blob: 0501515b4aae0e96d135764da54048d6bf51071f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderView.h"
#include "core/dom/Document.h"
#include "core/dom/Element.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLFrameOwnerElement.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLIFrameElement.h"
#include "core/page/Frame.h"
#include "core/page/FrameView.h"
#include "core/page/Page.h"
#include "core/platform/graphics/filters/custom/CustomFilterGlobalContext.h"
#include "core/platform/graphics/FloatQuad.h"
#include "core/platform/graphics/GraphicsContext.h"
#include "core/platform/graphics/transforms/TransformState.h"
#include "core/rendering/ColumnInfo.h"
#include "core/rendering/FlowThreadController.h"
#include "core/rendering/HitTestResult.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderGeometryMap.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderLayer.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderLayerBacking.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderLayerCompositor.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderLazyBlock.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderSelectionInfo.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderWidget.h"
#include "wtf/MemoryInstrumentationHashSet.h"
namespace WebCore {
RenderView::RenderView(Document* document)
: RenderBlock(document)
, m_frameView(document->view())
, m_selectionStart(0)
, m_selectionEnd(0)
, m_selectionStartPos(-1)
, m_selectionEndPos(-1)
, m_maximalOutlineSize(0)
, m_pageLogicalHeight(0)
, m_pageLogicalHeightChanged(false)
, m_layoutState(0)
, m_layoutStateDisableCount(0)
, m_firstLazyBlock(0)
, m_renderQuoteHead(0)
, m_renderCounterCount(0)
// init RenderObject attributes
m_minPreferredLogicalWidth = 0;
m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth = 0;
setPreferredLogicalWidthsDirty(true, MarkOnlyThis);
setPositionState(AbsolutePosition); // to 0,0 :)
bool RenderView::hitTest(const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result)
return hitTest(request, result.hitTestLocation(), result);
bool RenderView::hitTest(const HitTestRequest& request, const HitTestLocation& location, HitTestResult& result)
// We have to recursively update layout/style here because otherwise, when the hit test recurses
// into a child document, it could trigger a layout on the parent document, which can destroy RenderLayers
// that are higher up in the call stack, leading to crashes.
// Note that Document::updateLayout calls its parent's updateLayout.
// FIXME: It should be the caller's responsibility to ensure an up-to-date layout.
return layer()->hitTest(request, location, result);
void RenderView::computeLogicalHeight(LayoutUnit logicalHeight, LayoutUnit, LogicalExtentComputedValues& computedValues) const
computedValues.m_extent = (!shouldUsePrintingLayout() && m_frameView) ? LayoutUnit(viewLogicalHeight()) : logicalHeight;
void RenderView::updateLogicalWidth()
if (!shouldUsePrintingLayout() && m_frameView)
LayoutUnit RenderView::availableLogicalHeight(AvailableLogicalHeightType heightType) const
// If we have columns, then the available logical height is reduced to the column height.
if (hasColumns())
return columnInfo()->columnHeight();
return RenderBlock::availableLogicalHeight(heightType);
bool RenderView::isChildAllowed(RenderObject* child, RenderStyle*) const
return child->isBox();
void RenderView::markLazyBlocksForLayout()
for (RenderLazyBlock* block = m_firstLazyBlock; block; block = block->next())
void RenderView::layoutContent(const LayoutState& state)
if (hasRenderNamedFlowThreads())
#ifndef NDEBUG
#ifndef NDEBUG
void RenderView::checkLayoutState(const LayoutState& state)
ASSERT(m_layoutState == &state);
static RenderBox* enclosingSeamlessRenderer(Document* doc)
if (!doc)
return 0;
Element* ownerElement = doc->seamlessParentIFrame();
if (!ownerElement)
return 0;
return ownerElement->renderBox();
void RenderView::addChild(RenderObject* newChild, RenderObject* beforeChild)
// Seamless iframes are considered part of an enclosing render flow thread from the parent document. This is necessary for them to look
// up regions in the parent document during layout.
if (newChild && !newChild->isRenderFlowThread()) {
RenderBox* seamlessBox = enclosingSeamlessRenderer(document());
if (seamlessBox && seamlessBox->flowThreadContainingBlock())
RenderBlock::addChild(newChild, beforeChild);
bool RenderView::initializeLayoutState(LayoutState& state)
bool isSeamlessAncestorInFlowThread = false;
// FIXME: May be better to push a clip and avoid issuing offscreen repaints.
state.m_clipped = false;
// Check the writing mode of the seamless ancestor. It has to match our document's writing mode, or we won't inherit any
// pagination information.
