blob: c1284a90407d54a7d857f33d2952e4b317cd481f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Portions are Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation.
* Other contributors:
* Robert O'Callahan <>
* David Baron <>
* Christian Biesinger <>
* Randall Jesup <>
* Roland Mainz <>
* Josh Soref <>
* Boris Zbarsky <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms
* of either the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1, found at
* (the "MPL") or the GNU General Public
* License Version 2.0, found at
* (the "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the MPL or the GPL are
* applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your
* version of this file only under the terms of one of those two
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* If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your
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#include "config.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderLayerClipper.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderLayer.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderView.h"
namespace WebCore {
void RenderLayerClipper::updateClipRects(const ClipRectsContext& clipRectsContext)
ClipRectsType clipRectsType = clipRectsContext.clipRectsType;
ASSERT(clipRectsType < NumCachedClipRectsTypes);
if (m_clipRectsCache && m_clipRectsCache->getClipRects(clipRectsType, clipRectsContext.respectOverflowClip)) {
// FIXME: these asserts trigger for squashing. Need to update this code to support squashing as appropriate.
// These ASSERTs also are triggering ASSERTs on some ChromeOS tests:
// ASSERT(clipRectsContext.rootLayer == m_clipRectsCache->m_clipRectsRoot[clipRectsType]);
// ASSERT(m_clipRectsCache->m_scrollbarRelevancy[clipRectsType] == clipRectsContext.overlayScrollbarSizeRelevancy);
// This code is useful to check cached clip rects, but is too expensive to leave enabled in debug builds by default.
ClipRectsContext tempContext(clipRectsContext);
tempContext.clipRectsType = TemporaryClipRects;
ClipRects clipRects;
calculateClipRects(tempContext, clipRects);
ASSERT(clipRects == *m_clipRectsCache->getClipRects(clipRectsType, clipRectsContext.respectOverflowClip).get());
return; // We have the correct cached value.
// For transformed layers, the root layer was shifted to be us, so there is no need to
// examine the parent. We want to cache clip rects with us as the root.
RenderLayer* parentLayer = clipRectsContext.rootLayer != m_renderer->layer() ? m_renderer->layer()->parent() : 0;
if (parentLayer)
ClipRects clipRects;
calculateClipRects(clipRectsContext, clipRects);
if (!m_clipRectsCache)
m_clipRectsCache = adoptPtr(new ClipRectsCache);
if (parentLayer && parentLayer->clipper().clipRects(clipRectsContext) && clipRects == *parentLayer->clipper().clipRects(clipRectsContext))
m_clipRectsCache->setClipRects(clipRectsType, clipRectsContext.respectOverflowClip, parentLayer->clipper().clipRects(clipRectsContext));
m_clipRectsCache->setClipRects(clipRectsType, clipRectsContext.respectOverflowClip, ClipRects::create(clipRects));
#ifndef NDEBUG
m_clipRectsCache->m_clipRectsRoot[clipRectsType] = clipRectsContext.rootLayer;
m_clipRectsCache->m_scrollbarRelevancy[clipRectsType] = clipRectsContext.overlayScrollbarSizeRelevancy;
void RenderLayerClipper::clearClipRectsIncludingDescendants(ClipRectsType typeToClear)
// FIXME: it's not clear how this layer not having clip rects guarantees that no descendants have any.
if (!m_clipRectsCache)
for (RenderLayer* layer = m_renderer->layer()->firstChild(); layer; layer = layer->nextSibling())
void RenderLayerClipper::clearClipRects(ClipRectsType typeToClear)
if (typeToClear == AllClipRectTypes) {
m_clipRectsCache = nullptr;
} else {
ASSERT(typeToClear < NumCachedClipRectsTypes);
RefPtr<ClipRects> dummy;
m_clipRectsCache->setClipRects(typeToClear, RespectOverflowClip, dummy);
m_clipRectsCache->setClipRects(typeToClear, IgnoreOverflowClip, dummy);
LayoutRect RenderLayerClipper::childrenClipRect() const
// FIXME: border-radius not accounted for.
// FIXME: Regions not accounted for.
RenderView* renderView = m_renderer->view();
RenderLayer* clippingRootLayer = clippingRootForPainting();
LayoutRect layerBounds;
ClipRect backgroundRect, foregroundRect, outlineRect;
ClipRectsContext clipRectsContext(clippingRootLayer, TemporaryClipRects);
// Need to use temporary clip rects, because the value of 'dontClipToOverflow' may be different from the painting path (<rdar://problem/11844909>).
calculateRects(clipRectsContext, renderView->unscaledDocumentRect(), layerBounds, backgroundRect, foregroundRect, outlineRect);
return clippingRootLayer->renderer()->localToAbsoluteQuad(FloatQuad(foregroundRect.rect())).enclosingBoundingBox();
LayoutRect RenderLayerClipper::selfClipRect() const
// FIXME: border-radius not accounted for.
