blob: a4c9e37306bff8e61ebcd8319530c71f75c36e53 [file] [log] [blame]
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'use strict';
tv.b.unittest.testSuite(function() { // @suppress longLineCheck
test('kernelFunctionParser', function() {
var lines = [
'Binder_2-127 ( 127) [001] .... 3431.906759: graph_ent: func=sys_write',
'Binder_2-127 ( 127) [001] .... 3431.906769: graph_ret: func=sys_write',
'Binder_2-127 ( 127) [001] .... 3431.906785: graph_ent: func=sys_write',
'Binder_2-127 ( 127) [001] ...1 3431.906798: tracing_mark_write: B|' +
'Binder_2-127 ( 127) [001] .... 3431.906802: graph_ret: func=sys_write',
'Binder_2-127 ( 127) [001] .... 3431.906842: graph_ent: func=sys_write',
'Binder_2-127 ( 127) [001] ...1 3431.906849: tracing_mark_write: E',
'Binder_2-127 ( 127) [001] .... 3431.906853: graph_ret: func=sys_write',
'Binder_2-127 ( 127) [001] .... 3431.906896: graph_ent: func=sys_write',
'Binder_2-127 ( 127) [001] .... 3431.906906: graph_ret: func=sys_write'
var m = new tv.c.TraceModel(lines.join('\n'), false);
var process = m.processes[127];
var thread = process.threads[127];
var slices = thread.sliceGroup.slices;
assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.length, 7);
// Slice 0 is an un-split sys_write
assert.equal(slices[0].title, 'sys_write');
// Slices 1 & 3 are a split sys_write
assert.equal(slices[1].title, 'sys_write');
assert.equal(slices[2].title, 'dequeueBuffer');
assert.equal(slices[3].title, 'sys_write (cont.)');
// Slices 4 & 5 are a split sys_write with the dequeueBuffer in between
assert.equal(slices[4].title, 'sys_write');
assert.equal(slices[5].title, 'sys_write (cont.)');
// Slice 6 is another un-split sys_write
assert.equal(slices[6].title, 'sys_write');