blob: 4fa26a40dec07be7d8561b54a143a8504d0a066a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/ui/ash/launcher/app_shortcut_launcher_item_controller.h"
#include "apps/native_app_window.h"
#include "ash/wm/window_util.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_process_manager.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_system.h"
#include "chrome/browser/favicon/favicon_tab_helper.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/ash/launcher/chrome_launcher_app_menu_item.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/ash/launcher/chrome_launcher_app_menu_item_tab.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/ash/launcher/chrome_launcher_controller.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/ash/launcher/chrome_launcher_controller_per_app.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/ash/launcher/launcher_item_controller.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_finder.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_list.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_window.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/host_desktop.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_model.h"
#include "chrome/common/extensions/manifest_handlers/app_launch_info.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
#include "ui/aura/window.h"
#include "ui/base/events/event.h"
#include "ui/views/corewm/window_animations.h"
using extensions::Extension;
namespace {
// The time delta between clicks in which clicks to launch V2 apps are ignored.
const int kClickSuppressionInMS = 1000;
} // namespace
// Item controller for an app shortcut. Shortcuts track app and launcher ids,
// but do not have any associated windows (opening a shortcut will replace the
// item with the appropriate LauncherItemController type).
const std::string& app_id,
ChromeLauncherControllerPerApp* controller)
: LauncherItemController(TYPE_SHORTCUT, app_id, controller),
app_controller_(controller) {
// To detect V1 applications we use their domain and match them against the
// used URL. This will also work with applications like Google Drive.
const Extension* extension =
// Some unit tests have no real extension.
if (extension) {
extensions::AppLaunchInfo::GetLaunchWebURL(extension).spec() + "*"));
AppShortcutLauncherItemController::~AppShortcutLauncherItemController() {
string16 AppShortcutLauncherItemController::GetTitle() {
return GetAppTitle();
bool AppShortcutLauncherItemController::HasWindow(aura::Window* window) const {
std::vector<content::WebContents*> content =
for (size_t i = 0; i < content.size(); i++) {
Browser* browser = chrome::FindBrowserWithWebContents(content[i]);
if (browser && browser->window()->GetNativeWindow() == window)
return true;
return false;
bool AppShortcutLauncherItemController::IsOpen() const {
return !app_controller_->GetV1ApplicationsFromAppId(app_id()).empty();
bool AppShortcutLauncherItemController::IsVisible() const {
// Return true if any browser window associated with the app is visible.
std::vector<content::WebContents*> content =
for (size_t i = 0; i < content.size(); i++) {
Browser* browser = chrome::FindBrowserWithWebContents(content[i]);
if (browser && browser->window()->GetNativeWindow()->IsVisible())
return true;
return false;
void AppShortcutLauncherItemController::Launch(int event_flags) {
app_controller_->LaunchApp(app_id(), event_flags);
void AppShortcutLauncherItemController::Activate() {
content::WebContents* content = GetLRUApplication();
if (!content) {
if (IsV2App()) {
// Ideally we come here only once. After that ShellLauncherItemController
// will take over when the shell window gets opened. However there are
// apps which take a lot of time for pre-processing (like the files app)
// before they open a window. Since there is currently no other way to
// detect if an app was started we suppress any further clicks within a
// special time out.
if (!AllowNextLaunchAttempt())
void AppShortcutLauncherItemController::Close() {
// Close all running 'programs' of this type.
std::vector<content::WebContents*> content =
for (size_t i = 0; i < content.size(); i++) {
Browser* browser = chrome::FindBrowserWithWebContents(content[i]);
if (!browser)
TabStripModel* tab_strip = browser->tab_strip_model();
int index = tab_strip->GetIndexOfWebContents(content[i]);
DCHECK(index != TabStripModel::kNoTab);
tab_strip->CloseWebContentsAt(index, TabStripModel::CLOSE_NONE);
void AppShortcutLauncherItemController::Clicked(const ui::Event& event) {
// In case of a keyboard event, we were called by a hotkey. In that case we
// activate the next item in line if an item of our list is already active.
if (event.type() == ui::ET_KEY_RELEASED) {
if (AdvanceToNextApp())
void AppShortcutLauncherItemController::OnRemoved() {
// AppShortcutLauncherItemController is unowned; delete on removal.
delete this;
void AppShortcutLauncherItemController::LauncherItemChanged(
int model_index,
const ash::LauncherItem& old_item) {
AppShortcutLauncherItemController::GetApplicationList(int event_flags) {
ChromeLauncherAppMenuItems items;
// Add the application name to the menu.
