blob: 8be28293386a928db07279a716b00108a8b41e59 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
/* From private/ppb_nacl_private.idl modified Tue Aug 6 11:51:26 2013. */
#include "ppapi/c/pp_bool.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_completion_callback.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_instance.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_macros.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_stdint.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_var.h"
#include "ppapi/c/private/ppb_instance_private.h"
#define PPB_NACL_PRIVATE_INTERFACE_1_0 "PPB_NaCl_Private;1.0"
* @file
* This file contains NaCl private interfaces. This interface is not versioned
* and is for internal Chrome use. It may change without notice. */
#include "ppapi/c/private/pp_file_handle.h"
#include "ppapi/c/private/ppb_instance_private.h"
* @addtogroup Enums
* @{
/** NaCl-specific errors that should be reported to the user */
typedef enum {
* The manifest program element does not contain a program usable on the
* user's architecture
} PP_NaClError;
* @}
* @addtogroup Interfaces
* @{
/* PPB_NaCl_Private */
struct PPB_NaCl_Private_1_0 {
/* Launches NaCl's sel_ldr process. Returns PP_EXTERNAL_PLUGIN_OK on success
* and writes a NaClHandle to imc_handle. Returns PP_EXTERNAL_PLUGIN_FAILED on
* failure. The |enable_ppapi_dev| parameter controls whether GetInterface
* returns 'Dev' interfaces to the NaCl plugin. The |uses_ppapi| flag
* indicates that the nexe run by sel_ldr will use the PPAPI APIs.
* This implies that LaunchSelLdr is run from the main thread. If a nexe
* does not need PPAPI, then it can run off the main thread.
* The |uses_irt| flag indicates whether the IRT should be loaded in this
* NaCl process. This is true for ABI stable nexes.
* The |enable_dyncode_syscalls| flag indicates whether or not the nexe
* will be able to use dynamic code system calls (e.g., mmap with PROT_EXEC).
* The |enable_exception_handling| flag indicates whether or not the nexe
* will be able to use hardware exception handling.
PP_ExternalPluginResult (*LaunchSelLdr)(PP_Instance instance,
const char* alleged_url,
PP_Bool uses_irt,
PP_Bool uses_ppapi,
PP_Bool enable_ppapi_dev,
PP_Bool enable_dyncode_syscalls,
PP_Bool enable_exception_handling,
void* imc_handle,
struct PP_Var* error_message);
/* This function starts the IPC proxy so the nexe can communicate with the
* browser. Returns PP_EXTERNAL_PLUGIN_OK on success, otherwise a result code
* indicating the failure. PP_EXTERNAL_PLUGIN_FAILED is returned if
* LaunchSelLdr wasn't called with the instance.
* PP_EXTERNAL_PLUGIN_ERROR_MODULE is returned if the module can't be
* initialized. PP_EXTERNAL_PLUGIN_ERROR_INSTANCE is returned if the instance
* can't be initialized.
PP_ExternalPluginResult (*StartPpapiProxy)(PP_Instance instance);
/* On POSIX systems, this function returns the file descriptor of
* /dev/urandom. On non-POSIX systems, this function returns 0.
int32_t (*UrandomFD)(void);
/* Whether the Pepper 3D interfaces should be disabled in the NaCl PPAPI
* proxy. This is so paranoid admins can effectively prevent untrusted shader
* code to be processed by the graphics stack.
PP_Bool (*Are3DInterfacesDisabled)(void);
/* This is Windows-specific. This is a replacement for DuplicateHandle() for
* use inside the Windows sandbox. Note that we provide this via dependency
* injection only to avoid the linkage problems that occur because the NaCl
* plugin is built as a separate DLL/DSO
* (see
int32_t (*BrokerDuplicateHandle)(PP_FileHandle source_handle,
uint32_t process_id,
PP_FileHandle* target_handle,
uint32_t desired_access,
uint32_t options);
/* Check if PNaCl is installed and attempt to install if necessary.
* Callback is called when the check is done and PNaCl is already installed,
* or after an on-demand install is attempted. Called back with PP_OK if
* PNaCl is available. Called back with an error otherwise.
int32_t (*EnsurePnaclInstalled)(PP_Instance instance,
struct PP_CompletionCallback callback);
/* Returns a read-only file descriptor of a file rooted in the Pnacl
* component directory, or an invalid handle on failure.
PP_FileHandle (*GetReadonlyPnaclFd)(const char* filename);
/* This creates a temporary file that will be deleted by the time
* the last handle is closed (or earlier on POSIX systems), and
* returns a posix handle to that temporary file.
PP_FileHandle (*CreateTemporaryFile)(PP_Instance instance);
/* Create a temporary file, which will be deleted by the time the last
* handle is closed (or earlier on POSIX systems), to use for the nexe
* with the cache information given by |pexe_url|, |abi_version|, |opt_level|,
* |last_modified|, and |etag|. If the nexe is already present
* in the cache, |is_hit| is set to PP_TRUE and the contents of the nexe
* will be copied into the temporary file. Otherwise |is_hit| is set to
* PP_FALSE and the temporary file will be writeable.
* Currently the implementation is a stub, which always sets is_hit to false
* and calls the implementation of CreateTemporaryFile. In a subsequent CL
* it will call into the browser which will remember the association between
* the cache key and the fd, and copy the nexe into the cache after the
* translation finishes.
int32_t (*GetNexeFd)(PP_Instance instance,
const char* pexe_url,
uint32_t abi_version,
uint32_t opt_level,
const char* last_modified,
const char* etag,
PP_Bool* is_hit,
PP_FileHandle* nexe_handle,
struct PP_CompletionCallback callback);
/* Report to the browser that translation of the pexe for |instance|
* has finished, or aborted with an error. If |success| is true, the
* browser may then store the translation in the cache. The renderer
* must first have called GetNexeFd for the same instance. (The browser is
* not guaranteed to store the nexe even if |success| is true; if there is
* an error on the browser side, or the file is too big for the cache, or
* the browser is in incognito mode, no notification will be delivered to
* the plugin.)
void (*ReportTranslationFinished)(PP_Instance instance, PP_Bool success);
/* Return true if we are off the record.
PP_Bool (*IsOffTheRecord)(void);
/* Return true if PNaCl is turned on.
PP_Bool (*IsPnaclEnabled)(void);
/* Display a UI message to the user. */
PP_ExternalPluginResult (*ReportNaClError)(PP_Instance instance,
PP_NaClError message_id);
/* Opens a NaCl executable file in the application's extension directory
* corresponding to the file URL and returns a file descriptor, or an invalid
* handle on failure. |metadata| is left unchanged on failure.
PP_FileHandle (*OpenNaClExecutable)(PP_Instance instance,
const char* file_url,
uint64_t* file_token_lo,
uint64_t* file_token_hi);
typedef struct PPB_NaCl_Private_1_0 PPB_NaCl_Private;
* @}