blob: 05f2c3c2bd2c5b9c23bfd0f9b5342d750808375d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Nikolas Zimmermann <>
# Copyright (C) 2006 Anders Carlsson <>
# Copyright (C) 2006 Samuel Weinig <>
# Copyright (C) 2006 Alexey Proskuryakov <>
# Copyright (C) 2006 Apple Computer, Inc.
# Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012 Google Inc.
# Copyright (C) 2009 Cameron McCormack <>
# Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2010. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)
# Copyright (C) 2012 Ericsson AB. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (C) 2013 Samsung Electronics. All rights reserved.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
# along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package Block;
# Sample code:
# my $outer = new Block("Free Name 1", "namespace Foo {", "} // namespace Foo");
# $outer->add(" void foo() {}");
# my $inner = new Block("Free Name 2", "namespace Bar {", "} // namespace Bar");
# $inner->add(" void bar() {}");
# $outer->add($inner);
# print $outer->toString();
# Output code:
# namespace Foo {
# void foo() {}
# namespace Bar {
# void bar() {}
# } // namespace Bar
# } // namespace Foo
sub new
my $package = shift;
my $name = shift || "Anonymous block";
my $header = shift || "";
my $footer = shift || "";
my $object = {
"name" => $name,
"header" => [$header],
"footer" => [$footer],
"contents" => [],
bless $object, $package;
return $object;
sub addHeader
my $object = shift;
my $header = shift || "";
push(@{$object->{header}}, $header);
sub addFooter
my $object = shift;
my $footer = shift || "";
push(@{$object->{footer}}, $footer);
sub add
my $object = shift;
my $content = shift || "";
push(@{$object->{contents}}, $content);
sub toString
my $object = shift;
my $header = join "", @{$object->{header}};
my $footer = join "", @{$object->{footer}};
my $code = "";
$code .= "/* BEGIN " . $object->{name} . " */\n" if $verbose;
$code .= $header . "\n" if $header;
for my $content (@{$object->{contents}}) {
if (ref($content) eq "Block") {
$code .= $content->toString();
} else {
$code .= $content;
$code .= $footer . "\n" if $footer;
$code .= "/* END " . $object->{name} . " */\n" if $verbose;
return $code;
package CodeGeneratorV8;
use strict;
use Cwd;
use File::Basename;
use File::Find;
use File::Spec;
my $idlDocument;
my $idlDirectories;
my $preprocessor;
my $defines;
my $verbose;
my $dependentIdlFiles;
my $writeFileOnlyIfChanged;
my $sourceRoot;
# Cache of IDL file pathnames.
my $idlFiles;
my $cachedInterfaces = {};
my %implIncludes = ();
my %headerIncludes = ();
# Header code structure:
# Root ... Copyright, include duplication check
# Conditional ... #if FEATURE ... #endif (to be removed soon)
# Includes
# NameSpaceWebCore
# Class
# ClassPublic
# ClassPrivate
my %header;
# Implementation code structure:
# Root ... Copyright
# Conditional ... #if FEATURE ... #endif (to be removed soon)
# Includes
# NameSpaceWebCore
# NameSpaceInternal ... namespace ${implClassName}V8Internal in case of non-callback
my %implementation;
my %primitiveTypeHash = ("boolean" => 1,
"void" => 1,
"Date" => 1,
"byte" => 1,
"octet" => 1,
"short" => 1,
"long" => 1,
"long long" => 1,
"unsigned short" => 1,
"unsigned long" => 1,
"unsigned long long" => 1,
"float" => 1,
"double" => 1,
my %nonWrapperTypes = ("CompareHow" => 1,
"DOMTimeStamp" => 1,
"Dictionary" => 1,
"EventListener" => 1,
# FIXME: When EventTarget is an interface and not a mixin, fix this so that
# EventTarget is treated as a wrapper type.
"EventTarget" => 1,
"MediaQueryListListener" => 1,
"NodeFilter" => 1,
"SerializedScriptValue" => 1,
"any" => 1,
my %typedArrayHash = ("ArrayBuffer" => [],
"ArrayBufferView" => [],
"Uint8Array" => ["unsigned char", "v8::kExternalUnsignedByteArray"],
"Uint8ClampedArray" => ["unsigned char", "v8::kExternalPixelArray"],
"Uint16Array" => ["unsigned short", "v8::kExternalUnsignedShortArray"],
"Uint32Array" => ["unsigned int", "v8::kExternalUnsignedIntArray"],
"Int8Array" => ["signed char", "v8::kExternalByteArray"],
"Int16Array" => ["short", "v8::kExternalShortArray"],
"Int32Array" => ["int", "v8::kExternalIntArray"],
"Float32Array" => ["float", "v8::kExternalFloatArray"],
"Float64Array" => ["double", "v8::kExternalDoubleArray"],
my %callbackFunctionTypeHash = ();
my %enumTypeHash = ();
my %svgAnimatedTypeHash = ("SVGAnimatedAngle" => 1, "SVGAnimatedBoolean" => 1,
"SVGAnimatedEnumeration" => 1, "SVGAnimatedInteger" => 1,
"SVGAnimatedLength" => 1, "SVGAnimatedLengthList" => 1,
"SVGAnimatedNumber" => 1, "SVGAnimatedNumberList" => 1,
"SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio" => 1,
"SVGAnimatedRect" => 1, "SVGAnimatedString" => 1,
"SVGAnimatedTransformList" => 1);
my %svgAttributesInHTMLHash = ("class" => 1, "id" => 1, "onabort" => 1, "onclick" => 1,
"onerror" => 1, "onload" => 1, "onmousedown" => 1,
"onmousemove" => 1, "onmouseout" => 1, "onmouseover" => 1,
"onmouseup" => 1, "onresize" => 1, "onscroll" => 1,
"onunload" => 1);
my %svgTypeNeedingTearOff = (
"SVGAngle" => "SVGPropertyTearOff<SVGAngle>",
"SVGLength" => "SVGPropertyTearOff<SVGLength>",
"SVGLengthList" => "SVGListPropertyTearOff<SVGLengthList>",
"SVGMatrix" => "SVGPropertyTearOff<SVGMatrix>",
"SVGNumber" => "SVGPropertyTearOff<float>",
"SVGNumberList" => "SVGListPropertyTearOff<SVGNumberList>",
"SVGPathSegList" => "SVGPathSegListPropertyTearOff",
"SVGPoint" => "SVGPropertyTearOff<FloatPoint>",
"SVGPointList" => "SVGListPropertyTearOff<SVGPointList>",
"SVGPreserveAspectRatio" => "SVGPropertyTearOff<SVGPreserveAspectRatio>",
"SVGRect" => "SVGPropertyTearOff<FloatRect>",
"SVGStringList" => "SVGStaticListPropertyTearOff<SVGStringList>",
"SVGTransform" => "SVGPropertyTearOff<SVGTransform>",
"SVGTransformList" => "SVGTransformListPropertyTearOff"
my %svgTypeWithWritablePropertiesNeedingTearOff = (
"SVGPoint" => 1,
"SVGMatrix" => 1
# Default .h template
my $headerTemplate = <<EOF;
This file is part of the Blink open source project.
This file has been auto-generated by DO NOT MODIFY!
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
sub new
my $object = shift;
my $reference = { };
$idlDocument = shift;
$idlDirectories = shift;
$preprocessor = shift;
$defines = shift;
$verbose = shift;
$dependentIdlFiles = shift;
$writeFileOnlyIfChanged = shift;
$sourceRoot = getcwd();
bless($reference, $object);
return $reference;
sub IDLFileForInterface
my $interfaceName = shift;
unless ($idlFiles) {
my @directories = map { $_ = "$sourceRoot/$_" if -d "$sourceRoot/$_"; $_ } @$idlDirectories;
push(@directories, ".");
$idlFiles = { };
foreach my $idlFile (@$dependentIdlFiles) {
$idlFiles->{fileparse(basename($idlFile), ".idl")} = $idlFile;
my $wanted = sub {
$idlFiles->{$1} = $File::Find::name if /^([A-Z].*)\.idl$/;
$File::Find::prune = 1 if /^\../;
find($wanted, @directories);
return $idlFiles->{$interfaceName};
sub ParseInterface
my $interfaceName = shift;
if (exists $cachedInterfaces->{$interfaceName}) {
return $cachedInterfaces->{$interfaceName};
# Step #1: Find the IDL file associated with 'interface'
my $filename = IDLFileForInterface($interfaceName)
or die("Could NOT find IDL file for interface \"$interfaceName\" $!\n");
print " | |> Parsing parent IDL \"$filename\" for interface \"$interfaceName\"\n" if $verbose;
# Step #2: Parse the found IDL file (in quiet mode).
my $parser = IDLParser->new(1);
my $document = $parser->Parse($filename, $defines, $preprocessor);
foreach my $interface (@{$document->interfaces}) {
if ($interface->name eq $interfaceName or $interface->isPartial) {
$cachedInterfaces->{$interfaceName} = $interface;
return $interface;
die("Could NOT find interface definition for $interfaceName in $filename");
sub GenerateInterface
my $object = shift;
my $interface = shift;
%callbackFunctionTypeHash = map { $_->name => $_ } @{$idlDocument->callbackFunctions};
%enumTypeHash = map { $_->name => $_->values } @{$idlDocument->enumerations};
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $defineName = $v8ClassName . "_h";
my $internalNamespace = GetImplName($interface) . "V8Internal";
my $conditionalString = GenerateConditionalString($interface);
my $conditionalIf = "";
my $conditionalEndif = "";
if ($conditionalString) {
$conditionalIf = "#if ${conditionalString}";
$conditionalEndif = "#endif // ${conditionalString}";
$header{root} = new Block("ROOT", "", "");
# FIXME: newlines should be generated by Block::toString().
$header{conditional} = new Block("Conditional", "$conditionalIf", $conditionalEndif ? "$conditionalEndif\n" : "");
$header{includes} = new Block("Includes", "", "");
$header{nameSpaceWebCore} = new Block("Namespace WebCore", "\nnamespace WebCore {\n", "}\n");
$header{class} = new Block("Class definition", "", "");
$header{classPublic} = new Block("Class public:", "public:", "");
$header{classPrivate} = new Block("Class private:", "private:", "");
# - Add default header template
$header{root}->addHeader($headerTemplate . "\n");
$header{root}->addHeader("#ifndef $defineName\n#define $defineName\n");
$header{root}->addFooter("#endif // $defineName");
$implementation{root} = new Block("ROOT", "", "");
$conditionalEndif = "\n$conditionalEndif" if !$interface->isCallback and $conditionalEndif;
$implementation{conditional} = new Block("Conditional", $conditionalIf, $conditionalEndif);
$implementation{includes} = new Block("Includes", "", "");
# FIXME: newlines should be generated by Block::toString().
my $nameSpaceWebCoreBegin = "namespace WebCore {\n";
my $nameSpaceWebCoreEnd = "} // namespace WebCore";
$nameSpaceWebCoreBegin = "$nameSpaceWebCoreBegin\n" if !$interface->isCallback;
$nameSpaceWebCoreEnd = "\n$nameSpaceWebCoreEnd\n" if $interface->isCallback;
$implementation{nameSpaceWebCore} = new Block("Namespace WebCore", $nameSpaceWebCoreBegin, $nameSpaceWebCoreEnd);
$implementation{nameSpaceInternal} = new Block("Internal namespace", "namespace $internalNamespace {\n", "} // namespace $internalNamespace\n");
if (!$interface->isCallback) {
# - Add default header template
$implementation{root}->addHeader("\n#include \"config.h\"");
$implementation{includes}->add("#include \"${v8ClassName}.h\"\n\n");
# Start actual generation
if ($interface->isCallback) {
} else {
sub AddToImplIncludes
my $header = shift;
$implIncludes{$header} = 1;
sub AddToHeaderIncludes
my @includes = @_;
for my $include (@includes) {
$headerIncludes{$include} = 1;
sub SkipIncludeHeader
my $type = shift;
return 1 if IsPrimitiveType($type);
return 1 if IsEnumType($type);
return 1 if IsCallbackFunctionType($type);
return 1 if $type eq "DOMString";
# Special case: SVGPoint.h / SVGNumber.h do not exist.
return 1 if $type eq "SVGPoint" or $type eq "SVGNumber";
return 0;
sub AddIncludesForType
my $type = shift;
return if SkipIncludeHeader($type);
# Default includes
if ($type eq "EventListener") {
} elsif ($type eq "SerializedScriptValue") {
} elsif ($type eq "any" || IsCallbackFunctionType($type)) {
} else {
# Additional includes
if ($type eq "CSSStyleSheet") {
sub HeaderFilesForInterface
my $interfaceName = shift;
my $implClassName = shift;
my @includes = ();
if (IsTypedArrayType($interfaceName)) {
push(@includes, "wtf/${interfaceName}.h");
} elsif ($interfaceName =~ /SVGPathSeg/) {
$interfaceName =~ s/Abs|Rel//;
push(@includes, "core/svg/${interfaceName}.h");
} elsif (!SkipIncludeHeader($interfaceName)) {
my $idlFilename = IDLFileForInterface($interfaceName) or die("Could NOT find IDL file for interface \"$interfaceName\" $!\n");
my $idlRelPath= "bindings/" . File::Spec->abs2rel($idlFilename, $sourceRoot);
push(@includes, dirname($idlRelPath) . "/" . $implClassName . ".h");
return @includes;
sub NeedsOpaqueRootForGC
my $interface = shift;
return $interface->extendedAttributes->{"GenerateIsReachable"} || $interface->extendedAttributes->{"CustomIsReachable"};
sub GenerateOpaqueRootForGC
my $interface = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
if ($interface->extendedAttributes->{"CustomIsReachable"}) {
my $code = <<END;
void* ${v8ClassName}::opaqueRootForGC(void* object, v8::Isolate* isolate)
${implClassName}* impl = static_cast<${implClassName}*>(object);
my $isReachableMethod = $interface->extendedAttributes->{"GenerateIsReachable"};
if ($isReachableMethod) {
$code .= <<END;
if (Node* owner = impl->${isReachableMethod}())
return V8GCController::opaqueRootForGC(owner, isolate);
$code .= <<END;
return object;
sub GetSVGPropertyTypes
my $implType = shift;
my $svgPropertyType;
my $svgListPropertyType;
my $svgNativeType;
return ($svgPropertyType, $svgListPropertyType, $svgNativeType) if not $implType =~ /SVG/;
$svgNativeType = GetSVGTypeNeedingTearOff($implType);
return ($svgPropertyType, $svgListPropertyType, $svgNativeType) if not $svgNativeType;
# Append space to avoid compilation errors when using PassRefPtr<$svgNativeType>
$svgNativeType = "$svgNativeType ";
my $svgWrappedNativeType = GetSVGWrappedTypeNeedingTearOff($implType);
if ($svgNativeType =~ /SVGPropertyTearOff/) {
$svgPropertyType = $svgWrappedNativeType;
} elsif ($svgNativeType =~ /SVGListPropertyTearOff/ or $svgNativeType =~ /SVGStaticListPropertyTearOff/ or $svgNativeType =~ /SVGTransformListPropertyTearOff/) {
$svgListPropertyType = $svgWrappedNativeType;
} elsif ($svgNativeType =~ /SVGPathSegListPropertyTearOff/) {
$svgListPropertyType = $svgWrappedNativeType;
if ($svgPropertyType) {
$svgPropertyType = "SVGPoint" if $svgPropertyType eq "FloatPoint";
return ($svgPropertyType, $svgListPropertyType, $svgNativeType);
sub GetIndexedGetterFunction
my $interface = shift;
# FIXME: Expose indexed getter of CSSMixFunctionValue by removing this special case
# because CSSValueList(which is parent of CSSMixFunctionValue) has indexed property getter.
if ($interface->name eq "CSSMixFunctionValue") {
return 0;
return GetSpecialAccessorFunctionForType($interface, "getter", "unsigned long", 1);
sub GetIndexedSetterFunction
my $interface = shift;
return GetSpecialAccessorFunctionForType($interface, "setter", "unsigned long", 2);
sub GetIndexedDeleterFunction
my $interface = shift;
return GetSpecialAccessorFunctionForType($interface, "deleter", "unsigned long", 1);
sub GetNamedGetterFunction
my $interface = shift;
return GetSpecialAccessorFunctionForType($interface, "getter", "DOMString", 1);
sub GetNamedSetterFunction
my $interface = shift;
return GetSpecialAccessorFunctionForType($interface, "setter", "DOMString", 2);
sub GetNamedDeleterFunction
my $interface = shift;
return GetSpecialAccessorFunctionForType($interface, "deleter", "DOMString", 1);
sub GetSpecialAccessorFunctionForType
my $interface = shift;
my $special = shift;
my $firstParameterType = shift;
my $numberOfParameters = shift;
foreach my $function (@{$interface->functions}) {
my $specials = $function->specials;
my $specialExists = grep { $_ eq $special } @$specials;
my $parameters = $function->parameters;
if ($specialExists and scalar(@$parameters) == $numberOfParameters and $parameters->[0]->type eq $firstParameterType) {
return $function;
return 0;
sub GenerateHeader
my $object = shift;
my $interface = shift;
my $interfaceName = $interface->name;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
# Ensure the IsDOMNodeType function is in sync.
die("IsDOMNodeType is out of date with respect to $interfaceName") if IsDOMNodeType($interfaceName) != InheritsInterface($interface, "Node");
my ($svgPropertyType, $svgListPropertyType, $svgNativeType) = GetSVGPropertyTypes($interfaceName);
my $parentInterface = $interface->parent;
AddToHeaderIncludes("V8${parentInterface}.h") if $parentInterface;
AddToHeaderIncludes(HeaderFilesForInterface($interfaceName, $implClassName));
foreach my $headerInclude (sort keys(%headerIncludes)) {
$header{includes}->add("#include \"${headerInclude}\"\n");
$header{nameSpaceWebCore}->addHeader("\ntemplate<typename PropertyType> class SVGPropertyTearOff;\n") if $svgPropertyType;
if ($svgNativeType) {
if ($svgNativeType =~ /SVGStaticListPropertyTearOff/) {
$header{nameSpaceWebCore}->addHeader("\ntemplate<typename PropertyType> class SVGStaticListPropertyTearOff;\n");
} else {
$header{nameSpaceWebCore}->addHeader("\ntemplate<typename PropertyType> class SVGListPropertyTearOff;\n");
$header{nameSpaceWebCore}->addHeader("class FloatRect;\n") if $svgPropertyType && $svgPropertyType eq "FloatRect";
$header{nameSpaceWebCore}->addHeader("\nclass Dictionary;") if IsConstructorTemplate($interface, "Event");
my $nativeType = GetNativeTypeForConversions($interface);
if ($interface->extendedAttributes->{"NamedConstructor"}) {
class V8${nativeType}Constructor {
static v8::Handle<v8::FunctionTemplate> GetTemplate(v8::Isolate*, WrapperWorldType);
static WrapperTypeInfo info;
$header{class}->addHeader("class $v8ClassName {");
static bool HasInstance(v8::Handle<v8::Value>, v8::Isolate*, WrapperWorldType);
static bool HasInstanceInAnyWorld(v8::Handle<v8::Value>, v8::Isolate*);
static v8::Handle<v8::FunctionTemplate> GetTemplate(v8::Isolate*, WrapperWorldType);
static ${nativeType}* toNative(v8::Handle<v8::Object> object)
return reinterpret_cast<${nativeType}*>(object->GetAlignedPointerFromInternalField(v8DOMWrapperObjectIndex));
static void derefObject(void*);
static WrapperTypeInfo info;
if (NeedsOpaqueRootForGC($interface)) {
$header{classPublic}->add(" static void* opaqueRootForGC(void*, v8::Isolate*);\n");
if (InheritsExtendedAttribute($interface, "ActiveDOMObject")) {
$header{classPublic}->add(" static ActiveDOMObject* toActiveDOMObject(v8::Handle<v8::Object>);\n");
if (InheritsExtendedAttribute($interface, "EventTarget")) {
$header{classPublic}->add(" static EventTarget* toEventTarget(v8::Handle<v8::Object>);\n");
if ($interfaceName eq "Window") {
static v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> GetShadowObjectTemplate(v8::Isolate*, WrapperWorldType);
my @enabledPerContextFunctions;
foreach my $function (@{$interface->functions}) {
my $name = $function->name;
next if $name eq "";
my $attrExt = $function->extendedAttributes;
if (HasCustomMethod($attrExt) && !$attrExt->{"ImplementedBy"} && $function->{overloadIndex} == 1) {
my $conditionalString = GenerateConditionalString($function);
$header{classPublic}->add("#if ${conditionalString}\n") if $conditionalString;
static void ${name}MethodCustom(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>&);
$header{classPublic}->add("#endif // ${conditionalString}\n") if $conditionalString;
if ($attrExt->{"EnabledPerContext"}) {
push(@enabledPerContextFunctions, $function);
if (IsConstructable($interface)) {
$header{classPublic}->add(" static void constructorCallback(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>&);\n");
if (HasCustomConstructor($interface)) {
$header{classPublic}->add(" static void constructorCustom(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>&);\n");
my @enabledPerContextAttributes;
foreach my $attribute (@{$interface->attributes}) {
my $name = $attribute->name;
my $attrExt = $attribute->extendedAttributes;
my $conditionalString = GenerateConditionalString($attribute);
if (HasCustomGetter($attrExt) && !$attrExt->{"ImplementedBy"}) {
$header{classPublic}->add("#if ${conditionalString}\n") if $conditionalString;
static void ${name}AttrGetterCustom(v8::Local<v8::String> name, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>&);
$header{classPublic}->add("#endif // ${conditionalString}\n") if $conditionalString;
if (HasCustomSetter($attrExt) && !$attrExt->{"ImplementedBy"}) {
$header{classPublic}->add("#if ${conditionalString}\n") if $conditionalString;
static void ${name}AttrSetterCustom(v8::Local<v8::String> name, v8::Local<v8::Value>, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<void>&);
$header{classPublic}->add("#endif // ${conditionalString}\n") if $conditionalString;
if ($attrExt->{"EnabledPerContext"}) {
push(@enabledPerContextAttributes, $attribute);
if ($interface->name eq "Window") {
static bool namedSecurityCheckCustom(v8::Local<v8::Object> host, v8::Local<v8::Value> key, v8::AccessType, v8::Local<v8::Value> data);
static bool indexedSecurityCheckCustom(v8::Local<v8::Object> host, uint32_t index, v8::AccessType, v8::Local<v8::Value> data);
if (@enabledPerContextAttributes) {
static void installPerContextProperties(v8::Handle<v8::Object>, ${nativeType}*, v8::Isolate*);
} else {
static void installPerContextProperties(v8::Handle<v8::Object>, ${nativeType}*, v8::Isolate*) { }
if (@enabledPerContextFunctions) {
static void installPerContextPrototypeProperties(v8::Handle<v8::Object>, v8::Isolate*);
} else {
static void installPerContextPrototypeProperties(v8::Handle<v8::Object>, v8::Isolate*) { }
if ($interfaceName eq "HTMLElement") {
friend v8::Handle<v8::Object> createV8HTMLWrapper(HTMLElement*, v8::Handle<v8::Object> creationContext, v8::Isolate*);
friend v8::Handle<v8::Object> createV8HTMLDirectWrapper(HTMLElement*, v8::Handle<v8::Object> creationContext, v8::Isolate*);
} elsif ($interfaceName eq "SVGElement") {
friend v8::Handle<v8::Object> createV8SVGWrapper(SVGElement*, v8::Handle<v8::Object> creationContext, v8::Isolate*);
friend v8::Handle<v8::Object> createV8SVGDirectWrapper(SVGElement*, v8::Handle<v8::Object> creationContext, v8::Isolate*);
friend v8::Handle<v8::Object> createV8SVGFallbackWrapper(SVGElement*, v8::Handle<v8::Object> creationContext, v8::Isolate*);
} elsif ($interfaceName eq "HTMLUnknownElement") {
friend v8::Handle<v8::Object> createV8HTMLFallbackWrapper(HTMLUnknownElement*, v8::Handle<v8::Object> creationContext, v8::Isolate*);
} elsif ($interfaceName eq "Element") {
// This is a performance optimization hack. See V8Element::wrap.
friend v8::Handle<v8::Object> wrap(Node*, v8::Handle<v8::Object> creationContext, v8::Isolate*);
my $noToV8 = $interface->extendedAttributes->{"DoNotGenerateToV8"};
my $noWrap = $interface->extendedAttributes->{"DoNotGenerateWrap"} || $noToV8;
if (!$noWrap) {
my $createWrapperArgumentType = GetPassRefPtrType($nativeType);
friend v8::Handle<v8::Object> wrap(${nativeType}*, v8::Handle<v8::Object> creationContext, v8::Isolate*);
static v8::Handle<v8::Object> createWrapper(${createWrapperArgumentType}, v8::Handle<v8::Object> creationContext, v8::Isolate*);
class WrapperTypeTraits<${nativeType} > {
static WrapperTypeInfo* info() { return &${v8ClassName}::info; }
my $customWrap = $interface->extendedAttributes->{"CustomToV8"};
if ($noToV8) {
die "Can't suppress toV8 for subclass\n" if $interface->parent;
} elsif ($noWrap) {
die "Must have custom toV8\n" if !$customWrap;
class ${nativeType};
v8::Handle<v8::Value> toV8(${nativeType}*, v8::Handle<v8::Object> creationContext, v8::Isolate*);
v8::Handle<v8::Value> toV8ForMainWorld(${nativeType}*, v8::Handle<v8::Object> creationContext, v8::Isolate*);
template<class HolderContainer, class Wrappable>
inline v8::Handle<v8::Value> toV8Fast(${nativeType}* impl, const HolderContainer& container, Wrappable*)
return toV8(impl, container.Holder(), container.GetIsolate());
template<class HolderContainer, class Wrappable>
inline v8::Handle<v8::Value> toV8FastForMainWorld(${nativeType}* impl, const HolderContainer& container, Wrappable*)
return toV8ForMainWorld(impl, container.Holder(), container.GetIsolate());
} else {
my $createWrapperCall = $customWrap ? "${v8ClassName}::wrap" : "${v8ClassName}::createWrapper";
if ($customWrap) {
v8::Handle<v8::Object> wrap(${nativeType}* impl, v8::Handle<v8::Object> creationContext, v8::Isolate*);
} else {
inline v8::Handle<v8::Object> wrap(${nativeType}* impl, v8::Handle<v8::Object> creationContext, v8::Isolate* isolate)
ASSERT(DOMDataStore::getWrapper(impl, isolate).IsEmpty());
if (ScriptWrappable::wrapperCanBeStoredInObject(impl)) {
const WrapperTypeInfo* actualInfo = ScriptWrappable::getTypeInfoFromObject(impl);
// Might be a XXXConstructor::info instead of an XXX::info. These will both have
// the same object de-ref functions, though, so use that as the basis of the check.