RenderView* renderView = m_renderer->view();
RenderLayer* clippingRootLayer = clippingRootForPainting();
LayoutRect layerBounds;
ClipRect backgroundRect, foregroundRect, outlineRect;
ClipRectsContext clipRectsContext(clippingRootLayer, PaintingClipRects);
calculateRects(clipRectsContext, renderView->documentRect(), layerBounds, backgroundRect, foregroundRect, outlineRect);
return clippingRootLayer->renderer()->localToAbsoluteQuad(FloatQuad(backgroundRect.rect())).enclosingBoundingBox();
LayoutRect RenderLayerClipper::localClipRect() const
// FIXME: border-radius not accounted for.
RenderLayer* clippingRootLayer = clippingRootForPainting();
LayoutRect layerBounds;
ClipRect backgroundRect, foregroundRect, outlineRect;
ClipRectsContext clipRectsContext(clippingRootLayer, PaintingClipRects);
calculateRects(clipRectsContext, PaintInfo::infiniteRect(), layerBounds, backgroundRect, foregroundRect, outlineRect);
LayoutRect clipRect = backgroundRect.rect();
if (clipRect == PaintInfo::infiniteRect())
return clipRect;
LayoutPoint clippingRootOffset;
m_renderer->layer()->convertToLayerCoords(clippingRootLayer, clippingRootOffset);
return clipRect;
void RenderLayerClipper::calculateRects(const ClipRectsContext& clipRectsContext, const LayoutRect& paintDirtyRect, LayoutRect& layerBounds,
ClipRect& backgroundRect, ClipRect& foregroundRect, ClipRect& outlineRect, const LayoutPoint* offsetFromRoot) const
if (clipRectsContext.rootLayer != m_renderer->layer() && m_renderer->layer()->parent()) {
backgroundRect = backgroundClipRect(clipRectsContext);
} else {
backgroundRect = paintDirtyRect;
foregroundRect = backgroundRect;
outlineRect = backgroundRect;
LayoutPoint offset;
if (offsetFromRoot)
offset = *offsetFromRoot;
m_renderer->layer()->convertToLayerCoords(clipRectsContext.rootLayer, offset);
layerBounds = LayoutRect(offset, m_renderer->layer()->size());
// Update the clip rects that will be passed to child layers.
if (m_renderer->hasOverflowClip()) {
// This layer establishes a clip of some kind.
if (m_renderer->layer() != clipRectsContext.rootLayer || clipRectsContext.respectOverflowClip == RespectOverflowClip) {
foregroundRect.intersect(toRenderBox(m_renderer)->overflowClipRect(offset, clipRectsContext.overlayScrollbarSizeRelevancy));
if (m_renderer->style()->hasBorderRadius())
// If we establish an overflow clip at all, then go ahead and make sure our background
// rect is intersected with our layer's bounds including our visual overflow,
// since any visual overflow like box-shadow or border-outset is not clipped by overflow:auto/hidden.
if (toRenderBox(m_renderer)->hasVisualOverflow()) {
// FIXME: Perhaps we should be propagating the borderbox as the clip rect for children, even though
// we may need to inflate our clip specifically for shadows or outsets.
// FIXME: Does not do the right thing with CSS regions yet, since we don't yet factor in the
// individual region boxes as overflow.
LayoutRect layerBoundsWithVisualOverflow = toRenderBox(m_renderer)->visualOverflowRect();
toRenderBox(m_renderer)->flipForWritingMode(layerBoundsWithVisualOverflow); // Layers are in physical coordinates, so the overflow has to be flipped.
if (m_renderer->layer() != clipRectsContext.rootLayer || clipRectsContext.respectOverflowClip == RespectOverflowClip)
} else {
LayoutRect bounds = toRenderBox(m_renderer)->borderBoxRect();
if (m_renderer->layer() != clipRectsContext.rootLayer || clipRectsContext.respectOverflowClip == RespectOverflowClip)
// CSS clip (different than clipping due to overflow) can clip to any box, even if it falls outside of the border box.
if (m_renderer->hasClip()) {
// Clip applies to *us* as well, so go ahead and update the damageRect.
LayoutRect newPosClip = toRenderBox(m_renderer)->clipRect(offset);
void RenderLayerClipper::calculateClipRects(const ClipRectsContext& clipRectsContext, ClipRects& clipRects) const
if (!m_renderer->layer()->parent()) {
// The root layer's clip rect is always infinite.
ClipRectsType clipRectsType = clipRectsContext.clipRectsType;
bool useCached = clipRectsType != TemporaryClipRects;
// For transformed layers, the root layer was shifted to be us, so there is no need to
// examine the parent. We want to cache clip rects with us as the root.
