blob: 0d750e44868ebb18ac091b8ba18b3fa8ee78ce25 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace downloads {
[inline_doc] dictionary HeaderNameValuePair {
// Name of the HTTP header.
DOMString name;
// Value of the HTTP header.
DOMString value;
[inline_doc] enum HttpMethod {GET, POST};
[inline_doc] dictionary DownloadOptions {
// The URL to download.
DOMString url;
// A file path relative to the Downloads directory to contain the downloaded
// file.
DOMString? filename;
// Use a file-chooser to allow the user to select a filename.
boolean? saveAs;
// The HTTP method to use if the URL uses the HTTP[S] protocol.
HttpMethod? method;
// Extra HTTP headers to send with the request if the URL uses the HTTP[s]
// protocol. Each header is represented as a dictionary containing the keys
// <code>name</code> and either <code>value</code> or
// <code>binaryValue</code>, restricted to those allowed by XMLHttpRequest.
HeaderNameValuePair[]? headers;
// Post body.
DOMString? body;
// <dl><dt>file</dt>
// <dd>The download's filename is suspicious.</dd>
// <dt>url</dt>
// <dd>The download's URL is known to be malicious.</dd>
// <dt>content</dt>
// <dd>The downloaded file is known to be malicious.</dd>
// <dt>uncommon</dt>
// <dd>The download's URL is not commonly downloaded and could be
// dangerous.</dd>
// <dt>safe</dt>
// <dd>The download presents no known danger to the user's computer.</dd>
// </dl>
// These string constants will never change, however the set of DangerTypes
// may change.
enum DangerType {file, url, content, uncommon, safe};
// <dl><dt>in_progress</dt>
// <dd>The download is currently receiving data from the server.</dd>
// <dt>interrupted</dt>
// <dd>An error broke the connection with the file host.</dd>
// <dt>complete</dt>
// <dd>The download completed successfully.</dd>
// </dl>
// These string constants will never change, however the set of States may
// change.
enum State {in_progress, interrupted, complete};
// The state of the process of downloading a file.
dictionary DownloadItem {
// An identifier that is persistent across browser sessions.
long id;
// Absolute URL.
DOMString url;
// Absolute local path.
DOMString filename;
// False if this download is recorded in the history, true if it is not
// recorded.
boolean incognito;
// Indication of whether this download is thought to be safe or known to be
// suspicious.
DangerType danger;
// True if the user has accepted the download's danger.
boolean? dangerAccepted;
// The file's MIME type.
DOMString mime;
// Number of milliseconds between the unix epoch and when this download
// began.
long startTime;
// Number of milliseconds between the unix epoch and when this download
// ended.
long? endTime;
// Indicates whether the download is progressing, interrupted, or complete.
State state;
// True if the download has stopped reading data from the host, but kept the
// connection open.
boolean paused;
// Number indicating why a download was interrupted.
long? error;
// Number of bytes received so far from the host, without considering file
// compression.
long bytesReceived;
// Number of bytes in the whole file, without considering file compression,
// or -1 if unknown.
long totalBytes;
// Number of bytes in the whole file post-decompression, or -1 if unknown.
long fileSize;
[inline_doc] dictionary DownloadQuery {
// This space-separated string of search terms that may be grouped using
// quotation marks limits results to <a
// href='#type-DownloadItem'>DownloadItems</a> whose <code>filename</code>
// or <code>url</code> contain all of the search terms that do not begin with a dash '-'
// and none of the search terms that do begin with a dash.
DOMString? query;
// Limits results to <a href='#type-DownloadItem'>DownloadItems</a> that
// started before the given ms since the epoch.
long? startedBefore;
// Limits results to <a href='#type-DownloadItem'>DownloadItems</a> that
// started after the given ms since the epoch.
long? startedAfter;
// Limits results to <a href='#type-DownloadItem'>DownloadItems</a> that ended before the given ms since the
// epoch.
long? endedBefore;
// Limits results to <a href='#type-DownloadItem'>DownloadItems</a> that ended after the given ms since the
// epoch.
long? endedAfter;
// Limits results to <a href='#type-DownloadItem'>DownloadItems</a> whose
// <code>totalBytes</code> is greater than the given integer.
long? totalBytesGreater;
// Limits results to <a href='#type-DownloadItem'>DownloadItems</a> whose
// <code>totalBytes</code> is less than the given integer.
long? totalBytesLess;
// Limits results to <a href='#type-DownloadItem'>DownloadItems</a> whose
// <code>filename</code> matches the given regular expression.
