blob: 02158208b00f419434e706e6bec7a9c8a76f0235 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <queue>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/threading/sequenced_worker_pool.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
namespace extensions {
// A generic template for all kinds of system information providers. Each kind
// of SystemInfoProvider is a single shared instance. It is created if needed,
// and destroyed at exit time. This is done via LazyInstance and scoped_refptr.
// The SystemInfoProvider is designed to query system information on the worker
// pool. It also maintains a queue of callbacks on the UI thread which are
// waiting for the completion of querying operation. Once the query operation
// is completed, all pending callbacks in the queue get called on the UI
// thread. In this way, it avoids frequent querying operation in case of lots
// of query requests, e.g. calling systemInfo.cpu.get repeatedly in an
// extension process.
// Template parameter T is the system information type. It could be the
// structure type generated by IDL parser.
// The class member |info_| is accessed on multiple threads, but that the whole
// class is being guarded by SystemInfoProvider.
// |info_| is accessed on the UI thread while |is_waiting_for_completion_| is
// false and on the sequenced worker pool while |is_waiting_for_completion_| is
// true.
template<class T>
class SystemInfoProvider
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<SystemInfoProvider<T> > {
// Callback type for completing to get information. The argument indicates
// whether its contents are valid, for example, no error occurs in querying
// the information.
typedef base::Callback<void(bool)> QueryInfoCompletionCallback;
typedef std::queue<QueryInfoCompletionCallback> CallbackQueue;
: is_waiting_for_completion_(false) {
base::SequencedWorkerPool* pool = content::BrowserThread::GetBlockingPool();
worker_pool_ = pool->GetSequencedTaskRunnerWithShutdownBehavior(
virtual ~SystemInfoProvider() {}
// Override to do any prepare work on UI thread before |QueryInfo()| gets
// called.
virtual void PrepareQueryOnUIThread() {}
// The parameter |do_query_info_callback| is query info task which is posts to
// SystemInfoProvider sequenced worker pool.
// You can do any initial things of *InfoProvider before start to query info.
// While overriding this method, |do_query_info_callback| *must* be called
// directly or indirectly.
// Sample usage please refer to StorageInfoProvider.
virtual void InitializeProvider(const base::Closure& do_query_info_callback) {
// For testing
static void InitializeForTesting(
scoped_refptr<SystemInfoProvider<T> > provider) {
DCHECK(provider.get() != NULL);
provider_.Get() = provider;
// Start to query the system information. Should be called on UI thread.
// The |callback| will get called once the query is completed.
// If the parameter |callback| itself calls StartQueryInfo(callback2),
// callback2 will be called immediately rather than triggering another call to
// the system.
void StartQueryInfo(const QueryInfoCompletionCallback& callback) {
if (is_waiting_for_completion_)
is_waiting_for_completion_ = true;
&SystemInfoProvider<T>::StartQueryInfoPostInitialization, this));
// Query the system information synchronously and put the result into |info_|.
// Return true if no error occurs.
// Should be called in the blocking pool.
virtual bool QueryInfo() = 0;
// Template function for creating the single shared provider instance.
// Template paramter I is the type of SystemInfoProvider implementation.
template<class I>
static I* GetInstance() {
if (!provider_.Get().get())
provider_.Get() = new I();
return static_cast<I*>(provider_.Get().get());
// The latest information filled up by QueryInfo implementation. Here we
// assume the T is disallowed to copy constructor, aligns with the structure
// type generated by IDL parser.
T info_;
// Called on UI thread. The |success| parameter means whether it succeeds
// to get the information.
void OnQueryCompleted(bool success) {
while (!callbacks_.empty()) {
QueryInfoCompletionCallback callback = callbacks_.front();
is_waiting_for_completion_ = false;
void StartQueryInfoPostInitialization() {
// Post the custom query info task to blocking pool for information querying
// and reply with OnQueryCompleted.
base::Bind(&SystemInfoProvider<T>::QueryInfo, this),
base::Bind(&SystemInfoProvider<T>::OnQueryCompleted, this));
// The single shared provider instance. We create it only when needed.
static typename base::LazyInstance<
scoped_refptr<SystemInfoProvider<T> > > provider_;
// The queue of callbacks waiting for the info querying completion. It is
// maintained on the UI thread.
CallbackQueue callbacks_;
// Indicates if it is waiting for the querying completion.
bool is_waiting_for_completion_;
// Sequenced worker pool to make the operation of querying information get
// executed in order.
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> worker_pool_;
} // namespace extensions