RELEASE_ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(actualInfo->derefObjectFunction == ${v8ClassName}::info.derefObjectFunction);
return $createWrapperCall(impl, creationContext, isolate);
inline v8::Handle<v8::Value> toV8(${nativeType}* impl, v8::Handle<v8::Object> creationContext, v8::Isolate* isolate)
if (UNLIKELY(!impl))
return v8NullWithCheck(isolate);
v8::Handle<v8::Value> wrapper = DOMDataStore::getWrapper(impl, isolate);
if (!wrapper.IsEmpty())
return wrapper;
return wrap(impl, creationContext, isolate);
inline v8::Handle<v8::Value> toV8ForMainWorld(${nativeType}* impl, v8::Handle<v8::Object> creationContext, v8::Isolate* isolate)
ASSERT(worldType(isolate) == MainWorld);
if (UNLIKELY(!impl))
return v8NullWithCheck(isolate);
v8::Handle<v8::Value> wrapper = DOMDataStore::getWrapperForMainWorld(impl);
if (!wrapper.IsEmpty())
return wrapper;
return wrap(impl, creationContext, isolate);
template<class HolderContainer, class Wrappable>
inline v8::Handle<v8::Value> toV8Fast(${nativeType}* impl, const HolderContainer& container, Wrappable* wrappable)
if (UNLIKELY(!impl))
return v8::Null(container.GetIsolate());
v8::Handle<v8::Object> wrapper = DOMDataStore::getWrapperFast(impl, container, wrappable);
if (!wrapper.IsEmpty())
return wrapper;
return wrap(impl, container.Holder(), container.GetIsolate());
template<class HolderContainer, class Wrappable>
inline v8::Handle<v8::Value> toV8FastForMainWorld(${nativeType}* impl, const HolderContainer& container, Wrappable* wrappable)
ASSERT(worldType(container.GetIsolate()) == MainWorld);
if (UNLIKELY(!impl))
return v8::Null(container.GetIsolate());
v8::Handle<v8::Object> wrapper = DOMDataStore::getWrapperForMainWorld(impl);
if (!wrapper.IsEmpty())
return wrapper;
return wrap(impl, container.Holder(), container.GetIsolate());
template<class HolderContainer, class Wrappable>
inline v8::Handle<v8::Value> toV8FastForMainWorld(PassRefPtr< ${nativeType} > impl, const HolderContainer& container, Wrappable* wrappable)
return toV8FastForMainWorld(impl.get(), container, wrappable);
template<class HolderContainer, class Wrappable>
inline v8::Handle<v8::Value> toV8Fast(PassRefPtr< ${nativeType} > impl, const HolderContainer& container, Wrappable* wrappable)
return toV8Fast(impl.get(), container, wrappable);
inline v8::Handle<v8::Value> toV8(PassRefPtr< ${nativeType} > impl, v8::Handle<v8::Object> creationContext, v8::Isolate* isolate)
return toV8(impl.get(), creationContext, isolate);
if (IsConstructorTemplate($interface, "Event")) {
$header{nameSpaceWebCore}->add("bool fill${implClassName}Init(${implClassName}Init&, const Dictionary&);\n\n");
sub GetInternalFields
my $interface = shift;
my @customInternalFields = ();
# Event listeners on DOM nodes are explicitly supported in the GC controller.
if (!InheritsInterface($interface, "Node") &&
InheritsExtendedAttribute($interface, "EventTarget")) {
push(@customInternalFields, "eventListenerCacheIndex");
return @customInternalFields;
sub GenerateHeaderCustomInternalFieldIndices
my $interface = shift;
my @customInternalFields = GetInternalFields($interface);
my $customFieldCounter = 0;
foreach my $customInternalField (@customInternalFields) {
static const int ${customInternalField} = v8DefaultWrapperInternalFieldCount + ${customFieldCounter};
static const int internalFieldCount = v8DefaultWrapperInternalFieldCount + ${customFieldCounter};
sub GenerateHeaderNamedAndIndexedPropertyAccessors
my $interface = shift;
my $indexedGetterFunction = GetIndexedGetterFunction($interface);
my $hasCustomIndexedGetter = $indexedGetterFunction && $indexedGetterFunction->extendedAttributes->{"Custom"};
my $indexedSetterFunction = GetIndexedSetterFunction($interface);
my $hasCustomIndexedSetter = $indexedSetterFunction && $indexedSetterFunction->extendedAttributes->{"Custom"};
my $indexedDeleterFunction = GetIndexedDeleterFunction($interface);
my $hasCustomIndexedDeleters = $indexedDeleterFunction && $indexedDeleterFunction->extendedAttributes->{"Custom"};
my $namedGetterFunction = GetNamedGetterFunction($interface);
my $hasCustomNamedGetter = $namedGetterFunction && $namedGetterFunction->extendedAttributes->{"Custom"};
my $namedSetterFunction = GetNamedSetterFunction($interface);
my $hasCustomNamedSetter = $namedSetterFunction && $namedSetterFunction->extendedAttributes->{"Custom"};
my $namedDeleterFunction = GetNamedDeleterFunction($interface);
my $hasCustomNamedDeleter = $namedDeleterFunction && $namedDeleterFunction->extendedAttributes->{"Custom"};
my $namedEnumeratorFunction = $namedGetterFunction && !$namedGetterFunction->extendedAttributes->{"NotEnumerable"};
my $hasCustomNamedEnumerator = $namedGetterFunction && $namedGetterFunction->extendedAttributes->{"CustomEnumerateProperty"};
if ($hasCustomIndexedGetter) {
$header{classPublic}->add(" static void indexedPropertyGetterCustom(uint32_t, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>&);\n");
if ($hasCustomIndexedSetter) {
$header{classPublic}->add(" static void indexedPropertySetterCustom(uint32_t, v8::Local<v8::Value>, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>&);\n");
if ($hasCustomIndexedDeleters) {
$header{classPublic}->add(" static void indexedPropertyDeleterCustom(uint32_t, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Boolean>&);\n");
if ($hasCustomNamedGetter) {
$header{classPublic}->add(" static void namedPropertyGetterCustom(v8::Local<v8::String>, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>&);\n");
if ($hasCustomNamedSetter) {
$header{classPublic}->add(" static void namedPropertySetterCustom(v8::Local<v8::String>, v8::Local<v8::Value>, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>&);\n");
if ($hasCustomNamedDeleter) {
$header{classPublic}->add(" static void namedPropertyDeleterCustom(v8::Local<v8::String>, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Boolean>&);\n");
if ($hasCustomNamedEnumerator) {
$header{classPublic}->add(" static void namedPropertyEnumeratorCustom(const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Array>&);\n");
$header{classPublic}->add(" static void namedPropertyQueryCustom(v8::Local<v8::String>, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Integer>&);\n");
sub GenerateHeaderLegacyCall
my $interface = shift;
if ($interface->extendedAttributes->{"CustomLegacyCall"}) {
$header{classPublic}->add(" static void legacyCallCustom(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>&);\n");
sub HasActivityLogging
my $forMainWorldSuffix = shift;
my $attrExt = shift;
my $access = shift;
if (!$attrExt->{"ActivityLog"}) {
return 0;
my $logAllAccess = ($attrExt->{"ActivityLog"} =~ /^Access/);
my $logGetter = ($attrExt->{"ActivityLog"} =~ /^Getter/);
my $logSetter = ($attrExt->{"ActivityLog"} =~ /^Setter/);
my $logOnlyIsolatedWorlds = ($attrExt->{"ActivityLog"} =~ /ForIsolatedWorlds$/);
if ($logOnlyIsolatedWorlds && $forMainWorldSuffix eq "ForMainWorld") {
return 0;
return $logAllAccess || ($logGetter && $access eq "Getter") || ($logSetter && $access eq "Setter");
sub IsConstructable
my $interface = shift;
return $interface->extendedAttributes->{"CustomConstructor"} || $interface->extendedAttributes->{"Constructor"} || $interface->extendedAttributes->{"ConstructorTemplate"};
sub HasCustomConstructor
my $interface = shift;
return $interface->extendedAttributes->{"CustomConstructor"};
sub HasCustomGetter
my $attrExt = shift;
return $attrExt->{"Custom"} || $attrExt->{"CustomGetter"};
sub HasCustomSetter
my $attrExt = shift;
return $attrExt->{"Custom"} || $attrExt->{"CustomSetter"};
sub HasCustomMethod
my $attrExt = shift;
return $attrExt->{"Custom"};
sub IsReadonly
my $attribute = shift;
my $attrExt = $attribute->extendedAttributes;
return $attribute->isReadOnly && !$attrExt->{"Replaceable"};
sub GetV8ClassName
my $interface = shift;
return "V8" . $interface->name;
sub GetImplName
my $interfaceOrAttributeOrFunction = shift;
return $interfaceOrAttributeOrFunction->extendedAttributes->{"ImplementedAs"} || $interfaceOrAttributeOrFunction->name;
sub GetImplNameFromImplementedBy
my $implementedBy = shift;
my $interface = ParseInterface($implementedBy);
return $interface->extendedAttributes->{"ImplementedAs"} || $implementedBy;
sub GenerateDomainSafeFunctionGetter
my $function = shift;
my $interface = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $funcName = $function->name;
my $functionLength = GetFunctionLength($function);
my $signature = "v8::Signature::New(V8PerIsolateData::from(info.GetIsolate())->rawTemplate(&" . $v8ClassName . "::info, currentWorldType))";
if ($function->extendedAttributes->{"DoNotCheckSignature"}) {
$signature = "v8::Local<v8::Signature>()";
my $newTemplateParams = "${implClassName}V8Internal::${funcName}MethodCallback, v8Undefined(), $signature";
static void ${funcName}AttrGetter(v8::Local<v8::String> name, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info)
// This is only for getting a unique pointer which we can pass to privateTemplate.
static const char* privateTemplateUniqueKey = "${funcName}PrivateTemplate";
WrapperWorldType currentWorldType = worldType(info.GetIsolate());
V8PerIsolateData* data = V8PerIsolateData::from(info.GetIsolate());
v8::Handle<v8::FunctionTemplate> privateTemplate = data->privateTemplate(currentWorldType, &privateTemplateUniqueKey, $newTemplateParams, $functionLength);
v8::Handle<v8::Object> holder = info.This()->FindInstanceInPrototypeChain(${v8ClassName}::GetTemplate(info.GetIsolate(), currentWorldType));
if (holder.IsEmpty()) {
// can only reach here by 'object.__proto__.func', and it should passed
// domain security check already
v8SetReturnValue(info, privateTemplate->GetFunction());
${implClassName}* imp = ${v8ClassName}::toNative(holder);
if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToFrame(imp->frame(), DoNotReportSecurityError)) {
static const char* sharedTemplateUniqueKey = "${funcName}SharedTemplate";
v8::Handle<v8::FunctionTemplate> sharedTemplate = data->privateTemplate(currentWorldType, &sharedTemplateUniqueKey, $newTemplateParams, $functionLength);
v8SetReturnValue(info, sharedTemplate->GetFunction());
v8::Local<v8::Value> hiddenValue = info.This()->GetHiddenValue(name);
if (!hiddenValue.IsEmpty()) {
v8SetReturnValue(info, hiddenValue);
v8SetReturnValue(info, privateTemplate->GetFunction());
static void ${funcName}AttrGetterCallback(v8::Local<v8::String> name, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info)
${implClassName}V8Internal::${funcName}AttrGetter(name, info);
sub GenerateDomainSafeFunctionSetter
my $interface = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
static void ${implClassName}DomainSafeFunctionSetter(v8::Local<v8::String> name, v8::Local<v8::Value> value, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<void>& info)
v8::Handle<v8::Object> holder = info.This()->FindInstanceInPrototypeChain(${v8ClassName}::GetTemplate(info.GetIsolate(), worldType(info.GetIsolate())));
if (holder.IsEmpty())
${implClassName}* imp = ${v8ClassName}::toNative(holder);
if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToFrame(imp->frame()))
info.This()->SetHiddenValue(name, value);
sub GenerateConstructorGetter
my $interface = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
static void ${implClassName}ConstructorGetter(v8::Local<v8::String> name, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info)
v8::Handle<v8::Value> data = info.Data();
V8PerContextData* perContextData = V8PerContextData::from(info.Holder()->CreationContext());
if (!perContextData)
v8SetReturnValue(info, perContextData->constructorForType(WrapperTypeInfo::unwrap(data)));
sub GenerateFeatureObservation
my $measureAs = shift;
if ($measureAs) {
return " UseCounter::count(activeDOMWindow(), UseCounter::${measureAs});\n";
return "";
sub GenerateDeprecationNotification
my $deprecateAs = shift;
if ($deprecateAs) {
return " UseCounter::countDeprecation(activeDOMWindow(), UseCounter::${deprecateAs});\n";
return "";
sub GenerateActivityLogging
my $accessType = shift;
my $interface = shift;
my $propertyName = shift;
my $interfaceName = $interface->name;
my $code = "";
if ($accessType eq "Method") {
$code .= <<END;
V8PerContextData* contextData = V8PerContextData::from(args.GetIsolate()->GetCurrentContext());
if (contextData && contextData->activityLogger()) {
Vector<v8::Handle<v8::Value> > loggerArgs = toVectorOfArguments(args);
contextData->activityLogger()->log("${interfaceName}.${propertyName}", args.Length(),, "${accessType}");
} elsif ($accessType eq "Setter") {
$code .= <<END;
V8PerContextData* contextData = V8PerContextData::from(info.GetIsolate()->GetCurrentContext());
if (contextData && contextData->activityLogger()) {
v8::Handle<v8::Value> loggerArg[] = { value };
contextData->activityLogger()->log("${interfaceName}.${propertyName}", 1, &loggerArg[0], "${accessType}");
} elsif ($accessType eq "Getter") {
$code .= <<END;
V8PerContextData* contextData = V8PerContextData::from(info.GetIsolate()->GetCurrentContext());
if (contextData && contextData->activityLogger())
contextData->activityLogger()->log("${interfaceName}.${propertyName}", 0, 0, "${accessType}");
} else {
die "Unrecognized activity logging access type";
return $code;
sub GenerateNormalAttrGetterCallback
my $attribute = shift;
my $interface = shift;
my $forMainWorldSuffix = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $attrExt = $attribute->extendedAttributes;
my $attrName = $attribute->name;
my $conditionalString = GenerateConditionalString($attribute);
my $code = "";
$code .= "#if ${conditionalString}\n\n" if $conditionalString;
$code .= "static void ${attrName}AttrGetterCallback${forMainWorldSuffix}(v8::Local<v8::String> name, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info)\n";
$code .= "{\n";
$code .= GenerateFeatureObservation($attrExt->{"MeasureAs"});
$code .= GenerateDeprecationNotification($attrExt->{"DeprecateAs"});
if (HasActivityLogging($forMainWorldSuffix, $attrExt, "Getter")) {
$code .= GenerateActivityLogging("Getter", $interface, "${attrName}");
if (HasCustomGetter($attrExt)) {
$code .= " ${v8ClassName}::${attrName}AttrGetterCustom(name, info);\n";
} else {
$code .= " ${implClassName}V8Internal::${attrName}AttrGetter${forMainWorldSuffix}(name, info);\n";
$code .= "}\n\n";
$code .= "#endif // ${conditionalString}\n\n" if $conditionalString;
sub GenerateNormalAttrGetter
my $attribute = shift;
my $interface = shift;
my $forMainWorldSuffix = shift;
my $interfaceName = $interface->name;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $attrExt = $attribute->extendedAttributes;
my $attrName = $attribute->name;
my $attrType = $attribute->type;
if (HasCustomGetter($attrExt)) {
my $getterStringUsesImp = $interfaceName ne "SVGNumber";
my $nativeType = GetNativeTypeFromAttributeOrParameter($attribute, -1);
my $svgNativeType = GetSVGTypeNeedingTearOff($interfaceName);
my $conditionalString = GenerateConditionalString($attribute);
my $code = "";
$code .= "#if ${conditionalString}\n\n" if $conditionalString;
$code .= <<END;
static void ${attrName}AttrGetter${forMainWorldSuffix}(v8::Local<v8::String> name, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info)
if ($svgNativeType) {
my $svgWrappedNativeType = GetSVGWrappedTypeNeedingTearOff($interfaceName);
if ($svgWrappedNativeType =~ /List/) {
$code .= <<END;
$svgNativeType* imp = ${v8ClassName}::toNative(info.Holder());
} else {
$code .= <<END;
$svgNativeType* wrapper = ${v8ClassName}::toNative(info.Holder());
$svgWrappedNativeType& impInstance = wrapper->propertyReference();
if ($getterStringUsesImp) {
$code .= <<END;
$svgWrappedNativeType* imp = &impInstance;
} elsif ($attrExt->{"OnProto"} || $attrExt->{"Unforgeable"}) {
if ($interfaceName eq "Window") {
$code .= <<END;
v8::Handle<v8::Object> holder = info.Holder();
} else {
# perform lookup first
$code .= <<END;
v8::Handle<v8::Object> holder = info.This()->FindInstanceInPrototypeChain(${v8ClassName}::GetTemplate(info.GetIsolate(), worldType(info.GetIsolate())));
if (holder.IsEmpty())
$code .= <<END;
${implClassName}* imp = ${v8ClassName}::toNative(holder);
} else {
my $reflect = $attribute->extendedAttributes->{"Reflect"};
my $url = $attribute->extendedAttributes->{"URL"};
if ($getterStringUsesImp && $reflect && !$url && InheritsInterface($interface, "Node") && $attrType eq "DOMString") {
# Generate super-compact call for regular attribute getter:
my ($functionName, @arguments) = GetterExpression($interfaceName, $attribute);
$code .= " Element* imp = V8Element::toNative(info.Holder());\n";
$code .= " v8SetReturnValue(info, v8String(imp->${functionName}(" . join(", ", @arguments) . "), info.GetIsolate(), ReturnUnsafeHandle));\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= "}\n\n";
$code .= "#endif // ${conditionalString}\n\n" if $conditionalString;
# Skip the rest of the function!
if ($attribute->type eq "SerializedScriptValue" && $attrExt->{"CachedAttribute"}) {
$code .= <<END;
v8::Handle<v8::String> propertyName = v8::String::NewSymbol("${attrName}");
v8::Handle<v8::Value> value = info.Holder()->GetHiddenValue(propertyName);
if (!value.IsEmpty()) {
v8SetReturnValue(info, value);
if (!$attribute->isStatic) {
$code .= <<END;
${implClassName}* imp = ${v8ClassName}::toNative(info.Holder());
# Generate security checks if necessary
if ($attribute->extendedAttributes->{"CheckSecurityForNode"}) {
$code .= " if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToNode(imp->" . GetImplName($attribute) . "())) {\n";
$code .= " v8SetReturnValueNull(info);\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= " }\n";
my $useExceptions = 1 if $attribute->extendedAttributes->{"GetterRaisesException"} || $attribute->extendedAttributes->{"RaisesException"};
my $isNullable = $attribute->isNullable;
if ($useExceptions) {
$code .= " ExceptionCode ec = 0;\n";
if ($isNullable) {
$code .= " bool isNull = false;\n";
my $returnType = $attribute->type;
my $getterString;
if ($getterStringUsesImp) {
my ($functionName, @arguments) = GetterExpression($interfaceName, $attribute);
push(@arguments, "isNull") if $isNullable;
push(@arguments, "ec") if $useExceptions;
if ($attribute->extendedAttributes->{"ImplementedBy"}) {
my $implementedBy = $attribute->extendedAttributes->{"ImplementedBy"};
my $implementedByImplName = GetImplNameFromImplementedBy($implementedBy);
AddToImplIncludes(HeaderFilesForInterface($implementedBy, $implementedByImplName));
unshift(@arguments, "imp") if !$attribute->isStatic;
$functionName = "${implementedByImplName}::${functionName}";
} elsif ($attribute->isStatic) {
$functionName = "${implClassName}::${functionName}";
} else {
$functionName = "imp->${functionName}";
my ($arg, $subCode) = GenerateCallWith($attribute->extendedAttributes->{"CallWith"}, " ", 0);
$code .= $subCode;
unshift(@arguments, @$arg);
$getterString = "${functionName}(" . join(", ", @arguments) . ")";
} else {
$getterString = "impInstance";
my $expression;
if ($attribute->type eq "EventListener" && $interface->name eq "Window") {
$code .= " if (!imp->document())\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
if ($useExceptions || $isNullable) {
if ($nativeType =~ /^V8StringResource/) {
$code .= " " . ConvertToV8StringResource($attribute, $nativeType, "v", $getterString) . ";\n";
} else {
$code .= " $nativeType v = $getterString;\n";
if ($isNullable) {
$code .= " if (isNull) {\n";
$code .= " v8SetReturnValueNull(info);\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= " }\n";
if ($useExceptions) {
$code .= " if (UNLIKELY(ec)) {\n";
$code .= " setDOMException(ec, info.GetIsolate());\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= " };\n";
if (ExtendedAttributeContains($attribute->extendedAttributes->{"CallWith"}, "ScriptState")) {
$code .= " if (state.hadException()) {\n";
$code .= " throwError(state.exception(), info.GetIsolate());\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= " }\n";
$expression = "v";
$expression .= ".release()" if (IsRefPtrType($returnType));
} else {
# Can inline the function call into the return statement to avoid overhead of using a Ref<> temporary
$expression = $getterString;
# Fix amigious conversion problem, by casting to the base type first ($getterString returns a type that inherits from SVGAnimatedEnumeration, not the base class directly).
$expression = "static_pointer_cast<SVGAnimatedEnumeration>($expression)" if $returnType eq "SVGAnimatedEnumeration";
if (ShouldKeepAttributeAlive($interface, $attribute, $returnType)) {
my $arrayType = GetArrayType($returnType);
if ($arrayType) {
$code .= " v8SetReturnValue(info, v8Array(${getterString}, info.GetIsolate()));\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= "}\n\n";
# Check for a wrapper in the wrapper cache. If there is one, we know that a hidden reference has already
# been created. If we don't find a wrapper, we create both a wrapper and a hidden reference.
my $nativeReturnType = GetNativeType($returnType);
$code .= " $nativeReturnType result = ${getterString};\n";
if ($forMainWorldSuffix) {
$code .= " v8::Handle<v8::Value> wrapper = result.get() ? v8::Handle<v8::Value>(DOMDataStore::getWrapper${forMainWorldSuffix}(result.get())) : v8Undefined();\n";
} else {
$code .= " v8::Handle<v8::Value> wrapper = result.get() ? v8::Handle<v8::Value>(DOMDataStore::getWrapper(result.get(), info.GetIsolate())) : v8Undefined();\n";
$code .= " if (wrapper.IsEmpty()) {\n";
$code .= " wrapper = toV8(result.get(), info.Holder(), info.GetIsolate());\n"; # FIXME: Could use wrap here since the wrapper is empty.
