blob: 16f3a0198d9e12647072ab3b3e96c8e8d9e566a9 [file] [log] [blame]
commit-bot@chromium.org517c1e22014-01-22 22:57:19 +00001#!/usr/bin/python2
3# Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
5# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
6# found in the LICENSE file.
8"""Skia's Chromium Codereview Comparison Script.
10This script takes two Codereview URLs, looks at the trybot results for
11the two codereviews and compares the results.
17import collections
18import os
19import re
20import sys
21import urllib2
22import HTMLParser
25class CodeReviewHTMLParser(HTMLParser.HTMLParser):
26 """Parses CodeReview web page.
28 Use the CodeReviewHTMLParser.parse static function to make use of
29 this class.
31 This uses the HTMLParser class because it's the best thing in
32 Python's standard library. We need a little more power than a
33 regex. [Search for "You can't parse [X]HTML with regex." for more
34 information.
35 """
36 # pylint: disable=I0011,R0904
37 @staticmethod
38 def parse(url):
39 """Parses a CodeReview web pages.
41 Args:
42 url (string), a codereview URL like this:
43 ''.
45 Returns:
46 A dictionary; the keys are bot_name strings, the values
47 are CodeReviewHTMLParser.Status objects
48 """
49 parser = CodeReviewHTMLParser()
50 try:
51 parser.feed(urllib2.urlopen(url).read())
52 except (urllib2.URLError,):
53 print >> sys.stderr, 'Error getting', url
54 return None
55 parser.close()
56 return parser.statuses
58 # namedtuples are like lightweight structs in Python. The low
59 # overhead of a tuple, but the ease of use of an object.
60 Status = collections.namedtuple('Status', ['status', 'url'])
62 def __init__(self):
63 HTMLParser.HTMLParser.__init__(self)
64 self._id = None
65 self._status = None
66 self._href = None
67 self._anchor_data = ''
68 self._currently_parsing_trybotdiv = False
69 # statuses is a dictionary of CodeReviewHTMLParser.Status
70 self.statuses = {}
72 def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
73 """Overrides the HTMLParser method to implement functionality.
75 [[begin standard library documentation]]
76 This method is called to handle the start of a tag
77 (e.g. <div id="main">).
79 The tag argument is the name of the tag converted to lower
80 case. The attrs argument is a list of (name, value) pairs
81 containing the attributes found inside the tag's <>
82 brackets. The name will be translated to lower case, and
83 quotes in the value have been removed, and character and
84 entity references have been replaced.
86 For instance, for the tag <A HREF="">, this
87 method would be called as handle_starttag('a', [('href',
88 '')]).
89 [[end standard library documentation]]
90 """
91 attrs = dict(attrs)
92 if tag == 'div':
93 # We are looking for <div id="tryjobdiv*">.
94 id_attr = attrs.get('id','')
95 if id_attr.startswith('tryjobdiv'):
96 self._id = id_attr
97 if (self._id and tag == 'a'
98 and 'build-result' in attrs.get('class', '').split()):
99 # If we are already inside a <div id="tryjobdiv*">, we
100 # look for a link if the form
101 # <a class="build-result" href="*">. Then we save the
102 # (non-standard) status attribute and the URL.
103 self._status = attrs.get('status')
104 self._href = attrs.get('href')
105 self._currently_parsing_trybotdiv = True
106 # Start saving anchor data.
108 def handle_data(self, data):
109 """Overrides the HTMLParser method to implement functionality.
111 [[begin standard library documentation]]
112 This method is called to process arbitrary data (e.g. text
113 nodes and the content of <script>...</script> and
114 <style>...</style>).
115 [[end standard library documentation]]
116 """
117 # Save the text inside the <a></a> tags. Assume <a> tags
118 # aren't nested.
119 if self._currently_parsing_trybotdiv:
120 self._anchor_data += data
122 def handle_endtag(self, tag):
123 """Overrides the HTMLParser method to implement functionality.
125 [[begin standard library documentation]]
126 This method is called to handle the end tag of an element
127 (e.g. </div>). The tag argument is the name of the tag
128 converted to lower case.
