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'use strict';
* @fileoverview Provides the TimingTool class.
tv.exportTo('tv.c', function() {
var constants = tv.c.constants;
* Tool for taking time measurements in the TimelineTrackView using
* Viewportmarkers.
* @constructor
function TimingTool(viewport, targetElement) {
this.viewport_ = viewport;
// Prepare the event handlers to be added and removed repeatedly.
this.onMouseMove_ = this.onMouseMove_.bind(this);
this.onDblClick_ = this.onDblClick_.bind(this);
this.targetElement_ = targetElement;
// Valid only during mousedown.
this.isMovingLeftEdge_ = false;
TimingTool.prototype = {
onEnterTiming: function(e) {
this.targetElement_.addEventListener('mousemove', this.onMouseMove_);
this.targetElement_.addEventListener('dblclick', this.onDblClick_);
onBeginTiming: function(e) {
if (!this.isTouchPointInsideTrackBounds_(e.clientX, e.clientY))
var pt = this.getSnappedToEventPosition_(e);
this.mouseDownAt_(pt.x, pt.y);
updateSnapIndicators_: function(pt) {
if (!pt.snapped)
var ir = this.viewport_.interestRange;
if (ir.min === pt.x)
ir.leftSnapIndicator = new tv.c.SnapIndicator(pt.y, pt.height);
if (ir.max === pt.x)
ir.rightSnapIndicator = new tv.c.SnapIndicator(pt.y, pt.height);
onUpdateTiming: function(e) {
var pt = this.getSnappedToEventPosition_(e);
this.mouseMoveAt_(pt.x, pt.y, true);
onEndTiming: function(e) {
onExitTiming: function(e) {
this.targetElement_.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.onMouseMove_);
this.targetElement_.removeEventListener('dblclick', this.onDblClick_);
onMouseMove_: function(e) {
if (e.button)
var worldX = this.getWorldXFromEvent_(e);
this.mouseMoveAt_(worldX, e.clientY, false);
onDblClick_: function(e) {
// TODO(nduca): Implement dobuleclicking.
console.error('not implemented');
isTouchPointInsideTrackBounds_: function(clientX, clientY) {
if (!this.viewport_ ||
!this.viewport_.modelTrackContainer ||
return false;
var canvas = this.viewport_.modelTrackContainer.canvas;
var canvasRect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
if (clientX >= canvasRect.left && clientX <= canvasRect.right &&
clientY >= && clientY <= canvasRect.bottom)
return true;
return false;
mouseDownAt_: function(worldX, y) {
var ir = this.viewport_.interestRange;
var dt = this.viewport_.currentDisplayTransform;
var pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
var nearnessThresholdWorld = dt.xViewVectorToWorld(6 * pixelRatio);
if (ir.isEmpty) {
ir.setMinAndMax(worldX, worldX);
ir.rightSelected = true;
this.isMovingLeftEdge_ = false;
// Left edge test.
if (Math.abs(worldX - ir.min) < nearnessThresholdWorld) {
ir.leftSelected = true;
ir.min = worldX;
this.isMovingLeftEdge_ = true;
// Right edge test.
if (Math.abs(worldX - ir.max) < nearnessThresholdWorld) {
ir.rightSelected = true;
ir.max = worldX;
this.isMovingLeftEdge_ = false;
ir.setMinAndMax(worldX, worldX);
ir.rightSelected = true;
this.isMovingLeftEdge_ = false;
mouseMoveAt_: function(worldX, y, mouseDown) {
var ir = this.viewport_.interestRange;
if (mouseDown) {
var ir = this.viewport_.interestRange;
var dt = this.viewport_.currentDisplayTransform;
var pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
var nearnessThresholdWorld = dt.xViewVectorToWorld(6 * pixelRatio);
// Left edge test.
if (Math.abs(worldX - ir.min) < nearnessThresholdWorld) {
ir.leftSelected = true;
ir.rightSelected = false;
// Right edge test.
