blob: fbdace1458721db258e347f61ef982408e6190ca [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 2004-2005 Allan Sandfeld Jensen (
* Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Nicholas Shanks (
* Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2007 Alexey Proskuryakov <>
* Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Eric Seidel <>
* Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Torch Mobile Inc. All rights reserved. (
* Copyright (c) 2011, Code Aurora Forum. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2011. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "core/css/SelectorChecker.h"
#include "HTMLNames.h"
#include "core/css/CSSSelector.h"
#include "core/css/CSSSelectorList.h"
#include "core/css/SiblingTraversalStrategies.h"
#include "core/dom/Document.h"
#include "core/dom/Element.h"
#include "core/dom/FullscreenController.h"
#include "core/dom/NodeRenderStyle.h"
#include "core/dom/Text.h"
#include "core/dom/shadow/InsertionPoint.h"
#include "core/dom/shadow/ShadowRoot.h"
#include "core/editing/FrameSelection.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLAnchorElement.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLDocument.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLFrameElementBase.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLInputElement.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLOptGroupElement.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLOptionElement.h"
#include "core/html/parser/HTMLParserIdioms.h"
#include "core/inspector/InspectorInstrumentation.h"
#include "core/page/FocusController.h"
#include "core/page/Frame.h"
#include "core/page/Page.h"
#include "core/platform/ScrollableArea.h"
#include "core/platform/ScrollbarTheme.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderObject.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderScrollbar.h"
#include "core/rendering/style/RenderStyle.h"
#include "core/html/track/WebVTTElement.h"
namespace WebCore {
using namespace HTMLNames;
SelectorChecker::SelectorChecker(Document* document, Mode mode)
: m_strictParsing(!document->inQuirksMode())
, m_documentIsHTML(document->isHTMLDocument())
, m_mode(mode)
// Recursive check of selectors and combinators
// It can return 4 different values:
// * SelectorMatches - the selector matches the element e
// * SelectorFailsLocally - the selector fails for the element e
// * SelectorFailsAllSiblings - the selector fails for e and any sibling of e
// * SelectorFailsCompletely - the selector fails for e and any sibling or ancestor of e
template<typename SiblingTraversalStrategy>
SelectorChecker::Match SelectorChecker::match(const SelectorCheckingContext& context, PseudoId& dynamicPseudo, const SiblingTraversalStrategy& siblingTraversalStrategy) const
// first selector has to match
if (!checkOne(context, siblingTraversalStrategy))
return SelectorFailsLocally;
if (context.selector->m_match == CSSSelector::PseudoElement) {
if (context.selector->isCustomPseudoElement()) {
if (ShadowRoot* root = context.element->containingShadowRoot()) {
if (context.element->shadowPseudoId() != context.selector->value())
return SelectorFailsLocally;
if (context.selector->pseudoType() == CSSSelector::PseudoWebKitCustomElement && root->type() != ShadowRoot::UserAgentShadowRoot)
return SelectorFailsLocally;
} else
return SelectorFailsLocally;
} else {
if ((!context.elementStyle && m_mode == ResolvingStyle) || m_mode == QueryingRules)
return SelectorFailsLocally;
PseudoId pseudoId = CSSSelector::pseudoId(context.selector->pseudoType());
if (pseudoId == FIRST_LETTER) {
if (Document* document = context.element->document())
if (pseudoId != NOPSEUDO && m_mode != SharingRules)
dynamicPseudo = pseudoId;
// The rest of the selectors has to match
CSSSelector::Relation relation = context.selector->relation();
// Prepare next selector
const CSSSelector* historySelector = context.selector->tagHistory();
if (!historySelector) {
if (context.behaviorAtBoundary & ScopeContainsLastMatchedElement) {
return context.scope->contains(context.element) ? SelectorMatches : SelectorFailsLocally;
return SelectorMatches;
SelectorCheckingContext nextContext(context);
nextContext.selector = historySelector;
PseudoId ignoreDynamicPseudo = NOPSEUDO;
if (relation != CSSSelector::SubSelector) {
// Abort if the next selector would exceed the scope.