129 [[end standard library documentation]]
130 """
131 if tag == 'a' and self._status:
132 # We take the accumulated self._anchor_data and save it as
133 # the bot name.
134 bot = self._anchor_data.strip()
135 stat = CodeReviewHTMLParser.Status(status=self._status,
136 url=self._href)
137 if bot:
138 # Add to accumulating dictionary.
139 self.statuses[bot] = stat
140 # Reset state to search for the next bot.
141 self._currently_parsing_trybotdiv = False
142 self._anchor_data = ''
143 self._status = None
144 self._href = None
147class BuilderHTMLParser(HTMLParser.HTMLParser):
148 """parses Trybot web pages.
150 Use the BuilderHTMLParser.parse static function to make use of
151 this class.
153 This uses the HTMLParser class because it's the best thing in
154 Python's standard library. We need a little more power than a
155 regex. [Search for "You can't parse [X]HTML with regex." for more
156 information.
157 """
158 # pylint: disable=I0011,R0904
159 @staticmethod
160 def parse(url):
161 """Parses a Trybot web page.
163 Args:
164 url (string), a trybot result URL.
166 Returns:
167 An array of BuilderHTMLParser.Results, each a description
168 of failure results, along with an optional url
169 """
170 parser = BuilderHTMLParser()
171 try:
172 parser.feed(urllib2.urlopen(url).read())
173 except (urllib2.URLError,):
174 print >> sys.stderr, 'Error getting', url
175 return []
176 parser.close()
177 return parser.failure_results
179 Result = collections.namedtuple('Result', ['text', 'url'])
181 def __init__(self):
182 HTMLParser.HTMLParser.__init__(self)
183 self.failure_results = []
184 self._current_failure_result = None
185 self._divlevel = None
186 self._li_level = 0
187 self._li_data = ''
188 self._current_failure = False
189 self._failure_results_url = ''
191 def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
192 """Overrides the HTMLParser method to implement functionality.
194 [[begin standard library documentation]]
195 This method is called to handle the start of a tag
196 (e.g. <div id="main">).
198 The tag argument is the name of the tag converted to lower
199 case. The attrs argument is a list of (name, value) pairs
200 containing the attributes found inside the tag's <>
201 brackets. The name will be translated to lower case, and
202 quotes in the value have been removed, and character and
203 entity references have been replaced.
205 For instance, for the tag <A HREF="">, this
206 method would be called as handle_starttag('a', [('href',
207 '')]).
208 [[end standard library documentation]]
209 """
210 attrs = dict(attrs)
211 if tag == 'li':
212 # <li> tags can be nested. So we have to count the
213 # nest-level for backing out.
214 self._li_level += 1
215 return
216 if tag == 'div' and attrs.get('class') == 'failure result':
217 # We care about this sort of thing:
218 # <li>
219 # <li>
220 # <li>
221 # <div class="failure result">...</div>
222 # </li>
223 # </li>
224 # We want this text here.
225 # </li>
226 if self._li_level > 0:
227 self._current_failure = True # Tells us to keep text.
228 return
230 if tag == 'a' and self._current_failure:
231 href = attrs.get('href')
232 # Sometimes we want to keep the stdio url. We always
233 # return it, just in case.
234 if href.endswith('/logs/stdio'):
235 self._failure_results_url = href
237 def handle_data(self, data):
238 """Overrides the HTMLParser method to implement functionality.
240 [[begin standard library documentation]]
241 This method is called to process arbitrary data (e.g. text
242 nodes and the content of <script>...</script> and
243 <style>...</style>).
244 [[end standard library documentation]]
245 """
246 if self._current_failure:
247 self._li_data += data
249 def handle_endtag(self, tag):
250 """Overrides the HTMLParser method to implement functionality.
252 [[begin standard library documentation]]
253 This method is called to handle the end tag of an element
254 (e.g. </div>). The tag argument is the name of the tag
255 converted to lower case.
