blob: 16e20573d6bf8315e41fec3dfb7944b87e1dada5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2007 David Smith (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef RenderBlock_h
#define RenderBlock_h
#include "core/rendering/ColumnInfo.h"
#include "core/rendering/FloatingObjects.h"
#include "core/rendering/GapRects.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderBox.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderLineBoxList.h"
#include "core/rendering/RootInlineBox.h"
#include "core/rendering/shapes/ShapeInsideInfo.h"
#include "core/rendering/style/ShapeValue.h"
#include "platform/text/TextBreakIterator.h"
#include "platform/text/TextRun.h"
#include "wtf/ListHashSet.h"
#include "wtf/OwnPtr.h"
namespace WebCore {
class BasicShape;
class BidiContext;
class LayoutStateMaintainer;
class LineLayoutState;
class RenderInline;
class RenderRegion;
class RenderText;
struct BidiRun;
struct PaintInfo;
class LineInfo;
class RenderRubyRun;
class WordMeasurement;
template <class Run> class BidiRunList;
typedef WTF::ListHashSet<RenderBox*, 16> TrackedRendererListHashSet;
typedef WTF::HashMap<const RenderBlock*, OwnPtr<TrackedRendererListHashSet> > TrackedDescendantsMap;
typedef WTF::HashMap<const RenderBox*, OwnPtr<HashSet<RenderBlock*> > > TrackedContainerMap;
typedef Vector<WordMeasurement, 64> WordMeasurements;
enum CaretType { CursorCaret, DragCaret };
enum ContainingBlockState { NewContainingBlock, SameContainingBlock };
enum TextRunFlag {
DefaultTextRunFlags = 0,
RespectDirection = 1 << 0,
RespectDirectionOverride = 1 << 1
typedef unsigned TextRunFlags;
class RenderBlock : public RenderBox {
friend class LineLayoutState;
explicit RenderBlock(ContainerNode*);
virtual ~RenderBlock();
RenderObject* firstChild() const { ASSERT(children() == virtualChildren()); return children()->firstChild(); }
RenderObject* lastChild() const { ASSERT(children() == virtualChildren()); return children()->lastChild(); }
const RenderObjectChildList* children() const { return &m_children; }
RenderObjectChildList* children() { return &m_children; }
bool beingDestroyed() const { return m_beingDestroyed; }
// These two functions are overridden for inline-block.
virtual LayoutUnit lineHeight(bool firstLine, LineDirectionMode, LinePositionMode = PositionOnContainingLine) const OVERRIDE FINAL;
virtual int baselinePosition(FontBaseline, bool firstLine, LineDirectionMode, LinePositionMode = PositionOnContainingLine) const OVERRIDE;
LayoutUnit minLineHeightForReplacedRenderer(bool isFirstLine, LayoutUnit replacedHeight) const;
RenderLineBoxList* lineBoxes() { return &m_lineBoxes; }
InlineFlowBox* firstLineBox() const { return m_lineBoxes.firstLineBox(); }
InlineFlowBox* lastLineBox() const { return m_lineBoxes.lastLineBox(); }
// FIXME-BLOCKFLOW: Remove virtualizaion when all callers have moved to RenderBlockFlow
virtual void deleteLineBoxTree();
virtual void addChild(RenderObject* newChild, RenderObject* beforeChild = 0) OVERRIDE;
virtual void removeChild(RenderObject*) OVERRIDE;
virtual void layoutBlock(bool relayoutChildren);
void insertPositionedObject(RenderBox*);
static void removePositionedObject(RenderBox*);
void removePositionedObjects(RenderBlock*, ContainingBlockState = SameContainingBlock);
