blob: 6e8312c1408bd6e9f9ca8251e05136e2a6381702 [file] [log] [blame]
'variables': {
'deprecated_perl_core_idl_files': [
# We should probably add CSSUnknownRule.idl to this list,
# but it currently causes a compile error.
# 'css/CSSUnknownRule.idl',
'python_core_idl_files': [
'deprecated_perl_svg_idl_files': [
'python_svg_idl_files': [
'webcore_files': [
'webcore_dom_files': [
'webcore_html_files': [
'webcore_platform_files': [
'webcore_platform_geometry_files': [
'webcore_svg_files': [
'deprecated_perl_webcore_test_support_idl_files': [
'python_webcore_test_support_idl_files': [
'webcore_test_support_files': [
'webcore_platform_support_files': [
'core_unittest_files': [
'scripts_for_in_files': [
'conditions': [
['OS=="win"', {
# Using native perl rather than cygwin perl cuts execution time
# of idl preprocessing rules by a bit more than 50%.
'perl_exe': '<(DEPTH)/third_party/perl/perl/bin/perl.exe',
'gperf_exe': '<(DEPTH)/third_party/gperf/bin/gperf.exe',
'bison_exe': '<(DEPTH)/third_party/bison/bin/bison.exe',
# Using cl instead of cygwin gcc cuts the processing time from
# 1m58s to 0m52s.
'preprocessor': '--preprocessor "cl.exe -nologo -EP -TP"',
'perl_exe': 'perl',
'gperf_exe': 'gperf',
'bison_exe': 'bison',
# We specify a preprocess so it happens locally and won't get
# distributed to goma.
# FIXME: /usr/bin/gcc won't exist on OSX forever. We want to
# use /usr/bin/clang once we require Xcode 4.x.
'preprocessor': '--preprocessor "/usr/bin/gcc -E -P -x c++"'