blob: c4927608ff161079df9bc37f5d5edc1f98258937 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2014 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <libaddressinput/address_input_helper.h>
#include <libaddressinput/address_data.h>
#include <libaddressinput/address_field.h>
#include <libaddressinput/preload_supplier.h>
#include <libaddressinput/util/basictypes.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <re2/re2.h>
#include "language.h"
#include "lookup_key.h"
#include "region_data_constants.h"
#include "rule.h"
#include "util/re2ptr.h"
namespace i18n {
namespace addressinput {
// Used for building a hierarchy of rules, each one connected to its parent.
struct Node {
const Node* parent;
const Rule* rule;
namespace {
const char kLookupKeySeparator = '/';
const size_t kHierarchyDepth = arraysize(LookupKey::kHierarchy);
// Gets the best name for the entity represented by the current rule, using the
// language provided. The language is currently used to distinguish whether a
// Latin-script name should be fetched; if it is not explicitly Latin-script, we
// prefer IDs over names (so return CA instead of California for an English
// user.) If there is no Latin-script name, we fall back to the ID.
std::string GetBestName(const Language& language, const Rule& rule) {
if (language.has_latin_script) {
const std::string& name = rule.GetLatinName();
if (!name.empty()) {
return name;
// The ID is stored as data/US/CA for "CA", for example, and we only want the
// last part.
const std::string& id = rule.GetId();
std::string::size_type pos = id.rfind(kLookupKeySeparator);
assert(pos != std::string::npos);
return id.substr(pos + 1);
void FillAddressFromMatchedRules(
const std::vector<Node>* hierarchy,
AddressData* address) {
assert(hierarchy != NULL);
assert(address != NULL);
// We skip region code, because we never try and fill that in if it isn't
// already set.
Language language(address->language_code);
for (size_t depth = kHierarchyDepth - 1; depth > 0; --depth) {
// If there is only one match at this depth, then we should populate the
// address, using this rule and its parents.
if (hierarchy[depth].size() == 1) {
for (const Node* node = &hierarchy[depth].front();
node != NULL; node = node->parent, --depth) {
const Rule* rule = node->rule;
assert(rule != NULL);
AddressField field = LookupKey::kHierarchy[depth];
// Note only empty fields are permitted to be overwritten.
if (address->IsFieldEmpty(field)) {
address->SetFieldValue(field, GetBestName(language, *rule));
} // namespace;
AddressInputHelper::AddressInputHelper(PreloadSupplier* supplier)
: supplier_(supplier) {
assert(supplier_ != NULL);
AddressInputHelper::~AddressInputHelper() {
void AddressInputHelper::FillAddress(AddressData* address) const {
assert(address != NULL);
const std::string& region_code = address->region_code;
if (!RegionDataConstants::IsSupported(region_code)) {
// If we don't have a region code, we can't do anything reliably to fill
// this address.
AddressData lookup_key_address;
lookup_key_address.region_code = region_code;
// First try and fill in the postal code if it is missing.
LookupKey lookup_key;
const Rule* region_rule = supplier_->GetRule(lookup_key);
// We have already checked that the region is supported; and users of this
// method must have called LoadRules() first, so we check this here.
assert(region_rule != NULL);
const RE2ptr* postal_code_reg_exp = region_rule->GetPostalCodeMatcher();
if (postal_code_reg_exp != NULL) {
if (address->postal_code.empty()) {
address->postal_code = region_rule->GetSolePostalCode();
// If we have a valid postal code, try and work out the most specific
// hierarchy that matches the postal code. Note that the postal code might
// have been added in the previous check.
if (!address->postal_code.empty() &&
RE2::FullMatch(address->postal_code, *postal_code_reg_exp->ptr)) {
// This hierarchy is used to store rules that represent possible matches
// at each level of the hierarchy.
std::vector<Node> hierarchy[kHierarchyDepth];
CheckChildrenForPostCodeMatches(*address, lookup_key, NULL, hierarchy);
FillAddressFromMatchedRules(hierarchy, address);
// TODO: When we have the data, we should fill in the state for countries with
// state required and only one possible value, e.g. American Samoa.
void AddressInputHelper::CheckChildrenForPostCodeMatches(
const AddressData& address,
const LookupKey& lookup_key,
const Node* parent,
// An array of vectors.
std::vector<Node>* hierarchy) const {
const Rule* rule = supplier_->GetRule(lookup_key);
assert(rule != NULL);
const RE2ptr* postal_code_prefix = rule->GetPostalCodeMatcher();
if (postal_code_prefix == NULL ||
RE2::PartialMatch(address.postal_code, *postal_code_prefix->ptr)) {
// This was a match, so store it and its parent in the hierarchy.
Node* node = &hierarchy[lookup_key.GetDepth()].back();
node->parent = parent;
node->rule = rule;
// If there are children, check them too.
for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator child_it =
child_it != rule->GetSubKeys().end(); ++child_it) {
LookupKey child_key;
child_key.FromLookupKey(lookup_key, *child_it);
CheckChildrenForPostCodeMatches(address, child_key, node, hierarchy);
} // namespace addressinput
} // namespace i18n