if (Math.abs(worldX - ir.max) < nearnessThresholdWorld) {
ir.leftSelected = false;
ir.rightSelected = true;
ir.leftSelected = false;
ir.rightSelected = false;
updateMovingEdge_: function(newWorldX) {
var ir = this.viewport_.interestRange;
var a = ir.min;
var b = ir.max;
if (this.isMovingLeftEdge_)
a = newWorldX;
b = newWorldX;
if (a <= b)
ir.setMinAndMax(a, b);
ir.setMinAndMax(b, a);
if (ir.min == newWorldX) {
this.isMovingLeftEdge_ = true;
ir.leftSelected = true;
ir.rightSelected = false;
} else {
this.isMovingLeftEdge_ = false;
ir.leftSelected = false;
ir.rightSelected = true;
mouseUp_: function() {
var dt = this.viewport_.currentDisplayTransform;
var ir = this.viewport_.interestRange;
ir.leftSelected = false;
ir.rightSelected = false;
var pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
var minWidthValue = dt.xViewVectorToWorld(2 * pixelRatio);
if (ir.range < minWidthValue)
getWorldXFromEvent_: function(e) {
var pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
var canvas = this.viewport_.modelTrackContainer.canvas;
var worldOffset = canvas.getBoundingClientRect().left;
var viewX = (e.clientX - worldOffset) * pixelRatio;
return this.viewport_.currentDisplayTransform.xViewToWorld(viewX);
* Get the closest position of an event within a vertical range of the mouse
* position if possible, otherwise use the position of the mouse pointer.
* @param {MouseEvent} e Mouse event with the current mouse coordinates.
* @return {
* {Number} x, The x coordinate in world space.
* {Number} y, The y coordinate in world space.
* {Number} height, The height of the event.
* {boolean} snapped Whether the coordinates are from a snapped event or
* the mouse position.
* }
getSnappedToEventPosition_: function(e) {
var pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
var EVENT_SNAP_RANGE = 16 * pixelRatio;
var modelTrackContainer = this.viewport_.modelTrackContainer;
var modelTrackContainerRect = modelTrackContainer.getBoundingClientRect();
var viewport = this.viewport_;
var dt = viewport.currentDisplayTransform;
var worldMaxDist = dt.xViewVectorToWorld(EVENT_SNAP_RANGE);
var worldX = this.getWorldXFromEvent_(e);
var mouseY = e.clientY;
var selection = new tv.c.Selection();
// Look at the track under mouse position first for better performance.
worldX, worldMaxDist, mouseY, mouseY, selection);
// Look at all tracks visible on screen.
if (!selection.length) {
worldX, worldMaxDist,, modelTrackContainerRect.bottom,
var minDistX = worldMaxDist;
var minDistY = Infinity;
var pixWidth = dt.xViewVectorToWorld(1);
// Create result object with the mouse coordinates.
var result = {
x: worldX,
y: mouseY -,
height: 0,
snapped: false
var eventBounds = new tv.b.Range();
for (var i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) {
var event = selection[i];
var track = viewport.trackForEvent(event);
var trackRect = track.getBoundingClientRect();
var eventX;
if (Math.abs(eventBounds.min - worldX) <
Math.abs(eventBounds.max - worldX)) {
eventX = eventBounds.min;
} else {
eventX = eventBounds.max;
var distX = eventX - worldX;
var eventY =;
var eventHeight = trackRect.height;
var distY = Math.abs(eventY + eventHeight / 2 - mouseY);
// Prefer events with a closer y position if their x difference is below
// the width of a pixel.
if ((distX <= minDistX || Math.abs(distX - minDistX) < pixWidth) &&
distY < minDistY) {
minDistX = distX;
minDistY = distY;
// Retrieve the event position from the hit.
result.x = eventX;
result.y = eventY +
modelTrackContainer.scrollTop -;
result.height = eventHeight;
result.snapped = true;
return result;
return {
TimingTool: TimingTool