blob: b6700392912def34c61d5c1cc00e7f541f49e060 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkPathRef_DEFINED
#define SkPathRef_DEFINED
#include "SkRefCnt.h"
#include <stddef.h> // ptrdiff_t
* Holds the path verbs and points. It is versioned by a generation ID. None of its public methods
* modify the contents. To modify or append to the verbs/points wrap the SkPathRef in an
* SkPathRef::Editor object. Installing the editor resets the generation ID. It also performs
* copy-on-write if the SkPathRef is shared by multipls SkPaths. The caller passes the Editor's
* constructor a SkAutoTUnref, which may be updated to point to a new SkPathRef after the editor's
* constructor returns.
* The points and verbs are stored in a single allocation. The points are at the begining of the
* allocation while the verbs are stored at end of the allocation, in reverse order. Thus the points
* and verbs both grow into the middle of the allocation until the meet. To access verb i in the
* verb array use ref.verbs()[~i] (because verbs() returns a pointer just beyond the first
* logical verb or the last verb in memory).
class SkPathRef;
// This path ref should never be deleted once it is created. It should not be global but was made
// so for checks when SK_DEBUG_PATH_REF is enabled. It we be re-hidden when the debugging code is
// reverted.
SkPathRef* gEmptyPathRef;
// Temporary hackery to try to nail down
#define PR_CONTAINER SkPath::PathRefDebugRef
#define SkDEBUGCODE_X(code) code
#define SkASSERT_X(cond) SK_DEBUGBREAK(cond)
// We put the mutex in a factory function to protect against static-initializion order
// fiasco when SkPaths are created before main().
static SkMutex* owners_mutex() {
static SkMutex* gOwnersMutex;
if (!gOwnersMutex) {
gOwnersMutex = new SkMutex(); // leak!
return gOwnersMutex;
// We have a static initializer that calls owners_mutex before main() so that
// hopefully that we only wind up with one mutex (assuming no threads created
// before static initialization is finished.)
static const SkMutex* gOwnersMutexForce = owners_mutex();
#define PR_CONTAINER SkAutoTUnref<SkPathRef>
#define SkDEBUGCODE_X(code) SkDEBUGCODE(code)
#define SkASSERT_X(cond) SkASSERT(cond)
class SkPathRef : public ::SkRefCnt {
class Editor {
Editor(PR_CONTAINER* pathRef,
int incReserveVerbs = 0,
int incReservePoints = 0) {
if (pathRef->get()->getRefCnt() > 1) {
SkPathRef* copy = SkNEW(SkPathRef);
copy->copy(*pathRef->get(), incReserveVerbs, incReservePoints);
} else {
(*pathRef)->incReserve(incReserveVerbs, incReservePoints);
fPathRef = pathRef->get();
fPathRef->fGenerationID = 0;
~Editor() { SkDEBUGCODE_X(sk_atomic_dec(&fPathRef->fEditorsAttached);) }
* Returns the array of points.
SkPoint* points() { return fPathRef->fPoints; }
* Gets the ith point. Shortcut for this->points() + i
SkPoint* atPoint(int i) {
SkASSERT((unsigned) i < (unsigned) fPathRef->fPointCnt);
return this->points() + i;
* Adds the verb and allocates space for the number of points indicated by the verb. The
* return value is a pointer to where the points for the verb should be written.
SkPoint* growForVerb(SkPath::Verb verb) {
return fPathRef->growForVerb(verb);
SkPoint* growForConic(SkScalar w) {
SkPoint* pts = fPathRef->growForVerb(SkPath::kConic_Verb);
*fPathRef->fConicWeights.append() = w;
return pts;
* Allocates space for additional verbs and points and returns pointers to the new verbs and
* points. verbs will point one beyond the first new verb (index it using [~<i>]). pts points
* at the first new point (indexed normally [<i>]).
void grow(int newVerbs, int newPts, uint8_t** verbs, SkPoint** pts) {
SkASSERT(NULL != verbs);
SkASSERT(NULL != pts);
int oldVerbCnt = fPathRef->fVerbCnt;
int oldPointCnt = fPathRef->fPointCnt;
SkASSERT(verbs && pts);
fPathRef->grow(newVerbs, newPts);
*verbs = fPathRef->fVerbs - oldVerbCnt;
*pts = fPathRef->fPoints + oldPointCnt;
* Resets the path ref to a new verb and point count. The new verbs and points are
* uninitialized.
void resetToSize(int newVerbCnt, int newPointCnt, int newConicCount) {
fPathRef->resetToSize(newVerbCnt, newPointCnt, newConicCount);
* Gets the path ref that is wrapped in the Editor.
