blob: 6feb92e99a2e5e97c839534f8aa8e5739fa82bc5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cff.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <utility> // std::pair
#include <vector>
// CFF - PostScript font program (Compact Font Format) table
namespace {
struct CFFIndex {
: count(0), off_size(0), offset_to_next(0) {}
uint16_t count;
uint8_t off_size;
std::vector<uint32_t> offsets;
uint32_t offset_to_next;
// see Appendix. A
const size_t kNStdString = 390;
bool ReadOffset(ots::Buffer *table, uint8_t off_size, uint32_t *offset) {
if (off_size > 4) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
uint32_t tmp32 = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < off_size; ++i) {
uint8_t tmp8 = 0;
if (!table->ReadU8(&tmp8)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
tmp32 <<= 8;
tmp32 += tmp8;
*offset = tmp32;
return true;
bool ParseIndex(ots::Buffer *table, CFFIndex *index) {
index->off_size = 0;
if (!table->ReadU16(&(index->count))) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (index->count == 0) {
// An empty INDEX.
index->offset_to_next = table->offset() + sizeof(index->count);
return true;
if (!table->ReadU8(&(index->off_size))) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if ((index->off_size == 0) ||
(index->off_size > 4)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
const size_t array_size = (index->count + 1) * index->off_size;
// less than ((64k + 1) * 4), thus does not overflow.
const size_t object_data_offset = table->offset() + array_size;
// does not overflow too, since offset() <= 1GB.
if (object_data_offset >= table->length()) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
for (unsigned i = 0; i <= index->count; ++i) { // '<=' is not a typo.
uint32_t rel_offset = 0;
if (!ReadOffset(table, index->off_size, &rel_offset)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (rel_offset < 1) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (i == 0 && rel_offset != 1) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (rel_offset > table->length()) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// does not underflow.
if (object_data_offset > table->length() - (rel_offset - 1)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
object_data_offset + (rel_offset - 1)); // less than length(), 1GB.
for (unsigned i = 1; i < index->offsets.size(); ++i) {
if (index->offsets[i] <= index->offsets[i - 1]) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
index->offset_to_next = index->offsets.back();
return true;
bool ParseNameData(
ots::Buffer *table, const CFFIndex &index, std::string* out_name) {
uint8_t name[256] = {0};
for (unsigned i = 1; i < index.offsets.size(); ++i) {
size_t length = index.offsets[i] - index.offsets[i - 1];
// font names should be no longer than 127 characters.
if (length > 127) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
table->set_offset(index.offsets[i - 1]);
if (!table->Read(name, length)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
for (size_t j = 0; j < length; ++j) {
// setting the first byte to NUL is allowed.
if (j == 0 && name[j] == 0) continue;
// non-ASCII characters are not recommended (except the first character).
if (name[j] < 33 || name[j] > 126) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// [, ], ... are not allowed.
if (std::strchr("[](){}<>/% ", name[j])) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
*out_name = reinterpret_cast<char *>(name);
return true;
bool CheckOffset(const std::pair<uint32_t, DICT_OPERAND_TYPE>& operand,
size_t table_length) {
if (operand.second != DICT_OPERAND_INTEGER) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (operand.first >= table_length) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
return true;
bool CheckSid(const std::pair<uint32_t, DICT_OPERAND_TYPE>& operand,
size_t sid_max) {
if (operand.second != DICT_OPERAND_INTEGER) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (operand.first > sid_max) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
return true;
bool ParseDictDataBcd(
ots::Buffer *table,
std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, DICT_OPERAND_TYPE> > *operands) {
bool read_decimal_point = false;
bool read_e = false;
uint8_t nibble = 0;
size_t count = 0;
while (true) {
if (!table->ReadU8(&nibble)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if ((nibble & 0xf0) == 0xf0) {
if ((nibble & 0xf) == 0xf) {
// TODO(yusukes): would be better to store actual double value,
// rather than the dummy integer.
operands->push_back(std::make_pair(0, DICT_OPERAND_REAL));
return true;
return OTS_FAILURE();
if ((nibble & 0x0f) == 0x0f) {
operands->push_back(std::make_pair(0, DICT_OPERAND_REAL));
return true;
// check number format
uint8_t nibbles[2];
nibbles[0] = (nibble & 0xf0) >> 8;
nibbles[1] = (nibble & 0x0f);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
if (nibbles[i] == 0xd) { // reserved number
return OTS_FAILURE();
if ((nibbles[i] == 0xe) && // minus
((count > 0) || (i > 0))) {
return OTS_FAILURE(); // minus sign should be the first character.
if (nibbles[i] == 0xa) { // decimal point
if (!read_decimal_point) {
read_decimal_point = true;
} else {
return OTS_FAILURE(); // two or more points.