$code .= " if (!wrapper.IsEmpty())\n";
$code .= " V8HiddenPropertyName::setNamedHiddenReference(info.Holder(), \"${attrName}\", wrapper);\n";
$code .= " }\n";
$code .= " v8SetReturnValue(info, wrapper);\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= "}\n\n";
$code .= "#endif // ${conditionalString}\n\n" if $conditionalString;
if ((IsSVGAnimatedType($interfaceName) or $interfaceName eq "SVGViewSpec") and IsSVGTypeNeedingTearOff($attrType)) {
my $svgNativeType = GetSVGTypeNeedingTearOff($attrType);
# Convert from abstract SVGProperty to real type, so the right toJS() method can be invoked.
$code .= " v8SetReturnValue(info, toV8Fast$forMainWorldSuffix(static_cast<$svgNativeType*>($expression), info, imp));\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
} elsif (IsSVGTypeNeedingTearOff($attrType) and not $interfaceName =~ /List$/) {
my $tearOffType = GetSVGTypeNeedingTearOff($attrType);
my $wrappedValue;
if (IsSVGTypeWithWritablePropertiesNeedingTearOff($attrType) and not defined $attribute->extendedAttributes->{"Immutable"}) {
my $getter = $expression;
$getter =~ s/imp->//;
$getter =~ s/\(\)//;
my $updateMethod = "&${implClassName}::update" . FirstLetterToUpperCase($getter);
my $selfIsTearOffType = IsSVGTypeNeedingTearOff($interfaceName);
if ($selfIsTearOffType) {
$tearOffType =~ s/SVGPropertyTearOff</SVGStaticPropertyWithParentTearOff<$implClassName, /;
if ($expression =~ /matrix/ and $interfaceName eq "SVGTransform") {
# SVGTransform offers a matrix() method for internal usage that returns an AffineTransform
# and a svgMatrix() method returning a SVGMatrix, used for the bindings.
$expression =~ s/matrix/svgMatrix/;
$wrappedValue = "WTF::getPtr(${tearOffType}::create(wrapper, $expression, $updateMethod))";
} else {
$tearOffType =~ s/SVGPropertyTearOff</SVGStaticPropertyTearOff<$implClassName, /;
$wrappedValue = "WTF::getPtr(${tearOffType}::create(imp, $expression, $updateMethod))";
} elsif ($tearOffType =~ /SVGStaticListPropertyTearOff/) {
$wrappedValue = "WTF::getPtr(${tearOffType}::create(imp, $expression))";
} elsif ($tearOffType =~ /SVG(Point|PathSeg)List/) {
$wrappedValue = "WTF::getPtr($expression)";
} else {
$wrappedValue = "WTF::getPtr(${tearOffType}::create($expression))";
$code .= " v8SetReturnValue(info, toV8Fast$forMainWorldSuffix($wrappedValue, info, imp));\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
} elsif ($attribute->type eq "SerializedScriptValue" && $attrExt->{"CachedAttribute"}) {
my $getterFunc = ToMethodName($attribute->name);
$code .= <<END;
RefPtr<SerializedScriptValue> serialized = imp->${getterFunc}();
value = serialized ? serialized->deserialize() : v8::Handle<v8::Value>(v8::Null(info.GetIsolate()));
info.Holder()->SetHiddenValue(propertyName, value);
v8SetReturnValue(info, value);
} elsif ($attribute->type eq "EventListener") {
my $getterFunc = ToMethodName($attribute->name);
# FIXME: Pass the main world ID for main-world-only getters.
$code .= " EventListener* listener = imp->${getterFunc}(isolatedWorldForIsolate(info.GetIsolate()));\n";
$code .= " v8SetReturnValue(info, listener ? v8::Handle<v8::Value>(V8AbstractEventListener::cast(listener)->getListenerObject(imp->scriptExecutionContext())) : v8::Handle<v8::Value>(v8::Null(info.GetIsolate())));\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
} else {
my $nativeValue = NativeToJSValue($attribute->type, $attribute->extendedAttributes, $expression, " ", "", "info.Holder()", "info.GetIsolate()", "info", "imp", "ReturnUnsafeHandle", $forMainWorldSuffix, "return");
$code .= "${nativeValue}\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= "}\n\n"; # end of getter
$code .= "#endif // ${conditionalString}\n\n" if $conditionalString;
sub ShouldKeepAttributeAlive
my ($interface, $attribute, $returnType) = @_;
my $attrName = $attribute->name;
return 1 if $attribute->extendedAttributes->{"KeepAttributeAliveForGC"};
# Basically, for readonly or replaceable attributes, we have to guarantee
# that JS wrappers don't get garbage-collected prematually when their
# lifetime is strongly tied to their owner.
return 0 if !IsWrapperType($returnType);
return 0 if !IsReadonly($attribute) && !$attribute->extendedAttributes->{"Replaceable"};
# However, there are a couple of exceptions.
# Node lifetime is managed by object grouping.
return 0 if InheritsInterface($interface, "Node");
return 0 if IsDOMNodeType($returnType);
# To avoid adding a reference to itself.
# FIXME: Introduce [DoNotKeepAttributeAliveForGC] and remove this hack
# depending on the attribute name.
return 0 if $attrName eq "self";
# FIXME: Remove these hard-coded hacks.
return 0 if $returnType eq "EventTarget";
return 0 if $returnType eq "SerializedScriptValue";
return 0 if $returnType eq "Window";
return 0 if $returnType =~ /SVG/;
return 0 if $returnType =~ /HTML/;
return 1;
sub GenerateReplaceableAttrSetterCallback
my $interface = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $code = "";
$code .= "static void ${implClassName}ReplaceableAttrSetterCallback(v8::Local<v8::String> name, v8::Local<v8::Value> value, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<void>& info)\n";
$code .= "{\n";
$code .= GenerateFeatureObservation($interface->extendedAttributes->{"MeasureAs"});
$code .= GenerateDeprecationNotification($interface->extendedAttributes->{"DeprecateAs"});
if (HasActivityLogging("", $interface->extendedAttributes, "Setter")) {
die "IDL error: ActivityLog attribute cannot exist on a ReplacableAttrSetterCallback";
$code .= " ${implClassName}V8Internal::${implClassName}ReplaceableAttrSetter(name, value, info);\n";
$code .= "}\n\n";
sub GenerateReplaceableAttrSetter
my $interface = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $code = "";
$code .= <<END;
static void ${implClassName}ReplaceableAttrSetter(v8::Local<v8::String> name, v8::Local<v8::Value> value, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<void>& info)
if ($interface->extendedAttributes->{"CheckSecurity"}) {
$code .= <<END;
${implClassName}* imp = ${v8ClassName}::toNative(info.Holder());
if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToFrame(imp->frame()))
$code .= <<END;
info.This()->ForceSet(name, value);
sub GenerateCustomElementInvocationScopeIfNeeded
my $code = "";
my $ext = shift;
if ($ext->{"DeliverCustomElementCallbacks"}) {
if ($ext->{"Reflect"}) {
die "IDL error: [Reflect] and [DeliverCustomElementCallbacks] cannot coexist yet";
$code .= <<END;
CustomElementCallbackDispatcher::CallbackDeliveryScope deliveryScope;
return $code;
sub GenerateNormalAttrSetterCallback
my $attribute = shift;
my $interface = shift;
my $forMainWorldSuffix = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $attrExt = $attribute->extendedAttributes;
my $attrName = $attribute->name;
my $conditionalString = GenerateConditionalString($attribute);
my $code = "";
$code .= "#if ${conditionalString}\n\n" if $conditionalString;
$code .= "static void ${attrName}AttrSetterCallback${forMainWorldSuffix}(v8::Local<v8::String> name, v8::Local<v8::Value> value, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<void>& info)\n";
$code .= "{\n";
if (!$attrExt->{"PerWorldBindings"}) {
$code .= " TRACE_EVENT_SAMPLING_STATE0(\"Blink\\0Blink-DOMMethod\");\n";
$code .= GenerateFeatureObservation($attrExt->{"MeasureAs"});
$code .= GenerateDeprecationNotification($attrExt->{"DeprecateAs"});
if (HasActivityLogging($forMainWorldSuffix, $attrExt, "Setter")) {
$code .= GenerateActivityLogging("Setter", $interface, "${attrName}");
if (HasCustomSetter($attrExt)) {
$code .= " ${v8ClassName}::${attrName}AttrSetterCustom(name, value, info);\n";
} else {
$code .= " ${implClassName}V8Internal::${attrName}AttrSetter${forMainWorldSuffix}(name, value, info);\n";
if (!$attrExt->{"PerWorldBindings"}) {
$code .= " TRACE_EVENT_SAMPLING_STATE0(\"V8\\0V8-Execution\");\n";
$code .= "}\n\n";
$code .= "#endif // ${conditionalString}\n\n" if $conditionalString;
sub GenerateNormalAttrSetter
my $attribute = shift;
my $interface = shift;
my $forMainWorldSuffix = shift;
my $interfaceName = $interface->name;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $attrName = $attribute->name;
my $attrExt = $attribute->extendedAttributes;
my $attrType = $attribute->type;
if (HasCustomSetter($attrExt)) {
my $conditionalString = GenerateConditionalString($attribute);
my $code = "";
$code .= "#if ${conditionalString}\n\n" if $conditionalString;
$code .= "static void ${attrName}AttrSetter${forMainWorldSuffix}(v8::Local<v8::String> name, v8::Local<v8::Value> value, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<void>& info)\n";
$code .= "{\n";
# If the "StrictTypeChecking" extended attribute is present, and the attribute's type is an
# interface type, then if the incoming value does not implement that interface, a TypeError is
# thrown rather than silently passing NULL to the C++ code.
# Per the Web IDL and ECMAScript specifications, incoming values can always be converted to both
# strings and numbers, so do not throw TypeError if the attribute is of these types.
if ($attribute->extendedAttributes->{"StrictTypeChecking"}) {
my $argType = $attribute->type;
if (IsWrapperType($argType)) {
$code .= " if (!isUndefinedOrNull(value) && !V8${argType}::HasInstance(value, info.GetIsolate(), worldType(info.GetIsolate()))) {\n";
$code .= " throwTypeError(0, info.GetIsolate());\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= " }\n";
my $svgNativeType = GetSVGTypeNeedingTearOff($interfaceName);
if ($svgNativeType) {
my $svgWrappedNativeType = GetSVGWrappedTypeNeedingTearOff($interfaceName);
if ($svgWrappedNativeType =~ /List$/) {
$code .= <<END;
$svgNativeType* imp = ${v8ClassName}::toNative(info.Holder());
} else {
$code .= " $svgNativeType* wrapper = ${v8ClassName}::toNative(info.Holder());\n";
$code .= " if (wrapper->isReadOnly()) {\n";
$code .= " setDOMException(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, info.GetIsolate());\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= " }\n";
$code .= " $svgWrappedNativeType& impInstance = wrapper->propertyReference();\n";
$code .= " $svgWrappedNativeType* imp = &impInstance;\n";
} elsif ($attrExt->{"OnProto"}) {
$code .= <<END;
${implClassName}* imp = ${v8ClassName}::toNative(info.Holder());
} else {
my $reflect = $attribute->extendedAttributes->{"Reflect"};
if ($reflect && InheritsInterface($interface, "Node") && $attrType eq "DOMString") {
# Generate super-compact call for regular attribute setter:
my $contentAttributeName = $reflect eq "VALUE_IS_MISSING" ? lc $attrName : $reflect;
my $namespace = NamespaceForAttributeName($interfaceName, $contentAttributeName);
$code .= " Element* imp = V8Element::toNative(info.Holder());\n";
$code .= " V8TRYCATCH_FOR_V8STRINGRESOURCE_VOID(V8StringResource<WithNullCheck>, stringResource, value);\n";
$code .= " imp->setAttribute(${namespace}::${contentAttributeName}Attr, stringResource);\n";
$code .= "}\n\n";
$code .= "#endif // ${conditionalString}\n\n" if $conditionalString;
# Skip the rest of the function!
if (!$attribute->isStatic) {
$code .= <<END;
${implClassName}* imp = ${v8ClassName}::toNative(info.Holder());
my $nativeType = GetNativeTypeFromAttributeOrParameter($attribute, 0);
if ($attribute->type eq "EventListener") {
if ($interface->name eq "Window") {
$code .= " if (!imp->document())\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
} else {
my $value = JSValueToNative($attribute->type, $attribute->extendedAttributes, "value", "info.GetIsolate()");
my $arrayType = GetArrayType($nativeType);
if ($nativeType =~ /^V8StringResource/) {
$code .= " " . ConvertToV8StringResource($attribute, $nativeType, "v", $value) . "\n";
} elsif ($arrayType) {
$code .= " Vector<$arrayType> v = $value;\n";
} elsif ($attribute->extendedAttributes->{"EnforceRange"}) {
$code .= " V8TRYCATCH_WITH_TYPECHECK_VOID($nativeType, v, $value, info.GetIsolate());\n";
} else {
$code .= " V8TRYCATCH_VOID($nativeType, v, $value);\n";
if (IsEnumType($attrType)) {
# setter ignores invalid enumeration values
my @enumValues = ValidEnumValues($attrType);
my @validEqualities = ();
foreach my $enumValue (@enumValues) {
push(@validEqualities, "string == \"$enumValue\"");
my $enumValidationExpression = join(" || ", @validEqualities);
$code .= <<END;
String string = v;
if (!($enumValidationExpression))
my $expression = "v";
my $returnType = $attribute->type;
if (IsRefPtrType($returnType) && !GetArrayType($returnType)) {
$expression = "WTF::getPtr(" . $expression . ")";
$code .= GenerateCustomElementInvocationScopeIfNeeded($attribute->extendedAttributes);
my $useExceptions = 1 if $attribute->extendedAttributes->{"SetterRaisesException"} || $attribute->extendedAttributes->{"RaisesException"};
if ($useExceptions) {
$code .= " ExceptionCode ec = 0;\n";
if ($interfaceName eq "SVGNumber") {
$code .= " *imp = $expression;\n";
} else {
if ($attribute->type eq "EventListener") {
my $implSetterFunctionName = FirstLetterToUpperCase($attrName);
if (!InheritsInterface($interface, "Node")) {
my $attrImplName = GetImplName($attribute);
$code .= " transferHiddenDependency(info.Holder(), imp->${attrImplName}(isolatedWorldForIsolate(info.GetIsolate())), value, ${v8ClassName}::eventListenerCacheIndex, info.GetIsolate());\n";
if (($interfaceName eq "Window" or $interfaceName eq "WorkerGlobalScope") and $attribute->name eq "onerror") {
$code .= " imp->set$implSetterFunctionName(V8EventListenerList::findOrCreateWrapper<V8ErrorHandler>(value, true), isolatedWorldForIsolate(info.GetIsolate()));\n";
} else {
$code .= " imp->set$implSetterFunctionName(V8EventListenerList::getEventListener(value, true, ListenerFindOrCreate), isolatedWorldForIsolate(info.GetIsolate()));\n";
} else {
my ($functionName, @arguments) = SetterExpression($interfaceName, $attribute);
push(@arguments, $expression);
push(@arguments, "ec") if $useExceptions;
if ($attribute->extendedAttributes->{"ImplementedBy"}) {
my $implementedBy = $attribute->extendedAttributes->{"ImplementedBy"};
my $implementedByImplName = GetImplNameFromImplementedBy($implementedBy);
AddToImplIncludes(HeaderFilesForInterface($implementedBy, $implementedByImplName));
unshift(@arguments, "imp") if !$attribute->isStatic;
$functionName = "${implementedByImplName}::${functionName}";
} elsif ($attribute->isStatic) {
$functionName = "${implClassName}::${functionName}";
} else {
$functionName = "imp->${functionName}";
my ($arg, $subCode) = GenerateCallWith($attribute->extendedAttributes->{"SetterCallWith"} || $attribute->extendedAttributes->{"CallWith"}, " ", 1);
$code .= $subCode;
unshift(@arguments, @$arg);
$code .= " ${functionName}(" . join(", ", @arguments) . ");\n";
if ($useExceptions) {
$code .= " if (UNLIKELY(ec))\n";
$code .= " setDOMException(ec, info.GetIsolate());\n";
if (ExtendedAttributeContains($attribute->extendedAttributes->{"CallWith"}, "ScriptState")) {
$code .= " if (state.hadException())\n";
$code .= " throwError(state.exception(), info.GetIsolate());\n";
if ($svgNativeType) {
if ($useExceptions) {
$code .= " if (!ec)\n";
$code .= " wrapper->commitChange();\n";
} else {
$code .= " wrapper->commitChange();\n";
if ($attribute->type eq "SerializedScriptValue" && $attribute->extendedAttributes->{"CachedAttribute"}) {
$code .= <<END;
info.Holder()->DeleteHiddenValue(v8::String::NewSymbol("${attrName}")); // Invalidate the cached value.
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= "}\n\n"; # end of setter
$code .= "#endif // ${conditionalString}\n\n" if $conditionalString;
sub GenerateParametersCheckExpression
my $numParameters = shift;
my $function = shift;
my @andExpression = ();
push(@andExpression, "args.Length() == $numParameters");
my $parameterIndex = 0;
foreach my $parameter (@{$function->parameters}) {
last if $parameterIndex >= $numParameters;
my $value = "args[$parameterIndex]";
my $type = $parameter->type;
# Only DOMString or wrapper types are checked.
# For DOMString with StrictTypeChecking only Null, Undefined and Object
# are accepted for compatibility. Otherwise, no restrictions are made to
# match the non-overloaded behavior.
# FIXME: Implement WebIDL overload resolution algorithm.
if ($type eq "DOMString") {
if ($parameter->extendedAttributes->{"StrictTypeChecking"}) {
push(@andExpression, "(${value}->IsNull() || ${value}->IsUndefined() || ${value}->IsString() || ${value}->IsObject())");
} elsif (IsCallbackInterface($parameter->type)) {
# For Callbacks only checks if the value is null or object.
push(@andExpression, "(${value}->IsNull() || ${value}->IsFunction())");
} elsif (GetArrayOrSequenceType($type)) {
if ($parameter->isNullable) {
push(@andExpression, "(${value}->IsNull() || ${value}->IsArray())");
} else {
push(@andExpression, "(${value}->IsArray())");
} elsif (IsWrapperType($type)) {
if ($parameter->isNullable) {
push(@andExpression, "(${value}->IsNull() || V8${type}::HasInstance($value, args.GetIsolate(), worldType(args.GetIsolate())))");
} else {
push(@andExpression, "(V8${type}::HasInstance($value, args.GetIsolate(), worldType(args.GetIsolate())))");
my $res = join(" && ", @andExpression);
$res = "($res)" if @andExpression > 1;
return $res;
# As per Web IDL specification, the length of a function Object is
# its number of mandatory parameters.
sub GetFunctionLength
my $function = shift;
my $numMandatoryParams = 0;
foreach my $parameter (@{$function->parameters}) {
# Abort as soon as we find the first optional parameter as no mandatory
# parameter can follow an optional one.
last if $parameter->isOptional;
return $numMandatoryParams;
sub GenerateFunctionParametersCheck
my $function = shift;
my @orExpression = ();
my $numParameters = 0;
my $hasVariadic = 0;
my $numMandatoryParams = @{$function->parameters};
foreach my $parameter (@{$function->parameters}) {
if ($parameter->isOptional) {
push(@orExpression, GenerateParametersCheckExpression($numParameters, $function));
if ($parameter->isVariadic) {
$hasVariadic = 1;
if (!$hasVariadic) {
push(@orExpression, GenerateParametersCheckExpression($numParameters, $function));
return ($numMandatoryParams, join(" || ", @orExpression));
sub GenerateOverloadedFunction
my $function = shift;
my $interface = shift;
my $forMainWorldSuffix = shift;
# Generate code for choosing the correct overload to call. Overloads are
# chosen based on the total number of arguments passed and the type of
# values passed in non-primitive argument slots. When more than a single
# overload is applicable, precedence is given according to the order of
# declaration in the IDL.
my $name = $function->name;
my $conditionalString = GenerateConditionalString($function);
my $leastNumMandatoryParams = 255;
my $code = "";
$code .= "#if ${conditionalString}\n\n" if $conditionalString;
$code .= <<END;
static void ${name}Method${forMainWorldSuffix}(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args)
$code .= GenerateFeatureObservation($function->extendedAttributes->{"MeasureAs"});
$code .= GenerateDeprecationNotification($function->extendedAttributes->{"DeprecateAs"});
foreach my $overload (@{$function->{overloads}}) {
my ($numMandatoryParams, $parametersCheck) = GenerateFunctionParametersCheck($overload);
$leastNumMandatoryParams = $numMandatoryParams if ($numMandatoryParams < $leastNumMandatoryParams);
$code .= " if ($parametersCheck) {\n";
my $overloadedIndexString = $overload->{overloadIndex};
$code .= " ${name}${overloadedIndexString}Method${forMainWorldSuffix}(args);\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= " }\n";
if ($leastNumMandatoryParams >= 1) {
$code .= " if (args.Length() < $leastNumMandatoryParams) {\n";
$code .= " throwNotEnoughArgumentsError(args.GetIsolate());\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= " }\n";
$code .= <<END;
throwTypeError(0, args.GetIsolate());
$code .= "}\n\n";
$code .= "#endif // ${conditionalString}\n\n" if $conditionalString;
sub GenerateFunctionCallback
my $function = shift;
my $interface = shift;
my $forMainWorldSuffix = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $name = $function->name;
if ($name eq "") {
my $conditionalString = GenerateConditionalString($function);
my $code = "";
$code .= "#if ${conditionalString}\n\n" if $conditionalString;
$code .= <<END;
static void ${name}MethodCallback${forMainWorldSuffix}(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args)
if (!$function->extendedAttributes->{"PerWorldBindings"}) {
$code .= " TRACE_EVENT_SAMPLING_STATE0(\"Blink\\0Blink-DOMMethod\");\n";
$code .= GenerateFeatureObservation($function->extendedAttributes->{"MeasureAs"});
$code .= GenerateDeprecationNotification($function->extendedAttributes->{"DeprecateAs"});
if (HasActivityLogging($forMainWorldSuffix, $function->extendedAttributes, "Access")) {
$code .= GenerateActivityLogging("Method", $interface, "${name}");
if (HasCustomMethod($function->extendedAttributes)) {
$code .= " ${v8ClassName}::${name}MethodCustom(args);\n";
} else {
$code .= " ${implClassName}V8Internal::${name}Method${forMainWorldSuffix}(args);\n";
if (!$function->extendedAttributes->{"PerWorldBindings"}) {
$code .= " TRACE_EVENT_SAMPLING_STATE0(\"V8\\0V8-Execution\");\n";
$code .= "}\n\n";
$code .= "#endif // ${conditionalString}\n\n" if $conditionalString;
sub GenerateFunction
my $function = shift;
my $interface = shift;
my $forMainWorldSuffix = shift;
my $interfaceName = $interface->name;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $name = $function->name;
my $implName = GetImplName($function);
my $funcExt = $function->extendedAttributes;
if (HasCustomMethod($funcExt) || $name eq "") {
if (@{$function->{overloads}} > 1) {
# Append a number to an overloaded method's name to make it unique:
$name = $name . $function->{overloadIndex};
my $conditionalString = GenerateConditionalString($function);
my $code = "";
$code .= "#if ${conditionalString}\n\n" if $conditionalString;
$code .= "static void ${name}Method${forMainWorldSuffix}(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args)\n";
$code .= "{\n";
if ($name eq "addEventListener" || $name eq "removeEventListener") {
my $lookupType = ($name eq "addEventListener") ? "OrCreate" : "Only";
my $passRefPtrHandling = ($name eq "addEventListener") ? "" : ".get()";
my $hiddenDependencyAction = ($name eq "addEventListener") ? "create" : "remove";
$code .= <<END;
RefPtr<EventListener> listener = V8EventListenerList::getEventListener(args[1], false, ListenerFind${lookupType});
if (listener) {
V8TRYCATCH_FOR_V8STRINGRESOURCE_VOID(V8StringResource<WithNullCheck>, stringResource, args[0]);
${v8ClassName}::toNative(args.Holder())->${implName}(stringResource, listener${passRefPtrHandling}, args[2]->BooleanValue());
if (!InheritsInterface($interface, "Node")) {
$code .= <<END;
${hiddenDependencyAction}HiddenDependency(args.Holder(), args[1], ${v8ClassName}::eventListenerCacheIndex, args.GetIsolate());
$code .= <<END;
$code .= "#endif // ${conditionalString}\n\n" if $conditionalString;
$code .= GenerateArgumentsCountCheck($function, $interface);
if ($name eq "set" and IsConstructorTemplate($interface, "TypedArray")) {
$code .= <<END;
setWebGLArrayHelper<$implClassName, ${v8ClassName}>(args);
my ($svgPropertyType, $svgListPropertyType, $svgNativeType) = GetSVGPropertyTypes($interfaceName);
if ($svgNativeType) {
my $nativeClassName = GetNativeType($interfaceName);
if ($interfaceName =~ /List$/) {
$code .= " $nativeClassName imp = ${v8ClassName}::toNative(args.Holder());\n";
} else {
$code .= " $nativeClassName wrapper = ${v8ClassName}::toNative(args.Holder());\n";
$code .= " if (wrapper->isReadOnly()) {\n";
$code .= " setDOMException(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, args.GetIsolate());\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= " }\n";
my $svgWrappedNativeType = GetSVGWrappedTypeNeedingTearOff($interfaceName);
$code .= " $svgWrappedNativeType& impInstance = wrapper->propertyReference();\n";
$code .= " $svgWrappedNativeType* imp = &impInstance;\n";
} elsif (!$function->isStatic) {
$code .= <<END;
${implClassName}* imp = ${v8ClassName}::toNative(args.Holder());
$code .= GenerateCustomElementInvocationScopeIfNeeded($funcExt);
# Check domain security if needed
if ($interface->extendedAttributes->{"CheckSecurity"} && !$function->extendedAttributes->{"DoNotCheckSecurity"}) {
# We have not find real use cases yet.
$code .= <<END;
if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToFrame(imp->frame()))
my $raisesExceptions = $function->extendedAttributes->{"RaisesException"};
if (!$raisesExceptions) {
foreach my $parameter (@{$function->parameters}) {
if ($parameter->extendedAttributes->{"IsIndex"}) {
$raisesExceptions = 1;
if ($raisesExceptions) {
$code .= " ExceptionCode ec = 0;\n";
if ($function->extendedAttributes->{"CheckSecurityForNode"}) {
$code .= " if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToNode(imp->" . GetImplName($function) . "(ec))) {\n";
$code .= " v8SetReturnValueNull(args);\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= " }\n";
my ($parameterCheckString, $paramIndex, %replacements) = GenerateParametersCheck($function, $interface, $forMainWorldSuffix);
$code .= $parameterCheckString;
