blob: 94245afab3e9e16379ccc9f1cf0c0b07eeff9072 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef EventHandlerRegistry_h
#define EventHandlerRegistry_h
#include "core/dom/DocumentSupplementable.h"
#include "core/events/Event.h"
#include "wtf/HashCountedSet.h"
namespace WebCore {
typedef HashCountedSet<EventTarget*> EventTargetSet;
// Registry for keeping track of event handlers. Handlers can either be
// associated with an EventTarget or be "external" handlers which live outside
// the DOM (e.g., WebViewImpl).
class EventHandlerRegistry FINAL : public NoBaseWillBeGarbageCollectedFinalized<EventHandlerRegistry>, public DocumentSupplement {
virtual ~EventHandlerRegistry();
// Supported event handler classes. Note that each one may correspond to
// multiple event types.
enum EventHandlerClass {
EventHandlerClassCount, // Must be the last entry.
static const char* supplementName();
static EventHandlerRegistry* from(Document&);
// Returns true if the host Document or any child documents have any
// registered event handlers of the class.
bool hasEventHandlers(EventHandlerClass) const;
// Returns a set of EventTargets which have registered handlers of the
// given class. Only contains targets directly in this document; all
// handlers in a child Document are collapsed to a single respective
// Document instance in the set.
const EventTargetSet* eventHandlerTargets(EventHandlerClass) const;
// Registration and management of event handlers attached to EventTargets.
void didAddEventHandler(EventTarget&, const AtomicString& eventType);
void didAddEventHandler(EventTarget&, EventHandlerClass);
void didRemoveEventHandler(EventTarget&, const AtomicString& eventType);
void didRemoveEventHandler(EventTarget&, EventHandlerClass);
void didMoveFromOtherDocument(EventTarget&, Document& oldDocument);
void didRemoveAllEventHandlers(EventTarget&);
virtual void trace(Visitor*) OVERRIDE;
void clearWeakMembers(Visitor*);
explicit EventHandlerRegistry(Document&);
enum ChangeOperation {
Add, // Add a new event handler.
Remove, // Remove an existing event handler.
RemoveAll // Remove any and all existing event handlers for a given target.
// Returns true if |eventType| belongs to a class this registry tracks.
static bool eventTypeToClass(const AtomicString& eventType, EventHandlerClass* result);
// Returns true if the operation actually added a new target or completely
// removed an existing one.
bool updateEventHandlerTargets(ChangeOperation, EventHandlerClass, EventTarget*);
// Called on the EventHandlerRegistry of the root Document to notify
// clients when we have added the first handler or removed the last one for
// a given event class. |hasActiveHandlers| can be used to distinguish
// between the two cases.
void notifyHasHandlersChanged(EventHandlerClass, bool hasActiveHandlers);
// Record a change operation to a given event handler class and notify any
// parent registry and other clients accordingly.
void updateEventHandlerOfType(ChangeOperation, const AtomicString& eventType, EventTarget*);
void updateEventHandlerInternal(ChangeOperation, EventHandlerClass, EventTarget*);
struct HandlerState {
OwnPtr<EventTargetSet> targets;
Document& m_document;
HandlerState m_eventHandlers[EventHandlerClassCount];
} // namespace WebCore
#endif // EventHandlerRegistry_h