blob: 3b50d5775d2e8f23bbcfd0acab0fd9ddf73a9c3a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkImageDiffer_DEFINED
#define SkImageDiffer_DEFINED
class SkBitmap;
struct SkIPoint;
* Encapsulates an image difference metric algorithm that can be potentially run asynchronously.
class SkImageDiffer {
virtual ~SkImageDiffer();
static const double RESULT_CORRECT = 1.0f;
static const double RESULT_INCORRECT = 0.0f;
* Gets a unique and descriptive name of this differ
* @return A statically allocated null terminated string that is the name of this differ
virtual const char* getName() = 0;
* Gets if this differ is in a usable state
* @return True if this differ can be used, false otherwise
bool isGood() { return fIsGood; }
* Gets if this differ needs to be initialized with and OpenCL device and context.
virtual bool requiresOpenCL() { return false; }
* Enables the generation of an alpha mask for all points of interest.
* @return True if the differ supports generating an alpha mask and false otherwise.
virtual bool enablePOIAlphaMask() { return false; }
* Wraps a call to queueDiff by loading the given filenames into SkBitmaps
* @param baseline The file path of the baseline image
* @param test The file path of the test image
* @return The results of queueDiff with the loaded bitmaps
int queueDiffOfFile(const char baseline[], const char test[]);
* Queues a diff on a pair of bitmaps to be done at some future time.
* @param baseline The correct bitmap
* @param test The bitmap whose difference is being tested
* @return An non-negative diff ID on success, a negative integer on failure.
virtual int queueDiff(SkBitmap* baseline, SkBitmap* test) = 0;
* Gets whether a queued diff of the given id has finished
* @param id The id of the queued diff to query
* @return True if the queued diff is finished and has results, false otherwise
virtual bool isFinished(int id) = 0;
* Deletes memory associated with a diff and its results. This may block execution until the
* diff is finished,
* @param id The id of the diff to query
virtual void deleteDiff(int id) = 0;
* Gets the results of the queued diff of the given id. The results are only meaningful after
* the queued diff has finished.
* @param id The id of the queued diff to query
virtual double getResult(int id) = 0;
* Gets the number of points of interest for the diff of the given id. The results are only
* meaningful after the queued diff has finished.
* @param id The id of the queued diff to query
virtual int getPointsOfInterestCount(int id) = 0;
* Gets an array of the points of interest for the diff of the given id. The results are only
* meaningful after the queued diff has finished.
* @param id The id of the queued diff to query
virtual SkIPoint* getPointsOfInterest(int id) = 0;
* Gets a bitmap containing an alpha mask containing transparent pixels at the points of
* interest for the diff of the given id. The results are only meaningful after the
* queued diff has finished.
* @param id The id of the queued diff to query
virtual SkBitmap* getPointsOfInterestAlphaMask(int id) { return NULL; }
bool fIsGood;