blob: 5b050845c30d2b81574100c0a833349c45794db9 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os.path
import re
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
import optparse
from in_file import InFile
import in_generator
import license
#ifndef %(class_name)s_h
#define %(class_name)s_h
#include <string.h>
#include "wtf/HashFunctions.h"
#include "wtf/HashTraits.h"
namespace WTF {
class AtomicString;
class String;
namespace WebCore {
enum CSSPropertyID {
CSSPropertyInvalid = 0,
CSSPropertyVariable = 1,
const int firstCSSProperty = %(first_property_id)s;
const int numCSSProperties = %(properties_count)s;
const int lastCSSProperty = %(last_property_id)d;
const size_t maxCSSPropertyNameLength = %(max_name_length)d;
const char* getPropertyName(CSSPropertyID);
const WTF::AtomicString& getPropertyNameAtomicString(CSSPropertyID);
WTF::String getPropertyNameString(CSSPropertyID);
WTF::String getJSPropertyName(CSSPropertyID);
inline CSSPropertyID convertToCSSPropertyID(int value)
ASSERT((value >= firstCSSProperty && value <= lastCSSProperty) || value == CSSPropertyInvalid);
return static_cast<CSSPropertyID>(value);
} // namespace WebCore
namespace WTF {
template<> struct DefaultHash<WebCore::CSSPropertyID> { typedef IntHash<unsigned> Hash; };
template<> struct HashTraits<WebCore::CSSPropertyID> : GenericHashTraits<WebCore::CSSPropertyID> {
static const bool emptyValueIsZero = true;
static const bool needsDestruction = false;
static void constructDeletedValue(WebCore::CSSPropertyID& slot) { slot = static_cast<WebCore::CSSPropertyID>(WebCore::lastCSSProperty + 1); }
static bool isDeletedValue(WebCore::CSSPropertyID value) { return value == (WebCore::lastCSSProperty + 1); }
#endif // %(class_name)s_h
#include "config.h"
#include "%(class_name)s.h"
#include "core/platform/HashTools.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "wtf/ASCIICType.h"
#include "wtf/text/AtomicString.h"
#include "wtf/text/WTFString.h"
namespace WebCore {
const char* const propertyNameStrings[numCSSProperties] = {
struct Property;
%%define class-name %(class_name)sHash
%%define lookup-function-name findPropertyImpl
%%define hash-function-name propery_hash_function
%%define word-array-name property_wordlist
const Property* findProperty(register const char* str, register unsigned int len)
return %(class_name)sHash::findPropertyImpl(str, len);
const char* getPropertyName(CSSPropertyID id)
if (id < firstCSSProperty)
return 0;
int index = id - firstCSSProperty;
if (index >= numCSSProperties)
return 0;
return propertyNameStrings[index];
const AtomicString& getPropertyNameAtomicString(CSSPropertyID id)
if (id < firstCSSProperty)
return nullAtom;
int index = id - firstCSSProperty;
if (index >= numCSSProperties)
return nullAtom;
static AtomicString* propertyStrings = new AtomicString[numCSSProperties]; // Intentionally never destroyed.
AtomicString& propertyString = propertyStrings[index];
if (propertyString.isNull()) {
const char* propertyName = propertyNameStrings[index];
propertyString = AtomicString(propertyName, strlen(propertyName), AtomicString::ConstructFromLiteral);
return propertyString;
String getPropertyNameString(CSSPropertyID id)
// We share the StringImpl with the AtomicStrings.
