1].counters['foo.ctr'];
assert.equal(, 'ctr');
assert.equal(, 'ctr');
assert.equal(ctr.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(ctr.numSamples, 3);
assert.equal(ctr.numSeries, 2);
assert.equal(ctr.series[0].name, 'value1');
assert.equal(ctr.series[1].name, 'value2');
assert.deepEqual(ctr.timestamps, [0, 0.01, 0.02]);
var samples = [];
ctr.series[0].samples.forEach(function(sample) {
assert.deepEqual(samples, [0, 10, 0]);
var samples1 = [];
ctr.series[1].samples.forEach(function(sample) {
assert.deepEqual(samples1, [7, 4, 1]);
assert.deepEqual([0, 7,
10, 14,
0, 1], ctr.totals);
assert.equal(ctr.maxTotal, 14);
test('importObjectInsteadOfArray', function() {
var events = { traceEvents: [
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'E'}
] };
var m = new tr.Model(events);
assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
test('importString', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'E'}
var m = new tr.Model(JSON.stringify(events));
assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
test('importStringWithLeadingSpaces', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'E'}
var m = new tr.Model(' ' + JSON.stringify(events));
assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
test('importStringWithTrailingNewLine', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'E'}
var m = new tr.Model(JSON.stringify(events) + '\n');
assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
test('importStringWithMissingCloseSquareBracket', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'E'}
var tmp = JSON.stringify(events);
assert.equal(tmp[tmp.length - 1], ']');
// Drop off the trailing ]
var dropped = tmp.substring(0, tmp.length - 1);
var m = new tr.Model(dropped);
assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
test('importStringWithEndingCommaButMissingCloseSquareBracket', function() {
var lines = [
'{"name": "a", "args": {}, "pid": 52, "ts": 524, "cat": "foo", "tid": 53, "ph": "B"},', // @suppress longLineCheck
'{"name": "a", "args": {}, "pid": 52, "ts": 560, "cat": "foo", "tid": 53, "ph": "E"},' // @suppress longLineCheck
var text = lines.join('\n');
var m = new tr.Model(text);
assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
assert.equal(m.processes[52].threads[53].sliceGroup.length, 1);
test('importStringWithMissingCloseSquareBracketAndNewline', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'E'}
var tmp = JSON.stringify(events);
assert.equal(tmp[tmp.length - 1], ']');
// Drop off the trailing ] and add a newline
var dropped = tmp.substring(0, tmp.length - 1);
var m = new tr.Model(dropped + '\n');
assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
test('ImportStringEndingCommaButMissingCloseSquareBracketCRLF', function() {
var lines = [
'{"name": "a", "args": {}, "pid": 52, "ts": 524, "cat": "foo", "tid": 53, "ph": "B"},', // @suppress longLineCheck
'{"name": "a", "args": {}, "pid": 52, "ts": 560, "cat": "foo", "tid": 53, "ph": "E"},' // @suppress longLineCheck
var text = lines.join('\r\n');
var m = new tr.Model(text);
assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
assert.equal(m.processes[52].threads[53].sliceGroup.length, 1);
test('importOldFormat', function() {
var lines = [
var text = lines.join('\n');
var m = new tr.Model(text);
assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
assert.equal(m.processes[9].threads[8].sliceGroup.length, 1);
test('startFinishOneSliceOneThread', function() {
var events = [
// Time is intentionally out of order.
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'cat', tid: 53,
ph: 'F', id: 72},
{name: 'a', pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'cat', tid: 53,
ph: 'S', id: 72, args: {'foo': 'bar'}}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0].title, 'a');
assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0].category, 'cat');
assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0].id, 72);
assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0], 'bar');
assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0].start, 0);
(60 - 24) / 1000, t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0].duration, 1e-5);
assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0].startThread, t);
assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0].endThread, t);
test('endArgsAddedToSlice', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'a', args: {x: 1}, pid: 52, ts: 520, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'a', args: {y: 2}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'E'}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
var p = m.processes[52];
assert.equal(p.numThreads, 1);
var t = p.threads[53];
assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.length, 1);
assert.equal(t.tid, 53);
var slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(slice.title, 'a');
assert.equal(slice.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(slice.start, 0);
assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 0);
assert.equal(slice.args['x'], 1);
assert.equal(slice.args['y'], 2);
test('endArgOverrwritesOriginalArgValueIfDuplicated', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'b', args: {z: 3}, pid: 52, ts: 629, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'},
{name: 'b', args: {z: 4}, pid: 52, ts: 631, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'E'}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
var p = m.processes[52];
assert.equal(p.numThreads, 1);
var t = p.threads[53];
var slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(slice.title, 'b');
assert.equal(slice.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(slice.start, 0);
assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 0);
assert.equal(slice.args['z'], 4);
test('asyncEndArgsAddedToSlice', function() {
var events = [
// Time is intentionally out of order.
{name: 'c', args: {y: 2}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'F', id: 72},
{name: 'c', args: {x: 1}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'S', id: 72}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
var parentSlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(parentSlice.title, 'c');
assert.equal(parentSlice.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(parentSlice.args['x'], 1);
assert.equal(parentSlice.args['y'], 2);
assert.equal(parentSlice.subSlices.length, 0);
test('asyncEndArgOverwritesOriginalArgValueIfDuplicated', function() {
var events = [
// Time is intentionally out of order.
{name: 'd', args: {z: 4}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'F', id: 72},
{name: 'd', args: {z: 3}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'S', id: 72}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
var parentSlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(parentSlice.title, 'd');
assert.equal(parentSlice.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(parentSlice.args['z'], 4);
assert.equal(parentSlice.subSlices.length, 0);
test('asyncStepsInOneThread', function() {
var events = [
// Time is intentionally out of order.
{name: 'a', args: {z: 3}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'F', id: 72}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{name: 'a', args: {step: 's1', y: 2}, pid: 52, ts: 548, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'T', id: 72}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{name: 'a', args: {x: 1}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'S', id: 72} // @suppress longLineCheck
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
var parentSlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(parentSlice.title, 'a');
assert.equal(parentSlice.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(parentSlice.start, 0);
assert.equal(parentSlice.args['x'], 1);
assert.equal(parentSlice.args['z'], 3);
assert.equal(parentSlice.subSlices.length, 1);
var subSlice = parentSlice.subSlices[0];
assert.equal(subSlice.title, 'a:s1');
assert.equal(subSlice.category, 'foo');
assert.closeTo((548 - 524) / 1000, subSlice.start, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo((560 - 548) / 1000, subSlice.duration, 1e-5);
assert.equal(subSlice.args['y'], 2);
test('asyncStepsMissingStart', function() {
var events = [
// Time is intentionally out of order.
{name: 'a', args: {z: 3}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'F', id: 72},
{name: 'a', args: {step: 's1', y: 2}, pid: 52, ts: 548, cat: 'foo',
tid: 53, ph: 'T', id: 72}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
test('asyncStepsMissingFinish', function() {
var events = [
// Time is intentionally out of order.
{name: 'a', args: {step: 's1', y: 2}, pid: 52, ts: 548, cat: 'foo',
tid: 53, ph: 'T', id: 72},
{name: 'a', args: {z: 3}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'S', id: 72}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
test('asyncStepEndEvent', function() {
var events = [
// Time is intentionally out of order.
{name: 'a', args: {z: 3}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'F', id: 72},
{name: 'a', args: {step: 's1', y: 2}, pid: 52, ts: 548, cat: 'foo',
tid: 53, ph: 'p', id: 72},
{name: 'a', args: {x: 1}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'S', id: 72}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
var parentSlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(parentSlice.title, 'a');
assert.equal(parentSlice.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(parentSlice.start, 0);
assert.equal(parentSlice.args['x'], 1);
assert.equal(parentSlice.args['z'], 3);
assert.equal(parentSlice.subSlices.length, 1);
var subSlice = parentSlice.subSlices[0];
assert.equal(subSlice.title, 'a:s1');
assert.equal(subSlice.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(subSlice.start, 0);
assert.closeTo((548 - 524) / 1000, subSlice.duration, 1e-5);
assert.equal(subSlice.args['y'], 2);
test('asyncStepMismatch', function() {
var events = [
// Time is intentionally out of order.
{name: 'a', args: {z: 3}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'F', id: 72},
{name: 'a', args: {step: 's2'}, pid: 52, ts: 548, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'T', id: 72},
{name: 'a', args: {step: 's1'}, pid: 52, ts: 548, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'p', id: 72},
{name: 'a', args: {x: 1}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'S', id: 72}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
test('asyncSliceWithoutCPUDuration', function() {
var events = [
// Async slice without tts field.
