blob: e332fb713f793001ef54618e889b50650074d7be [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2014 Samsung Electronics. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLCollection.h"
#include "HTMLNames.h"
#include "core/dom/ClassCollection.h"
#include "core/dom/ElementTraversal.h"
#include "core/dom/NodeList.h"
#include "core/dom/NodeRareData.h"
#include "core/dom/NodeTraversal.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLElement.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLObjectElement.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLOptionElement.h"
#include "wtf/HashSet.h"
namespace WebCore {
using namespace HTMLNames;
static bool shouldTypeOnlyIncludeDirectChildren(CollectionType type)
switch (type) {
case ClassCollectionType:
case TagCollectionType:
case HTMLTagCollectionType:
case DocAll:
case DocAnchors:
case DocApplets:
case DocEmbeds:
case DocForms:
case DocImages:
case DocLinks:
case DocScripts:
case DocumentNamedItems:
case MapAreas:
case TableRows:
case SelectOptions:
case SelectedOptions:
case DataListOptions:
case WindowNamedItems:
case FormControls:
return false;
case NodeChildren:
case TRCells:
case TSectionRows:
case TableTBodies:
return true;
case NameNodeListType:
case RadioNodeListType:
case RadioImgNodeListType:
case LabelsNodeListType:
return false;
static NodeListRootType rootTypeFromCollectionType(CollectionType type)
switch (type) {
case DocImages:
case DocApplets:
case DocEmbeds:
case DocForms:
case DocLinks:
case DocAnchors:
case DocScripts:
case DocAll:
case WindowNamedItems:
case DocumentNamedItems:
case FormControls:
return NodeListIsRootedAtDocument;
case ClassCollectionType:
case TagCollectionType:
case HTMLTagCollectionType:
case NodeChildren:
case TableTBodies:
case TSectionRows:
case TableRows:
case TRCells:
case SelectOptions:
case SelectedOptions:
case DataListOptions:
case MapAreas:
return NodeListIsRootedAtNode;
case NameNodeListType:
case RadioNodeListType:
case RadioImgNodeListType:
case LabelsNodeListType:
return NodeListIsRootedAtNode;
static NodeListInvalidationType invalidationTypeExcludingIdAndNameAttributes(CollectionType type)
switch (type) {
case TagCollectionType:
case HTMLTagCollectionType:
case DocImages:
case DocEmbeds:
case DocForms:
case DocScripts:
case DocAll:
case NodeChildren:
case TableTBodies:
case TSectionRows:
case TableRows:
case TRCells:
case SelectOptions:
case MapAreas:
return DoNotInvalidateOnAttributeChanges;
case DocApplets:
case SelectedOptions:
case DataListOptions:
// FIXME: We can do better some day.
return InvalidateOnAnyAttrChange;
case DocAnchors:
return InvalidateOnNameAttrChange;
case DocLinks:
return InvalidateOnHRefAttrChange;
case WindowNamedItems:
return InvalidateOnIdNameAttrChange;
case DocumentNamedItems:
return InvalidateOnIdNameAttrChange;
case FormControls:
return InvalidateForFormControls;
case ClassCollectionType:
return InvalidateOnClassAttrChange;
case NameNodeListType:
case RadioNodeListType:
case RadioImgNodeListType:
case LabelsNodeListType:
return DoNotInvalidateOnAttributeChanges;
HTMLCollection::HTMLCollection(ContainerNode* ownerNode, CollectionType type, ItemAfterOverrideType itemAfterOverrideType)
: LiveNodeListBase(ownerNode, rootTypeFromCollectionType(type), invalidationTypeExcludingIdAndNameAttributes(type), type)
, m_overridesItemAfter(itemAfterOverrideType == OverridesItemAfter)
, m_shouldOnlyIncludeDirectChildren(shouldTypeOnlyIncludeDirectChildren(type))
, m_hasValidIdNameCache(false)
PassRefPtr<HTMLCollection> HTMLCollection::create(ContainerNode* base, CollectionType type)
return adoptRef(new HTMLCollection(base, type, DoesNotOverrideItemAfter));
if (hasValidIdNameCache())
// HTMLNameCollection, ClassCollection and TagCollection remove cache by themselves.
