blob: 3c9b02ee4c0a7f47373130081e5774ef3cfa20c1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* typedef void (*PushAllRegistersCallback)(SafePointBarrier*, ThreadState*, intptr_t*);
* extern "C" void pushAllRegisters(SafePointBarrier*, ThreadState*, PushAllRegistersCallback)
.type pushAllRegisters, %function
.global pushAllRegisters
.hidden pushAllRegisters
// Push all callee-saves registers to get them
// on the stack for conservative stack scanning.
// Reserve space for callee-saved registers and return address.
daddiu $sp,$sp,-80
// Save the callee-saved registers and the return address.
sd $s0,0($sp)
sd $s1,8($sp)
sd $s2,16($sp)
sd $s3,24($sp)
sd $s4,32($sp)
sd $s5,40($sp)
sd $s6,48($sp)
sd $s7,56($sp)
sd $ra,64($sp)
// Note: the callee-saved floating point registers do not need to be
// copied to the stack, because fp registers never hold heap pointers
// and so do not need to be kept visible to the garbage collector.
// Pass the two first arguments untouched in a0 and a1 and the
// stack pointer to the callback.
move $t9,$a2
move $a2,$sp
jal $t9
// Restore return address, adjust stack and return.
// Note: the copied registers do not need to be reloaded here,
// because they were preserved by the called routine.
ld $ra,64($sp)
daddiu $sp,$sp,80
jr $ra