blob: d895ba7cdd474a5c5b79326e59b5be1b0908c42c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/source/audio_coding_module_impl.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <algorithm> // For std::max.
#include "webrtc/engine_configurations.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/source/acm_codec_database.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/source/acm_common_defs.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/source/acm_dtmf_detection.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/source/acm_generic_codec.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/source/acm_resampler.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/source/nack.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/clock.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/critical_section_wrapper.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/logging.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/rw_lock_wrapper.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/tick_util.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/trace.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/trace_event.h"
namespace webrtc {
enum {
kACMToneEnd = 999
// Maximum number of bytes in one packet (PCM16B, 20 ms packets, stereo).
enum {
kMaxPacketSize = 2560
// Maximum number of payloads that can be packed in one RED payload. For
// regular FEC, we only pack two payloads. In case of dual-streaming, in worst
// case we might pack 3 payloads in one RED payload.
enum {
kNumFecFragmentationVectors = 2,
kMaxNumFragmentationVectors = 3
static const uint32_t kMaskTimestamp = 0x03ffffff;
static const int kDefaultTimestampDiff = 960; // 20 ms @ 48 kHz.
// If packet N is arrived all packets prior to N - |kNackThresholdPackets| which
// are not received are considered as lost, and appear in NACK list.
static const int kNackThresholdPackets = 2;
namespace {
bool IsCodecRED(const CodecInst* codec) {
return (STR_CASE_CMP(codec->plname, "RED") == 0);
bool IsCodecRED(int index) {
return (IsCodecRED(&ACMCodecDB::database_[index]));
bool IsCodecCN(const CodecInst* codec) {
return (STR_CASE_CMP(codec->plname, "CN") == 0);
bool IsCodecCN(int index) {
return (IsCodecCN(&ACMCodecDB::database_[index]));
// Stereo-to-mono can be used as in-place.
int DownMix(const AudioFrame& frame, int length_out_buff, int16_t* out_buff) {
if (length_out_buff < frame.samples_per_channel_) {
return -1;
for (int n = 0; n < frame.samples_per_channel_; ++n)
out_buff[n] = (frame.data_[2 * n] + frame.data_[2 * n + 1]) >> 1;
return 0;
// Mono-to-stereo can be used as in-place.
int UpMix(const AudioFrame& frame, int length_out_buff, int16_t* out_buff) {
if (length_out_buff < frame.samples_per_channel_) {
return -1;
for (int n = frame.samples_per_channel_ - 1; n >= 0; --n) {
out_buff[2 * n + 1] = frame.data_[n];
out_buff[2 * n] = frame.data_[n];
return 0;
// Return 1 if timestamp t1 is less than timestamp t2, while compensating for
// wrap-around.
int TimestampLessThan(uint32_t t1, uint32_t t2) {
uint32_t kHalfFullRange = static_cast<uint32_t>(0xFFFFFFFF) / 2;
if (t1 == t2) {
return 0;
} else if (t1 < t2) {
if (t2 - t1 < kHalfFullRange)
return 1;
return 0;
} else {
if (t1 - t2 < kHalfFullRange)
return 0;
return 1;
} // namespace
AudioCodingModuleImpl::AudioCodingModuleImpl(const int32_t id, Clock* clock)
: packetization_callback_(NULL),
nack_enabled_(false) {
// Nullify send codec memory, set payload type and set codec name to
// invalid values.
const char no_name[] = "noCodecRegistered";
strncpy(send_codec_inst_.plname, no_name, RTP_PAYLOAD_NAME_SIZE - 1);
send_codec_inst_.pltype = -1;
strncpy(secondary_send_codec_inst_.plname, no_name,
secondary_send_codec_inst_.pltype = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < ACMCodecDB::kMaxNumCodecs; i++) {
codecs_[i] = NULL;
registered_pltypes_[i] = -1;
stereo_receive_[i] = false;
slave_codecs_[i] = NULL;
mirror_codec_idx_[i] = -1;
// Allocate memory for RED.
red_buffer_ = new uint8_t[MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_BYTE];
// TODO(turajs): This might not be exactly how this class is supposed to work.
// The external usage might be that |fragmentationVectorSize| has to match
// the allocated space for the member-arrays, while here, we allocate
// according to the maximum number of fragmentations and change
// |fragmentationVectorSize| on-the-fly based on actual number of
// fragmentations. However, due to copying to local variable before calling
// SendData, the RTP module receives a "valid" fragmentation, where allocated
// space matches |fragmentationVectorSize|, therefore, this should not cause
// any problem. A better approach is not using RTPFragmentationHeader as
// member variable, instead, use an ACM-specific structure to hold RED-related
// data. See module_common_type.h for the definition of
// RTPFragmentationHeader.