{name: 'a', args: {params: ''}, pid: 52, ts: 10, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
id: 72, ph: 'b'},
{name: 'a', args: {params: ''}, pid: 52, ts: 20, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
id: 72, ph: 'e'},
// Async slice with tts field but without use_async_tts marker field.
{name: 'b', args: {params: ''}, pid: 52, ts: 30, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
id: 72, ph: 'b', tts: 30000},
{name: 'b', args: {params: ''}, pid: 52, ts: 40, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
id: 72, ph: 'e', tts: 40000},
// Async slice with tts field but with use_async_tts marker set to 0.
{name: 'c', args: {params: ''}, pid: 52, ts: 50000, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
id: 72, ph: 'b', tts: 50000, use_async_tts: 0},
{name: 'c', args: {params: ''}, pid: 52, ts: 60000, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
id: 72, ph: 'e', tts: 60000, use_async_tts: 0}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 3);
var noTTSNoField = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
var TTSNoField = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[1];
var TTSZeroField = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[2];
test('asyncSliceWithCPUDuration', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'a', args: {params: ''}, pid: 52, ts: 50000, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
id: 72, ph: 'b', tts: 100000, use_async_tts: 1},
{name: 'a', args: {params: ''}, pid: 52, ts: 60000, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
id: 72, ph: 'e', tts: 105000, use_async_tts: 1}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
var asyncSlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(asyncSlice.duration, 10);
assert.equal(asyncSlice.cpuStart, 100);
assert.equal(asyncSlice.cpuDuration, 5);
test('nestableAsyncBasic', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'b', id: 72},
{name: 'b', args: {x: 1}, pid: 52, ts: 525, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'b', id: 72},
{name: 'b', args: {y: 2}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'e', id: 72},
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 565, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'e', id: 72}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
var parentSlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(parentSlice.title, 'a');
assert.equal(parentSlice.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(parentSlice.subSlices.length, 1);
var subSlice = parentSlice.subSlices[0];
// Arguments should include both BEGIN and END event.
assert.equal(subSlice.args['x'], 1);
assert.equal(subSlice.args['y'], 2);
assert.sameMembers(subSlice.subSlices, []);
test('nestableAsyncNoArgs', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'name', pid: 52, ts: 525, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'b', id: 72},
{name: 'name', pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'e', id: 72}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
var slice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(slice.title, 'name');
assert.equal(slice.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 0);
assert.deepEqual(slice.args, {});
test('nestableAsyncCombinedParams', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'a', args: {x: 1, params: {p1: 'hello', p2: 123}},
pid: 52, ts: 525, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'b', id: 72},
{name: 'a', args: {y: 2, params: {p3: 'hi'}}, pid: 52, ts: 560,
cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'e', id: 72},
{name: 'b', args: {params: {p4: 'foo'}},
pid: 52, ts: 525, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'b', id: 73},
{name: 'b', args: {params: ''}, pid: 52, ts: 560,
cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'e', id: 73},
{name: 'c', args: {params: {p5: 'bar'}},
pid: 52, ts: 525, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'b', id: 74},
{name: 'c', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 560,
cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'e', id: 74}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 3);
var sliceA = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
// Arguments should include both BEGIN and END event.
assert.equal(sliceA.args['x'], 1);
assert.equal(sliceA.args['y'], 2);
var paramsA = sliceA.args['params'];
assert.equal(paramsA.p1, 'hello');
assert.equal(paramsA.p2, 123);
assert.equal(paramsA.p3, 'hi');
var sliceB = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[1];
// Arguments should include both BEGIN and END event.
var paramsB = sliceB.args['params'];
assert.equal(paramsB.p4, 'foo');
var sliceC = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[2];
// Arguments should include both BEGIN and END event.
var paramsC = sliceC.args['params'];
assert.equal(paramsC.p5, 'bar');
test('nestableAsyncManyLevels', function() {
// There are 5 nested levels.
var events = [
{name: 'l1', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'b', id: 72},
{name: 'l2', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 525, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'b', id: 72},
{name: 'l3', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 526, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'b', id: 72},
{name: 'l4', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 527, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'b', id: 72},
{name: 'l5', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 528, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'b', id: 72},
{name: 'l5', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 529, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'e', id: 72},
{name: 'l4', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 530, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'e', id: 72},
{name: 'l3', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 531, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'e', id: 72},
{name: 'l2', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 532, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'e', id: 72},
{name: 'l1', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 533, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'e', id: 72}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
// Perfectly matched events should not produce a warning.
assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
var l1Slice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(l1Slice.title, 'l1');
assert.closeTo(0, l1Slice.start, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo(9 / 1000, l1Slice.duration, 1e-5);
assert.equal(l1Slice.subSlices.length, 1);
var l2Slice = l1Slice.subSlices[0];
assert.equal(l2Slice.title, 'l2');
assert.closeTo(1 / 1000, l2Slice.start, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo(7 / 1000, l2Slice.duration, 1e-5);
assert.equal(l2Slice.subSlices.length, 1);
var l3Slice = l2Slice.subSlices[0];
assert.equal(l3Slice.title, 'l3');
assert.closeTo(2 / 1000, l3Slice.start, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo(5 / 1000, l3Slice.duration, 1e-5);
assert.equal(l3Slice.subSlices.length, 1);
var l4Slice = l3Slice.subSlices[0];
assert.equal(l4Slice.title, 'l4');
assert.closeTo(3 / 1000, l4Slice.start, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo(3 / 1000, l4Slice.duration, 1e-5);
assert.equal(l4Slice.subSlices.length, 1);
var l5Slice = l4Slice.subSlices[0];
assert.equal(l5Slice.title, 'l5');
assert.closeTo(4 / 1000, l5Slice.start, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo(1 / 1000, l5Slice.duration, 1e-5);
test('nestableAsyncInstantEvent', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'c', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'n', id: 71},
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'b', id: 72},
{name: 'd', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 525, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'n', id: 72},
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 565, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'e', id: 72}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 2);
var instantSlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(instantSlice.title, 'c');
assert.closeTo(0, instantSlice.start, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo(0, instantSlice.duration, 1e-5);
assert.sameMembers(instantSlice.subSlices, []);
var nestedSlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[1];
assert.equal(nestedSlice.title, 'a');
assert.closeTo(0, nestedSlice.start, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo((565 - 524) / 1000, nestedSlice.duration, 1e-5);
assert.equal(nestedSlice.subSlices.length, 1);
var nestedInstantSlice = nestedSlice.subSlices[0];
assert.sameMembers(nestedInstantSlice.subSlices, []);
assert.equal(nestedInstantSlice.title, 'd');
test('nestableAsyncUnmatchedOuterBeginEvent', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'a', args: {x: 1}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'b', id: 72},
{name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 525, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'b', id: 72},
{name: 'b', args: {y: 2}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'e', id: 72}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
// Unmatched BEGIN should produce a warning.
assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
var parentSlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(parentSlice.title, 'a');
assert.equal(parentSlice.category, 'foo');
assert.closeTo(0, parentSlice.start, 0.0001);
// Unmatched BEGIN event ends at the last event of that ID.
assert.closeTo(36 / 1000, parentSlice.duration, 0.0001);
// Arguments should include only include its arguments.
assert.equal(parentSlice.args['x'], 1);
assert.equal(parentSlice.subSlices.length, 1);
var subSlice = parentSlice.subSlices[0];
assert.closeTo(1 / 1000, subSlice.start, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo(35 / 1000, subSlice.duration, 1e-5);
assert.sameMembers(subSlice.subSlices, []);
// Arguments should include those of the END event.
assert.equal(subSlice.args['y'], 2);
assert.sameMembers(subSlice.subSlices, []);
test('nestableAsyncUnmatchedInnerBeginEvent', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'a', args: {z: 3}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'b', id: 72},
{name: 'c', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 525, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'n', id: 72},
{name: 'b', args: {x: 1}, pid: 52, ts: 525, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'b', id: 72},
{name: 'a', args: {y: 2}, pid: 52, ts: 565, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'e', id: 72}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
// Unmatched BEGIN should produce a warning.
assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
var parentSlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(parentSlice.title, 'a');
assert.equal(parentSlice.category, 'foo');
assert.closeTo(0, parentSlice.start, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo(41 / 1000, parentSlice.duration, 1e-5);
// Arguments should include both BEGIN and END event.
assert.equal(parentSlice.args['y'], 2);
assert.equal(parentSlice.args['z'], 3);
assert.equal(parentSlice.subSlices.length, 2);
var subSliceInstant = parentSlice.subSlices[0];
var subSliceUnmatched = parentSlice.subSlices[1];
assert.equal(subSliceInstant.title, 'c');
assert.equal(subSliceUnmatched.title, 'b');
// Unmatched BEGIN ends at the last event of that ID.