DOMString? filenameRegex;
// Limits results to <a href='#type-DownloadItem'>DownloadItems</a> whose
// <code>url</code> matches the given regular expression.
DOMString? urlRegex;
// Setting this integer limits the number of results. Otherwise, all
// matching <a href='#type-DownloadItem'>DownloadItems</a> will be returned.
long? limit;
// Setting this string to a <a href='#type-DownloadItem'>DownloadItem</a>
// property sorts the <a href='#type-DownloadItem'>DownloadItems</a> prior
// to applying the above filters. For example, setting
// <code>orderBy='startTime'</code> sorts the <a
// href='#type-DownloadItem'>DownloadItems</a> by their start time in
// ascending order. To specify descending order, prefix <code>orderBy</code>
// with a hyphen: '-startTime'.
DOMString? orderBy;
// The <code>id</code> of the <a href="#type-DownloadItem">DownloadItem</a>
// that changed.
long? id;
// Absolute URL.
DOMString? url;
// Absolute local path.
DOMString? filename;
// Indication of whether this download is thought to be safe or known to be
// suspicious.
DangerType? danger;
// True if the user has accepted the download's danger.
boolean? dangerAccepted;
// The file's MIME type.
DOMString? mime;
// Number of milliseconds between the unix epoch and when this download
// began.
long? startTime;
// Number of milliseconds between the unix epoch and when this download
// ended.
long? endTime;
// Indicates whether the download is progressing, interrupted, or complete.
State? state;
// True if the download has stopped reading data from the host, but kept the
// connection open.
boolean? paused;
// Number indicating why a download was interrupted.
long? error;
// Number of bytes received so far from the host, without considering file
// compression.
long? bytesReceived;
// Number of bytes in the whole file, without considering file compression,
// or -1 if unknown.
long? totalBytes;
// Number of bytes in the whole file post-decompression, or -1 if unknown.
long? fileSize;
[inline_doc] dictionary DownloadStringDiff {
DOMString? previous;
DOMString? current;
[inline_doc] dictionary DownloadLongDiff {
long? previous;
long? current;
[inline_doc] dictionary DownloadBooleanDiff {
boolean? previous;
boolean? current;
// Encapsulates a change in a DownloadItem.
[inline_doc] dictionary DownloadDelta {
// An identifier that is persistent across browser sessions.
long id;
// The change in <code>url</code>, if any.
DownloadStringDiff? url;
// The change in <code>filename</code>, if any.
DownloadStringDiff? filename;
// The change in <code>danger</code>, if any.
DownloadStringDiff? danger;
// The change in <code>dangerAccepted</code>, if any.
DownloadBooleanDiff? dangerAccepted;
// The change in <code>mime</code>, if any.
DownloadStringDiff? mime;
// The change in <code>startTime</code>, if any.
DownloadLongDiff? startTime;
// The change in <code>endTime</code>, if any.
DownloadLongDiff? endTime;
// The change in <code>state</code>, if any.
DownloadStringDiff? state;
// The change in <code>paused</code>, if any.
DownloadBooleanDiff? paused;
// The change in <code>error</code>, if any.
DownloadLongDiff? error;
// The change in <code>totalBytes</code>, if any.
DownloadLongDiff? totalBytes;
// The change in <code>fileSize</code>, if any.
DownloadLongDiff? fileSize;
[inline_doc] dictionary GetFileIconOptions {
// The size of the icon. The returned icon will be square with dimensions
// size * size pixels. The default size for the icon is 32x32 pixels.