if (context.element == context.scope && (context.behaviorAtBoundary & BoundaryBehaviorMask) != StaysWithinTreeScope)
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
// Bail-out if this selector is irrelevant for the pseudoId
if (context.pseudoId != NOPSEUDO && context.pseudoId != dynamicPseudo)
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
// Disable :visited matching when we see the first link or try to match anything else than an ancestors.
if (!context.isSubSelector && (context.element->isLink() || (relation != CSSSelector::Descendant && relation != CSSSelector::Child)))
nextContext.visitedMatchType = VisitedMatchDisabled;
nextContext.pseudoId = NOPSEUDO;
switch (relation) {
case CSSSelector::Descendant:
if (context.selector->relationIsForShadowDistributed()) {
for (Element* element = context.element; element; element = element->parentElement()) {
if (matchForShadowDistributed(element, siblingTraversalStrategy, ignoreDynamicPseudo, nextContext) == SelectorMatches)
return SelectorMatches;
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
nextContext.element = context.element->parentElement();
nextContext.isSubSelector = false;
nextContext.elementStyle = 0;
for (; nextContext.element; nextContext.element = nextContext.element->parentElement()) {
Match match = this->match(nextContext, ignoreDynamicPseudo, siblingTraversalStrategy);
if (match == SelectorMatches || match == SelectorFailsCompletely)
return match;
if (nextContext.element == nextContext.scope && (nextContext.behaviorAtBoundary & BoundaryBehaviorMask) != StaysWithinTreeScope)
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
case CSSSelector::Child:
if (context.selector->relationIsForShadowDistributed())
return matchForShadowDistributed(context.element, siblingTraversalStrategy, ignoreDynamicPseudo, nextContext);
nextContext.element = context.element->parentElement();
if (!nextContext.element)
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
nextContext.isSubSelector = false;
nextContext.elementStyle = 0;
return match(nextContext, ignoreDynamicPseudo, siblingTraversalStrategy);
case CSSSelector::DirectAdjacent:
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle) {
if (Element* parentElement = context.element->parentElement())
nextContext.element = context.element->previousElementSibling();
if (!nextContext.element)
return SelectorFailsAllSiblings;
nextContext.isSubSelector = false;
nextContext.elementStyle = 0;
return match(nextContext, ignoreDynamicPseudo, siblingTraversalStrategy);
case CSSSelector::IndirectAdjacent:
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle) {
if (Element* parentElement = context.element->parentElement())
nextContext.element = context.element->previousElementSibling();
nextContext.isSubSelector = false;
nextContext.elementStyle = 0;
for (; nextContext.element; nextContext.element = nextContext.element->previousElementSibling()) {
Match match = this->match(nextContext, ignoreDynamicPseudo, siblingTraversalStrategy);
if (match == SelectorMatches || match == SelectorFailsAllSiblings || match == SelectorFailsCompletely)
return match;
return SelectorFailsAllSiblings;
case CSSSelector::SubSelector:
// a selector is invalid if something follows a pseudo-element
// We make an exception for scrollbar pseudo elements and allow a set of pseudo classes (but nothing else)
// to follow the pseudo elements.
nextContext.hasScrollbarPseudo = dynamicPseudo != NOPSEUDO && (context.scrollbar || dynamicPseudo == SCROLLBAR_CORNER || dynamicPseudo == RESIZER);
nextContext.hasSelectionPseudo = dynamicPseudo == SELECTION;
if ((context.elementStyle || m_mode == CollectingRules || m_mode == QueryingRules) && dynamicPseudo != NOPSEUDO
&& !nextContext.hasSelectionPseudo
&& !(nextContext.hasScrollbarPseudo && nextContext.selector->m_match == CSSSelector::PseudoClass))
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
nextContext.isSubSelector = true;
return match(nextContext, dynamicPseudo, siblingTraversalStrategy);
case CSSSelector::ShadowPseudo:
// If we're in the same tree-scope as the scoping element, then following a shadow descendant combinator would escape that and thus the scope.
