blob: a17c5bb73cf9fdd8855017d62f68db8d6b09fdd0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "config.h"
#include "core/frame/csp/CSPSourceList.h"
#include "core/frame/csp/CSPSource.h"
#include "core/frame/csp/ContentSecurityPolicy.h"
#include "platform/ParsingUtilities.h"
#include "platform/weborigin/KURL.h"
#include "platform/weborigin/SecurityOrigin.h"
#include "wtf/HashSet.h"
#include "wtf/StringHasher.h"
#include "wtf/text/Base64.h"
#include "wtf/text/WTFString.h"
namespace WTF {
struct DigestValueHash {
static unsigned hash(const WebCore::DigestValue& v)
return StringHasher::computeHash(, v.size());
static bool equal(const WebCore::DigestValue& a, const WebCore::DigestValue& b)
return a == b;
static const bool safeToCompareToEmptyOrDeleted = true;
template <>
struct DefaultHash<WebCore::DigestValue> {
typedef DigestValueHash Hash;
template <>
struct DefaultHash<WebCore::ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithm> {
typedef IntHash<WebCore::ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithm> Hash;
template <>
struct HashTraits<WebCore::ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithm> : UnsignedWithZeroKeyHashTraits<WebCore::ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithm> {
} // namespace WTF
namespace WebCore {
static bool isSourceListNone(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end)
skipWhile<UChar, isASCIISpace>(begin, end);
const UChar* position = begin;
skipWhile<UChar, isSourceCharacter>(position, end);
if (!equalIgnoringCase("'none'", begin, position - begin))
return false;
skipWhile<UChar, isASCIISpace>(position, end);
if (position != end)
return false;
return true;
CSPSourceList::CSPSourceList(ContentSecurityPolicy* policy, const String& directiveName)
: m_policy(policy)
, m_directiveName(directiveName)
, m_allowStar(false)
, m_allowInline(false)
, m_allowEval(false)
, m_hashAlgorithmsUsed(0)
bool CSPSourceList::matches(const KURL& url) const
if (m_allowStar)
return true;
KURL effectiveURL = SecurityOrigin::shouldUseInnerURL(url) ? SecurityOrigin::extractInnerURL(url) : url;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_list.size(); ++i) {
if (m_list[i].matches(effectiveURL))
return true;
return false;
bool CSPSourceList::allowInline() const
return m_allowInline;
bool CSPSourceList::allowEval() const
return m_allowEval;
bool CSPSourceList::allowNonce(const String& nonce) const
return !nonce.isNull() && m_nonces.contains(nonce);
bool CSPSourceList::allowHash(const CSPHashValue& hashValue) const
return m_hashes.contains(hashValue);
uint8_t CSPSourceList::hashAlgorithmsUsed() const
return m_hashAlgorithmsUsed;
bool CSPSourceList::isHashOrNoncePresent() const
return !m_nonces.isEmpty() || m_hashAlgorithmsUsed != ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithmNone;
// source-list = *WSP [ source *( 1*WSP source ) *WSP ]
// / *WSP "'none'" *WSP
void CSPSourceList::parse(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end)
// We represent 'none' as an empty m_list.
if (isSourceListNone(begin, end))
const UChar* position = begin;
while (position < end) {
skipWhile<UChar, isASCIISpace>(position, end);
if (position == end)
const UChar* beginSource = position;
skipWhile<UChar, isSourceCharacter>(position, end);
String scheme, host, path;
int port = 0;
bool hostHasWildcard = false;
bool portHasWildcard = false;
if (parseSource(beginSource, position, scheme, host, port, path, hostHasWildcard, portHasWildcard)) {
// Wildcard hosts and keyword sources ('self', 'unsafe-inline',
// etc.) aren't stored in m_list, but as attributes on the source
// list itself.
