blob: aeed3de880e87fb59e8e9ceeb004f4052e9567a0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2011 Google, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
#include "config.h"
#include "core/page/ContentSecurityPolicy.h"
#include "RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h"
#include "bindings/v8/ScriptCallStackFactory.h"
#include "bindings/v8/ScriptController.h"
#include "bindings/v8/ScriptState.h"
#include "core/dom/DOMStringList.h"
#include "core/dom/Document.h"
#include "core/dom/SecurityPolicyViolationEvent.h"
#include "core/inspector/InspectorInstrumentation.h"
#include "core/inspector/ScriptCallStack.h"
#include "core/loader/PingLoader.h"
#include "core/page/Frame.h"
#include "core/page/UseCounter.h"
#include "core/platform/JSONValues.h"
#include "core/platform/network/FormData.h"
#include "weborigin/KURL.h"
#include "weborigin/KnownPorts.h"
#include "weborigin/SchemeRegistry.h"
#include "weborigin/SecurityOrigin.h"
#include "wtf/HashSet.h"
#include "wtf/text/TextPosition.h"
#include "wtf/text/WTFString.h"
namespace WebCore {
// Normally WebKit uses "static" for internal linkage, but using "static" for
// these functions causes a compile error because these functions are used as
// template parameters.
namespace {
bool isDirectiveNameCharacter(UChar c)
return isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c == '-';
bool isDirectiveValueCharacter(UChar c)
return isASCIISpace(c) || (c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x7e); // Whitespace + VCHAR
bool isNonceCharacter(UChar c)
return isASCIIAlphanumeric(c);
bool isSourceCharacter(UChar c)
return !isASCIISpace(c);
bool isPathComponentCharacter(UChar c)
return c != '?' && c != '#';
bool isHostCharacter(UChar c)
return isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c == '-';
bool isSchemeContinuationCharacter(UChar c)
return isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '.';
bool isNotASCIISpace(UChar c)
return !isASCIISpace(c);
bool isNotColonOrSlash(UChar c)
return c != ':' && c != '/';
bool isMediaTypeCharacter(UChar c)
return !isASCIISpace(c) && c != '/';
// CSP 1.0 Directives
static const char connectSrc[] = "connect-src";
static const char defaultSrc[] = "default-src";
static const char fontSrc[] = "font-src";
static const char frameSrc[] = "frame-src";
static const char imgSrc[] = "img-src";
static const char mediaSrc[] = "media-src";
static const char objectSrc[] = "object-src";
static const char reportURI[] = "report-uri";
static const char sandbox[] = "sandbox";
static const char scriptSrc[] = "script-src";
static const char styleSrc[] = "style-src";
// CSP 1.1 Directives
static const char baseURI[] = "base-uri";
static const char formAction[] = "form-action";
static const char pluginTypes[] = "plugin-types";
static const char reflectedXSS[] = "reflected-xss";
bool isDirectiveName(const String& name)
return (equalIgnoringCase(name, connectSrc)
|| equalIgnoringCase(name, defaultSrc)
|| equalIgnoringCase(name, fontSrc)
|| equalIgnoringCase(name, frameSrc)
|| equalIgnoringCase(name, imgSrc)
|| equalIgnoringCase(name, mediaSrc)
|| equalIgnoringCase(name, objectSrc)
|| equalIgnoringCase(name, reportURI)
|| equalIgnoringCase(name, sandbox)
|| equalIgnoringCase(name, scriptSrc)
|| equalIgnoringCase(name, styleSrc)
|| equalIgnoringCase(name, baseURI)
|| equalIgnoringCase(name, formAction)
|| equalIgnoringCase(name, pluginTypes)
|| equalIgnoringCase(name, reflectedXSS)
UseCounter::Feature getUseCounterType(ContentSecurityPolicy::HeaderType type)
switch (type) {
case ContentSecurityPolicy::PrefixedEnforce:
return UseCounter::PrefixedContentSecurityPolicy;
case ContentSecurityPolicy::Enforce:
return UseCounter::ContentSecurityPolicy;
case ContentSecurityPolicy::PrefixedReport:
return UseCounter::PrefixedContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly;
case ContentSecurityPolicy::Report:
return UseCounter::ContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly;
return UseCounter::NumberOfFeatures;
} // namespace
static bool skipExactly(const UChar*& position, const UChar* end, UChar delimiter)
if (position < end && *position == delimiter) {
return true;
return false;
template<bool characterPredicate(UChar)>
static bool skipExactly(const UChar*& position, const UChar* end)
if (position < end && characterPredicate(*position)) {
return true;
return false;
static void skipUntil(const UChar*& position, const UChar* end, UChar delimiter)
while (position < end && *position != delimiter)
template<bool characterPredicate(UChar)>
static void skipWhile(const UChar*& position, const UChar* end)
while (position < end && characterPredicate(*position))
static bool isSourceListNone(const String& value)
const UChar* begin = value.bloatedCharacters();
const UChar* end = value.bloatedCharacters() + value.length();
skipWhile<isASCIISpace>(begin, end);
const UChar* position = begin;
skipWhile<isSourceCharacter>(position, end);
if (!equalIgnoringCase("'none'", begin, position - begin))
return false;
skipWhile<isASCIISpace>(position, end);
if (position != end)
return false;
return true;
class CSPSource {
CSPSource(ContentSecurityPolicy* policy, const String& scheme, const String& host, int port, const String& path, bool hostHasWildcard, bool portHasWildcard)
: m_policy(policy)
, m_scheme(scheme)
, m_host(host)
, m_port(port)
, m_path(path)
, m_hostHasWildcard(hostHasWildcard)
, m_portHasWildcard(portHasWildcard)
bool matches(const KURL& url) const
if (!schemeMatches(url))
return false;
if (isSchemeOnly())
return true;
return hostMatches(url) && portMatches(url) && pathMatches(url);
bool schemeMatches(const KURL& url) const
if (m_scheme.isEmpty()) {
String protectedResourceScheme(m_policy->securityOrigin()->protocol());
if (equalIgnoringCase("http", protectedResourceScheme))
return url.protocolIs("http") || url.protocolIs("https");
return equalIgnoringCase(url.protocol(), protectedResourceScheme);
return equalIgnoringCase(url.protocol(), m_scheme);
bool hostMatches(const KURL& url) const
const String& host =;
if (equalIgnoringCase(host, m_host))
return true;
return m_hostHasWildcard && host.endsWith("." + m_host, false);
bool pathMatches(const KURL& url) const
if (m_path.isEmpty())
return true;
String path = decodeURLEscapeSequences(url.path());
if (m_path.endsWith("/"))
return path.startsWith(m_path, false);
return path == m_path;
bool portMatches(const KURL& url) const
if (m_portHasWildcard)
return true;
int port = url.port();
if (port == m_port)
return true;
if (!port)
return isDefaultPortForProtocol(m_port, url.protocol());
if (!m_port)
return isDefaultPortForProtocol(port, url.protocol());
return false;
bool isSchemeOnly() const { return m_host.isEmpty(); }
ContentSecurityPolicy* m_policy;
String m_scheme;
String m_host;
int m_port;
String m_path;
bool m_hostHasWildcard;
bool m_portHasWildcard;
class CSPSourceList {
CSPSourceList(ContentSecurityPolicy*, const String& directiveName);
void parse(const String&);
bool matches(const KURL&);
bool allowInline() const { return m_allowInline; }
bool allowEval() const { return m_allowEval; }
bool allowNonce(const String& nonce) const { return !nonce.isNull() && m_nonces.contains(nonce); }
void parse(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end);
bool parseSource(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end, String& scheme, String& host, int& port, String& path, bool& hostHasWildcard, bool& portHasWildcard);
bool parseScheme(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end, String& scheme);
bool parseHost(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end, String& host, bool& hostHasWildcard);
bool parsePort(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end, int& port, bool& portHasWildcard);
bool parsePath(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end, String& path);
bool parseNonce(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end, String& nonce);
void addSourceSelf();
void addSourceStar();
void addSourceUnsafeInline();
void addSourceUnsafeEval();
void addSourceNonce(const String& nonce);
ContentSecurityPolicy* m_policy;
Vector<CSPSource> m_list;
String m_directiveName;
bool m_allowStar;
bool m_allowInline;
bool m_allowEval;
HashSet<String> m_nonces;
CSPSourceList::CSPSourceList(ContentSecurityPolicy* policy, const String& directiveName)
: m_policy(policy)
, m_directiveName(directiveName)
, m_allowStar(false)
, m_allowInline(false)
, m_allowEval(false)
void CSPSourceList::parse(const String& value)
// We represent 'none' as an empty m_list.