if (context.scope && context.scope->treeScope() == context.element->treeScope() && (context.behaviorAtBoundary & BoundaryBehaviorMask) != StaysWithinTreeScope)
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
Element* shadowHostNode = context.element->shadowHost();
if (!shadowHostNode)
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
nextContext.element = shadowHostNode;
nextContext.isSubSelector = false;
nextContext.elementStyle = 0;
return match(nextContext, ignoreDynamicPseudo, siblingTraversalStrategy);
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
template<typename SiblingTraversalStrategy>
SelectorChecker::Match SelectorChecker::matchForShadowDistributed(const Element* element, const SiblingTraversalStrategy& siblingTraversalStrategy, PseudoId& dynamicPseudo, SelectorCheckingContext& nextContext) const
Vector<InsertionPoint*, 8> insertionPoints;
collectInsertionPointsWhereNodeIsDistributed(element, insertionPoints);
for (size_t i = 0; i < insertionPoints.size(); ++i) {
nextContext.element = insertionPoints[i];
nextContext.isSubSelector = false;
nextContext.elementStyle = 0;
if (match(nextContext, dynamicPseudo, siblingTraversalStrategy) == SelectorMatches)
return SelectorMatches;
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
static inline bool containsHTMLSpace(const AtomicString& string)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < string.length(); i++)
if (isHTMLSpace(string[i]))
return true;
return false;
static bool attributeValueMatches(const Attribute* attributeItem, CSSSelector::Match match, const AtomicString& selectorValue, bool caseSensitive)
const AtomicString& value = attributeItem->value();
if (value.isNull())
return false;
switch (match) {
case CSSSelector::Exact:
if (caseSensitive ? selectorValue != value : !equalIgnoringCase(selectorValue, value))
return false;
case CSSSelector::List:
// Ignore empty selectors or selectors containing HTML spaces
if (containsHTMLSpace(selectorValue) || selectorValue.isEmpty())
return false;
unsigned startSearchAt = 0;
while (true) {
size_t foundPos = value.find(selectorValue, startSearchAt, caseSensitive);
if (foundPos == notFound)
return false;
if (!foundPos || isHTMLSpace(value[foundPos - 1])) {
unsigned endStr = foundPos + selectorValue.length();
if (endStr == value.length() || isHTMLSpace(value[endStr]))
break; // We found a match.
// No match. Keep looking.
startSearchAt = foundPos + 1;
case CSSSelector::Contain:
if (!value.contains(selectorValue, caseSensitive) || selectorValue.isEmpty())
return false;
case CSSSelector::Begin:
if (!value.startsWith(selectorValue, caseSensitive) || selectorValue.isEmpty())
return false;
case CSSSelector::End:
if (!value.endsWith(selectorValue, caseSensitive) || selectorValue.isEmpty())
return false;
case CSSSelector::Hyphen:
if (value.length() < selectorValue.length())
return false;
if (!value.startsWith(selectorValue, caseSensitive))
return false;
// It they start the same, check for exact match or following '-':
if (value.length() != selectorValue.length() && value[selectorValue.length()] != '-')
return false;
case CSSSelector::PseudoClass:
case CSSSelector::PseudoElement:
return true;
static bool anyAttributeMatches(Element* element, CSSSelector::Match match, const QualifiedName& selectorAttr, const AtomicString& selectorValue, bool caseSensitive)
for (size_t i = 0; i < element->attributeCount(); ++i) {
const Attribute* attributeItem = element->attributeItem(i);
if (!attributeItem->matches(selectorAttr))
if (attributeValueMatches(attributeItem, match, selectorValue, caseSensitive))
return true;
return false;
template<typename SiblingTraversalStrategy>
bool SelectorChecker::checkOne(const SelectorCheckingContext& context, const SiblingTraversalStrategy& siblingTraversalStrategy) const
Element* const & element = context.element;
const CSSSelector* const & selector = context.selector;
if (selector->m_match == CSSSelector::Tag)
return SelectorChecker::tagMatches(element, selector->tagQName());
if (selector->m_match == CSSSelector::Class)
return element->hasClass() && element->classNames().contains(selector->value());
if (selector->m_match == CSSSelector::Id)
return element->hasID() && element->idForStyleResolution() == selector->value();
if (selector->isAttributeSelector()) {
const QualifiedName& attr = selector->attribute();
if (!element->hasAttributes())
return false;
bool caseSensitive = !m_documentIsHTML || HTMLDocument::isCaseSensitiveAttribute(attr);
if (!anyAttributeMatches(element, static_cast<CSSSelector::Match>(selector->m_match), attr, selector->value(), caseSensitive))
return false;
if (selector->m_match == CSSSelector::PseudoClass) {
// Handle :not up front.