TrackedRendererListHashSet* positionedObjects() const;
bool hasPositionedObjects() const
TrackedRendererListHashSet* objects = positionedObjects();
return objects && !objects->isEmpty();
void addPercentHeightDescendant(RenderBox*);
static void removePercentHeightDescendant(RenderBox*);
TrackedRendererListHashSet* percentHeightDescendants() const;
static bool hasPercentHeightContainerMap();
static bool hasPercentHeightDescendant(RenderBox*);
static void clearPercentHeightDescendantsFrom(RenderBox*);
static void removePercentHeightDescendantIfNeeded(RenderBox*);
void setHasMarkupTruncation(bool b) { m_hasMarkupTruncation = b; }
bool hasMarkupTruncation() const { return m_hasMarkupTruncation; }
void setHasMarginBeforeQuirk(bool b) { m_hasMarginBeforeQuirk = b; }
void setHasMarginAfterQuirk(bool b) { m_hasMarginAfterQuirk = b; }
bool hasMarginBeforeQuirk() const { return m_hasMarginBeforeQuirk; }
bool hasMarginAfterQuirk() const { return m_hasMarginAfterQuirk; }
bool hasMarginBeforeQuirk(const RenderBox* child) const;
bool hasMarginAfterQuirk(const RenderBox* child) const;
void markShapeInsideDescendantsForLayout();
void markPositionedObjectsForLayout();
// FIXME: Do we really need this to be virtual? It's just so we can call this on
// RenderBoxes without needed to check whether they're RenderBlocks first.
virtual void markForPaginationRelayoutIfNeeded(SubtreeLayoutScope&) OVERRIDE FINAL;
// FIXME-BLOCKFLOW: Remove virtualizaion when all of the line layout code has been moved out of RenderBlock
virtual bool containsFloats() const { return false; }
LayoutUnit textIndentOffset() const;
virtual PositionWithAffinity positionForPoint(const LayoutPoint&) OVERRIDE;
// Block flows subclass availableWidth to handle multi column layout (shrinking the width available to children when laying out.)
virtual LayoutUnit availableLogicalWidth() const OVERRIDE FINAL;
LayoutPoint flipForWritingModeIncludingColumns(const LayoutPoint&) const;
void adjustStartEdgeForWritingModeIncludingColumns(LayoutRect&) const;
LayoutUnit blockDirectionOffset(const LayoutSize& offsetFromBlock) const;
LayoutUnit inlineDirectionOffset(const LayoutSize& offsetFromBlock) const;
RootInlineBox* firstRootBox() const { return static_cast<RootInlineBox*>(firstLineBox()); }
RootInlineBox* lastRootBox() const { return static_cast<RootInlineBox*>(lastLineBox()); }
GapRects selectionGapRectsForRepaint(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer);
LayoutRect logicalLeftSelectionGap(RenderBlock* rootBlock, const LayoutPoint& rootBlockPhysicalPosition, const LayoutSize& offsetFromRootBlock,
RenderObject* selObj, LayoutUnit logicalLeft, LayoutUnit logicalTop, LayoutUnit logicalHeight, const PaintInfo*);
LayoutRect logicalRightSelectionGap(RenderBlock* rootBlock, const LayoutPoint& rootBlockPhysicalPosition, const LayoutSize& offsetFromRootBlock,
RenderObject* selObj, LayoutUnit logicalRight, LayoutUnit logicalTop, LayoutUnit logicalHeight, const PaintInfo*);
void getSelectionGapInfo(SelectionState, bool& leftGap, bool& rightGap);
RenderBlock* blockBeforeWithinSelectionRoot(LayoutSize& offset) const;
LayoutRect logicalRectToPhysicalRect(const LayoutPoint& physicalPosition, const LayoutRect& logicalRect);
// Helper methods for computing line counts and heights for line counts.