if (isSourceListNone(value))
parse(value.bloatedCharacters(), value.bloatedCharacters() + value.length());
bool CSPSourceList::matches(const KURL& url)
if (m_allowStar)
return true;
KURL effectiveURL = SecurityOrigin::shouldUseInnerURL(url) ? SecurityOrigin::extractInnerURL(url) : url;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_list.size(); ++i) {
if (m_list[i].matches(effectiveURL))
return true;
return false;
// source-list = *WSP [ source *( 1*WSP source ) *WSP ]
// / *WSP "'none'" *WSP
void CSPSourceList::parse(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end)
const UChar* position = begin;
while (position < end) {
skipWhile<isASCIISpace>(position, end);
if (position == end)
const UChar* beginSource = position;
skipWhile<isSourceCharacter>(position, end);
String scheme, host, path;
int port = 0;
bool hostHasWildcard = false;
bool portHasWildcard = false;
if (parseSource(beginSource, position, scheme, host, port, path, hostHasWildcard, portHasWildcard)) {
// Wildcard hosts and keyword sources ('self', 'unsafe-inline',
// etc.) aren't stored in m_list, but as attributes on the source
// list itself.
if (scheme.isEmpty() && host.isEmpty())
if (isDirectiveName(host))
m_policy->reportDirectiveAsSourceExpression(m_directiveName, host);
m_list.append(CSPSource(m_policy, scheme, host, port, path, hostHasWildcard, portHasWildcard));
} else
m_policy->reportInvalidSourceExpression(m_directiveName, String(beginSource, position - beginSource));
ASSERT(position == end || isASCIISpace(*position));
// source = scheme ":"
// / ( [ scheme "://" ] host [ port ] [ path ] )
// / "'self'"
bool CSPSourceList::parseSource(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end,
String& scheme, String& host, int& port, String& path,
bool& hostHasWildcard, bool& portHasWildcard)
if (begin == end)
return false;
if (equalIgnoringCase("'none'", begin, end - begin))
return false;
if (end - begin == 1 && *begin == '*') {
return true;
if (equalIgnoringCase("'self'", begin, end - begin)) {
return true;
if (equalIgnoringCase("'unsafe-inline'", begin, end - begin)) {
return true;
if (equalIgnoringCase("'unsafe-eval'", begin, end - begin)) {
return true;
if (m_policy->experimentalFeaturesEnabled()) {
String nonce;
if (!parseNonce(begin, end, nonce))
return false;
if (!nonce.isNull()) {
return true;
const UChar* position = begin;
const UChar* beginHost = begin;
const UChar* beginPath = end;
const UChar* beginPort = 0;
skipWhile<isNotColonOrSlash>(position, end);
if (position == end) {
// host
// ^
return parseHost(beginHost, position, host, hostHasWildcard);
if (position < end && *position == '/') {
// host/path || host/ || /
// ^ ^ ^
if (!parseHost(beginHost, position, host, hostHasWildcard)
|| !parsePath(position, end, path)
|| position != end)
return false;
return true;
if (position < end && *position == ':') {
if (end - position == 1) {
// scheme:
// ^
return parseScheme(begin, position, scheme);
if (position[1] == '/') {
// scheme://host || scheme://
// ^ ^
if (!parseScheme(begin, position, scheme)
|| !skipExactly(position, end, ':')
|| !skipExactly(position, end, '/')
|| !skipExactly(position, end, '/'))
return false;
if (position == end)
return true;
beginHost = position;
skipWhile<isNotColonOrSlash>(position, end);
if (position < end && *position == ':') {
// host:port || scheme://host:port
// ^ ^
beginPort = position;
skipUntil(position, end, '/');
if (position < end && *position == '/') {
// scheme://host/path || scheme://host:port/path
// ^ ^
if (position == beginHost)
return false;
beginPath = position;
if (!parseHost(beginHost, beginPort ? beginPort : beginPath, host, hostHasWildcard))
return false;
if (beginPort) {
if (!parsePort(beginPort, beginPath, port, portHasWildcard))
return false;
} else {
port = 0;
if (beginPath != end) {
if (!parsePath(beginPath, end, path))
return false;
return true;
// nonce-source = "'nonce-" nonce-value "'"
// nonce-value = *( ALPHA / DIGIT )
bool CSPSourceList::parseNonce(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end, String& nonce)
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, noncePrefix, (ASCIILiteral("'nonce-")));
if (!equalIgnoringCase(noncePrefix.bloatedCharacters(), begin, noncePrefix.length()))
return true;
const UChar* position = begin + noncePrefix.length();
const UChar* nonceBegin = position;
skipWhile<isNonceCharacter>(position, end);
ASSERT(nonceBegin <= position);
nonce = String(nonceBegin, position - nonceBegin);
if ((position + 1) != end && *position != '\'')
return false;
return true;
// ; <scheme> production from RFC 3986
// scheme = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" / "." )
bool CSPSourceList::parseScheme(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end, String& scheme)
ASSERT(begin <= end);
if (begin == end)
return false;
const UChar* position = begin;
if (!skipExactly<isASCIIAlpha>(position, end))
return false;
skipWhile<isSchemeContinuationCharacter>(position, end);
if (position != end)
return false;
scheme = String(begin, end - begin);
return true;
// host = [ "*." ] 1*host-char *( "." 1*host-char )
// / "*"
// host-char = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-"
bool CSPSourceList::parseHost(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end, String& host, bool& hostHasWildcard)
ASSERT(begin <= end);
if (begin == end)
return false;
const UChar* position = begin;
if (skipExactly(position, end, '*')) {
hostHasWildcard = true;
if (position == end)
return true;
if (!skipExactly(position, end, '.'))
return false;
const UChar* hostBegin = position;
while (position < end) {
if (!skipExactly<isHostCharacter>(position, end))
return false;
skipWhile<isHostCharacter>(position, end);
if (position < end && !skipExactly(position, end, '.'))