// Register the default payload type for RED and for CNG at sampling rates of
// 8, 16, 32 and 48 kHz.
for (int i = (ACMCodecDB::kNumCodecs - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
if (IsCodecRED(i)) {
red_pltype_ = static_cast<uint8_t>(ACMCodecDB::database_[i].pltype);
} else if (IsCodecCN(i)) {
if (ACMCodecDB::database_[i].plfreq == 8000) {
cng_nb_pltype_ = static_cast<uint8_t>(ACMCodecDB::database_[i].pltype);
} else if (ACMCodecDB::database_[i].plfreq == 16000) {
cng_wb_pltype_ = static_cast<uint8_t>(ACMCodecDB::database_[i].pltype);
} else if (ACMCodecDB::database_[i].plfreq == 32000) {
cng_swb_pltype_ = static_cast<uint8_t>(ACMCodecDB::database_[i].pltype);
} else if (ACMCodecDB::database_[i].plfreq == 48000) {
cng_fb_pltype_ = static_cast<uint8_t>(ACMCodecDB::database_[i].pltype);
if (InitializeReceiverSafe() < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Cannot initialize receiver");
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceMemory, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id, "Created");
AudioCodingModuleImpl::~AudioCodingModuleImpl() {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
current_send_codec_idx_ = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < ACMCodecDB::kMaxNumCodecs; i++) {
if (codecs_[i] != NULL) {
// True stereo codecs share the same memory for master and
// slave, so slave codec need to be nullified here, since the
// memory will be deleted.
if (slave_codecs_[i] == codecs_[i]) {
slave_codecs_[i] = NULL;
// Mirror index holds the address of the codec memory.
assert(mirror_codec_idx_[i] > -1);
if (codecs_[mirror_codec_idx_[i]] != NULL) {
delete codecs_[mirror_codec_idx_[i]];
codecs_[mirror_codec_idx_[i]] = NULL;
codecs_[i] = NULL;
if (slave_codecs_[i] != NULL) {
// Delete memory for stereo usage of mono codecs.
assert(mirror_codec_idx_[i] > -1);
if (slave_codecs_[mirror_codec_idx_[i]] != NULL) {
delete slave_codecs_[mirror_codec_idx_[i]];
slave_codecs_[mirror_codec_idx_[i]] = NULL;
slave_codecs_[i] = NULL;
if (dtmf_detector_ != NULL) {
delete dtmf_detector_;
dtmf_detector_ = NULL;
if (dummy_rtp_header_ != NULL) {
delete dummy_rtp_header_;
dummy_rtp_header_ = NULL;
if (red_buffer_ != NULL) {
delete[] red_buffer_;
red_buffer_ = NULL;
delete callback_crit_sect_;
callback_crit_sect_ = NULL;
delete acm_crit_sect_;
acm_crit_sect_ = NULL;
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceMemory, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::ChangeUniqueId(const int32_t id) {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
id_ = id;
for (int i = 0; i < ACMCodecDB::kMaxNumCodecs; i++) {
if (codecs_[i] != NULL) {
return 0;
// Returns the number of milliseconds until the module want a
// worker thread to call Process.
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::TimeUntilNextProcess() {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
if (!HaveValidEncoder("TimeUntilNextProcess")) {
return -1;
return codecs_[current_send_codec_idx_]->SamplesLeftToEncode() /
(send_codec_inst_.plfreq / 1000);
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::Process() {
bool dual_stream;
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
dual_stream = (secondary_encoder_.get() != NULL);
if (dual_stream) {
return ProcessDualStream();
return ProcessSingleStream();
int AudioCodingModuleImpl::EncodeFragmentation(int fragmentation_index,
int payload_type,
uint32_t current_timestamp,
ACMGenericCodec* encoder,
uint8_t* stream) {
int16_t len_bytes = MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_BYTE;
uint32_t rtp_timestamp;
WebRtcACMEncodingType encoding_type;
if (encoder->Encode(stream, &len_bytes, &rtp_timestamp, &encoding_type) < 0) {
return -1;
assert(encoding_type == kActiveNormalEncoded);
assert(len_bytes > 0);
fragmentation_.fragmentationLength[fragmentation_index] = len_bytes;
fragmentation_.fragmentationPlType[fragmentation_index] = payload_type;
fragmentation_.fragmentationTimeDiff[fragmentation_index] =
static_cast<uint16_t>(current_timestamp - rtp_timestamp);
return len_bytes;
// Primary payloads are sent immediately, whereas a single secondary payload is
// buffered to be combined with "the next payload."