RootInlineBox* lineAtIndex(int) const;
int lineCount(const RootInlineBox* = 0, bool* = 0) const;
int heightForLineCount(int);
void clearTruncation();
void adjustRectForColumns(LayoutRect&) const;
virtual void adjustForColumns(LayoutSize&, const LayoutPoint&) const OVERRIDE FINAL;
void adjustForColumnRect(LayoutSize& offset, const LayoutPoint& locationInContainer) const;
void addContinuationWithOutline(RenderInline*);
bool paintsContinuationOutline(RenderInline*);
virtual RenderBoxModelObject* virtualContinuation() const OVERRIDE FINAL { return continuation(); }
bool isAnonymousBlockContinuation() const { return continuation() && isAnonymousBlock(); }
RenderInline* inlineElementContinuation() const;
RenderBlock* blockElementContinuation() const;
using RenderBoxModelObject::continuation;
using RenderBoxModelObject::setContinuation;
static RenderBlock* createAnonymousWithParentRendererAndDisplay(const RenderObject*, EDisplay = BLOCK);
static RenderBlockFlow* createAnonymousColumnsWithParentRenderer(const RenderObject*);
static RenderBlockFlow* createAnonymousColumnSpanWithParentRenderer(const RenderObject*);
RenderBlock* createAnonymousBlock(EDisplay display = BLOCK) const { return createAnonymousWithParentRendererAndDisplay(this, display); }
RenderBlockFlow* createAnonymousColumnsBlock() const { return createAnonymousColumnsWithParentRenderer(this); }
RenderBlockFlow* createAnonymousColumnSpanBlock() const { return createAnonymousColumnSpanWithParentRenderer(this); }
virtual RenderBox* createAnonymousBoxWithSameTypeAs(const RenderObject* parent) const OVERRIDE;
ColumnInfo* columnInfo() const;
int columnGap() const;
// These two functions take the ColumnInfo* to avoid repeated lookups of the info in the global HashMap.
unsigned columnCount(ColumnInfo*) const;
LayoutRect columnRectAt(ColumnInfo*, unsigned) const;
LayoutUnit paginationStrut() const { return m_rareData ? m_rareData->m_paginationStrut : LayoutUnit(); }
void setPaginationStrut(LayoutUnit);
bool shouldBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow() const { return m_rareData && m_rareData->m_lineBreakToAvoidWidow >= 0; }
void clearShouldBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow() const;
int lineBreakToAvoidWidow() const { return m_rareData ? m_rareData->m_lineBreakToAvoidWidow : -1; }
void setBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow(int);
void clearDidBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow();
void setDidBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow();
bool didBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow() const { return m_rareData && m_rareData->m_didBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow; }
// The page logical offset is the object's offset from the top of the page in the page progression
// direction (so an x-offset in vertical text and a y-offset for horizontal text).
LayoutUnit pageLogicalOffset() const { return m_rareData ? m_rareData->m_pageLogicalOffset : LayoutUnit(); }
void setPageLogicalOffset(LayoutUnit);
// Accessors for logical width/height and margins in the containing block's block-flow direction.
enum ApplyLayoutDeltaMode { ApplyLayoutDelta, DoNotApplyLayoutDelta };
LayoutUnit logicalWidthForChild(const RenderBox* child) const { return isHorizontalWritingMode() ? child->width() : child->height(); }
LayoutUnit logicalHeightForChild(const RenderBox* child) const { return isHorizontalWritingMode() ? child->height() : child->width(); }