if ((nibbles[i] == 0xb) || // E+
(nibbles[i] == 0xc)) { // E-
if (!read_e) {
read_e = true;
} else {
return OTS_FAILURE(); // two or more E's.
bool ParseDictDataEscapedOperator(
ots::Buffer *table,
std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, DICT_OPERAND_TYPE> > *operands) {
uint8_t op = 0;
if (!table->ReadU8(&op)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if ((op <= 14) ||
(op >= 17 && op <= 23) ||
(op >= 30 && op <= 38)) {
operands->push_back(std::make_pair((12U << 8) + op, DICT_OPERATOR));
return true;
// reserved area.
return OTS_FAILURE();
bool ParseDictDataNumber(
ots::Buffer *table, uint8_t b0,
std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, DICT_OPERAND_TYPE> > *operands) {
uint8_t b1 = 0;
uint8_t b2 = 0;
uint8_t b3 = 0;
uint8_t b4 = 0;
switch (b0) {
case 28: // shortint
if (!table->ReadU8(&b1) ||
!table->ReadU8(&b2)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
operands->push_back(std::make_pair((b1 << 8) + b2, DICT_OPERAND_INTEGER));
return true;
case 29: // longint
if (!table->ReadU8(&b1) ||
!table->ReadU8(&b2) ||
!table->ReadU8(&b3) ||
!table->ReadU8(&b4)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
(b1 << 24) + (b2 << 16) + (b3 << 8) + b4, DICT_OPERAND_INTEGER));
return true;
case 30: // binary coded decimal
return ParseDictDataBcd(table, operands);
uint32_t result;
if (b0 >=32 && b0 <=246) {
result = b0 - 139;
} else if (b0 >=247 && b0 <= 250) {
if (!table->ReadU8(&b1)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
result = (b0 - 247) * 256 + b1 + 108;
} else if (b0 >= 251 && b0 <= 254) {
if (!table->ReadU8(&b1)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
result = -(b0 - 251) * 256 + b1 - 108;
} else {
return OTS_FAILURE();
operands->push_back(std::make_pair(result, DICT_OPERAND_INTEGER));
return true;
bool ParseDictDataReadNext(
ots::Buffer *table,
std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, DICT_OPERAND_TYPE> > *operands) {
uint8_t op = 0;
if (!table->ReadU8(&op)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (op <= 21) {
if (op == 12) {
return ParseDictDataEscapedOperator(table, operands);
operands->push_back(std::make_pair(op, DICT_OPERATOR));
return true;
} else if (op <= 27 || op == 31 || op == 255) {
// reserved area.
return OTS_FAILURE();
return ParseDictDataNumber(table, op, operands);
bool ParsePrivateDictData(
const uint8_t *data,
size_t table_length, size_t offset, size_t dict_length) {
ots::Buffer table(data + offset, dict_length);
std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, DICT_OPERAND_TYPE> > operands;
while (table.offset() < dict_length) {
if (!ParseDictDataReadNext(&table, &operands)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (operands.empty()) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (operands.size() > 48) {
// An operator may be preceded by up to a maximum of 48 operands.
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (operands.back().second != DICT_OPERATOR) {
// got operator
const uint32_t op = operands.back().first;
switch (op) {
// array
case 6: // BlueValues
case 7: // OtherBlues
case 8: // FamilyBlues
case 9: // FamilyOtherBlues
case (12U << 8) + 12: // StemSnapH (delta)
case (12U << 8) + 13: // StemSnapV (delta)
if (operands.empty()) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// number
case 10: // StdHW
case 11: // StdVW
case 20: // defaultWidthX
case 21: // nominalWidthX
case (12U << 8) + 9: // BlueScale
case (12U << 8) + 10: // BlueShift
case (12U << 8) + 11: // BlueFuzz
case (12U << 8) + 17: // LanguageGroup
case (12U << 8) + 18: // ExpansionFactor
case (12U << 8) + 19: // initialRandomSeed
if (operands.size() != 1) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// Local Subrs INDEX, offset(self)
case 19: {
if (operands.size() != 1) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (operands.back().second != DICT_OPERAND_INTEGER) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (operands.back().first >= 1024 * 1024 * 1024) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (operands.back().first + offset >= table_length) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// parse "16. Local Subrs INDEX"
ots::Buffer table(data, table_length);
table.set_offset(operands.back().first + offset);
CFFIndex local_subrs_index;
if (!ParseIndex(&table, &local_subrs_index)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// boolean
case (12U << 8) + 14: // ForceBold
if (operands.size() != 1) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (operands.back().second != DICT_OPERAND_INTEGER) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (operands.back().first >= 2) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
return OTS_FAILURE();
return true;
bool ParseDictData(const uint8_t *data, size_t table_length,
const CFFIndex &index, size_t sid_max, bool toplevel,
ots::OpenTypeCFF *out_cff) {
for (unsigned i = 1; i < index.offsets.size(); ++i) {
size_t dict_length = index.offsets[i] - index.offsets[i - 1];
ots::Buffer table(data + index.offsets[i - 1], dict_length);
std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, DICT_OPERAND_TYPE> > operands;
bool have_ros = false;
size_t glyphs = 0;
size_t charset_offset = 0;
while (table.offset() < dict_length) {
if (!ParseDictDataReadNext(&table, &operands)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (operands.empty()) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (operands.size() > 48) {
// An operator may be preceded by up to a maximum of 48 operands.