if (type() != WindowNamedItems && type() != DocumentNamedItems && type() != ClassCollectionType
&& type() != HTMLTagCollectionType && type() != TagCollectionType) {
ownerNode()->nodeLists()->removeCache(this, type());
void HTMLCollection::invalidateCache(Document* oldDocument) const
template <class NodeListType>
inline bool isMatchingElement(const NodeListType&, const Element&);
template <> inline bool isMatchingElement(const HTMLCollection& htmlCollection, const Element& element)
CollectionType type = htmlCollection.type();
// These collections apply to any kind of Elements, not just HTMLElements.
switch (type) {
case DocAll:
case NodeChildren:
return true;
case ClassCollectionType:
return static_cast<const ClassCollection&>(htmlCollection).elementMatches(element);
case TagCollectionType:
return static_cast<const TagCollection&>(htmlCollection).elementMatches(element);
case HTMLTagCollectionType:
return static_cast<const HTMLTagCollection&>(htmlCollection).elementMatches(element);
// The following only applies to HTMLElements.
if (!element.isHTMLElement())
return false;
switch (type) {
case DocImages:
return element.hasLocalName(imgTag);
case DocScripts:
return element.hasLocalName(scriptTag);
case DocForms:
return element.hasLocalName(formTag);
case TableTBodies:
return element.hasLocalName(tbodyTag);
case TRCells:
return element.hasLocalName(tdTag) || element.hasLocalName(thTag);
case TSectionRows:
return element.hasLocalName(trTag);
case SelectOptions:
return element.hasLocalName(optionTag);
case SelectedOptions:
return element.hasLocalName(optionTag) && toHTMLOptionElement(element).selected();
case DataListOptions:
if (element.hasLocalName(optionTag)) {
const HTMLOptionElement& option = toHTMLOptionElement(element);
if (!option.isDisabledFormControl() && !option.value().isEmpty())
return true;
return false;
case MapAreas:
return element.hasLocalName(areaTag);
case DocApplets:
return element.hasLocalName(appletTag) || (element.hasLocalName(objectTag) && toHTMLObjectElement(element).containsJavaApplet());
case DocEmbeds:
return element.hasLocalName(embedTag);
case DocLinks:
return (element.hasLocalName(aTag) || element.hasLocalName(areaTag)) && element.fastHasAttribute(hrefAttr);
case DocAnchors:
return element.hasLocalName(aTag) && element.fastHasAttribute(nameAttr);
case ClassCollectionType:
case TagCollectionType:
case HTMLTagCollectionType:
case DocAll:
case NodeChildren:
case FormControls:
case DocumentNamedItems:
case TableRows:
case WindowNamedItems:
case NameNodeListType:
case RadioNodeListType:
case RadioImgNodeListType:
case LabelsNodeListType:
return false;
template <> inline bool isMatchingElement(const ClassCollection& collection, const Element& element)
return collection.elementMatches(element);
template <> inline bool isMatchingElement(const HTMLTagCollection& collection, const Element& element)
return collection.elementMatches(element);
template <> inline bool isMatchingElement(const LiveNodeList& nodeList, const Element& element)
return nodeList.nodeMatches(element);
static Node* previousNode(const ContainerNode& base, const Node& previous, bool onlyIncludeDirectChildren)
return onlyIncludeDirectChildren ? previous.previousSibling() : NodeTraversal::previous(previous, &base);
static inline Node* lastDescendant(const ContainerNode& node)
Node* descendant = node.lastChild();
for (Node* current = descendant; current; current = current->lastChild())
descendant = current;
return descendant;
static Node* lastNode(const ContainerNode& rootNode, bool onlyIncludeDirectChildren)
return onlyIncludeDirectChildren ? rootNode.lastChild() : lastDescendant(rootNode);
template <typename Collection>
ALWAYS_INLINE Element* LiveNodeListBase::iterateForPreviousNode(const Collection& collection, Node* current)
bool onlyIncludeDirectChildren = collection.shouldOnlyIncludeDirectChildren();
ContainerNode& rootNode = collection.rootNode();
for (; current; current = previousNode(rootNode, *current, onlyIncludeDirectChildren)) {
if (current->isElementNode() && isMatchingElement(collection, toElement(*current)))
return toElement(current);
return 0;
template <typename Collection>
Element* LiveNodeListBase::itemBefore(const Collection& collection, const Element* previous)
Node* current;
if (LIKELY(!!previous)) // Without this LIKELY, length() and item() can be 10% slower.