// Normally "the next payload" would be a primary payload. In case two
// consecutive secondary payloads are generated with no primary payload in
// between, then two secondary payloads are packed in one RED.
int AudioCodingModuleImpl::ProcessDualStream() {
uint8_t stream[kMaxNumFragmentationVectors * MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_BYTE];
uint32_t current_timestamp;
int16_t length_bytes = 0;
RTPFragmentationHeader my_fragmentation;
uint8_t my_red_payload_type;
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
// Check if there is an encoder before.
if (!HaveValidEncoder("ProcessDualStream") ||
secondary_encoder_.get() == NULL) {
return -1;
ACMGenericCodec* primary_encoder = codecs_[current_send_codec_idx_];
// If primary encoder has a full frame of audio to generate payload.
bool primary_ready_to_encode = primary_encoder->HasFrameToEncode();
// If the secondary encoder has a frame of audio to generate a payload.
bool secondary_ready_to_encode = secondary_encoder_->HasFrameToEncode();
if (!primary_ready_to_encode && !secondary_ready_to_encode) {
// Nothing to send.
return 0;
int len_bytes_previous_secondary = static_cast<int>(
assert(len_bytes_previous_secondary <= MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_BYTE);
bool has_previous_payload = len_bytes_previous_secondary > 0;
uint32_t primary_timestamp = primary_encoder->EarliestTimestamp();
uint32_t secondary_timestamp = secondary_encoder_->EarliestTimestamp();
if (!has_previous_payload && !primary_ready_to_encode &&
secondary_ready_to_encode) {
// Secondary payload will be the ONLY bit-stream. Encode by secondary
// encoder, store the payload, and return. No packet is sent.
int16_t len_bytes = MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_BYTE;
WebRtcACMEncodingType encoding_type;
if (secondary_encoder_->Encode(red_buffer_, &len_bytes,
&encoding_type) < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"ProcessDual(): Encoding of secondary encoder Failed");
return -1;
assert(len_bytes > 0);
assert(encoding_type == kActiveNormalEncoded);
assert(len_bytes <= MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_BYTE);
fragmentation_.fragmentationLength[2] = len_bytes;
return 0;
// Initialize with invalid but different values, so later can have sanity
// check if they are different.
int index_primary = -1;
int index_secondary = -2;
int index_previous_secondary = -3;
if (primary_ready_to_encode) {
index_primary = secondary_ready_to_encode ?
TimestampLessThan(primary_timestamp, secondary_timestamp) : 0;
index_primary += has_previous_payload ?
TimestampLessThan(primary_timestamp, last_fec_timestamp_) : 0;
if (secondary_ready_to_encode) {
// Timestamp of secondary payload can only be less than primary payload,
// but is always larger than the timestamp of previous secondary payload.
index_secondary = primary_ready_to_encode ?
(1 - TimestampLessThan(primary_timestamp, secondary_timestamp)) : 0;
if (has_previous_payload) {
index_previous_secondary = primary_ready_to_encode ?
(1 - TimestampLessThan(primary_timestamp, last_fec_timestamp_)) : 0;
// If secondary is ready it always have a timestamp larger than previous
// secondary. So the index is either 0 or 1.
index_previous_secondary += secondary_ready_to_encode ? 1 : 0;
// Indices must not be equal.
assert(index_primary != index_secondary);
assert(index_primary != index_previous_secondary);
assert(index_secondary != index_previous_secondary);
// One of the payloads has to be at position zero.
assert(index_primary == 0 || index_secondary == 0 ||
index_previous_secondary == 0);
// Timestamp of the RED payload.
if (index_primary == 0) {
current_timestamp = primary_timestamp;
} else if (index_secondary == 0) {
current_timestamp = secondary_timestamp;
} else {
current_timestamp = last_fec_timestamp_;
fragmentation_.fragmentationVectorSize = 0;
if (has_previous_payload) {
assert(index_previous_secondary >= 0 &&
index_previous_secondary < kMaxNumFragmentationVectors);
assert(len_bytes_previous_secondary <= MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_BYTE);
memcpy(&stream[index_previous_secondary * MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_BYTE],
red_buffer_, sizeof(stream[0]) * len_bytes_previous_secondary);
fragmentation_.fragmentationLength[index_previous_secondary] =
fragmentation_.fragmentationPlType[index_previous_secondary] =
fragmentation_.fragmentationTimeDiff[index_previous_secondary] =
static_cast<uint16_t>(current_timestamp - last_fec_timestamp_);
if (primary_ready_to_encode) {
assert(index_primary >= 0 && index_primary < kMaxNumFragmentationVectors);
int i = index_primary * MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_BYTE;
if (EncodeFragmentation(index_primary, send_codec_inst_.pltype,
current_timestamp, primary_encoder,
&stream[i]) < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"ProcessDualStream(): Encoding of primary encoder Failed");
return -1;
if (secondary_ready_to_encode) {
assert(index_secondary >= 0 &&
index_secondary < kMaxNumFragmentationVectors - 1);
int i = index_secondary * MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_BYTE;
if (EncodeFragmentation(index_secondary,
current_timestamp, secondary_encoder_.get(),
&stream[i]) < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"ProcessDualStream(): Encoding of secondary encoder "
return -1;
// Copy to local variable, as it will be used outside the ACM lock.