# Build the function call string.
$code .= GenerateFunctionCallString($function, $paramIndex, " ", $interface, $forMainWorldSuffix, %replacements);
$code .= "}\n\n";
$code .= "#endif // ${conditionalString}\n\n" if $conditionalString;
sub GenerateCallWith
my $callWith = shift;
return ([], "") unless $callWith;
my $indent = shift;
my $returnVoid = shift;
my $function = shift;
my $code = "";
my @callWithArgs;
if (ExtendedAttributeContains($callWith, "ScriptState")) {
$code .= $indent . "ScriptState* currentState = ScriptState::current();\n";
$code .= $indent . "if (!currentState)\n";
$code .= $indent . " return" . ($returnVoid ? "" : " v8Undefined()") . ";\n";
$code .= $indent . "ScriptState& state = *currentState;\n";
push(@callWithArgs, "&state");
if (ExtendedAttributeContains($callWith, "ScriptExecutionContext")) {
$code .= $indent . "ScriptExecutionContext* scriptContext = getScriptExecutionContext();\n";
push(@callWithArgs, "scriptContext");
if ($function and ExtendedAttributeContains($callWith, "ScriptArguments")) {
$code .= $indent . "RefPtr<ScriptArguments> scriptArguments(createScriptArguments(args, " . @{$function->parameters} . "));\n";
push(@callWithArgs, "scriptArguments.release()");
if (ExtendedAttributeContains($callWith, "ActiveWindow")) {
push(@callWithArgs, "activeDOMWindow()");
if (ExtendedAttributeContains($callWith, "FirstWindow")) {
push(@callWithArgs, "firstDOMWindow()");
return ([@callWithArgs], $code);
sub GenerateArgumentsCountCheck
my $function = shift;
my $interface = shift;
my $numMandatoryParams = 0;
my $allowNonOptional = 1;
foreach my $param (@{$function->parameters}) {
if ($param->isOptional or $param->isVariadic) {
$allowNonOptional = 0;
} else {
die "An argument must not be declared to be optional unless all subsequent arguments to the operation are also optional." if !$allowNonOptional;
my $argumentsCountCheckString = "";
if ($numMandatoryParams >= 1) {
$argumentsCountCheckString .= " if (args.Length() < $numMandatoryParams) {\n";
$argumentsCountCheckString .= " throwNotEnoughArgumentsError(args.GetIsolate());\n";
$argumentsCountCheckString .= " return;\n";
$argumentsCountCheckString .= " }\n";
return $argumentsCountCheckString;
sub GenerateParametersCheck
my $function = shift;
my $interface = shift;
my $forMainWorldSuffix = shift;
my $style = shift || "new";
my $parameterCheckString = "";
my $paramIndex = 0;
my %replacements = ();
foreach my $parameter (@{$function->parameters}) {
my $nativeType = GetNativeTypeFromAttributeOrParameter($parameter, $paramIndex);
# Optional arguments without [Default=...] should generate an early call with fewer arguments.
# Optional arguments with [Optional=...] should not generate the early call.
# Optional Dictionary arguments always considered to have default of empty dictionary.
if ($parameter->isOptional && !$parameter->extendedAttributes->{"Default"} && $nativeType ne "Dictionary" && !IsCallbackInterface($parameter->type)) {
$parameterCheckString .= " if (args.Length() <= $paramIndex)";
my $functionCall = GenerateFunctionCallString($function, $paramIndex, " " x 2, $interface, $forMainWorldSuffix, %replacements);
my $multiLine = ($functionCall =~ tr/\n//) > 1;
$parameterCheckString .= $multiLine ? " {\n" : "\n";
$parameterCheckString .= $functionCall;
$parameterCheckString .= $multiLine ? " }\n" : "\n";
my $parameterDefaultPolicy = "DefaultIsUndefined";
my $default = defined $parameter->extendedAttributes->{"Default"} ? $parameter->extendedAttributes->{"Default"} : "";
if ($parameter->isOptional and $default eq "NullString") {
$parameterDefaultPolicy = "DefaultIsNullString";
my $parameterName = $parameter->name;
if (IsCallbackInterface($parameter->type)) {
my $v8ClassName = "V8" . $parameter->type;
if ($parameter->isOptional) {
$parameterCheckString .= " RefPtr<" . $parameter->type . "> $parameterName;\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " if (args.Length() > $paramIndex && !args[$paramIndex]->IsNull() && !args[$paramIndex]->IsUndefined()) {\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " if (!args[$paramIndex]->IsFunction()) {\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " throwTypeError(0, args.GetIsolate());\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " return;\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " }\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " $parameterName = ${v8ClassName}::create(args[$paramIndex], getScriptExecutionContext());\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " }\n";
} else {
$parameterCheckString .= " if (args.Length() <= $paramIndex || !args[$paramIndex]->IsFunction()) {\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " throwTypeError(0, args.GetIsolate());\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " return;\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " }\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " RefPtr<" . $parameter->type . "> $parameterName = ${v8ClassName}::create(args[$paramIndex], getScriptExecutionContext());\n";
} elsif ($parameter->extendedAttributes->{"Clamp"}) {
my $nativeValue = "${parameterName}NativeValue";
my $paramType = $parameter->type;
$parameterCheckString .= " $paramType $parameterName = 0;\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " V8TRYCATCH_VOID(double, $nativeValue, args[$paramIndex]->NumberValue());\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " if (!std::isnan($nativeValue))\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " $parameterName = clampTo<$paramType>($nativeValue);\n";
} elsif ($parameter->type eq "SerializedScriptValue") {
$parameterCheckString .= " bool ${parameterName}DidThrow = false;\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " $nativeType $parameterName = SerializedScriptValue::create(args[$paramIndex], 0, 0, ${parameterName}DidThrow, args.GetIsolate());\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " if (${parameterName}DidThrow)\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " return;\n";
} elsif ($parameter->isVariadic) {
my $nativeElementType = GetNativeType($parameter->type);
if ($nativeElementType =~ />$/) {
$nativeElementType .= " ";
my $argType = $parameter->type;
if (IsWrapperType($argType)) {
$parameterCheckString .= " Vector<$nativeElementType> $parameterName;\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " for (int i = $paramIndex; i < args.Length(); ++i) {\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " if (!V8${argType}::HasInstance(args[i], args.GetIsolate(), worldType(args.GetIsolate()))) {\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " throwTypeError(0, args.GetIsolate());\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " return;\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " }\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " $parameterName.append(V8${argType}::toNative(v8::Handle<v8::Object>::Cast(args[i])));\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " }\n";
} else {
$parameterCheckString .= " V8TRYCATCH_VOID(Vector<$nativeElementType>, $parameterName, toNativeArguments<$nativeElementType>(args, $paramIndex));\n";
} elsif ($nativeType =~ /^V8StringResource/) {
my $default = defined $parameter->extendedAttributes->{"Default"} ? $parameter->extendedAttributes->{"Default"} : "";
my $value = JSValueToNative($parameter->type, $parameter->extendedAttributes, $parameter->isOptional && $default eq "NullString" ? "argumentOrNull(args, $paramIndex)" : "args[$paramIndex]", "args.GetIsolate()");
$parameterCheckString .= " " . ConvertToV8StringResource($parameter, $nativeType, $parameterName, $value) . "\n";
if (IsEnumType($parameter->type)) {
my @enumValues = ValidEnumValues($parameter->type);
my @validEqualities = ();
foreach my $enumValue (@enumValues) {
push(@validEqualities, "string == \"$enumValue\"");
my $enumValidationExpression = join(" || ", @validEqualities);
$parameterCheckString .= " String string = $parameterName;\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " if (!($enumValidationExpression)) {\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " throwTypeError(0, args.GetIsolate());\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " return;\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " }\n";
} else {
# If the "StrictTypeChecking" extended attribute is present, and the argument's type is an
# interface type, then if the incoming value does not implement that interface, a TypeError
# is thrown rather than silently passing NULL to the C++ code.
# Per the Web IDL and ECMAScript specifications, incoming values can always be converted
# to both strings and numbers, so do not throw TypeError if the argument is of these
# types.
if ($function->extendedAttributes->{"StrictTypeChecking"}) {
my $argValue = "args[$paramIndex]";
my $argType = $parameter->type;
if (IsWrapperType($argType)) {
$parameterCheckString .= " if (args.Length() > $paramIndex && !isUndefinedOrNull($argValue) && !V8${argType}::HasInstance($argValue, args.GetIsolate(), worldType(args.GetIsolate()))) {\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " throwTypeError(0, args.GetIsolate());\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " return;\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " }\n";
my $default = defined $parameter->extendedAttributes->{"Default"} ? $parameter->extendedAttributes->{"Default"} : "";
my $value = JSValueToNative($parameter->type, $parameter->extendedAttributes, $parameter->isOptional && $default eq "NullString" ? "argumentOrNull(args, $paramIndex)" : "args[$paramIndex]", "args.GetIsolate()");
if ($parameter->extendedAttributes->{"EnforceRange"}) {
$parameterCheckString .= " V8TRYCATCH_WITH_TYPECHECK_VOID($nativeType, $parameterName, $value, args.GetIsolate());\n";
} else {
$parameterCheckString .= " V8TRYCATCH_VOID($nativeType, $parameterName, $value);\n";
if ($nativeType eq 'Dictionary') {
$parameterCheckString .= " if (!$parameterName.isUndefinedOrNull() && !$parameterName.isObject()) {\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " throwTypeError(\"Not an object.\", args.GetIsolate());\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " return;\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " }\n";
if ($parameter->extendedAttributes->{"IsIndex"}) {
$parameterCheckString .= " if (UNLIKELY($parameterName < 0)) {\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " setDOMException(INDEX_SIZE_ERR, args.GetIsolate());\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " return;\n";
$parameterCheckString .= " }\n";
return ($parameterCheckString, $paramIndex, %replacements);
sub GenerateOverloadedConstructorCallback
my $interface = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $code = "";
$code .= <<END;
static void constructor(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args)
my $leastNumMandatoryParams = 255;
foreach my $constructor (@{$interface->constructors}) {
my $name = "constructor" . $constructor->overloadedIndex;
my ($numMandatoryParams, $parametersCheck) = GenerateFunctionParametersCheck($constructor);
$leastNumMandatoryParams = $numMandatoryParams if ($numMandatoryParams < $leastNumMandatoryParams);
$code .= " if ($parametersCheck) {\n";
$code .= " ${implClassName}V8Internal::${name}(args);\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= " }\n";
if ($leastNumMandatoryParams >= 1) {
$code .= " if (args.Length() < $leastNumMandatoryParams) {\n";
$code .= " throwNotEnoughArgumentsError(args.GetIsolate());\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= " }\n";
$code .= <<END;
throwTypeError(0, args.GetIsolate());
$code .= "}\n\n";
sub GenerateSingleConstructorCallback
my $interface = shift;
my $function = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $overloadedIndexString = "";
if ($function->overloadedIndex > 0) {
$overloadedIndexString .= $function->overloadedIndex;
my $raisesExceptions = $function->extendedAttributes->{"RaisesException"};
if ($interface->extendedAttributes->{"ConstructorRaisesException"}) {
$raisesExceptions = 1;
if (!$raisesExceptions) {
foreach my $parameter (@{$function->parameters}) {
if ($parameter->extendedAttributes->{"IsIndex"}) {
$raisesExceptions = 1;
my @beforeArgumentList;
my @afterArgumentList;
my $code = "";
$code .= <<END;
static void constructor${overloadedIndexString}(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args)
if ($function->overloadedIndex == 0) {
$code .= GenerateArgumentsCountCheck($function, $interface);
if ($raisesExceptions) {
$code .= " ExceptionCode ec = 0;\n";
# FIXME: Currently [Constructor(...)] does not yet support optional arguments without [Default=...]
my ($parameterCheckString, $paramIndex, %replacements) = GenerateParametersCheck($function, $interface, "");
$code .= $parameterCheckString;
if ($interface->extendedAttributes->{"ConstructorCallWith"} && $interface->extendedAttributes->{"ConstructorCallWith"} eq "ScriptExecutionContext") {
push(@beforeArgumentList, "context");
$code .= <<END;
ScriptExecutionContext* context = getScriptExecutionContext();
if ($interface->extendedAttributes->{"ConstructorRaisesException"}) {
push(@afterArgumentList, "ec");
my @argumentList;
my $index = 0;
foreach my $parameter (@{$function->parameters}) {
last if $index eq $paramIndex;
if ($replacements{$parameter->name}) {
push(@argumentList, $replacements{$parameter->name});
} else {
push(@argumentList, $parameter->name);
my $argumentString = join(", ", @beforeArgumentList, @argumentList, @afterArgumentList);
$code .= "\n";
$code .= " RefPtr<${implClassName}> impl = ${implClassName}::create(${argumentString});\n";
$code .= " v8::Handle<v8::Object> wrapper = args.Holder();\n";
if ($interface->extendedAttributes->{"ConstructorRaisesException"}) {
$code .= " if (ec) {\n";
$code .= " setDOMException(ec, args.GetIsolate());\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= " }\n";
$code .= <<END;
V8DOMWrapper::associateObjectWithWrapper(impl.release(), &${v8ClassName}::info, wrapper, args.GetIsolate(), WrapperConfiguration::Dependent);
# The Web IDL specification states that Interface objects for interfaces MUST have a property named
# "length" that returns the length of the shortest argument list of the entries in the effective
# overload set for constructors. In other words, use the lowest number of mandatory arguments among
# all constructors.
sub GetInterfaceLength
my $interface = shift;
my $leastConstructorLength = 0;
if (IsConstructorTemplate($interface, "Event") || IsConstructorTemplate($interface, "TypedArray")) {
$leastConstructorLength = 1;
} elsif ($interface->extendedAttributes->{"Constructor"} || $interface->extendedAttributes->{"CustomConstructor"}) {
my @constructors = @{$interface->constructors};
my @customConstructors = @{$interface->customConstructors};
$leastConstructorLength = 255;
foreach my $constructor (@constructors, @customConstructors) {
my $constructorLength = GetFunctionLength($constructor);
$leastConstructorLength = $constructorLength if ($constructorLength < $leastConstructorLength);
return $leastConstructorLength;
sub GenerateConstructorCallback
my $interface = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $code = "";
$code .= "void ${v8ClassName}::constructorCallback(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args)\n";
$code .= "{\n";
$code .= " TraceEvent::SamplingState0Scope(\"Blink\\0Blink-DOMConstructor\");\n";
$code .= GenerateFeatureObservation($interface->extendedAttributes->{"MeasureAs"});
$code .= GenerateDeprecationNotification($interface->extendedAttributes->{"DeprecateAs"});
$code .= GenerateConstructorHeader();
if (HasCustomConstructor($interface)) {
$code .= " ${v8ClassName}::constructorCustom(args);\n";
} else {
$code .= " ${implClassName}V8Internal::constructor(args);\n";
$code .= "}\n\n";
sub GenerateConstructor
my $interface = shift;
if (@{$interface->constructors} == 1) {
GenerateSingleConstructorCallback($interface, @{$interface->constructors}[0]);
} else {
foreach my $constructor (@{$interface->constructors}) {
GenerateSingleConstructorCallback($interface, $constructor);
sub GenerateEventConstructor
my $interface = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
static void constructor(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args)
if (args.Length() < 1) {
V8TRYCATCH_FOR_V8STRINGRESOURCE_VOID(V8StringResource<>, type, args[0]);
${implClassName}Init eventInit;
if (args.Length() >= 2) {
V8TRYCATCH_VOID(Dictionary, options, Dictionary(args[1], args.GetIsolate()));
if (!fill${implClassName}Init(eventInit, options))
RefPtr<${implClassName}> event = ${implClassName}::create(type, eventInit);
v8::Handle<v8::Object> wrapper = args.Holder();
V8DOMWrapper::associateObjectWithWrapper(event.release(), &${v8ClassName}::info, wrapper, args.GetIsolate(), WrapperConfiguration::Dependent);
my $code = "";
$code .= <<END;
bool fill${implClassName}Init(${implClassName}Init& eventInit, const Dictionary& options)
if ($interface->parent) {
my $interfaceBase = $interface->parent;
$code .= <<END;
if (!fill${interfaceBase}Init(eventInit, options))
return false;
for (my $index = 0; $index < @{$interface->attributes}; $index++) {
my $attribute = @{$interface->attributes}[$index];
if ($attribute->extendedAttributes->{"InitializedByEventConstructor"}) {
my $attributeName = $attribute->name;
$code .= " options.get(\"$attributeName\", eventInit.$attributeName);\n";
$code .= <<END;
return true;
sub GenerateTypedArrayConstructor
my $interface = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my ($nativeType, $arrayType) = GetNativeTypeOfTypedArray($interface);
static void constructor(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args)
return constructWebGLArray<$implClassName, ${v8ClassName}, $nativeType>(args, &${v8ClassName}::info, $arrayType);
sub GenerateNamedConstructor
my $function = shift;
my $interface = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $raisesExceptions = $function->extendedAttributes->{"RaisesException"};
if ($interface->extendedAttributes->{"ConstructorRaisesException"}) {
$raisesExceptions = 1;
if (!$raisesExceptions) {
foreach my $parameter (@{$function->parameters}) {
if ($parameter->extendedAttributes->{"IsIndex"}) {
$raisesExceptions = 1;
my $maybeObserveFeature = GenerateFeatureObservation($function->extendedAttributes->{"MeasureAs"});
my $maybeDeprecateFeature = GenerateDeprecationNotification($function->extendedAttributes->{"DeprecateAs"});
my @beforeArgumentList;
my @afterArgumentList;
my $toActiveDOMObject = "0";
if (InheritsExtendedAttribute($interface, "ActiveDOMObject")) {
$toActiveDOMObject = "${v8ClassName}::toActiveDOMObject";
my $toEventTarget = "0";
if (InheritsExtendedAttribute($interface, "EventTarget")) {
$toEventTarget = "${v8ClassName}::toEventTarget";
WrapperTypeInfo ${v8ClassName}Constructor::info = { ${v8ClassName}Constructor::GetTemplate, ${v8ClassName}::derefObject, $toActiveDOMObject, $toEventTarget, 0, ${v8ClassName}::installPerContextPrototypeProperties, 0, WrapperTypeObjectPrototype };
my $code = "";
$code .= <<END;
static void ${v8ClassName}ConstructorCallback(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args)
$code .= $maybeObserveFeature if $maybeObserveFeature;
$code .= $maybeDeprecateFeature if $maybeDeprecateFeature;
$code .= GenerateConstructorHeader();
$code .= <<END;
Document* document = currentDocument();
// Make sure the document is added to the DOM Node map. Otherwise, the ${implClassName} instance
// may end up being the only node in the map and get garbage-collected prematurely.
toV8(document, args.Holder(), args.GetIsolate());
$code .= GenerateArgumentsCountCheck($function, $interface);
if ($raisesExceptions) {
$code .= " ExceptionCode ec = 0;\n";
my ($parameterCheckString, $paramIndex, %replacements) = GenerateParametersCheck($function, $interface);
$code .= $parameterCheckString;
push(@beforeArgumentList, "document");
if ($interface->extendedAttributes->{"ConstructorRaisesException"}) {
push(@afterArgumentList, "ec");
my @argumentList;
my $index = 0;
foreach my $parameter (@{$function->parameters}) {
last if $index eq $paramIndex;
if ($replacements{$parameter->name}) {
push(@argumentList, $replacements{$parameter->name});
} else {
push(@argumentList, $parameter->name);
my $argumentString = join(", ", @beforeArgumentList, @argumentList, @afterArgumentList);
$code .= "\n";
$code .= " RefPtr<${implClassName}> impl = ${implClassName}::createForJSConstructor(${argumentString});\n";
$code .= " v8::Handle<v8::Object> wrapper = args.Holder();\n";
if ($interface->extendedAttributes->{"ConstructorRaisesException"}) {
$code .= " if (ec) {\n";
$code .= " setDOMException(ec, args.GetIsolate());\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= " }\n";
$code .= <<END;
V8DOMWrapper::associateObjectWithWrapper(impl.release(), &${v8ClassName}Constructor::info, wrapper, args.GetIsolate(), WrapperConfiguration::Dependent);
$code = <<END;
v8::Handle<v8::FunctionTemplate> ${v8ClassName}Constructor::GetTemplate(v8::Isolate* isolate, WrapperWorldType currentWorldType)
static v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate> cachedTemplate;
if (!cachedTemplate.IsEmpty())
return v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate>::New(isolate, cachedTemplate);
v8::HandleScope scope(isolate);
v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> result = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(${v8ClassName}ConstructorCallback);
v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> instance = result->InstanceTemplate();
result->Inherit(${v8ClassName}::GetTemplate(isolate, currentWorldType));
cachedTemplate.Reset(isolate, result);
return scope.Close(v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate>::New(isolate, cachedTemplate));
sub GenerateConstructorHeader
my $content = <<END;
if (!args.IsConstructCall()) {
throwTypeError("DOM object constructor cannot be called as a function.", args.GetIsolate());
if (ConstructorMode::current() == ConstructorMode::WrapExistingObject) {
return $content;
sub GenerateBatchedAttributeData
my $interface = shift;
my $attributes = shift;
my $code = "";
foreach my $attribute (@$attributes) {
my $conditionalString = GenerateConditionalString($attribute);
my $subCode = "";
$subCode .= "#if ${conditionalString}\n" if $conditionalString;
$subCode .= GenerateSingleBatchedAttribute($interface, $attribute, ",", "");
$subCode .= "#endif // ${conditionalString}\n" if $conditionalString;
$code .= $subCode;
return $code;
sub GenerateSingleBatchedAttribute
my $interface = shift;
my $attribute = shift;
my $delimiter = shift;
my $indent = shift;
my $code = "";
my $attrName = $attribute->name;
my $attrExt = $attribute->extendedAttributes;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $accessControl = "v8::DEFAULT";
if ($attrExt->{"DoNotCheckSecurityOnGetter"}) {
$accessControl = "v8::ALL_CAN_READ";
} elsif ($attrExt->{"DoNotCheckSecurityOnSetter"}) {
$accessControl = "v8::ALL_CAN_WRITE";
} elsif ($attrExt->{"DoNotCheckSecurity"}) {
$accessControl = "v8::ALL_CAN_READ";
if (!IsReadonly($attribute)) {
$accessControl .= " | v8::ALL_CAN_WRITE";
if ($attrExt->{"Unforgeable"}) {
$accessControl .= " | v8::PROHIBITS_OVERWRITING";
$accessControl = "static_cast<v8::AccessControl>(" . $accessControl . ")";
my $customAccessor = HasCustomGetter($attrExt) || HasCustomSetter($attrExt) || "";
if ($customAccessor eq "VALUE_IS_MISSING") {
# use the naming convension, interface + (capitalize) attr name
$customAccessor = $implClassName . "::" . $attrName;
my $getter;
my $setter;
my $getterForMainWorld;
my $setterForMainWorld;
my $propAttr = "v8::None";
my $isConstructor = ($attribute->type =~ /Constructor$/);
# Check attributes.
# As per Web IDL specification, constructor properties on the ECMAScript global object should be
# configurable and should not be enumerable.
if ($attrExt->{"NotEnumerable"} || $isConstructor) {
$propAttr .= " | v8::DontEnum";
if ($attrExt->{"Unforgeable"} && !$isConstructor) {
$propAttr .= " | v8::DontDelete";
my $on_proto = "0 /* on instance */";
my $data = "0 /* no data */";
# Constructor
if ($isConstructor) {
my $constructorType = $attribute->type;
$constructorType =~ s/Constructor$//;
# $constructorType ~= /Constructor$/ indicates that it is NamedConstructor.
# We do not generate the header file for NamedConstructor of class XXXX,
# since we generate the NamedConstructor declaration into the header file of class XXXX.
if ($constructorType !~ /Constructor$/ || $attribute->extendedAttributes->{"CustomConstructor"}) {
$data = "&V8${constructorType}::info";
$getter = "${implClassName}V8Internal::${implClassName}ConstructorGetter";
$setter = "${implClassName}V8Internal::${implClassName}ReplaceableAttrSetterCallback";
$getterForMainWorld = "0";
$setterForMainWorld = "0";
} else {
# Default Getter and Setter
$getter = "${implClassName}V8Internal::${attrName}AttrGetterCallback";
$setter = "${implClassName}V8Internal::${attrName}AttrSetterCallback";
$getterForMainWorld = "${getter}ForMainWorld";
$setterForMainWorld = "${setter}ForMainWorld";
if (!HasCustomSetter($attrExt) && $attrExt->{"Replaceable"}) {
$setter = "${implClassName}V8Internal::${implClassName}ReplaceableAttrSetterCallback";
$setterForMainWorld = "0";
# Read only attributes
if (IsReadonly($attribute)) {
$setter = "0";
$setterForMainWorld = "0";
# An accessor can be installed on the proto
if ($attrExt->{"OnProto"}) {
$on_proto = "1 /* on proto */";
if (!$attrExt->{"PerWorldBindings"}) {
$getterForMainWorld = "0";
$setterForMainWorld = "0";
my $commentInfo = "Attribute '$attrName'";
$code .= $indent . " \/\/ $commentInfo\n";
$code .= $indent . " {\"$attrName\", $getter, $setter, $getterForMainWorld, $setterForMainWorld, $data, $accessControl, static_cast<v8::PropertyAttribute>($propAttr), $on_proto}" . $delimiter . "\n";
return $code;
sub IsStandardFunction
my $interface = shift;
my $function = shift;
my $interfaceName = $interface->name;
my $attrExt = $function->extendedAttributes;
return 0 if $attrExt->{"Unforgeable"};
return 0 if $function->isStatic;
return 0 if $attrExt->{"EnabledAtRuntime"};
return 0 if $attrExt->{"EnabledPerContext"};
return 0 if RequiresCustomSignature($function);
return 0 if $attrExt->{"DoNotCheckSignature"};
return 0 if ($attrExt->{"DoNotCheckSecurity"} && ($interface->extendedAttributes->{"CheckSecurity"} || $interfaceName eq "Window"));
return 0 if $attrExt->{"NotEnumerable"};
return 0 if $attrExt->{"ReadOnly"};
return 1;
sub GenerateNonStandardFunction
my $interface = shift;
my $function = shift;
my $code = "";
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $attrExt = $function->extendedAttributes;
my $name = $function->name;
my $property_attributes = "v8::DontDelete";
if ($attrExt->{"NotEnumerable"}) {
$property_attributes .= " | v8::DontEnum";
if ($attrExt->{"ReadOnly"}) {
$property_attributes .= " | v8::ReadOnly";
my $commentInfo = "Function '$name' (ExtAttr: '" . join(' ', keys(%{$attrExt})) . "')";
my $template = "proto";
if ($attrExt->{"Unforgeable"}) {
$template = "instance";
if ($function->isStatic) {
$template = "desc";
my $conditional = "";
if ($attrExt->{"EnabledAtRuntime"}) {
# Only call Set()/SetAccessor() if this method should be enabled
my $enable_function = GetRuntimeEnableFunctionName($function);
$conditional = "if (${enable_function}())\n ";
if ($attrExt->{"EnabledPerContext"}) {
# Only call Set()/SetAccessor() if this method should be enabled
my $enable_function = GetContextEnableFunction($function);
$conditional = "if (${enable_function}(impl->document()))\n ";
if ($interface->extendedAttributes->{"CheckSecurity"} && $attrExt->{"DoNotCheckSecurity"}) {
my $setter = $attrExt->{"ReadOnly"} ? "0" : "${implClassName}V8Internal::${implClassName}DomainSafeFunctionSetter";