if (selector->pseudoType() == CSSSelector::PseudoNot) {
const CSSSelectorList* selectorList = selector->selectorList();
// FIXME: We probably should fix the parser and make it never produce :not rules with missing selector list.
if (!selectorList)
return false;
SelectorCheckingContext subContext(context);
subContext.isSubSelector = true;
for (subContext.selector = selectorList->first(); subContext.selector; subContext.selector = subContext.selector->tagHistory()) {
// :not cannot nest. I don't really know why this is a
// restriction in CSS3, but it is, so let's honor it.
// the parser enforces that this never occurs
ASSERT(subContext.selector->pseudoType() != CSSSelector::PseudoNot);
// We select between :visited and :link when applying. We don't know which one applied (or not) yet.
if (subContext.selector->pseudoType() == CSSSelector::PseudoVisited || (subContext.selector->pseudoType() == CSSSelector::PseudoLink && subContext.visitedMatchType == VisitedMatchEnabled))
return true;
if (!checkOne(subContext, DOMSiblingTraversalStrategy()))
return true;
} else if (context.hasScrollbarPseudo) {
// CSS scrollbars match a specific subset of pseudo classes, and they have specialized rules for each
// (since there are no elements involved).
return checkScrollbarPseudoClass(context, element->document(), selector);
} else if (context.hasSelectionPseudo) {
if (selector->pseudoType() == CSSSelector::PseudoWindowInactive)
return !element->document()->page()->focusController()->isActive();
// Normal element pseudo class checking.
switch (selector->pseudoType()) {
// Pseudo classes:
case CSSSelector::PseudoNot:
break; // Already handled up above.
case CSSSelector::PseudoEmpty:
bool result = true;
for (Node* n = element->firstChild(); n; n = n->nextSibling()) {
if (n->isElementNode()) {
result = false;
if (n->isTextNode()) {
Text* textNode = toText(n);
if (!textNode->data().isEmpty()) {
result = false;
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle) {
if (context.elementStyle)
else if (element->renderStyle() && (element->document()->styleSheetCollection()->usesSiblingRules() || element->renderStyle()->unique()))
return result;
case CSSSelector::PseudoFirstChild:
// first-child matches the first child that is an element
if (Element* parentElement = element->parentElement()) {
bool result = siblingTraversalStrategy.isFirstChild(element);
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle) {
RenderStyle* childStyle = context.elementStyle ? context.elementStyle : element->renderStyle();
if (result && childStyle)
return result;
case CSSSelector::PseudoFirstOfType:
// first-of-type matches the first element of its type
if (Element* parentElement = element->parentElement()) {
bool result = siblingTraversalStrategy.isFirstOfType(element, element->tagQName());
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle)
return result;
case CSSSelector::PseudoLastChild:
// last-child matches the last child that is an element
if (Element* parentElement = element->parentElement()) {
bool result = parentElement->isFinishedParsingChildren() && siblingTraversalStrategy.isLastChild(element);
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle) {
RenderStyle* childStyle = context.elementStyle ? context.elementStyle : element->renderStyle();
if (result && childStyle)
return result;
case CSSSelector::PseudoLastOfType:
// last-of-type matches the last element of its type
if (Element* parentElement = element->parentElement()) {
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle)
if (!parentElement->isFinishedParsingChildren())
return false;
return siblingTraversalStrategy.isLastOfType(element, element->tagQName());
case CSSSelector::PseudoOnlyChild:
if (Element* parentElement = element->parentElement()) {
bool firstChild = siblingTraversalStrategy.isFirstChild(element);
bool onlyChild = firstChild && parentElement->isFinishedParsingChildren() && siblingTraversalStrategy.isLastChild(element);
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle) {
RenderStyle* childStyle = context.elementStyle ? context.elementStyle : element->renderStyle();
if (firstChild && childStyle)
if (onlyChild && childStyle)
return onlyChild;
case CSSSelector::PseudoOnlyOfType:
// FIXME: This selector is very slow.