current = previousNode(collection.rootNode(), *previous, collection.shouldOnlyIncludeDirectChildren());
current = lastNode(collection.rootNode(), collection.shouldOnlyIncludeDirectChildren());
return iterateForPreviousNode(collection, current);
Element* LiveNodeList::itemBefore(const Element* previous) const
return LiveNodeListBase::itemBefore(*this, previous);
Element* HTMLCollection::itemBefore(const Element* previous) const
return LiveNodeListBase::itemBefore(*this, previous);
template <class NodeListType>
inline Element* firstMatchingElement(const NodeListType& nodeList, const ContainerNode& root)
Element* element = ElementTraversal::firstWithin(root);
while (element && !isMatchingElement(nodeList, *element))
element = ElementTraversal::next(*element, &root);
return element;
template <class NodeListType>
inline Element* nextMatchingElement(const NodeListType& nodeList, Element& current, const ContainerNode& root)
Element* next = &current;
do {
next = ElementTraversal::next(*next, &root);
} while (next && !isMatchingElement(nodeList, *next));
return next;
template <class NodeListType>
inline Element* traverseMatchingElementsForwardToOffset(const NodeListType& nodeList, unsigned offset, Element& currentElement, unsigned& currentOffset, const ContainerNode& root)
ASSERT(currentOffset < offset);
Element* next = &currentElement;
while ((next = nextMatchingElement(nodeList, *next, root))) {
if (++currentOffset == offset)
return next;
return 0;
// FIXME: This should be in LiveNodeList.cpp but it needs to stay here until firstMatchingElement()
// and others are moved to a separate header.
Element* LiveNodeList::traverseToFirstElement(const ContainerNode& root) const
return firstMatchingElement(*this, root);
// FIXME: This should be in LiveNodeList.cpp but it needs to stay here until traverseMatchingElementsForwardToOffset()
// and others are moved to a separate header.
Element* LiveNodeList::traverseForwardToOffset(unsigned offset, Element& currentNode, unsigned& currentOffset, const ContainerNode& root) const
return traverseMatchingElementsForwardToOffset(*this, offset, currentNode, currentOffset, root);
Element* HTMLCollection::virtualItemAfter(Element*) const
return 0;
static inline bool nameShouldBeVisibleInDocumentAll(const HTMLElement& element)
// The document.all collection returns only certain types of elements by name,
// although it returns any type of element by id.
return element.hasLocalName(aTag)
|| element.hasLocalName(appletTag)
|| element.hasLocalName(areaTag)
|| element.hasLocalName(embedTag)
|| element.hasLocalName(formTag)
|| element.hasLocalName(frameTag)
|| element.hasLocalName(framesetTag)
|| element.hasLocalName(iframeTag)
|| element.hasLocalName(imgTag)
|| element.hasLocalName(inputTag)
|| element.hasLocalName(objectTag)
|| element.hasLocalName(selectTag);
inline Element* firstMatchingChildElement(const HTMLCollection& nodeList, const ContainerNode& root)
Element* element = ElementTraversal::firstWithin(root);
while (element && !isMatchingElement(nodeList, *element))
element = ElementTraversal::nextSkippingChildren(*element, &root);
return element;
inline Element* nextMatchingChildElement(const HTMLCollection& nodeList, Element& current, const ContainerNode& root)
Element* next = &current;
do {
next = ElementTraversal::nextSkippingChildren(*next, &root);
} while (next && !isMatchingElement(nodeList, *next));
return next;
Element* HTMLCollection::traverseToFirstElement(const ContainerNode& root) const
switch (type()) {
case HTMLTagCollectionType:
return firstMatchingElement(static_cast<const HTMLTagCollection&>(*this), root);
case ClassCollectionType:
return firstMatchingElement(static_cast<const ClassCollection&>(*this), root);
if (overridesItemAfter())
return virtualItemAfter(0);
if (shouldOnlyIncludeDirectChildren())
return firstMatchingChildElement(*this, root);
return firstMatchingElement(*this, root);
inline Element* HTMLCollection::traverseNextElement(Element& previous, const ContainerNode& root) const
if (overridesItemAfter())
return virtualItemAfter(&previous);
if (shouldOnlyIncludeDirectChildren())
return nextMatchingChildElement(*this, previous, root);
return nextMatchingElement(*this, previous, root);
Element* HTMLCollection::traverseForwardToOffset(unsigned offset, Element& currentElement, unsigned& currentOffset, const ContainerNode& root) const
ASSERT(currentOffset < offset);
switch (type()) {
case HTMLTagCollectionType:
return traverseMatchingElementsForwardToOffset(static_cast<const HTMLTagCollection&>(*this), offset, currentElement, currentOffset, root);
case ClassCollectionType:
return traverseMatchingElementsForwardToOffset(static_cast<const ClassCollection&>(*this), offset, currentElement, currentOffset, root);
if (overridesItemAfter()) {
Element* next = &currentElement;
while ((next = virtualItemAfter(next))) {
if (++currentOffset == offset)
return next;
return 0;
if (shouldOnlyIncludeDirectChildren()) {
Element* next = &currentElement;
while ((next = nextMatchingChildElement(*this, *next, root))) {
if (++currentOffset == offset)
return next;
return 0;
return traverseMatchingElementsForwardToOffset(*this, offset, currentElement, currentOffset, root);
Element* HTMLCollection::namedItem(const AtomicString& name) const
// This method first searches for an object with a matching id
// attribute. If a match is not found, the method then searches for an
// object with a matching name attribute, but only on those elements
// that are allowed a name attribute.