items.push_back(new ChromeLauncherAppMenuItem(GetTitle(), NULL, false));
std::vector<content::WebContents*> content_list = GetRunningApplications();
for (size_t i = 0; i < content_list.size(); i++) {
content::WebContents* web_contents = content_list[i];
// Get the icon.
gfx::Image app_icon = app_controller_->GetAppListIcon(web_contents);
string16 title = app_controller_->GetAppListTitle(web_contents);
items.push_back(new ChromeLauncherAppMenuItemTab(
title, &app_icon, web_contents, i == 0));
return items.Pass();
AppShortcutLauncherItemController::GetRunningApplications() {
std::vector<content::WebContents*> items;
URLPattern refocus_pattern(URLPattern::SCHEME_ALL);
if (!refocus_url_.is_empty()) {
const Extension* extension =
// It is possible to come here While an extension gets loaded.
if (!extension)
return items;
const BrowserList* ash_browser_list =
for (BrowserList::const_iterator it = ash_browser_list->begin();
it != ash_browser_list->end(); ++it) {
Browser* browser = *it;
TabStripModel* tab_strip = browser->tab_strip_model();
for (int index = 0; index < tab_strip->count(); index++) {
content::WebContents* web_contents = tab_strip->GetWebContentsAt(index);
if (WebContentMatchesApp(extension, refocus_pattern, web_contents))
return items;
content::WebContents* AppShortcutLauncherItemController::GetLRUApplication() {
URLPattern refocus_pattern(URLPattern::SCHEME_ALL);
if (!refocus_url_.is_empty()) {
const Extension* extension =
// We may get here while the extension is loading (and NULL).
if (!extension)
return NULL;
const BrowserList* ash_browser_list =
for (BrowserList::const_reverse_iterator
it = ash_browser_list->begin_last_active();
it != ash_browser_list->end_last_active(); ++it) {
Browser* browser = *it;
TabStripModel* tab_strip = browser->tab_strip_model();
// We start to enumerate from the active index.
int active_index = tab_strip->active_index();
for (int index = 0; index < tab_strip->count(); index++) {
content::WebContents* web_contents = tab_strip->GetWebContentsAt(
(index + active_index) % tab_strip->count());
if (WebContentMatchesApp(extension, refocus_pattern, web_contents))
return web_contents;
return NULL;
bool AppShortcutLauncherItemController::WebContentMatchesApp(
const extensions::Extension* extension,
const URLPattern& refocus_pattern,
content::WebContents* web_contents) {
const GURL tab_url = web_contents->GetURL();
// There are three ways to identify the association of a URL with this
// extension:
// - The refocus pattern is matched (needed for apps like drive).
// - The extension's origin + extent gets matched.
// - The launcher controller knows that the tab got created for this app.
return ((!refocus_pattern.match_all_urls() &&
refocus_pattern.MatchesURL(tab_url)) ||
(extension->OverlapsWithOrigin(tab_url) &&
extension->web_extent().MatchesURL(tab_url)) ||
IsWebContentHandledByApplication(web_contents, app_id()));
void AppShortcutLauncherItemController::ActivateContent(
content::WebContents* content) {
Browser* browser = chrome::FindBrowserWithWebContents(content);
TabStripModel* tab_strip = browser->tab_strip_model();
int index = tab_strip->GetIndexOfWebContents(content);
DCHECK_NE(TabStripModel::kNoTab, index);
int old_index = tab_strip->active_index();
if (index != old_index)
tab_strip->ActivateTabAt(index, false);
index == old_index && GetRunningApplications().size() == 1);
bool AppShortcutLauncherItemController::AdvanceToNextApp() {
std::vector<content::WebContents*> items = GetRunningApplications();
if (items.size() >= 1) {
Browser* browser = chrome::FindBrowserWithWindow(
if (browser) {
TabStripModel* tab_strip = browser->tab_strip_model();
content::WebContents* active = tab_strip->GetWebContentsAt(
std::vector<content::WebContents*>::const_iterator i(
std::find(items.begin(), items.end(), active));
if (i != items.end()) {
if (items.size() == 1) {
// If there is only a single item available, we animate it upon key
// action.
} else {
int index = (static_cast<int>(i - items.begin()) + 1) % items.size();
return true;
return false;
bool AppShortcutLauncherItemController::IsV2App() {
const Extension* extension = app_controller_->GetExtensionForAppID(app_id());
return extension && extension->is_platform_app();
bool AppShortcutLauncherItemController::AllowNextLaunchAttempt() {
if (last_launch_attempt_.is_null() ||
last_launch_attempt_ + base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(
kClickSuppressionInMS) < base::Time::Now()) {
last_launch_attempt_ = base::Time::Now();
return true;
return false;