assert.closeTo(1 / 1000, subSliceUnmatched.start, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo(40 / 1000, subSliceUnmatched.duration, 1e-5);
assert.sameMembers(subSliceUnmatched.subSlices, []);
assert.equal(subSliceUnmatched.args['x'], 1);
assert.closeTo(1 / 1000, subSliceInstant.start, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo(0, subSliceInstant.duration, 1e-5);
assert.sameMembers(subSliceInstant.subSlices, []);
test('nestableAsyncUnmatchedOuterEndEvent', function() {
// Events are intentionally out-of-order.
var events = [
{name: 'b', args: {x: 1}, pid: 52, ts: 525, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'b', id: 72},
{name: 'b', args: {y: 2}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'e', id: 72},
{name: 'a', args: {z: 3}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'e', id: 72}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
// Unmatched END should produce a warning.
assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 2);
var unmatchedSlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
var slice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[1];
assert.equal(unmatchedSlice.title, 'a');
assert.closeTo(0, unmatchedSlice.start, 1e-5);
// Unmatched END event begins at the first event of that ID. In this
// case, the first event happens to be the same unmatched event.
assert.closeTo(0 / 1000, unmatchedSlice.duration, 1e-5);
assert.equal(unmatchedSlice.args['z'], 3);
assert.sameMembers(unmatchedSlice.subSlices, []);
assert.equal(slice.title, 'b');
assert.closeTo(1 / 1000, slice.start, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo(35 / 1000, slice.duration, 1e-5);
// Arguments should include both BEGIN and END event.
assert.equal(slice.args['x'], 1);
assert.equal(slice.args['y'], 2);
assert.sameMembers(slice.subSlices, []);
test('nestableAsyncUnmatchedInnerEndEvent', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'a', args: {x: 1}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'b', id: 72},
{name: 'c', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 525, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'n', id: 72},
{name: 'b', args: {z: 3}, pid: 52, ts: 525, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'e', id: 72},
{name: 'a', args: {y: 2}, pid: 52, ts: 565, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'e', id: 72}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
// Unmatched END should produce a warning.
assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
var parentSlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(parentSlice.title, 'a');
assert.closeTo(0, parentSlice.start, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo(41 / 1000, parentSlice.duration, 1e-5);
// Arguments should include both BEGIN and END event.
assert.equal(parentSlice.args['x'], 1);
assert.equal(parentSlice.args['y'], 2);
assert.equal(parentSlice.subSlices.length, 2);
var subSliceInstant = parentSlice.subSlices[0];
var subSliceUnmatched = parentSlice.subSlices[1];
assert.equal(subSliceInstant.title, 'c');
assert.equal(subSliceUnmatched.title, 'b');
// Unmatched END begins at the first event of that ID.
assert.closeTo(0 / 1000, subSliceUnmatched.start, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo(1 / 1000, subSliceUnmatched.duration, 1e-5);
// Arguments should include both BEGIN and END event.
assert.equal(subSliceUnmatched.args['z'], 3);
assert.sameMembers(subSliceUnmatched.subSlices, []);
assert.closeTo(1 / 1000, subSliceInstant.start, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo(0, subSliceInstant.duration, 1e-5);
assert.sameMembers(subSliceInstant.subSlices, []);
test('nestableAsyncSameIDDifferentCategory', function() {
// Events with the same ID, but different categories should not be
// considered as nested.
var events = [
{name: 'EVENT_A', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 500, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'b', id: 72},
{name: 'EVENT_B', args: {y: 2}, pid: 52, ts: 550, cat: 'bar', tid: 53,
ph: 'b', id: 72},
{name: 'EVENT_B', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 600, cat: 'bar', tid: 53,
ph: 'e', id: 72},
{name: 'EVENT_A', args: {x: 1}, pid: 52, ts: 650, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
ph: 'e', id: 72}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 2);
var eventASlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(eventASlice.title, 'EVENT_A');
assert.equal(eventASlice.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(, 'foo:72');
assert.equal(eventASlice.args['x'], 1);
assert.sameMembers(eventASlice.subSlices, []);
var eventBSlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[1];
assert.equal(eventBSlice.title, 'EVENT_B');
assert.equal(eventBSlice.category, 'bar');
assert.equal(, 'bar:72');
assert.equal(eventBSlice.args['y'], 2);
assert.sameMembers(eventBSlice.subSlices, []);
test('importSamples', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 548, cat: 'test', tid: 53, ph: 'P'},
{name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 548, cat: 'test', tid: 53, ph: 'P'},
{name: 'c', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 558, cat: 'test', tid: 53, ph: 'P'},
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 568, cat: 'test', tid: 53, ph: 'P'}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var p = m.processes[52];
var t = p.threads[53];
assert.equal(t.samples_.length, 4);
assert.equal(t.samples_[0].start, 0.0);
assert.equal(t.samples_[1].start, 0.0);
assert.closeTo(0.01, t.samples_[2].start, 1e-5);
assert.equal(t.samples_[0].leafStackFrame.title, 'a');
assert.equal(t.samples_[1].leafStackFrame.title, 'b');
assert.equal(t.samples_[2].leafStackFrame.title, 'c');
assert.equal(t.samples_[3].leafStackFrame, t.samples[0].leafStackFrame);
test('importSamplesWithStackFrames', function() {
var eventData = {
traceEvents: [
{ name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 0, cat: 'test', tid: 2, ph: 'P', sf: 7 } // @suppress longLineCheck
stackFrames: {
'1': {
category: 'm1',
name: 'main'
'7': {
category: 'm2',
name: 'frame7',
parent: '1'
var options = new tr.ImportOptions();
options.shiftWorldToZero = false;
var m = new tr.Model(eventData, options);
var p = m.processes[1];
var t = p.threads[2];
assert.equal(t.samples.length, 1);
assert.equal(t.samples_[0].start, 0.0);
assert.equal(t.samples_[0].leafStackFrame.title, 'frame7');
test('importSamplesMissingArgs', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'a', pid: 52, ts: 548, cat: 'test', tid: 53, ph: 'P'},
{name: 'b', pid: 52, ts: 548, cat: 'test', tid: 53, ph: 'P'},
{name: 'c', pid: 52, ts: 549, cat: 'test', tid: 53, ph: 'P'}
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var p = m.processes[52];
var t = p.threads[53];
assert.equal(t.samples_.length, 3);
test('importSimpleObject', function() {
var events = [
{ts: 10000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'N', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ts: 15000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'O', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: {snapshot: 15}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ts: 20000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'O', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: {snapshot: 20}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ts: 50000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'D', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: {}} // @suppress longLineCheck
var m = new tr.Model();
m.importTraces([events], false);
assert.equal(m.bounds.min, 10);
assert.equal(m.bounds.max, 50);
var p = m.processes[1];
var i10 = p.objects.getObjectInstanceAt('0x1000', 10);
assert.equal(i10.category, 'c');
assert.equal(i10.creationTs, 10);
assert.equal(i10.deletionTs, 50);
assert.equal(i10.snapshots.length, 2);
var s15 = i10.snapshots[0];
assert.equal(s15.ts, 15);
assert.equal(s15.args, 15);
var s20 = i10.snapshots[1];
assert.equal(s20.ts, 20);
assert.equal(s20.args, 20);
test('importImplicitObjects', function() {
var events = [
{ts: 10000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'N', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ts: 15000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'O', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a',
args: { snapshot: [
{ id: 'subObject/0x1',
foo: 1
{ts: 20000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'O', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a',
args: { snapshot: [
{ id: 'subObject/0x1',
foo: 2
{ id: 'subObject/0x2',
foo: 1
var m = new tr.Model();
m.importTraces([events], false);
var p1 = m.processes[1];
var iA = p1.objects.getObjectInstanceAt('0x1000', 10);
var subObjectInstances = p1.objects.getAllInstancesByTypeName()[
assert.equal(subObjectInstances.length, 2);
var subObject1 = p1.objects.getObjectInstanceAt('0x1', 15);
assert.equal(, 'subObject');
assert.equal(subObject1.creationTs, 15);
assert.equal(subObject1.snapshots.length, 2);
assert.equal(subObject1.snapshots[0].ts, 15);
assert.equal(subObject1.snapshots[0], 1);
assert.equal(subObject1.snapshots[1].ts, 20);
assert.equal(subObject1.snapshots[1], 2);
var subObject2 = p1.objects.getObjectInstanceAt('0x2', 20);
assert.equal(, 'subObject');
assert.equal(subObject2.creationTs, 20);
assert.equal(subObject2.snapshots.length, 1);
assert.equal(subObject2.snapshots[0].ts, 20);
test('importImplicitObjectWithCategoryOverride', function() {
var events = [
{ts: 10000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'N', cat: 'cat', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ts: 15000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'O', cat: 'otherCat', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', // @suppress longLineCheck
args: { snapshot: [
{ id: 'subObject/0x1',
cat: 'cat',
foo: 1
var m = new tr.Model();
m.importTraces([events], false);
var p1 = m.processes[1];
var iA = p1.objects.getObjectInstanceAt('0x1000', 10);
var subObjectInstances = p1.objects.getAllInstancesByTypeName()[
assert.equal(subObjectInstances.length, 1);
test('importImplicitObjectWithBaseTypeOverride', function() {
var events = [
{ts: 10000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'O', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'PictureLayerImpl', args: { // @suppress longLineCheck
snapshot: {
base_type: 'LayerImpl'
{ts: 50000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'D', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'LayerImpl', args: {}} // @suppress longLineCheck
var m = new tr.Model();
m.importTraces([events], false);
var p1 = m.processes[1];
assert.equal(m.importWarnings.length, 0);
var iA = p1.objects.getObjectInstanceAt('0x1000', 10);
assert.equal(iA.snapshots.length, 1);
test('importIDRefs', function() {
var events = [
// An object with two snapshots.