RenderBox* seamlessAncestor = enclosingSeamlessRenderer(document());
LayoutState* seamlessLayoutState = seamlessAncestor ? seamlessAncestor->view()->layoutState() : 0;
bool shouldInheritPagination = seamlessLayoutState && !m_pageLogicalHeight && seamlessAncestor->style()->writingMode() == style()->writingMode();
state.m_pageLogicalHeight = shouldInheritPagination ? seamlessLayoutState->m_pageLogicalHeight : m_pageLogicalHeight;
state.m_pageLogicalHeightChanged = shouldInheritPagination ? seamlessLayoutState->m_pageLogicalHeightChanged : m_pageLogicalHeightChanged;
state.m_isPaginated = state.m_pageLogicalHeight;
if (state.m_isPaginated && shouldInheritPagination) {
// Set up the correct pagination offset. We can use a negative offset in order to push the top of the RenderView into its correct place
// on a page. We can take the iframe's offset from the logical top of the first page and make the negative into the pagination offset within the child
// view.
bool isFlipped = seamlessAncestor->style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode();
LayoutSize layoutOffset = seamlessLayoutState->layoutOffset();
LayoutSize iFrameOffset(layoutOffset.width() + seamlessAncestor->x() + (!isFlipped ? seamlessAncestor->borderLeft() + seamlessAncestor->paddingLeft() :
seamlessAncestor->borderRight() + seamlessAncestor->paddingRight()),
layoutOffset.height() + seamlessAncestor->y() + (!isFlipped ? seamlessAncestor->borderTop() + seamlessAncestor->paddingTop() :
seamlessAncestor->borderBottom() + seamlessAncestor->paddingBottom()));
LayoutSize offsetDelta = seamlessLayoutState->m_pageOffset - iFrameOffset;
state.m_pageOffset = offsetDelta;
// Set the current render flow thread to point to our ancestor. This will allow the seamless document to locate the correct
// regions when doing a layout.
if (seamlessAncestor->flowThreadContainingBlock()) {
isSeamlessAncestorInFlowThread = true;
// FIXME: We need to make line grids and exclusions work with seamless iframes as well here. Basically all layout state information needs
// to propagate here and not just pagination information.
return isSeamlessAncestorInFlowThread;
// The algorithm below assumes this is a full layout. In case there are previously computed values for regions, supplemental steps are taken
// to ensure the results are the same as those obtained from a full layout (i.e. the auto-height regions from all the flows are marked as needing
// layout).
// 1. The flows are laid out from the outer flow to the inner flow. This successfully computes the outer non-auto-height regions size so the
// inner flows have the necessary information to correctly fragment the content.
// 2. The flows are laid out from the inner flow to the outer flow. After an inner flow is laid out it goes into the constrained layout phase
// and marks the auto-height regions they need layout. This means the outer flows will relayout if they depend on regions with auto-height regions
// belonging to inner flows. This step will correctly compute the overrideLogicalHeights for the auto-height regions. It's possible for non-auto-height
// regions to relayout if they depend on auto-height regions. This will invalidate the inner flow threads and mark them as needing layout.
// 3. The last step is to do one last layout if there are pathological dependencies between non-auto-height regions and auto-height regions
// as detected in the previous step.
void RenderView::layoutContentInAutoLogicalHeightRegions(const LayoutState& state)
// We need to invalidate all the flows with auto-height regions if one such flow needs layout.
// If none is found we do a layout a check back again afterwards.
if (!flowThreadController()->updateFlowThreadsNeedingLayout()) {
// Do a first layout of the content. In some cases more layouts are not needed (e.g. only flows with non-auto-height regions have changed).
// If we find no named flow needing a two step layout after the first layout, exit early.
// Otherwise, initiate the two step layout algorithm and recompute all the flows.
if (!flowThreadController()->updateFlowThreadsNeedingTwoStepLayout())
// Layout to recompute all the named flows with auto-height regions.
// Propagate the computed auto-height values upwards.
// Non-auto-height regions may invalidate the flow thread because they depended on auto-height regions, but that's ok.
