blob: 7d69f428ac7731468459ab8c2be4da19f59b6e27 [file] [log] [blame]
GM: These configs will be run: 8888 565
GM: reading expectations from JSON summary file gm/tests/inputs/json/different-pixels.json
GM: writing to gm/tests/outputs/ignoring-one-test/output-actual/writePath
GM: writing mismatches to gm/tests/outputs/ignoring-one-test/output-actual/mismatchPath
GM: writing images without expectations to gm/tests/outputs/ignoring-one-test/output-actual/missingExpectationsPath
GM: drawing... selftest1 [300 200]
GM: Ran 1 GMs
GM: ... over 2 configs ["8888", "565"]
GM: ... and 7 modes ["pipe", "pipe cross-process", "pipe cross-process, shared address", "replay", "rtree", "serialize", "tilegrid"]
GM: ... so there should be a total of 9 tests.
GM: Ran 9 tests: NoGpuContext=0 IntentionallySkipped=0 RenderModeMismatch=0 ExpectationsMismatch=2 MissingExpectations=0 WritingReferenceImage=0
GM: [*] 0 NoGpuContext:
GM: [ ] 0 IntentionallySkipped:
GM: [*] 0 RenderModeMismatch:
GM: [*] 2 ExpectationsMismatch: 8888/selftest1 565/selftest1
GM: [ ] 0 MissingExpectations:
GM: [*] 0 WritingReferenceImage:
GM: (results marked with [*] will cause nonzero return value)