blob: bf9866ec97a9df03d705d3e15c9cfb127634b6bd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "SkScanPriv.h"
#include "SkPath.h"
#include "SkMatrix.h"
#include "SkBlitter.h"
#include "SkRegion.h"
#include "SkAntiRun.h"
#define SHIFT 2
#define SCALE (1 << SHIFT)
#define MASK (SCALE - 1)
/** @file
We have two techniques for capturing the output of the supersampler:
- SUPERMASK, which records a large mask-bitmap
this is often faster for small, complex objects
- RLE, which records a rle-encoded scanline
this is often faster for large objects with big spans
These blitters use two coordinate systems:
- destination coordinates, scale equal to the output - often
abbreviated with 'i' or 'I' in variable names
- supersampled coordinates, scale equal to the output * SCALE
NEW_AA is a set of code-changes to try to make both paths produce identical
results. Its not quite there yet, though the remaining differences may be
in the subsequent blits, and not in the different masks/runs...
//#define FORCE_RLE
/// Base class for a single-pass supersampled blitter.
class BaseSuperBlitter : public SkBlitter {
BaseSuperBlitter(SkBlitter* realBlitter, const SkIRect& ir,
const SkRegion& clip);
/// Must be explicitly defined on subclasses.
virtual void blitAntiH(int x, int y, const SkAlpha antialias[],
const int16_t runs[]) SK_OVERRIDE {
SkASSERT(!"How did I get here?");
/// May not be called on BaseSuperBlitter because it blits out of order.
virtual void blitV(int x, int y, int height, SkAlpha alpha) SK_OVERRIDE {
SkASSERT(!"How did I get here?");
SkBlitter* fRealBlitter;
/// Current y coordinate, in destination coordinates.
int fCurrIY;
/// Widest row of region to be blitted, in destination coordinates.
int fWidth;
/// Leftmost x coordinate in any row, in destination coordinates.
int fLeft;
/// Leftmost x coordinate in any row, in supersampled coordinates.
int fSuperLeft;
SkDEBUGCODE(int fCurrX;)
/// Current y coordinate in supersampled coordinates.
int fCurrY;
/// Initial y coordinate (top of bounds).
int fTop;
BaseSuperBlitter::BaseSuperBlitter(SkBlitter* realBlitter, const SkIRect& ir,
const SkRegion& clip) {
fRealBlitter = realBlitter;
// take the union of the ir bounds and clip, since we may be called with an
// inverse filltype
const int left = SkMin32(ir.fLeft, clip.getBounds().fLeft);
const int right = SkMax32(ir.fRight, clip.getBounds().fRight);
fLeft = left;
fSuperLeft = left << SHIFT;
fWidth = right - left;
#if 0
fCurrIY = -1;
fCurrY = -1;
fTop = ir.fTop;
fCurrIY = ir.fTop - 1;
fCurrY = (ir.fTop << SHIFT) - 1;
SkDEBUGCODE(fCurrX = -1;)
/// Run-length-encoded supersampling antialiased blitter.
class SuperBlitter : public BaseSuperBlitter {
SuperBlitter(SkBlitter* realBlitter, const SkIRect& ir,
const SkRegion& clip);
virtual ~SuperBlitter() {
/// Once fRuns contains a complete supersampled row, flush() blits
/// it out through the wrapped blitter.
void flush();
/// Blits a row of pixels, with location and width specified
/// in supersampled coordinates.
virtual void blitH(int x, int y, int width) SK_OVERRIDE;
/// Blits a rectangle of pixels, with location and size specified
/// in supersampled coordinates.
