blob: 5a6420c786e6e7183e4331576266ba73194404ae [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2006 Oliver Hunt <>
* Copyright (C) 2006 Apple Computer Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2007 Nikolas Zimmermann <>
* Copyright (C) 2008 Rob Buis <>
* Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2010. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "core/rendering/svg/RenderSVGInlineText.h"
#include "core/css/CSSFontSelector.h"
#include "core/css/FontSize.h"
#include "core/editing/VisiblePosition.h"
#include "core/rendering/svg/RenderSVGText.h"
#include "core/rendering/svg/SVGInlineTextBox.h"
#include "core/rendering/svg/SVGRenderingContext.h"
namespace WebCore {
static PassRefPtr<StringImpl> applySVGWhitespaceRules(PassRefPtr<StringImpl> string, bool preserveWhiteSpace)
if (preserveWhiteSpace) {
// Spec: When xml:space="preserve", the SVG user agent will do the following using a
// copy of the original character data content. It will convert all newline and tab
// characters into space characters. Then, it will draw all space characters, including
// leading, trailing and multiple contiguous space characters.
RefPtr<StringImpl> newString = string->replace('\t', ' ');
newString = newString->replace('\n', ' ');
newString = newString->replace('\r', ' ');
return newString.release();
// Spec: When xml:space="default", the SVG user agent will do the following using a
// copy of the original character data content. First, it will remove all newline
// characters. Then it will convert all tab characters into space characters.
// Then, it will strip off all leading and trailing space characters.
// Then, all contiguous space characters will be consolidated.
RefPtr<StringImpl> newString = string->replace('\n', StringImpl::empty());
newString = newString->replace('\r', StringImpl::empty());
newString = newString->replace('\t', ' ');
return newString.release();
RenderSVGInlineText::RenderSVGInlineText(Node* n, PassRefPtr<StringImpl> string)
: RenderText(n, applySVGWhitespaceRules(string, false))
, m_scalingFactor(1)
, m_layoutAttributes(this)
void RenderSVGInlineText::setTextInternal(PassRefPtr<StringImpl> text)
if (RenderSVGText* textRenderer = RenderSVGText::locateRenderSVGTextAncestor(this))
void RenderSVGInlineText::styleDidChange(StyleDifference diff, const RenderStyle* oldStyle)
RenderText::styleDidChange(diff, oldStyle);
bool newPreserves = style() ? style()->whiteSpace() == PRE : false;
bool oldPreserves = oldStyle ? oldStyle->whiteSpace() == PRE : false;
if (oldPreserves && !newPreserves) {
setText(applySVGWhitespaceRules(originalText(), false), true);
if (!oldPreserves && newPreserves) {
setText(applySVGWhitespaceRules(originalText(), true), true);
if (diff != StyleDifferenceLayout)
// The text metrics may be influenced by style changes.
if (RenderSVGText* textRenderer = RenderSVGText::locateRenderSVGTextAncestor(this))
InlineTextBox* RenderSVGInlineText::createTextBox()
InlineTextBox* box = new SVGInlineTextBox(this);
return box;
LayoutRect RenderSVGInlineText::localCaretRect(InlineBox* box, int caretOffset, LayoutUnit*)
if (!box || !box->isInlineTextBox())
return LayoutRect();
InlineTextBox* textBox = toInlineTextBox(box);
if (static_cast<unsigned>(caretOffset) < textBox->start() || static_cast<unsigned>(caretOffset) > textBox->start() + textBox->len())
return LayoutRect();
// Use the edge of the selection rect to determine the caret rect.
if (static_cast<unsigned>(caretOffset) < textBox->start() + textBox->len()) {
LayoutRect rect = textBox->localSelectionRect(caretOffset, caretOffset + 1);
LayoutUnit x = box->isLeftToRightDirection() ? rect.x() : rect.maxX();
return LayoutRect(x, rect.y(), caretWidth, rect.height());
LayoutRect rect = textBox->localSelectionRect(caretOffset - 1, caretOffset);
LayoutUnit x = box->isLeftToRightDirection() ? rect.maxX() : rect.x();
return LayoutRect(x, rect.y(), caretWidth, rect.height());
FloatRect RenderSVGInlineText::floatLinesBoundingBox() const
FloatRect boundingBox;
for (InlineTextBox* box = firstTextBox(); box; box = box->nextTextBox())
return boundingBox;
IntRect RenderSVGInlineText::linesBoundingBox() const
return enclosingIntRect(floatLinesBoundingBox());
bool RenderSVGInlineText::characterStartsNewTextChunk(int position) const
ASSERT(position >= 0);
ASSERT(position < static_cast<int>(textLength()));
// Each <textPath> element starts a new text chunk, regardless of any x/y values.
