blob: 319b3aa8f161b15194cfe340ae6155979a371c8e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "components/autofill/content/renderer/form_cache.h"
#include "components/autofill/content/renderer/page_click_listener.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/autocheckout_status.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/forms_seen_state.h"
#include "content/public/renderer/render_view_observer.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebAutofillClient.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebFormElement.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebInputElement.h"
namespace WebKit {
class WebNode;
class WebView;
namespace autofill {
struct FormData;
struct FormFieldData;
struct WebElementDescriptor;
class PasswordAutofillAgent;
// AutofillAgent deals with Autofill related communications between WebKit and
// the browser. There is one AutofillAgent per RenderView.
// This code was originally part of RenderView.
// Note that Autofill encompasses:
// - single text field suggestions, that we usually refer to as Autocomplete,
// - password form fill, refered to as Password Autofill, and
// - entire form fill based on one field entry, referred to as Form Autofill.
class AutofillAgent : public content::RenderViewObserver,
public PageClickListener,
public WebKit::WebAutofillClient {
// PasswordAutofillAgent is guaranteed to outlive AutofillAgent.
AutofillAgent(content::RenderView* render_view,
PasswordAutofillAgent* password_autofill_manager);
virtual ~AutofillAgent();
enum AutofillAction {
AUTOFILL_NONE, // No state set.
AUTOFILL_FILL, // Fill the Autofill form data.
AUTOFILL_PREVIEW, // Preview the Autofill form data.
// RenderView::Observer:
virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DidFinishDocumentLoad(WebKit::WebFrame* frame) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DidStartProvisionalLoad(WebKit::WebFrame* frame) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DidFailProvisionalLoad(
WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
const WebKit::WebURLError& error) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DidCommitProvisionalLoad(WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
bool is_new_navigation) OVERRIDE;
virtual void FrameDetached(WebKit::WebFrame* frame) OVERRIDE;
virtual void WillSubmitForm(WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
const WebKit::WebFormElement& form) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ZoomLevelChanged() OVERRIDE;
virtual void DidChangeScrollOffset(WebKit::WebFrame* frame) OVERRIDE;
virtual void FocusedNodeChanged(const WebKit::WebNode& node) OVERRIDE;
// PageClickListener:
virtual void InputElementClicked(const WebKit::WebInputElement& element,
bool was_focused,
bool is_focused) OVERRIDE;
virtual void InputElementLostFocus() OVERRIDE;
// WebKit::WebAutofillClient:
virtual void didClearAutofillSelection(const WebKit::WebNode& node) OVERRIDE;
virtual void textFieldDidEndEditing(
const WebKit::WebInputElement& element) OVERRIDE;
virtual void textFieldDidChange(
const WebKit::WebInputElement& element) OVERRIDE;
virtual void textFieldDidReceiveKeyDown(
const WebKit::WebInputElement& element,
const WebKit::WebKeyboardEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
virtual void didRequestAutocomplete(
WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
const WebKit::WebFormElement& form) OVERRIDE;
virtual void setIgnoreTextChanges(bool ignore) OVERRIDE;
virtual void didAssociateFormControls(
const WebKit::WebVector<WebKit::WebNode>& nodes) OVERRIDE;
void OnFormDataFilled(int query_id, const FormData& form);
void OnFieldTypePredictionsAvailable(
const std::vector<FormDataPredictions>& forms);
// For external Autofill selection.
void OnSetAutofillActionFill();
void OnClearForm();
void OnSetAutofillActionPreview();
void OnClearPreviewedForm();
void OnSetNodeText(const base::string16& value);
void OnAcceptDataListSuggestion(const base::string16& value);
void OnAcceptPasswordAutofillSuggestion(const base::string16& value);
void OnGetAllForms();
// Called when interactive autocomplete finishes.
void OnRequestAutocompleteResult(
WebKit::WebFormElement::AutocompleteResult result,
const FormData& form_data);
// Called when an autocomplete request succeeds or fails with the |result|.
void FinishAutocompleteRequest(
WebKit::WebFormElement::AutocompleteResult result);
// Called when the Autofill server hints that this page should be filled using
// Autocheckout. All the relevant form fields in |form_data| will be filled
// and then element specified by |element_descriptor| will be clicked to
// proceed to the next step of the form.
void OnFillFormsAndClick(
const std::vector<FormData>& form_data,
const std::vector<WebElementDescriptor>& click_elements_before_form_fill,
const std::vector<WebElementDescriptor>& click_elements_after_form_fill,
const WebElementDescriptor& element_descriptor);
// Called when |topmost_frame_| is supported for Autocheckout.
void OnAutocheckoutSupported();
// Called when an Autocheckout page is completed by the renderer.
void CompleteAutocheckoutPage(autofill::AutocheckoutStatus status);
// Called when clicking an Autocheckout proceed element fails to do anything.
void ClickFailed();
// Called in a posted task by textFieldDidChange() to work-around a WebKit bug
void TextFieldDidChangeImpl(const WebKit::WebInputElement& element);
// Shows the autofill suggestions for |element|.
