blob: 206dab004231cec89f3977c0ff8827a376c6946d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef Interpolation_h
#define Interpolation_h
#include "core/animation/InterpolableValue.h"
#include "core/css/resolver/StyleResolverState.h"
#include "wtf/RefCounted.h"
namespace WebCore {
class Interpolation : public RefCounted<Interpolation> {
static PassRefPtr<Interpolation> create(PassOwnPtr<InterpolableValue> start, PassOwnPtr<InterpolableValue> end)
return adoptRef(new Interpolation(start, end));
void interpolate(int iteration, double fraction) const;
const OwnPtr<InterpolableValue> m_start;
const OwnPtr<InterpolableValue> m_end;
mutable double m_cachedFraction;
mutable int m_cachedIteration;
mutable OwnPtr<InterpolableValue> m_cachedValue;
Interpolation(PassOwnPtr<InterpolableValue> start, PassOwnPtr<InterpolableValue> end);
InterpolableValue* getCachedValueForTesting() const { return m_cachedValue.get(); }
friend class AnimationInterpolableValueTest;
friend class AnimationInterpolationEffectTest;
class StyleInterpolation : public Interpolation {
// 1) convert m_cachedValue into an X
// 2) shove X into StyleResolverState
// X can be:
// (1) a CSSValue (and applied via StyleBuilder::applyProperty)
// (2) an AnimatableValue (and applied via // AnimatedStyleBuilder::applyProperty)
// (3) a custom value that is inserted directly into the StyleResolverState.
virtual void apply(StyleResolverState&) = 0;
CSSPropertyID m_id;
StyleInterpolation(PassOwnPtr<InterpolableValue> start, PassOwnPtr<InterpolableValue> end, CSSPropertyID id)
: Interpolation(start, end)
, m_id(id)
{ }