# Functions that are marked DoNotCheckSecurity are always readable but if they are changed
# and then accessed on a different domain we do not return the underlying value but instead
# return a new copy of the original function. This is achieved by storing the changed value
# as hidden property.
$code .= <<END;
// $commentInfo
${conditional}$template->SetAccessor(v8::String::NewSymbol("$name"), ${implClassName}V8Internal::${name}AttrGetterCallback, ${setter}, v8Undefined(), v8::ALL_CAN_READ, static_cast<v8::PropertyAttribute>($property_attributes));
return $code;
my $signature = "defaultSignature";
if ($attrExt->{"DoNotCheckSignature"} || $function->isStatic) {
$signature = "v8::Local<v8::Signature>()";
my $conditionalString = GenerateConditionalString($function);
$code .= "#if ${conditionalString}\n" if $conditionalString;
if (RequiresCustomSignature($function)) {
$signature = "${name}Signature";
$code .= "\n // Custom Signature '$name'\n" . CreateCustomSignature($function);
if ($property_attributes eq "v8::DontDelete") {
$property_attributes = "";
} else {
$property_attributes = ", static_cast<v8::PropertyAttribute>($property_attributes)";
if ($template eq "proto" && $conditional eq "" && $signature eq "defaultSignature" && $property_attributes eq "") {
die "This shouldn't happen: Class '$implClassName' $commentInfo\n";
my $functionLength = GetFunctionLength($function);
if ($function->extendedAttributes->{"PerWorldBindings"}) {
$code .= " if (currentWorldType == MainWorld) {\n";
$code .= " ${conditional}$template->Set(v8::String::NewSymbol(\"$name\"), v8::FunctionTemplate::New(${implClassName}V8Internal::${name}MethodCallbackForMainWorld, v8Undefined(), ${signature}, $functionLength)$property_attributes);\n";
$code .= " } else {\n";
$code .= " ${conditional}$template->Set(v8::String::NewSymbol(\"$name\"), v8::FunctionTemplate::New(${implClassName}V8Internal::${name}MethodCallback, v8Undefined(), ${signature}, $functionLength)$property_attributes);\n";
$code .= " }\n";
} else {
$code .= " ${conditional}$template->Set(v8::String::NewSymbol(\"$name\"), v8::FunctionTemplate::New(${implClassName}V8Internal::${name}MethodCallback, v8Undefined(), ${signature}, $functionLength)$property_attributes);\n";
$code .= "#endif // ${conditionalString}\n" if $conditionalString;
return $code;
sub GenerateIsNullExpression
my $type = shift;
my $variableName = shift;
if (IsUnionType($type)) {
my $types = $type->unionMemberTypes;
my @expression = ();
for my $i (0 .. scalar(@$types)-1) {
my $unionMemberType = $types->[$i];
my $unionMemberVariable = $variableName . $i;
my $isNull = GenerateIsNullExpression($unionMemberType, $unionMemberVariable);
push @expression, $isNull;
return join " && ", @expression;
if (IsRefPtrType($type)) {
return "!${variableName}";
} elsif ($type eq "DOMString") {
return "${variableName}.isNull()";
} else {
return "";
sub GenerateIfElseStatement
my $type = shift;
my $outputVariableName = shift;
my $conditions = shift;
my $statements = shift;
my $code = "";
if (@$conditions == 1) {
$code .= " ${type} ${outputVariableName} = " . $statements->[0] . "\n";
} else {
$code .= " ${type} ${outputVariableName};\n";
for my $i (0 .. @$conditions - 1) {
my $token = "else if";
$token = "if" if $i == 0;
$token = "else" if $i == @$conditions - 1;
$code .= " ${token}";
$code .= " (" . $conditions->[$i] . ")" if $conditions->[$i];
$code .= "\n";
$code .= " ${outputVariableName} = " . $statements->[$i] . "\n";
return $code;
sub GenerateImplementationIndexedPropertyAccessors
my $interface = shift;
my $interfaceName = $interface->name;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $indexedGetterFunction = GetIndexedGetterFunction($interface);
if ($indexedGetterFunction) {
my $hasCustomIndexedGetter = $indexedGetterFunction->extendedAttributes->{"Custom"};
if (!$hasCustomIndexedGetter) {
GenerateImplementationIndexedPropertyGetter($interface, $indexedGetterFunction);
GenerateImplementationIndexedPropertyGetterCallback($interface, $hasCustomIndexedGetter);
my $indexedSetterFunction = GetIndexedSetterFunction($interface);
if ($indexedSetterFunction) {
my $hasCustomIndexedSetter = $indexedSetterFunction->extendedAttributes->{"Custom"};
if (!$hasCustomIndexedSetter) {
GenerateImplementationIndexedPropertySetter($interface, $indexedSetterFunction);
GenerateImplementationIndexedPropertySetterCallback($interface, $hasCustomIndexedSetter);
my $indexedDeleterFunction = GetIndexedDeleterFunction($interface);
if ($indexedDeleterFunction) {
my $hasCustomIndexedDeleter = $indexedDeleterFunction->extendedAttributes->{"Custom"};
if (!$hasCustomIndexedDeleter) {
GenerateImplementationIndexedPropertyDeleter($interface, $indexedDeleterFunction);
GenerateImplementationIndexedPropertyDeleterCallback($interface, $hasCustomIndexedDeleter);
my $indexedEnumeratorFunction = $indexedGetterFunction;
$indexedEnumeratorFunction = 0 if $indexedGetterFunction && $indexedGetterFunction->extendedAttributes->{"NotEnumerable"};
my $indexedQueryFunction = 0;
# If there is an enumerator, there MUST be a query method to properly communicate property attributes.
my $hasQuery = $indexedQueryFunction || $indexedEnumeratorFunction;
my $setOn = "Instance";
# V8 has access-check callback API (see ObjectTemplate::SetAccessCheckCallbacks) and it's used on Window
# instead of deleters or enumerators. In addition, the getter should be set on prototype template, to
# get implementation straight out of the Window prototype regardless of what prototype is actually set
# on the object.
if ($interfaceName eq "Window") {
$setOn = "Prototype";
my $code = "";
if ($indexedGetterFunction || $indexedSetterFunction || $indexedDeleterFunction || $indexedEnumeratorFunction || $hasQuery) {
$code .= " desc->${setOn}Template()->SetIndexedPropertyHandler(${implClassName}V8Internal::indexedPropertyGetterCallback";
$code .= $indexedSetterFunction ? ", ${implClassName}V8Internal::indexedPropertySetterCallback" : ", 0";
$code .= ", 0"; # IndexedPropertyQuery -- not being used at the moment.
$code .= $indexedDeleterFunction ? ", ${implClassName}V8Internal::indexedPropertyDeleterCallback" : ", 0";
$code .= ", indexedPropertyEnumerator<${implClassName}>" if $indexedEnumeratorFunction;
$code .= ");\n";
return $code;
sub GenerateImplementationIndexedPropertyGetter
my $interface = shift;
my $indexedGetterFunction = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $methodName = GetImplName($indexedGetterFunction);
my $returnType = $indexedGetterFunction->type;
my $nativeType = GetNativeType($returnType);
my $nativeValue = "element";
$nativeValue .= ".release()" if (IsRefPtrType($returnType));
my $isNull = GenerateIsNullExpression($returnType, "element");
my $returnJSValueCode = NativeToJSValue($indexedGetterFunction->type, $indexedGetterFunction->extendedAttributes, $nativeValue, " ", "", "info.Holder()", "info.GetIsolate()", "info", "collection", "", "", "return");
my $raisesExceptions = $indexedGetterFunction->extendedAttributes->{"RaisesException"};
my $methodCallCode = GenerateMethodCall($returnType, "element", "collection->${methodName}", "index", $raisesExceptions);
my $getterCode = "static void indexedPropertyGetter(uint32_t index, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info)\n";
$getterCode .= "{\n";
$getterCode .= " ASSERT(V8DOMWrapper::maybeDOMWrapper(info.Holder()));\n";
$getterCode .= " ${implClassName}* collection = ${v8ClassName}::toNative(info.Holder());\n";
if ($raisesExceptions) {
$getterCode .= " ExceptionCode ec = 0;\n";
$getterCode .= $methodCallCode . "\n";
if ($raisesExceptions) {
$getterCode .= " if (ec) {\n";
$getterCode .= " setDOMException(ec, info.GetIsolate());\n";
$getterCode .= " return;\n";
$getterCode .= " }\n";
if (IsUnionType($returnType)) {
$getterCode .= "${returnJSValueCode}\n";
$getterCode .= " return;\n";
} else {
$getterCode .= " if (${isNull})\n";
$getterCode .= " return;\n";
$getterCode .= $returnJSValueCode . "\n";
$getterCode .= "}\n\n";
sub GenerateImplementationIndexedPropertyGetterCallback
my $interface = shift;
my $hasCustom = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $code = "static void indexedPropertyGetterCallback(uint32_t index, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info)\n";
$code .= "{\n";
$code .= " TRACE_EVENT_SAMPLING_STATE0(\"Blink\\0Blink-DOMIndexedProperty\");\n";
if ($hasCustom) {
$code .= " ${v8ClassName}::indexedPropertyGetterCustom(index, info);\n";
} else {
$code .= " ${implClassName}V8Internal::indexedPropertyGetter(index, info);\n";
$code .= " TRACE_EVENT_SAMPLING_STATE0(\"V8\\0V8-Execution\");\n";
$code .= "}\n\n";
sub GenerateImplementationIndexedPropertySetterCallback
my $interface = shift;
my $hasCustom = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $code = "static void indexedPropertySetterCallback(uint32_t index, v8::Local<v8::Value> value, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info)\n";
$code .= "{\n";
$code .= " TRACE_EVENT_SAMPLING_STATE0(\"Blink\\0Blink-DOMIndexedProperty\");\n";
if ($hasCustom) {
$code .= " ${v8ClassName}::indexedPropertySetterCustom(index, value, info);\n";
} else {
$code .= " ${implClassName}V8Internal::indexedPropertySetter(index, value, info);\n";
$code .= " TRACE_EVENT_SAMPLING_STATE0(\"V8\\0V8-Execution\");\n";
$code .= "}\n\n";
sub GenerateImplementationIndexedPropertyDeleterCallback
my $interface = shift;
my $hasCustom = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $code = "static void indexedPropertyDeleterCallback(uint32_t index, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Boolean>& info)\n";
$code .= "{\n";
$code .= " TRACE_EVENT_SAMPLING_STATE0(\"Blink\\0Blink-DOMIndexedProperty\");\n";
if ($hasCustom) {
$code .= " ${v8ClassName}::indexedPropertyDeleterCustom(index, info);\n";
} else {
$code .= " ${implClassName}V8Internal::indexedPropertyDeleter(index, info);\n";
$code .= " TRACE_EVENT_SAMPLING_STATE0(\"V8\\0V8-Execution\");\n";
$code .= "}\n\n";
sub GenerateImplementationIndexedPropertySetter
my $interface = shift;
my $indexedSetterFunction = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $methodName = GetImplName($indexedSetterFunction);
my $type = $indexedSetterFunction->parameters->[1]->type;
my $raisesExceptions = $indexedSetterFunction->extendedAttributes->{"RaisesException"};
my $treatNullAs = $indexedSetterFunction->parameters->[1]->extendedAttributes->{"TreatNullAs"};
my $treatUndefinedAs = $indexedSetterFunction->parameters->[1]->extendedAttributes->{"TreatUndefinedAs"};
my $code = "static void indexedPropertySetter(uint32_t index, v8::Local<v8::Value> value, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info)\n";
$code .= "{\n";
$code .= " ${implClassName}* collection = ${v8ClassName}::toNative(info.Holder());\n";
$code .= GenerateNativeValueDefinition($indexedSetterFunction, $indexedSetterFunction->parameters->[1], "value", "propertyValue", "info.GetIsolate()");
my $extraArguments = "";
if ($raisesExceptions) {
$code .= " ExceptionCode ec = 0;\n";
$extraArguments = ", ec";
my $passNativeValue = "propertyValue";
$passNativeValue .= ".release()" if (IsRefPtrType($type));
my @conditions = ();
my @statements = ();
if ($treatNullAs && $treatNullAs ne "NullString") {
push @conditions, "value->IsNull()";
push @statements, "collection->${treatNullAs}(index$extraArguments);";
if ($treatUndefinedAs && $treatUndefinedAs ne "NullString") {
push @conditions, "value->IsUndefined()";
push @statements, "collection->${treatUndefinedAs}(index$extraArguments);";
push @conditions, "";
push @statements, "collection->${methodName}(index, $passNativeValue$extraArguments);";
$code .= GenerateIfElseStatement("bool", "result", \@conditions, \@statements);
$code .= " if (!result)\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
if ($raisesExceptions) {
$code .= " if (ec) {\n";
$code .= " setDOMException(ec, info.GetIsolate());\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= " }\n";
$code .= " v8SetReturnValue(info, value);\n";
$code .= "}\n\n";
sub GenerateImplementationNamedPropertyAccessors
my $interface = shift;
my $interfaceName = $interface->name;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $namedGetterFunction = GetNamedGetterFunction($interface);
if ($namedGetterFunction) {
my $hasCustomNamedGetter = $namedGetterFunction->extendedAttributes->{"Custom"};
if (!$hasCustomNamedGetter) {
GenerateImplementationNamedPropertyGetter($interface, $namedGetterFunction);
GenerateImplementationNamedPropertyGetterCallback($interface, $hasCustomNamedGetter);
my $namedSetterFunction = GetNamedSetterFunction($interface);
if ($namedSetterFunction) {
my $hasCustomNamedSetter = $namedSetterFunction->extendedAttributes->{"Custom"};
if (!$hasCustomNamedSetter) {
GenerateImplementationNamedPropertySetter($interface, $namedSetterFunction);
GenerateImplementationNamedPropertySetterCallback($interface, $hasCustomNamedSetter);
my $namedDeleterFunction = GetNamedDeleterFunction($interface);
if ($namedDeleterFunction) {
my $hasCustomNamedDeleter = $namedDeleterFunction->extendedAttributes->{"Custom"};
if (!$hasCustomNamedDeleter) {
GenerateImplementationNamedPropertyDeleter($interface, $namedDeleterFunction);
GenerateImplementationNamedPropertyDeleterCallback($interface, $hasCustomNamedDeleter);
my $namedEnumeratorFunction = $namedGetterFunction && !$namedGetterFunction->extendedAttributes->{"NotEnumerable"};
if ($namedEnumeratorFunction) {
my $hasCustomNamedEnumerator = $namedGetterFunction->extendedAttributes->{"CustomEnumerateProperty"};
if (!$hasCustomNamedEnumerator) {
GenerateImplementationNamedPropertyEnumeratorCallback($interface, $hasCustomNamedEnumerator);
GenerateImplementationNamedPropertyQueryCallback($interface, $hasCustomNamedEnumerator);
my $subCode = "";
if ($namedGetterFunction || $namedSetterFunction || $namedDeleterFunction || $namedEnumeratorFunction) {
my $setOn = "Instance";
# V8 has access-check callback API (see ObjectTemplate::SetAccessCheckCallbacks) and it's used on Window
# instead of deleters or enumerators. In addition, the getter should be set on prototype template, to
# get implementation straight out of the Window prototype regardless of what prototype is actually set
# on the object.
if ($interfaceName eq "Window") {
$setOn = "Prototype";
$subCode .= " desc->${setOn}Template()->SetNamedPropertyHandler(";
$subCode .= $namedGetterFunction ? "${implClassName}V8Internal::namedPropertyGetterCallback, " : "0, ";
$subCode .= $namedSetterFunction ? "${implClassName}V8Internal::namedPropertySetterCallback, " : "0, ";
$subCode .= $namedEnumeratorFunction ? "${implClassName}V8Internal::namedPropertyQueryCallback, " : "0, ";
$subCode .= $namedDeleterFunction ? "${implClassName}V8Internal::namedPropertyDeleterCallback, " : "0, ";
$subCode .= $namedEnumeratorFunction ? "${implClassName}V8Internal::namedPropertyEnumeratorCallback" : "0";
$subCode .= ");\n";
return $subCode;
sub GenerateImplementationNamedPropertyGetterCallback
my $interface = shift;
my $hasCustom = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $code = "static void namedPropertyGetterCallback(v8::Local<v8::String> name, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info)\n";
$code .= "{\n";
$code .= " TRACE_EVENT_SAMPLING_STATE0(\"Blink\\0Blink-DOMNamedProperty\");\n";
if ($hasCustom) {
$code .= " ${v8ClassName}::namedPropertyGetterCustom(name, info);\n";
} else {
$code .= " ${implClassName}V8Internal::namedPropertyGetter(name, info);\n";
$code .= " TRACE_EVENT_SAMPLING_STATE0(\"V8\\0V8-Execution\");\n";
$code .= "}\n\n";
sub GenerateImplementationNamedPropertySetterCallback
my $interface = shift;
my $hasCustom = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $code = "static void namedPropertySetterCallback(v8::Local<v8::String> name, v8::Local<v8::Value> value, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info)\n";
$code .= "{\n";
$code .= " TRACE_EVENT_SAMPLING_STATE0(\"Blink\\0Blink-DOMNamedProperty\");\n";
if ($hasCustom) {
$code .= " ${v8ClassName}::namedPropertySetterCustom(name, value, info);\n";
} else {
$code .= " ${implClassName}V8Internal::namedPropertySetter(name, value, info);\n";
$code .= " TRACE_EVENT_SAMPLING_STATE0(\"V8\\0V8-Execution\");\n";
$code .= "}\n\n";
sub GenerateImplementationNamedPropertyDeleterCallback
my $interface = shift;
my $hasCustom = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $code = "static void namedPropertyDeleterCallback(v8::Local<v8::String> name, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Boolean>& info)\n";
$code .= "{\n";
$code .= " TRACE_EVENT_SAMPLING_STATE0(\"Blink\\0Blink-DOMNamedProperty\");\n";
if ($hasCustom) {
$code .= " ${v8ClassName}::namedPropertyDeleterCustom(name, info);\n";
} else {
$code .= " ${implClassName}V8Internal::namedPropertyDeleter(name, info);\n";
$code .= " TRACE_EVENT_SAMPLING_STATE0(\"V8\\0V8-Execution\");\n";
$code .= "}\n\n";
sub GenerateImplementationNamedPropertyEnumeratorCallback
my $interface = shift;
my $hasCustom = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $code = "static void namedPropertyEnumeratorCallback(const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Array>& info)\n";
$code .= "{\n";
$code .= " TRACE_EVENT_SAMPLING_STATE0(\"Blink\\0Blink-DOMNamedProperty\");\n";
if ($hasCustom) {
$code .= " ${v8ClassName}::namedPropertyEnumeratorCustom(info);\n";
} else {
$code .= " ${implClassName}V8Internal::namedPropertyEnumerator(info);\n";
$code .= " TRACE_EVENT_SAMPLING_STATE0(\"V8\\0V8-Execution\");\n";
$code .= "}\n\n";
sub GenerateImplementationNamedPropertyQueryCallback
my $interface = shift;
my $hasCustom = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $code = "static void namedPropertyQueryCallback(v8::Local<v8::String> name, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Integer>& info)\n";
$code .= "{\n";
$code .= " TRACE_EVENT_SAMPLING_STATE0(\"Blink\\0Blink-DOMNamedProperty\");\n";
if ($hasCustom) {
$code .= " ${v8ClassName}::namedPropertyQueryCustom(name, info);\n";
} else {
$code .= " ${implClassName}V8Internal::namedPropertyQuery(name, info);\n";
$code .= " TRACE_EVENT_SAMPLING_STATE0(\"V8\\0V8-Execution\");\n";
$code .= "}\n\n";
sub GenerateMethodCall
my $returnType = shift; # string or UnionType
my $returnName = shift;
my $functionExpression = shift;
my $firstArgument = shift;
my $raisesExceptions = shift;
my @arguments = ();
push @arguments, $firstArgument;
if ($raisesExceptions) {
push @arguments, "ec";
if (IsUnionType($returnType)) {
my $code = "";
my @extraArguments = ();
for my $i (0..scalar(@{$returnType->unionMemberTypes})-1) {
my $unionMemberType = $returnType->unionMemberTypes->[$i];
my $nativeType = GetNativeType($unionMemberType);
my $unionMemberVariable = $returnName . $i;
my $unionMemberEnabledVariable = $returnName . $i . "Enabled";
$code .= " bool ${unionMemberEnabledVariable} = false;\n";
$code .= " ${nativeType} ${unionMemberVariable};\n";
push @extraArguments, $unionMemberEnabledVariable;
push @extraArguments, $unionMemberVariable;
push @arguments, @extraArguments;
$code .= " ${functionExpression}(" . (join ", ", @arguments) . ");";
return $code;
} else {
my $nativeType = GetNativeType($returnType);
return " ${nativeType} element = ${functionExpression}(" . (join ", ", @arguments) . ");"
sub GenerateImplementationNamedPropertyGetter
my $interface = shift;
my $namedGetterFunction = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $methodName = GetImplName($namedGetterFunction);
my $returnType = $namedGetterFunction->type;
my $isNull = GenerateIsNullExpression($returnType, "element");
my $nativeValue = "element";
$nativeValue .= ".release()" if (IsRefPtrType($returnType));
my $returnJSValueCode = NativeToJSValue($namedGetterFunction->type, $namedGetterFunction->extendedAttributes, $nativeValue, " ", "", "info.Holder()", "info.GetIsolate()", "info", "collection", "", "", "return");
my $raisesExceptions = $namedGetterFunction->extendedAttributes->{"RaisesException"};
my $methodCallCode = GenerateMethodCall($returnType, "element", "collection->${methodName}", "propertyName", $raisesExceptions);
my $code = "static void namedPropertyGetter(v8::Local<v8::String> name, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info)\n";
$code .= "{\n";
if (!$namedGetterFunction->extendedAttributes->{"OverrideBuiltins"}) {
$code .= " if (!info.Holder()->GetRealNamedPropertyInPrototypeChain(name).IsEmpty())\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= " if (info.Holder()->HasRealNamedCallbackProperty(name))\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= " if (info.Holder()->HasRealNamedProperty(name))\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= "\n";
$code .= " ASSERT(V8DOMWrapper::maybeDOMWrapper(info.Holder()));\n";
$code .= " ${implClassName}* collection = ${v8ClassName}::toNative(info.Holder());\n";
$code .= " AtomicString propertyName = toWebCoreAtomicString(name);\n";
if ($raisesExceptions) {
$code .= " ExceptionCode ec = 0;\n";
$code .= $methodCallCode . "\n";
if ($raisesExceptions) {
$code .= " if (ec) {\n";
$code .= " setDOMException(ec, info.GetIsolate());\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= " }\n";
if (IsUnionType($returnType)) {
$code .= "${returnJSValueCode}\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
} else {
$code .= " if (${isNull})\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= $returnJSValueCode . "\n";
$code .= "}\n\n";
sub GenerateNativeValueDefinition
my $function = shift;
my $parameter = shift;
my $jsValue = shift;
my $nativeValueName = shift;
my $getIsolate = shift;
my $treatNullAs = $parameter->extendedAttributes->{"TreatNullAs"} || "";
my $treatUndefinedAs = $parameter->extendedAttributes->{"TreatUndefinedAs"} || "";
my $code = "";
my $nativeType = GetNativeType($parameter->type);
my $nativeValue = JSValueToNative($parameter->type, $function->extendedAttributes, $jsValue, $getIsolate);
if ($parameter->type eq "DOMString") {
my $nullCheck = "";
if ($treatNullAs eq "NullString") {
$nullCheck = "WithUndefinedOrNullCheck";
if ($treatUndefinedAs eq "NullString") {
$nullCheck = "WithNullCheck";
$code .= " V8TRYCATCH_FOR_V8STRINGRESOURCE_VOID(V8StringResource<${nullCheck}>, ${nativeValueName}, ${jsValue});\n";
} else {
$code .= " ${nativeType} ${nativeValueName} = ${nativeValue};\n";
return $code;
sub GenerateImplementationNamedPropertySetter
my $interface = shift;
my $namedSetterFunction = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $methodName = GetImplName($namedSetterFunction);
my $raisesExceptions = $namedSetterFunction->extendedAttributes->{"RaisesException"};
my $treatNullAs = $namedSetterFunction->parameters->[1]->extendedAttributes->{"TreatNullAs"};
my $treatUndefinedAs = $namedSetterFunction->parameters->[1]->extendedAttributes->{"TreatUndefinedAs"};
my $code = "static void namedPropertySetter(v8::Local<v8::String> name, v8::Local<v8::Value> value, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info)\n";
$code .= "{\n";
if (!$namedSetterFunction->extendedAttributes->{"OverrideBuiltins"}) {
$code .= " if (!info.Holder()->GetRealNamedPropertyInPrototypeChain(name).IsEmpty())\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= " if (info.Holder()->HasRealNamedCallbackProperty(name))\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= " if (info.Holder()->HasRealNamedProperty(name))\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= " ${implClassName}* collection = ${v8ClassName}::toNative(info.Holder());\n";
$code .= GenerateNativeValueDefinition($namedSetterFunction, $namedSetterFunction->parameters->[0], "name", "propertyName", "info.GetIsolate()");
$code .= GenerateNativeValueDefinition($namedSetterFunction, $namedSetterFunction->parameters->[1], "value", "propertyValue", "info.GetIsolate()");
my $extraArguments = "";
if ($raisesExceptions) {
$code .= " ExceptionCode ec = 0;\n";
$extraArguments = ", ec";
my @conditions = ();
my @statements = ();
if ($treatNullAs && $treatNullAs ne "NullString") {
push @conditions, "value->IsNull()";
push @statements, "collection->${treatNullAs}(propertyName$extraArguments);";
if ($treatUndefinedAs && $treatUndefinedAs ne "NullString") {
push @conditions, "value->IsUndefined()";
push @statements, "collection->${treatUndefinedAs}(propertyName$extraArguments);";
push @conditions, "";
push @statements, "collection->${methodName}(propertyName, propertyValue$extraArguments);";
$code .= GenerateIfElseStatement("bool", "result", \@conditions, \@statements);
$code .= " if (!result)\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
if ($raisesExceptions) {
$code .= " if (ec) {\n";
$code .= " setDOMException(ec, info.GetIsolate());\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= " }\n";
$code .= " v8SetReturnValue(info, value);\n";
$code .= "}\n\n";
sub GenerateImplementationIndexedPropertyDeleter
my $interface = shift;
my $indexedDeleterFunction = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $methodName = GetImplName($indexedDeleterFunction);
my $raisesExceptions = $indexedDeleterFunction->extendedAttributes->{"RaisesException"};
my $code = "static void indexedPropertyDeleter(unsigned index, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Boolean>& info)\n";
$code .= "{\n";
$code .= " ${implClassName}* collection = ${v8ClassName}::toNative(info.Holder());\n";
my $extraArguments = "";
if ($raisesExceptions) {
$code .= " ExceptionCode ec = 0;\n";
$extraArguments = ", ec";
$code .= " bool result = collection->${methodName}(index$extraArguments);\n";
if ($raisesExceptions) {
$code .= " if (ec) {\n";
$code .= " setDOMException(ec, info.GetIsolate());\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= " }\n";
$code .= " return v8SetReturnValueBool(info, result);\n";
$code .= "}\n\n";
sub GenerateImplementationNamedPropertyDeleter
my $interface = shift;
my $namedDeleterFunction = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $methodName = GetImplName($namedDeleterFunction);
my $raisesExceptions = $namedDeleterFunction->extendedAttributes->{"RaisesException"};
my $code = "static void namedPropertyDeleter(v8::Local<v8::String> name, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Boolean>& info)\n";
$code .= "{\n";
$code .= " ${implClassName}* collection = ${v8ClassName}::toNative(info.Holder());\n";
$code .= " AtomicString propertyName = toWebCoreAtomicString(name);\n";
my $extraArguments = "";
if ($raisesExceptions) {
$code .= " ExceptionCode ec = 0;\n";
$extraArguments = ", ec";
$code .= " bool result = collection->${methodName}(propertyName$extraArguments);\n";
if ($raisesExceptions) {
$code .= " if (ec) {\n";
$code .= " setDOMException(ec, info.GetIsolate());\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= " }\n";
$code .= " return v8SetReturnValueBool(info, result);\n";
$code .= "}\n\n";
sub GenerateImplementationNamedPropertyEnumerator
my $interface = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
static void namedPropertyEnumerator(const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Array>& info)
ExceptionCode ec = 0;
${implClassName}* collection = ${v8ClassName}::toNative(info.Holder());
Vector<String> names;
collection->namedPropertyEnumerator(names, ec);
if (ec) {
setDOMException(ec, info.GetIsolate());
v8::Handle<v8::Array> v8names = v8::Array::New(names.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i)
v8names->Set(v8::Integer::New(i, info.GetIsolate()), v8String(names[i], info.GetIsolate()));
v8SetReturnValue(info, v8names);
sub GenerateImplementationNamedPropertyQuery
my $interface = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
static void namedPropertyQuery(v8::Local<v8::String> name, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Integer>& info)
${implClassName}* collection = ${v8ClassName}::toNative(info.Holder());
AtomicString propertyName = toWebCoreAtomicString(name);
ExceptionCode ec = 0;
bool result = collection->namedPropertyQuery(propertyName, ec);
if (ec) {
setDOMException(ec, info.GetIsolate());
if (!result)
v8SetReturnValueInt(info, v8::None);
sub GenerateImplementationLegacyCall
my $interface = shift;
my $code = "";
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
if ($interface->extendedAttributes->{"CustomLegacyCall"}) {
$code .= " desc->InstanceTemplate()->SetCallAsFunctionHandler(${v8ClassName}::legacyCallCustom);\n";
return $code;
sub GenerateImplementationMasqueradesAsUndefined
my $interface = shift;
my $code = "";
if ($interface->extendedAttributes->{"MasqueradesAsUndefined"})
$code .= " desc->InstanceTemplate()->MarkAsUndetectable();\n";
return $code;
sub GenerateImplementation
my $object = shift;
my $interface = shift;
my $interfaceName = $interface->name;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $nativeType = GetNativeTypeForConversions($interface);
my $toActiveDOMObject = InheritsExtendedAttribute($interface, "ActiveDOMObject") ? "${v8ClassName}::toActiveDOMObject" : "0";
my $toEventTarget = InheritsExtendedAttribute($interface, "EventTarget") ? "${v8ClassName}::toEventTarget" : "0";
my $rootForGC = NeedsOpaqueRootForGC($interface) ? "${v8ClassName}::opaqueRootForGC" : "0";