my_red_payload_type = red_pltype_;
length_bytes = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < fragmentation_.fragmentationVectorSize; n++) {
length_bytes += fragmentation_.fragmentationLength[n];
CriticalSectionScoped lock(callback_crit_sect_);
if (packetization_callback_ != NULL) {
// Callback with payload data, including redundant data (FEC/RED).
if (packetization_callback_->SendData(kAudioFrameSpeech,
current_timestamp, stream,
&my_fragmentation) < 0) {
return -1;
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
// Now that data is sent, clean up fragmentation.
return 0;
// Process any pending tasks such as timeouts.
int AudioCodingModuleImpl::ProcessSingleStream() {
// Make room for 1 RED payload.
uint8_t stream[2 * MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_BYTE];
int16_t length_bytes = 2 * MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_BYTE;
int16_t red_length_bytes = length_bytes;
uint32_t rtp_timestamp;
int16_t status;
WebRtcACMEncodingType encoding_type;
FrameType frame_type = kAudioFrameSpeech;
uint8_t current_payload_type = 0;
bool has_data_to_send = false;
bool fec_active = false;
RTPFragmentationHeader my_fragmentation;
// Keep the scope of the ACM critical section limited.
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
// Check if there is an encoder before.
if (!HaveValidEncoder("ProcessSingleStream")) {
return -1;
status = codecs_[current_send_codec_idx_]->Encode(stream, &length_bytes,
if (status < 0) {
// Encode failed.
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"ProcessSingleStream(): Encoding Failed");
length_bytes = 0;
return -1;
} else if (status == 0) {
// Not enough data.
return 0;
} else {
switch (encoding_type) {
case kNoEncoding: {
current_payload_type = previous_pltype_;
frame_type = kFrameEmpty;
length_bytes = 0;
case kActiveNormalEncoded:
case kPassiveNormalEncoded: {
current_payload_type = (uint8_t) send_codec_inst_.pltype;
frame_type = kAudioFrameSpeech;
case kPassiveDTXNB: {
current_payload_type = cng_nb_pltype_;
frame_type = kAudioFrameCN;
is_first_red_ = true;
case kPassiveDTXWB: {
current_payload_type = cng_wb_pltype_;
frame_type = kAudioFrameCN;
is_first_red_ = true;
case kPassiveDTXSWB: {
current_payload_type = cng_swb_pltype_;
frame_type = kAudioFrameCN;
is_first_red_ = true;
case kPassiveDTXFB: {
current_payload_type = cng_fb_pltype_;
frame_type = kAudioFrameCN;
is_first_red_ = true;
has_data_to_send = true;
previous_pltype_ = current_payload_type;
// Redundancy encode is done here. The two bitstreams packetized into
// one RTP packet and the fragmentation points are set.
// Only apply RED on speech data.
if ((fec_enabled_) &&
((encoding_type == kActiveNormalEncoded) ||
(encoding_type == kPassiveNormalEncoded))) {
// FEC is enabled within this scope.
// Note that, a special solution exists for iSAC since it is the only
// codec for which GetRedPayload has a non-empty implementation.
// Summary of the FEC scheme below (use iSAC as example):
// 1st (is_first_red_ is true) encoded iSAC frame (primary #1) =>
// - call GetRedPayload() and store redundancy for packet #1 in
// second fragment of RED buffer (old data)
// - drop the primary iSAC frame
// - don't call SendData
// 2nd (is_first_red_ is false) encoded iSAC frame (primary #2) =>
// - store primary #2 in 1st fragment of RED buffer and send the
// combined packet
// - the transmitted packet contains primary #2 (new) and
// reduncancy for packet #1 (old)
// - call GetRed_Payload() and store redundancy for packet #2 in
// second fragment of RED buffer
// ...
// Nth encoded iSAC frame (primary #N) =>
// - store primary #N in 1st fragment of RED buffer and send the
// combined packet
// - the transmitted packet contains primary #N (new) and
// reduncancy for packet #(N-1) (old)
// - call GetRedPayload() and store redundancy for packet #N in
// second fragment of RED buffer
// For all other codecs, GetRedPayload does nothing and returns -1 =>
// redundant data is only a copy.
