blob: b89fb5e984cc850c63bd45232cc119910a0c25a6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
'dependencies': [
'include_dirs': [
'export_dependent_settings': [
'sources': [
'conditions': [
['OS=="ios"', {
'sources/': [
# iOS only needs a small portion of content; exclude all the
# implementation, and re-include what is used.
['exclude', '\\.(cc|mm)$'],
['include', '_ios\\.(cc|mm)$'],
['include', '^public/common/content_client\\.cc$'],
['include', '^public/common/content_constants\\.cc$'],
['include', '^public/common/content_switches\\.cc$'],
['include', '^public/common/frame_navigate_params\\.cc$'],
['include', '^public/common/media_stream_request\\.cc$'],
['include', '^public/common/page_state\\.cc$'],
['include', '^public/common/page_transition_types\\.cc$'],
['include', '^public/common/password_form\\.cc$'],
['include', '^public/common/speech_recognition_result\\.cc$'],
['include', '^public/common/ssl_status\\.cc$'],
['include', '^public/common/url_constants\\.cc$'],
['include', '^common/content_paths\\.cc$'],
['include', '^common/media/media_stream_options\\.cc$'],
['include', '^common/net/url_fetcher\\.cc$'],
['include', '^common/net/url_request_user_data\\.cc$'],
['include', '^common/page_state_serialization\\.cc$'],
['include', '^common/savable_url_schemes\\.cc$'],
['include', '^common/url_schemes\\.cc$'],
}, { # OS!="ios"
'dependencies': [
['OS!="ios" and chrome_multiple_dll!=1', {
'dependencies': [
['OS=="mac"', {
'sources!': [
'link_settings': {
'libraries': [
'link_settings': {
'libraries': [
'-landroid', # ANativeWindow
'dependencies': [
['toolkit_uses_gtk == 1', {
'dependencies': [
['use_pango == 1', {
'dependencies': [
}, { # use_pango == 0
'sources!': [
['use_x11 == 1', {
'include_dirs': [
'link_settings': {
'libraries': [
['use_x11 == 1 and (target_arch != "arm" or chromeos == 0)', {
'sources': [
['enable_plugins==1', {
'dependencies': [
}, { # enable_plugins == 0
'sources!': [
['enable_gpu==1', {
'dependencies': [
['OS=="android"', {
'dependencies': [
'sources': [
['target_arch=="arm" and chromeos == 1 and use_x11 == 1', {
'dependencies': [
'sources': [
'include_dirs': [
'link_settings': {
'libraries': [
['target_arch != "arm" and chromeos == 1 and use_x11 == 1', {
'sources': [
'include_dirs': [
['OS=="win"', {
'dependencies': [
'link_settings': {
'libraries': [
'msvs_settings': {
'VCLinkerTool': {
'DelayLoadDLLs': [
'sources': [
'include_dirs': [
['OS=="win" and directxsdk_exists=="True"', {
'actions': [
'action_name': 'extract_xinput',
'variables': {
'input': 'APR2007_xinput_<(winsdk_arch).cab',
'output': 'xinput1_3.dll',
'inputs': [
'outputs': [
'action': [
'msvs_cygwin_shell': 1,