// Do one last layout that should update the auto-height regions found in the main flow
// and solve pathological dependencies between regions (e.g. a non-auto-height region depending
// on an auto-height one).
if (needsLayout())
void RenderView::layout()
StackStats::LayoutCheckPoint layoutCheckPoint;
if (!document()->paginated())
if (shouldUsePrintingLayout())
m_minPreferredLogicalWidth = m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth = logicalWidth();
// Use calcWidth/Height to get the new width/height, since this will take the full page zoom factor into account.
bool relayoutChildren = !shouldUsePrintingLayout() && (!m_frameView || width() != viewWidth() || height() != viewHeight());
if (relayoutChildren) {
setChildNeedsLayout(true, MarkOnlyThis);
for (RenderObject* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
if ((child->isBox() && toRenderBox(child)->hasRelativeLogicalHeight())
|| child->style()->logicalHeight().isPercent()
|| child->style()->logicalMinHeight().isPercent()
|| child->style()->logicalMaxHeight().isPercent()
|| child->style()->logicalHeight().isViewportPercentage()
|| child->style()->logicalMinHeight().isViewportPercentage()
|| child->style()->logicalMaxHeight().isViewportPercentage()
|| child->isSVGRoot())
child->setChildNeedsLayout(true, MarkOnlyThis);
if (!needsLayout())
LayoutState state;
bool isSeamlessAncestorInFlowThread = initializeLayoutState(state);
m_pageLogicalHeightChanged = false;
m_layoutState = &state;
if (checkTwoPassLayoutForAutoHeightRegions())
#ifndef NDEBUG
m_layoutState = 0;
if (isSeamlessAncestorInFlowThread)
void RenderView::mapLocalToContainer(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, TransformState& transformState, MapCoordinatesFlags mode, bool* wasFixed) const
// If a container was specified, and was not 0 or the RenderView,
// then we should have found it by now.
ASSERT_ARG(repaintContainer, !repaintContainer || repaintContainer == this);
ASSERT_UNUSED(wasFixed, !wasFixed || *wasFixed == (mode & IsFixed));
if (!repaintContainer && mode & UseTransforms && shouldUseTransformFromContainer(0)) {
TransformationMatrix t;
getTransformFromContainer(0, LayoutSize(), t);
if (mode & IsFixed && m_frameView)
const RenderObject* RenderView::pushMappingToContainer(const RenderLayerModelObject* ancestorToStopAt, RenderGeometryMap& geometryMap) const
// If a container was specified, and was not 0 or the RenderView,
// then we should have found it by now.
ASSERT_ARG(ancestorToStopAt, !ancestorToStopAt || ancestorToStopAt == this);
LayoutSize scrollOffset;
if (m_frameView)
scrollOffset = m_frameView->scrollOffsetForFixedPosition();
if (!ancestorToStopAt && shouldUseTransformFromContainer(0)) {
TransformationMatrix t;
getTransformFromContainer(0, LayoutSize(), t);
geometryMap.pushView(this, scrollOffset, &t);
} else
geometryMap.pushView(this, scrollOffset);
return 0;
void RenderView::mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint(MapCoordinatesFlags mode, TransformState& transformState) const
if (mode & IsFixed && m_frameView)
if (mode & UseTransforms && shouldUseTransformFromContainer(0)) {
TransformationMatrix t;
getTransformFromContainer(0, LayoutSize(), t);
bool RenderView::requiresColumns(int desiredColumnCount) const
if (m_frameView)
return m_frameView->pagination().mode != Pagination::Unpaginated;
return RenderBlock::requiresColumns(desiredColumnCount);
void RenderView::calcColumnWidth()
int columnWidth = contentLogicalWidth();
if (m_frameView && style()->hasInlineColumnAxis()) {
if (int pageLength = m_frameView->pagination().pageLength)
columnWidth = pageLength;
setDesiredColumnCountAndWidth(1, columnWidth);
ColumnInfo::PaginationUnit RenderView::paginationUnit() const
if (m_frameView)
return m_frameView->pagination().behavesLikeColumns ? ColumnInfo::Column : ColumnInfo::Page;
return ColumnInfo::Page;
void RenderView::paint(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
// If we ever require layout but receive a paint anyway, something has gone horribly wrong.
// RenderViews should never be called to paint with an offset not on device pixels.