// First combined packet contains : #2 (new) and #1 (old)
// Second combined packet contains: #3 (new) and #2 (old)
// Third combined packet contains : #4 (new) and #3 (old)
// Hence, even if every second packet is dropped, perfect
// reconstruction is possible.
fec_active = true;
has_data_to_send = false;
// Skip the following part for the first packet in a RED session.
if (!is_first_red_) {
// Rearrange stream such that FEC packets are included.
// Replace stream now that we have stored current stream.
memcpy(stream + fragmentation_.fragmentationOffset[1], red_buffer_,
// Update the fragmentation time difference vector, in number of
// timestamps.
uint16_t time_since_last = uint16_t(
rtp_timestamp - last_fec_timestamp_);
// Update fragmentation vectors.
fragmentation_.fragmentationPlType[1] =
fragmentation_.fragmentationTimeDiff[1] = time_since_last;
has_data_to_send = true;
// Insert new packet length.
fragmentation_.fragmentationLength[0] = length_bytes;
// Insert new packet payload type.
fragmentation_.fragmentationPlType[0] = current_payload_type;
last_fec_timestamp_ = rtp_timestamp;
// Can be modified by the GetRedPayload() call if iSAC is utilized.
red_length_bytes = length_bytes;
// A fragmentation header is provided => packetization according to
// RFC 2198 (RTP Payload for Redundant Audio Data) will be used.
// First fragment is the current data (new).
// Second fragment is the previous data (old).
length_bytes = static_cast<int16_t>(
fragmentation_.fragmentationLength[0] +
// Get, and store, redundant data from the encoder based on the recently
// encoded frame.
// NOTE - only iSAC contains an implementation; all other codecs does
// nothing and returns -1.
if (codecs_[current_send_codec_idx_]->GetRedPayload(
&red_length_bytes) == -1) {
// The codec was not iSAC => use current encoder output as redundant
// data instead (trivial FEC scheme).
memcpy(red_buffer_, stream, red_length_bytes);
is_first_red_ = false;
// Update payload type with RED payload type.
current_payload_type = red_pltype_;
// We have packed 2 payloads.
fragmentation_.fragmentationVectorSize = kNumFecFragmentationVectors;
// Copy to local variable, as it will be used outside ACM lock.
// Store RED length.
fragmentation_.fragmentationLength[1] = red_length_bytes;
if (has_data_to_send) {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(callback_crit_sect_);
if (packetization_callback_ != NULL) {
if (fec_active) {
// Callback with payload data, including redundant data (FEC/RED).
packetization_callback_->SendData(frame_type, current_payload_type,
rtp_timestamp, stream,
} else {
// Callback with payload data.
packetization_callback_->SendData(frame_type, current_payload_type,
rtp_timestamp, stream,
length_bytes, NULL);
if (vad_callback_ != NULL) {
// Callback with VAD decision.
vad_callback_->InFrameType(((int16_t) encoding_type));
return length_bytes;
// Sender
// Initialize send codec.
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::InitializeSender() {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
// Start with invalid values.
send_codec_registered_ = false;
current_send_codec_idx_ = -1;
send_codec_inst_.plname[0] = '\0';
// Delete all encoders to start fresh.
for (int id = 0; id < ACMCodecDB::kMaxNumCodecs; id++) {
if (codecs_[id] != NULL) {
// Initialize FEC/RED.
is_first_red_ = true;
if (fec_enabled_ || secondary_encoder_.get() != NULL) {
if (red_buffer_ != NULL) {
memset(red_buffer_, 0, MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_BYTE);
if (fec_enabled_) {
} else {
return 0;
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::ResetEncoder() {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
if (!HaveValidEncoder("ResetEncoder")) {
return -1;
return codecs_[current_send_codec_idx_]->ResetEncoder();
void AudioCodingModuleImpl::UnregisterSendCodec() {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
send_codec_registered_ = false;
current_send_codec_idx_ = -1;
// If send Codec is unregistered then remove the secondary codec as well.
if (secondary_encoder_.get() != NULL)
ACMGenericCodec* AudioCodingModuleImpl::CreateCodec(const CodecInst& codec) {
ACMGenericCodec* my_codec = NULL;
my_codec = ACMCodecDB::CreateCodecInstance(&codec);
if (my_codec == NULL) {
// Error, could not create the codec.
