blob: ab4afbbdcd900466d07e2470d221700ffa0dc474 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ppapi/c/private/ppb_image_capture_private.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/completion_callback.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/private/camera_capabilities_private.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/private/image_capture_config_private.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/resource.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/var.h"
/// @file
/// Defines the <code>ImageCapture_Private</code> interface. Used for
/// acquiring a single still image from a camera source.
namespace pp {
/// To capture a still image with this class, use the following steps.
/// 1. Create an ImageCapture_Private object by the constructor.
/// 2. Call GetCameraCapabilities to get the supported preview sizes.
/// 3. For optimal performance, set one of the supported preview size as the
/// constraints of getUserMedia. Use the created MediaStreamVideoTrack for
/// camera previews.
/// 4. Set the same preview size and other settings by SetConfig.
/// 5. Call CaptureStillImage to capture a still image. Play the shutter sound
/// in the shutter callback. The image from the preview callback can be used
/// for display. JPEG image will be returned to the JPEG callback.
class ImageCapture_Private {
/// Default constructor for creating an is_null()
/// <code>ImageCapture_Private</code> object.
/// Creates an ImageCapture_Private resource.
/// @param[in] instance A <code>PP_Instance</code> identifying one instance
/// of a module.
/// @param[in] camera_source_id A <code>Var</code> identifying a camera
/// source. The type is string. The ID can be obtained from
/// MediaStreamTrack.getSources() or If a
/// MediaStreamVideoTrack is associated with the same source and the track
/// is closed, this ImageCapture_Private object can still do image capture.
/// @param[in] error_callback A <code>ImageCapture_Private_ErrorCallback
/// </code> callback to indicate the image capture has failed.
/// @param[inout] user_data An opaque pointer that will be passed to the
/// callbacks of ImageCapture_Private.
ImageCapture_Private(const InstanceHandle& instance,
const Var& camera_source_id,
PPB_ImageCapture_Private_ErrorCallback error_callback,
void* user_data);
/// Constructs a <code>ImageCapture_Private</code> from a <code>
/// Resource</code>.
/// @param[in] resource A <code>ImageCapture_Private</code>
/// resource.
explicit ImageCapture_Private(const Resource& resource);
/// A constructor used when you have received a <code>PP_Resource</code> as a
/// return value that has had 1 ref added for you.
/// @param[in] resource A <code>ImageCapture_Private</code>
/// resource.
ImageCapture_Private(PassRef, PP_Resource resource);
// Destructor.
/// Disconnects from the camera and cancels all pending capture requests.
/// After this returns, no callbacks will be called. If <code>
/// ImageCapture_Private</code> is destroyed and is not closed yet, this
/// function will be automatically called. Calling this more than once has no
/// effect.
/// @param[in] callback <code>CompletionCallback</code> to be called upon
/// completion of <code>Close()</code>.
/// @return An int32_t containing a result code from <code>pp_errors.h</code>.
int32_t Close(const CompletionCallback& callback);
/// Sets the configuration of the image capture.
/// If <code>SetConfig()</code> is not called, default settings will be used.
/// @param[in] config A <code>ImageCaptureConfig_Private</code> object.
/// @param[in] callback <code>CompletionCallback</code> to be called upon
/// completion of <code>SetConfig()</code>.
/// @return An int32_t containing a result code from <code>pp_errors.h</code>.
/// Returns <code>PP_ERROR_INPROGRESS</code> if there is a pending call of
/// <code>SetConfig()</code> or <code>CaptureStillImage()</code>.
/// If an error is returned, the configuration will not be changed.
int32_t SetConfig(const ImageCaptureConfig_Private& config,
const CompletionCallback& callback);
/// Gets the configuration of the image capture.
/// @param[in] callback A <code>CompletionCallbackWithOutput</code>
/// to be called upon completion.
/// @return An int32_t containing a result code from <code>pp_errors.h</code>.
int32_t GetConfig(
const CompletionCallbackWithOutput<ImageCaptureConfig_Private>& callback);
/// Gets the camera capabilities.
/// The camera capabilities do not change for a given camera source.
/// @param[in] callback A <code>CompletionCallbackWithOutput</code>
/// to be called upon completion.
/// @return An int32_t containing a result code from <code>pp_errors.h</code>.
int32_t GetCameraCapabilities(
const CompletionCallbackWithOutput<CameraCapabilities_Private>& callback);
/// Captures a still JPEG image from the camera.
/// Triggers an asynchronous image capture. The camera will initiate a series
/// of callbacks to the application as the image capture progresses. The
/// callbacks will be invoked in the order of shutter callback, preview
/// callback, and JPEG callback. The shutter callback occurs after the image
/// is captured. This can be used to trigger a sound to let the user know that
/// image has been captured. The preview callback occurs when a scaled, fully
/// processed preview image is available. The JPEG callback occurs when the
/// compressed image is available. If there is an error after the capture is
/// in progress, the error callback passed to <code>
/// ImageCapture_Private.Create()</code> will be invoked. All the callbacks
/// are invoked by the thread that calls this function.
/// The size of the preview image in preview callback is determined by
/// <code>ImageCaptureConfig_Private.SetPreviewSize</code>. The format is
/// decided by the camera and can be got from <code>VideoFrame.GetFormat
/// </code>. The size of the JPEG image is determined by <code>
/// ImageCaptureConfig_Private.SetJpegSize</code>.
/// The camera may need to stop and re-start streaming during image capture.
/// If some MediaStreamVideoTrack are associated with the camera source, they
/// will receive mute and unmute events. The mute event will be received
/// before all the callbacks. The unmute event will be received after all the
/// callbacks. The preview image will not be sent to the video tracks
/// associated with the camera.
/// @param[in] shutter_callback A <code>
/// ImageCapture_Private_ShutterCallback</code> callback to indicate the
/// image has been taken.
/// @param[in] preview_callback A <code>
/// ImageCapture_Private_PreviewCallback</code> callback to return a
/// preview of the captured image.
/// @param[in] jpeg_callback A <code>
/// ImageCapture_Private_JpegCallback</code> callback to return captured
/// JPEG image.
/// @param[out] sequence_id The sequence ID is a unique monotonically
/// increasing value starting from 0, incremented every time a new request
/// like image capture is submitted.
/// @return An int32_t containing a result code from <code>pp_errors.h</code>.
/// PP_OK means the callbacks will be triggered. Other values mean the
/// callbacks will not be triggered.
int32_t CaptureStillImage(
PPB_ImageCapture_Private_ShutterCallback shutter_callback,
PPB_ImageCapture_Private_PreviewCallback preview_callback,
PPB_ImageCapture_Private_JpegCallback jpeg_callback,
int64_t* sequence_id);
/// Determines if a resource is an image capture resource.
/// @param[in] resource The <code>Resource</code> to test.
/// @return true if the given resource is an image capture resource or false
/// otherwise.
static bool IsImageCapture(const Resource& resource);
} // namespace pp