blob: 01d4b30f69d8cfe5fe63705e3e849bafbf96faf6 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
<link rel="import" href="/extras/cc/picture_as_image_data.html">
<link rel="import" href="/extras/cc/util.html">
<link rel="import" href="/base/guid.html">
<link rel="import" href="/base/rect.html">
<link rel="import" href="/base/raf.html">
<link rel="import" href="/core/trace_model/object_instance.html">
'use strict';
tv.exportTo('', function() {
var ObjectSnapshot = tv.c.trace_model.ObjectSnapshot;
// Number of pictures created. Used as an uniqueId because we are immutable.
var PictureCount = 0;
function Picture(skp64, layerRect) {
this.skp64_ = skp64;
this.layerRect_ = layerRect;
this.guid_ = tv.b.GUID.allocate();
Picture.prototype = {
get canSave() {
return true;
get layerRect() {
return this.layerRect_;
get guid() {
return this.guid_;
getBase64SkpData: function() {
return this.skp64_;
getOps: function() {
if (!PictureSnapshot.CanGetOps()) {
return undefined;
var ops ={
skp64: this.skp64_,
params: {
layer_rect: this.layerRect_.toArray()
if (!ops)
console.error('Failed to get picture ops.');
return ops;
getOpTimings: function() {
if (!PictureSnapshot.CanGetOpTimings()) {
return undefined;
var opTimings ={
skp64: this.skp64_,
params: {
layer_rect: this.layerRect_.toArray()
if (!opTimings)
console.error('Failed to get picture op timings.');
return opTimings;
* Tag each op with the time it takes to rasterize.
* FIXME: We should use real statistics to get better numbers here, see
* @param {Array} ops Array of Skia operations.
* @return {Array} Skia ops where op.cmd_time contains the associated time
* for a given op.
tagOpsWithTimings: function(ops) {
var opTimings = new Array();
for (var iteration = 0; iteration < OPS_TIMING_ITERATIONS; iteration++) {
opTimings[iteration] = this.getOpTimings();
if (!opTimings[iteration] || !opTimings[iteration].cmd_times)
return ops;
if (opTimings[iteration].cmd_times.length != ops.length)
return ops;
for (var opIndex = 0; opIndex < ops.length; opIndex++) {
var min = Number.MAX_VALUE;
for (var i = 0; i < OPS_TIMING_ITERATIONS; i++)
min = Math.min(min, opTimings[i].cmd_times[opIndex]);
ops[opIndex].cmd_time = min;
return ops;
* Rasterize the picture.
* @param {{opt_stopIndex: number, params}} The SkPicture operation to
* rasterize up to. If not defined, the entire SkPicture is rasterized.
* @param {{opt_showOverdraw: bool, params}} Defines whether pixel overdraw
should be visualized in the image.
* @param {function(} The callback function that
* is called after rasterization is complete or fails.
rasterize: function(params, rasterCompleteCallback) {
if (!PictureSnapshot.CanRasterize() || !PictureSnapshot.CanGetOps()) {
var raster =
skp64: this.skp64_,
params: {
layer_rect: this.layerRect_.toArray()
stop: params.stopIndex === undefined ? -1 : params.stopIndex,
overdraw: !!params.showOverdraw,
params: { }
if (raster) {
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvas.width = raster.width;
canvas.height = raster.height;
var imageData = ctx.createImageData(raster.width, raster.height); Uint8ClampedArray(;
rasterCompleteCallback(new, imageData));
} else {
var error = 'Failed to rasterize picture. ' +
'Your recording may be from an old Chrome version. ' +
'The SkPicture format is not backward compatible.';
rasterCompleteCallback(new, error));
function LayeredPicture(pictures) {
this.guid_ = tv.b.GUID.allocate();
this.pictures_ = pictures;
this.layerRect_ = undefined;
LayeredPicture.prototype = {
__proto__: Picture.prototype,
get canSave() {
return false;
get typeName() {
return 'cc::LayeredPicture';
get layerRect() {
if (this.layerRect_ !== undefined)
return this.layerRect_;
this.layerRect_ = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 0,
height: 0
for (var i = 0; i < this.pictures_.length; ++i) {
var rect = this.pictures_[i].layerRect;
this.layerRect_.x = Math.min(this.layerRect_.x, rect.x);
this.layerRect_.y = Math.min(this.layerRect_.y, rect.y);
this.layerRect_.width =
Math.max(this.layerRect_.width, rect.x + rect.width);
this.layerRect_.height =
Math.max(this.layerRect_.height, rect.y + rect.height);
return this.layerRect_;
get guid() {
return this.guid_;
getBase64SkpData: function() {
throw new Error('Not available with a LayeredPicture.');