[legalValues=(16,32)] long? size;
callback DownloadCallback = void(long downloadId);
callback SearchCallback = void(DownloadItem[] results);
callback EraseCallback = void(long[] erasedIds);
callback NullCallback = void();
callback GetFileIconCallback = void(optional DOMString iconURL);
interface Functions {
// Download a URL. If the URL uses the HTTP[S] protocol, then the request
// will include all cookies currently set for its hostname. If both
// <code>filename</code> and <code>saveAs</code> are specified, then the
// Save As dialog will be displayed, pre-populated with the specified
// <code>filename</code>. If the download started successfully,
// <code>callback</code> will be called with the new <a href='#type-DownloadItem'>DownloadItem</a>'s
// <code>downloadId</code>. If there was an error starting the download,
// then <code>callback</code> will be called with
// <code>downloadId=undefined</code> and <a
// href='extension.html#property-lastError'>chrome.extension.lastError</a>
// will contain a descriptive string. The error strings are not guaranteed
// to remain backwards compatible between releases. You must not parse it.
// |options|: What to download and how.
// |callback|: Called with the id of the new <a href='#type-DownloadItem'>DownloadItem</a>.
static void download(DownloadOptions options,
optional DownloadCallback callback);
// Find <a href='#type-DownloadItem'>DownloadItems</a>. Set
// <code>query</code> to the empty object to get all <a
// href='#type-DownloadItem'>DownloadItems</a>. To get a specific <a
// href='#type-DownloadItem'>DownloadItem</a>, set only the <code>id</code>
// field.
static void search(DownloadQuery query, SearchCallback callback);
// Pause the download. If the request was successful the download is in a
// paused state. Otherwise <a
// href='extension.html#property-lastError'>chrome.extension.lastError</a>
// contains an error message. The request will fail if the download is not
// active.
// |downloadId|: The id of the download to pause.
// |callback|: Called when the pause request is completed.
static void pause(long downloadId, optional NullCallback callback);
// Resume a paused download. If the request was successful the download is
// in progress and unpaused. Otherwise <a
// href='extension.html#property-lastError'>chrome.extension.lastError</a>
// contains an error message. The request will fail if the download is not
// active.
// |downloadId|: The id of the download to resume.
// |callback|: Called when the resume request is completed.
static void resume(long downloadId, optional NullCallback callback);
// Cancel a download. When <code>callback</code> is run, the download is
// cancelled, completed, interrupted or doesn't exist anymore.
// |downloadId|: The id of the download to cancel.
// |callback|: Called when the cancel request is completed.
static void cancel(long downloadId, optional NullCallback callback);
// Retrieve an icon for the specified download. For new downloads, file
// icons are available after the <a href='#event-onCreated'>onCreated</a>
// event has been received. The image returned by this function while a
// download is in progress may be different from the image returned after
// the download is complete. Icon retrieval is done by querying the
// underlying operating system or toolkit depending on the platform. The
// icon that is returned will therefore depend on a number of factors
// including state of the download, platform, registered file types and
// visual theme. If a file icon cannot be determined, <a
// href='extension.html#property-lastError'>chrome.extension.lastError</a>
// will contain an error message.
// |downloadId|: The identifier for the download.
// |callback|: A URL to an image that represents the download.
static void getFileIcon(long downloadId,
optional GetFileIconOptions options,
GetFileIconCallback callback);
// Erase matching <a href='#type-DownloadItem'>DownloadItems</a> from
// history
[nodoc] static void erase(DownloadQuery query,
optional EraseCallback callback);
// TODO(benjhayden) Comment.
[nodoc] static void setDestination(long downloadId, DOMString relativePath);
// Prompt the user to either accept or cancel a dangerous download.
// <code>acceptDanger()</code> does not automatically accept dangerous
// downloads.
[nodoc] static void acceptDanger(long downloadId);
// Show the downloaded file in its folder in a file manager.
[nodoc] static void show(long downloadId);
// Open the downloaded file.
[nodoc] static void open(long downloadId);
// Initiate dragging the file to another application.
[nodoc] static void drag(long downloadId);
interface Events {
// This event fires with the <a href='#type-DownloadItem'>DownloadItem</a>
// object when a download begins.
static void onCreated(DownloadItem downloadItem);
// Fires with the <code>downloadId</code> when a download is erased from
// history.
// |downloadId|: The <code>id</code> of the <a href='#type-DownloadItem'>DownloadItem</a> that was erased.
static void onErased(long downloadId);
// When any of a <a href='#type-DownloadItem'>DownloadItem</a>'s properties
// except <code>bytesReceived</code> changes, this event fires with the
// <code>downloadId</code> and an object containing the properties that changed.
static void onChanged(DownloadDelta downloadDelta);