# Find the super descriptor.
my $parentClass = "";
my $parentClassTemplate = "";
if ($interface->parent) {
my $parent = $interface->parent;
$parentClass = "V8" . $parent;
$parentClassTemplate = $parentClass . "::GetTemplate(isolate, currentWorldType)";
my $parentClassInfo = $parentClass ? "&${parentClass}::info" : "0";
my $WrapperTypePrototype = $interface->isException ? "WrapperTypeErrorPrototype" : "WrapperTypeObjectPrototype";
if (!IsSVGTypeNeedingTearOff($interfaceName)) {
my $code = <<END;
static void initializeScriptWrappableForInterface(${implClassName}* object)
if (ScriptWrappable::wrapperCanBeStoredInObject(object))
ScriptWrappable::setTypeInfoInObject(object, &${v8ClassName}::info);
} // namespace WebCore
// In ScriptWrappable::init, the use of a local function declaration has an issue on Windows:
// the local declaration does not pick up the surrounding namespace. Therefore, we provide this function
// in the global namespace.
// (More info on the MSVC bug here:
if (GetNamespaceForInterface($interface) eq "WebCore") {
$code .= "void webCoreInitializeScriptWrappableForInterface(WebCore::${implClassName}* object)\n";
} else {
$code .= "void webCoreInitializeScriptWrappableForInterface(${implClassName}* object)\n";
$code .= <<END;
namespace WebCore {
my $code = "WrapperTypeInfo ${v8ClassName}::info = { ${v8ClassName}::GetTemplate, ${v8ClassName}::derefObject, $toActiveDOMObject, $toEventTarget, ";
$code .= "$rootForGC, ${v8ClassName}::installPerContextPrototypeProperties, $parentClassInfo, $WrapperTypePrototype };\n";
$implementation{nameSpaceInternal}->add("template <typename T> void V8_USE(T) { }\n\n");
my $hasConstructors = 0;
my $hasReplaceable = 0;
# Generate property accessors for attributes.
for (my $index = 0; $index < @{$interface->attributes}; $index++) {
my $attribute = @{$interface->attributes}[$index];
my $attrType = $attribute->type;
my $attrExt = $attribute->extendedAttributes;
# Generate special code for the constructor attributes.
if ($attrType =~ /Constructor$/) {
if (!HasCustomGetter($attrExt)) {
$hasConstructors = 1;
if ($attrType eq "EventListener" && $interfaceName eq "Window") {
$attrExt->{"OnProto"} = 1;
if ($attrType eq "SerializedScriptValue") {
GenerateNormalAttrGetter($attribute, $interface, "");
GenerateNormalAttrGetterCallback($attribute, $interface, "");
if ($attrExt->{"PerWorldBindings"}) {
GenerateNormalAttrGetter($attribute, $interface, "ForMainWorld");
GenerateNormalAttrGetterCallback($attribute, $interface, "ForMainWorld");
if (!HasCustomSetter($attrExt) && $attrExt->{"Replaceable"}) {
$hasReplaceable = 1;
} elsif (!IsReadonly($attribute)) {
GenerateNormalAttrSetter($attribute, $interface, "");
GenerateNormalAttrSetterCallback($attribute, $interface, "");
if ($attrExt->{"PerWorldBindings"}) {
GenerateNormalAttrSetter($attribute, $interface, "ForMainWorld");
GenerateNormalAttrSetterCallback($attribute, $interface, "ForMainWorld");
if ($hasConstructors) {
if ($hasConstructors || $hasReplaceable) {
if (NeedsOpaqueRootForGC($interface)) {
if ($interface->extendedAttributes->{"CheckSecurity"} && $interface->name ne "Window") {
if (IsConstructorTemplate($interface, "TypedArray")) {
my ($nativeType, $arrayType) = GetNativeTypeOfTypedArray($interface);
v8::Handle<v8::Object> wrap($implClassName* impl, v8::Handle<v8::Object> creationContext, v8::Isolate* isolate)
v8::Handle<v8::Object> wrapper = ${v8ClassName}::createWrapper(impl, creationContext, isolate);
if (!wrapper.IsEmpty())
wrapper->SetIndexedPropertiesToExternalArrayData(impl->baseAddress(), $arrayType, impl->length());
return wrapper;
my @enabledPerContextFunctions;
my @normalFunctions;
my $needsDomainSafeFunctionSetter = 0;
# Generate methods for functions.
foreach my $function (@{$interface->functions}) {
next if $function->name eq "";
GenerateFunction($function, $interface, "");
if ($function->extendedAttributes->{"PerWorldBindings"}) {
GenerateFunction($function, $interface, "ForMainWorld");
if ($function->{overloadIndex} == @{$function->{overloads}}) {
if ($function->{overloadIndex} > 1) {
GenerateOverloadedFunction($function, $interface, "");
if ($function->extendedAttributes->{"PerWorldBindings"}) {
GenerateOverloadedFunction($function, $interface, "ForMainWorld");
GenerateFunctionCallback($function, $interface, "");
if ($function->extendedAttributes->{"PerWorldBindings"}) {
GenerateFunctionCallback($function, $interface, "ForMainWorld");
# If the function does not need domain security check, we need to
# generate an access getter that returns different function objects
# for different calling context.
if ($interface->extendedAttributes->{"CheckSecurity"} && $function->extendedAttributes->{"DoNotCheckSecurity"}) {
if (!HasCustomMethod($function->extendedAttributes) || $function->{overloadIndex} == 1) {
GenerateDomainSafeFunctionGetter($function, $interface);
if (!$function->extendedAttributes->{"ReadOnly"}) {
$needsDomainSafeFunctionSetter = 1;
# Separate out functions that are enabled per context so we can process them specially.
if ($function->extendedAttributes->{"EnabledPerContext"}) {
push(@enabledPerContextFunctions, $function);
} else {
push(@normalFunctions, $function);
if ($needsDomainSafeFunctionSetter) {
# Attributes
my $attributes = $interface->attributes;
# For the Window interface we partition the attributes into the
# ones that disallows shadowing and the rest.
my @disallowsShadowing;
# Also separate out attributes that are enabled at runtime so we can process them specially.
my @enabledAtRuntimeAttributes;
my @enabledPerContextAttributes;
my @normalAttributes;
foreach my $attribute (@$attributes) {
if ($interfaceName eq "Window" && $attribute->extendedAttributes->{"Unforgeable"}) {
push(@disallowsShadowing, $attribute);
} elsif ($attribute->extendedAttributes->{"EnabledAtRuntime"} || $attribute->extendedAttributes->{"EnabledPerContext"}) {
if ($attribute->extendedAttributes->{"EnabledPerContext"}) {
push(@enabledPerContextAttributes, $attribute);
if ($attribute->extendedAttributes->{"EnabledAtRuntime"}) {
push(@enabledAtRuntimeAttributes, $attribute);
} else {
push(@normalAttributes, $attribute);
$attributes = \@normalAttributes;
# Put the attributes that disallow shadowing on the shadow object.
if (@disallowsShadowing) {
my $code = "";
$code .= "static const V8DOMConfiguration::BatchedAttribute shadowAttrs[] = {\n";
$code .= GenerateBatchedAttributeData($interface, \@disallowsShadowing);
$code .= "};\n\n";
my $has_attributes = 0;
if (@$attributes) {
$has_attributes = 1;
my $code = "";
$code .= "static const V8DOMConfiguration::BatchedAttribute ${v8ClassName}Attrs[] = {\n";
$code .= GenerateBatchedAttributeData($interface, $attributes);
$code .= "};\n\n";
# Setup table of standard callback functions
my $num_callbacks = 0;
my $has_callbacks = 0;
$code = "";
foreach my $function (@normalFunctions) {
# Only one table entry is needed for overloaded methods:
next if $function->{overloadIndex} > 1;
# Don't put any nonstandard functions into this table:
next if !IsStandardFunction($interface, $function);
next if $function->name eq "";
if (!$has_callbacks) {
$has_callbacks = 1;
$code .= "static const V8DOMConfiguration::BatchedMethod ${v8ClassName}Methods[] = {\n";
my $name = $function->name;
my $methodForMainWorld = "0";
if ($function->extendedAttributes->{"PerWorldBindings"}) {
$methodForMainWorld = "${implClassName}V8Internal::${name}MethodCallbackForMainWorld";
my $functionLength = GetFunctionLength($function);
my $conditionalString = GenerateConditionalString($function);
$code .= "#if ${conditionalString}\n" if $conditionalString;
$code .= <<END;
{"$name", ${implClassName}V8Internal::${name}MethodCallback, ${methodForMainWorld}, ${functionLength}},
$code .= "#endif\n" if $conditionalString;
$code .= "};\n\n" if $has_callbacks;
# Setup constants
my $has_constants = 0;
my @constantsEnabledAtRuntime;
$code = "";
if (@{$interface->constants}) {
$has_constants = 1;
$code .= "static const V8DOMConfiguration::BatchedConstant ${v8ClassName}Consts[] = {\n";
foreach my $constant (@{$interface->constants}) {
my $name = $constant->name;
my $value = $constant->value;
my $attrExt = $constant->extendedAttributes;
my $implementedBy = $attrExt->{"ImplementedBy"};
if ($implementedBy) {
my $implementedByImplName = GetImplNameFromImplementedBy($implementedBy);
AddToImplIncludes(HeaderFilesForInterface($implementedBy, $implementedByImplName));
if ($attrExt->{"EnabledAtRuntime"}) {
push(@constantsEnabledAtRuntime, $constant);
} else {
my $conditionalString = GenerateConditionalString($constant);
$code .= "#if ${conditionalString}\n" if $conditionalString;
# If the value we're dealing with is a hex number, preprocess it into a signed integer
# here, rather than running static_cast<signed int> in the generated code.
if (substr($value, 0, 2) eq "0x") {
$value = unpack('i', pack('I', hex($value)));
$code .= <<END;
{"${name}", $value},
$code .= "#endif\n" if $conditionalString;
if ($has_constants) {
$code .= "};\n\n";
$code .= join "", GenerateCompileTimeCheckForEnumsIfNeeded($interface);
if (!HasCustomConstructor($interface)) {
if ($interface->extendedAttributes->{"NamedConstructor"}) {
GenerateNamedConstructor(@{$interface->constructors}[0], $interface);
} elsif ($interface->extendedAttributes->{"Constructor"}) {
} elsif (IsConstructorTemplate($interface, "Event")) {
} elsif (IsConstructorTemplate($interface, "TypedArray")) {
if (IsConstructable($interface)) {
my $access_check = "";
if ($interface->extendedAttributes->{"CheckSecurity"} && $interfaceName ne "Window") {
$access_check = "instance->SetAccessCheckCallbacks(${implClassName}V8Internal::namedSecurityCheck, ${implClassName}V8Internal::indexedSecurityCheck, v8::External::New(&${v8ClassName}::info));";
# For the Window interface, generate the shadow object template
# configuration method.
if ($interfaceName eq "Window") {
static void ConfigureShadowObjectTemplate(v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> templ, v8::Isolate* isolate, WrapperWorldType currentWorldType)
V8DOMConfiguration::batchConfigureAttributes(templ, v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate>(), shadowAttrs, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(shadowAttrs), isolate, currentWorldType);
// Install a security handler with V8.
templ->SetAccessCheckCallbacks(V8Window::namedSecurityCheckCustom, V8Window::indexedSecurityCheckCustom, v8::External::New(&V8Window::info));
if (!$parentClassTemplate) {
$parentClassTemplate = "v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate>()";
# Generate the template configuration method
$code = <<END;
static v8::Handle<v8::FunctionTemplate> Configure${v8ClassName}Template(v8::Handle<v8::FunctionTemplate> desc, v8::Isolate* isolate, WrapperWorldType currentWorldType)
v8::Local<v8::Signature> defaultSignature;
if ($interface->extendedAttributes->{"EnabledAtRuntime"}) {
my $enable_function = GetRuntimeEnableFunctionName($interface);
$code .= <<END;
if (!${enable_function}())
defaultSignature = V8DOMConfiguration::configureTemplate(desc, \"\", $parentClassTemplate, ${v8ClassName}::internalFieldCount, 0, 0, 0, 0, isolate, currentWorldType);
$code .= <<END;
defaultSignature = V8DOMConfiguration::configureTemplate(desc, \"${interfaceName}\", $parentClassTemplate, ${v8ClassName}::internalFieldCount,
# Set up our attributes if we have them
if ($has_attributes) {
$code .= <<END;
${v8ClassName}Attrs, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(${v8ClassName}Attrs),
} else {
$code .= <<END;
0, 0,
if ($has_callbacks) {
$code .= <<END;
${v8ClassName}Methods, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(${v8ClassName}Methods), isolate, currentWorldType);
} else {
$code .= <<END;
0, 0, isolate, currentWorldType);
$code .= <<END;
UNUSED_PARAM(defaultSignature); // In some cases, it will not be used.
if (IsConstructable($interface)) {
$code .= " desc->SetCallHandler(${v8ClassName}::constructorCallback);\n";
my $interfaceLength = GetInterfaceLength($interface);
$code .= " desc->SetLength(${interfaceLength});\n";
if ($access_check or @enabledAtRuntimeAttributes or @normalFunctions or $has_constants) {
$code .= <<END;
v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> instance = desc->InstanceTemplate();
v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> proto = desc->PrototypeTemplate();
UNUSED_PARAM(instance); // In some cases, it will not be used.
UNUSED_PARAM(proto); // In some cases, it will not be used.
if ($access_check) {
$code .= " $access_check\n";
# Setup the enable-at-runtime attrs if we have them
foreach my $runtime_attr (@enabledAtRuntimeAttributes) {
next if grep { $_ eq $runtime_attr } @enabledPerContextAttributes;
my $enable_function = GetRuntimeEnableFunctionName($runtime_attr);
my $conditionalString = GenerateConditionalString($runtime_attr);
$code .= "\n#if ${conditionalString}\n" if $conditionalString;
$code .= " if (${enable_function}()) {\n";
$code .= " static const V8DOMConfiguration::BatchedAttribute attrData =\\\n";
$code .= GenerateSingleBatchedAttribute($interface, $runtime_attr, ";", " ");
$code .= <<END;
V8DOMConfiguration::configureAttribute(instance, proto, attrData, isolate, currentWorldType);
$code .= "\n#endif // ${conditionalString}\n" if $conditionalString;
# Setup the enable-at-runtime constants if we have them
foreach my $runtime_const (@constantsEnabledAtRuntime) {
my $enable_function = GetRuntimeEnableFunctionName($runtime_const);
my $conditionalString = GenerateConditionalString($runtime_const);
my $name = $runtime_const->name;
my $value = $runtime_const->value;
$code .= "\n#if ${conditionalString}\n" if $conditionalString;
$code .= " if (${enable_function}()) {\n";
$code .= <<END;
static const V8DOMConfiguration::BatchedConstant constData = {"${name}", static_cast<signed int>(${value})};
V8DOMConfiguration::batchConfigureConstants(desc, proto, &constData, 1, isolate);
$code .= " }\n";
$code .= "\n#endif // ${conditionalString}\n" if $conditionalString;
$code .= GenerateImplementationIndexedPropertyAccessors($interface);
$code .= GenerateImplementationNamedPropertyAccessors($interface);
$code .= GenerateImplementationLegacyCall($interface);
$code .= GenerateImplementationMasqueradesAsUndefined($interface);
# Define our functions with Set() or SetAccessor()
my $total_functions = 0;
foreach my $function (@normalFunctions) {
# Only one accessor is needed for overloaded methods:
next if $function->{overloadIndex} > 1;
next if $function->name eq "";
next if IsStandardFunction($interface, $function);
$code .= GenerateNonStandardFunction($interface, $function);
die "Wrong number of callbacks generated for $interfaceName ($num_callbacks, should be $total_functions)" if $num_callbacks != $total_functions;
if ($has_constants) {
$code .= <<END;
V8DOMConfiguration::batchConfigureConstants(desc, proto, ${v8ClassName}Consts, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(${v8ClassName}Consts), isolate);
# Special cases
if ($interfaceName eq "Window") {
$code .= <<END;
// Set access check callbacks, but turned off initially.
// When a context is detached from a frame, turn on the access check.
// Turning on checks also invalidates inline caches of the object.
instance->SetAccessCheckCallbacks(V8Window::namedSecurityCheckCustom, V8Window::indexedSecurityCheckCustom, v8::External::New(&V8Window::info), false);
if ($interfaceName eq "HTMLDocument" or $interfaceName eq "DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope" or $interfaceName eq "SharedWorkerGlobalScope") {
$code .= <<END;
$code .= <<END;
// Custom toString template
desc->Set(v8::String::NewSymbol("toString"), V8PerIsolateData::current()->toStringTemplate());
return desc;
v8::Handle<v8::FunctionTemplate> ${v8ClassName}::GetTemplate(v8::Isolate* isolate, WrapperWorldType currentWorldType)
V8PerIsolateData* data = V8PerIsolateData::from(isolate);
V8PerIsolateData::TemplateMap::iterator result = data->templateMap(currentWorldType).find(&info);
if (result != data->templateMap(currentWorldType).end())
return result->value.newLocal(isolate);
v8::HandleScope handleScope(isolate);
v8::Handle<v8::FunctionTemplate> templ =
Configure${v8ClassName}Template(data->rawTemplate(&info, currentWorldType), isolate, currentWorldType);
data->templateMap(currentWorldType).add(&info, UnsafePersistent<v8::FunctionTemplate>(isolate, templ));
return handleScope.Close(templ);
bool ${v8ClassName}::HasInstance(v8::Handle<v8::Value> value, v8::Isolate* isolate, WrapperWorldType currentWorldType)
return V8PerIsolateData::from(isolate)->hasInstance(&info, value, currentWorldType);
bool ${v8ClassName}::HasInstanceInAnyWorld(v8::Handle<v8::Value> value, v8::Isolate* isolate)
return V8PerIsolateData::from(isolate)->hasInstance(&info, value, MainWorld)
|| V8PerIsolateData::from(isolate)->hasInstance(&info, value, IsolatedWorld)
|| V8PerIsolateData::from(isolate)->hasInstance(&info, value, WorkerWorld);
if (@enabledPerContextAttributes) {
my $code = "";
$code .= <<END;
void ${v8ClassName}::installPerContextProperties(v8::Handle<v8::Object> instance, ${nativeType}* impl, v8::Isolate* isolate)
v8::Local<v8::Object> proto = v8::Local<v8::Object>::Cast(instance->GetPrototype());
# Setup the enable-by-settings attrs if we have them
foreach my $runtimeAttr (@enabledPerContextAttributes) {
my $enableFunction = GetContextEnableFunction($runtimeAttr);
my $conditionalString = GenerateConditionalString($runtimeAttr);
$code .= "\n#if ${conditionalString}\n" if $conditionalString;
if (grep { $_ eq $runtimeAttr } @enabledAtRuntimeAttributes) {
my $runtimeEnableFunction = GetRuntimeEnableFunctionName($runtimeAttr);
$code .= " if (${enableFunction}(impl->document()) && ${runtimeEnableFunction}()) {\n";
} else {
$code .= " if (${enableFunction}(impl->document())) {\n";
$code .= " static const V8DOMConfiguration::BatchedAttribute attrData =\\\n";
$code .= GenerateSingleBatchedAttribute($interface, $runtimeAttr, ";", " ");
$code .= <<END;
V8DOMConfiguration::configureAttribute(instance, proto, attrData, isolate);
$code .= " }\n";
$code .= "#endif // ${conditionalString}\n" if $conditionalString;
$code .= <<END;
if (@enabledPerContextFunctions) {
my $code = "";
$code .= <<END;
void ${v8ClassName}::installPerContextPrototypeProperties(v8::Handle<v8::Object> proto, v8::Isolate* isolate)
# Setup the enable-by-settings functions if we have them
$code .= <<END;
v8::Local<v8::Signature> defaultSignature = v8::Signature::New(GetTemplate(isolate, worldType(isolate)));
UNUSED_PARAM(defaultSignature); // In some cases, it will not be used.