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (operands.back().second != DICT_OPERATOR) continue;
// got operator
const uint32_t op = operands.back().first;
switch (op) {
// SID
case 0: // version
case 1: // Notice
case 2: // Copyright
case 3: // FullName
case 4: // FamilyName
case (12U << 8) + 0: // Copyright
case (12U << 8) + 21: // PostScript
case (12U << 8) + 22: // BaseFontName
case (12U << 8) + 38: // FontName
if (operands.size() != 1) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (!CheckSid(operands.back(), sid_max)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// array
case 5: // FontBBox
case 14: // XUID
case (12U << 8) + 7: // FontMatrix
case (12U << 8) + 23: // BaseFontBlend (delta)
if (operands.empty()) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// number
case 13: // UniqueID
case (12U << 8) + 2: // ItalicAngle
case (12U << 8) + 3: // UnderlinePosition
case (12U << 8) + 4: // UnderlineThickness
case (12U << 8) + 5: // PaintType
case (12U << 8) + 6: // CharstringType
case (12U << 8) + 8: // StrokeWidth
case (12U << 8) + 20: // SyntheticBase
case (12U << 8) + 31: // CIDFontVersion
case (12U << 8) + 32: // CIDFontRevision
case (12U << 8) + 33: // CIDFontType
case (12U << 8) + 34: // CIDCount
case (12U << 8) + 35: // UIDBase
if (operands.size() != 1) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// boolean
case (12U << 8) + 1: // isFixedPitch
if (operands.size() != 1) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (operands.back().second != DICT_OPERAND_INTEGER) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (operands.back().first >= 2) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// offset(0)
case 15: // charset
if (operands.size() != 1) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (operands.back().first <= 2) {
// predefined charset, ISOAdobe, Expert or ExpertSubset, is used.
if (!CheckOffset(operands.back(), table_length)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (charset_offset) {
return OTS_FAILURE(); // multiple charset tables?
charset_offset = operands.back().first;
case 16: { // Encoding
if (operands.size() != 1) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (operands.back().first <= 1) {
break; // predefined encoding, "Standard" or "Expert", is used.
if (!CheckOffset(operands.back(), table_length)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// parse sub dictionary INDEX.
ots::Buffer table(data, table_length);
uint8_t format = 0;
if (!table.ReadU8(&format)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (format & 0x80) {
// supplemental encoding is not supported at the moment.
return OTS_FAILURE();
// TODO(yusukes): support & parse supplemental encoding tables.
case 17: { // CharStrings
if (operands.size() != 1) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (!CheckOffset(operands.back(), table_length)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// parse "14. CharStrings INDEX"
ots::Buffer table(data, table_length);
CFFIndex charstring_index;
if (!ParseIndex(&table, &charstring_index)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (charstring_index.count < 2) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (glyphs) {
return OTS_FAILURE(); // multiple charstring tables?
glyphs = charstring_index.count;
case (12U << 8) + 36: { // FDArray
if (!toplevel) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (operands.size() != 1) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (!CheckOffset(operands.back(), table_length)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// parse sub dictionary INDEX.
ots::Buffer table(data, table_length);
CFFIndex sub_dict_index;
if (!ParseIndex(&table, &sub_dict_index)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (!ParseDictData(data, table_length,
sub_dict_index, sid_max, false /* toplevel */,
out_cff)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (out_cff->font_dict_length != 0) {
return OTS_FAILURE(); // two or more FDArray found.
out_cff->font_dict_length = sub_dict_index.count;
case (12U << 8) + 37: { // FDSelect
if (!toplevel) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (operands.size() != 1) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (!CheckOffset(operands.back(), table_length)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// parse FDSelect data structure
ots::Buffer table(data, table_length);
uint8_t format = 0;
if (!table.ReadU8(&format)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (format == 0) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < glyphs; ++j) {
uint8_t fd_index = 0;
if (!table.ReadU8(&fd_index)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
} else if (format == 3) {
uint16_t n_ranges = 0;
if (!table.ReadU16(&n_ranges)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (n_ranges == 0) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
uint16_t last_gid = 0;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < n_ranges; ++j) {
uint16_t first = 0; // GID
if (!table.ReadU16(&first)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
uint8_t fd_index = 0;
if (!table.ReadU8(&fd_index)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if ((j == 0) && (first != 0)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if ((j != 0) && (last_gid >= first)) {
return OTS_FAILURE(); // not increasing order.
