blob: 7fd42f5e1f098533aaeadfcdfc4741f2a5dec2ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "SimpleBenchmark.h"
#include "BufferSubData.h"
EGLint platforms[] =
GLenum vertexTypes[] = { GL_FLOAT };
GLint componentCounts[] = { 4 };
GLboolean vertexNorms[] = { GL_FALSE };
GLsizeiptr updateSizes[] = { 0, 300 };
GLsizeiptr bufferSizes[] = { 1024 * 1024 };
unsigned int iterationCounts[] = { 10 };
unsigned int updatesEveryNFrames[] = { 1, 4 };
int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::vector<BufferSubDataParams> benchmarks;
for (size_t platIt = 0; platIt < ArraySize(platforms); platIt++)
for (size_t typeIt = 0; typeIt < ArraySize(vertexTypes); typeIt++)
for (size_t compIt = 0; compIt < ArraySize(componentCounts); compIt++)
for (size_t normIt = 0; normIt < ArraySize(vertexNorms); normIt++)
// No normalized float data
if (vertexTypes[typeIt] == GL_FLOAT && vertexNorms[normIt] == GL_TRUE)
for (size_t updateIt = 0; updateIt < ArraySize(updateSizes); updateIt++)
for (size_t bufszIt = 0; bufszIt < ArraySize(bufferSizes); bufszIt++)
for (size_t itIt = 0; itIt < ArraySize(iterationCounts); itIt++)
for (size_t nfrIt = 0; nfrIt < ArraySize(updatesEveryNFrames); nfrIt++)
BufferSubDataParams params;
params.requestedRenderer = platforms[platIt];
params.vertexType = vertexTypes[typeIt];
params.vertexComponentCount = componentCounts[compIt];
params.vertexNormalized = vertexNorms[normIt];
params.updateSize = updateSizes[updateIt];
params.bufferSize = bufferSizes[bufszIt];
params.iterations = iterationCounts[itIt];
params.updatesEveryNFrames = updatesEveryNFrames[nfrIt];
if (updateSizes[updateIt] == 0)
if (nfrIt > 0)
params.updatesEveryNFrames = 1;
// Enumerates permutations