if (!position && parent()->isSVGTextPath() && !previousSibling())
return true;
const SVGCharacterDataMap::const_iterator it = m_layoutAttributes.characterDataMap().find(static_cast<unsigned>(position + 1));
if (it == m_layoutAttributes.characterDataMap().end())
return false;
return it->value.x != SVGTextLayoutAttributes::emptyValue() || it->value.y != SVGTextLayoutAttributes::emptyValue();
PositionWithAffinity RenderSVGInlineText::positionForPoint(const LayoutPoint& point)
if (!firstTextBox() || !textLength())
return createPositionWithAffinity(0, DOWNSTREAM);
float baseline = m_scaledFont.fontMetrics().floatAscent();
RenderBlock* containingBlock = this->containingBlock();
// Map local point to absolute point, as the character origins stored in the text fragments use absolute coordinates.
FloatPoint absolutePoint(point);
float closestDistance = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float closestDistancePosition = 0;
const SVGTextFragment* closestDistanceFragment = 0;
SVGInlineTextBox* closestDistanceBox = 0;
AffineTransform fragmentTransform;
for (InlineTextBox* box = firstTextBox(); box; box = box->nextTextBox()) {
if (!box->isSVGInlineTextBox())
SVGInlineTextBox* textBox = toSVGInlineTextBox(box);
Vector<SVGTextFragment>& fragments = textBox->textFragments();
unsigned textFragmentsSize = fragments.size();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < textFragmentsSize; ++i) {
const SVGTextFragment& fragment =;
FloatRect fragmentRect(fragment.x, fragment.y - baseline, fragment.width, fragment.height);
if (!fragmentTransform.isIdentity())
fragmentRect = fragmentTransform.mapRect(fragmentRect);
float distance = powf(fragmentRect.x() - absolutePoint.x(), 2) +
powf(fragmentRect.y() + fragmentRect.height() / 2 - absolutePoint.y(), 2);
if (distance < closestDistance) {
closestDistance = distance;
closestDistanceBox = textBox;
closestDistanceFragment = &fragment;
closestDistancePosition = fragmentRect.x();
if (!closestDistanceFragment)
return createPositionWithAffinity(0, DOWNSTREAM);
int offset = closestDistanceBox->offsetForPositionInFragment(*closestDistanceFragment, absolutePoint.x() - closestDistancePosition, true);
return createPositionWithAffinity(offset + closestDistanceBox->start(), offset > 0 ? VP_UPSTREAM_IF_POSSIBLE : DOWNSTREAM);
void RenderSVGInlineText::updateScaledFont()
computeNewScaledFontForStyle(this, style(), m_scalingFactor, m_scaledFont);
void RenderSVGInlineText::computeNewScaledFontForStyle(RenderObject* renderer, const RenderStyle* style, float& scalingFactor, Font& scaledFont)
// Alter font-size to the right on-screen value to avoid scaling the glyphs themselves, except when GeometricPrecision is specified.
scalingFactor = SVGRenderingContext::calculateScreenFontSizeScalingFactor(renderer);
if (scalingFactor == 1 || !scalingFactor) {
scalingFactor = 1;
scaledFont = style->font();
if (style->fontDescription().textRenderingMode() == GeometricPrecision)
scalingFactor = 1;
FontDescription fontDescription(style->fontDescription());
Document& document = renderer->document();
// FIXME: We need to better handle the case when we compute very small fonts below (below 1pt).
fontDescription.setComputedSize(FontSize::getComputedSizeFromSpecifiedSize(&document, scalingFactor, fontDescription.isAbsoluteSize(), fontDescription.specifiedSize(), DoNotUseSmartMinimumForFontSize));
scaledFont = Font(fontDescription);