LayoutUnit logicalTopForChild(const RenderBox* child) const { return isHorizontalWritingMode() ? child->y() : child->x(); }
void setLogicalLeftForChild(RenderBox* child, LayoutUnit logicalLeft, ApplyLayoutDeltaMode = DoNotApplyLayoutDelta);
void setLogicalTopForChild(RenderBox* child, LayoutUnit logicalTop, ApplyLayoutDeltaMode = DoNotApplyLayoutDelta);
LayoutUnit marginBeforeForChild(const RenderBoxModelObject* child) const { return child->marginBefore(style()); }
LayoutUnit marginAfterForChild(const RenderBoxModelObject* child) const { return child->marginAfter(style()); }
LayoutUnit marginStartForChild(const RenderBoxModelObject* child) const { return child->marginStart(style()); }
LayoutUnit marginEndForChild(const RenderBoxModelObject* child) const { return child->marginEnd(style()); }
void setMarginStartForChild(RenderBox* child, LayoutUnit value) const { child->setMarginStart(value, style()); }
void setMarginEndForChild(RenderBox* child, LayoutUnit value) const { child->setMarginEnd(value, style()); }
void setMarginBeforeForChild(RenderBox* child, LayoutUnit value) const { child->setMarginBefore(value, style()); }
void setMarginAfterForChild(RenderBox* child, LayoutUnit value) const { child->setMarginAfter(value, style()); }
LayoutUnit collapsedMarginBeforeForChild(const RenderBox* child) const;
LayoutUnit collapsedMarginAfterForChild(const RenderBox* child) const;
virtual void updateFirstLetter();
virtual void scrollbarsChanged(bool /*horizontalScrollbarChanged*/, bool /*verticalScrollbarChanged*/) { };
LayoutUnit availableLogicalWidthForContent() const { return max<LayoutUnit>(0, logicalRightOffsetForContent() - logicalLeftOffsetForContent()); }
LayoutUnit logicalLeftOffsetForContent() const { return isHorizontalWritingMode() ? borderLeft() + paddingLeft() : borderTop() + paddingTop(); }
LayoutUnit logicalRightOffsetForContent() const { return logicalLeftOffsetForContent() + availableLogicalWidth(); }
LayoutUnit startOffsetForContent() const { return style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ? logicalLeftOffsetForContent() : logicalWidth() - logicalRightOffsetForContent(); }
LayoutUnit endOffsetForContent() const { return !style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ? logicalLeftOffsetForContent() : logicalWidth() - logicalRightOffsetForContent(); }
#ifndef NDEBUG
void checkPositionedObjectsNeedLayout();
void showLineTreeAndMark(const InlineBox* = 0, const char* = 0, const InlineBox* = 0, const char* = 0, const RenderObject* = 0) const;
ShapeInsideInfo* ensureShapeInsideInfo()
if (!m_rareData || !m_rareData->m_shapeInsideInfo)
return m_rareData->m_shapeInsideInfo.get();
ShapeInsideInfo* shapeInsideInfo() const
return m_rareData && m_rareData->m_shapeInsideInfo && ShapeInsideInfo::isEnabledFor(this) ? m_rareData->m_shapeInsideInfo.get() : 0;
void setShapeInsideInfo(PassOwnPtr<ShapeInsideInfo> value)
if (!m_rareData)
m_rareData = adoptPtr(new RenderBlockRareData());
m_rareData->m_shapeInsideInfo = value;
ShapeInsideInfo* layoutShapeInsideInfo() const;
bool allowsShapeInsideInfoSharing(const RenderBlock* other) const;
LayoutSize logicalOffsetFromShapeAncestorContainer(const RenderBlock* container) const;
virtual void imageChanged(WrappedImagePtr, const IntRect* = 0) OVERRIDE;
// inline-block elements paint all phases atomically. This function ensures that. Certain other elements
// (grid items, flex items) require this behavior as well, and this function exists as a helper for them.
// It is expected that the caller will call this function independent of the value of paintInfo.phase.