SkPathRef* pathRef() { return fPathRef; }
SkPathRef* fPathRef;
void addOwner(SkPath* owner) {
SkAutoMutexAcquire ac(owners_mutex());
for (int i = 0; i < fOwners.count(); ++i) {
SkASSERT_X(fOwners[i] != owner);
*fOwners.append() = owner;
SkASSERT_X((this->getRefCnt() == fOwners.count()) ||
(this == gEmptyPathRef && this->getRefCnt() == fOwners.count() + 1));
void removeOwner(SkPath* owner) {
SkAutoMutexAcquire ac(owners_mutex());
SkASSERT_X((this->getRefCnt() == fOwners.count()) ||
(this == gEmptyPathRef && this->getRefCnt() == fOwners.count() + 1));
bool found = false;
for (int i = 0; !found && i < fOwners.count(); ++i) {
found = (owner == fOwners[i]);
if (found) {
* Gets a path ref with no verbs or points.
static SkPathRef* CreateEmpty() {
if (!gEmptyPathRef) {
gEmptyPathRef = SkNEW(SkPathRef); // leak!
return SkRef(gEmptyPathRef);
* Transforms a path ref by a matrix, allocating a new one only if necessary.
static void CreateTransformedCopy(PR_CONTAINER* dst,
const SkPathRef& src,
const SkMatrix& matrix) {
if (matrix.isIdentity()) {
if (dst->get() != &src) {
int32_t rcnt = dst->get()->getRefCnt();
if (&src == dst->get() && 1 == rcnt) {
matrix.mapPoints((*dst)->fPoints, (*dst)->fPointCnt);
} else if (rcnt > 1) {
(*dst)->resetToSize(src.fVerbCnt, src.fPointCnt, src.fConicWeights.count());
memcpy((*dst)->verbsMemWritable(), src.verbsMemBegin(), src.fVerbCnt * sizeof(uint8_t));
matrix.mapPoints((*dst)->fPoints, src.points(), src.fPointCnt);
(*dst)->fConicWeights = src.fConicWeights;
static SkPathRef* CreateFromBuffer(SkRBuffer* buffer) {
SkPathRef* ref = SkNEW(SkPathRef);
ref->fGenerationID = buffer->readU32();
int32_t verbCount = buffer->readS32();
int32_t pointCount = buffer->readS32();
int32_t conicCount = buffer->readS32();
ref->resetToSize(verbCount, pointCount, conicCount);
SkASSERT(verbCount == ref->countVerbs());
SkASSERT(pointCount == ref->countPoints());
SkASSERT(conicCount == ref->fConicWeights.count());
buffer->read(ref->verbsMemWritable(), verbCount * sizeof(uint8_t));
buffer->read(ref->fPoints, pointCount * sizeof(SkPoint));
buffer->read(ref->fConicWeights.begin(), conicCount * sizeof(SkScalar));
return ref;
* Rollsback a path ref to zero verbs and points with the assumption that the path ref will be
* repopulated with approximately the same number of verbs and points. A new path ref is created
* only if necessary.
static void Rewind(PR_CONTAINER* pathRef) {
if (1 == (*pathRef)->getRefCnt()) {
(*pathRef)->fVerbCnt = 0;
(*pathRef)->fPointCnt = 0;
(*pathRef)->fFreeSpace = (*pathRef)->currSize();
(*pathRef)->fGenerationID = 0;
} else {
int oldVCnt = (*pathRef)->countVerbs();
int oldPCnt = (*pathRef)->countPoints();
(*pathRef)->resetToSize(0, 0, 0, oldVCnt, oldPCnt);
virtual ~SkPathRef() {
SkASSERT_X(this != gEmptyPathRef);
SkDEBUGCODE_X(fVerbCnt = 0x9999999;)
SkDEBUGCODE_X(fEditorsAttached = 0x7777777;)
int countPoints() const { this->validate(); return fPointCnt; }
int countVerbs() const { this->validate(); return fVerbCnt; }
* Returns a pointer one beyond the first logical verb (last verb in memory order).
const uint8_t* verbs() const { this->validate(); return fVerbs; }
* Returns a const pointer to the first verb in memory (which is the last logical verb).
const uint8_t* verbsMemBegin() const { return this->verbs() - fVerbCnt; }
* Returns a const pointer to the first point.
const SkPoint* points() const { this->validate(); return fPoints; }
* Shortcut for this->points() + this->countPoints()
const SkPoint* pointsEnd() const { return this->points() + this->countPoints(); }
const SkScalar* conicWeights() const { this->validate(); return fConicWeights.begin(); }
const SkScalar* conicWeightsEnd() const { this->validate(); return fConicWeights.end(); }
* Convenience methods for getting to a verb or point by index.
