blob: dd3378b89cf945a6675fd3fb78be02e3bb39b92d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrGLProgram_DEFINED
#define GrGLProgram_DEFINED
#include "GrDrawState.h"
#include "GrGLContextInfo.h"
#include "GrGLSL.h"
#include "GrGLTexture.h"
#include "GrGLUniformManager.h"
#include "SkString.h"
#include "SkXfermode.h"
class GrBinHashKeyBuilder;
class GrGLProgramStage;
class GrGLShaderBuilder;
// optionally compile the experimental GS code. Set to GR_DEBUG
// so that debug build bots will execute the code.
* This class manages a GPU program and records per-program information.
* We can specify the attribute locations so that they are constant
* across our shaders. But the driver determines the uniform locations
* at link time. We don't need to remember the sampler uniform location
* because we will bind a texture slot to it and never change it
* Uniforms are program-local so we can't rely on fHWState to hold the
* previous uniform state after a program change.
class GrGLProgram : public GrRefCnt {
struct Desc;
static GrGLProgram* Create(const GrGLContextInfo& gl,
const Desc& desc,
const GrCustomStage** customStages);
virtual ~GrGLProgram();
/** Call to abandon GL objects owned by this program */
void abandon();
* The shader may modify the blend coefficients. Params are in/out
void overrideBlend(GrBlendCoeff* srcCoeff, GrBlendCoeff* dstCoeff) const;
const Desc& getDesc() { return fDesc; }
* Attribute indices. These should not overlap. Matrices consume 3 slots.
static int PositionAttributeIdx() { return 0; }
static int TexCoordAttributeIdx(int tcIdx) { return 1 + tcIdx; }
static int ColorAttributeIdx() { return 1 + GrDrawState::kMaxTexCoords; }
static int CoverageAttributeIdx() {
return 2 + GrDrawState::kMaxTexCoords;
static int EdgeAttributeIdx() { return 3 + GrDrawState::kMaxTexCoords; }
* This function uploads uniforms and calls each GrCustomStage's setData. It is called before a
* draw occurs using the program after the program has already been bound.
void setData(const GrDrawState& drawState);
// Parameters that affect code generation
// These structs should be kept compact; they are the input to an
// expensive hash key generator.
struct Desc {
Desc() {
// since we use this as part of a key we can't have any uninitialized
// padding
memset(this, 0, sizeof(Desc));
// returns this as a uint32_t array to be used as a key in the program cache
const uint32_t* asKey() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(this);
struct StageDesc {
enum OptFlagBits {
kNoPerspective_OptFlagBit = 1 << 0,
kIdentityMatrix_OptFlagBit = 1 << 1,
kIsEnabled_OptFlagBit = 1 << 7
uint8_t fOptFlags;
/** Non-zero if user-supplied code will write the stage's
contribution to the fragment shader. */
GrProgramStageFactory::StageKey fCustomStageKey;
inline bool isEnabled() const {
return SkToBool(fOptFlags & kIsEnabled_OptFlagBit);
inline void setEnabled(bool newValue) {
if (newValue) {
fOptFlags |= kIsEnabled_OptFlagBit;
} else {
fOptFlags &= ~kIsEnabled_OptFlagBit;
// Specifies where the initial color comes from before the stages are applied.
enum ColorInput {
// Dual-src blending makes use of a secondary output color that can be
// used as a per-pixel blend coefficient. This controls whether a
// secondary source is output and what value it holds.
enum DualSrcOutput {
GrDrawState::VertexEdgeType fVertexEdgeType;
// stripped of bits that don't affect program generation
GrVertexLayout fVertexLayout;
StageDesc fStages[GrDrawState::kNumStages];
// To enable experimental geometry shader code (not for use in
// production)
bool fExperimentalGS;
uint8_t fColorInput; // casts to enum ColorInput
uint8_t fCoverageInput; // casts to enum CoverageInput
uint8_t fDualSrcOutput; // casts to enum DualSrcOutput
int8_t fFirstCoverageStage;
SkBool8 fEmitsPointSize;
uint8_t fColorFilterXfermode; // casts to enum SkXfermode::Mode
GR_STATIC_ASSERT(!(sizeof(Desc) % 4));
// for code readability
typedef Desc::StageDesc StageDesc;
struct StageUniforms;
GrGLProgram(const GrGLContextInfo& gl,
const Desc& desc,
const GrCustomStage** customStages);
bool succeeded() const { return 0 != fProgramID; }
* This is the heavy initialization routine for building a GLProgram.