if (Element* parentElement = element->parentElement()) {
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle) {
if (!parentElement->isFinishedParsingChildren())
return false;
return siblingTraversalStrategy.isFirstOfType(element, element->tagQName()) && siblingTraversalStrategy.isLastOfType(element, element->tagQName());
case CSSSelector::PseudoNthChild:
if (!selector->parseNth())
if (Element* parentElement = element->parentElement()) {
int count = 1 + siblingTraversalStrategy.countElementsBefore(element);
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle) {
RenderStyle* childStyle = context.elementStyle ? context.elementStyle : element->renderStyle();
if (childStyle)
if (selector->matchNth(count))
return true;
case CSSSelector::PseudoNthOfType:
if (!selector->parseNth())
if (Element* parentElement = element->parentElement()) {
int count = 1 + siblingTraversalStrategy.countElementsOfTypeBefore(element, element->tagQName());
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle)
if (selector->matchNth(count))
return true;
case CSSSelector::PseudoNthLastChild:
if (!selector->parseNth())
if (Element* parentElement = element->parentElement()) {
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle)
if (!parentElement->isFinishedParsingChildren())
return false;
int count = 1 + siblingTraversalStrategy.countElementsAfter(element);
if (selector->matchNth(count))
return true;
case CSSSelector::PseudoNthLastOfType:
if (!selector->parseNth())
if (Element* parentElement = element->parentElement()) {
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle)
if (!parentElement->isFinishedParsingChildren())
return false;
int count = 1 + siblingTraversalStrategy.countElementsOfTypeAfter(element, element->tagQName());
if (selector->matchNth(count))
return true;
case CSSSelector::PseudoTarget:
if (element == element->document()->cssTarget())
return true;
case CSSSelector::PseudoAny:
SelectorCheckingContext subContext(context);
subContext.isSubSelector = true;
PseudoId ignoreDynamicPseudo = NOPSEUDO;
for (subContext.selector = selector->selectorList()->first(); subContext.selector; subContext.selector = CSSSelectorList::next(subContext.selector)) {
if (match(subContext, ignoreDynamicPseudo, siblingTraversalStrategy) == SelectorMatches)
return true;
case CSSSelector::PseudoAutofill:
if (!element || !element->isFormControlElement())
if (element->hasTagName(inputTag))
return toHTMLInputElement(element)->isAutofilled();
case CSSSelector::PseudoAnyLink:
case CSSSelector::PseudoLink:
// :visited and :link matches are separated later when applying the style. Here both classes match all links...
return element->isLink();
case CSSSelector::PseudoVisited:
// ...except if :visited matching is disabled for ancestor/sibling matching.
return element->isLink() && context.visitedMatchType == VisitedMatchEnabled;
case CSSSelector::PseudoDrag:
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle) {
if (context.elementStyle)
if (element->renderer() && element->renderer()->isDragging())
return true;
case CSSSelector::PseudoFocus:
return matchesFocusPseudoClass(element);
case CSSSelector::PseudoHover:
// If we're in quirks mode, then hover should never match anchors with no
// href and *:hover should not match anything. This is important for sites like
if (m_strictParsing || context.isSubSelector || (selector->m_match == CSSSelector::Tag && selector->tagQName() != anyQName() && !isHTMLAnchorElement(element)) || element->isLink()) {
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle) {
if (context.elementStyle)
if (element->hovered() || InspectorInstrumentation::forcePseudoState(element, CSSSelector::PseudoHover))
return true;
case CSSSelector::PseudoActive:
// If we're in quirks mode, then :active should never match anchors with no
// href and *:active should not match anything.