ASSERT(LayoutPoint(IntPoint(paintOffset.x(), paintOffset.y())) == paintOffset);
// This avoids painting garbage between columns if there is a column gap.
if (m_frameView && m_frameView->pagination().mode != Pagination::Unpaginated)
paintInfo.context->fillRect(paintInfo.rect, m_frameView->baseBackgroundColor());
paintObject(paintInfo, paintOffset);
static inline bool isComposited(RenderObject* object)
return object->hasLayer() && toRenderLayerModelObject(object)->layer()->isComposited();
static inline bool rendererObscuresBackground(RenderObject* rootObject)
if (!rootObject)
return false;
RenderStyle* style = rootObject->style();
if (style->visibility() != VISIBLE
|| style->opacity() != 1
|| style->hasTransform())
return false;
if (isComposited(rootObject))
return false;
const RenderObject* rootRenderer = rootObject->rendererForRootBackground();
if (rootRenderer->style()->backgroundClip() == TextFillBox)
return false;
return true;
void RenderView::paintBoxDecorations(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint&)
// Check to see if we are enclosed by a layer that requires complex painting rules. If so, we cannot blit
// when scrolling, and we need to use slow repaints. Examples of layers that require this are transparent layers,
// layers with reflections, or transformed layers.
// FIXME: This needs to be dynamic. We should be able to go back to blitting if we ever stop being inside
// a transform, transparency layer, etc.
Element* elt;
for (elt = document()->ownerElement(); view() && elt && elt->renderer(); elt = elt->document()->ownerElement()) {
RenderLayer* layer = elt->renderer()->enclosingLayer();
if (layer->cannotBlitToWindow()) {
if (RenderLayer* compositingLayer = layer->enclosingCompositingLayerForRepaint()) {
if (document()->ownerElement() || !view())
if (paintInfo.skipRootBackground())
bool rootFillsViewport = false;
bool rootObscuresBackground = false;
Node* documentElement = document()->documentElement();
if (RenderObject* rootRenderer = documentElement ? documentElement->renderer() : 0) {
// The document element's renderer is currently forced to be a block, but may not always be.
RenderBox* rootBox = rootRenderer->isBox() ? toRenderBox(rootRenderer) : 0;
rootFillsViewport = rootBox && !rootBox->x() && !rootBox->y() && rootBox->width() >= width() && rootBox->height() >= height();
rootObscuresBackground = rendererObscuresBackground(rootRenderer);
Page* page = document()->page();
float pageScaleFactor = page ? page->pageScaleFactor() : 1;
// If painting will entirely fill the view, no need to fill the background.
if (rootFillsViewport && rootObscuresBackground && pageScaleFactor >= 1)
// This code typically only executes if the root element's visibility has been set to hidden,
// if there is a transform on the <html>, or if there is a page scale factor less than 1.
// Only fill with the base background color (typically white) if we're the root document,
// since iframes/frames with no background in the child document should show the parent's background.
if (frameView()->isTransparent()) // FIXME: This needs to be dynamic. We should be able to go back to blitting if we ever stop being transparent.
frameView()->setCannotBlitToWindow(); // The parent must show behind the child.
else {
Color baseColor = frameView()->baseBackgroundColor();
if (baseColor.alpha()) {
CompositeOperator previousOperator = paintInfo.context->compositeOperation();
paintInfo.context->fillRect(paintInfo.rect, baseColor);
} else
bool RenderView::shouldRepaint(const LayoutRect& r) const
if (printing() || r.width() == 0 || r.height() == 0)
return false;
if (!m_frameView)
return false;
if (m_frameView->repaintsDisabled())
return false;
return true;
void RenderView::repaintViewRectangle(const LayoutRect& ur) const
if (!shouldRepaint(ur))
// We always just invalidate the root view, since we could be an iframe that is clipped out
// or even invisible.
Element* elt = document()->ownerElement();
if (!elt)
else if (RenderBox* obj = elt->renderBox()) {
LayoutRect vr = viewRect();
LayoutRect r = intersection(ur, vr);
// Subtract out the contentsX and contentsY offsets to get our coords within the viewing
// rectangle.
// FIXME: Hardcoded offsets here are not good.
void RenderView::repaintRectangleInViewAndCompositedLayers(const LayoutRect& ur)
if (!shouldRepaint(ur))
if (compositor()->inCompositingMode()) {
IntRect repaintRect = pixelSnappedIntRect(ur);
void RenderView::repaintViewAndCompositedLayers()
if (compositor()->inCompositingMode())
void RenderView::computeRectForRepaint(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, LayoutRect& rect, bool fixed) const
// If a container was specified, and was not 0 or the RenderView,
// then we should have found it by now.