bool genProgram(const GrCustomStage** customStages);
void genInputColor(GrGLShaderBuilder* builder, SkString* inColor);
static GrGLProgramStage* GenStageCode(const GrCustomStage* stage,
const StageDesc& desc, // TODO: Eliminate this
StageUniforms* stageUniforms, // TODO: Eliminate this
const char* fsInColor, // NULL means no incoming color
const char* fsOutColor,
const char* vsInCoord,
GrGLShaderBuilder* builder);
void genGeometryShader(GrGLShaderBuilder* segments) const;
typedef GrGLUniformManager::UniformHandle UniformHandle;
void genUniformCoverage(GrGLShaderBuilder* segments, SkString* inOutCoverage);
// generates code to compute coverage based on edge AA. Returns true if edge coverage was
// inserted in which case coverageVar will be updated to refer to a scalar. Otherwise,
// coverageVar is set to an empty string.
bool genEdgeCoverage(SkString* coverageVar, GrGLShaderBuilder* builder) const;
// Creates a GL program ID, binds shader attributes to GL vertex attrs, and links the program
bool bindOutputsAttribsAndLinkProgram(SkString texCoordAttrNames[GrDrawState::kMaxTexCoords],
bool bindColorOut,
bool bindDualSrcOut);
// Sets the texture units for samplers
void initSamplerUniforms();
bool compileShaders(const GrGLShaderBuilder& builder);
const char* adjustInColor(const SkString& inColor) const;
struct StageUniforms {
UniformHandle fTextureMatrixUni;
SkTArray<UniformHandle, true> fSamplerUniforms;
StageUniforms() {
fTextureMatrixUni = GrGLUniformManager::kInvalidUniformHandle;
struct Uniforms {
UniformHandle fViewMatrixUni;
UniformHandle fColorUni;
UniformHandle fCoverageUni;
UniformHandle fColorFilterUni;
// We use the render target height to provide a y-down frag coord when specifying
// origin_upper_left is not supported.
UniformHandle fRTHeight;
StageUniforms fStages[GrDrawState::kNumStages];
Uniforms() {
fViewMatrixUni = GrGLUniformManager::kInvalidUniformHandle;
fColorUni = GrGLUniformManager::kInvalidUniformHandle;
fCoverageUni = GrGLUniformManager::kInvalidUniformHandle;
fColorFilterUni = GrGLUniformManager::kInvalidUniformHandle;
fRTHeight = GrGLUniformManager::kInvalidUniformHandle;
// IDs
GrGLuint fVShaderID;
GrGLuint fGShaderID;
GrGLuint fFShaderID;
GrGLuint fProgramID;
// The matrix sent to GL is determined by both the client's matrix and
// the size of the viewport.
GrMatrix fViewMatrix;
SkISize fViewportSize;
// these reflect the current values of uniforms
// (GL uniform values travel with program)
GrColor fColor;
GrColor fCoverage;
GrColor fColorFilterColor;
int fRTHeight;
/// When it is sent to GL, the texture matrix will be flipped if the texture orientation
/// (below) requires.
GrMatrix fTextureMatrices[GrDrawState::kNumStages];
GrGLTexture::Orientation fTextureOrientation[GrDrawState::kNumStages];
GrGLProgramStage* fProgramStage[GrDrawState::kNumStages];
Desc fDesc;
const GrGLContextInfo& fContextInfo;
GrGLUniformManager fUniformManager;
Uniforms fUniforms;
friend class GrGpuGL; // TODO: remove this by adding getters and moving functionality.
typedef GrRefCnt INHERITED;