static void paintAsInlineBlock(RenderObject*, PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&);
virtual void willBeDestroyed() OVERRIDE;
void dirtyForLayoutFromPercentageHeightDescendants(SubtreeLayoutScope&);
virtual void layout() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool updateImageLoadingPriorities() OVERRIDE FINAL;
void layoutPositionedObjects(bool relayoutChildren, bool fixedPositionObjectsOnly = false);
void markFixedPositionObjectForLayoutIfNeeded(RenderObject* child, SubtreeLayoutScope&);
LayoutUnit marginIntrinsicLogicalWidthForChild(RenderBox* child) const;
int beforeMarginInLineDirection(LineDirectionMode) const;
virtual bool supportsPartialLayout() const OVERRIDE { return true; };
virtual void paint(PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&) OVERRIDE;
virtual void paintObject(PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&) OVERRIDE;
virtual void paintChildren(PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&);
void paintChild(RenderBox*, PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&);
void paintChildAsInlineBlock(RenderBox*, PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&);
virtual void adjustInlineDirectionLineBounds(int /* expansionOpportunityCount */, float& /* logicalLeft */, float& /* logicalWidth */) const { }
virtual bool nodeAtPoint(const HitTestRequest&, HitTestResult&, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction) OVERRIDE;
virtual void computeIntrinsicLogicalWidths(LayoutUnit& minLogicalWidth, LayoutUnit& maxLogicalWidth) const OVERRIDE;
virtual void computePreferredLogicalWidths() OVERRIDE;
void adjustIntrinsicLogicalWidthsForColumns(LayoutUnit& minLogicalWidth, LayoutUnit& maxLogicalWidth) const;
virtual int firstLineBoxBaseline() const OVERRIDE;
virtual int inlineBlockBaseline(LineDirectionMode) const OVERRIDE;
int lastLineBoxBaseline(LineDirectionMode) const;
virtual void updateHitTestResult(HitTestResult&, const LayoutPoint&) OVERRIDE;
// Delay update scrollbar until finishDelayRepaint() will be
// called. This function is used when a flexbox is laying out its
// descendant. If multiple calls are made to startDelayRepaint(),
// finishDelayRepaint() will do nothing until finishDelayRepaint()
// is called the same number of times.
static void startDelayUpdateScrollInfo();
static void finishDelayUpdateScrollInfo();
void updateScrollInfoAfterLayout();
virtual void styleWillChange(StyleDifference, const RenderStyle* newStyle) OVERRIDE;
virtual void styleDidChange(StyleDifference, const RenderStyle* oldStyle) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool hasLineIfEmpty() const;
bool simplifiedLayout();
virtual void simplifiedNormalFlowLayout();
void setDesiredColumnCountAndWidth(int, LayoutUnit);
virtual void computeOverflow(LayoutUnit oldClientAfterEdge, bool = false);
virtual void addOverflowFromChildren();
void addOverflowFromPositionedObjects();
void addOverflowFromBlockChildren();
void addVisualOverflowFromTheme();
virtual void addFocusRingRects(Vector<IntRect>&, const LayoutPoint& additionalOffset, const RenderLayerModelObject* paintContainer = 0) OVERRIDE;
virtual void computeSelfHitTestRects(Vector<LayoutRect>&, const LayoutPoint& layerOffset) const OVERRIDE;
bool updateRegionsAndShapesLogicalSize(RenderFlowThread*);
void computeRegionRangeForBlock(RenderFlowThread*);
void updateBlockChildDirtyBitsBeforeLayout(bool relayoutChildren, RenderBox*);
virtual bool isInlineBlockOrInlineTable() const OVERRIDE FINAL { return isInline() && isReplaced(); }
void computeShapeSize();
void updateRegionsAndShapesAfterChildLayout(RenderFlowThread*, bool);
void updateShapeInsideInfoAfterStyleChange(const ShapeValue*, const ShapeValue* oldShape);
void relayoutShapeDescendantIfMoved(RenderBlock* child, LayoutSize offset);
virtual RenderObjectChildList* virtualChildren() OVERRIDE FINAL { return children(); }
virtual const RenderObjectChildList* virtualChildren() const OVERRIDE FINAL { return children(); }
virtual const char* renderName() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool isRenderBlock() const OVERRIDE FINAL { return true; }
void makeChildrenNonInline(RenderObject* insertionPoint = 0);
virtual void removeLeftoverAnonymousBlock(RenderBlock* child);
static void collapseAnonymousBlockChild(RenderBlock* parent, RenderBlock* child);
virtual void dirtyLinesFromChangedChild(RenderObject* child) OVERRIDE FINAL { m_lineBoxes.dirtyLinesFromChangedChild(this, child); }
void addChildToContinuation(RenderObject* newChild, RenderObject* beforeChild);
virtual void addChildIgnoringContinuation(RenderObject* newChild, RenderObject* beforeChild) OVERRIDE;
void addChildToAnonymousColumnBlocks(RenderObject* newChild, RenderObject* beforeChild);
void addChildIgnoringAnonymousColumnBlocks(RenderObject* newChild, RenderObject* beforeChild = 0);
virtual bool isSelfCollapsingBlock() const OVERRIDE;
void insertIntoTrackedRendererMaps(RenderBox* descendant, TrackedDescendantsMap*&, TrackedContainerMap*&);
static void removeFromTrackedRendererMaps(RenderBox* descendant, TrackedDescendantsMap*&, TrackedContainerMap*&);
// Called to lay out the legend for a fieldset or the ruby text of a ruby run.