RenderLayer* parentLayer = clipRectsContext.rootLayer != m_renderer->layer() ? m_renderer->layer()->parent() : 0;
// Ensure that our parent's clip has been calculated so that we can examine the values.
if (parentLayer) {
if (useCached && parentLayer->clipper().clipRects(clipRectsContext)) {
clipRects = *parentLayer->clipper().clipRects(clipRectsContext);
} else {
ClipRectsContext parentContext(clipRectsContext);
parentContext.overlayScrollbarSizeRelevancy = IgnoreOverlayScrollbarSize; // FIXME: why?
parentLayer->clipper().calculateClipRects(parentContext, clipRects);
} else {
// A fixed object is essentially the root of its containing block hierarchy, so when
// we encounter such an object, we reset our clip rects to the fixedClipRect.
if (m_renderer->style()->position() == FixedPosition) {
} else if (m_renderer->style()->hasInFlowPosition()) {
} else if (m_renderer->style()->position() == AbsolutePosition) {
// Update the clip rects that will be passed to child layers.
if ((m_renderer->hasOverflowClip() && (clipRectsContext.respectOverflowClip == RespectOverflowClip || m_renderer->layer() != clipRectsContext.rootLayer)) || m_renderer->hasClip()) {
// This layer establishes a clip of some kind.
// This offset cannot use convertToLayerCoords, because sometimes our rootLayer may be across
// some transformed layer boundary, for example, in the RenderLayerCompositor overlapMap, where
// clipRects are needed in view space.
LayoutPoint offset;
offset = roundedLayoutPoint(m_renderer->localToContainerPoint(FloatPoint(), clipRectsContext.rootLayer->renderer()));
RenderView* view = m_renderer->view();
if (view && clipRects.fixed() && clipRectsContext.rootLayer->renderer() == view) {
offset -= view->frameView()->scrollOffsetForFixedPosition();
if (m_renderer->hasOverflowClip()) {
ClipRect newOverflowClip = toRenderBox(m_renderer)->overflowClipRect(offset, clipRectsContext.overlayScrollbarSizeRelevancy);
if (m_renderer->style()->hasBorderRadius())
clipRects.setOverflowClipRect(intersection(newOverflowClip, clipRects.overflowClipRect()));
if (m_renderer->isPositioned())
clipRects.setPosClipRect(intersection(newOverflowClip, clipRects.posClipRect()));
if (m_renderer->hasClip()) {
LayoutRect newPosClip = toRenderBox(m_renderer)->clipRect(offset);
clipRects.setPosClipRect(intersection(newPosClip, clipRects.posClipRect()));
clipRects.setOverflowClipRect(intersection(newPosClip, clipRects.overflowClipRect()));
clipRects.setFixedClipRect(intersection(newPosClip, clipRects.fixedClipRect()));
static inline ClipRect backgroundClipRectForPosition(const ClipRects& parentRects, EPosition position)
if (position == FixedPosition)
return parentRects.fixedClipRect();
if (position == AbsolutePosition)
return parentRects.posClipRect();
return parentRects.overflowClipRect();
ClipRect RenderLayerClipper::backgroundClipRect(const ClipRectsContext& clipRectsContext) const
ClipRects parentRects;
// If we cross into a different pagination context, then we can't rely on the cache.
// Just switch over to using TemporaryClipRects.
if (clipRectsContext.clipRectsType != TemporaryClipRects && m_renderer->layer()->parent()->enclosingPaginationLayer() != m_renderer->layer()->enclosingPaginationLayer()) {
ClipRectsContext tempContext(clipRectsContext);
tempContext.clipRectsType = TemporaryClipRects;
parentClipRects(tempContext, parentRects);
} else {
parentClipRects(clipRectsContext, parentRects);
ClipRect backgroundClipRect = backgroundClipRectForPosition(parentRects, m_renderer->style()->position());
RenderView* view = m_renderer->view();
// Note: infinite clipRects should not be scrolled here, otherwise they will accidentally no longer be considered infinite.
if (parentRects.fixed() && clipRectsContext.rootLayer->renderer() == view && backgroundClipRect != PaintInfo::infiniteRect())
return backgroundClipRect;
void RenderLayerClipper::parentClipRects(const ClipRectsContext& clipRectsContext, ClipRects& clipRects) const
RenderLayerClipper& parentClipper = m_renderer->layer()->parent()->clipper();
if (clipRectsContext.clipRectsType == TemporaryClipRects) {
parentClipper.calculateClipRects(clipRectsContext, clipRects);
clipRects = *parentClipper.clipRects(clipRectsContext);
RenderLayer* RenderLayerClipper::clippingRootForPainting() const
if (m_renderer->hasCompositedLayerMapping())
return const_cast<RenderLayer*>(m_renderer->layer());
const RenderLayer* current = m_renderer->layer();
while (current) {
if (current->isRootLayer())
return const_cast<RenderLayer*>(current);
current = current->compositingContainer();
if (current->transform()
|| (current->compositingState() == PaintsIntoOwnBacking)
return const_cast<RenderLayer*>(current);
return 0;
} // namespace WebCore