if (scheme.isEmpty() && host.isEmpty())
if (m_policy->isDirectiveName(host))
m_policy->reportDirectiveAsSourceExpression(m_directiveName, host);
m_list.append(CSPSource(m_policy, scheme, host, port, path, hostHasWildcard, portHasWildcard));
} else {
m_policy->reportInvalidSourceExpression(m_directiveName, String(beginSource, position - beginSource));
ASSERT(position == end || isASCIISpace(*position));
// source = scheme ":"
// / ( [ scheme "://" ] host [ port ] [ path ] )
// / "'self'"
bool CSPSourceList::parseSource(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end, String& scheme, String& host, int& port, String& path, bool& hostHasWildcard, bool& portHasWildcard)
if (begin == end)
return false;
if (equalIgnoringCase("'none'", begin, end - begin))
return false;
if (end - begin == 1 && *begin == '*') {
return true;
if (equalIgnoringCase("'self'", begin, end - begin)) {
return true;
if (equalIgnoringCase("'unsafe-inline'", begin, end - begin)) {
return true;
if (equalIgnoringCase("'unsafe-eval'", begin, end - begin)) {
return true;
if (m_policy->experimentalFeaturesEnabled()) {
String nonce;
if (!parseNonce(begin, end, nonce))
return false;
if (!nonce.isNull()) {
return true;
DigestValue hash;
ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithm algorithm = ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithmNone;
if (!parseHash(begin, end, hash, algorithm))
return false;
if (hash.size() > 0) {
addSourceHash(algorithm, hash);
return true;
const UChar* position = begin;
const UChar* beginHost = begin;
const UChar* beginPath = end;
const UChar* beginPort = 0;
skipWhile<UChar, isNotColonOrSlash>(position, end);
if (position == end) {
// host
// ^
return parseHost(beginHost, position, host, hostHasWildcard);
if (position < end && *position == '/') {
// host/path || host/ || /
// ^ ^ ^
return parseHost(beginHost, position, host, hostHasWildcard) && parsePath(position, end, path);
if (position < end && *position == ':') {
if (end - position == 1) {
// scheme:
// ^
return parseScheme(begin, position, scheme);
if (position[1] == '/') {
// scheme://host || scheme://
// ^ ^
if (!parseScheme(begin, position, scheme)
|| !skipExactly<UChar>(position, end, ':')
|| !skipExactly<UChar>(position, end, '/')
|| !skipExactly<UChar>(position, end, '/'))
return false;
if (position == end)
return true;
beginHost = position;
skipWhile<UChar, isNotColonOrSlash>(position, end);
if (position < end && *position == ':') {
// host:port || scheme://host:port
// ^ ^
beginPort = position;
skipUntil<UChar>(position, end, '/');
if (position < end && *position == '/') {
// scheme://host/path || scheme://host:port/path
// ^ ^
if (position == beginHost)
return false;
beginPath = position;
if (!parseHost(beginHost, beginPort ? beginPort : beginPath, host, hostHasWildcard))
return false;
if (beginPort) {
if (!parsePort(beginPort, beginPath, port, portHasWildcard))
return false;
} else {
port = 0;
if (beginPath != end) {
if (!parsePath(beginPath, end, path))
return false;
return true;
// nonce-source = "'nonce-" nonce-value "'"
// nonce-value = 1*( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "/" / "=" )
bool CSPSourceList::parseNonce(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end, String& nonce)
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, noncePrefix, ("'nonce-"));
if (!equalIgnoringCase(noncePrefix.characters8(), begin, noncePrefix.length()))
return true;
const UChar* position = begin + noncePrefix.length();
const UChar* nonceBegin = position;
skipWhile<UChar, isNonceCharacter>(position, end);
ASSERT(nonceBegin <= position);
if ((position + 1) != end || *position != '\'' || !(position - nonceBegin))
return false;
nonce = String(nonceBegin, position - nonceBegin);
return true;
// hash-source = "'" hash-algorithm "-" hash-value "'"
// hash-algorithm = "sha1" / "sha256" / "sha384" / "sha512"
// hash-value = 1*( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "/" / "=" )
bool CSPSourceList::parseHash(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end, DigestValue& hash, ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithm& hashAlgorithm)
// Any additions or subtractions from this struct should also modify the
// respective entries in the kAlgorithmMap array in checkDigest().
static const struct {
const char* prefix;
ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithm algorithm;
} kSupportedPrefixes[] = {
{ "'sha1-", ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithmSha1 },
{ "'sha256-", ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithmSha256 },
{ "'sha384-", ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithmSha384 },
{ "'sha512-", ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithmSha512 }
String prefix;
hashAlgorithm = ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithmNone;
// Instead of this sizeof() calculation to get the length of this array,
// it would be preferable to use WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH for simplicity and to
// guarantee a compile time calculation. Unfortunately, on some
// compliers, the call to WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH fails on arrays of anonymous
// stucts, so, for now, it is necessary to resort to this sizeof
// calculation.
