blob: 2d1b69a8667b92c2d0383b4aba415b09dccf0536 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import("//build/config/sysroot.gni") # Imports android/config.gni.
# The Android GCC toolchains share most of the same parameters, so we have this
# wrapper around gcc_toolchain to avoid duplication of logic.
# Parameters:
# - android_ndk_sysroot
# Sysroot for this architecture.
# - android_ndk_lib_dir
# Subdirectory inside of android_ndk_sysroot where libs go.
# - tool_prefix
# Prefix to be added to the tool names.
# - toolchain_cpu_arch
# Same as gcc_toolchain
template("android_gcc_toolchain") {
gcc_toolchain(target_name) {
# Make our manually injected libs relative to the build dir.
android_ndk_lib = rebase_path(
invoker.android_ndk_sysroot + "/" + invoker.android_ndk_lib_dir,
libs_section_prefix = "$android_ndk_lib/crtbegin_dynamic.o"
libs_section_postfix = "$android_ndk_lib/crtend_android.o"
solink_libs_section_prefix = "$android_ndk_lib/crtbegin_so.o"
solink_libs_section_postfix = "$android_ndk_lib/crtend_so.o"
# The tools should be run relative to the build dir.
tool_prefix = rebase_path(invoker.tool_prefix, root_build_dir)
if (use_goma) {
goma_prefix = "$goma_dir/gomacc "
} else {
goma_prefix = ""
cc = goma_prefix + tool_prefix + "gcc"
cxx = goma_prefix + tool_prefix + "g++"
ar = tool_prefix + "ar"
ld = cxx
toolchain_os = "android"
toolchain_cpu_arch = invoker.toolchain_cpu_arch
# We make the assumption that the gcc_toolchain will produce a soname with
# the following definition.
soname = "{{target_output_name}}{{output_extension}}"
stripped_soname = "lib.stripped/${soname}.tmp"
temp_stripped_soname = "${stripped_soname}.tmp"
android_strip = "${tool_prefix}strip"
mkdir_command = "mkdir -p lib.stripped"
strip_command = "$android_strip --strip-unneeded -o $temp_stripped_soname $soname"
replace_command = "if ! cmp -s $temp_stripped_soname $stripped_soname; then mv $temp_stripped_soname $stripped_soname; fi"
postsolink = "$mkdir_command && $strip_command && $replace_command"
android_gcc_toolchain("x86") {
android_ndk_sysroot = "$android_ndk_root/$x86_android_sysroot_subdir"
android_ndk_lib_dir = "usr/lib"
tool_prefix = "$x86_android_toolchain_root/bin/i686-linux-android-"
toolchain_cpu_arch = "x86"
android_gcc_toolchain("arm") {
android_ndk_sysroot = "$android_ndk_root/$arm_android_sysroot_subdir"
android_ndk_lib_dir = "usr/lib"
tool_prefix = "$arm_android_toolchain_root/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-"
toolchain_cpu_arch = "arm"
android_gcc_toolchain("mipsel") {
android_ndk_sysroot = "$android_ndk_root/$mips_android_sysroot_subdir"
android_ndk_lib_dir = "usr/lib"
tool_prefix = "$mips_android_toolchain_root/bin/mipsel-linux-android-"
toolchain_cpu_arch = "mipsel"