{ts: 10000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'N', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ts: 15000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'O', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: {snapshot: 15}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ts: 20000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'O', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: {snapshot: 20}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ts: 50000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'D', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
// A slice that references the object.
{ts: 17000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'B', cat: 'c', name: 'taskSlice', args: {my_object: {id_ref: '0x1000'}}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ts: 17500, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'E', cat: 'c', name: 'taskSlice', args: {}} // @suppress longLineCheck
var m = new tr.Model();
m.importTraces([events], false);
var p1 = m.processes[1];
var iA = p1.objects.getObjectInstanceAt('0x1000', 10);
var s15 = iA.getSnapshotAt(15);
var taskSlice = p1.threads[1].sliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(taskSlice.args.my_object, s15);
test('importIDRefsThatPointAtEachOther', function() {
var events = [
// An object.
{ts: 10000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'N', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ts: 15000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'O', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: { // @suppress longLineCheck
snapshot: { x: {
id: 'foo/0x1001',
value: 'bar'
{ts: 50000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'D', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
// A slice that references the object.
{ts: 17000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'B', cat: 'c', name: 'taskSlice', args: {my_object: {id_ref: '0x1001'}}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ts: 17500, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'E', cat: 'c', name: 'taskSlice', args: {}} // @suppress longLineCheck
var m = new tr.Model();
m.importTraces([events], false);
var p1 = m.processes[1];
var iA = p1.objects.getObjectInstanceAt('0x1000', 15);
var iFoo = p1.objects.getObjectInstanceAt('0x1001', 15);
var a15 = iA.getSnapshotAt(15);
var foo15 = iFoo.getSnapshotAt(15);
var taskSlice = p1.threads[1].sliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(taskSlice.args.my_object, foo15);
test('importArrayWithIDs', function() {
var events = [
{ts: 15000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'O', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: { // @suppress longLineCheck
snapshot: { x: [
{id: 'foo/0x1001', value: 'bar1'},
{id: 'foo/0x1002', value: 'bar2'},
{id: 'foo/0x1003', value: 'bar3'}
var m = new tr.Model();
m.importTraces([events], false);
var p1 = m.processes[1];
var sA = p1.objects.getSnapshotAt('0x1000', 15);
assert.isTrue(sA.args.x instanceof Array);
assert.equal(sA.args.x.length, 3);
assert.isTrue(sA.args.x[0] instanceof tr.model.ObjectSnapshot);
assert.isTrue(sA.args.x[1] instanceof tr.model.ObjectSnapshot);
assert.isTrue(sA.args.x[2] instanceof tr.model.ObjectSnapshot);
test('importDoesNotMutateEventList', function() {
var events = [
// An object.
{ts: 10000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'N', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ts: 15000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'O', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: { // @suppress longLineCheck
snapshot: {foo: 15}}},
{ts: 50000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'D', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
// A slice that references the object.
{ts: 17000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'B', cat: 'c', name: 'taskSlice', args: {
my_object: {id_ref: '0x1000'}}
{ts: 17500, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'E', cat: 'c', name: 'taskSlice', args: {}} // @suppress longLineCheck
// The A type family exists to mutate the args list provided to
// snapshots.
function ASnapshot() {
tr.model.ObjectSnapshot.apply(this, arguments); = 7;
ASnapshot.prototype = {
__proto__: tr.model.ObjectSnapshot.prototype
// Import event while the A types are registered, causing the
// arguments of the snapshots to be mutated.
var m = new tr.Model();
try {
tr.model.ObjectSnapshot.register(ASnapshot, {typeName: 'a'});
m.importTraces([events], false);
} finally {
// Verify that the events array wasn't modified.
{snapshot: {foo: 15}});
{my_object: {id_ref: '0x1000'}});
test('importFlowEvent', function() {
var events = [
{ name: 'aSlice', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 547, ph: 'B', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'a', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 548, ph: 's', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 549, ph: 'E', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'bSlice', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 559, ph: 'B', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'a', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 560, ph: 't', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 561, ph: 'E', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'a', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 580, ph: 'f', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'cSlice', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 581, ph: 'B', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 582, ph: 'E', args: {} } // @suppress longLineCheck
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
assert.equal(m.flowEvents.length, 2);
assert.equal(m.flowIntervalTree.size, 2);
var f0 = m.flowEvents[0];
assert.equal(f0.title, 'a');
assert.equal(f0.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(, 72);
assert.closeTo(f0.start, 0.001, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo(12 / 1000, f0.duration, 1e-5);
assert.equal(f0.startSlice.title, 'aSlice');
assert.equal(f0.endSlice.title, 'bSlice');
// TODO(nduca): Replace this assertion with something better when
// flow events don't create synthetic slices on their own.
var f1 = m.flowEvents[1];
assert.equal(f1.title, f0.title);
assert.equal(f1.category, f0.category);
assert.closeTo(20 / 1000, f1.duration, 1e-5);
assert.equal(f1.startSlice.title, 'bSlice');
assert.equal(f1.endSlice.title, 'cSlice');
assert.deepEqual(f0.startSlice.outFlowEvents, [f0]);
assert.deepEqual(f0.endSlice.inFlowEvents, [f0]);
assert.deepEqual(f1.startSlice.outFlowEvents, [f1]);
assert.deepEqual(f1.endSlice.inFlowEvents, [f1]);
test('importOldFlowEventBindtoNext', function() {
// Old trace format without event.bp, and doesn't contain input
var events = [
{ name: 'slice1', cat: 'foo', pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 547, ph: 'X', 'dur': 100}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'flow', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 548, ph: 's', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'flow', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 580, ph: 'f', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'slice2', cat: 'foo', pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 570, ph: 'X', args: {}, 'dur': 100}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'slice3', cat: 'foo', pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 770, ph: 'X', args: {}, 'dur': 1000} // @suppress longLineCheck
var m = new tr.Model(events, false, false);
assert.equal(m.flowEvents.length, 1);
var f0 = m.flowEvents[0];
assert.equal(f0.title, 'flow');
assert.equal(f0.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(, 72);
assert.equal(f0.start, .548);
assert.closeTo(32 / 1000, f0.duration, 1e-5);
assert.equal(f0.startSlice.title, 'slice1');
assert.deepEqual(f0.startSlice.outFlowEvents, [f0]);
assert.equal(f0.endSlice.title, 'slice3');
assert.deepEqual(f0.endSlice.inFlowEvents, [f0]);
test('importOldFlowEventBindtoParent', function() {
// Old trace format without event.bp, but contains input
var events = [
{ name: 'slice1', cat: 'foo', pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 547, ph: 'X', 'dur': 100}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'flow', cat: 'input', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 548, ph: 's', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'flow', cat: 'input', id: 72, pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 580, ph: 'f', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'slice2', cat: 'foo', pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 570, ph: 'X', args: {}, 'dur': 100}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'slice3', cat: 'foo', pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 770, ph: 'X', args: {}, 'dur': 1000} // @suppress longLineCheck
var m = new tr.Model(events, false, false);
assert.equal(m.flowEvents.length, 1);
var f0 = m.flowEvents[0];
assert.equal(f0.title, 'flow');
assert.equal(f0.category, 'input');
assert.equal(, 72);
assert.equal(f0.start, .548);
assert.closeTo(32 / 1000, f0.duration, 1e-5);
assert.equal(f0.startSlice.title, 'slice1');
assert.deepEqual(f0.startSlice.outFlowEvents, [f0]);
assert.equal(f0.endSlice.title, 'slice2');
assert.deepEqual(f0.endSlice.inFlowEvents, [f0]);
test('importNewFlowEventBindtoParent', function() {
// New trace format with event.bp
var events = [
{ name: 'slice1', cat: 'foo', pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 547, ph: 'X', 'dur': 100}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'flow', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 548, ph: 's', bp: 'e', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'flow', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 580, ph: 'f', bp: 'e', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'slice2', cat: 'foo', pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 570, ph: 'X', args: {}, 'dur': 100}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'slice3', cat: 'foo', pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 770, ph: 'X', args: {}, 'dur': 1000} // @suppress longLineCheck
var m = new tr.Model(events, false, false);
assert.equal(m.flowEvents.length, 1);
var f0 = m.flowEvents[0];
assert.equal(f0.title, 'flow');
assert.equal(f0.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(, 72);
assert.equal(f0.start, .548);
assert.closeTo(32 / 1000, f0.duration, 1e-5);
assert.equal(f0.startSlice.title, 'slice1');
assert.deepEqual(f0.startSlice.outFlowEvents, [f0]);
assert.equal(f0.endSlice.title, 'slice2');
assert.deepEqual(f0.endSlice.inFlowEvents, [f0]);
test('importNewFlowEventWithInvalidBindingPoint', function() {
// New trace format with event.bp, which however !== 'e'
var events = [
{ name: 'slice1', cat: 'foo', pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 547, ph: 'X', 'dur': 100}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'flow', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 548, ph: 's', bp: 'z', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'flow', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 580, ph: 'f', bp: 'z', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'slice2', cat: 'foo', pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 570, ph: 'X', args: {}, 'dur': 100}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'slice3', cat: 'foo', pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 770, ph: 'X', args: {}, 'dur': 1000} // @suppress longLineCheck
var m = new tr.Model(events, false, false);
assert.equal(m.flowEvents.length, 0);
// This test creates a flow event that stops on the same timestamp that
// the 'X' event which it triggers begins.