virtual RenderObject* layoutSpecialExcludedChild(bool /*relayoutChildren*/, SubtreeLayoutScope&) { return 0; }
void createFirstLetterRenderer(RenderObject* firstLetterBlock, RenderObject* currentChild, unsigned length);
void updateFirstLetterStyle(RenderObject* firstLetterBlock, RenderObject* firstLetterContainer);
Node* nodeForHitTest() const;
// FIXME-BLOCKFLOW: Remove virtualizaion when all callers have moved to RenderBlockFlow
virtual void paintFloats(PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&, bool) { }
void paintContents(PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&);
void paintColumnContents(PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&, bool paintFloats = false);
void paintColumnRules(PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&);
void paintSelection(PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&);
void paintCaret(PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&, CaretType);
bool hasCaret() const { return hasCaret(CursorCaret) || hasCaret(DragCaret); }
bool hasCaret(CaretType) const;
virtual bool avoidsFloats() const OVERRIDE;
bool hitTestColumns(const HitTestRequest&, HitTestResult&, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction);
bool hitTestContents(const HitTestRequest&, HitTestResult&, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction);
// FIXME-BLOCKFLOW: Remove virtualizaion when all callers have moved to RenderBlockFlow
virtual bool hitTestFloats(const HitTestRequest&, HitTestResult&, const HitTestLocation&, const LayoutPoint&) { return false; }
virtual bool isPointInOverflowControl(HitTestResult&, const LayoutPoint& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset);
// FIXME: Make this method const so we can remove the const_cast in computeIntrinsicLogicalWidths.
void computeInlinePreferredLogicalWidths(LayoutUnit& minLogicalWidth, LayoutUnit& maxLogicalWidth);
void computeBlockPreferredLogicalWidths(LayoutUnit& minLogicalWidth, LayoutUnit& maxLogicalWidth) const;
// Obtains the nearest enclosing block (including this block) that contributes a first-line style to our inline
// children.
virtual RenderBlock* firstLineBlock() const OVERRIDE;
virtual LayoutRect rectWithOutlineForRepaint(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, LayoutUnit outlineWidth) const OVERRIDE FINAL;
virtual RenderStyle* outlineStyleForRepaint() const OVERRIDE FINAL;
virtual RenderObject* hoverAncestor() const OVERRIDE FINAL;
virtual void updateDragState(bool dragOn) OVERRIDE FINAL;
virtual void childBecameNonInline(RenderObject* child) OVERRIDE FINAL;
virtual LayoutRect selectionRectForRepaint(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, bool /*clipToVisibleContent*/) OVERRIDE FINAL
return selectionGapRectsForRepaint(repaintContainer);
virtual bool shouldPaintSelectionGaps() const OVERRIDE FINAL;
bool isSelectionRoot() const;
GapRects selectionGaps(RenderBlock* rootBlock, const LayoutPoint& rootBlockPhysicalPosition, const LayoutSize& offsetFromRootBlock,