uint8_t atVerb(int index) {
SkASSERT((unsigned) index < (unsigned) fVerbCnt);
return this->verbs()[~index];
const SkPoint& atPoint(int index) const {
SkASSERT((unsigned) index < (unsigned) fPointCnt);
return this->points()[index];
bool operator== (const SkPathRef& ref) const {
bool genIDMatch = fGenerationID && fGenerationID == ref.fGenerationID;
if (genIDMatch) {
return true;
if (fPointCnt != ref.fPointCnt ||
fVerbCnt != ref.fVerbCnt) {
return false;
if (0 != memcmp(this->verbsMemBegin(),
ref.fVerbCnt * sizeof(uint8_t))) {
return false;
if (0 != memcmp(this->points(),
ref.fPointCnt * sizeof(SkPoint))) {
return false;
if (fConicWeights != ref.fConicWeights) {
return false;
// We've done the work to determine that these are equal. If either has a zero genID, copy
// the other's. If both are 0 then genID() will compute the next ID.
if (0 == fGenerationID) {
fGenerationID = ref.genID();
} else if (0 == ref.fGenerationID) {
ref.fGenerationID = this->genID();
return true;
* Writes the path points and verbs to a buffer.
void writeToBuffer(SkWBuffer* buffer) {
SkDEBUGCODE_X(size_t beforePos = buffer->pos();)
// TODO: write gen ID here. Problem: We don't know if we're cross process or not from
// SkWBuffer. Until this is fixed we write 0.
buffer->write(verbsMemBegin(), fVerbCnt * sizeof(uint8_t));
buffer->write(fPoints, fPointCnt * sizeof(SkPoint));
buffer->write(fConicWeights.begin(), fConicWeights.bytes());
SkASSERT(buffer->pos() - beforePos == (size_t) this->writeSize());
* Gets the number of bytes that would be written in writeBuffer()
uint32_t writeSize() {
return 4 * sizeof(uint32_t) +
fVerbCnt * sizeof(uint8_t) +
fPointCnt * sizeof(SkPoint) +
SkPathRef() {
fPointCnt = 0;
fVerbCnt = 0;
fVerbs = NULL;
fPoints = NULL;
fFreeSpace = 0;
fGenerationID = kEmptyGenID;
SkDEBUGCODE_X(fEditorsAttached = 0;)
void copy(const SkPathRef& ref, int additionalReserveVerbs, int additionalReservePoints) {
this->resetToSize(ref.fVerbCnt, ref.fPointCnt, ref.fConicWeights.count(),
additionalReserveVerbs, additionalReservePoints);
memcpy(this->verbsMemWritable(), ref.verbsMemBegin(), ref.fVerbCnt * sizeof(uint8_t));
memcpy(this->fPoints, ref.fPoints, ref.fPointCnt * sizeof(SkPoint));
fConicWeights = ref.fConicWeights;
// We could call genID() here to force a real ID (instead of 0). However, if we're making
// a copy then presumably we intend to make a modification immediately afterwards.
fGenerationID = ref.fGenerationID;
/** Makes additional room but does not change the counts or change the genID */
void incReserve(int additionalVerbs, int additionalPoints) {
size_t space = additionalVerbs * sizeof(uint8_t) + additionalPoints * sizeof (SkPoint);
/** Resets the path ref with verbCount verbs and pointCount points, all unitialized. Also
* allocates space for reserveVerb additional verbs and reservePoints additional points.*/
void resetToSize(int verbCount, int pointCount, int conicCount,
int reserveVerbs = 0, int reservePoints = 0) {
fGenerationID = 0;
size_t newSize = sizeof(uint8_t) * verbCount + sizeof(SkPoint) * pointCount;
size_t newReserve = sizeof(uint8_t) * reserveVerbs + sizeof(SkPoint) * reservePoints;
size_t minSize = newSize + newReserve;
ptrdiff_t sizeDelta = this->currSize() - minSize;
if (sizeDelta < 0 || static_cast<size_t>(sizeDelta) >= 3 * minSize) {
fPoints = NULL;
fVerbs = NULL;
fFreeSpace = 0;
fVerbCnt = 0;
fPointCnt = 0;
fVerbCnt = verbCount;
fPointCnt = pointCount;
fFreeSpace -= newSize;
} else {
fPointCnt = pointCount;
fVerbCnt = verbCount;
fFreeSpace = this->currSize() - minSize;
* Increases the verb count by newVerbs and the point count be newPoints. New verbs and points
* are uninitialized.
void grow(int newVerbs, int newPoints) {
size_t space = newVerbs * sizeof(uint8_t) + newPoints * sizeof (SkPoint);
fVerbCnt += newVerbs;
fPointCnt += newPoints;
fFreeSpace -= space;
* Increases the verb count 1, records the new verb, and creates room for the requisite number
* of additional points. A pointer to the first point is returned. Any new points are
* uninitialized.