if (m_strictParsing || context.isSubSelector || (selector->m_match == CSSSelector::Tag && selector->tagQName() != anyQName() && !isHTMLAnchorElement(element)) || element->isLink()) {
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle) {
if (context.elementStyle)
if (element->active() || InspectorInstrumentation::forcePseudoState(element, CSSSelector::PseudoActive))
return true;
case CSSSelector::PseudoEnabled:
if (element && (element->isFormControlElement() || element->hasTagName(optionTag) || isHTMLOptGroupElement(element)))
return !element->isDisabledFormControl();
case CSSSelector::PseudoFullPageMedia:
return element && element->document() && element->document()->isMediaDocument();
case CSSSelector::PseudoDefault:
return element && element->isDefaultButtonForForm();
case CSSSelector::PseudoDisabled:
if (element && (element->isFormControlElement() || element->hasTagName(optionTag) || isHTMLOptGroupElement(element)))
return element->isDisabledFormControl();
case CSSSelector::PseudoReadOnly:
return element && element->matchesReadOnlyPseudoClass();
case CSSSelector::PseudoReadWrite:
return element && element->matchesReadWritePseudoClass();
case CSSSelector::PseudoOptional:
return element && element->isOptionalFormControl();
case CSSSelector::PseudoRequired:
return element && element->isRequiredFormControl();
case CSSSelector::PseudoValid:
if (!element)
return false;
return element->willValidate() && element->isValidFormControlElement();
case CSSSelector::PseudoInvalid:
if (!element)
return false;
return element->willValidate() && !element->isValidFormControlElement();
case CSSSelector::PseudoChecked:
if (!element)
if (element->hasTagName(inputTag)) {
HTMLInputElement* inputElement = toHTMLInputElement(element);
// Even though WinIE allows checked and indeterminate to
// co-exist, the CSS selector spec says that you can't be
// both checked and indeterminate. We will behave like WinIE
// behind the scenes and just obey the CSS spec here in the
// test for matching the pseudo.
if (inputElement->shouldAppearChecked() && !inputElement->shouldAppearIndeterminate())
return true;
} else if (element->hasTagName(optionTag) && toHTMLOptionElement(element)->selected())
return true;
case CSSSelector::PseudoIndeterminate:
return element && element->shouldAppearIndeterminate();
case CSSSelector::PseudoRoot:
if (element == element->document()->documentElement())
return true;
case CSSSelector::PseudoLang:
AtomicString value;
if (element->isWebVTTElement())
value = toWebVTTElement(element)->language();
value = element->computeInheritedLanguage();
const AtomicString& argument = selector->argument();
if (value.isEmpty() || !value.startsWith(argument, false))
if (value.length() != argument.length() && value[argument.length()] != '-')
return true;
case CSSSelector::PseudoFullScreen:
// While a Document is in the fullscreen state, and the document's current fullscreen
// element is an element in the document, the 'full-screen' pseudoclass applies to
// that element. Also, an <iframe>, <object> or <embed> element whose child browsing
// context's Document is in the fullscreen state has the 'full-screen' pseudoclass applied.
if (element->isFrameElementBase() && element->containsFullScreenElement())
return true;
if (FullscreenController* fullscreen = FullscreenController::fromIfExists(element->document())) {
if (!fullscreen->webkitIsFullScreen())
return false;
return element == fullscreen->webkitCurrentFullScreenElement();
return false;
case CSSSelector::PseudoFullScreenAncestor:
return element->containsFullScreenElement();
case CSSSelector::PseudoFullScreenDocument:
// While a Document is in the fullscreen state, the 'full-screen-document' pseudoclass applies
// to all elements of that Document.
if (!FullscreenController::isFullScreen(element->document()))
return false;
return true;
case CSSSelector::PseudoSeamlessDocument:
// While a document is rendered in a seamless iframe, the 'seamless-document' pseudoclass applies
// to all elements of that Document.
