blob: 2770c52d5ac841df166258b386c52deabfebdc30 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2010 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
'target_name': 'essl_to_glsl',
'type': 'executable',
'includes': [ '../build/common_defines.gypi', ],
'dependencies': [ '../src/angle.gyp:translator_static', ],
'include_dirs': [ '../include', ],
'sources': [ '<!@(python <(angle_path)/ translator -types *.cpp *.h)' ],
'target_name': 'essl_to_hlsl',
'type': 'executable',
'includes': [ '../build/common_defines.gypi', ],
'dependencies': [ '../src/angle.gyp:translator_static', ],
'<!@(python <(angle_path)/ translator -types *.cpp *.h)',
'target_name': 'dds_to_header',
'type': 'executable',
'includes': [ '../build/common_defines.gypi', ],
'<!@(python <(angle_path)/ dds_to_header -types *.cpp)',
'target_name': 'sample_util',
'type': 'static_library',
'includes': [ '../build/common_defines.gypi', ],
'<!@(python <(angle_path)/ angle/sample_util -types *.cpp *.h)'
'msvs_disabled_warnings': [ 4201 ],
'msvs_disabled_warnings': [ 4201 ],
'target_name': 'hello_triangle',
'type': 'executable',
'dependencies': [ 'sample_util' ],
'includes': [ '../build/common_defines.gypi', ],
'sources': [ '<!@(python <(angle_path)/ angle/hello_triangle -types *.cpp *.h)' ],
'target_name': 'mip_map_2d',
'type': 'executable',
'dependencies': [ 'sample_util' ],
'includes': [ '../build/common_defines.gypi', ],
'sources': [ '<!@(python <(angle_path)/ angle/mip_map_2d -types *.cpp *.h)' ],
'target_name': 'multi_texture',
'type': 'executable',
'dependencies': [ 'sample_util' ],
'includes': [ '../build/common_defines.gypi', ],
'sources': [ '<!@(python <(angle_path)/ angle/multi_texture -types *.cpp *.h)' ],
'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)',
'files': [ '<!@(python <(angle_path)/ angle/multi_texture -types *.tga)' ],
'target_name': 'particle_system',
'type': 'executable',
'dependencies': [ 'sample_util' ],
'includes': [ '../build/common_defines.gypi', ],
'sources': [ '<!@(python <(angle_path)/ angle/particle_system -types *.cpp *.h)' ],
'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)',
'files': [ '<!@(python <(angle_path)/ angle/particle_system -types *.tga)' ],
'target_name': 'simple_instancing',
'type': 'executable',
'dependencies': [ 'sample_util' ],
'includes': [ '../build/common_defines.gypi', ],
'sources': [ '<!@(python <(angle_path)/ angle/simple_instancing -types *.cpp *.h)' ],
'target_name': 'multiple_draw_buffers',
'type': 'executable',
'dependencies': [ 'sample_util' ],
'includes': [ '../build/common_defines.gypi', ],
'sources': [ '<!@(python <(angle_path)/ angle/multiple_draw_buffers -types *.cpp *.h *.glsl)' ],
'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)',
'files': [ '<!@(python <(angle_path)/ angle/multiple_draw_buffers -types *.glsl)' ],
'target_name': 'simple_texture_2d',
'type': 'executable',
'dependencies': [ 'sample_util' ],
'includes': [ '../build/common_defines.gypi', ],
'sources': [ '<!@(python <(angle_path)/ angle/simple_texture_2d -types *.cpp *.h)' ],
'target_name': 'simple_texture_cubemap',
'type': 'executable',
'dependencies': [ 'sample_util' ],
'includes': [ '../build/common_defines.gypi', ],
'sources': [ '<!@(python <(angle_path)/ angle/simple_texture_cubemap -types *.cpp *.h)' ],
'target_name': 'simple_vertex_shader',
'type': 'executable',
'dependencies': [ 'sample_util' ],
'includes': [ '../build/common_defines.gypi', ],
'sources': [ '<!@(python <(angle_path)/ angle/simple_vertex_shader -types *.cpp *.h)' ],
'target_name': 'stencil_operations',
'type': 'executable',
'dependencies': [ 'sample_util' ],
'includes': [ '../build/common_defines.gypi', ],
'sources': [ '<!@(python <(angle_path)/ angle/stencil_operations -types *.cpp *.h)' ],
'target_name': 'texture_wrap',
'type': 'executable',
'dependencies': [ 'sample_util' ],
'includes': [ '../build/common_defines.gypi', ],
'sources': [ '<!@(python <(angle_path)/ angle/texture_wrap -types *.cpp *.h)' ],
'target_name': 'post_sub_buffer',
'type': 'executable',
'dependencies': [ 'sample_util' ],
'includes': [ '../build/common_defines.gypi', ],
'sources': [ '<!@(python <(angle_path)/ angle/post_sub_buffer -types *.cpp *.h)' ],