test('importFlowEventOverlaps', function() {
var events = [
{ name: 'SomeTask', cat: 'foo', pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 547, ph: 'X', 'dur': 100}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'PostTask', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 548, ph: 's', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'PostTask', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 580, ph: 'f', args: { 'queue_duration': 0}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
// Note that RunTask has the same time-stamp as PostTask 'f'
{ name: 'RunTask', cat: 'foo', pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 580, ph: 'X', args: {'src_func': 'PostRunTask'}, 'dur': 1000} // @suppress longLineCheck
var m = new tr.Model(events, false, false);
var startT = m.processes[52].threads[53];
var endT = m.processes[70].threads[71];
assert.equal(startT.sliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
assert.equal(endT.sliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
assert.equal(m.flowEvents.length, 1);
// f0 represents 's' to 'f'
var f0 = m.flowEvents[0];
assert.equal(f0.title, 'PostTask');
assert.equal(f0.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(, 72);
assert.equal(f0.start, .548);
assert.closeTo(32 / 1000, f0.duration, 1e-5);
assert.equal(f0.startSlice.title, 'SomeTask');
assert.deepEqual(f0.startSlice.outFlowEvents, [f0]);
assert.equal(f0.endSlice.title, 'RunTask');
assert.deepEqual(f0.endSlice.inFlowEvents, [f0]);
// TODO(nduca): Add assertions about the flow slices, esp that they were
// found correctly.
test('importOutOfOrderFlowEvent', function() {
var events = [
{ name: 'SomeTask', cat: 'foo', pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 548, ph: 'X', 'dur': 10}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'a', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 548, ph: 's', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'SomeTask', cat: 'foo', pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 148, ph: 'X', 'dur': 10}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'b', cat: 'foo', id: 73, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 148, ph: 's', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'b', cat: 'foo', id: 73, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 570, ph: 'f', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'SomeTask', cat: 'foo', pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 571, ph: 'X', 'dur': 10}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'SomeTask', cat: 'foo', pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 560, ph: 'X', 'dur': 10}, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'a', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 560, ph: 't', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'a', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 580, ph: 'f', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'SomeTask', cat: 'foo', pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 581, ph: 'X', 'dur': 10} // @suppress longLineCheck
var expected = [0.4, 0.0, 0.412];
var m = new tr.Model(events);
assert.equal(m.flowIntervalTree.size, 3);
var order = { return x.start });
for (var i = 0; i < expected.length; ++i)
assert.closeTo(expected[i], order[i], 1e-5);
test('importCompleteEvent', function() {
var events = [
{ name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 629, dur: 1, cat: 'baz', tid: 53, ph: 'X' }, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 730, dur: 20, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'X' }, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'c', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 740, cat: 'baz', tid: 53, ph: 'X' }
var m = new tr.Model(events);
assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
var p = m.processes[52];
assert.equal(p.numThreads, 1);
var t = p.threads[53];
assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices.length, 3);
assert.equal(t.tid, 53);
var slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(slice.title, 'a');
assert.equal(slice.category, 'baz');
assert.closeTo(0, slice.start, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo(1 / 1000, slice.duration, 1e-5);
assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 0);
slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[1];
assert.equal(slice.title, 'b');
assert.equal(slice.category, 'foo');
assert.closeTo((730 - 629) / 1000, slice.start, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo(20 / 1000, slice.duration, 1e-5);
assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 1);
slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[2];
assert.equal(slice.title, 'c');
assert.closeTo(10 / 1000, slice.duration, 1e-5);
test('importCompleteEventWithCpuDuration', function() {
var events = [
{ name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 629, dur: 1, cat: 'baz', tid: 53, ph: 'X', tts: 12, tdur: 1 }, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 730, dur: 20, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'X', tts: 110, tdur: 16 }, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'c', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 740, cat: 'baz', tid: 53, ph: 'X', tts: 115 } // @suppress longLineCheck
var m = new tr.Model(events);
assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
var p = m.processes[52];
assert.equal(p.numThreads, 1);
var t = p.threads[53];
assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices.length, 3);
assert.equal(t.tid, 53);
var slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(slice.title, 'a');
assert.equal(slice.category, 'baz');
assert.closeTo(0, slice.start, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo(1 / 1000, slice.duration, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo(12 / 1000, slice.cpuStart, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo(1 / 1000, slice.cpuDuration, 1e-5);
assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 0);
slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[1];
assert.equal(slice.title, 'b');
assert.equal(slice.category, 'foo');
assert.closeTo((730 - 629) / 1000, slice.start, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo(20 / 1000, slice.duration, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo(110 / 1000, slice.cpuStart, 1e-5);
assert.closeTo(16 / 1000, slice.cpuDuration, 1e-5);
assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 1);
slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[2];
assert.equal(slice.title, 'c');
assert.closeTo(10 / 1000, slice.duration, 1e-5);
test('importNestedCompleteEventWithTightBounds', function() {
var events = [
{ name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 244654227065, dur: 36075, cat: 'baz', tid: 53, ph: 'X' }, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 244654227095, dur: 36045, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'X' } // @suppress longLineCheck
var m = new tr.Model(events, false);
var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
var sA = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'a');
var sB = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'b');
assert.equal(sA.title, 'a');
assert.equal(sA.category, 'baz');
assert.equal(sA.start, 244654227.065);
assert.equal(sA.duration, 36.075);
assert.closeTo(0.03, sA.selfTime, 1e-5);
assert.equal(sB.title, 'b');
assert.equal(sB.category, 'foo');
assert.equal(sB.start, 244654227.095);
assert.equal(sB.duration, 36.045);
assert.equal(sA.subSlices.length, 1);
assert.equal(sA.subSlices[0], sB);
assert.equal(sB.parentSlice, sA);
test('importCompleteEventWithStackFrame', function() {
var eventData = {
traceEvents: [
{ name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 0, dur: 1, cat: 'baz', tid: 2, ph: 'X', sf: 7 }, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 5, dur: 1, cat: 'baz', tid: 2, ph: 'X', sf: 8, esf: 9 } // @suppress longLineCheck
stackFrames: {
'1': {
category: 'm1',
name: 'main'
'7': {
category: 'm2',
name: 'frame7',
parent: '1'
'8': {
category: 'm2',
name: 'frame8',
parent: '1'
'9': {
category: 'm2',
name: 'frame9',
parent: '1'
var options = new tr.ImportOptions();
options.shiftWorldToZero = false;
var m = new tr.Model(eventData, options);
var p = m.processes[1];
var t = p.threads[2];
assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices.length, 2);
var s0 = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(s0.startStackFrame.title, 'frame7');
var s1 = t.sliceGroup.slices[1];
assert.equal(s1.startStackFrame.title, 'frame8');
assert.equal(s1.endStackFrame.title, 'frame9');
test('importAsyncEventWithSameTimestamp', function() {
var events = [];
// Events are added with ts 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 ...500, 500, 1000
// and use 'seq' to track the order of when the event is recorded.
events.push({name: 'a', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 0, ph: 'S', args: {'seq': 0}}); // @suppress longLineCheck
for (var i = 1; i <= 1000; i++)
events.push({name: 'a', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: Math.round(i / 2) , ph: 'T', args: {'seq': i}}); // @suppress longLineCheck
events.push({name: 'a', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 1000, ph: 'F', args: {'seq': 1001}}); // @suppress longLineCheck
var m = new tr.Model(events);
var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
var parentSlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(parentSlice.title, 'a');
assert.equal(parentSlice.category, 'foo');
var subSlices = parentSlice.subSlices;
assert.equal(subSlices.length, 1000);
// Slices should be sorted according to 'ts'. And if 'ts' is the same,
// slices should keep the order that they were recorded.