return element->document()->shouldDisplaySeamlesslyWithParent();
case CSSSelector::PseudoInRange:
if (!element)
return false;
return element->isInRange();
case CSSSelector::PseudoOutOfRange:
if (!element)
return false;
return element->isOutOfRange();
case CSSSelector::PseudoFutureCue:
return (element->isWebVTTElement() && !toWebVTTElement(element)->isPastNode());
case CSSSelector::PseudoPastCue:
return (element->isWebVTTElement() && toWebVTTElement(element)->isPastNode());
case CSSSelector::PseudoScope:
const Node* contextualReferenceNode = !context.scope || (context.behaviorAtBoundary & BoundaryBehaviorMask) == CrossesBoundary ? element->document()->documentElement() : context.scope;
if (element == contextualReferenceNode)
return true;
case CSSSelector::PseudoUnresolved:
if (element->isUnresolvedCustomElement())
return true;
case CSSSelector::PseudoHorizontal:
case CSSSelector::PseudoVertical:
case CSSSelector::PseudoDecrement:
case CSSSelector::PseudoIncrement:
case CSSSelector::PseudoStart:
case CSSSelector::PseudoEnd:
case CSSSelector::PseudoDoubleButton:
case CSSSelector::PseudoSingleButton:
case CSSSelector::PseudoNoButton:
case CSSSelector::PseudoCornerPresent:
return false;
case CSSSelector::PseudoUnknown:
case CSSSelector::PseudoNotParsed:
return false;
else if (selector->m_match == CSSSelector::PseudoElement && selector->pseudoType() == CSSSelector::PseudoCue) {
SelectorCheckingContext subContext(context);
subContext.isSubSelector = true;
PseudoId ignoreDynamicPseudo = NOPSEUDO;
const CSSSelector* const & selector = context.selector;
for (subContext.selector = selector->selectorList()->first(); subContext.selector; subContext.selector = CSSSelectorList::next(subContext.selector)) {
if (match(subContext, ignoreDynamicPseudo, siblingTraversalStrategy) == SelectorMatches)
return true;
return false;
// ### add the rest of the checks...
return true;
bool SelectorChecker::checkScrollbarPseudoClass(const SelectorCheckingContext& context, Document* document, const CSSSelector* selector) const
RenderScrollbar* scrollbar = context.scrollbar;
ScrollbarPart part = context.scrollbarPart;
// FIXME: This is a temporary hack for resizers and scrollbar corners. Eventually :window-inactive should become a real
// pseudo class and just apply to everything.
if (selector->pseudoType() == CSSSelector::PseudoWindowInactive)
return !document->page()->focusController()->isActive();
if (!scrollbar)
return false;
ASSERT(selector->m_match == CSSSelector::PseudoClass);
switch (selector->pseudoType()) {
case CSSSelector::PseudoEnabled:
return scrollbar->enabled();
case CSSSelector::PseudoDisabled:
return !scrollbar->enabled();
case CSSSelector::PseudoHover:
ScrollbarPart hoveredPart = scrollbar->hoveredPart();
if (part == ScrollbarBGPart)
return hoveredPart != NoPart;
if (part == TrackBGPart)
return hoveredPart == BackTrackPart || hoveredPart == ForwardTrackPart || hoveredPart == ThumbPart;
return part == hoveredPart;
case CSSSelector::PseudoActive:
ScrollbarPart pressedPart = scrollbar->pressedPart();
if (part == ScrollbarBGPart)
return pressedPart != NoPart;
if (part == TrackBGPart)
return pressedPart == BackTrackPart || pressedPart == ForwardTrackPart || pressedPart == ThumbPart;
return part == pressedPart;
case CSSSelector::PseudoHorizontal:
return scrollbar->orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar;
case CSSSelector::PseudoVertical:
return scrollbar->orientation() == VerticalScrollbar;
case CSSSelector::PseudoDecrement:
return part == BackButtonStartPart || part == BackButtonEndPart || part == BackTrackPart;
case CSSSelector::PseudoIncrement:
return part == ForwardButtonStartPart || part == ForwardButtonEndPart || part == ForwardTrackPart;