for (size_t i = 0; i < (sizeof(kSupportedPrefixes) / sizeof(kSupportedPrefixes[0])); i++) {
if (equalIgnoringCase(kSupportedPrefixes[i].prefix, begin, strlen(kSupportedPrefixes[i].prefix))) {
prefix = kSupportedPrefixes[i].prefix;
hashAlgorithm = kSupportedPrefixes[i].algorithm;
if (hashAlgorithm == ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithmNone)
return true;
const UChar* position = begin + prefix.length();
const UChar* hashBegin = position;
skipWhile<UChar, isBase64EncodedCharacter>(position, end);
ASSERT(hashBegin <= position);
// Base64 encodings may end with exactly one or two '=' characters
skipExactly<UChar>(position, position + 1, '=');
skipExactly<UChar>(position, position + 1, '=');
if ((position + 1) != end || *position != '\'' || !(position - hashBegin))
return false;
Vector<char> hashVector;
base64Decode(hashBegin, position - hashBegin, hashVector);
if (hashVector.size() > kMaxDigestSize)
return false;
hash.append(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(, hashVector.size());
return true;
// ; <scheme> production from RFC 3986
// scheme = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" / "." )
bool CSPSourceList::parseScheme(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end, String& scheme)
ASSERT(begin <= end);
if (begin == end)
return false;
const UChar* position = begin;
if (!skipExactly<UChar, isASCIIAlpha>(position, end))
return false;
skipWhile<UChar, isSchemeContinuationCharacter>(position, end);
if (position != end)
return false;
scheme = String(begin, end - begin);
return true;
// host = [ "*." ] 1*host-char *( "." 1*host-char )
// / "*"
// host-char = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-"
bool CSPSourceList::parseHost(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end, String& host, bool& hostHasWildcard)
ASSERT(begin <= end);
if (begin == end)
return false;
const UChar* position = begin;
if (skipExactly<UChar>(position, end, '*')) {
hostHasWildcard = true;
if (position == end)
return true;
if (!skipExactly<UChar>(position, end, '.'))
return false;
const UChar* hostBegin = position;
while (position < end) {
if (!skipExactly<UChar, isHostCharacter>(position, end))
return false;
skipWhile<UChar, isHostCharacter>(position, end);
if (position < end && !skipExactly<UChar>(position, end, '.'))
return false;
ASSERT(position == end);
host = String(hostBegin, end - hostBegin);
return true;
bool CSPSourceList::parsePath(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end, String& path)
ASSERT(begin <= end);
const UChar* position = begin;
skipWhile<UChar, isPathComponentCharacter>(position, end);
// path/to/file.js?query=string || path/to/file.js#anchor
// ^ ^
if (position < end)
m_policy->reportInvalidPathCharacter(m_directiveName, String(begin, end - begin), *position);
path = decodeURLEscapeSequences(String(begin, position - begin));
ASSERT(position <= end);
ASSERT(position == end || (*position == '#' || *position == '?'));
return true;
// port = ":" ( 1*DIGIT / "*" )
bool CSPSourceList::parsePort(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end, int& port, bool& portHasWildcard)
ASSERT(begin <= end);
if (!skipExactly<UChar>(begin, end, ':'))
if (begin == end)
return false;
if (end - begin == 1 && *begin == '*') {
port = 0;
portHasWildcard = true;
return true;
const UChar* position = begin;
skipWhile<UChar, isASCIIDigit>(position, end);
if (position != end)
return false;
bool ok;
port = charactersToIntStrict(begin, end - begin, &ok);
return ok;
void CSPSourceList::addSourceSelf()
m_list.append(CSPSource(m_policy, m_policy->securityOrigin()->protocol(), m_policy->securityOrigin()->host(), m_policy->securityOrigin()->port(), String(), false, false));
void CSPSourceList::addSourceStar()
m_allowStar = true;
void CSPSourceList::addSourceUnsafeInline()
m_allowInline = true;
void CSPSourceList::addSourceUnsafeEval()
m_allowEval = true;
void CSPSourceList::addSourceNonce(const String& nonce)
void CSPSourceList::addSourceHash(const ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithm& algorithm, const DigestValue& hash)
m_hashes.add(CSPHashValue(algorithm, hash));
m_hashAlgorithmsUsed |= algorithm;
} // namespace WebCore