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
assert.equal(i + 1, subSlices[i].args['seq']);
test('sampleDataSimple', function() {
var events = {
'traceEvents': [],
'stackFrames': {
'1': {
'category': 'mod',
'name': 'main'
'2': {
'category': 'mod',
'name': 'a',
'parent': 1
'3': {
'category': 'mod',
'name': 'a_sub',
'parent': 2
'4': {
'category': 'mod',
'name': 'b',
'parent': 1
'samples': [
'cpu': 0, 'tid': 1, 'ts': 1000.0,
'name': 'cycles:HG', 'sf': 3, 'weight': 1
'cpu': 0, 'tid': 1, 'ts': 2000.0,
'name': 'cycles:HG', 'sf': 2, 'weight': 1
'cpu': 1, 'tid': 1, 'ts': 3000.0,
'name': 'cycles:HG', 'sf': 3, 'weight': 1
var m = new tr.Model(events, false);
assert.equal(m.getAllThreads().length, 1);
assert.equal(tr.b.dictionaryKeys(m.stackFrames).length, 4);
assert.equal(m.samples.length, 3);
var t1 = m.processes[1].threads[1];
assert.equal(t1.samples.length, 3);
var c0 = m.kernel.cpus[0];
var c1 = m.kernel.cpus[1];
assert.equal(c0.samples.length, 2);
assert.equal(c1.samples.length, 1);
assert.equal(m.samples[0].cpu, c0);
assert.equal(m.samples[0].thread, t1);
assert.equal(m.samples[0].title, 'cycles:HG');
assert.equal(m.samples[0].start, 1);
['main', 'a', 'a_sub'],
m.samples[0] { return x.title; }));
assert.equal(m.samples[0].weight, 1);
test('importMemoryDumps_verifyProcessAndGlobalMemoryDumpLinks', function() {
var events = [
// 2 process memory dump events without a global memory dump event.
name: 'a',
pid: 42,
ts: 10000,
cat: 'test',
tid: 53,
ph: 'v',
id: '0x0001',
args: {
dumps: {
process_totals: {
resident_set_bytes: '100'
name: 'b',
pid: 43,
ts: 11000,
cat: 'test',
tid: 54,
ph: 'v',
id: '0x0001',
args: {
dumps: {
process_totals: {
resident_set_bytes: '200'
// 1 global memory dump event and 1 process memory dump event.
name: 'c',
pid: 44,
ts: 12000,
cat: 'test',
tid: 55,
ph: 'V',
id: '0xfffffff12345678',
args: {}
name: 'd',
pid: 42,
ts: 13000,
cat: 'test',
tid: 56,
ph: 'v',
id: '0xfffffff12345678',
args: {
dumps: {
process_totals: {
resident_set_bytes: '300'
var m = new tr.Model(events, false);
var p1 = m.getProcess(42);
var p2 = m.getProcess(43);
// Check that Model and Process objects contain the right dumps.
assert.equal(m.globalMemoryDumps.length, 2);
assert.equal(p1.memoryDumps.length, 2);
assert.equal(p2.memoryDumps.length, 1);
assert.equal(m.globalMemoryDumps[0].start, 10);
assert.equal(p1.memoryDumps[0].start, 10);
assert.equal(p2.memoryDumps[0].start, 11);
assert.equal(m.globalMemoryDumps[0].duration, 1);
assert.equal(p1.memoryDumps[0].duration, 0);
assert.equal(p2.memoryDumps[0].duration, 0);
assert.equal(m.globalMemoryDumps[1].start, 12);
assert.equal(p1.memoryDumps[1].start, 13);
assert.equal(m.globalMemoryDumps[1].duration, 1);
assert.equal(p1.memoryDumps[1].duration, 0);
// Check that GlobalMemoryDump and ProcessMemoryDump objects are
// interconnected correctly.
assert.equal(p1.memoryDumps[0].globalMemoryDump, m.globalMemoryDumps[0]);
assert.equal(p2.memoryDumps[0].globalMemoryDump, m.globalMemoryDumps[0]);
assert.equal(p1.memoryDumps[1].globalMemoryDump, m.globalMemoryDumps[1]);
test('importMemoryDumps_totalResidentBytesOnly', function() {
var events = [
name: 'some_dump_name',
pid: 42,
ts: 10,
cat: 'test',
tid: 53,
ph: 'v',
id: '0x01',
args: {
dumps: {
process_totals: {
resident_set_bytes: '1fffffffffffff'
var m = new tr.Model(events, false);
var p = m.getProcess(42);
var d = p.memoryDumps[0];
assert.equal(d.totalResidentBytes, 9007199254740991);
assert.lengthOf(d.memoryAllocatorDumps, 0);
test('importMemoryDumps_vmRegions', function() {
var events = [
name: 'some_dump_name',
pid: 42,
ts: 10,
cat: 'test',
tid: 53,
ph: 'v',
id: '000',
args: {
dumps: {
process_totals: {
resident_set_bytes: '0'
process_mmaps: {
vm_regions: [
sa: 'f0',
sz: '150',
pf: 6,
mf: '[stack:20310]',
bs: {
pss: '9e',
pc: '40',
pd: '20',
sc: '100',
sd: '0',
sw: '50'
sa: '350',
sz: '250',
pf: 5,
mf: '/dev/ashmem/dalvik',
bs: {
pss: 'cd',
pd: 'cd',
sw: '0'
var m = new tr.Model(events, false);
var p = m.getProcess(42);
var d = p.memoryDumps[0];
assert.equal(d.mostRecentVmRegions.length, 2);
var vr1 = d.mostRecentVmRegions[0];
assert.equal(vr1.startAddress, 240);
assert.equal(vr1.sizeInBytes, 336);
assert.equal(vr1.protectionFlags, 6);
assert.equal(vr1.protectionFlagsToString, 'rw-');
assert.equal(vr1.mappedFile, '[stack:20310]');
assert.equal(vr1.byteStats.privateCleanResident, 64);
assert.equal(vr1.byteStats.privateDirtyResident, 32);
assert.equal(vr1.byteStats.sharedCleanResident, 256);
assert.equal(vr1.byteStats.sharedDirtyResident, 0);
assert.equal(vr1.byteStats.proportionalResident, 158);
assert.equal(vr1.byteStats.swapped, 80);
var vr2 = d.mostRecentVmRegions[1];
assert.equal(vr2.startAddress, 848);
assert.equal(vr2.sizeInBytes, 592);
assert.equal(vr2.protectionFlags, 5);
assert.equal(vr2.protectionFlagsToString, 'r-x');
assert.equal(vr2.mappedFile, '/dev/ashmem/dalvik');
assert.equal(vr2.byteStats.proportionalResident, 205);
assert.equal(vr2.byteStats.privateDirtyResident, 205);
assert.equal(vr2.byteStats.swapped, 0);
assert.equal(d.totalResidentBytes, 0);
assert.lengthOf(d.memoryAllocatorDumps, 0);
test('importMemoryDumps_explicitMemoryAllocatorDumps', function() {
var events = [
name: 'a',
pid: 42,
ts: 10,
cat: 'test',
tid: 53,
ph: 'v',
id: '0x0001',
args: {
dumps: {
process_totals: {
resident_set_bytes: '100'
allocators: {
'oilpan': {
guid: '1a',
attrs: {
objects_count: {
type: 'scalar', units: 'objects', value: '2f'
inner_size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '1000'},
size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '4000'}
'oilpan/heap1': {
guid: '2b',
attrs: {
objects_count: {
type: 'scalar', units: 'objects', value: '3f'
inner_size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '3000'},
size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '4000'}
'oilpan/heap2': {
guid: '3c',
attrs: {
objects_count: {
type: 'scalar', units: 'objects', value: '4f'
inner_size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '4000'},
size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '4000'}
'oilpan/heap2/bucket1': {
// Deliberately missing GUID (to check that the importer does
// not skip memory allocator dump without GUID).