virtual void blitRect(int x, int y, int width, int height) SK_OVERRIDE;
SkAlphaRuns fRuns;
int fOffsetX;
SuperBlitter::SuperBlitter(SkBlitter* realBlitter, const SkIRect& ir,
const SkRegion& clip)
: BaseSuperBlitter(realBlitter, ir, clip) {
const int width = fWidth;
// extra one to store the zero at the end
fRuns.fRuns = (int16_t*)sk_malloc_throw((width + 1 + (width + 2)/2) * sizeof(int16_t));
fRuns.fAlpha = (uint8_t*)(fRuns.fRuns + width + 1);
fOffsetX = 0;
void SuperBlitter::flush() {
if (fCurrIY >= fTop) {
if (!fRuns.empty()) {
// SkDEBUGCODE(fRuns.dump();)
fRealBlitter->blitAntiH(fLeft, fCurrIY, fRuns.fAlpha, fRuns.fRuns);
fOffsetX = 0;
fCurrIY = fTop - 1;
SkDEBUGCODE(fCurrX = -1;)
static inline int coverage_to_alpha(int aa) {
aa <<= 8 - 2*SHIFT;
aa -= aa >> (8 - SHIFT - 1);
return aa;
void SuperBlitter::blitH(int x, int y, int width) {
SkASSERT(width > 0);
int iy = y >> SHIFT;
SkASSERT(iy >= fCurrIY);
x -= fSuperLeft;
// hack, until I figure out why my cubics (I think) go beyond the bounds
if (x < 0) {
width += x;
x = 0;
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
SkASSERT(y != fCurrY || x >= fCurrX);
SkASSERT(y >= fCurrY);
if (fCurrY != y) {
fOffsetX = 0;
fCurrY = y;
if (iy != fCurrIY) { // new scanline
fCurrIY = iy;
// we sub 1 from maxValue 1 time for each block, so that we don't
// hit 256 as a summed max, but 255.
// int maxValue = (1 << (8 - SHIFT)) - (((y & MASK) + 1) >> SHIFT);
int start = x;
int stop = x + width;
SkASSERT(start >= 0 && stop > start);
// integer-pixel-aligned ends of blit, rounded out
int fb = start & MASK;
int fe = stop & MASK;
int n = (stop >> SHIFT) - (start >> SHIFT) - 1;
if (n < 0) {
fb = fe - fb;
n = 0;
fe = 0;
} else {
if (fb == 0) {
n += 1;
} else {
fb = (1 << SHIFT) - fb;
fOffsetX = fRuns.add(x >> SHIFT, coverage_to_alpha(fb),
n, coverage_to_alpha(fe),
(1 << (8 - SHIFT)) - (((y & MASK) + 1) >> SHIFT),
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
fRuns.assertValid(y & MASK, (1 << (8 - SHIFT)));
fCurrX = x + width;
static void set_left_rite_runs(SkAlphaRuns& runs, int ileft, U8CPU leftA,
int n, U8CPU riteA) {
SkASSERT(leftA <= 0xFF);
SkASSERT(riteA <= 0xFF);
int16_t* run = runs.fRuns;
uint8_t* aa = runs.fAlpha;
if (ileft > 0) {
run[0] = ileft;
aa[0] = 0;
run += ileft;
aa += ileft;
SkASSERT(leftA < 0xFF);
if (leftA > 0) {
*run++ = 1;
*aa++ = leftA;
if (n > 0) {
run[0] = n;
aa[0] = 0xFF;
run += n;
aa += n;
SkASSERT(riteA < 0xFF);
if (riteA > 0) {
*run++ = 1;
*aa++ = riteA;
run[0] = 0;
void SuperBlitter::blitRect(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
SkASSERT(width > 0);
SkASSERT(height > 0);
// blit leading rows
while ((y & MASK)) {
this->blitH(x, y++, width);
if (--height <= 0) {
SkASSERT(height > 0);
// Since this is a rect, instead of blitting supersampled rows one at a
// time and then resolving to the destination canvas, we can blit
// directly to the destintion canvas one row per SCALE supersampled rows.