ASSERT_ARG(repaintContainer, !repaintContainer || repaintContainer == this);
if (printing())
if (style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) {
// We have to flip by hand since the view's logical height has not been determined. We
// can use the viewport width and height.
if (style()->isHorizontalWritingMode())
rect.setY(viewHeight() - rect.maxY());
rect.setX(viewWidth() - rect.maxX());
if (fixed && m_frameView)
// Apply our transform if we have one (because of full page zooming).
if (!repaintContainer && layer() && layer()->transform())
rect = layer()->transform()->mapRect(rect);
void RenderView::absoluteRects(Vector<IntRect>& rects, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset) const
rects.append(pixelSnappedIntRect(accumulatedOffset, layer()->size()));
void RenderView::absoluteQuads(Vector<FloatQuad>& quads, bool* wasFixed) const
if (wasFixed)
*wasFixed = false;
quads.append(FloatRect(FloatPoint(), layer()->size()));
static RenderObject* rendererAfterPosition(RenderObject* object, unsigned offset)
if (!object)
return 0;
RenderObject* child = object->childAt(offset);
return child ? child : object->nextInPreOrderAfterChildren();
IntRect RenderView::selectionBounds(bool clipToVisibleContent) const
typedef HashMap<RenderObject*, OwnPtr<RenderSelectionInfo> > SelectionMap;
SelectionMap selectedObjects;
RenderObject* os = m_selectionStart;
RenderObject* stop = rendererAfterPosition(m_selectionEnd, m_selectionEndPos);
while (os && os != stop) {
if ((os->canBeSelectionLeaf() || os == m_selectionStart || os == m_selectionEnd) && os->selectionState() != SelectionNone) {
// Blocks are responsible for painting line gaps and margin gaps. They must be examined as well.
selectedObjects.set(os, adoptPtr(new RenderSelectionInfo(os, clipToVisibleContent)));
RenderBlock* cb = os->containingBlock();
while (cb && !cb->isRenderView()) {
OwnPtr<RenderSelectionInfo>& blockInfo = selectedObjects.add(cb, nullptr).iterator->value;
if (blockInfo)
blockInfo = adoptPtr(new RenderSelectionInfo(cb, clipToVisibleContent));
cb = cb->containingBlock();
os = os->nextInPreOrder();
// Now create a single bounding box rect that encloses the whole selection.
LayoutRect selRect;
SelectionMap::iterator end = selectedObjects.end();
for (SelectionMap::iterator i = selectedObjects.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
RenderSelectionInfo* info = i->value.get();
// RenderSelectionInfo::rect() is in the coordinates of the repaintContainer, so map to page coordinates.
LayoutRect currRect = info->rect();
if (RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer = info->repaintContainer()) {
FloatQuad absQuad = repaintContainer->localToAbsoluteQuad(FloatRect(currRect));
currRect = absQuad.enclosingBoundingBox();
return pixelSnappedIntRect(selRect);
void RenderView::repaintSelection() const
HashSet<RenderBlock*> processedBlocks;
RenderObject* end = rendererAfterPosition(m_selectionEnd, m_selectionEndPos);
for (RenderObject* o = m_selectionStart; o && o != end; o = o->nextInPreOrder()) {
if (!o->canBeSelectionLeaf() && o != m_selectionStart && o != m_selectionEnd)
if (o->selectionState() == SelectionNone)
RenderSelectionInfo(o, true).repaint();
// Blocks are responsible for painting line gaps and margin gaps. They must be examined as well.
for (RenderBlock* block = o->containingBlock(); block && !block->isRenderView(); block = block->containingBlock()) {
if (!processedBlocks.add(block).isNewEntry)
RenderSelectionInfo(block, true).repaint();
// Compositing layer dimensions take outline size into account, so we have to recompute layer
// bounds when it changes.
// FIXME: This is ugly; it would be nice to have a better way to do this.
void RenderView::setMaximalOutlineSize(int o)
if (o != m_maximalOutlineSize) {
m_maximalOutlineSize = o;
// maximalOutlineSize affects compositing layer dimensions.
compositor()->setCompositingLayersNeedRebuild(); // FIXME: this really just needs to be a geometry update.
void RenderView::setSelection(RenderObject* start, int startPos, RenderObject* end, int endPos, SelectionRepaintMode blockRepaintMode)
// Make sure both our start and end objects are defined.
