blob: 1406655aa376dcccb481ebcbd8d38fd5515bf5f0 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/paper-icon-button/paper-icon-button.html">
<polymer-element name="ct-test-list" attributes="tests tree">
:host {
display: block;
:host > div {
/* Be at least the height of a paper-icon-button.
So things line up nicely. */
min-height: 24px;
paper-icon-button {
vertical-align: middle;
paper-icon-button::shadow #icon {
margin: 0;
<template repeat="{{ groups in testGroups_ }}">
<!-- FIXME: Find a less redundant UI than repeating the step on each line. -->
<template repeat="{{ group in groups.tests }}">
<!-- Case 1: entire step failed -->
<template if="{{ ! }}">
<div>{{ groups.step }} <b>whole step failed</b></div>
<!-- Case 2: single test failure -->
<template if="{{ && (group.tests.length == 1 || group.expanded) }}">
<template repeat="{{ test in group.tests }}">
{{ groups.step }}
<a href="{{ test | flakinessDashboardURL }}">{{ test.testName }}</a>
<!-- Case 3: group of tests failed -->
<template if="{{ && group.tests.length > 1 && !group.expanded }}">
{{ groups.step }} {{ }} ({{ group.tests.length }} Tests)
<paper-icon-button id="expand" icon="unfold-more" step="{{ groups.step }}" group="{{ }}" on-click="{{ _expand }}"></paper-icon-button>
Polymer('ct-test-list', {
testsChanged: function() {
var groups = {};
if (this.tests) {
this.tests.forEach(function(test) {
if (!groups[test.step])
groups[test.step] = {};
var testName = test.reasonGroupName();
if (!groups[test.step][testName])
groups[test.step][testName] = [];
this.testGroups_ = [];
Object.keys(groups, function(step, testsByName) {
var tests = [];
Object.keys(testsByName, function(name, testList) {
if (name == 'undefined')
name = undefined;
tests.push({'name': name, 'tests': testList, 'expanded': false});
this.testGroups_.push({'step': step, 'tests': tests});
_expand: function(evt) {
step =['step'].value;
name =['group'].value;
this.testGroups_.forEach(function(testGroup) {
if (testGroup.step == step) {
testGroup.tests.forEach(function(test) {
// FIXME: This attribute should be persisted over reloads.
if ( == name)
test.expanded = true;
flakinessDashboardURL: function(test) {
return test.flakinessDashboardURL(this.tree);