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"ACMCodecDB::CreateCodecInstance() failed in CreateCodec()");
return my_codec;
return my_codec;
// Check if the given codec is a valid to be registered as send codec.
static int IsValidSendCodec(const CodecInst& send_codec,
bool is_primary_encoder,
int acm_id,
int* mirror_id) {
if ((send_codec.channels != 1) && (send_codec.channels != 2)) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, acm_id,
"Wrong number of channels (%d, only mono and stereo are "
"supported) for %s encoder", send_codec.channels,
is_primary_encoder ? "primary" : "secondary");
return -1;
int codec_id = ACMCodecDB::CodecNumber(&send_codec, mirror_id);
if (codec_id < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, acm_id,
"Invalid settings for the send codec.");
return -1;
// TODO(tlegrand): Remove this check. Already taken care of in
// ACMCodecDB::CodecNumber().
// Check if the payload-type is valid
if (!ACMCodecDB::ValidPayloadType(send_codec.pltype)) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, acm_id,
"Invalid payload-type %d for %s.", send_codec.pltype,
return -1;
// Telephone-event cannot be a send codec.
if (!STR_CASE_CMP(send_codec.plname, "telephone-event")) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, acm_id,
"telephone-event cannot be a send codec");
*mirror_id = -1;
return -1;
if (ACMCodecDB::codec_settings_[codec_id].channel_support
< send_codec.channels) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, acm_id,
"%d number of channels not supportedn for %s.",
send_codec.channels, send_codec.plname);
*mirror_id = -1;
return -1;
if (!is_primary_encoder) {
// If registering the secondary encoder, then RED and CN are not valid
// choices as encoder.
if (IsCodecRED(&send_codec)) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, acm_id,
"RED cannot be secondary codec");
*mirror_id = -1;
return -1;
if (IsCodecCN(&send_codec)) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, acm_id,
"DTX cannot be secondary codec");
*mirror_id = -1;
return -1;
return codec_id;
int AudioCodingModuleImpl::RegisterSecondarySendCodec(
const CodecInst& send_codec) {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
if (!send_codec_registered_) {
return -1;
// Primary and Secondary codecs should have the same sampling rates.
if (send_codec.plfreq != send_codec_inst_.plfreq) {
return -1;
int mirror_id;
int codec_id = IsValidSendCodec(send_codec, false, id_, &mirror_id);
if (codec_id < 0) {
return -1;
ACMGenericCodec* encoder = CreateCodec(send_codec);
WebRtcACMCodecParams codec_params;
// Initialize the codec before registering. For secondary codec VAD & DTX are
// disabled.
memcpy(&(codec_params.codec_inst), &send_codec, sizeof(CodecInst));
codec_params.enable_vad = false;
codec_params.enable_dtx = false;
codec_params.vad_mode = VADNormal;
// Force initialization.
if (encoder->InitEncoder(&codec_params, true) < 0) {
// Could not initialize, therefore cannot be registered.
delete encoder;
return -1;
memcpy(&secondary_send_codec_inst_, &send_codec, sizeof(send_codec));
// Disable VAD & DTX.
SetVADSafe(false, false, VADNormal);
// Cleaning.
if (red_buffer_) {
memset(red_buffer_, 0, MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_BYTE);
return 0;
void AudioCodingModuleImpl::UnregisterSecondarySendCodec() {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
if (secondary_encoder_.get() == NULL) {
int AudioCodingModuleImpl::SecondarySendCodec(
CodecInst* secondary_codec) const {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
if (secondary_encoder_.get() == NULL) {
return -1;
memcpy(secondary_codec, &secondary_send_codec_inst_,
return 0;
// Can be called multiple times for Codec, CNG, RED.
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::RegisterSendCodec(
const CodecInst& send_codec) {
int mirror_id;
int codec_id = IsValidSendCodec(send_codec, true, id_, &mirror_id);
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
// Check for reported errors from function IsValidSendCodec().
if (codec_id < 0) {
if (!send_codec_registered_) {
// This values has to be NULL if there is no codec registered.
current_send_codec_idx_ = -1;
return -1;
// RED can be registered with other payload type. If not registered a default
// payload type is used.
if (IsCodecRED(&send_codec)) {
// TODO(tlegrand): Remove this check. Already taken care of in
// ACMCodecDB::CodecNumber().
// Check if the payload-type is valid
if (!ACMCodecDB::ValidPayloadType(send_codec.pltype)) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Invalid payload-type %d for %s.", send_codec.pltype,
return -1;
// Set RED payload type.
red_pltype_ = static_cast<uint8_t>(send_codec.pltype);
return 0;
// CNG can be registered with other payload type. If not registered the
// default payload types from codec database will be used.
if (IsCodecCN(&send_codec)) {
// CNG is registered.
switch (send_codec.plfreq) {
case 8000: {
cng_nb_pltype_ = static_cast<uint8_t>(send_codec.pltype);
case 16000: {
cng_wb_pltype_ = static_cast<uint8_t>(send_codec.pltype);
case 32000: {
cng_swb_pltype_ = static_cast<uint8_t>(send_codec.pltype);
case 48000: {
cng_fb_pltype_ = static_cast<uint8_t>(send_codec.pltype);
default: {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"RegisterSendCodec() failed, invalid frequency for CNG "
return -1;
return 0;
// Set Stereo, and make sure VAD and DTX is turned off.