// Check and try clicking around to find the case where this happened.
if ((start && !end) || (end && !start))
// Just return if the selection hasn't changed.
if (m_selectionStart == start && m_selectionStartPos == startPos &&
m_selectionEnd == end && m_selectionEndPos == endPos)
if ((start && end) && (start->flowThreadContainingBlock() != end->flowThreadContainingBlock()))
// Record the old selected objects. These will be used later
// when we compare against the new selected objects.
int oldStartPos = m_selectionStartPos;
int oldEndPos = m_selectionEndPos;
// Objects each have a single selection rect to examine.
typedef HashMap<RenderObject*, OwnPtr<RenderSelectionInfo> > SelectedObjectMap;
SelectedObjectMap oldSelectedObjects;
SelectedObjectMap newSelectedObjects;
// Blocks contain selected objects and fill gaps between them, either on the left, right, or in between lines and blocks.
// In order to get the repaint rect right, we have to examine left, middle, and right rects individually, since otherwise
// the union of those rects might remain the same even when changes have occurred.
typedef HashMap<RenderBlock*, OwnPtr<RenderBlockSelectionInfo> > SelectedBlockMap;
SelectedBlockMap oldSelectedBlocks;
SelectedBlockMap newSelectedBlocks;
RenderObject* os = m_selectionStart;
RenderObject* stop = rendererAfterPosition(m_selectionEnd, m_selectionEndPos);
while (os && os != stop) {
if ((os->canBeSelectionLeaf() || os == m_selectionStart || os == m_selectionEnd) && os->selectionState() != SelectionNone) {
// Blocks are responsible for painting line gaps and margin gaps. They must be examined as well.
oldSelectedObjects.set(os, adoptPtr(new RenderSelectionInfo(os, true)));
if (blockRepaintMode == RepaintNewXOROld) {
RenderBlock* cb = os->containingBlock();
while (cb && !cb->isRenderView()) {
OwnPtr<RenderBlockSelectionInfo>& blockInfo = oldSelectedBlocks.add(cb, nullptr).iterator->value;
if (blockInfo)
blockInfo = adoptPtr(new RenderBlockSelectionInfo(cb));
cb = cb->containingBlock();
os = os->nextInPreOrder();
// Now clear the selection.
SelectedObjectMap::iterator oldObjectsEnd = oldSelectedObjects.end();
for (SelectedObjectMap::iterator i = oldSelectedObjects.begin(); i != oldObjectsEnd; ++i)
// set selection start and end
m_selectionStart = start;
m_selectionStartPos = startPos;
m_selectionEnd = end;
m_selectionEndPos = endPos;
// Update the selection status of all objects between m_selectionStart and m_selectionEnd
if (start && start == end)
else {
if (start)
if (end)
RenderObject* o = start;
stop = rendererAfterPosition(end, endPos);
while (o && o != stop) {
if (o != start && o != end && o->canBeSelectionLeaf())
o = o->nextInPreOrder();
if (blockRepaintMode != RepaintNothing)
// Now that the selection state has been updated for the new objects, walk them again and
// put them in the new objects list.
o = start;
while (o && o != stop) {
if ((o->canBeSelectionLeaf() || o == start || o == end) && o->selectionState() != SelectionNone) {
newSelectedObjects.set(o, adoptPtr(new RenderSelectionInfo(o, true)));
RenderBlock* cb = o->containingBlock();
while (cb && !cb->isRenderView()) {
OwnPtr<RenderBlockSelectionInfo>& blockInfo = newSelectedBlocks.add(cb, nullptr).iterator->value;
if (blockInfo)
blockInfo = adoptPtr(new RenderBlockSelectionInfo(cb));
cb = cb->containingBlock();
o = o->nextInPreOrder();
if (!m_frameView || blockRepaintMode == RepaintNothing)
// Have any of the old selected objects changed compared to the new selection?
for (SelectedObjectMap::iterator i = oldSelectedObjects.begin(); i != oldObjectsEnd; ++i) {
RenderObject* obj = i->key;
RenderSelectionInfo* newInfo = newSelectedObjects.get(obj);
RenderSelectionInfo* oldInfo = i->value.get();
if (!newInfo || oldInfo->rect() != newInfo->rect() || oldInfo->state() != newInfo->state() ||
(m_selectionStart == obj && oldStartPos != m_selectionStartPos) ||
(m_selectionEnd == obj && oldEndPos != m_selectionEndPos)) {
if (newInfo) {
// Any new objects that remain were not found in the old objects dict, and so they need to be updated.
SelectedObjectMap::iterator newObjectsEnd = newSelectedObjects.end();
for (SelectedObjectMap::iterator i = newSelectedObjects.begin(); i != newObjectsEnd; ++i)
// Have any of the old blocks changed?