return getPropertyNameAtomicString(id).string();
String getJSPropertyName(CSSPropertyID id)
char result[maxCSSPropertyNameLength + 1];
const char* cssPropertyName = getPropertyName(id);
const char* propertyNamePointer = cssPropertyName;
if (!propertyNamePointer)
return emptyString();
char* resultPointer = result;
while (char character = *propertyNamePointer++) {
if (character == '-') {
char nextCharacter = *propertyNamePointer++;
if (!nextCharacter)
character = (propertyNamePointer - 2 != cssPropertyName) ? toASCIIUpper(nextCharacter) : nextCharacter;
*resultPointer++ = character;
*resultPointer = '\\0';
return String(result);
} // namespace WebCore
class CSSPropertiesWriter(in_generator.Writer):
class_name = "CSSPropertyNames"
defaults = {
'alias_for': None,
'condition': None,
def __init__(self, file_paths, enabled_conditions):
# FIXME: This is a hack. Writer does not know how to handle
# multiple files, so we just pass the first and then ignore
# self.in_file in this class.
in_generator.Writer.__init__(self, file_paths[0])
self._enabled_conditions = enabled_conditions
lines = []
for file_path in file_paths:
with open(os.path.abspath(file_path)) as in_file:
lines += in_file.readlines()
all_properties = InFile(lines, self.defaults).name_dictionaries
self._aliases = filter(lambda property: property['alias_for'], all_properties)
for offset, property in enumerate(self._aliases):
# Aliases use the enum_name that they are an alias for.
property['enum_name'] = self._enum_name_from_property_name(property['alias_for'])
# Aliases do not get an enum_value.
self._properties = filter(lambda property: not property['alias_for'] and not property['condition'] or property['condition'] in self._enabled_conditions, all_properties)
self._first_property_id = 1001 # Historical, unclear why.
property_id = self._first_property_id
for offset, property in enumerate(self._properties):
property['enum_name'] = self._enum_name_from_property_name(property['name'])
property['enum_value'] = self._first_property_id + offset
def _enum_name_from_property_name(self, property_name):
return "CSSProperty" + re.sub(r'(^[^-])|-(.)', lambda match: ( or, property_name)
def _enum_declaration(self, property):
return " %(enum_name)s = %(enum_value)s," % property
def generate_header(self):
'license': license.license_for_generated_cpp(),
'class_name': self.class_name,
'property_enums': "\n".join(map(self._enum_declaration, self._properties)),
'first_property_id': self._first_property_id,
'properties_count': len(self._properties),
'last_property_id': self._first_property_id + len(self._properties) - 1,
'max_name_length': reduce(max, map(len, map(lambda property: property['name'], self._properties))),
def generate_implementation(self):
gperf_input = GPERF_TEMPLATE % {
'license': license.license_for_generated_cpp(),
'class_name': self.class_name,
'property_name_strings': '\n'.join(map(lambda property: ' "%(name)s",' % property, self._properties)),
'property_to_enum_map': '\n'.join(map(lambda property: '%(name)s, %(enum_name)s' % property, self._properties + self._aliases)),
# FIXME: If we could depend on Python 2.7, we would use subprocess.check_output
gperf_args = ['gperf', '--key-positions=*', '-D', '-n', '-s', '2']
gperf = subprocess.Popen(gperf_args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
return gperf.communicate(gperf_input)[0]
# FIXME: Some of this logic should be pushed down into in_generator.Maker
class MakeCSSProperties(object):
def _enabled_features_from_defines(self, defines_arg_string):
if not defines_arg_string:
return []
defines_strings = shlex.split(defines_arg_string)
# We only care about feature defines.
enable_prefix = 'ENABLE_'
enabled_features = []
for define_string in defines_strings:
split_define = define_string.split('=')
if split_define[1] != '1':
define = split_define[0]
if not define.startswith(enable_prefix):
return enabled_features
def main(self, argv):
script_name = os.path.basename(argv[0])
args = argv[1:]
if len(args) < 1:
print "USAGE: %i INPUT_FILES" % script_name
# FIXME: This option parsing should be pushed down into in_generator.Maker
# but that will require updating all other in_generator scripts.
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option("--output_dir", default=os.getcwd())
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
enabled_features = self._enabled_features_from_defines(options.defines)
writer = CSSPropertiesWriter(args, enabled_features)
if __name__ == "__main__":