case CSSSelector::PseudoStart:
return part == BackButtonStartPart || part == ForwardButtonStartPart || part == BackTrackPart;
case CSSSelector::PseudoEnd:
return part == BackButtonEndPart || part == ForwardButtonEndPart || part == ForwardTrackPart;
case CSSSelector::PseudoDoubleButton:
ScrollbarButtonsPlacement buttonsPlacement = scrollbar->theme()->buttonsPlacement();
if (part == BackButtonStartPart || part == ForwardButtonStartPart || part == BackTrackPart)
return buttonsPlacement == ScrollbarButtonsDoubleStart || buttonsPlacement == ScrollbarButtonsDoubleBoth;
if (part == BackButtonEndPart || part == ForwardButtonEndPart || part == ForwardTrackPart)
return buttonsPlacement == ScrollbarButtonsDoubleEnd || buttonsPlacement == ScrollbarButtonsDoubleBoth;
return false;
case CSSSelector::PseudoSingleButton:
ScrollbarButtonsPlacement buttonsPlacement = scrollbar->theme()->buttonsPlacement();
if (part == BackButtonStartPart || part == ForwardButtonEndPart || part == BackTrackPart || part == ForwardTrackPart)
return buttonsPlacement == ScrollbarButtonsSingle;
return false;
case CSSSelector::PseudoNoButton:
ScrollbarButtonsPlacement buttonsPlacement = scrollbar->theme()->buttonsPlacement();
if (part == BackTrackPart)
return buttonsPlacement == ScrollbarButtonsNone || buttonsPlacement == ScrollbarButtonsDoubleEnd;
if (part == ForwardTrackPart)
return buttonsPlacement == ScrollbarButtonsNone || buttonsPlacement == ScrollbarButtonsDoubleStart;
return false;
case CSSSelector::PseudoCornerPresent:
return scrollbar->scrollableArea()->isScrollCornerVisible();
return false;
unsigned SelectorChecker::determineLinkMatchType(const CSSSelector* selector)
unsigned linkMatchType = MatchAll;
// Statically determine if this selector will match a link in visited, unvisited or any state, or never.
// :visited never matches other elements than the innermost link element.
for (; selector; selector = selector->tagHistory()) {
switch (selector->pseudoType()) {
case CSSSelector::PseudoNot:
// :not(:visited) is equivalent to :link. Parser enforces that :not can't nest.
const CSSSelectorList* selectorList = selector->selectorList();
if (!selectorList)
for (const CSSSelector* subSelector = selectorList->first(); subSelector; subSelector = subSelector->tagHistory()) {
CSSSelector::PseudoType subType = subSelector->pseudoType();
if (subType == CSSSelector::PseudoVisited)
linkMatchType &= ~SelectorChecker::MatchVisited;
else if (subType == CSSSelector::PseudoLink)
linkMatchType &= ~SelectorChecker::MatchLink;
case CSSSelector::PseudoLink:
linkMatchType &= ~SelectorChecker::MatchVisited;
case CSSSelector::PseudoVisited:
linkMatchType &= ~SelectorChecker::MatchLink;
// We don't support :link and :visited inside :-webkit-any.
CSSSelector::Relation relation = selector->relation();
if (relation == CSSSelector::SubSelector)
if (relation != CSSSelector::Descendant && relation != CSSSelector::Child)
return linkMatchType;
if (linkMatchType != MatchAll)
return linkMatchType;
return linkMatchType;
bool SelectorChecker::isFrameFocused(const Element* element)
return element->document()->frame() && element->document()->frame()->selection()->isFocusedAndActive();
bool SelectorChecker::matchesFocusPseudoClass(const Element* element)
if (InspectorInstrumentation::forcePseudoState(const_cast<Element*>(element), CSSSelector::PseudoFocus))
return true;
return element->focused() && isFrameFocused(element);
SelectorChecker::Match SelectorChecker::match(const SelectorCheckingContext&, PseudoId&, const DOMSiblingTraversalStrategy&) const;
SelectorChecker::Match SelectorChecker::match(const SelectorCheckingContext&, PseudoId&, const ShadowDOMSiblingTraversalStrategy&) const;