attrs: {
objects_count: {
type: 'scalar', units: 'objects', value: '1f'
inner_size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '2000'},
size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '2000'}
'v8': {
guid: '5e',
attrs: {
objects_count: {
type: 'scalar', units: 'objects', value: '5f'
inner_size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '5000'},
size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '6000'}
var m = new tr.Model(events, false);
var p = m.getProcess(42);
var d = p.memoryDumps[0];
assert.equal(d.memoryAllocatorDumps.length, 2);
var oilpanRoot = d.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('oilpan');
var v8Root = d.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('v8');
assert.include(d.memoryAllocatorDumps, oilpanRoot);
assert.include(d.memoryAllocatorDumps, v8Root);
assert.equal(oilpanRoot.attributes['objects_count'].value, 47);
assert.equal(oilpanRoot.attributes['size'].value, 16384);
assert.equal(oilpanRoot.attributes['inner_size'].value, 4096);
assert.equal(oilpanRoot.children.length, 2);
var oilpanBucket1 = d.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
assert.equal(oilpanBucket1.fullName, 'oilpan/heap2/bucket1');
assert.equal(, 'bucket1');
assert.equal(oilpanBucket1.attributes['objects_count'].value, 31);
assert.equal(oilpanBucket1.attributes['size'].value, 8192);
assert.equal(oilpanBucket1.attributes['inner_size'].value, 8192);
assert.equal(oilpanBucket1.children.length, 0);
assert.equal(oilpanBucket1.parent.fullName, 'oilpan/heap2');
assert.equal(, 'heap2');
assert.include(oilpanBucket1.parent.children, oilpanBucket1);
assert.strictEqual(oilpanBucket1.parent.parent, oilpanRoot);
assert.equal(d.totalResidentBytes, 256);
test('importMemoryDumps_implicitMemoryAllocatorDumps', function() {
var events = [
name: 'a',
pid: 42,
ts: 10,
cat: 'test',
tid: 53,
ph: 'v',
id: '0x0001',
args: {
dumps: {
process_totals: {
resident_set_bytes: '100'
allocators: {
'oilpan/heap1': {
guid: '999',
attrs: {
objects_count: {
type: 'scalar', units: 'objects', value: '3f'
inner_size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '3000'},
size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '4000'}
'oilpan/heap2/bucket1': {
guid: '888',
attrs: {
objects_count: {
type: 'scalar', units: 'objects', value: '1f'
inner_size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '2000'},
size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '2000'}
'v8': {
guid: '777',
attrs: {
objects_count: {
type: 'scalar', units: 'objects', value: '5f'
inner_size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '5000'},
size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '6000'}
var m = new tr.Model(events, false);
var p = m.getProcess(42);
var d = p.memoryDumps[0];
assert.equal(d.memoryAllocatorDumps.length, 2);
var oilpanRoot = d.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('oilpan');
var v8Root = d.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('v8');
assert.include(d.memoryAllocatorDumps, oilpanRoot);
assert.include(d.memoryAllocatorDumps, v8Root);
assert.equal(oilpanRoot.attributes['objects_count'].value, 94);
assert.equal(oilpanRoot.attributes['size'].value, 24576);
assert.equal(oilpanRoot.attributes['inner_size'].value, 20480);
assert.equal(oilpanRoot.children.length, 2);
var oilpanBucket1 = d.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
assert.equal(oilpanBucket1.fullName, 'oilpan/heap2/bucket1');
assert.equal(, 'bucket1');
assert.equal(oilpanBucket1.attributes['objects_count'].value, 31);
assert.equal(oilpanBucket1.attributes['size'].value, 8192);
assert.equal(oilpanBucket1.attributes['inner_size'].value, 8192);
assert.equal(oilpanBucket1.children.length, 0);
assert.equal(oilpanBucket1.parent.fullName, 'oilpan/heap2');
assert.equal(, 'heap2');
assert.include(oilpanBucket1.parent.children, oilpanBucket1);
assert.strictEqual(oilpanBucket1.parent.parent, oilpanRoot);
assert.equal(d.totalResidentBytes, 256);
test('importMemoryDumps_globalMemoryAllocatorDumps', function() {
var events = [
name: 'a',
pid: 42,
ts: 10,
cat: 'test',
tid: 53,
ph: 'v',
id: '0x0001',
args: {
dumps: {
process_totals: {
resident_set_bytes: '100'
allocators: {
'tile_manager/tile1': {
guid: '21',
attrs: {
objects_count: {
type: 'scalar', units: 'objects', value: '3f'
inner_size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '3000'},
size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '4000'},
weather: {type: 'string', units: '', value: 'rainy'}
'global/shared_bitmap_manager/bitmap2': {
guid: '42',
attrs: {
objects_count: {
type: 'scalar', units: 'objects', value: '1f'
inner_size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '2000'},
size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '2000'},
weather: {type: 'string', units: '', value: 'sunny'}
var m = new tr.Model(events, false);
var p = m.getProcess(42);
var gmd = m.globalMemoryDumps[0];
var pmd = p.memoryDumps[0];
assert.equal(pmd.totalResidentBytes, 256);
assert.equal(gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps.length, 1);
assert.equal(pmd.memoryAllocatorDumps.length, 1);
// Global memory allocator dumps.
var sharedBitmapManager = gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
assert.include(gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps, sharedBitmapManager);
assert.equal(sharedBitmapManager.attributes['objects_count'].value, 31);
assert.equal(sharedBitmapManager.attributes['size'].value, 8192);
assert.equal(sharedBitmapManager.attributes['inner_size'].value, 8192);
assert.lengthOf(sharedBitmapManager.children, 1);
var bitmap2 = gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
assert.include(sharedBitmapManager.children, bitmap2);
assert.strictEqual(bitmap2.parent, sharedBitmapManager);
assert.equal(bitmap2.attributes['objects_count'].value, 31);
assert.equal(bitmap2.attributes['size'].value, 8192);
assert.equal(bitmap2.attributes['inner_size'].value, 8192);
assert.equal(bitmap2.attributes['weather'].value, 'sunny');
assert.lengthOf(bitmap2.children, 0);
// Process memory allocator dumps.
var tileManagerRoot = pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('tile_manager');
assert.include(pmd.memoryAllocatorDumps, tileManagerRoot);
assert.equal(tileManagerRoot.attributes['objects_count'].value, 63);
assert.equal(tileManagerRoot.attributes['size'].value, 16384);
assert.equal(tileManagerRoot.attributes['inner_size'].value, 12288);
assert.lengthOf(tileManagerRoot.children, 1);
var tile1 = pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
assert.include(tileManagerRoot.children, tile1);
assert.strictEqual(tile1.parent, tileManagerRoot);
assert.equal(tile1.attributes['objects_count'].value, 63);
assert.equal(tile1.attributes['size'].value, 16384);
assert.equal(tile1.attributes['inner_size'].value, 12288);
assert.equal(tile1.attributes['weather'].value, 'rainy');
assert.lengthOf(tile1.children, 0);
test('importMemoryDumps_memoryAllocatorDumpEdges', function() {
var events = [
name: 'browser',
pid: 42,
ts: 10,
cat: 'test',
tid: 53,
ph: 'v',
id: '0x0001',
args: {
dumps: {
process_totals: {
resident_set_bytes: '100'
allocators: {
'local': {
guid: '3',
attrs: {
mood: {type: 'string', units: '', value: 'very good'}
'global/shared': {
guid: '7',
attrs: {
color: {type: 'string', units: '', value: 'blue'}
edges: [
source: '3',
target: '7',
type: 'ownership',
importance: 0
name: 'renderer',
pid: 43,
ts: 11,
cat: 'test',
tid: 53,
ph: 'v',
id: '0x0001',
args: {
dumps: {
process_totals: {
resident_set_bytes: '200'
allocators: {
'local': {
guid: '4',
attrs: {
size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'ft', value: '3'}
'global/shared': {
guid: '7',
attrs: {
area: {type: 'scalar', units: 'sq ft', value: '9'}
edges: [
source: '4',
target: '7',
type: 'ownership',
importance: 1
name: 'gpu',
pid: 44,
ts: 10.5,
cat: 'test',
tid: 53,
ph: 'v',
id: '0x0001',
args: {
dumps: {
process_totals: {
resident_set_bytes: '300'
allocators: {
'local1': {
guid: '5',
attrs: {
state: {type: 'string', units: '', value: 'ON'}
'local2': {
guid: '6',
attrs: {
temperature: {type: 'scalar', units: 'C', value: '64'}
edges: [
source: '5',
target: '7',
type: 'ownership',
importance: -1
source: '6',
target: '5',
type: 'ownership',
importance: 1
source: '5',
target: '4',
type: 'retention'
var model = new tr.Model(events, false);
var browserProcess = model.getProcess(42);
var rendererProcess = model.getProcess(43);
var gpuProcess = model.getProcess(44);
assert.lengthOf(model.globalMemoryDumps, 1);
assert.lengthOf(browserProcess.memoryDumps, 1);
assert.lengthOf(rendererProcess.memoryDumps, 1);
assert.lengthOf(gpuProcess.memoryDumps, 1);
var globalDump = model.globalMemoryDumps[0];
var browserDump = browserProcess.memoryDumps[0];
var rendererDump = rendererProcess.memoryDumps[0];
var gpuDump = gpuProcess.memoryDumps[0];
// Global memory allocator dump.