int start_y = y >> SHIFT;
int stop_y = (y + height) >> SHIFT;
int count = stop_y - start_y;
if (count > 0) {
y += count << SHIFT;
height -= count << SHIFT;
// save original X for our tail blitH() loop at the bottom
int origX = x;
x -= fSuperLeft;
// hack, until I figure out why my cubics (I think) go beyond the bounds
if (x < 0) {
width += x;
x = 0;
int ileft = x >> SHIFT;
int xleft = x & MASK;
int irite = (x + width) >> SHIFT;
int xrite = (x + width) & MASK;
int n = irite - ileft - 1;
if (n < 0) {
// only one pixel, call blitV()?
xleft = xrite - xleft;
n = 0;
xrite = 0;
} else {
if (0 == xleft) {
n += 1;
} else {
xleft = (1 << SHIFT) - xleft;
// here we go
SkASSERT(start_y > fCurrIY);
// to be compatible with the blitH() version, we just shift these
// values up. If we didn't care about that, we could be more precise
// and compute these exactly (e.g. 2->128 instead of 2->124)
const int coverageL = coverage_to_alpha(xleft) << SHIFT;
const int coverageR = coverage_to_alpha(xrite) << SHIFT;
SkASSERT(n + (coverageR != 0) <= fWidth);
for (int i = start_y; i < stop_y; ++i) {
// note: we should only need to call set_left_rite once, but
// our clipping blitters sometimes modify runs/alpha in-place,
// so for now we reset fRuns each time :(
// TODO:
// - don't modify in-place, or at least tell us when you're going to
// - pass height down to blitAntiH (blitAntiHV) so that aaclip and
// other can take advantage of the vertical-repeat explicitly
set_left_rite_runs(fRuns, ileft, coverageL, n, coverageR);
fRealBlitter->blitAntiH(fLeft, i, fRuns.fAlpha, fRuns.fRuns);
// preamble for our next call to blitH()
fCurrIY = stop_y - 1;
fOffsetX = 0;
fCurrY = y - 1;
x = origX;
// catch any remaining few
SkASSERT(height <= MASK);
while (--height >= 0) {
this->blitH(x, y++, width);
/// Masked supersampling antialiased blitter.
class MaskSuperBlitter : public BaseSuperBlitter {
MaskSuperBlitter(SkBlitter* realBlitter, const SkIRect& ir,
const SkRegion& clip);
virtual ~MaskSuperBlitter() {
fRealBlitter->blitMask(fMask, fClipRect);
virtual void blitH(int x, int y, int width) SK_OVERRIDE;
static bool CanHandleRect(const SkIRect& bounds) {
#ifdef FORCE_RLE
return false;
int width = bounds.width();
int rb = SkAlign4(width);
return (width <= MaskSuperBlitter::kMAX_WIDTH) &&
(rb * bounds.height() <= MaskSuperBlitter::kMAX_STORAGE);
enum {
kMAX_WIDTH = 2048,
kMAX_STORAGE = 1024 * 1024 * 2
kMAX_WIDTH = 32, // so we don't try to do very wide things, where the RLE blitter would be faster
SkMask fMask;
SkIRect fClipRect;
// we add 1 because add_aa_span can write (unchanged) 1 extra byte at the end, rather than
// perform a test to see if stopAlpha != 0
uint32_t fStorage[(kMAX_STORAGE >> 2) + 1];
MaskSuperBlitter::MaskSuperBlitter(SkBlitter* realBlitter, const SkIRect& ir,
const SkRegion& clip)
: BaseSuperBlitter(realBlitter, ir, clip) {
fMask.fImage = (uint8_t*)fStorage;
fMask.fBounds = ir;
fMask.fRowBytes = ir.width();
fMask.fFormat = SkMask::kA8_Format;
fClipRect = ir;
// For valgrind, write 1 extra byte at the end so we don't read
// uninitialized memory. See comment in add_aa_span and fStorage[].
memset(fStorage, 0, fMask.fBounds.height() * fMask.fRowBytes + 1);
static void add_aa_span(uint8_t* alpha, U8CPU startAlpha) {
/* I should be able to just add alpha[x] + startAlpha.
