blob: 3c517ba24d994187206d67e6436000aabaa0c2d0 [file] [log] [blame]
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<link rel="import" href="/core/test_utils.html">
<link rel="import" href="/core/tracks/track.html">
<link rel="import" href="/core/ui_state.html">
'use strict';
tv.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
var UIState = tv.c.UIState;
function FakeModel() {
this.processes = { 1: { threads: { 2: { stableId: '1.2' } } } };
// FakeTrack needs to be an instance of tv.c.tracks.Track because a
// location is constructed in terms of Track instances.
function FakeTrack() { }
FakeTrack.prototype = {
__proto__: tv.c.tracks.Track.prototype,
get eventContainer() {
return { stableId: '1.2' };
getBoundingClientRect: function() {
return { top: 5, height: 2 };
get parentElement() {
return null;
function FakeViewPort() {
this.containerToTrackObj = {
// "1.2" is the only valid stableId this test function accepts.
getTrackByStableId: function(stableId) {
if (stableId === '1.2')
return new FakeTrack;
return undefined;
test('invalidStableId', function() {
var model = new FakeModel;
var vp = new FakeViewPort;
assert.throws(function() {
UIState.fromUserFriendlyString(model, vp, '15@1.3x6');
assert.throws(function() {
UIState.fromUserFriendlyString(model, vp, '15@2.2x6');
assert.throws(function() {
UIState.fromUserFriendlyString(model, vp, '505@1.x5');
test('invalidScaleX', function() {
var model = new FakeModel;
var vp = new FakeViewPort;
assert.isUndefined(UIState.fromUserFriendlyString(model, vp, '1@1.2x-1'));
assert.throws(function() {
UIState.fromUserFriendlyString(model, vp, '1@1.2x0');
test('invalidSyntax', function() {
var model = new FakeModel;
var vp = new FakeViewPort;
assert.isUndefined(UIState.fromUserFriendlyString(model, vp, '5'));
assert.isUndefined(UIState.fromUserFriendlyString(model, vp, '5@x5'));
assert.isUndefined(UIState.fromUserFriendlyString(model, vp, 'ab@1.2x5'));
test('validString', function() {
var model = new FakeModel;
var vp = new FakeViewPort;
var str = '-50125.51231@1.2x1.12345';
var uiState = UIState.fromUserFriendlyString(model, vp, str);
assert.equal(uiState.location.xWorld, -50125.51231);
assert.equal(uiState.scaleX, 1.12345);
assert.equal(uiState.toUserFriendlyString(vp), str);