SelectedBlockMap::iterator oldBlocksEnd = oldSelectedBlocks.end();
for (SelectedBlockMap::iterator i = oldSelectedBlocks.begin(); i != oldBlocksEnd; ++i) {
RenderBlock* block = i->key;
RenderBlockSelectionInfo* newInfo = newSelectedBlocks.get(block);
RenderBlockSelectionInfo* oldInfo = i->value.get();
if (!newInfo || oldInfo->rects() != newInfo->rects() || oldInfo->state() != newInfo->state()) {
if (newInfo) {
// Any new blocks that remain were not found in the old blocks dict, and so they need to be updated.
SelectedBlockMap::iterator newBlocksEnd = newSelectedBlocks.end();
for (SelectedBlockMap::iterator i = newSelectedBlocks.begin(); i != newBlocksEnd; ++i)
void RenderView::getSelection(RenderObject*& startRenderer, int& startOffset, RenderObject*& endRenderer, int& endOffset) const
startRenderer = m_selectionStart;
startOffset = m_selectionStartPos;
endRenderer = m_selectionEnd;
endOffset = m_selectionEndPos;
void RenderView::clearSelection()
setSelection(0, -1, 0, -1, RepaintNewMinusOld);
void RenderView::selectionStartEnd(int& startPos, int& endPos) const
startPos = m_selectionStartPos;
endPos = m_selectionEndPos;
bool RenderView::printing() const
return document()->printing();
bool RenderView::shouldUsePrintingLayout() const
if (!printing() || !m_frameView)
return false;
Frame* frame = m_frameView->frame();
return frame && frame->shouldUsePrintingLayout();
size_t RenderView::getRetainedWidgets(Vector<RenderWidget*>& renderWidgets)
size_t size = m_widgets.size();
RenderWidgetSet::const_iterator end = m_widgets.end();
for (RenderWidgetSet::const_iterator it = m_widgets.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
return size;
void RenderView::releaseWidgets(Vector<RenderWidget*>& renderWidgets)
size_t size = renderWidgets.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
void RenderView::updateWidgetPositions()
// updateWidgetPosition() can possibly cause layout to be re-entered (via plug-ins running
// scripts in response to NPP_SetWindow, for example), so we need to keep the Widgets
// alive during enumeration.
Vector<RenderWidget*> renderWidgets;
size_t size = getRetainedWidgets(renderWidgets);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
void RenderView::addWidget(RenderWidget* o)
void RenderView::removeWidget(RenderWidget* o)
LayoutRect RenderView::viewRect() const
if (shouldUsePrintingLayout())
return LayoutRect(LayoutPoint(), size());
if (m_frameView)
return m_frameView->visibleContentRect();
return LayoutRect();
IntRect RenderView::unscaledDocumentRect() const
LayoutRect overflowRect(layoutOverflowRect());
return pixelSnappedIntRect(overflowRect);
bool RenderView::rootBackgroundIsEntirelyFixed() const
RenderObject* rootObject = document()->documentElement() ? document()->documentElement()->renderer() : 0;
if (!rootObject)
return false;
RenderObject* rootRenderer = rootObject->rendererForRootBackground();
return rootRenderer->hasEntirelyFixedBackground();
LayoutRect RenderView::backgroundRect(RenderBox* backgroundRenderer) const
if (!hasColumns())
return unscaledDocumentRect();
ColumnInfo* columnInfo = this->columnInfo();
LayoutRect backgroundRect(0, 0, columnInfo->desiredColumnWidth(), columnInfo->columnHeight() * columnInfo->columnCount());
if (!isHorizontalWritingMode())
backgroundRect = backgroundRect.transposedRect();
return backgroundRect;
IntRect RenderView::documentRect() const
FloatRect overflowRect(unscaledDocumentRect());
if (hasTransform())
overflowRect = layer()->currentTransform().mapRect(overflowRect);
return IntRect(overflowRect);
int RenderView::viewHeight() const
int height = 0;
if (!shouldUsePrintingLayout() && m_frameView) {
height = m_frameView->layoutHeight();
height = m_frameView->useFixedLayout() ? ceilf(style()->effectiveZoom() * float(height)) : height;
return height;
int RenderView::viewWidth() const
int width = 0;
if (!shouldUsePrintingLayout() && m_frameView) {
width = m_frameView->layoutWidth();
width = m_frameView->useFixedLayout() ? ceilf(style()->effectiveZoom() * float(width)) : width;