LayoutUnit& lastLogicalTop, LayoutUnit& lastLogicalLeft, LayoutUnit& lastLogicalRight, const PaintInfo* = 0);
GapRects blockSelectionGaps(RenderBlock* rootBlock, const LayoutPoint& rootBlockPhysicalPosition, const LayoutSize& offsetFromRootBlock,
LayoutUnit& lastLogicalTop, LayoutUnit& lastLogicalLeft, LayoutUnit& lastLogicalRight, const PaintInfo*);
LayoutRect blockSelectionGap(RenderBlock* rootBlock, const LayoutPoint& rootBlockPhysicalPosition, const LayoutSize& offsetFromRootBlock,
LayoutUnit lastLogicalTop, LayoutUnit lastLogicalLeft, LayoutUnit lastLogicalRight, LayoutUnit logicalBottom, const PaintInfo*);
virtual LayoutUnit logicalLeftSelectionOffset(RenderBlock* rootBlock, LayoutUnit position);
virtual LayoutUnit logicalRightSelectionOffset(RenderBlock* rootBlock, LayoutUnit position);
// FIXME-BLOCKFLOW: Remove virtualizaion when all callers have moved to RenderBlockFlow
virtual void clipOutFloatingObjects(RenderBlock*, const PaintInfo*, const LayoutPoint&, const LayoutSize&) { };
virtual void absoluteRects(Vector<IntRect>&, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset) const OVERRIDE;
virtual void absoluteQuads(Vector<FloatQuad>&, bool* wasFixed) const OVERRIDE;
LayoutUnit desiredColumnWidth() const;
void paintContinuationOutlines(PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&);
virtual LayoutRect localCaretRect(InlineBox*, int caretOffset, LayoutUnit* extraWidthToEndOfLine = 0) OVERRIDE FINAL;
void adjustPointToColumnContents(LayoutPoint&) const;
void fitBorderToLinesIfNeeded(); // Shrink the box in which the border paints if border-fit is set.
virtual void adjustForBorderFit(LayoutUnit x, LayoutUnit& left, LayoutUnit& right) const; // Helper function for borderFitAdjust
void markLinesDirtyInBlockRange(LayoutUnit logicalTop, LayoutUnit logicalBottom, RootInlineBox* highest = 0);
Position positionForBox(InlineBox*, bool start = true) const;
PositionWithAffinity positionForPointWithInlineChildren(const LayoutPoint&);
void calcColumnWidth();
void makeChildrenAnonymousColumnBlocks(RenderObject* beforeChild, RenderBlockFlow* newBlockBox, RenderObject* newChild);
void splitBlocks(RenderBlock* fromBlock, RenderBlock* toBlock, RenderBlock* middleBlock,
RenderObject* beforeChild, RenderBoxModelObject* oldCont);
void splitFlow(RenderObject* beforeChild, RenderBlock* newBlockBox,
RenderObject* newChild, RenderBoxModelObject* oldCont);
RenderBlock* clone() const;
RenderBlock* continuationBefore(RenderObject* beforeChild);
RenderBlockFlow* containingColumnsBlock(bool allowAnonymousColumnBlock = true);
RenderBlockFlow* columnsBlockForSpanningElement(RenderObject* newChild);
// End helper functions and structs used by layoutBlockChildren.
void determineLogicalLeftPositionForChild(RenderBox* child, ApplyLayoutDeltaMode = DoNotApplyLayoutDelta);
// Returns the logicalOffset at the top of the next page. If the offset passed in is already at the top of the current page,
// then nextPageLogicalTop with ExcludePageBoundary will still move to the top of the next page. nextPageLogicalTop with
// IncludePageBoundary set will not.