return false;
ASSERT(position == end);
host = String(hostBegin, end - hostBegin);
return true;
bool CSPSourceList::parsePath(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end, String& path)
ASSERT(begin <= end);
const UChar* position = begin;
skipWhile<isPathComponentCharacter>(position, end);
// path/to/file.js?query=string || path/to/file.js#anchor
// ^ ^
if (position < end)
m_policy->reportInvalidPathCharacter(m_directiveName, String(begin, end - begin), *position);
path = decodeURLEscapeSequences(String(begin, position - begin));
ASSERT(position <= end);
ASSERT(position == end || (*position == '#' || *position == '?'));
return true;
// port = ":" ( 1*DIGIT / "*" )
bool CSPSourceList::parsePort(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end, int& port, bool& portHasWildcard)
ASSERT(begin <= end);
if (!skipExactly(begin, end, ':'))
if (begin == end)
return false;
if (end - begin == 1 && *begin == '*') {
port = 0;
portHasWildcard = true;
return true;
const UChar* position = begin;
skipWhile<isASCIIDigit>(position, end);
if (position != end)
return false;
bool ok;
port = charactersToIntStrict(begin, end - begin, &ok);
return ok;
void CSPSourceList::addSourceSelf()
m_list.append(CSPSource(m_policy, m_policy->securityOrigin()->protocol(), m_policy->securityOrigin()->host(), m_policy->securityOrigin()->port(), String(), false, false));
void CSPSourceList::addSourceStar()
m_allowStar = true;
void CSPSourceList::addSourceUnsafeInline()
m_allowInline = true;
void CSPSourceList::addSourceUnsafeEval()
m_allowEval = true;
void CSPSourceList::addSourceNonce(const String& nonce)
class CSPDirective {
CSPDirective(const String& name, const String& value, ContentSecurityPolicy* policy)
: m_name(name)
, m_text(name + ' ' + value)
, m_policy(policy)
const String& text() const { return m_text; }
const ContentSecurityPolicy* policy() const { return m_policy; }
String m_name;
String m_text;
ContentSecurityPolicy* m_policy;
class MediaListDirective : public CSPDirective {
MediaListDirective(const String& name, const String& value, ContentSecurityPolicy* policy)
: CSPDirective(name, value, policy)
bool allows(const String& type)
return m_pluginTypes.contains(type);
void parse(const String& value)
const UChar* begin = value.bloatedCharacters();
const UChar* position = begin;
const UChar* end = begin + value.length();
// 'plugin-types ____;' OR 'plugin-types;'
if (value.isEmpty()) {
while (position < end) {
// _____ OR _____mime1/mime1
// ^ ^
skipWhile<isASCIISpace>(position, end);
if (position == end)
// mime1/mime1 mime2/mime2
// ^
begin = position;
if (!skipExactly<isMediaTypeCharacter>(position, end)) {
skipWhile<isNotASCIISpace>(position, end);
policy()->reportInvalidPluginTypes(String(begin, position - begin));
skipWhile<isMediaTypeCharacter>(position, end);
// mime1/mime1 mime2/mime2
// ^
if (!skipExactly(position, end, '/')) {
skipWhile<isNotASCIISpace>(position, end);
policy()->reportInvalidPluginTypes(String(begin, position - begin));
// mime1/mime1 mime2/mime2
// ^
if (!skipExactly<isMediaTypeCharacter>(position, end)) {
skipWhile<isNotASCIISpace>(position, end);
policy()->reportInvalidPluginTypes(String(begin, position - begin));
skipWhile<isMediaTypeCharacter>(position, end);
// mime1/mime1 mime2/mime2 OR mime1/mime1 OR mime1/mime1/error
// ^ ^ ^
if (position < end && isNotASCIISpace(*position)) {
skipWhile<isNotASCIISpace>(position, end);
policy()->reportInvalidPluginTypes(String(begin, position - begin));
m_pluginTypes.add(String(begin, position - begin));
ASSERT(position == end || isASCIISpace(*position));
HashSet<String> m_pluginTypes;
class SourceListDirective : public CSPDirective {
SourceListDirective(const String& name, const String& value, ContentSecurityPolicy* policy)
: CSPDirective(name, value, policy)
, m_sourceList(policy, name)
bool allows(const KURL& url)
return m_sourceList.matches(url.isEmpty() ? policy()->url() : url);
bool allowInline() const { return m_sourceList.allowInline(); }
bool allowEval() const { return m_sourceList.allowEval(); }
bool allowNonce(const String& nonce) const { return m_sourceList.allowNonce(nonce.stripWhiteSpace()); }
CSPSourceList m_sourceList;
class CSPDirectiveList {
static PassOwnPtr<CSPDirectiveList> create(ContentSecurityPolicy*, const String&, ContentSecurityPolicy::HeaderType);
const String& header() const { return m_header; }
ContentSecurityPolicy::HeaderType headerType() const { return m_headerType; }
bool allowJavaScriptURLs(const String& contextURL, const WTF::OrdinalNumber& contextLine, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus) const;
bool allowInlineEventHandlers(const String& contextURL, const WTF::OrdinalNumber& contextLine, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus) const;
bool allowInlineScript(const String& contextURL, const WTF::OrdinalNumber& contextLine, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus) const;
bool allowInlineStyle(const String& contextURL, const WTF::OrdinalNumber& contextLine, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus) const;
bool allowEval(ScriptState*, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus) const;
bool allowPluginType(const String& type, const String& typeAttribute, const KURL&, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus) const;
bool allowScriptFromSource(const KURL&, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus) const;
bool allowObjectFromSource(const KURL&, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus) const;
bool allowChildFrameFromSource(const KURL&, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus) const;
bool allowImageFromSource(const KURL&, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus) const;
bool allowStyleFromSource(const KURL&, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus) const;
bool allowFontFromSource(const KURL&, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus) const;
bool allowMediaFromSource(const KURL&, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus) const;
bool allowConnectToSource(const KURL&, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus) const;
bool allowFormAction(const KURL&, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus) const;
bool allowBaseURI(const KURL&, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus) const;
bool allowScriptNonce(const String&) const;
void gatherReportURIs(DOMStringList&) const;
const String& evalDisabledErrorMessage() const { return m_evalDisabledErrorMessage; }
ContentSecurityPolicy::ReflectedXSSDisposition reflectedXSSDisposition() const { return m_reflectedXSSDisposition; }
bool isReportOnly() const { return m_reportOnly; }
const Vector<KURL>& reportURIs() const { return m_reportURIs; }
CSPDirectiveList(ContentSecurityPolicy*, ContentSecurityPolicy::HeaderType);
void parse(const String&);
bool parseDirective(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end, String& name, String& value);
void parseReportURI(const String& name, const String& value);
void parsePluginTypes(const String& name, const String& value);
void parseReflectedXSS(const String& name, const String& value);
void addDirective(const String& name, const String& value);
void applySandboxPolicy(const String& name, const String& sandboxPolicy);
template <class CSPDirectiveType>
void setCSPDirective(const String& name, const String& value, OwnPtr<CSPDirectiveType>&);
SourceListDirective* operativeDirective(SourceListDirective*) const;
void reportViolation(const String& directiveText, const String& effectiveDirective, const String& consoleMessage, const KURL& blockedURL = KURL(), const String& contextURL = String(), const WTF::OrdinalNumber& contextLine = WTF::OrdinalNumber::beforeFirst(), ScriptState* = 0) const;
bool checkEval(SourceListDirective*) const;
bool checkInline(SourceListDirective*) const;
bool checkNonce(SourceListDirective*, const String&) const;
bool checkSource(SourceListDirective*, const KURL&) const;
bool checkMediaType(MediaListDirective*, const String& type, const String& typeAttribute) const;
void setEvalDisabledErrorMessage(const String& errorMessage) { m_evalDisabledErrorMessage = errorMessage; }
bool checkEvalAndReportViolation(SourceListDirective*, const String& consoleMessage, const String& contextURL = String(), const WTF::OrdinalNumber& contextLine = WTF::OrdinalNumber::beforeFirst(), ScriptState* = 0) const;