getOps: function() {
var ops = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.pictures_.length; ++i)
ops = ops.concat(this.pictures_[i].getOps());
return ops;
getOpTimings: function() {
var opTimings = this.pictures_[0].getOpTimings();
for (var i = 1; i < this.pictures_.length; ++i) {
var timings = this.pictures_[i].getOpTimings();
opTimings.cmd_times = opTimings.cmd_times.concat(timings.cmd_times);
opTimings.total_time += timings.total_time;
return opTimings;
tagOpsWithTimings: function(ops) {
var opTimings = new Array();
for (var iteration = 0; iteration < OPS_TIMING_ITERATIONS; iteration++) {
opTimings[iteration] = this.getOpTimings();
if (!opTimings[iteration] || !opTimings[iteration].cmd_times)
return ops;
for (var opIndex = 0; opIndex < ops.length; opIndex++) {
var min = Number.MAX_VALUE;
for (var i = 0; i < OPS_TIMING_ITERATIONS; i++)
min = Math.min(min, opTimings[i].cmd_times[opIndex]);
ops[opIndex].cmd_time = min;
return ops;
rasterize: function(params, rasterCompleteCallback) {
this.picturesAsImageData_ = [];
var rasterCallback = function(pictureAsImageData) {
if (this.picturesAsImageData_.length !== this.pictures_.length)
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvas.width = this.layerRect.width;
canvas.height = this.layerRect.height;
// TODO(dsinclair): Verify these finish in the order started.
// Do the rasterize calls run sync or asyn? As the imageData
// going to be in the same order as the pictures_ list?
for (var i = 0; i < this.picturesAsImageData_.length; ++i) {
this.picturesAsImageData_ = [];
ctx.getImageData(this.layerRect.x, this.layerRect.y,
this.layerRect.width, this.layerRect.height)));
for (var i = 0; i < this.pictures_.length; ++i)
this.pictures_[i].rasterize(params, rasterCallback);
* @constructor
function PictureSnapshot() {
ObjectSnapshot.apply(this, arguments);
PictureSnapshot.HasSkiaBenchmarking = function() {
if (!
return false;
if (!
return false;
return true;
PictureSnapshot.CanRasterize = function() {
if (!PictureSnapshot.HasSkiaBenchmarking())
return false;
if (!
return false;
return true;
PictureSnapshot.CanGetOps = function() {
if (!PictureSnapshot.HasSkiaBenchmarking())
return false;
if (!
return false;
return true;
PictureSnapshot.CanGetOpTimings = function() {
if (!PictureSnapshot.HasSkiaBenchmarking())
return false;
if (!
return false;
return true;
PictureSnapshot.CanGetInfo = function() {
if (!PictureSnapshot.HasSkiaBenchmarking())
return false;
if (!
return false;
return true;
PictureSnapshot.HowToEnablePictureDebugging = function() {
var usualReason = [
'For pictures to show up, you need to have Chrome running with ',
'--enable-skia-benchmarking. Please restart chrome with this flag ',
'and try again.'
if (!
return usualReason;
if (!
return usualReason;
if (!
return 'Your chrome is old';
if (!
return 'Your chrome is old: skiaBenchmarking.getOps not found';
if (!
return 'Your chrome is old: skiaBenchmarking.getOpTimings not found';
if (!
return 'Your chrome is old: skiaBenchmarking.getInfo not found';
return 'Rasterizing is on';
PictureSnapshot.prototype = {
__proto__: ObjectSnapshot.prototype,
preInitialize: function() {;
this.rasterResult_ = undefined;
initialize: function() {
// If we have an alias args, that means this picture was represented
// by an alias, and the real args is in alias.args.
if (this.args.alias)
this.args = this.args.alias.args;
if (!this.args.params.layerRect)
throw new Error('Missing layer rect');
this.layerRect_ = this.args.params.layerRect;
this.picture_ = new Picture(this.args.skp64, this.args.params.layerRect);
set picture(picture) {
this.picture_ = picture;
get canSave() {
return this.picture_.canSave;
get layerRect() {
return this.layerRect_ ? this.layerRect_ : this.picture_.layerRect;
get guid() {
return this.picture_.guid;
getBase64SkpData: function() {
return this.picture_.getBase64SkpData();
getOps: function() {
return this.picture_.getOps();
getOpTimings: function() {
return this.picture_.getOpTimings();
tagOpsWithTimings: function(ops) {
return this.picture_.tagOpsWithTimings(ops);
rasterize: function(params, rasterCompleteCallback) {
this.picture_.rasterize(params, rasterCompleteCallback);
{typeNames: ['cc::Picture']});
return {
PictureSnapshot: PictureSnapshot,
Picture: Picture,
LayeredPicture: LayeredPicture