256 [[end standard library documentation]]
257 """
258 if tag == 'li':
259 self._li_level -= 1
260 if 0 == self._li_level:
261 if self._current_failure:
262 result = self._li_data.strip()
263 first = result.split()[0]
264 if first:
265 result = re.sub(
266 r'^%s(\s+%s)+' % (first, first), first, result)
267 # Sometimes, it repeats the same thing
268 # multiple times.
269 result = re.sub(r'unexpected flaky.*', '', result)
270 # Remove some extra unnecessary text.
271 result = re.sub(r'\bpreamble\b', '', result)
272 result = re.sub(r'\bstdio\b', '', result)
273 url = self._failure_results_url
274 self.failure_results.append(
275 BuilderHTMLParser.Result(result, url))
276 self._current_failure_result = None
277 # Reset the state.
278 self._current_failure = False
279 self._li_data = ''
280 self._failure_results_url = ''
283def printer(indent, string):
284 """Print indented, wrapped text.
285 """
286 def wrap_to(line, columns):
287 """Wrap a line to the given number of columns, return a list
288 of strings.
289 """
290 ret = []
291 nextline = ''
292 for word in line.split():
293 if nextline:
294 if len(nextline) + 1 + len(word) > columns:
295 ret.append(nextline)
296 nextline = word
297 else:
298 nextline += (' ' + word)
299 else:
300 nextline = word
301 if nextline:
302 ret.append(nextline)
303 return ret
304 out = sys.stdout
305 spacer = ' '
306 for line in string.split('\n'):
307 for i, wrapped_line in enumerate(wrap_to(line, 68 - (2 * indent))):
308 out.write(spacer * indent)
309 if i > 0:
310 out.write(spacer)
311 out.write(wrapped_line)
312 out.write('\n')
313 out.flush()
316def main(control_url, roll_url, verbosity=1):
317 """Compare two Codereview URLs
319 Args:
320 control_url, roll_url: (strings) URL of the format
323 verbosity: (int) verbose level. 0, 1, or 2.
324 """
325 # pylint: disable=I0011,R0914,R0912
326 control = CodeReviewHTMLParser.parse(control_url)
327 roll = CodeReviewHTMLParser.parse(roll_url)
328 if not (control and roll):
329 return
331 control_name = '[control %s]' % control_url.split('/')[-1]
332 roll_name = '[roll %s]' % roll_url.split('/')[-1]
333 all_bots = set(control) & set(roll) # Set intersection.
335 out = sys.stdout
336 if verbosity > 0:
337 # Print out summary of all of the bots.
338 out.write('%11s %11s %4s %s\n\n' %
339 ('CONTROL', 'ROLL', 'DIFF', 'BOT'))
340 for bot in sorted(all_bots):
341 if control[bot].status != roll[bot].status:
342 diff = '****'
343 elif (control[bot].status != 'success' or
344 roll[bot].status != 'success'):
345 diff = '....'
346 else:
347 diff = ''
348 out.write('%11s %11s %4s %s\n' % (
349 control[bot].status, roll[bot].status, diff, bot))
350 out.write('\n')
351 out.flush()
353 for bot in sorted(all_bots):
354 if (roll[bot].status == 'success'):
355 if verbosity > 1:
356 printer(0, '==%s==' % bot)
357 printer(1, 'OK')
358 continue
359 printer(0, '==%s==' % bot)
361 for (status, name, url) in (
362 (control[bot].status, control_name, control[bot].url),
363 (roll[bot].status, roll_name, roll[bot].url)):
365 if status == 'failure':
366 printer(1, name)
367 results = BuilderHTMLParser.parse(url)
368 for result in results:
369 formatted_result = re.sub(
370 r'(\S*\.html) ', '\n__\g<1>\n', result.text)
371 printer(2, formatted_result)
372 if ('compile' in result.text
373 or '...and more' in result.text):
374 printer(3, re.sub('/[^/]*$', '/', url) + result.url)
375 else:
376 printer(1, name)
377 printer(2, status)
378 out.write('\n')
381if __name__ == '__main__':
382 if len(sys.argv) < 3:
383 print >> sys.stderr, __doc__
384 exit(1)
385 main(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2],
386 int(os.environ.get('COMPARE_CODEREVIEW_VERBOSITY', 1)))