MurmurHash3_x86_128 was missing a rotate instruction

git-svn-id: 77a7d1d3-4c08-bdc2-d393-d5859734b01a
diff --git a/MurmurHash3.cpp b/MurmurHash3.cpp
index 2942f10..c66bd87 100644
--- a/MurmurHash3.cpp
+++ b/MurmurHash3.cpp
@@ -196,6 +196,8 @@
 	h1 += h3;

 	h1 += h4;


+	h1 = _rotl(h1,17);


 	k2 *= c2; 

 	k2  = _rotl(k2,11);

 	k2 *= c1;

diff --git a/main.cpp b/main.cpp
index 25d3c89..f5fcf04 100644
--- a/main.cpp
+++ b/main.cpp
@@ -42,6 +42,19 @@
 bool g_testSeed        = false;




+int64_t g_hashcount = 0;

+int64_t g_bytecount = 0;


+void counterhash ( const void * , const int len, const uint32_t , void * out )


+	g_hashcount++;

+	g_bytecount += len;


+	*(uint32_t*)out = rand_u32();






 struct HashInfo

@@ -54,6 +67,7 @@

 HashInfo g_hashes[] = 


+	{ counterhash,          32, "count",       "Counts how many times the hash function is called" },

 	{ randhash_32,          32, "rand32",      "Random number generator, 32-bit" },

 	{ randhash_64,          64, "rand64",      "Random number generator, 64-bit" },

 	{ randhash_128,        128, "rand128",     "Random number generator, 128-bit" },

@@ -387,6 +401,14 @@



+	//testHash("donothing");


+	//testHash("count");


+	//printf("Called the hash function %I64d times, %I64d bytes hashed\n",g_hashcount,g_bytecount);


+	//testHash("crc32");