if (send_codec.channels == 2) {
stereo_send_ = true;
if (vad_enabled_ || dtx_enabled_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceWarning, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"VAD/DTX is turned off, not supported when sending stereo.");
vad_enabled_ = false;
dtx_enabled_ = false;
} else {
stereo_send_ = false;
// Check if the codec is already registered as send codec.
bool is_send_codec;
if (send_codec_registered_) {
int send_codec_mirror_id;
int send_codec_id = ACMCodecDB::CodecNumber(&send_codec_inst_,
assert(send_codec_id >= 0);
is_send_codec = (send_codec_id == codec_id) ||
(mirror_id == send_codec_mirror_id);
} else {
is_send_codec = false;
// If there is secondary codec registered and the new send codec has a
// sampling rate different than that of secondary codec, then unregister the
// secondary codec.
if (secondary_encoder_.get() != NULL &&
secondary_send_codec_inst_.plfreq != send_codec.plfreq) {
// If new codec, or new settings, register.
if (!is_send_codec) {
if (codecs_[mirror_id] == NULL) {
codecs_[mirror_id] = CreateCodec(send_codec);
if (codecs_[mirror_id] == NULL) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Cannot Create the codec");
return -1;
mirror_codec_idx_[mirror_id] = mirror_id;
if (mirror_id != codec_id) {
codecs_[codec_id] = codecs_[mirror_id];
mirror_codec_idx_[codec_id] = mirror_id;
ACMGenericCodec* codec_ptr = codecs_[codec_id];
int16_t status;
WebRtcACMCodecParams codec_params;
memcpy(&(codec_params.codec_inst), &send_codec, sizeof(CodecInst));
codec_params.enable_vad = vad_enabled_;
codec_params.enable_dtx = dtx_enabled_;
codec_params.vad_mode = vad_mode_;
// Force initialization.
status = codec_ptr->InitEncoder(&codec_params, true);
// Check if VAD was turned on, or if error is reported.
if (status == 1) {
vad_enabled_ = true;
} else if (status < 0) {
// Could not initialize the encoder.
// Check if already have a registered codec.
// Depending on that different messages are logged.
if (!send_codec_registered_) {
current_send_codec_idx_ = -1;
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Cannot Initialize the encoder No Encoder is registered");
} else {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Cannot Initialize the encoder, continue encoding with "
"the previously registered codec");
return -1;
// Everything is fine so we can replace the previous codec with this one.
if (send_codec_registered_) {
// If we change codec we start fresh with FEC.
// This is not strictly required by the standard.
is_first_red_ = true;
if (codec_ptr->SetVAD(dtx_enabled_, vad_enabled_, vad_mode_) < 0) {
// SetVAD failed.
vad_enabled_ = false;
dtx_enabled_ = false;
current_send_codec_idx_ = codec_id;
send_codec_registered_ = true;
memcpy(&send_codec_inst_, &send_codec, sizeof(CodecInst));
previous_pltype_ = send_codec_inst_.pltype;
return 0;
} else {
// If codec is the same as already registered check if any parameters
// has changed compared to the current values.
// If any parameter is valid then apply it and record.
bool force_init = false;
if (mirror_id != codec_id) {
codecs_[codec_id] = codecs_[mirror_id];
mirror_codec_idx_[codec_id] = mirror_id;
// Check the payload type.
if (send_codec.pltype != send_codec_inst_.pltype) {
// At this point check if the given payload type is valid.
// Record it later when the sampling frequency is changed
// successfully.
if (!ACMCodecDB::ValidPayloadType(send_codec.pltype)) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Out of range payload type");
return -1;
// If there is a codec that ONE instance of codec supports multiple
// sampling frequencies, then we need to take care of it here.