However, if the trailing edge of the previous span and the leading
edge of the current span round to the same super-sampled x value,
I might overflow to 256 with this add, hence the funny subtract.
unsigned tmp = *alpha + startAlpha;
SkASSERT(tmp <= 256);
*alpha = SkToU8(tmp - (tmp >> 8));
static inline uint32_t quadplicate_byte(U8CPU value) {
uint32_t pair = (value << 8) | value;
return (pair << 16) | pair;
// minimum count before we want to setup an inner loop, adding 4-at-a-time
static void add_aa_span(uint8_t* alpha, U8CPU startAlpha, int middleCount,
U8CPU stopAlpha, U8CPU maxValue) {
SkASSERT(middleCount >= 0);
/* I should be able to just add alpha[x] + startAlpha.
However, if the trailing edge of the previous span and the leading
edge of the current span round to the same super-sampled x value,
I might overflow to 256 with this add, hence the funny subtract.
if (startAlpha) {
unsigned tmp = *alpha + startAlpha;
SkASSERT(tmp <= 256);
*alpha++ = SkToU8(tmp - (tmp >> 8));
unsigned tmp = *alpha + startAlpha;
SkASSERT(tmp <= 256);
*alpha++ = SkToU8(tmp - (tmp >> 8));
if (middleCount >= MIN_COUNT_FOR_QUAD_LOOP) {
// loop until we're quad-byte aligned
while (SkTCast<intptr_t>(alpha) & 0x3) {
alpha[0] = SkToU8(alpha[0] + maxValue);
alpha += 1;
middleCount -= 1;
int bigCount = middleCount >> 2;
uint32_t* qptr = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(alpha);
uint32_t qval = quadplicate_byte(maxValue);
do {
*qptr++ += qval;
} while (--bigCount > 0);
middleCount &= 3;
alpha = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*> (qptr);
// fall through to the following while-loop
while (--middleCount >= 0) {
alpha[0] = SkToU8(alpha[0] + maxValue);
alpha += 1;
// potentially this can be off the end of our "legal" alpha values, but that
// only happens if stopAlpha is also 0. Rather than test for stopAlpha != 0
// every time (slow), we just do it, and ensure that we've allocated extra space
// (see the + 1 comment in fStorage[]
*alpha = SkToU8(*alpha + stopAlpha);
void MaskSuperBlitter::blitH(int x, int y, int width) {
int iy = (y >> SHIFT);
SkASSERT(iy >= fMask.fBounds.fTop && iy < fMask.fBounds.fBottom);
iy -= fMask.fBounds.fTop; // make it relative to 0
// This should never happen, but it does. Until the true cause is
// discovered, let's skip this span instead of crashing.
// See
if (iy < 0) {
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
int ix = x >> SHIFT;
SkASSERT(ix >= fMask.fBounds.fLeft && ix < fMask.fBounds.fRight);
x -= (fMask.fBounds.fLeft << SHIFT);
// hack, until I figure out why my cubics (I think) go beyond the bounds
if (x < 0) {
width += x;
x = 0;
// we sub 1 from maxValue 1 time for each block, so that we don't
// hit 256 as a summed max, but 255.
// int maxValue = (1 << (8 - SHIFT)) - (((y & MASK) + 1) >> SHIFT);
uint8_t* row = fMask.fImage + iy * fMask.fRowBytes + (x >> SHIFT);
int start = x;
int stop = x + width;
SkASSERT(start >= 0 && stop > start);
int fb = start & MASK;
int fe = stop & MASK;
int n = (stop >> SHIFT) - (start >> SHIFT) - 1;
if (n < 0) {
SkASSERT(row >= fMask.fImage);
SkASSERT(row < fMask.fImage + kMAX_STORAGE + 1);
add_aa_span(row, coverage_to_alpha(fe - fb));
} else {
if (0 == fb) {
n += 1;
} else {
fb = (1 << SHIFT) - fb;
fb = (1 << SHIFT) - fb;
SkASSERT(row >= fMask.fImage);
SkASSERT(row + n + 1 < fMask.fImage + kMAX_STORAGE + 1);
add_aa_span(row, coverage_to_alpha(fb), n, coverage_to_alpha(fe),
(1 << (8 - SHIFT)) - (((y & MASK) + 1) >> SHIFT));
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
fCurrX = x + width;
/* Returns non-zero if (value << shift) overflows a short, which would mean
we could not shift it up and then convert to SkFixed.