bool checkInlineAndReportViolation(SourceListDirective*, const String& consoleMessage, const String& contextURL, const WTF::OrdinalNumber& contextLine, bool isScript) const;
bool checkSourceAndReportViolation(SourceListDirective*, const KURL&, const String& effectiveDirective) const;
bool checkMediaTypeAndReportViolation(MediaListDirective*, const String& type, const String& typeAttribute, const String& consoleMessage) const;
bool denyIfEnforcingPolicy() const { return m_reportOnly; }
ContentSecurityPolicy* m_policy;
String m_header;
ContentSecurityPolicy::HeaderType m_headerType;
bool m_reportOnly;
bool m_haveSandboxPolicy;
ContentSecurityPolicy::ReflectedXSSDisposition m_reflectedXSSDisposition;
OwnPtr<MediaListDirective> m_pluginTypes;
OwnPtr<SourceListDirective> m_baseURI;
OwnPtr<SourceListDirective> m_connectSrc;
OwnPtr<SourceListDirective> m_defaultSrc;
OwnPtr<SourceListDirective> m_fontSrc;
OwnPtr<SourceListDirective> m_formAction;
OwnPtr<SourceListDirective> m_frameSrc;
OwnPtr<SourceListDirective> m_imgSrc;
OwnPtr<SourceListDirective> m_mediaSrc;
OwnPtr<SourceListDirective> m_objectSrc;
OwnPtr<SourceListDirective> m_scriptSrc;
OwnPtr<SourceListDirective> m_styleSrc;
Vector<KURL> m_reportURIs;
String m_evalDisabledErrorMessage;
CSPDirectiveList::CSPDirectiveList(ContentSecurityPolicy* policy, ContentSecurityPolicy::HeaderType type)
: m_policy(policy)
, m_headerType(type)
, m_reportOnly(false)
, m_haveSandboxPolicy(false)
, m_reflectedXSSDisposition(ContentSecurityPolicy::ReflectedXSSUnset)
m_reportOnly = (type == ContentSecurityPolicy::Report || type == ContentSecurityPolicy::PrefixedReport);
PassOwnPtr<CSPDirectiveList> CSPDirectiveList::create(ContentSecurityPolicy* policy, const String& header, ContentSecurityPolicy::HeaderType type)
OwnPtr<CSPDirectiveList> directives = adoptPtr(new CSPDirectiveList(policy, type));
if (!directives->checkEval(directives->operativeDirective(directives->m_scriptSrc.get()))) {
String message = "Refused to evaluate a string as JavaScript because 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed source of script in the following Content Security Policy directive: \"" + directives->operativeDirective(directives->m_scriptSrc.get())->text() + "\".\n";
if (directives->isReportOnly() && directives->reportURIs().isEmpty())
return directives.release();
void CSPDirectiveList::reportViolation(const String& directiveText, const String& effectiveDirective, const String& consoleMessage, const KURL& blockedURL, const String& contextURL, const WTF::OrdinalNumber& contextLine, ScriptState* state) const
String message = m_reportOnly ? "[Report Only] " + consoleMessage : consoleMessage;
m_policy->reportViolation(directiveText, effectiveDirective, message, blockedURL, m_reportURIs, m_header, contextURL, contextLine, state);
bool CSPDirectiveList::checkEval(SourceListDirective* directive) const
return !directive || directive->allowEval();
bool CSPDirectiveList::checkInline(SourceListDirective* directive) const
return !directive || directive->allowInline();
bool CSPDirectiveList::checkNonce(SourceListDirective* directive, const String& nonce) const
return !directive || directive->allowNonce(nonce);
bool CSPDirectiveList::checkSource(SourceListDirective* directive, const KURL& url) const
return !directive || directive->allows(url);
bool CSPDirectiveList::checkMediaType(MediaListDirective* directive, const String& type, const String& typeAttribute) const
if (!directive)
return true;
if (typeAttribute.isEmpty() || typeAttribute.stripWhiteSpace() != type)
return false;
return directive->allows(type);
SourceListDirective* CSPDirectiveList::operativeDirective(SourceListDirective* directive) const
return directive ? directive : m_defaultSrc.get();
bool CSPDirectiveList::checkEvalAndReportViolation(SourceListDirective* directive, const String& consoleMessage, const String& contextURL, const WTF::OrdinalNumber& contextLine, ScriptState* state) const
if (checkEval(directive))
return true;
String suffix = String();
if (directive == m_defaultSrc)
suffix = " Note that 'script-src' was not explicitly set, so 'default-src' is used as a fallback.";
reportViolation(directive->text(), scriptSrc, consoleMessage + "\"" + directive->text() + "\"." + suffix + "\n", KURL(), contextURL, contextLine, state);
if (!m_reportOnly) {
return false;
return true;
bool CSPDirectiveList::checkMediaTypeAndReportViolation(MediaListDirective* directive, const String& type, const String& typeAttribute, const String& consoleMessage) const
if (checkMediaType(directive, type, typeAttribute))
return true;
String message = consoleMessage + "\'" + directive->text() + "\'.";
if (typeAttribute.isEmpty())
message = message + " When enforcing the 'plugin-types' directive, the plugin's media type must be explicitly declared with a 'type' attribute on the containing element (e.g. '<object type=\"[TYPE GOES HERE]\" ...>').";
reportViolation(directive->text(), pluginTypes, message + "\n", KURL());
return denyIfEnforcingPolicy();
bool CSPDirectiveList::checkInlineAndReportViolation(SourceListDirective* directive, const String& consoleMessage, const String& contextURL, const WTF::OrdinalNumber& contextLine, bool isScript) const
if (checkInline(directive))
return true;
String suffix = String();
if (directive == m_defaultSrc)
suffix = " Note that '" + String(isScript ? "script" : "style") + "-src' was not explicitly set, so 'default-src' is used as a fallback.";
reportViolation(directive->text(), isScript ? scriptSrc : styleSrc, consoleMessage + "\"" + directive->text() + "\"." + suffix + "\n", KURL(), contextURL, contextLine);
if (!m_reportOnly) {
if (isScript)
return false;
return true;
bool CSPDirectiveList::checkSourceAndReportViolation(SourceListDirective* directive, const KURL& url, const String& effectiveDirective) const
if (checkSource(directive, url))
return true;
String prefix;
if (baseURI == effectiveDirective)
prefix = "Refused to set the document's base URI to '";
else if (connectSrc == effectiveDirective)
prefix = "Refused to connect to '";
else if (fontSrc == effectiveDirective)
prefix = "Refused to load the font '";
else if (formAction == effectiveDirective)
prefix = "Refused to send form data to '";
else if (frameSrc == effectiveDirective)
prefix = "Refused to frame '";
else if (imgSrc == effectiveDirective)
prefix = "Refused to load the image '";
else if (mediaSrc == effectiveDirective)
prefix = "Refused to load media from '";
else if (objectSrc == effectiveDirective)
prefix = "Refused to load plugin data from '";
else if (scriptSrc == effectiveDirective)
prefix = "Refused to load the script '";
else if (styleSrc == effectiveDirective)
prefix = "Refused to load the stylesheet '";
String suffix = String();
if (directive == m_defaultSrc)
suffix = " Note that '" + effectiveDirective + "' was not explicitly set, so 'default-src' is used as a fallback.";
reportViolation(directive->text(), effectiveDirective, prefix + url.elidedString() + "' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: \"" + directive->text() + "\"." + suffix + "\n", url);
return denyIfEnforcingPolicy();
bool CSPDirectiveList::allowJavaScriptURLs(const String& contextURL, const WTF::OrdinalNumber& contextLine, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, consoleMessage, (ASCIILiteral("Refused to execute JavaScript URL because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: ")));
if (reportingStatus == ContentSecurityPolicy::SendReport) {
return checkInlineAndReportViolation(operativeDirective(m_scriptSrc.get()), consoleMessage, contextURL, contextLine, true);
} else {
return checkInline(operativeDirective(m_scriptSrc.get()));
bool CSPDirectiveList::allowInlineEventHandlers(const String& contextURL, const WTF::OrdinalNumber& contextLine, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, consoleMessage, (ASCIILiteral("Refused to execute inline event handler because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: ")));
if (reportingStatus == ContentSecurityPolicy::SendReport) {
return checkInlineAndReportViolation(operativeDirective(m_scriptSrc.get()), consoleMessage, contextURL, contextLine, true);
} else {
return checkInline(operativeDirective(m_scriptSrc.get()));
bool CSPDirectiveList::allowInlineScript(const String& contextURL, const WTF::OrdinalNumber& contextLine, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, consoleMessage, (ASCIILiteral("Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: ")));
return reportingStatus == ContentSecurityPolicy::SendReport ?