// This call is asynchronous and may or may not lead to the showing of a
// suggestion popup (no popup is shown if there are no available suggestions).
// |autofill_on_empty_values| specifies whether suggestions should be shown
// when |element| contains no text.
// |requires_caret_at_end| specifies whether suggestions should be shown when
// the caret is not after the last character in |element|.
// |display_warning_if_disabled| specifies whether a warning should be
// displayed to the user if Autofill has suggestions available, but cannot
// fill them because it is disabled (e.g. when trying to fill a credit card
// form on a non-secure website).
void ShowSuggestions(const WebKit::WebInputElement& element,
bool autofill_on_empty_values,
bool requires_caret_at_end,
bool display_warning_if_disabled);
// Queries the browser for Autocomplete and Autofill suggestions for the given
// |element|.
void QueryAutofillSuggestions(const WebKit::WebInputElement& element,
bool display_warning_if_disabled);
// Sets the element value to reflect the selected |suggested_value|.
void AcceptDataListSuggestion(const base::string16& suggested_value);
// Queries the AutofillManager for form data for the form containing |node|.
// |value| is the current text in the field, and |unique_id| is the selected
// profile's unique ID. |action| specifies whether to Fill or Preview the
// values returned from the AutofillManager.
void FillAutofillFormData(const WebKit::WebNode& node,
int unique_id,
AutofillAction action);
// Fills |form| and |field| with the FormData and FormField corresponding to
// |node|. Returns true if the data was found; and false otherwise.
bool FindFormAndFieldForNode(
const WebKit::WebNode& node,
FormData* form,
FormFieldData* field) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Set |node| to display the given |value|.
void SetNodeText(const base::string16& value, WebKit::WebInputElement* node);
// Hides any currently showing Autofill UI.
void HideAutofillUI();
void MaybeSendDynamicFormsSeen();
// Send |AutofillHostMsg_MaybeShowAutocheckoutBubble| to browser if needed.
void MaybeShowAutocheckoutBubble();
FormCache form_cache_;
PasswordAutofillAgent* password_autofill_agent_; // WEAK reference.
// The ID of the last request sent for form field Autofill. Used to ignore
// out of date responses.
int autofill_query_id_;
// The element corresponding to the last request sent for form field Autofill.
WebKit::WebInputElement element_;
// The form element currently requesting an interactive autocomplete.
WebKit::WebFormElement in_flight_request_form_;
// All the form elements seen in the top frame.
std::vector<WebKit::WebFormElement> form_elements_;
// The action to take when receiving Autofill data from the AutofillManager.
AutofillAction autofill_action_;
// Pointer to the current topmost frame. Used in autocheckout flows so
// elements can be clicked.
WebKit::WebFrame* topmost_frame_;
// Pointer to the WebView. Used to access page scale factor.
WebKit::WebView* web_view_;
// Should we display a warning if autofill is disabled?
bool display_warning_if_disabled_;
// Was the query node autofilled prior to previewing the form?
bool was_query_node_autofilled_;
// Have we already shown Autofill suggestions for the field the user is
// currently editing? Used to keep track of state for metrics logging.
bool has_shown_autofill_popup_for_current_edit_;
// If true we just set the node text so we shouldn't show the popup.
bool did_set_node_text_;
// Watchdog timer for clicking in Autocheckout flows.
base::OneShotTimer<AutofillAgent> click_timer_;
// Used to signal that we need to watch for loading failures in an
// Autocheckout flow.
bool autocheckout_click_in_progress_;
// Whether or not |topmost_frame_| is whitelisted for Autocheckout.
bool is_autocheckout_supported_;
// Whether or not new forms/fields have been dynamically added
// since the last loaded forms were sent to the browser process.
bool has_new_forms_for_browser_;
// Whether or not to ignore text changes. Useful for when we're committing
// a composition when we are defocusing the WebView and we don't want to
// trigger an autofill popup to show.
bool ignore_text_changes_;
// Timestamp of first time forms are seen.
base::TimeTicks forms_seen_timestamp_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<AutofillAgent> weak_ptr_factory_;
friend class PasswordAutofillAgentTest;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ChromeRenderViewTest, FillFormElement);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ChromeRenderViewTest, SendForms);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ChromeRenderViewTest, SendDynamicForms);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ChromeRenderViewTest, ShowAutofillWarning);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PasswordAutofillAgentTest, WaitUsername);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PasswordAutofillAgentTest, SuggestionAccept);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PasswordAutofillAgentTest, SuggestionSelect);
} // namespace autofill