i.e. is x expressible as signed (16-shift) bits?
static int overflows_short_shift(int value, int shift) {
const int s = 16 + shift;
return (value << s >> s) - value;
void SkScan::AntiFillPath(const SkPath& path, const SkRegion& clip,
SkBlitter* blitter, bool forceRLE) {
if (clip.isEmpty()) {
SkIRect ir;
if (ir.isEmpty()) {
// use bit-or since we expect all to pass, so no need to go slower with
// a short-circuiting logical-or
if (overflows_short_shift(ir.fLeft, SHIFT) |
overflows_short_shift(ir.fRight, SHIFT) |
overflows_short_shift(ir.fTop, SHIFT) |
overflows_short_shift(ir.fBottom, SHIFT)) {
// can't supersample, so draw w/o antialiasing
SkScan::FillPath(path, clip, blitter);
SkScanClipper clipper(blitter, &clip, ir);
const SkIRect* clipRect = clipper.getClipRect();
if (clipper.getBlitter() == NULL) { // clipped out
if (path.isInverseFillType()) {
// now use the (possibly wrapped) blitter
blitter = clipper.getBlitter();
if (path.isInverseFillType()) {
sk_blit_above(blitter, ir, clip);
SkIRect superRect, *superClipRect = NULL;
if (clipRect) {
superRect.set( clipRect->fLeft << SHIFT, clipRect->fTop << SHIFT,
clipRect->fRight << SHIFT, clipRect->fBottom << SHIFT);
superClipRect = &superRect;
SkASSERT(SkIntToScalar(ir.fTop) <= path.getBounds().fTop);
// MaskSuperBlitter can't handle drawing outside of ir, so we can't use it
// if we're an inverse filltype
if (!path.isInverseFillType() && MaskSuperBlitter::CanHandleRect(ir) && !forceRLE) {
MaskSuperBlitter superBlit(blitter, ir, clip);
SkASSERT(SkIntToScalar(ir.fTop) <= path.getBounds().fTop);
sk_fill_path(path, superClipRect, &superBlit, ir.fTop, ir.fBottom, SHIFT, clip);
} else {
SuperBlitter superBlit(blitter, ir, clip);
sk_fill_path(path, superClipRect, &superBlit, ir.fTop, ir.fBottom, SHIFT, clip);
if (path.isInverseFillType()) {
sk_blit_below(blitter, ir, clip);
#include "SkRasterClip.h"
void SkScan::FillPath(const SkPath& path, const SkRasterClip& clip,
SkBlitter* blitter) {
if (clip.isEmpty()) {
if (clip.isBW()) {
FillPath(path, clip.bwRgn(), blitter);
} else {
SkRegion tmp;
SkAAClipBlitter aaBlitter;
aaBlitter.init(blitter, &clip.aaRgn());
SkScan::FillPath(path, tmp, &aaBlitter);
void SkScan::AntiFillPath(const SkPath& path, const SkRasterClip& clip,
SkBlitter* blitter) {
if (clip.isEmpty()) {
if (clip.isBW()) {
AntiFillPath(path, clip.bwRgn(), blitter);
} else {
SkRegion tmp;
SkAAClipBlitter aaBlitter;
aaBlitter.init(blitter, &clip.aaRgn());
SkScan::AntiFillPath(path, tmp, &aaBlitter, true);