checkInlineAndReportViolation(operativeDirective(m_scriptSrc.get()), consoleMessage, contextURL, contextLine, true) :
bool CSPDirectiveList::allowInlineStyle(const String& contextURL, const WTF::OrdinalNumber& contextLine, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, consoleMessage, (ASCIILiteral("Refused to apply inline style because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: ")));
return reportingStatus == ContentSecurityPolicy::SendReport ?
checkInlineAndReportViolation(operativeDirective(m_styleSrc.get()), consoleMessage, contextURL, contextLine, false) :
bool CSPDirectiveList::allowEval(ScriptState* state, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, consoleMessage, (ASCIILiteral("Refused to evaluate script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: ")));
return reportingStatus == ContentSecurityPolicy::SendReport ?
checkEvalAndReportViolation(operativeDirective(m_scriptSrc.get()), consoleMessage, String(), WTF::OrdinalNumber::beforeFirst(), state) :
bool CSPDirectiveList::allowPluginType(const String& type, const String& typeAttribute, const KURL& url, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
return reportingStatus == ContentSecurityPolicy::SendReport ?
checkMediaTypeAndReportViolation(m_pluginTypes.get(), type, typeAttribute, "Refused to load '" + url.elidedString() + "' (MIME type '" + typeAttribute + "') because it violates the following Content Security Policy Directive: ") :
checkMediaType(m_pluginTypes.get(), type, typeAttribute);
bool CSPDirectiveList::allowScriptFromSource(const KURL& url, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
return reportingStatus == ContentSecurityPolicy::SendReport ?
checkSourceAndReportViolation(operativeDirective(m_scriptSrc.get()), url, scriptSrc) :
checkSource(operativeDirective(m_scriptSrc.get()), url);
bool CSPDirectiveList::allowObjectFromSource(const KURL& url, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
if (url.isBlankURL())
return true;
return reportingStatus == ContentSecurityPolicy::SendReport ?
checkSourceAndReportViolation(operativeDirective(m_objectSrc.get()), url, objectSrc) :
checkSource(operativeDirective(m_objectSrc.get()), url);
bool CSPDirectiveList::allowChildFrameFromSource(const KURL& url, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
if (url.isBlankURL())
return true;
return reportingStatus == ContentSecurityPolicy::SendReport ?
checkSourceAndReportViolation(operativeDirective(m_frameSrc.get()), url, frameSrc) :
checkSource(operativeDirective(m_frameSrc.get()), url);
bool CSPDirectiveList::allowImageFromSource(const KURL& url, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
return reportingStatus == ContentSecurityPolicy::SendReport ?
checkSourceAndReportViolation(operativeDirective(m_imgSrc.get()), url, imgSrc) :
checkSource(operativeDirective(m_imgSrc.get()), url);
bool CSPDirectiveList::allowStyleFromSource(const KURL& url, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
return reportingStatus == ContentSecurityPolicy::SendReport ?
checkSourceAndReportViolation(operativeDirective(m_styleSrc.get()), url, styleSrc) :
checkSource(operativeDirective(m_styleSrc.get()), url);
bool CSPDirectiveList::allowFontFromSource(const KURL& url, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
return reportingStatus == ContentSecurityPolicy::SendReport ?
checkSourceAndReportViolation(operativeDirective(m_fontSrc.get()), url, fontSrc) :
checkSource(operativeDirective(m_fontSrc.get()), url);
bool CSPDirectiveList::allowMediaFromSource(const KURL& url, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
return reportingStatus == ContentSecurityPolicy::SendReport ?
checkSourceAndReportViolation(operativeDirective(m_mediaSrc.get()), url, mediaSrc) :
checkSource(operativeDirective(m_mediaSrc.get()), url);
bool CSPDirectiveList::allowConnectToSource(const KURL& url, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
return reportingStatus == ContentSecurityPolicy::SendReport ?
checkSourceAndReportViolation(operativeDirective(m_connectSrc.get()), url, connectSrc) :
checkSource(operativeDirective(m_connectSrc.get()), url);
void CSPDirectiveList::gatherReportURIs(DOMStringList& list) const
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_reportURIs.size(); ++i)
bool CSPDirectiveList::allowFormAction(const KURL& url, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
return reportingStatus == ContentSecurityPolicy::SendReport ?
checkSourceAndReportViolation(m_formAction.get(), url, formAction) :
checkSource(m_formAction.get(), url);
bool CSPDirectiveList::allowBaseURI(const KURL& url, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
return reportingStatus == ContentSecurityPolicy::SendReport ?
checkSourceAndReportViolation(m_baseURI.get(), url, baseURI) :
checkSource(m_baseURI.get(), url);
bool CSPDirectiveList::allowScriptNonce(const String& nonce) const
return checkNonce(operativeDirective(m_scriptSrc.get()), nonce);
// policy = directive-list
// directive-list = [ directive *( ";" [ directive ] ) ]
void CSPDirectiveList::parse(const String& policy)
m_header = policy;
if (policy.isEmpty())
const UChar* position = policy.bloatedCharacters();
const UChar* end = position + policy.length();
while (position < end) {
const UChar* directiveBegin = position;
skipUntil(position, end, ';');
String name, value;
if (parseDirective(directiveBegin, position, name, value)) {
addDirective(name, value);
ASSERT(position == end || *position == ';');
skipExactly(position, end, ';');
// directive = *WSP [ directive-name [ WSP directive-value ] ]
// directive-name = 1*( ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" )
// directive-value = *( WSP / <VCHAR except ";"> )
bool CSPDirectiveList::parseDirective(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end, String& name, String& value)
const UChar* position = begin;
skipWhile<isASCIISpace>(position, end);
// Empty directive (e.g. ";;;"). Exit early.
if (position == end)
return false;
const UChar* nameBegin = position;
skipWhile<isDirectiveNameCharacter>(position, end);
// The directive-name must be non-empty.
if (nameBegin == position) {
skipWhile<isNotASCIISpace>(position, end);
m_policy->reportUnsupportedDirective(String(nameBegin, position - nameBegin));
return false;
name = String(nameBegin, position - nameBegin);
if (position == end)
return true;
if (!skipExactly<isASCIISpace>(position, end)) {
skipWhile<isNotASCIISpace>(position, end);
m_policy->reportUnsupportedDirective(String(nameBegin, position - nameBegin));
return false;
skipWhile<isASCIISpace>(position, end);
const UChar* valueBegin = position;
skipWhile<isDirectiveValueCharacter>(position, end);
if (position != end) {
m_policy->reportInvalidDirectiveValueCharacter(name, String(valueBegin, end - valueBegin));
return false;
// The directive-value may be empty.
