blob: 4ef45772482bf0cf6d7e06730bd9dc0378ac8fc0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkFilterShader_DEFINED
#define SkFilterShader_DEFINED
#include "SkShader.h"
class SkColorFilter;
class SkFilterShader : public SkShader {
SkFilterShader(SkShader* shader, SkColorFilter* filter);
virtual ~SkFilterShader();
virtual bool validContext(const SkBitmap&, const SkPaint&,
const SkMatrix&, SkMatrix* totalInverse = NULL) const SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual SkShader::Context* createContext(const SkBitmap&, const SkPaint&,
const SkMatrix&, void* storage) const SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual size_t contextSize() const SK_OVERRIDE;
class FilterShaderContext : public SkShader::Context {
// Takes ownership of shaderContext and calls its destructor.
FilterShaderContext(const SkFilterShader& filterShader, SkShader::Context* shaderContext,
const SkBitmap& device, const SkPaint& paint, const SkMatrix& matrix);
virtual ~FilterShaderContext();
virtual uint32_t getFlags() const SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual void shadeSpan(int x, int y, SkPMColor[], int count) SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual void shadeSpan16(int x, int y, uint16_t[], int count) SK_OVERRIDE;
SkShader::Context* fShaderContext;
typedef SkShader::Context INHERITED;
SkFilterShader(SkReadBuffer& );
virtual void flatten(SkWriteBuffer&) const SK_OVERRIDE;
SkShader* fShader;
SkColorFilter* fFilter;
typedef SkShader INHERITED;