ScriptExecutionContext* context = toScriptExecutionContext(proto->CreationContext());
foreach my $runtimeFunc (@enabledPerContextFunctions) {
my $enableFunction = GetContextEnableFunction($runtimeFunc);
my $functionLength = GetFunctionLength($runtimeFunc);
my $conditionalString = GenerateConditionalString($runtimeFunc);
$code .= "\n#if ${conditionalString}\n" if $conditionalString;
$code .= " if (context && context->isDocument() && ${enableFunction}(toDocument(context)))\n";
my $name = $runtimeFunc->name;
$code .= <<END;
proto->Set(v8::String::NewSymbol("${name}"), v8::FunctionTemplate::New(${implClassName}V8Internal::${name}MethodCallback, v8Undefined(), defaultSignature, $functionLength)->GetFunction());
$code .= "#endif // ${conditionalString}\n" if $conditionalString;
$code .= <<END;
if (InheritsExtendedAttribute($interface, "ActiveDOMObject")) {
# MessagePort is handled like an active dom object even though it doesn't inherit
# from ActiveDOMObject, so don't try to cast it to ActiveDOMObject.
my $returnValue = $interfaceName eq "MessagePort" ? "0" : "toNative(object)";
ActiveDOMObject* ${v8ClassName}::toActiveDOMObject(v8::Handle<v8::Object> object)
return $returnValue;
if (InheritsExtendedAttribute($interface, "EventTarget")) {
EventTarget* ${v8ClassName}::toEventTarget(v8::Handle<v8::Object> object)
return toNative(object);
if ($interfaceName eq "Window") {
v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> V8Window::GetShadowObjectTemplate(v8::Isolate* isolate, WrapperWorldType currentWorldType)
if (currentWorldType == MainWorld) {
static v8::Persistent<v8::ObjectTemplate> V8WindowShadowObjectCacheForMainWorld;
if (V8WindowShadowObjectCacheForMainWorld.IsEmpty()) {
v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> templ = v8::ObjectTemplate::New();
ConfigureShadowObjectTemplate(templ, isolate, currentWorldType);
V8WindowShadowObjectCacheForMainWorld.Reset(isolate, templ);
return templ;
return v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate>::New(isolate, V8WindowShadowObjectCacheForMainWorld);
} else {
static v8::Persistent<v8::ObjectTemplate> V8WindowShadowObjectCacheForNonMainWorld;
if (V8WindowShadowObjectCacheForNonMainWorld.IsEmpty()) {
v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> templ = v8::ObjectTemplate::New();
ConfigureShadowObjectTemplate(templ, isolate, currentWorldType);
V8WindowShadowObjectCacheForNonMainWorld.Reset(isolate, templ);
return templ;
return v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate>::New(isolate, V8WindowShadowObjectCacheForNonMainWorld);
GenerateToV8Converters($interface, $v8ClassName, $nativeType);
void ${v8ClassName}::derefObject(void* object)
sub GenerateHeaderContentHeader
my $interface = shift;
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my $conditionalString = GenerateConditionalString($interface);
my @headerContentHeader = split("\r", $headerTemplate);
push(@headerContentHeader, "\n#ifndef ${v8ClassName}" . "_h\n");
push(@headerContentHeader, "#define ${v8ClassName}" . "_h\n\n");
push(@headerContentHeader, "#if ${conditionalString}\n") if $conditionalString;
return join "", @headerContentHeader;
sub GenerateCallbackHeader
my $object = shift;
my $interface = shift;
my $interfaceName = $interface->name;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
my @includes = ();
push(@includes, "bindings/v8/ActiveDOMCallback.h");
push(@includes, "bindings/v8/DOMWrapperWorld.h");
push(@includes, "bindings/v8/ScopedPersistent.h");
push(@includes, HeaderFilesForInterface($interfaceName, $implClassName));
for my $include (sort @includes) {
$header{includes}->add("#include \"$include\"\n");
$header{nameSpaceWebCore}->addHeader("\nclass ScriptExecutionContext;\n\n");
$header{class}->addHeader("class $v8ClassName : public $implClassName, public ActiveDOMCallback {");
static PassRefPtr<${v8ClassName}> create(v8::Handle<v8::Value> value, ScriptExecutionContext* context)
return adoptRef(new ${v8ClassName}(v8::Handle<v8::Object>::Cast(value), context));
virtual ~${v8ClassName}();
# Functions
my $numFunctions = @{$interface->functions};
if ($numFunctions > 0) {
$header{classPublic}->add(" // Functions\n");
foreach my $function (@{$interface->functions}) {
my $code = " virtual " . GetNativeTypeForCallbacks($function->type) . " " . $function->name . "(";
my @args = ();
my @params = @{$function->parameters};
foreach my $param (@params) {
push(@args, GetNativeTypeForCallbacks($param->type) . " " . $param->name);
if (ExtendedAttributeContains($function->extendedAttributes->{"CallWith"}, "ThisValue")) {
push(@args, GetNativeType("any") . " thisValue");
$code .= join(", ", @args);
$code .= ");\n";
virtual ScriptExecutionContext* scriptExecutionContext() const { return ContextLifecycleObserver::scriptExecutionContext(); }
${v8ClassName}(v8::Handle<v8::Object>, ScriptExecutionContext*);
ScopedPersistent<v8::Object> m_callback;
RefPtr<DOMWrapperWorld> m_world;
sub GenerateCallbackImplementation
my $object = shift;
my $interface = shift;
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
${v8ClassName}::${v8ClassName}(v8::Handle<v8::Object> callback, ScriptExecutionContext* context)
: ActiveDOMCallback(context)
, m_callback(callback)
, m_world(DOMWrapperWorld::current())
# Functions
my $numFunctions = @{$interface->functions};
if ($numFunctions > 0) {
$implementation{nameSpaceWebCore}->add("// Functions\n");
foreach my $function (@{$interface->functions}) {
my $code = "";
my @params = @{$function->parameters};
next if $function->extendedAttributes->{"Custom"};
die "We don't yet support callbacks that return non-boolean values.\n" if $function->type ne "boolean";
$code .= "\n" . GetNativeTypeForCallbacks($function->type) . " ${v8ClassName}::" . $function->name . "(";
my $callWithThisValue = ExtendedAttributeContains($function->extendedAttributes->{"CallWith"}, "ThisValue");
my @args = ();
foreach my $param (@params) {
my $paramName = $param->name;
my $type = $param->type;
my $arrayOrSequenceType = GetArrayOrSequenceType($type);
if ($arrayOrSequenceType) {
if (IsRefPtrType($arrayOrSequenceType)) {
} else {
push(@args, GetNativeTypeForCallbacks($type) . " " . $paramName);
if ($callWithThisValue) {
push(@args, GetNativeTypeForCallbacks("any") . " thisValue");
$code .= join(", ", @args);
$code .= ")\n";
$code .= "{\n";
$code .= " if (!canInvokeCallback())\n";
$code .= " return true;\n\n";
$code .= " v8::Isolate* isolate = v8::Isolate::GetCurrent();\n";
$code .= " v8::HandleScope handleScope(isolate);\n\n";
$code .= " v8::Handle<v8::Context> v8Context = toV8Context(scriptExecutionContext(), m_world.get());\n";
$code .= " if (v8Context.IsEmpty())\n";
$code .= " return true;\n\n";
$code .= " v8::Context::Scope scope(v8Context);\n\n";
@args = ();
foreach my $param (@params) {
my $paramName = $param->name;
$code .= NativeToJSValue($param->type, $param->extendedAttributes, $paramName, " ", "v8::Handle<v8::Value> ${paramName}Handle =", "v8::Handle<v8::Object>()", "isolate", "") . "\n";
$code .= " if (${paramName}Handle.IsEmpty()) {\n";
$code .= " if (!isScriptControllerTerminating())\n";
$code .= " CRASH();\n";
$code .= " return true;\n";
$code .= " }\n";
push(@args, " ${paramName}Handle");
my $thisObjectHandle = "";
if ($callWithThisValue) {
$code .= " v8::Handle<v8::Value> thisHandle = thisValue.v8Value();\n";
$code .= " if (thisHandle.IsEmpty()) {\n";
$code .= " if (!isScriptControllerTerminating())\n";
$code .= " CRASH();\n";
$code .= " return true;\n";
$code .= " }\n";
$code .= " ASSERT(thisHandle->isObject());\n";
$thisObjectHandle = "v8::Handle<v8::Object>::Cast(thisHandle), ";
if (scalar(@args) > 0) {
$code .= "\n v8::Handle<v8::Value> argv[] = {\n";
$code .= join(",\n", @args);
$code .= "\n };\n\n";
} else {
$code .= "\n v8::Handle<v8::Value> *argv = 0;\n\n";
$code .= " bool callbackReturnValue = false;\n";
$code .= " return !invokeCallback(m_callback.newLocal(isolate), ${thisObjectHandle}" . scalar(@args) . ", argv, callbackReturnValue, scriptExecutionContext());\n";
$code .= "}\n";
sub BaseInterfaceName
my $interface = shift;
while ($interface->parent) {
$interface = ParseInterface($interface->parent);
return $interface->name;
sub GenerateToV8Converters
my $interface = shift;
my $v8ClassName = shift;
my $nativeType = shift;
my $interfaceName = $interface->name;
if ($interface->extendedAttributes->{"DoNotGenerateWrap"} || $interface->extendedAttributes->{"DoNotGenerateToV8"}) {
my $createWrapperArgumentType = GetPassRefPtrType($nativeType);
my $baseType = BaseInterfaceName($interface);
# FIXME: Do we really need to treat "GenerateIsReachable", "CustomIsReachable" and /SVG/
# as dependent DOM objects?
my $wrapperConfiguration = "WrapperConfiguration::Independent";
if (InheritsExtendedAttribute($interface, "ActiveDOMObject")
|| InheritsExtendedAttribute($interface, "DependentLifetime")
|| InheritsExtendedAttribute($interface, "GenerateIsReachable")
|| InheritsExtendedAttribute($interface, "CustomIsReachable")
|| $v8ClassName =~ /SVG/) {
$wrapperConfiguration = "WrapperConfiguration::Dependent";
my $code = "";
$code .= <<END;
v8::Handle<v8::Object> ${v8ClassName}::createWrapper(${createWrapperArgumentType} impl, v8::Handle<v8::Object> creationContext, v8::Isolate* isolate)
ASSERT(DOMDataStore::getWrapper(impl.get(), isolate).IsEmpty());
$code .= <<END if ($baseType ne $interfaceName);
ASSERT(static_cast<void*>(static_cast<${baseType}*>(impl.get())) == static_cast<void*>(impl.get()));
if (InheritsInterface($interface, "Document")) {
$code .= <<END;
if (Frame* frame = impl->frame()) {
if (frame->script()->initializeMainWorld()) {
// initializeMainWorld may have created a wrapper for the object, retry from the start.
v8::Handle<v8::Object> wrapper = DOMDataStore::getWrapper(impl.get(), isolate);
if (!wrapper.IsEmpty())
return wrapper;
$code .= <<END;
v8::Handle<v8::Object> wrapper = V8DOMWrapper::createWrapper(creationContext, &info, impl.get(), isolate);
if (UNLIKELY(wrapper.IsEmpty()))
return wrapper;
if ($interface->name eq "ArrayBuffer") {
$code .= <<END;
if (!impl->hasDeallocationObserver()) {
} elsif (IsTypedArrayType($interface->name)) {
$code .= <<END;
if (!impl->buffer()->hasDeallocationObserver()) {
$code .= <<END;
installPerContextProperties(wrapper, impl.get(), isolate);
V8DOMWrapper::associateObjectWithWrapper(impl, &info, wrapper, isolate, $wrapperConfiguration);
return wrapper;
sub GenerateSecurityCheckFunctions
my $interface = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $v8ClassName = GetV8ClassName($interface);
bool indexedSecurityCheck(v8::Local<v8::Object> host, uint32_t index, v8::AccessType type, v8::Local<v8::Value>)
$implClassName* imp = ${v8ClassName}::toNative(host);
return BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToFrame(imp->frame(), DoNotReportSecurityError);
bool namedSecurityCheck(v8::Local<v8::Object> host, v8::Local<v8::Value> key, v8::AccessType type, v8::Local<v8::Value>)
$implClassName* imp = ${v8ClassName}::toNative(host);
return BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToFrame(imp->frame(), DoNotReportSecurityError);
sub GetNativeTypeForConversions
my $interface = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
$implClassName = GetSVGTypeNeedingTearOff($interface->name) if IsSVGTypeNeedingTearOff($interface->name);
return $implClassName;
sub GetNamespaceForInterface
my $interface = shift;
return "WTF" if IsTypedArrayType($interface->name);
return "WebCore";
sub GenerateFunctionCallString
my $function = shift;
my $numberOfParameters = shift;
my $indent = shift;
my $interface = shift;
my $forMainWorldSuffix = shift;
my %replacements = @_;
my $interfaceName = $interface->name;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my $name = GetImplName($function);
my $returnType = $function->type;
my $nativeReturnType = GetNativeType($returnType, 0);
my $code = "";
my $isSVGTearOffType = (IsSVGTypeNeedingTearOff($returnType) and not $interfaceName =~ /List$/);
$nativeReturnType = GetSVGWrappedTypeNeedingTearOff($returnType) if $isSVGTearOffType;
my $index = 0;
my @arguments;
my $functionName;
my $implementedBy = $function->extendedAttributes->{"ImplementedBy"};
if ($implementedBy) {
my $implementedByImplName = GetImplNameFromImplementedBy($implementedBy);
AddToImplIncludes(HeaderFilesForInterface($implementedBy, $implementedByImplName));
unshift(@arguments, "imp") if !$function->isStatic;
$functionName = "${implementedByImplName}::${name}";
} elsif ($function->isStatic) {
$functionName = "${implClassName}::${name}";
} else {
$functionName = "imp->${name}";
my $callWith = $function->extendedAttributes->{"CallWith"};
my ($callWithArgs, $subCode) = GenerateCallWith($callWith, $indent, 1, $function);
$code .= $subCode;
unshift(@arguments, @$callWithArgs);
$index += @$callWithArgs;
$numberOfParameters += @$callWithArgs;
foreach my $parameter (@{$function->parameters}) {
if ($index eq $numberOfParameters) {
my $paramName = $parameter->name;
my $paramType = $parameter->type;
if ($replacements{$paramName}) {
push @arguments, $replacements{$paramName};
} elsif ($parameter->type eq "NodeFilter" || $parameter->type eq "XPathNSResolver") {
push @arguments, "$paramName.get()";
} elsif (IsSVGTypeNeedingTearOff($parameter->type) and not $interfaceName =~ /List$/) {
push @arguments, "$paramName->propertyReference()";
$code .= $indent . "if (!$paramName) {\n";
$code .= $indent . " setDOMException(WebCore::TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR, args.GetIsolate());\n";
$code .= $indent . " return;\n";
$code .= $indent . "}\n";
} elsif ($parameter->type eq "SVGMatrix" and $interfaceName eq "SVGTransformList") {
push @arguments, "$paramName.get()";
} else {
push @arguments, $paramName;
if ($function->extendedAttributes->{"RaisesException"}) {
push @arguments, "ec";
my $functionString = "$functionName(" . join(", ", @arguments) . ")";
my $return = "result";
my $returnIsRef = IsRefPtrType($returnType);
if ($returnType eq "void") {
$code .= $indent . "$functionString;\n";
} elsif (ExtendedAttributeContains($callWith, "ScriptState") or $function->extendedAttributes->{"RaisesException"}) {
$code .= $indent . $nativeReturnType . " result = $functionString;\n";
} else {
# Can inline the function call into the return statement to avoid overhead of using a Ref<> temporary
$return = $functionString;
$returnIsRef = 0;
if ($interfaceName eq "SVGTransformList" and IsRefPtrType($returnType)) {
$return = "WTF::getPtr(" . $return . ")";
if ($function->extendedAttributes->{"RaisesException"}) {
$code .= $indent . "if (UNLIKELY(ec)) {\n";
$code .= $indent . " setDOMException(ec, args.GetIsolate());\n";
$code .= $indent . " return;\n";
$code .= $indent . "}\n";
if (ExtendedAttributeContains($callWith, "ScriptState")) {
$code .= $indent . "if (state.hadException()) {\n";
$code .= $indent . " v8::Local<v8::Value> exception = state.exception();\n";
$code .= $indent . " state.clearException();\n";
$code .= $indent . " throwError(exception, args.GetIsolate());\n";
$code .= $indent . " return;\n";
$code .= $indent . "}\n";
if ($isSVGTearOffType) {
my $svgNativeType = GetSVGTypeNeedingTearOff($returnType);
# FIXME: Update for all ScriptWrappables.
if (IsDOMNodeType($interfaceName)) {
$code .= $indent . "v8SetReturnValue(args, toV8Fast${forMainWorldSuffix}(WTF::getPtr(${svgNativeType}::create($return)), args, imp));\n";
} else {
$code .= $indent . "v8SetReturnValue(args, toV8${forMainWorldSuffix}(WTF::getPtr(${svgNativeType}::create($return)), args.Holder(), args.GetIsolate()));\n";
$code .= $indent . "return;\n";
return $code;
# If the implementing class is a POD type, commit changes
if (IsSVGTypeNeedingTearOff($interfaceName) and not $interfaceName =~ /List$/) {
$code .= $indent . "wrapper->commitChange();\n";
$return .= ".release()" if ($returnIsRef);
my $nativeValue;
# FIXME: Update for all ScriptWrappables.
if (IsDOMNodeType($interfaceName)) {
$nativeValue = NativeToJSValue($function->type, $function->extendedAttributes, $return, $indent, "", "args.Holder()", "args.GetIsolate()", "args", "imp", "ReturnUnsafeHandle", $forMainWorldSuffix, "return");
} else {
$nativeValue = NativeToJSValue($function->type, $function->extendedAttributes, $return, $indent, "", "args.Holder()", "args.GetIsolate()", "args", 0, "ReturnUnsafeHandle", $forMainWorldSuffix, "return");
$code .= $nativeValue . "\n";
$code .= $indent . "return;\n";
return $code;
sub GetNativeTypeFromAttributeOrParameter
my $attributeOrParameter = shift;
my $parameterIndex = shift;
my $type = $attributeOrParameter->type;
if ($type eq "unsigned long" and $attributeOrParameter->extendedAttributes->{"IsIndex"}) {
# Special-case index arguments because we need to check that they aren't < 0.
return "int";
$type = GetNativeType($type, $parameterIndex >= 0 ? 1 : 0);
if ($parameterIndex >= 0 && $type eq "V8StringResource") {
# FIXME: This implements [TreatNullAs=NullString] and [TreatUndefinedAs=NullString],
# but the Web IDL spec requires [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] and [TreatUndefinedAs=EmptyString].
my $mode = "";
if (($attributeOrParameter->extendedAttributes->{"TreatNullAs"} and $attributeOrParameter->extendedAttributes->{"TreatNullAs"} eq "NullString") and ($attributeOrParameter->extendedAttributes->{"TreatUndefinedAs"} and $attributeOrParameter->extendedAttributes->{"TreatUndefinedAs"} eq "NullString")) {
$mode = "WithUndefinedOrNullCheck";
} elsif (($attributeOrParameter->extendedAttributes->{"TreatNullAs"} and $attributeOrParameter->extendedAttributes->{"TreatNullAs"} eq "NullString") or $attributeOrParameter->extendedAttributes->{"Reflect"}) {
$mode = "WithNullCheck";
# FIXME: Add the case for 'elsif ($attributeOrParameter->extendedAttributes->{"TreatUndefinedAs"} and $attributeOrParameter->extendedAttributes->{"TreatUndefinedAs"} eq "NullString"))'.
$type .= "<$mode>";
return $type;
sub GetNativeType
my $type = shift;
my $isParameter = shift;
my $svgNativeType = GetSVGTypeNeedingTearOff($type);
if ($svgNativeType) {
if ($svgNativeType =~ /List$/) {
return "${svgNativeType}*";
} else {
return "RefPtr<${svgNativeType} >";
return "float" if $type eq "float";
return "double" if $type eq "double";
return "int" if $type eq "long" or $type eq "int" or $type eq "short" or $type eq "byte";
return "unsigned" if $type eq "unsigned long" or $type eq "unsigned int" or $type eq "unsigned short" or $type eq "octet";
return "long long" if $type eq "long long";
return "unsigned long long" if $type eq "unsigned long long";
return "bool" if $type eq "boolean";
return "V8StringResource" if ($type eq "DOMString" or IsEnumType($type)) and $isParameter;
return "String" if $type eq "DOMString" or IsEnumType($type);
return "Range::CompareHow" if $type eq "CompareHow";
return "DOMTimeStamp" if $type eq "DOMTimeStamp";
return "double" if $type eq "Date";
return "ScriptValue" if $type eq "any" or IsCallbackFunctionType($type);
return "Dictionary" if $type eq "Dictionary";
return "RefPtr<DOMStringList>" if $type eq "DOMStringList";
return "RefPtr<MediaQueryListListener>" if $type eq "MediaQueryListListener";
return "RefPtr<NodeFilter>" if $type eq "NodeFilter";
return "RefPtr<SerializedScriptValue>" if $type eq "SerializedScriptValue";
return "RefPtr<XPathNSResolver>" if $type eq "XPathNSResolver";
die "UnionType is not supported" if IsUnionType($type);
# We need to check [ImplementedAs] extended attribute for wrapper types.
if (IsWrapperType($type)) {
my $interface = ParseInterface($type);
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
return $isParameter ? "${implClassName}*" : "RefPtr<${implClassName}>";
return "RefPtr<${type}>" if IsRefPtrType($type) and not $isParameter;
my $arrayOrSequenceType = GetArrayOrSequenceType($type);
if ($arrayOrSequenceType) {
my $nativeType = GetNativeType($arrayOrSequenceType);
$nativeType .= " " if ($nativeType =~ />$/);
return "Vector<${nativeType}>";
# Default, assume native type is a pointer with same type name as idl type
return "${type}*";
sub GetNativeTypeForCallbacks
my $type = shift;
return "const String&" if $type eq "DOMString";
return "PassRefPtr<SerializedScriptValue>" if $type eq "SerializedScriptValue";
# Callbacks use raw pointers, so pass isParameter = 1
return GetNativeType($type, 1);
sub JSValueToNative
my $type = shift;
my $extendedAttributes = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $getIsolate = shift;
my $intConversion = $extendedAttributes->{"EnforceRange"} ? "EnforceRange" : "NormalConversion";
return "$value->BooleanValue()" if $type eq "boolean";
return "static_cast<$type>($value->NumberValue())" if $type eq "float" or $type eq "double";
if ($intConversion ne "NormalConversion") {
return "toInt8($value, $intConversion, ok)" if $type eq "byte";
return "toUInt8($value, $intConversion, ok)" if $type eq "octet";
return "toInt32($value, $intConversion, ok)" if $type eq "long" or $type eq "short";
return "toUInt32($value, $intConversion, ok)" if $type eq "unsigned long" or $type eq "unsigned short";
return "toInt64($value, $intConversion, ok)" if $type eq "long long";
return "toUInt64($value, $intConversion, ok)" if $type eq "unsigned long long";
} else {
return "toInt8($value)" if $type eq "byte";
return "toUInt8($value)" if $type eq "octet";
return "toInt32($value)" if $type eq "long" or $type eq "short";
return "toUInt32($value)" if $type eq "unsigned long" or $type eq "unsigned short";
return "toInt64($value)" if $type eq "long long";
return "toUInt64($value)" if $type eq "unsigned long long";
return "static_cast<Range::CompareHow>($value->Int32Value())" if $type eq "CompareHow";
return "toWebCoreDate($value)" if $type eq "Date";
return "toDOMStringList($value, $getIsolate)" if $type eq "DOMStringList";
if ($type eq "DOMString" or IsEnumType($type)) {
return $value;
if ($type eq "SerializedScriptValue") {
return "SerializedScriptValue::create($value, $getIsolate)";
if ($type eq "Dictionary") {
return "Dictionary($value, $getIsolate)";
if ($type eq "any" || IsCallbackFunctionType($type)) {
return "ScriptValue($value)";
if ($type eq "NodeFilter") {
return "toNodeFilter($value)";
if ($type eq "MediaQueryListListener") {
return "MediaQueryListListener::create(" . $value . ")";
if ($type eq "EventTarget") {
return "V8DOMWrapper::isDOMWrapper($value) ? toWrapperTypeInfo(v8::Handle<v8::Object>::Cast($value))->toEventTarget(v8::Handle<v8::Object>::Cast($value)) : 0";
if ($type eq "XPathNSResolver") {
return "toXPathNSResolver($value, $getIsolate)";
my $arrayOrSequenceType = GetArrayOrSequenceType($type);
if ($arrayOrSequenceType) {
if (IsRefPtrType($arrayOrSequenceType)) {
return "(toRefPtrNativeArray<${arrayOrSequenceType}, V8${arrayOrSequenceType}>($value, $getIsolate))";
return "toNativeArray<" . GetNativeType($arrayOrSequenceType) . ">($value)";
return "V8${type}::HasInstance($value, $getIsolate, worldType($getIsolate)) ? V8${type}::toNative(v8::Handle<v8::Object>::Cast($value)) : 0";
sub CreateCustomSignature
my $function = shift;
my $count = @{$function->parameters};
my $name = $function->name;
my $code = " const int ${name}Argc = ${count};\n" .