return width;
int RenderView::viewLogicalHeight() const
int height = style()->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? viewHeight() : viewWidth();
if (hasColumns() && !style()->hasInlineColumnAxis()) {
if (int pageLength = m_frameView->pagination().pageLength)
height = pageLength;
return height;
float RenderView::zoomFactor() const
Frame* frame = m_frameView->frame();
return frame ? frame->pageZoomFactor() : 1;
void RenderView::pushLayoutState(RenderObject* root)
ASSERT(m_layoutStateDisableCount == 0);
ASSERT(m_layoutState == 0);
m_layoutState = new (renderArena()) LayoutState(root);
bool RenderView::shouldDisableLayoutStateForSubtree(RenderObject* renderer) const
RenderObject* o = renderer;
while (o) {
if (o->hasColumns() || o->hasTransform() || o->hasReflection())
return true;
o = o->container();
return false;
void RenderView::updateHitTestResult(HitTestResult& result, const LayoutPoint& point)
if (result.innerNode())
Node* node = document()->documentElement();
if (node) {
if (!result.innerNonSharedNode())
LayoutPoint adjustedPoint = point;
bool RenderView::usesCompositing() const
return m_compositor && m_compositor->inCompositingMode();
RenderLayerCompositor* RenderView::compositor()
if (!m_compositor)
m_compositor = adoptPtr(new RenderLayerCompositor(this));
return m_compositor.get();
void RenderView::setIsInWindow(bool isInWindow)
if (m_compositor)
CustomFilterGlobalContext* RenderView::customFilterGlobalContext()
if (!m_customFilterGlobalContext)
m_customFilterGlobalContext = adoptPtr(new CustomFilterGlobalContext());
return m_customFilterGlobalContext.get();
void RenderView::styleDidChange(StyleDifference diff, const RenderStyle* oldStyle)
RenderBlock::styleDidChange(diff, oldStyle);
if (hasRenderNamedFlowThreads())
bool RenderView::hasRenderNamedFlowThreads() const
return m_flowThreadController && m_flowThreadController->hasRenderNamedFlowThreads();
bool RenderView::checkTwoPassLayoutForAutoHeightRegions() const
return hasRenderNamedFlowThreads() && m_flowThreadController->hasFlowThreadsWithAutoLogicalHeightRegions();
FlowThreadController* RenderView::flowThreadController()
if (!m_flowThreadController)
m_flowThreadController = FlowThreadController::create(this);
return m_flowThreadController.get();
RenderBlock::IntervalArena* RenderView::intervalArena()
if (!m_intervalArena)
m_intervalArena = IntervalArena::create();
return m_intervalArena.get();
bool RenderView::backgroundIsKnownToBeOpaqueInRect(const LayoutRect&) const
// FIXME: Remove this main frame check. Same concept applies to subframes too.
Page* page = document()->page();
Frame* mainFrame = page ? page->mainFrame() : 0;
if (!m_frameView || m_frameView->frame() != mainFrame)
return false;
return m_frameView->hasOpaqueBackground();
void RenderView::reportMemoryUsage(MemoryObjectInfo* memoryObjectInfo) const
MemoryClassInfo info(memoryObjectInfo, this, PlatformMemoryTypes::Rendering);
info.addMember(m_widgets, "widgets");
info.addMember(m_layoutState, "layoutState");
info.addMember(m_compositor, "compositor");
info.addMember(m_customFilterGlobalContext, "customFilterGlobalContext");
info.addMember(m_flowThreadController, "flowThreadController");
info.addMember(m_intervalArena, "intervalArena");
FragmentationDisabler::FragmentationDisabler(RenderObject* root)
RenderView* renderView = root->view();
LayoutState* layoutState = renderView->layoutState();
m_root = root;
m_fragmenting = layoutState && layoutState->isPaginated();
m_flowThreadState = m_root->flowThreadState();
#ifndef NDEBUG
m_layoutState = layoutState;
if (layoutState)
layoutState->m_isPaginated = false;
if (m_flowThreadState != RenderObject::NotInsideFlowThread)
RenderView* renderView = m_root->view();
LayoutState* layoutState = renderView->layoutState();
#ifndef NDEBUG
ASSERT(m_layoutState == layoutState);
if (layoutState)
layoutState->m_isPaginated = m_fragmenting;
if (m_flowThreadState != RenderObject::NotInsideFlowThread)
} // namespace WebCore