Vector<Element*>* idResults = idCache(name);
if (idResults && !idResults->isEmpty())
return idResults->first();
Vector<Element*>* nameResults = nameCache(name);
if (nameResults && !nameResults->isEmpty())
return nameResults->first();
return 0;
bool HTMLCollection::namedPropertyQuery(const AtomicString& name, ExceptionState&)
return namedItem(name);
void HTMLCollection::supportedPropertyNames(Vector<String>& names)
// As per the specification (
// The supported property names are the values from the list returned by these steps:
// 1. Let result be an empty list.
// 2. For each element represented by the collection, in tree order, run these substeps:
// 1. If element has an ID which is neither the empty string nor is in result, append element's ID to result.
// 2. If element is in the HTML namespace and has a name attribute whose value is neither the empty string
// nor is in result, append element's name attribute value to result.
// 3. Return result.
HashSet<AtomicString> existingNames;
ContainerNode& root = rootNode();
for (Element* element = traverseToFirstElement(root); element; element = traverseNextElement(*element, root)) {
const AtomicString& idAttribute = element->getIdAttribute();
if (!idAttribute.isEmpty()) {
HashSet<AtomicString>::AddResult addResult = existingNames.add(idAttribute);
if (addResult.isNewEntry)
if (!element->isHTMLElement())
const AtomicString& nameAttribute = element->getNameAttribute();
if (!nameAttribute.isEmpty() && (type() != DocAll || nameShouldBeVisibleInDocumentAll(toHTMLElement(*element)))) {
HashSet<AtomicString>::AddResult addResult = existingNames.add(nameAttribute);
if (addResult.isNewEntry)
void HTMLCollection::namedPropertyEnumerator(Vector<String>& names, ExceptionState&)
void HTMLCollection::updateIdNameCache() const
if (hasValidIdNameCache())
ContainerNode& root = rootNode();
for (Element* element = traverseToFirstElement(root); element; element = traverseNextElement(*element, root)) {
const AtomicString& idAttrVal = element->getIdAttribute();
if (!idAttrVal.isEmpty())
appendIdCache(idAttrVal, element);
if (!element->isHTMLElement())
const AtomicString& nameAttrVal = element->getNameAttribute();
if (!nameAttrVal.isEmpty() && idAttrVal != nameAttrVal && (type() != DocAll || nameShouldBeVisibleInDocumentAll(toHTMLElement(*element))))
appendNameCache(nameAttrVal, element);
void HTMLCollection::namedItems(const AtomicString& name, Vector<RefPtr<Element> >& result) const
if (name.isEmpty())
Vector<Element*>* idResults = idCache(name);
Vector<Element*>* nameResults = nameCache(name);
for (unsigned i = 0; idResults && i < idResults->size(); ++i)
for (unsigned i = 0; nameResults && i < nameResults->size(); ++i)
void HTMLCollection::append(NodeCacheMap& map, const AtomicString& key, Element* element)
OwnPtr<Vector<Element*> >& vector = map.add(key.impl(), nullptr).storedValue->value;
if (!vector)
vector = adoptPtr(new Vector<Element*>);
} // namespace WebCore