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Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
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'use strict';
tv.exportTo('tv.c', function() {
* YComponent is a class that handles storing the stableId and the percentage
* offset in the y direction of all tracks within a specific viewX and viewY
* coordinate.
* @constructor
function YComponent(stableId, yPercentOffset) {
this.stableId = stableId;
this.yPercentOffset = yPercentOffset;
YComponent.prototype = {
toDict: function() {
return {
stableId: this.stableId,
yPercentOffset: this.yPercentOffset
* Location is a class that represents a spatial location on the timeline
* that is specified by percent offsets within tracks rather than specific
* points.
* @constructor
function Location(xWorld, yComponents) {
this.xWorld_ = xWorld;
this.yComponents_ = yComponents;
* Returns a new Location given by x and y coordinates with respect to
* the timeline's drawing canvas.
Location.fromViewCoordinates = function(viewport, viewX, viewY) {
var dt = viewport.currentDisplayTransform;
var xWorld = dt.xViewToWorld(viewX);
var yComponents = [];
// Since we're given coordinates within the timeline canvas, we need to
// convert them to document coordinates to get the element.
var elem = document.elementFromPoint(
viewX + viewport.modelTrackContainer.canvas.offsetLeft,
viewY + viewport.modelTrackContainer.canvas.offsetTop);
// Build yComponents by calculating percentage offset with respect to
// each parent track.
while (elem instanceof tv.c.tracks.Track) {
if (elem.eventContainer) {
var boundRect = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
var yPercentOffset = (viewY - / boundRect.height;
new YComponent(elem.eventContainer.stableId, yPercentOffset));
elem = elem.parentElement;
if (yComponents.length == 0)
return new Location(xWorld, yComponents);
Location.fromStableIdAndTimestamp = function(viewport, stableId, ts) {
var xWorld = ts;
var yComponents = [];
// The y components' percentage offsets will be calculated with respect to
// the boundingRect's top of containing track.
var containerToTrack = viewport.containerToTrackObj;
var elem = containerToTrack.getTrackByStableId(stableId);
if (!elem)
var firstY = elem.getBoundingClientRect().top;
while (elem instanceof tv.c.tracks.Track) {
if (elem.eventContainer) {
var boundRect = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
var yPercentOffset = (firstY - / boundRect.height;
new YComponent(elem.eventContainer.stableId, yPercentOffset));
elem = elem.parentElement;
if (yComponents.length == 0)
return new Location(xWorld, yComponents);
Location.prototype = {
get xWorld() {
return this.xWorld_;
* Returns the first valid containing track based on the
* internal yComponents.
getContainingTrack: function(viewport) {
var containerToTrack = viewport.containerToTrackObj;
for (var i in this.yComponents_) {
var yComponent = this.yComponents_[i];
var track = containerToTrack.getTrackByStableId(yComponent.stableId);
if (track !== undefined)
return track;
* Calculates and returns x and y coordinates of the current location with
* respect to the timeline's canvas.
toViewCoordinates: function(viewport) {
var dt = viewport.currentDisplayTransform;
var containerToTrack = viewport.containerToTrackObj;
var viewX = dt.xWorldToView(this.xWorld_);
var viewY = -1;
for (var index in this.yComponents_) {
var yComponent = this.yComponents_[index];
var track = containerToTrack.getTrackByStableId(yComponent.stableId);
if (track !== undefined) {
var boundRect = track.getBoundingClientRect();
viewY = yComponent.yPercentOffset * boundRect.height +;
return {
viewX: viewX,
viewY: viewY
toDict: function() {
return {
xWorld: this.xWorld_,
yComponents: this.yComponents_
return {
Location: Location