assert.lengthOf(globalDump.memoryAllocatorDumps, 1);
var globalDumpShared = globalDump.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
assert.include(globalDump.memoryAllocatorDumps, globalDumpShared);
assert.equal(globalDumpShared.attributes['color'].value, 'blue');
assert.equal(globalDumpShared.attributes['area'].value, 9);
assert.lengthOf(globalDumpShared.children, 0);
assert.lengthOf(globalDumpShared.ownedBy, 3);
assert.lengthOf(globalDumpShared.retains, 0);
assert.lengthOf(globalDumpShared.retainedBy, 0);
// Browser memory allocator dump.
assert.lengthOf(browserDump.memoryAllocatorDumps, 1);
var browserDumpLocal = browserDump.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
assert.include(browserDump.memoryAllocatorDumps, browserDumpLocal);
assert.equal(browserDumpLocal.attributes['mood'].value, 'very good');
assert.lengthOf(browserDumpLocal.children, 0);
assert.lengthOf(browserDumpLocal.ownedBy, 0);
assert.lengthOf(browserDumpLocal.retains, 0);
assert.lengthOf(browserDumpLocal.retainedBy, 0);
var browserDumpLocalOwnsLink = browserDumpLocal.owns;
assert.include(globalDumpShared.ownedBy, browserDumpLocalOwnsLink);
assert.strictEqual(browserDumpLocalOwnsLink.source, browserDumpLocal);
assert.strictEqual(, globalDumpShared);
assert.equal(browserDumpLocalOwnsLink.importance, 0);
// Renderer memory allocator dump.
assert.lengthOf(rendererDump.memoryAllocatorDumps, 1);
var rendererDumpLocal = rendererDump.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
assert.include(rendererDump.memoryAllocatorDumps, rendererDumpLocal);
assert.equal(rendererDumpLocal.attributes['size'].value, 3);
assert.lengthOf(rendererDumpLocal.children, 0);
assert.lengthOf(rendererDumpLocal.ownedBy, 0);
assert.lengthOf(rendererDumpLocal.retains, 0);
assert.lengthOf(rendererDumpLocal.retainedBy, 1);
var rendererDumpLocalOwnsLink = rendererDumpLocal.owns;
assert.include(globalDumpShared.ownedBy, rendererDumpLocalOwnsLink);
assert.strictEqual(rendererDumpLocalOwnsLink.source, rendererDumpLocal);
assert.strictEqual(, globalDumpShared);
assert.equal(rendererDumpLocalOwnsLink.importance, 1);
// GPU memory allocator dumps.
assert.lengthOf(gpuDump.memoryAllocatorDumps, 2);
var gpuDumpLocal1 = gpuDump.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('local1');
assert.include(gpuDump.memoryAllocatorDumps, gpuDumpLocal1);
assert.equal(gpuDumpLocal1.attributes['state'].value, 'ON');
assert.lengthOf(gpuDumpLocal1.children, 0);
assert.lengthOf(gpuDumpLocal1.ownedBy, 1);
assert.lengthOf(gpuDumpLocal1.retains, 1);
assert.lengthOf(gpuDumpLocal1.retainedBy, 0);
var gpuDumpLocal1OwnsLink = gpuDumpLocal1.owns;
assert.include(globalDumpShared.ownedBy, gpuDumpLocal1OwnsLink);
assert.strictEqual(gpuDumpLocal1OwnsLink.source, gpuDumpLocal1);
assert.strictEqual(, globalDumpShared);
assert.equal(gpuDumpLocal1OwnsLink.importance, -1);
var gpuDumpLocal1RetainsLink = gpuDumpLocal1.retains[0];
assert.include(rendererDumpLocal.retainedBy, gpuDumpLocal1RetainsLink);
assert.strictEqual(gpuDumpLocal1RetainsLink.source, gpuDumpLocal1);
assert.strictEqual(, rendererDumpLocal);
var gpuDumpLocal2 = gpuDump.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('local2');
assert.include(gpuDump.memoryAllocatorDumps, gpuDumpLocal2);
assert.equal(gpuDumpLocal2.attributes['temperature'].value, 100);
assert.lengthOf(gpuDumpLocal2.children, 0);
assert.lengthOf(gpuDumpLocal2.ownedBy, 0);
assert.lengthOf(gpuDumpLocal2.retains, 0);
assert.lengthOf(gpuDumpLocal2.retainedBy, 0);
var gpuDumpLocal2OwnsLink = gpuDumpLocal2.owns;
assert.include(gpuDumpLocal1.ownedBy, gpuDumpLocal2OwnsLink);
assert.strictEqual(gpuDumpLocal2OwnsLink.source, gpuDumpLocal2);
assert.strictEqual(, gpuDumpLocal1);
assert.equal(gpuDumpLocal2OwnsLink.importance, 1);
test('importThreadInstantSliceWithStackFrame', function() {
var eventData = {
traceEvents: [
{ name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 0, cat: 'baz', tid: 2, ph: 'I', s: 't', sf: 7 } // @suppress longLineCheck
stackFrames: {
'1': {
category: 'm1',
name: 'main'
'7': {
category: 'm2',
name: 'frame7',
parent: '1'
var options = new tr.ImportOptions();
options.shiftWorldToZero = false;
var m = new tr.Model(eventData, options);
var p = m.processes[1];
var t = p.threads[2];
assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
var s0 = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(s0.startStackFrame.title, 'frame7');
test('importDurationEventsWithStackFrames', function() {
var eventData = {
traceEvents: [
{ name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 0, cat: 'baz', tid: 2, ph: 'B', sf: 7 }, // @suppress longLineCheck
{ name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 5, cat: 'baz', tid: 2, ph: 'E', sf: 8 } // @suppress longLineCheck
stackFrames: {
'1': {
category: 'm1',
name: 'main'
'7': {
category: 'm2',
name: 'frame7',
parent: '1'
'8': {
category: 'm2',
name: 'frame8',
parent: '1'
var options = new tr.ImportOptions();
options.shiftWorldToZero = false;
var m = new tr.Model(eventData, options);
var p = m.processes[1];
var t = p.threads[2];
assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
var s0 = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
assert.equal(s0.startStackFrame.title, 'frame7');
assert.equal(s0.endStackFrame.title, 'frame8');
test('annotationParsing', function() {
var yComponents1 = [{stableId: '52.53', yPercentOffset: 0.5},
{stableId: '52', yPercentOffset: 0.3}];
var yComponents2 = [{stableId: '52.53', yPercentOffset: 0.7},
{stableId: '52', yPercentOffset: 0.4}];
var location1 = new tr.c.Location(0.1, yComponents1);
var location2 = new tr.c.Location(0.2, yComponents2);
var eventData = { traceEvents: [
{name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'}],
traceAnnotations: [
{typeName: 'xmarker', args: {timestamp: 12}},
{typeName: 'rect', args: {
start: location1.toDict(), end: location2.toDict()}},
{typeName: 'comment_box', args: {text: 'test',
location: location1.toDict()}}
var m = new tr.Model(eventData);
var annotations = m.getAllAnnotations();
assert.equal(annotations.length, 3);
assert.isTrue(annotations[0] instanceof tr.model.XMarkerAnnotation);
assert.equal(annotations[0].timestamp, 12);
assert.isTrue(annotations[1] instanceof tr.model.RectAnnotation);
assert.deepEqual(annotations[1].startLocation, location1);
assert.deepEqual(annotations[1].endLocation, location2);
annotations[2] instanceof tr.model.CommentBoxAnnotation);
assert.equal(annotations[2].text, 'test');
assert.deepEqual(annotations[2].location, location1);
// TODO(nduca): one slice, two threads
// TODO(nduca): one slice, two pids