if (valueBegin == position)
return true;
value = String(valueBegin, position - valueBegin);
return true;
void CSPDirectiveList::parseReportURI(const String& name, const String& value)
if (!m_reportURIs.isEmpty()) {
const UChar* position = value.bloatedCharacters();
const UChar* end = position + value.length();
while (position < end) {
skipWhile<isASCIISpace>(position, end);
const UChar* urlBegin = position;
skipWhile<isNotASCIISpace>(position, end);
if (urlBegin < position) {
String url = String(urlBegin, position - urlBegin);
template<class CSPDirectiveType>
void CSPDirectiveList::setCSPDirective(const String& name, const String& value, OwnPtr<CSPDirectiveType>& directive)
if (directive) {
directive = adoptPtr(new CSPDirectiveType(name, value, m_policy));
void CSPDirectiveList::applySandboxPolicy(const String& name, const String& sandboxPolicy)
if (m_haveSandboxPolicy) {
m_haveSandboxPolicy = true;
String invalidTokens;
m_policy->enforceSandboxFlags(SecurityContext::parseSandboxPolicy(sandboxPolicy, invalidTokens));
if (!invalidTokens.isNull())
void CSPDirectiveList::parseReflectedXSS(const String& name, const String& value)
if (m_reflectedXSSDisposition != ContentSecurityPolicy::ReflectedXSSUnset) {
m_reflectedXSSDisposition = ContentSecurityPolicy::ReflectedXSSInvalid;
if (value.isEmpty()) {
m_reflectedXSSDisposition = ContentSecurityPolicy::ReflectedXSSInvalid;
const UChar* position = value.bloatedCharacters();
const UChar* end = position + value.length();
skipWhile<isASCIISpace>(position, end);
const UChar* begin = position;
skipWhile<isNotASCIISpace>(position, end);
// value1
// ^
if (equalIgnoringCase("allow", begin, position - begin))
m_reflectedXSSDisposition = ContentSecurityPolicy::AllowReflectedXSS;
else if (equalIgnoringCase("filter", begin, position - begin))
m_reflectedXSSDisposition = ContentSecurityPolicy::FilterReflectedXSS;
else if (equalIgnoringCase("block", begin, position - begin))
m_reflectedXSSDisposition = ContentSecurityPolicy::BlockReflectedXSS;
else {
m_reflectedXSSDisposition = ContentSecurityPolicy::ReflectedXSSInvalid;
skipWhile<isASCIISpace>(position, end);
if (position == end && m_reflectedXSSDisposition != ContentSecurityPolicy::ReflectedXSSUnset)
// value1 value2
// ^
m_reflectedXSSDisposition = ContentSecurityPolicy::ReflectedXSSInvalid;
void CSPDirectiveList::addDirective(const String& name, const String& value)
if (equalIgnoringCase(name, defaultSrc))
setCSPDirective<SourceListDirective>(name, value, m_defaultSrc);
else if (equalIgnoringCase(name, scriptSrc))
setCSPDirective<SourceListDirective>(name, value, m_scriptSrc);
else if (equalIgnoringCase(name, objectSrc))
setCSPDirective<SourceListDirective>(name, value, m_objectSrc);
else if (equalIgnoringCase(name, frameSrc))
setCSPDirective<SourceListDirective>(name, value, m_frameSrc);
else if (equalIgnoringCase(name, imgSrc))
setCSPDirective<SourceListDirective>(name, value, m_imgSrc);
else if (equalIgnoringCase(name, styleSrc))
setCSPDirective<SourceListDirective>(name, value, m_styleSrc);
else if (equalIgnoringCase(name, fontSrc))
setCSPDirective<SourceListDirective>(name, value, m_fontSrc);
else if (equalIgnoringCase(name, mediaSrc))
setCSPDirective<SourceListDirective>(name, value, m_mediaSrc);
else if (equalIgnoringCase(name, connectSrc))
setCSPDirective<SourceListDirective>(name, value, m_connectSrc);
else if (equalIgnoringCase(name, sandbox))
applySandboxPolicy(name, value);
else if (equalIgnoringCase(name, reportURI))
parseReportURI(name, value);
else if (m_policy->experimentalFeaturesEnabled()) {
if (equalIgnoringCase(name, baseURI))
setCSPDirective<SourceListDirective>(name, value, m_baseURI);
else if (equalIgnoringCase(name, formAction))
setCSPDirective<SourceListDirective>(name, value, m_formAction);
else if (equalIgnoringCase(name, pluginTypes))
setCSPDirective<MediaListDirective>(name, value, m_pluginTypes);
else if (equalIgnoringCase(name, reflectedXSS))
parseReflectedXSS(name, value);
ContentSecurityPolicy::ContentSecurityPolicy(ScriptExecutionContext* scriptExecutionContext)
: m_scriptExecutionContext(scriptExecutionContext)
, m_overrideInlineStyleAllowed(false)
void ContentSecurityPolicy::copyStateFrom(const ContentSecurityPolicy* other)
for (CSPDirectiveListVector::const_iterator iter = other->m_policies.begin(); iter != other->m_policies.end(); ++iter)
didReceiveHeader((*iter)->header(), (*iter)->headerType());
void ContentSecurityPolicy::didReceiveHeader(const String& header, HeaderType type)
if (m_scriptExecutionContext->isDocument()) {
Document* document = toDocument(m_scriptExecutionContext);
if (type == PrefixedReport || type == PrefixedEnforce)
UseCounter::countDeprecation(document, getUseCounterType(type));
UseCounter::count(document, getUseCounterType(type));
// RFC2616, section 4.2 specifies that headers appearing multiple times can
// be combined with a comma. Walk the header string, and parse each comma
// separated chunk as a separate header.
const UChar* begin = header.bloatedCharacters();
const UChar* position = begin;
const UChar* end = begin + header.length();
while (position < end) {
skipUntil(position, end, ',');
// header1,header2 OR header1
// ^ ^
OwnPtr<CSPDirectiveList> policy = CSPDirectiveList::create(this, String(begin, position - begin), type);
if (!policy->isReportOnly() && !policy->allowEval(0, SuppressReport))
// Skip the comma, and begin the next header from the current position.
