blob: 842018e41876021110e2702ae37d0eb8e39840f2 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
<link rel="import" href="/extras/importer/etw/eventtrace_parser.html">
<link rel="import" href="/extras/importer/etw/process_parser.html">
<link rel="import" href="/extras/importer/etw/thread_parser.html">
<link rel="import" href="/core/trace_model/trace_model.html">
<link rel="import" href="/core/importer/importer.html">
<link rel="import" href="/base/base64.html">
* @fileoverview Imports JSON file with the raw payloads from a Windows event
* trace into the Tracemodel. This format is outputted by Chrome running
* on a Windows system.
* This importer assumes the events arrived as a JSON file and the payloads are
* undecoded sequence of bytes in hex format string. The unit tests provide
* examples of the trace format.
* The format of the system trace is
* {
* name: 'ETW',
* content: [ <events> ]
* }
* where the <events> are dictionary values with fields.
* {
* guid: "1234-...", // The unique GUID for the event.
* op: 12, // The opcode of the event.
* ver: 1, // The encoding version of the event.
* cpu: 0, // The cpu id on which the event was captured.
* ts: 1092, // The thread id on which the event was captured.
* payload: "aaaa" // A base64 encoded string of the raw payload.
* }
* The payload is an undecoded version of the raw event sent by ETW.
* This importer uses specific parsers to decode recognized events.
* A parser need to register the recognized event by calling
* registerEventHandler(guid, opcode, handler). The parser is responsible to
* decode the payload and update the TraceModel.
* The payload formats are described there:
'use strict';
tv.exportTo('tv.e.importer.etw', function() {
var Importer = tv.c.importer.Importer;
// GUID and opcode of a Thread DCStart event, as defined at the link above.
var kThreadGuid = '3D6FA8D1-FE05-11D0-9DDA-00C04FD7BA7C';
var kThreadDCStartOpcode = 3;
* Represents the raw bytes payload decoder.
* @constructor
function Decoder() {
this.payload_ = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(256));
Decoder.prototype = {
__proto__: Object.prototype,
reset: function(base64_payload) {
var decoded_size = tv.b.Base64.getDecodedBufferLength(base64_payload);
if (decoded_size > this.payload_.byteLength)
this.payload_ = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(decoded_size));
tv.b.Base64.DecodeToTypedArray(base64_payload, this.payload_);
this.position_ = 0;
skip: function(length) {
this.position_ += length;
decodeUInt8: function() {
var result = this.payload_.getUint8(this.position_, true);
this.position_ += 1;
return result;
decodeUInt16: function() {
var result = this.payload_.getUint16(this.position_, true);
this.position_ += 2;
return result;
decodeUInt32: function() {
var result = this.payload_.getUint32(this.position_, true);
this.position_ += 4;
return result;
decodeUInt64ToString: function() {
// Javascript isn't able to manage 64-bit numeric values.
var low = this.decodeUInt32();
var high = this.decodeUInt32();
var low_str = ('0000000' + low.toString(16)).substr(-8);
var high_str = ('0000000' + high.toString(16)).substr(-8);
var result = high_str + low_str;
return result;
decodeInt8: function() {
var result = this.payload_.getInt8(this.position_, true);
this.position_ += 1;
return result;
decodeInt16: function() {
var result = this.payload_.getInt16(this.position_, true);
this.position_ += 2;
return result;
decodeInt32: function() {
var result = this.payload_.getInt32(this.position_, true);
this.position_ += 4;
return result;
decodeInt64ToString: function() {
// Javascript isn't able to manage 64-bit numeric values.
// Fallback to unsigned 64-bit hexa value.
return this.decodeUInt64ToString();
decodeUInteger: function(is64) {
if (is64)
return this.decodeUInt64ToString();
return this.decodeUInt32();
decodeString: function() {
var str = '';
while (true) {
var c = this.decodeUInt8();
if (!c)
return str;
str = str + String.fromCharCode(c);
decodeW16String: function() {
var str = '';
while (true) {
var c = this.decodeUInt16();
if (!c)
return str;
str = str + String.fromCharCode(c);
decodeFixedW16String: function(length) {
var old_position = this.position_;
var str = '';
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var c = this.decodeUInt16();
if (!c)
str = str + String.fromCharCode(c);
// Move the position after the fixed buffer (i.e. wchar[length]).
this.position_ = old_position + 2 * length;
return str;
decodeBytes: function(length) {
var bytes = [];
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var c = this.decodeUInt8();
return bytes;
decodeSID: function(is64) {
// Decode the TOKEN_USER structure.
var pSid = this.decodeUInteger(is64);
var attributes = this.decodeUInt32();
// Skip padding.
if (is64)
// Decode the SID structure.
var revision = this.decodeUInt8();
var subAuthorityCount = this.decodeUInt8();
if (revision != 1)
throw 'Invalid SID revision: could not decode the SID structure.';
var sid = this.decodeBytes(4 * subAuthorityCount);
return {
pSid: pSid,
attributes: attributes,
sid: sid
decodeSystemTime: function() {
// Decode the SystemTime structure.
var wYear = this.decodeInt16();
var wMonth = this.decodeInt16();
var wDayOfWeek = this.decodeInt16();
var wDay = this.decodeInt16();
var wHour = this.decodeInt16();
var wMinute = this.decodeInt16();
var wSecond = this.decodeInt16();
var wMilliseconds = this.decodeInt16();
return {
wYear: wYear,
wMonth: wMonth,
wDayOfWeek: wDayOfWeek,
wDay: wDay,
wHour: wHour,
wMinute: wMinute,
wSecond: wSecond,
wMilliseconds: wMilliseconds
decodeTimeZoneInformation: function() {
// Decode the TimeZoneInformation structure.
var bias = this.decodeUInt32();
var standardName = this.decodeFixedW16String(32);
var standardDate = this.decodeSystemTime();
var standardBias = this.decodeUInt32();
var daylightName = this.decodeFixedW16String(32);
var daylightDate = this.decodeSystemTime();
var daylightBias = this.decodeUInt32();
return {
bias: bias,
standardName: standardName,
standardDate: standardDate,
standardBias: standardBias,
daylightName: daylightName,
daylightDate: daylightDate,
daylightBias: daylightBias
* Imports Windows ETW kernel events into a specified model.