SkPoint* growForVerb(SkPath::Verb verb) {
int pCnt;
switch (verb) {
case SkPath::kMove_Verb:
pCnt = 1;
case SkPath::kLine_Verb:
pCnt = 1;
case SkPath::kConic_Verb:
case SkPath::kQuad_Verb:
pCnt = 2;
case SkPath::kCubic_Verb:
pCnt = 3;
case SkPath::kDone_Verb:
SkASSERT(!"growForVerb called for kDone");
// fall through
case SkPath::kClose_Verb:
pCnt = 0;
size_t space = sizeof(uint8_t) + pCnt * sizeof (SkPoint);
this->fVerbs[~fVerbCnt] = verb;
SkPoint* ret = fPoints + fPointCnt;
fVerbCnt += 1;
fPointCnt += pCnt;
fFreeSpace -= space;
return ret;
* Ensures that the free space available in the path ref is >= size. The verb and point counts
* are not changed.
void makeSpace(size_t size) {
ptrdiff_t growSize = size - fFreeSpace;
if (growSize <= 0) {
size_t oldSize = this->currSize();
// round to next multiple of 8 bytes
growSize = (growSize + 7) & ~static_cast<size_t>(7);
// we always at least double the allocation
if (static_cast<size_t>(growSize) < oldSize) {
growSize = oldSize;
if (growSize < kMinSize) {
growSize = kMinSize;
size_t newSize = oldSize + growSize;
// Note that realloc could memcpy more than we need. It seems to be a win anyway. TODO:
// encapsulate this.
fPoints = reinterpret_cast<SkPoint*>(sk_realloc_throw(fPoints, newSize));
size_t oldVerbSize = fVerbCnt * sizeof(uint8_t);
void* newVerbsDst = reinterpret_cast<void*>(
reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(fPoints) + newSize - oldVerbSize);
void* oldVerbsSrc = reinterpret_cast<void*>(
reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(fPoints) + oldSize - oldVerbSize);
memmove(newVerbsDst, oldVerbsSrc, oldVerbSize);
fVerbs = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(fPoints) + newSize);
fFreeSpace += growSize;
* Private, non-const-ptr version of the public function verbsMemBegin().
uint8_t* verbsMemWritable() {
return fVerbs - fVerbCnt;
* Gets the total amount of space allocated for verbs, points, and reserve.
size_t currSize() const {
return reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(fVerbs) - reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(fPoints);
* Gets an ID that uniquely identifies the contents of the path ref. If two path refs have the
* same ID then they have the same verbs and points. However, two path refs may have the same
* contents but different genIDs. Zero is reserved and means an ID has not yet been determined
* for the path ref.
int32_t genID() const {
if (!fGenerationID) {
if (0 == fPointCnt && 0 == fVerbCnt) {
fGenerationID = kEmptyGenID;
} else {
static int32_t gPathRefGenerationID;
// do a loop in case our global wraps around, as we never want to return a 0 or the
// empty ID
do {
fGenerationID = sk_atomic_inc(&gPathRefGenerationID) + 1;
} while (fGenerationID <= kEmptyGenID);
return fGenerationID;
void validate() const {
SkASSERT(static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(fFreeSpace) >= 0);
SkASSERT(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(fVerbs) - reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(fPoints) >= 0);
SkASSERT((NULL == fPoints) == (NULL == fVerbs));
SkASSERT(!(NULL == fPoints && 0 != fFreeSpace));
SkASSERT(!(NULL == fPoints && 0 != fFreeSpace));
SkASSERT(!(NULL == fPoints && fPointCnt));
SkASSERT(!(NULL == fVerbs && fVerbCnt));
SkASSERT(this->currSize() ==
fFreeSpace + sizeof(SkPoint) * fPointCnt + sizeof(uint8_t) * fVerbCnt);
enum {
kMinSize = 256,
SkPoint* fPoints; // points to begining of the allocation
uint8_t* fVerbs; // points just past the end of the allocation (verbs grow backwards)
int fVerbCnt;
int fPointCnt;
size_t fFreeSpace; // redundant but saves computation
SkTDArray<SkScalar> fConicWeights;
enum {
kEmptyGenID = 1, // GenID reserved for path ref with zero points and zero verbs.
mutable int32_t fGenerationID;
SkDEBUGCODE_X(int32_t fEditorsAttached;) // assert that only one editor in use at any time.
SkTDArray<SkPath*> fOwners;
typedef SkRefCnt INHERITED;