ASSERT(position == end || *position == ',');
skipExactly(position, end, ',');
begin = position;
void ContentSecurityPolicy::setOverrideAllowInlineStyle(bool value)
m_overrideInlineStyleAllowed = value;
const String& ContentSecurityPolicy::deprecatedHeader() const
return m_policies.isEmpty() ? emptyString() : m_policies[0]->header();
ContentSecurityPolicy::HeaderType ContentSecurityPolicy::deprecatedHeaderType() const
return m_policies.isEmpty() ? Enforce : m_policies[0]->headerType();
template<bool (CSPDirectiveList::*allowed)(ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus) const>
bool isAllowedByAll(const CSPDirectiveListVector& policies, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus)
for (size_t i = 0; i < policies.size(); ++i) {
if (!(policies[i].get()->*allowed)(reportingStatus))
return false;
return true;
template<bool (CSPDirectiveList::*allowed)(ScriptState* state, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus) const>
bool isAllowedByAllWithState(const CSPDirectiveListVector& policies, ScriptState* state, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus)
for (size_t i = 0; i < policies.size(); ++i) {
if (!(policies[i].get()->*allowed)(state, reportingStatus))
return false;
return true;
template<bool (CSPDirectiveList::*allowed)(const String&, const WTF::OrdinalNumber&, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus) const>
bool isAllowedByAllWithContext(const CSPDirectiveListVector& policies, const String& contextURL, const WTF::OrdinalNumber& contextLine, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus)
for (size_t i = 0; i < policies.size(); ++i) {
if (!(policies[i].get()->*allowed)(contextURL, contextLine, reportingStatus))
return false;
return true;
template<bool (CSPDirectiveList::*allowed)(const String&) const>
bool isAllowedByAllWithNonce(const CSPDirectiveListVector& policies, const String& nonce)
for (size_t i = 0; i < policies.size(); ++i) {
if (!(policies[i].get()->*allowed)(nonce))
return false;
return true;
template<bool (CSPDirectiveList::*allowFromURL)(const KURL&, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus) const>
bool isAllowedByAllWithURL(const CSPDirectiveListVector& policies, const KURL& url, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus)
if (SchemeRegistry::schemeShouldBypassContentSecurityPolicy(url.protocol()))
return true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < policies.size(); ++i) {
if (!(policies[i].get()->*allowFromURL)(url, reportingStatus))
return false;
return true;
bool ContentSecurityPolicy::allowJavaScriptURLs(const String& contextURL, const WTF::OrdinalNumber& contextLine, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
return isAllowedByAllWithContext<&CSPDirectiveList::allowJavaScriptURLs>(m_policies, contextURL, contextLine, reportingStatus);
bool ContentSecurityPolicy::allowInlineEventHandlers(const String& contextURL, const WTF::OrdinalNumber& contextLine, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
return isAllowedByAllWithContext<&CSPDirectiveList::allowInlineEventHandlers>(m_policies, contextURL, contextLine, reportingStatus);
bool ContentSecurityPolicy::allowInlineScript(const String& contextURL, const WTF::OrdinalNumber& contextLine, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
return isAllowedByAllWithContext<&CSPDirectiveList::allowInlineScript>(m_policies, contextURL, contextLine, reportingStatus);
bool ContentSecurityPolicy::allowInlineStyle(const String& contextURL, const WTF::OrdinalNumber& contextLine, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
if (m_overrideInlineStyleAllowed)
return true;
return isAllowedByAllWithContext<&CSPDirectiveList::allowInlineStyle>(m_policies, contextURL, contextLine, reportingStatus);
bool ContentSecurityPolicy::allowEval(ScriptState* state, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
return isAllowedByAllWithState<&CSPDirectiveList::allowEval>(m_policies, state, reportingStatus);
String ContentSecurityPolicy::evalDisabledErrorMessage() const
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_policies.size(); ++i) {
if (!m_policies[i]->allowEval(0, SuppressReport))
return m_policies[i]->evalDisabledErrorMessage();
return String();
bool ContentSecurityPolicy::allowPluginType(const String& type, const String& typeAttribute, const KURL& url, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_policies.size(); ++i) {
if (!m_policies[i]->allowPluginType(type, typeAttribute, url, reportingStatus))
return false;
return true;
bool ContentSecurityPolicy::allowScriptFromSource(const KURL& url, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
return isAllowedByAllWithURL<&CSPDirectiveList::allowScriptFromSource>(m_policies, url, reportingStatus);
bool ContentSecurityPolicy::allowScriptNonce(const String& nonce) const
return isAllowedByAllWithNonce<&CSPDirectiveList::allowScriptNonce>(m_policies, nonce);
bool ContentSecurityPolicy::allowObjectFromSource(const KURL& url, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
return isAllowedByAllWithURL<&CSPDirectiveList::allowObjectFromSource>(m_policies, url, reportingStatus);
bool ContentSecurityPolicy::allowChildFrameFromSource(const KURL& url, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
return isAllowedByAllWithURL<&CSPDirectiveList::allowChildFrameFromSource>(m_policies, url, reportingStatus);
bool ContentSecurityPolicy::allowImageFromSource(const KURL& url, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
return isAllowedByAllWithURL<&CSPDirectiveList::allowImageFromSource>(m_policies, url, reportingStatus);
bool ContentSecurityPolicy::allowStyleFromSource(const KURL& url, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
return isAllowedByAllWithURL<&CSPDirectiveList::allowStyleFromSource>(m_policies, url, reportingStatus);
bool ContentSecurityPolicy::allowFontFromSource(const KURL& url, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
return isAllowedByAllWithURL<&CSPDirectiveList::allowFontFromSource>(m_policies, url, reportingStatus);
bool ContentSecurityPolicy::allowMediaFromSource(const KURL& url, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
return isAllowedByAllWithURL<&CSPDirectiveList::allowMediaFromSource>(m_policies, url, reportingStatus);
bool ContentSecurityPolicy::allowConnectToSource(const KURL& url, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
return isAllowedByAllWithURL<&CSPDirectiveList::allowConnectToSource>(m_policies, url, reportingStatus);
bool ContentSecurityPolicy::allowFormAction(const KURL& url, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
return isAllowedByAllWithURL<&CSPDirectiveList::allowFormAction>(m_policies, url, reportingStatus);
bool ContentSecurityPolicy::allowBaseURI(const KURL& url, ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus reportingStatus) const
return isAllowedByAllWithURL<&CSPDirectiveList::allowBaseURI>(m_policies, url, reportingStatus);
bool ContentSecurityPolicy::isActive() const
return !m_policies.isEmpty();
ContentSecurityPolicy::ReflectedXSSDisposition ContentSecurityPolicy::reflectedXSSDisposition() const
ReflectedXSSDisposition disposition = ReflectedXSSUnset;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_policies.size(); ++i) {
if (m_policies[i]->reflectedXSSDisposition() > disposition)
disposition = std::max(disposition, m_policies[i]->reflectedXSSDisposition());
return disposition;
void ContentSecurityPolicy::gatherReportURIs(DOMStringList& list) const
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_policies.size(); ++i)
SecurityOrigin* ContentSecurityPolicy::securityOrigin() const
return m_scriptExecutionContext->securityOrigin();
const KURL& ContentSecurityPolicy::url() const
return m_scriptExecutionContext->url();
KURL ContentSecurityPolicy::completeURL(const String& url) const
return m_scriptExecutionContext->completeURL(url);
void ContentSecurityPolicy::enforceSandboxFlags(SandboxFlags mask) const
static String stripURLForUseInReport(Document* document, const KURL& url)
if (!url.isValid())
return String();
if (!url.isHierarchical() || url.protocolIs("file"))
return url.protocol();
return document->securityOrigin()->canRequest(url) ? url.strippedForUseAsReferrer() : SecurityOrigin::create(url)->toString();
static void gatherSecurityPolicyViolationEventData(SecurityPolicyViolationEventInit& init, Document* document, const String& directiveText, const String& effectiveDirective, const KURL& blockedURL, const String& header)
init.documentURI = document->url().string();
init.referrer = document->referrer();
init.blockedURI = stripURLForUseInReport(document, blockedURL);
init.violatedDirective = directiveText;
init.effectiveDirective = effectiveDirective;
init.originalPolicy = header;
init.sourceFile = String();
init.lineNumber = 0;
init.columnNumber = 0;
RefPtr<ScriptCallStack> stack = createScriptCallStack(1, false);
if (!stack)
const ScriptCallFrame& callFrame = stack->at(0);
if (callFrame.lineNumber()) {
KURL source = KURL(ParsedURLString, callFrame.sourceURL());
init.sourceFile = stripURLForUseInReport(document, source);
init.lineNumber = callFrame.lineNumber();
init.columnNumber = callFrame.columnNumber();
void ContentSecurityPolicy::reportViolation(const String& directiveText, const String& effectiveDirective, const String& consoleMessage, const KURL& blockedURL, const Vector<KURL>& reportURIs, const String& header, const String& contextURL, const WTF::OrdinalNumber& contextLine, ScriptState* state) const
logToConsole(consoleMessage, contextURL, contextLine, state);
// FIXME: Support sending reports from worker.