* @constructor
function EtwImporter(model, events) {
this.importPriority = 3;
this.model_ = model;
this.events_ = events;
this.handlers_ = {};
this.decoder_ = new Decoder();
this.walltime_ = undefined;
this.ticks_ = undefined;
this.is64bit_ = undefined;
// A map of tids to their process pid. On Windows, the tid is global to
// the system and doesn't need to belong to a process. As many events
// only provide tid, this map allows to retrieve the parent process.
this.tidsToPid_ = {};
// Instantiate the parsers; this will register handlers for known events.
var allTypeInfos = tv.e.importer.etw.Parser.getAllRegisteredTypeInfos();
this.parsers_ =
function(typeInfo) {
return new typeInfo.constructor(this);
}, this);
* Guesses whether the provided events is from a Windows ETW trace.
* The object must has a property named 'name' with the value 'ETW' and
* a property 'content' with all the undecoded events.
* @return {boolean} True when events is a Windows ETW array.
EtwImporter.canImport = function(events) {
if (!events.hasOwnProperty('name') ||
!events.hasOwnProperty('content') || !== 'ETW') {
return false;
return true;
EtwImporter.prototype = {
__proto__: Importer.prototype,
get model() {
return this.model_;
createThreadIfNeeded: function(pid, tid) {
this.tidsToPid_[tid] = pid;
removeThreadIfPresent: function(tid) {
this.tidsToPid_[tid] = undefined;
getPidFromWindowsTid: function(tid) {
if (tid == 0)
return 0;
var pid = this.tidsToPid_[tid];
if (pid == undefined) {
// Kernel threads are not defined.
return 0;
return pid;
getThreadFromWindowsTid: function(tid) {
var pid = this.getPidFromWindowsTid(tid);
var process = this.model_.getProcess(pid);
if (!process)
return undefined;
return process.getThread(tid);
* Retrieve the Cpu for a given cpuNumber.
* @return {Cpu} A Cpu corresponding to the given cpuNumber.
getOrCreateCpu: function(cpuNumber) {
var cpu = this.model_.kernel.getOrCreateCpu(cpuNumber);
return cpu;
* Imports the data in this.events_ into this.model_.
importEvents: function(isSecondaryImport) {
if (this.walltime_ == undefined || this.ticks_ == undefined)
throw Error('Cannot find clock sync information in the system trace.');
if (this.is64bit_ == undefined)
throw Error('Cannot determine pointer size of the system trace.');
importTimestamp: function(timestamp) {
var ts = parseInt(timestamp, 16);
return (ts - this.walltime_ + this.ticks_) / 1000.;
parseInfo: function(event) {
// Retrieve clock sync information.
if (event.hasOwnProperty('guid') &&
event.hasOwnProperty('walltime') &&
event.hasOwnProperty('tick') &&
event.guid === 'ClockSync') {
this.walltime_ = parseInt(event.walltime, 16);
this.ticks_ = parseInt(event.tick, 16);
// Retrieve pointer size information from a Thread.DCStart event.
if (this.is64bit_ == undefined &&
event.hasOwnProperty('guid') &&
event.hasOwnProperty('op') &&
event.hasOwnProperty('ver') &&
event.hasOwnProperty('payload') &&
event.guid === kThreadGuid &&
event.op == kThreadDCStartOpcode) {
var decoded_size = tv.b.Base64.getDecodedBufferLength(event.payload);
if (event.ver == 1) {
if (decoded_size >= 52)
this.is64bit_ = true;
this.is64bit_ = false;
} else if (event.ver == 2) {
if (decoded_size >= 64)
this.is64bit_ = true;
this.is64bit_ = false;
} else if (event.ver == 3) {
if (decoded_size >= 60)
this.is64bit_ = true;
this.is64bit_ = false;
return true;
parseEvent: function(event) {
if (!event.hasOwnProperty('guid') ||
!event.hasOwnProperty('op') ||
!event.hasOwnProperty('ver') ||
!event.hasOwnProperty('cpu') ||
!event.hasOwnProperty('ts') ||
!event.hasOwnProperty('payload')) {
return false;
var timestamp = this.importTimestamp(event.ts);
// Create the event header.
var header = {
guid: event.guid,
opcode: event.op,
version: event.ver,
cpu: event.cpu,
timestamp: timestamp,
is64: this.is64bit_
// Set the payload to decode.
var decoder = this.decoder_;
// Retrieve the handler to decode the payload.
var handler = this.getEventHandler(header.guid, header.opcode);
if (!handler)
return false;
if (!handler(header, decoder)) {
type: 'parse_error',
message: 'Malformed ' + header.guid + ' event (' + text + ')'
return false;
return true;
* Registers a windows ETW event handler used by parseEvent().
registerEventHandler: function(guid, opcode, handler) {
if (this.handlers_[guid] == undefined)
this.handlers_[guid] = [];
this.handlers_[guid][opcode] = handler;
* Retrieves a registered event handler.
getEventHandler: function(guid, opcode) {
if (this.handlers_[guid] == undefined)
return undefined;
return this.handlers_[guid][opcode];
// Register the EtwImporter to the Importer.
return {
EtwImporter: EtwImporter