// For a page height of 800px, the first rule will return 800 if the value passed in is 0. The second rule will simply return 0.
enum PageBoundaryRule { ExcludePageBoundary, IncludePageBoundary };
LayoutUnit nextPageLogicalTop(LayoutUnit logicalOffset, PageBoundaryRule = ExcludePageBoundary) const;
bool createsBlockFormattingContext() const;
LayoutUnit pageLogicalTopForOffset(LayoutUnit offset) const;
LayoutUnit pageLogicalHeightForOffset(LayoutUnit offset) const;
LayoutUnit pageRemainingLogicalHeightForOffset(LayoutUnit offset, PageBoundaryRule = IncludePageBoundary) const;
bool pushToNextPageWithMinimumLogicalHeight(LayoutUnit& adjustment, LayoutUnit logicalOffset, LayoutUnit minimumLogicalHeight) const;
// A page break is required at some offset due to space shortage in the current fragmentainer.
void setPageBreak(LayoutUnit offset, LayoutUnit spaceShortage);
// Update minimum page height required to avoid fragmentation where it shouldn't occur (inside
// unbreakable content, between orphans and widows, etc.). This will be used as a hint to the
// column balancer to help set a good minimum column height.
void updateMinimumPageHeight(LayoutUnit offset, LayoutUnit minHeight);
LayoutUnit adjustForUnsplittableChild(RenderBox* child, LayoutUnit logicalOffset, bool includeMargins = false); // If the child is unsplittable and can't fit on the current page, return the top of the next page/column.
void adjustLinePositionForPagination(RootInlineBox*, LayoutUnit& deltaOffset, RenderFlowThread*); // Computes a deltaOffset value that put a line at the top of the next page if it doesn't fit on the current page.
// Adjust from painting offsets to the local coords of this renderer
void offsetForContents(LayoutPoint&) const;
bool requiresColumns(int desiredColumnCount) const;
virtual bool updateLogicalWidthAndColumnWidth();
virtual bool canCollapseAnonymousBlockChild() const { return true; }
virtual LayoutUnit offsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstPage() const OVERRIDE FINAL;
RenderRegion* regionAtBlockOffset(LayoutUnit) const;
// Allocated only when some of these fields have non-default values
struct RenderBlockRareData {
: m_paginationStrut(0)
, m_pageLogicalOffset(0)
, m_lineBreakToAvoidWidow(-1)
, m_didBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow(false)
LayoutUnit m_paginationStrut;
LayoutUnit m_pageLogicalOffset;
OwnPtr<ShapeInsideInfo> m_shapeInsideInfo;
int m_lineBreakToAvoidWidow : 31;
unsigned m_didBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow : 1;
OwnPtr<RenderBlockRareData> m_rareData;
RenderObjectChildList m_children;
RenderLineBoxList m_lineBoxes; // All of the root line boxes created for this block flow. For example, <div>Hello<br>world.</div> will have two total lines for the <div>.
mutable signed m_lineHeight : 26;
unsigned m_hasMarginBeforeQuirk : 1; // Note these quirk values can't be put in RenderBlockRareData since they are set too frequently.
unsigned m_hasMarginAfterQuirk : 1;
unsigned m_beingDestroyed : 1;
unsigned m_hasMarkupTruncation : 1;
unsigned m_hasBorderOrPaddingLogicalWidthChanged : 1;
mutable unsigned m_hasOnlySelfCollapsingChildren : 1;
// RenderRubyBase objects need to be able to split and merge, moving their children around
// (calling moveChildTo, moveAllChildrenTo, and makeChildrenNonInline).
friend class RenderRubyBase;
// FIXME-BLOCKFLOW: Remove this when the line layout stuff has all moved out of RenderBlock
friend class LineBreaker;
// FIXME: This is temporary as we move code that accesses block flow
// member variables out of RenderBlock and into RenderBlockFlow.
friend class RenderBlockFlow;
inline bool RenderBlock::allowsShapeInsideInfoSharing(const RenderBlock* other) const
if (!other)
return false;
for (const RenderBlock* current = this; current && current != other && !current->isRenderFlowThread(); current = current->containingBlock()) {
if (current->isInline() || current->isFloating())
return false;
if (current->parent() != current->containingBlock())
return false;
return true;
DEFINE_RENDER_OBJECT_TYPE_CASTS(RenderBlock, isRenderBlock());
} // namespace WebCore
#endif // RenderBlock_h