last_gid = first;
// TODO(yusukes): check GID?
uint16_t sentinel = 0;
if (!table.ReadU16(&sentinel)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (last_gid >= sentinel) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
} else {
// unknown format
return OTS_FAILURE();
// Private DICT (2 * number)
case 18: {
if (operands.size() != 2) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (operands.back().second != DICT_OPERAND_INTEGER) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
const uint32_t private_offset = operands.back().first;
if (operands.back().second != DICT_OPERAND_INTEGER) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
const uint32_t private_length = operands.back().first;
if (private_offset >= table_length) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (private_length >= table_length) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (private_length + private_offset > table_length) {
// does not overflow since table_length < 1GB
return OTS_FAILURE();
// parse "15. Private DICT Data"
if (!ParsePrivateDictData(data, table_length,
private_offset, private_length)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// ROS
case (12U << 8) + 30:
if (!toplevel) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (operands.size() != 3) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// check SIDs
operands.pop_back(); // ignore the first number.
if (!CheckSid(operands.back(), sid_max)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (!CheckSid(operands.back(), sid_max)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (have_ros) {
return OTS_FAILURE(); // multiple ROS tables?
have_ros = true;
return OTS_FAILURE();
// parse "13. Charsets"
if (charset_offset) {
ots::Buffer table(data, table_length);
uint8_t format = 0;
if (!table.ReadU8(&format)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
switch (format) {
case 0:
for (unsigned j = 1 /* .notdef is omitted */; j < glyphs; ++j) {
uint16_t sid = 0;
if (!table.ReadU16(&sid)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (!have_ros && (sid > sid_max)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// TODO(yusukes): check CIDs when have_ros is true.
case 1:
case 2: {
uint32_t total = 1; // .notdef is omitted.
while (total < glyphs) {
uint16_t sid = 0;
if (!table.ReadU16(&sid)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (!have_ros && (sid > sid_max)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// TODO(yusukes): check CIDs when have_ros is true.
if (format == 1) {
uint8_t left = 0;
if (!table.ReadU8(&left)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
total += (left + 1);
} else {
uint16_t left = 0;
if (!table.ReadU16(&left)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
total += (left + 1);
return OTS_FAILURE();
return true;
} // namespace
namespace ots {
bool ots_cff_parse(OpenTypeFile *file, const uint8_t *data, size_t length) {
Buffer table(data, length);
file->cff = new OpenTypeCFF;
file->cff->data = data;
file->cff->length = length;
file->cff->font_dict_length = 0;
// parse "6. Header" in the Adobe Compact Font Format Specification
uint8_t major = 0;
uint8_t minor = 0;
uint8_t hdr_size = 0;
uint8_t off_size = 0;
if (!table.ReadU8(&major)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (!table.ReadU8(&minor)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (!table.ReadU8(&hdr_size)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (!table.ReadU8(&off_size)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if ((off_size == 0) || (off_size > 4)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if ((major != 1) ||
(minor != 0) ||
(hdr_size != 4)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (hdr_size >= length) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// parse "7. Name INDEX"
CFFIndex name_index;
if (!ParseIndex(&table, &name_index)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (!ParseNameData(&table, name_index, &(file->cff->name))) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// parse "8. Top DICT INDEX"
CFFIndex top_dict_index;
if (!ParseIndex(&table, &top_dict_index)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (name_index.count != top_dict_index.count) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// parse "10. String INDEX"
CFFIndex string_index;
if (!ParseIndex(&table, &string_index)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (string_index.count >= 65000 - kNStdString) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
const size_t sid_max = string_index.count + kNStdString;
// string_index.count == 0 is allowed.
// parse "9. Top DICT Data"
if (!ParseDictData(data, length, top_dict_index,
sid_max, true /* toplevel */, file->cff)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// parse "16. Global Subrs INDEX"
CFFIndex global_subrs_index;
if (!ParseIndex(&table, &global_subrs_index)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// Check if all fd_index in FDSelect are valid.
const std::vector<size_t>& indices = file->cff->font_indices_in_fdselect;
for (size_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); ++i) {
if ( >= file->cff->font_dict_length) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
return true;
bool ots_cff_should_serialise(OpenTypeFile *file) {
return file->cff;
bool ots_cff_serialise(OTSStream *out, OpenTypeFile *file) {
// TODO(yusukes): would be better to transcode the data,
// rather than simple memcpy.
if (!out->Write(file->cff->data, file->cff->length)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
return true;
void ots_cff_free(OpenTypeFile *file) {
delete file->cff;
} // namespace ots