if (!m_scriptExecutionContext->isDocument())
Document* document = toDocument(m_scriptExecutionContext);
Frame* frame = document->frame();
if (!frame)
SecurityPolicyViolationEventInit violationData;
gatherSecurityPolicyViolationEventData(violationData, document, directiveText, effectiveDirective, blockedURL, header);
if (experimentalFeaturesEnabled())
document->enqueueDocumentEvent(SecurityPolicyViolationEvent::create(eventNames().securitypolicyviolationEvent, violationData));
if (reportURIs.isEmpty())
// We need to be careful here when deciding what information to send to the
// report-uri. Currently, we send only the current document's URL and the
// directive that was violated. The document's URL is safe to send because
// it's the document itself that's requesting that it be sent. You could
// make an argument that we shouldn't send HTTPS document URLs to HTTP
// report-uris (for the same reasons that we supress the Referer in that
// case), but the Referer is sent implicitly whereas this request is only
// sent explicitly. As for which directive was violated, that's pretty
// harmless information.
RefPtr<JSONObject> cspReport = JSONObject::create();
cspReport->setString("document-uri", violationData.documentURI);
cspReport->setString("referrer", violationData.referrer);
cspReport->setString("violated-directive", violationData.violatedDirective);
if (experimentalFeaturesEnabled())
cspReport->setString("effective-directive", violationData.effectiveDirective);
cspReport->setString("original-policy", violationData.originalPolicy);
cspReport->setString("blocked-uri", violationData.blockedURI);
if (!violationData.sourceFile.isEmpty() && violationData.lineNumber) {
cspReport->setString("source-file", violationData.sourceFile);
cspReport->setNumber("line-number", violationData.lineNumber);
cspReport->setNumber("column-number", violationData.columnNumber);
RefPtr<JSONObject> reportObject = JSONObject::create();
reportObject->setObject("csp-report", cspReport.release());
RefPtr<FormData> report = FormData::create(reportObject->toJSONString().utf8());
for (size_t i = 0; i < reportURIs.size(); ++i)
PingLoader::sendViolationReport(frame, reportURIs[i], report);
void ContentSecurityPolicy::reportUnsupportedDirective(const String& name) const
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, allow, (ASCIILiteral("allow")));
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, options, (ASCIILiteral("options")));
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, policyURI, (ASCIILiteral("policy-uri")));
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, allowMessage, (ASCIILiteral("The 'allow' directive has been replaced with 'default-src'. Please use that directive instead, as 'allow' has no effect.")));
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, optionsMessage, (ASCIILiteral("The 'options' directive has been replaced with 'unsafe-inline' and 'unsafe-eval' source expressions for the 'script-src' and 'style-src' directives. Please use those directives instead, as 'options' has no effect.")));
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, policyURIMessage, (ASCIILiteral("The 'policy-uri' directive has been removed from the specification. Please specify a complete policy via the Content-Security-Policy header.")));
String message = "Unrecognized Content-Security-Policy directive '" + name + "'.\n";
if (equalIgnoringCase(name, allow))
message = allowMessage;
else if (equalIgnoringCase(name, options))
message = optionsMessage;
else if (equalIgnoringCase(name, policyURI))
message = policyURIMessage;
void ContentSecurityPolicy::reportDirectiveAsSourceExpression(const String& directiveName, const String& sourceExpression) const
String message = "The Content Security Policy directive '" + directiveName + "' contains '" + sourceExpression + "' as a source expression. Did you mean '" + directiveName + " ...; " + sourceExpression + "...' (note the semicolon)?";
void ContentSecurityPolicy::reportDuplicateDirective(const String& name) const
String message = "Ignoring duplicate Content-Security-Policy directive '" + name + "'.\n";
void ContentSecurityPolicy::reportInvalidPluginTypes(const String& pluginType) const
String message;
if (pluginType.isNull())
message = "'plugin-types' Content Security Policy directive is empty; all plugins will be blocked.\n";
message = "Invalid plugin type in 'plugin-types' Content Security Policy directive: '" + pluginType + "'.\n";
void ContentSecurityPolicy::reportInvalidSandboxFlags(const String& invalidFlags) const
logToConsole("Error while parsing the 'sandbox' Content Security Policy directive: " + invalidFlags);
void ContentSecurityPolicy::reportInvalidReflectedXSS(const String& invalidValue) const
logToConsole("The 'reflected-xss' Content Security Policy directive has the invalid value \"" + invalidValue + "\". Valid values are \"allow\", \"filter\", and \"block\".");
void ContentSecurityPolicy::reportInvalidDirectiveValueCharacter(const String& directiveName, const String& value) const
String message = "The value for Content Security Policy directive '" + directiveName + "' contains an invalid character: '" + value + "'. Non-whitespace characters outside ASCII 0x21-0x7E must be percent-encoded, as described in RFC 3986, section 2.1:";
void ContentSecurityPolicy::reportInvalidPathCharacter(const String& directiveName, const String& value, const char invalidChar) const
ASSERT(invalidChar == '#' || invalidChar == '?');
String ignoring = "The fragment identifier, including the '#', will be ignored.";
if (invalidChar == '?')
ignoring = "The query component, including the '?', will be ignored.";
String message = "The source list for Content Security Policy directive '" + directiveName + "' contains a source with an invalid path: '" + value + "'. " + ignoring;
void ContentSecurityPolicy::reportInvalidNonce(const String& nonce) const
String message = "Ignoring invalid Content Security Policy script nonce: '" + nonce + "'.\n";
void ContentSecurityPolicy::reportInvalidSourceExpression(const String& directiveName, const String& source) const
String message = "The source list for Content Security Policy directive '" + directiveName + "' contains an invalid source: '" + source + "'. It will be ignored.";
if (equalIgnoringCase(source, "'none'"))
message = message + " Note that 'none' has no effect unless it is the only expression in the source list.";
void ContentSecurityPolicy::reportMissingReportURI(const String& policy) const
logToConsole("The Content Security Policy '" + policy + "' was delivered in report-only mode, but does not specify a 'report-uri'; the policy will have no effect. Please either add a 'report-uri' directive, or deliver the policy via the 'Content-Security-Policy' header.");
void ContentSecurityPolicy::logToConsole(const String& message, const String& contextURL, const WTF::OrdinalNumber& contextLine, ScriptState* state) const
m_scriptExecutionContext->addConsoleMessage(SecurityMessageSource, ErrorMessageLevel, message, contextURL, contextLine.oneBasedInt(), state);
void ContentSecurityPolicy::reportBlockedScriptExecutionToInspector(const String& directiveText) const
InspectorInstrumentation::scriptExecutionBlockedByCSP(m_scriptExecutionContext, directiveText);
bool ContentSecurityPolicy::experimentalFeaturesEnabled() const
return RuntimeEnabledFeatures::experimentalContentSecurityPolicyFeaturesEnabled();
bool ContentSecurityPolicy::shouldBypassMainWorld(ScriptExecutionContext* context)
if (context && context->isDocument()) {
Document* document = toDocument(context);
if (document->frame())
return document->frame()->script()->shouldBypassMainWorldContentSecurityPolicy();
return false;