" v8::Handle<v8::FunctionTemplate> ${name}Argv[${name}Argc] = { ";
my $first = 1;
foreach my $parameter (@{$function->parameters}) {
if ($first) { $first = 0; }
else { $code .= ", "; }
if (IsWrapperType($parameter->type)) {
if ($parameter->type eq "XPathNSResolver") {
# Special case for XPathNSResolver. All other browsers accepts a callable,
# so, even though it's against IDL, accept objects here.
$code .= "v8::Handle<v8::FunctionTemplate>()";
} else {
my $type = $parameter->type;
my $arrayOrSequenceType = GetArrayOrSequenceType($type);
if ($arrayOrSequenceType) {
if (IsRefPtrType($arrayOrSequenceType)) {
} else {
$code .= "v8::Handle<v8::FunctionTemplate>()";
} else {
$code .= "V8PerIsolateData::from(isolate)->rawTemplate(&V8${type}::info, currentWorldType)";
} else {
$code .= "v8::Handle<v8::FunctionTemplate>()";
$code .= " };\n";
$code .= " v8::Handle<v8::Signature> ${name}Signature = v8::Signature::New(desc, ${name}Argc, ${name}Argv);\n";
return $code;
sub RequiresCustomSignature
my $function = shift;
# No signature needed for Custom function
if (HasCustomMethod($function->extendedAttributes)) {
return 0;
# No signature needed for overloaded function
if (@{$function->{overloads}} > 1) {
return 0;
if ($function->isStatic) {
return 0;
# Type checking is performed in the generated code
if ($function->extendedAttributes->{"StrictTypeChecking"}) {
return 0;
foreach my $parameter (@{$function->parameters}) {
if (($parameter->isOptional && !$parameter->extendedAttributes->{"Default"}) || IsCallbackInterface($parameter->type)) {
return 0;
foreach my $parameter (@{$function->parameters}) {
if (IsWrapperType($parameter->type)) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub IsUnionType
my $type = shift; # string or UnionType
if(ref($type) eq "UnionType") {
die "Currently only 2 values of non-union type is supported as union type.\n" unless @{$type->unionMemberTypes} == 2;
return 1;
return 0;
sub IsWrapperType
my $type = shift;
return 0 if GetArrayType($type);
return 0 if GetSequenceType($type);
return 0 if IsCallbackFunctionType($type);
return 0 if IsEnumType($type);
return 0 if IsPrimitiveType($type);
return 0 if $type eq "DOMString";
return !$nonWrapperTypes{$type};
sub IsCallbackInterface
my $type = shift;
return 0 unless IsWrapperType($type);
my $idlFile = IDLFileForInterface($type)
or die("Could NOT find IDL file for interface \"$type\"!\n");
open FILE, "<", $idlFile;
my @lines = <FILE>;
close FILE;
my $fileContents = join('', @lines);
return ($fileContents =~ /callback\s+interface\s+(\w+)/gs);
sub GetNativeTypeOfTypedArray
my $interface = shift;
my $interfaceName = $interface->name;
die "TypedArray of unknown type is found" unless $typedArrayHash{$interface->name};
return @{$typedArrayHash{$interface->name}};
sub IsDOMNodeType
my $type = shift;
return 1 if $type eq 'Attr';
return 1 if $type eq 'CDATASection';
return 1 if $type eq 'CharacterData';
return 1 if $type eq 'Comment';
return 1 if $type eq 'Document';
return 1 if $type eq 'DocumentFragment';
return 1 if $type eq 'DocumentType';
return 1 if $type eq 'Element';
return 1 if $type eq 'Entity';
return 1 if $type eq 'HTMLDocument';
return 1 if $type eq 'Node';
return 1 if $type eq 'Notation';
return 1 if $type eq 'ProcessingInstruction';
return 1 if $type eq 'ShadowRoot';
return 1 if $type eq 'SVGDocument';
return 1 if $type eq 'Text';
return 1 if $type =~ /^HTML.*Element$/;
return 1 if $type =~ /^SVG.*Element$/;
return 1 if $type eq 'TestNode';
return 0;
sub NativeToJSValue
my $type = shift;
my $extendedAttributes = shift;
my $nativeValue = shift;
my $indent = shift; # added before every line
my $receiver = shift; # "return" or "<variableName> ="
my $getCreationContext = shift;
my $getIsolate = shift;
die "An Isolate is mandatory for native value => JS value conversion." unless $getIsolate;
my $getHolderContainer = shift || "";
my $getHolderContainerArg = $getHolderContainer ? ", $getHolderContainer" : "";
my $getScriptWrappable = shift || "";
my $getScriptWrappableArg = $getScriptWrappable ? ", $getScriptWrappable" : "";
my $returnHandleType = shift || "";
my $returnHandleTypeArg = $returnHandleType ? ", $returnHandleType" : "";
my $forMainWorldSuffix = shift || "";
my $returnValueArg = shift || 0;
my $isReturnValue = $returnValueArg eq "return";
if (IsUnionType($type)) {
my $types = $type->unionMemberTypes;
my @codes = ();
for my $i (0 .. scalar(@$types)-1) {
my $unionMemberType = $types->[$i];
my $unionMemberNumber = $i + 1;
my $unionMemberVariable = $nativeValue . $i;
my $unionMemberEnabledVariable = $nativeValue . $i . "Enabled";
my $unionMemberNativeValue = $unionMemberVariable;
$unionMemberNativeValue .= ".release()" if (IsRefPtrType($unionMemberType));
my $returnJSValueCode = NativeToJSValue($unionMemberType, $extendedAttributes, $unionMemberNativeValue, $indent . " ", $receiver, $getCreationContext, $getIsolate, $getHolderContainer, $getScriptWrappable, $returnHandleType, $forMainWorldSuffix, $returnValueArg);
my $code = "";
if ($isReturnValue) {
$code .= "${indent}if (${unionMemberEnabledVariable}) {\n";
$code .= "${returnJSValueCode}\n";
$code .= "${indent} return;\n";
$code .= "${indent}}\n";
} else {
$code .= "${indent}if (${unionMemberEnabledVariable})\n";
$code .= "${returnJSValueCode}";
push @codes, $code;
return join "\n", @codes;
if ($type eq "boolean") {
return "${indent}v8SetReturnValueBool(${getHolderContainer}, ${nativeValue});" if $isReturnValue;
return "$indent$receiver v8Boolean($nativeValue, $getIsolate);";
if ($type eq "void") { # equivalent to v8Undefined()
return "" if $isReturnValue;
return "$indent$receiver v8Undefined();"
# HTML5 says that unsigned reflected attributes should be in the range
# [0, 2^31). When a value isn't in this range, a default value (or 0)
# should be returned instead.
if ($extendedAttributes->{"Reflect"} and ($type eq "unsigned long" or $type eq "unsigned short")) {
$nativeValue =~ s/getUnsignedIntegralAttribute/getIntegralAttribute/g;
return "${indent}v8SetReturnValueUnsigned(${getHolderContainer}, std::max(0, ${nativeValue}));" if $isReturnValue;
return "$indent$receiver v8::Integer::NewFromUnsigned(std::max(0, " . $nativeValue . "), $getIsolate);";
my $nativeType = GetNativeType($type);
if ($nativeType eq "int") {
return "${indent}v8SetReturnValueInt(${getHolderContainer}, ${nativeValue});" if $isReturnValue;
return "$indent$receiver v8::Integer::New($nativeValue, $getIsolate);";
if ($nativeType eq "unsigned") {
return "${indent}v8SetReturnValueUnsigned(${getHolderContainer}, ${nativeValue});" if $isReturnValue;
return "$indent$receiver v8::Integer::NewFromUnsigned($nativeValue, $getIsolate);";
if ($type eq "Date") {
return "${indent}v8SetReturnValue(${getHolderContainer}, v8DateOrNull($nativeValue, $getIsolate));" if $isReturnValue;
return "$indent$receiver v8DateOrNull($nativeValue, $getIsolate);"
# long long and unsigned long long are not representable in ECMAScript.
if ($type eq "long long" or $type eq "unsigned long long" or $type eq "DOMTimeStamp") {
return "${indent}v8SetReturnValue(${getHolderContainer}, static_cast<double>($nativeValue));" if $isReturnValue;
return "$indent$receiver v8::Number::New(static_cast<double>($nativeValue));";
if (IsPrimitiveType($type)) {
die "unexpected type $type" if not ($type eq "float" or $type eq "double");
return "${indent}v8SetReturnValue(${getHolderContainer}, ${nativeValue});" if $isReturnValue;
return "$indent$receiver v8::Number::New($nativeValue);";
if ($nativeType eq "ScriptValue") {
return "${indent}v8SetReturnValue(${getHolderContainer}, ${nativeValue}.v8Value());" if $isReturnValue;
return "$indent$receiver $nativeValue.v8Value();";
if ($type eq "DOMString" or IsEnumType($type)) {
my $conv = $extendedAttributes->{"TreatReturnedNullStringAs"};
my $returnValue = "";
if (defined $conv) {
if ($conv eq "Null") {
$returnValue = "v8StringOrNull($nativeValue, $getIsolate$returnHandleTypeArg)";
} elsif ($conv eq "Undefined") {
$returnValue = "v8StringOrUndefined($nativeValue, $getIsolate$returnHandleTypeArg)";
} else {
die "Unknown value for TreatReturnedNullStringAs extended attribute";
} else {
$returnValue = "v8String($nativeValue, $getIsolate$returnHandleTypeArg)";
# FIXME: Use safe handles
return "${indent}v8SetReturnValue(${getHolderContainer}, $returnValue);" if $isReturnValue;
return "$indent$receiver $returnValue;";
my $arrayOrSequenceType = GetArrayOrSequenceType($type);
if ($arrayOrSequenceType) {
if (IsRefPtrType($arrayOrSequenceType)) {
return "${indent}v8SetReturnValue(${getHolderContainer}, v8Array($nativeValue, $getIsolate));" if $isReturnValue;
return "$indent$receiver v8Array($nativeValue, $getIsolate);";
if (IsDOMNodeType($type) || $type eq "EventTarget") {
if ($getScriptWrappable) {
# FIXME: Use safe handles
return "${indent}v8SetReturnValue(${getHolderContainer}, toV8Fast${forMainWorldSuffix}($nativeValue$getHolderContainerArg$getScriptWrappableArg));" if $isReturnValue;
return "$indent$receiver toV8Fast${forMainWorldSuffix}($nativeValue$getHolderContainerArg$getScriptWrappableArg);";
# FIXME: Use safe handles
return "${indent}v8SetReturnValue(${getHolderContainer}, toV8($nativeValue, $getCreationContext, $getIsolate));" if $isReturnValue;
return "$indent$receiver toV8($nativeValue, $getCreationContext, $getIsolate);";
if ($type eq "SerializedScriptValue") {
my $returnValue = "$nativeValue ? $nativeValue->deserialize() : v8::Handle<v8::Value>(v8::Null($getIsolate))";
return "${indent}v8SetReturnValue(${getHolderContainer}, $returnValue);" if $isReturnValue;
return "$indent$receiver $returnValue;";
if ($getScriptWrappable) {
# FIXME: Use safe handles
return "${indent}v8SetReturnValue(${getHolderContainer}, toV8Fast${forMainWorldSuffix}($nativeValue$getHolderContainerArg$getScriptWrappableArg));" if $isReturnValue;
return "$indent$receiver toV8Fast${forMainWorldSuffix}($nativeValue$getHolderContainerArg$getScriptWrappableArg);";
# FIXME: Use safe handles
return "${indent}v8SetReturnValue(${getHolderContainer}, toV8($nativeValue, $getCreationContext, $getIsolate));" if $isReturnValue;
return "$indent$receiver toV8($nativeValue, $getCreationContext, $getIsolate);";
sub WriteData
my $object = shift;
my $interface = shift;
my $outputDirectory = shift;
my $outputHeadersDirectory = shift;
my $name = $interface->name;
my $headerFileName = "$outputHeadersDirectory/V8$name.h";
my $implFileName = "$outputDirectory/V8$name.cpp";
my @includes = ();
foreach my $include (keys %implIncludes) {
push @includes, "\"$include\"";
#FIXME: do not treat main header special
my $mainInclude = "\"V8$name.h\"";
foreach my $include (sort @includes) {
$implementation{includes}->add("#include $include\n") unless $include eq $mainInclude;
$implementation{includes}->add("\n") unless $interface->isCallback;
WriteFileIfChanged($implFileName, $implementation{root}->toString());
%implIncludes = ();
WriteFileIfChanged($headerFileName, $header{root}->toString());
sub ConvertToV8StringResource
my $attributeOrParameter = shift;
my $nativeType = shift;
my $variableName = shift;
my $value = shift;
die "Wrong native type passed: $nativeType" unless $nativeType =~ /^V8StringResource/;
if ($attributeOrParameter->type eq "DOMString" or IsEnumType($attributeOrParameter->type)) {
return "V8TRYCATCH_FOR_V8STRINGRESOURCE_VOID($nativeType, $variableName, $value);"
} else {
return "$nativeType $variableName($value, true);";
# Returns the RuntimeEnabledFeatures function name that is hooked up to check if a method/attribute is enabled.
sub GetRuntimeEnableFunctionName
my $signature = shift;
# If a parameter is given (e.g. "EnabledAtRuntime=FeatureName") return the RuntimeEnabledFeatures::{FeatureName}Enabled() method.
return "RuntimeEnabledFeatures::" . ToMethodName($signature->extendedAttributes->{"EnabledAtRuntime"}) . "Enabled" if ($signature->extendedAttributes->{"EnabledAtRuntime"} && $signature->extendedAttributes->{"EnabledAtRuntime"} ne "VALUE_IS_MISSING");
# Otherwise return a function named RuntimeEnabledFeatures::{methodName}Enabled().
return "RuntimeEnabledFeatures::" . ToMethodName($signature->name) . "Enabled";
sub GetContextEnableFunction
my $signature = shift;
# If a parameter is given (e.g. "EnabledPerContext=FeatureName") return the {FeatureName}Allowed() method.
if ($signature->extendedAttributes->{"EnabledPerContext"} && $signature->extendedAttributes->{"EnabledPerContext"} ne "VALUE_IS_MISSING") {
return "ContextFeatures::" . ToMethodName($signature->extendedAttributes->{"EnabledPerContext"}) . "Enabled";
# Or it fallbacks to the attribute name if the parameter value is missing.
return "ContextFeatures::" . ToMethodName($signature->name) . "Enabled";
sub GetPassRefPtrType
my $v8ClassName = shift;
my $angleBracketSpace = $v8ClassName =~ />$/ ? " " : "";
return "PassRefPtr<${v8ClassName}${angleBracketSpace}>";
sub WriteFileIfChanged
my $fileName = shift;
my $contents = shift;
if (-f $fileName && $writeFileOnlyIfChanged) {
open FH, "<", $fileName or die "Couldn't open $fileName: $!\n";
my @lines = <FH>;
my $oldContents = join "", @lines;
close FH;
return if $contents eq $oldContents;
open FH, ">", $fileName or die "Couldn't open $fileName: $!\n";
print FH $contents;
close FH;
sub ForAllParents
my $interface = shift;
my $beforeRecursion = shift;
my $afterRecursion = shift;
my $recurse;
$recurse = sub {
my $currentInterface = shift;
if ($currentInterface->parent) {
my $parentInterface = ParseInterface($currentInterface->parent);
if ($beforeRecursion) {
&$beforeRecursion($parentInterface) eq 'prune' and return;
&$afterRecursion($parentInterface) if $afterRecursion;
sub FindSuperMethod
my ($interface, $functionName) = @_;
my $indexer;
ForAllParents($interface, undef, sub {
my $currentInterface = shift;
foreach my $function (@{$currentInterface->functions}) {
if ($function->name eq $functionName) {
$indexer = $function;
return 'prune';
return $indexer;
sub IsConstructorTemplate
my $interface = shift;
my $template = shift;
return $interface->extendedAttributes->{"ConstructorTemplate"} && $interface->extendedAttributes->{"ConstructorTemplate"} eq $template;
sub IsPrimitiveType
my $type = shift;
return 1 if $primitiveTypeHash{$type};
return 0;
sub IsCallbackFunctionType
my $type = shift;
return 1 if $callbackFunctionTypeHash{$type};
return 0;
sub IsEnumType
my $type = shift;
return 1 if $enumTypeHash{$type};
return 0;
sub ValidEnumValues
my $type = shift;
return @{$enumTypeHash{$type}};
sub IsSVGTypeNeedingTearOff
my $type = shift;
return 1 if $svgTypeNeedingTearOff{$type};
return 0;
sub IsSVGTypeWithWritablePropertiesNeedingTearOff
my $type = shift;
return 1 if $svgTypeWithWritablePropertiesNeedingTearOff{$type};
return 0;
sub IsTypedArrayType
my $type = shift;
return 1 if $typedArrayHash{$type};
return 0;
sub IsRefPtrType
my $type = shift;
return 0 if $type eq "any";
return 0 if IsPrimitiveType($type);
return 0 if GetArrayType($type);
return 0 if GetSequenceType($type);
return 0 if $type eq "DOMString";
return 0 if IsCallbackFunctionType($type);
return 0 if IsEnumType($type);
return 0 if IsUnionType($type);
return 1;
sub GetSVGTypeNeedingTearOff
my $type = shift;
return $svgTypeNeedingTearOff{$type} if exists $svgTypeNeedingTearOff{$type};
return undef;
sub GetSVGWrappedTypeNeedingTearOff
my $type = shift;
my $svgTypeNeedingTearOff = GetSVGTypeNeedingTearOff($type);
return $svgTypeNeedingTearOff if not $svgTypeNeedingTearOff;
if ($svgTypeNeedingTearOff =~ /SVGPropertyTearOff/) {
$svgTypeNeedingTearOff =~ s/SVGPropertyTearOff<//;
} elsif ($svgTypeNeedingTearOff =~ /SVGListPropertyTearOff/) {
$svgTypeNeedingTearOff =~ s/SVGListPropertyTearOff<//;
} elsif ($svgTypeNeedingTearOff =~ /SVGStaticListPropertyTearOff/) {
$svgTypeNeedingTearOff =~ s/SVGStaticListPropertyTearOff<//;
} elsif ($svgTypeNeedingTearOff =~ /SVGTransformListPropertyTearOff/) {
$svgTypeNeedingTearOff =~ s/SVGTransformListPropertyTearOff<//;
$svgTypeNeedingTearOff =~ s/>//;
return $svgTypeNeedingTearOff;
sub IsSVGAnimatedType
my $type = shift;
return 1 if $svgAnimatedTypeHash{$type};
return 0;
sub GetSequenceType
my $type = shift;
return $1 if $type =~ /^sequence<([\w\d_\s]+)>.*/;
return "";
sub GetArrayType
my $type = shift;
return $1 if $type =~ /^([\w\d_\s]+)\[\]/;
return "";
sub GetArrayOrSequenceType
my $type = shift;
return GetArrayType($type) || GetSequenceType($type);
sub AssertNotSequenceType
my $type = shift;
die "Sequences must not be used as the type of an attribute, constant or exception field." if GetSequenceType($type);
sub FirstLetterToUpperCase
my $param = shift;
my $ret = ucfirst($param);
# xmlEncoding becomes XMLEncoding, but xmlllang becomes Xmllang.
$ret =~ s/Xml/XML/ if $ret =~ /^Xml[^a-z]/;
$ret =~ s/Css/CSS/ if $ret =~ /^Css[^T]/; # css -> setCSS, except setCssText.
$ret =~ s/Ime/IME/ if $ret =~ /^Ime/; # ime -> setIME
return $ret;
# URL becomes url, but SetURL becomes setURL.
sub ToMethodName
my $param = shift;
my $ret = lcfirst($param);
$ret =~ s/hTML/html/ if $ret =~ /^hTML/;
$ret =~ s/uRL/url/ if $ret =~ /^uRL/;
$ret =~ s/jS/js/ if $ret =~ /^jS/;
$ret =~ s/xML/xml/ if $ret =~ /^xML/;
$ret =~ s/xSLT/xslt/ if $ret =~ /^xSLT/;
$ret =~ s/cSS/css/ if $ret =~ /^cSS/;
# For HTML5 FileSystem API Flags attributes.
# (create is widely used to instantiate an object and must be avoided.)
$ret =~ s/^create/isCreate/ if $ret =~ /^create$/;
$ret =~ s/^exclusive/isExclusive/ if $ret =~ /^exclusive$/;
return $ret;
sub NamespaceForAttributeName
my ($interfaceName, $attributeName) = @_;
return "SVGNames" if $interfaceName =~ /^SVG/ && !$svgAttributesInHTMLHash{$attributeName};
return "HTMLNames";
# Identifies overloaded functions and for each function adds an array with
# links to its respective overloads (including itself).
sub LinkOverloadedFunctions
my $interface = shift;
my %nameToFunctionsMap = ();
foreach my $function (@{$interface->functions}) {
my $name = $function->name;
$nameToFunctionsMap{$name} = [] if !exists $nameToFunctionsMap{$name} or !$name; # Nameless functions cannot be overloaded
push(@{$nameToFunctionsMap{$name}}, $function);
$function->{overloads} = $nameToFunctionsMap{$name};
$function->{overloadIndex} = @{$nameToFunctionsMap{$name}};
sub AttributeNameForGetterAndSetter
my $attribute = shift;
my $attributeName = GetImplName($attribute);
if ($attribute->extendedAttributes->{"ImplementedAs"}) {
$attributeName = $attribute->extendedAttributes->{"ImplementedAs"};
my $attributeType = $attribute->type;
# Avoid clash with C++ keyword.
$attributeName = "_operator" if $attributeName eq "operator";
# SVGAElement defines a non-virtual "String& target() const" method which clashes with "virtual String target() const" in Element.
# To solve this issue the SVGAElement method was renamed to "svgTarget", take care of that when calling this method.
$attributeName = "svgTarget" if $attributeName eq "target" and $attributeType eq "SVGAnimatedString";
# SVG animated types need to use a special attribute name.
# The rest of the special casing for SVG animated types is handled in the language-specific code generators.
$attributeName .= "Animated" if IsSVGAnimatedType($attributeType);
return $attributeName;
sub ContentAttributeName
my ($interfaceName, $attribute) = @_;
my $contentAttributeName = $attribute->extendedAttributes->{"Reflect"};
return undef if !$contentAttributeName;
$contentAttributeName = lc AttributeNameForGetterAndSetter($attribute) if $contentAttributeName eq "VALUE_IS_MISSING";
my $namespace = NamespaceForAttributeName($interfaceName, $contentAttributeName);
return "WebCore::${namespace}::${contentAttributeName}Attr";
sub CanUseFastAttribute
my $attribute = shift;
return !IsSVGAnimatedType($attribute->type);
sub GetterExpression
my ($interfaceName, $attribute) = @_;
my $contentAttributeName = ContentAttributeName($interfaceName, $attribute);
if (!$contentAttributeName) {
return (ToMethodName(AttributeNameForGetterAndSetter($attribute)));
my $functionName;
if ($attribute->extendedAttributes->{"URL"}) {
$functionName = "getURLAttribute";
} elsif ($attribute->type eq "boolean") {
if (CanUseFastAttribute($attribute)) {
$functionName = "fastHasAttribute";
} else {
$functionName = "hasAttribute";
} elsif ($attribute->type eq "long") {
$functionName = "getIntegralAttribute";
} elsif ($attribute->type eq "unsigned long") {
$functionName = "getUnsignedIntegralAttribute";
} else {
if ($contentAttributeName eq "WebCore::HTMLNames::idAttr") {
$functionName = "getIdAttribute";
$contentAttributeName = "";
} elsif ($contentAttributeName eq "WebCore::HTMLNames::nameAttr") {
$functionName = "getNameAttribute";
$contentAttributeName = "";
} elsif ($contentAttributeName eq "WebCore::HTMLNames::classAttr") {
$functionName = "getClassAttribute";
$contentAttributeName = "";
} elsif (CanUseFastAttribute($attribute)) {
$functionName = "fastGetAttribute";
} else {
$functionName = "getAttribute";
return ($functionName, $contentAttributeName);
sub SetterExpression
my ($interfaceName, $attribute) = @_;
my $contentAttributeName = ContentAttributeName($interfaceName, $attribute);
if (!$contentAttributeName) {
return ("set" . FirstLetterToUpperCase(AttributeNameForGetterAndSetter($attribute)));
my $functionName;
if ($attribute->type eq "boolean") {
$functionName = "setBooleanAttribute";
} elsif ($attribute->type eq "long") {
$functionName = "setIntegralAttribute";
} elsif ($attribute->type eq "unsigned long") {
$functionName = "setUnsignedIntegralAttribute";
} else {
$functionName = "setAttribute";
return ($functionName, $contentAttributeName);
sub GenerateConditionalString
my $node = shift;
my $conditional = $node->extendedAttributes->{"Conditional"};
if ($conditional) {
return GenerateConditionalStringFromAttributeValue($conditional);
} else {
return "";
sub GenerateConditionalStringFromAttributeValue
my $conditional = shift;
my $operator = ($conditional =~ /&/ ? '&' : ($conditional =~ /\|/ ? '|' : ''));
if ($operator) {
# Avoid duplicated conditions.
my %conditions;
map { $conditions{$_} = 1 } split('\\' . $operator, $conditional);
return "ENABLE(" . join(") $operator$operator ENABLE(", sort keys %conditions) . ")";
} else {
return "ENABLE(" . $conditional . ")";
sub GenerateCompileTimeCheckForEnumsIfNeeded
my $interface = shift;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
my @checks = ();
# If necessary, check that all constants are available as enums with the same value.
if (!$interface->extendedAttributes->{"DoNotCheckConstants"} && @{$interface->constants}) {
push(@checks, "\n");
foreach my $constant (@{$interface->constants}) {
my $reflect = $constant->extendedAttributes->{"Reflect"};
my $name = $reflect ? $reflect : $constant->name;
my $value = $constant->value;
my $conditionalString = GenerateConditionalString($constant);
push(@checks, "#if ${conditionalString}\n") if $conditionalString;
if ($constant->extendedAttributes->{"ImplementedBy"}) {
my $implementedByImplName = GetImplNameFromImplementedBy($constant->extendedAttributes->{"ImplementedBy"});
push(@checks, "COMPILE_ASSERT($value == " . $implementedByImplName . "::$name, ${implClassName}Enum${name}IsWrongUseDoNotCheckConstants);\n");
} else {
push(@checks, "COMPILE_ASSERT($value == ${implClassName}::$name, ${implClassName}Enum${name}IsWrongUseDoNotCheckConstants);\n");
push(@checks, "#endif\n") if $conditionalString;
push(@checks, "\n");
return @checks;
sub ExtendedAttributeContains
my $callWith = shift;
return 0 unless $callWith;
my $keyword = shift;
my @callWithKeywords = split /\s*\&\s*/, $callWith;
return grep { $_ eq $keyword } @callWithKeywords;
sub InheritsInterface
my $interface = shift;
my $interfaceName = shift;
my $found = 0;
return 1 if $interfaceName eq $interface->name;
ForAllParents($interface, sub {
my $currentInterface = shift;
if ($currentInterface->name eq $interfaceName) {
$found = 1;
return 1 if $found;
}, 0);
return $found;
sub InheritsExtendedAttribute
my $interface = shift;
my $extendedAttribute = shift;
my $found = 0;
return 1 if $interface->extendedAttributes->{$extendedAttribute};
ForAllParents($interface, sub {
my $currentInterface = shift;
if ($currentInterface->extendedAttributes->{$extendedAttribute}) {
$found = 1;
return 1 if $found;
}, 0);
return $found;