// one such a codec is iSAC. Both WB and SWB are encoded and decoded
// with one iSAC instance. Therefore, we need to update the encoder
// frequency if required.
if (send_codec_inst_.plfreq != send_codec.plfreq) {
force_init = true;
// If sampling frequency is changed we have to start fresh with RED.
is_first_red_ = true;
// If packet size or number of channels has changed, we need to
// re-initialize the encoder.
if (send_codec_inst_.pacsize != send_codec.pacsize) {
force_init = true;
if (send_codec_inst_.channels != send_codec.channels) {
force_init = true;
if (force_init) {
WebRtcACMCodecParams codec_params;
memcpy(&(codec_params.codec_inst), &send_codec, sizeof(CodecInst));
codec_params.enable_vad = vad_enabled_;
codec_params.enable_dtx = dtx_enabled_;
codec_params.vad_mode = vad_mode_;
// Force initialization.
if (codecs_[current_send_codec_idx_]->InitEncoder(&codec_params,
true) < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Could not change the codec packet-size.");
return -1;
send_codec_inst_.plfreq = send_codec.plfreq;
send_codec_inst_.pacsize = send_codec.pacsize;
send_codec_inst_.channels = send_codec.channels;
// If the change of sampling frequency has been successful then
// we store the payload-type.
send_codec_inst_.pltype = send_codec.pltype;
// Check if a change in Rate is required.
if (send_codec.rate != send_codec_inst_.rate) {
if (codecs_[codec_id]->SetBitRate(send_codec.rate) < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Could not change the codec rate.");
return -1;
send_codec_inst_.rate = send_codec.rate;
previous_pltype_ = send_codec_inst_.pltype;
return 0;
// Get current send codec.
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::SendCodec(
CodecInst* current_codec) const {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceStream, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
if (!send_codec_registered_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceStream, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"SendCodec Failed, no codec is registered");
return -1;
WebRtcACMCodecParams encoder_param;
encoder_param.codec_inst.pltype = send_codec_inst_.pltype;
memcpy(current_codec, &(encoder_param.codec_inst), sizeof(CodecInst));
return 0;
// Get current send frequency.
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::SendFrequency() const {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceStream, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
if (!send_codec_registered_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceStream, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"SendFrequency Failed, no codec is registered");
return -1;
return send_codec_inst_.plfreq;
// Get encode bitrate.
// Adaptive rate codecs return their current encode target rate, while other
// codecs return there longterm avarage or their fixed rate.
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::SendBitrate() const {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
if (!send_codec_registered_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceStream, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"SendBitrate Failed, no codec is registered");
return -1;
WebRtcACMCodecParams encoder_param;
return encoder_param.codec_inst.rate;
// Set available bandwidth, inform the encoder about the estimated bandwidth
// received from the remote party.
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::SetReceivedEstimatedBandwidth(
const int32_t bw) {
return codecs_[current_send_codec_idx_]->SetEstimatedBandwidth(bw);
// Register a transport callback which will be called to deliver
// the encoded buffers.
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::RegisterTransportCallback(
AudioPacketizationCallback* transport) {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(callback_crit_sect_);
packetization_callback_ = transport;
return 0;
// Used by the module to deliver messages to the codec module/application
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::RegisterIncomingMessagesCallback(
AudioCodingFeedback* /* incoming_message */,
const ACMCountries /* cpt */) {
return -1;
AudioCodingFeedback* incoming_message,
const ACMCountries cpt) {
int16_t status = 0;
// Enter the critical section for callback.
CriticalSectionScoped lock(callback_crit_sect_);
dtmf_callback_ = incoming_message;
// Enter the ACM critical section to set up the DTMF class.
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
// Check if the call is to disable or enable the callback.
if (incoming_message == NULL) {
// Callback is disabled, delete DTMF-detector class.
if (dtmf_detector_ != NULL) {
delete dtmf_detector_;
dtmf_detector_ = NULL;
status = 0;
} else {
status = 0;
if (dtmf_detector_ == NULL) {
dtmf_detector_ = new ACMDTMFDetection;
if (dtmf_detector_ == NULL) {
status = -1;
if (status >= 0) {
status = dtmf_detector_->Enable(cpt);
if (status < 0) {
// Failed to initialize if DTMF-detection was not enabled before,
// delete the class, and set the callback to NULL and return -1.
delete dtmf_detector_;
dtmf_detector_ = NULL;
// Check if we failed in setting up the DTMF-detector class.
if ((status < 0)) {
// We failed, we cannot have the callback.
CriticalSectionScoped lock(callback_crit_sect_);
dtmf_callback_ = NULL;
return status;
// Add 10MS of raw (PCM) audio data to the encoder.
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::Add10MsData(
const AudioFrame& audio_frame) {
TRACE_EVENT2("webrtc", "ACM::Add10MsData",
"timestamp", audio_frame.timestamp_,
"samples_per_channel", audio_frame.samples_per_channel_);
if (audio_frame.samples_per_channel_ <= 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Cannot Add 10 ms audio, payload length is negative or "
return -1;
// Allow for 8, 16, 32 and 48kHz input audio.
if ((audio_frame.sample_rate_hz_ != 8000)
&& (audio_frame.sample_rate_hz_ != 16000)
&& (audio_frame.sample_rate_hz_ != 32000)
&& (audio_frame.sample_rate_hz_ != 48000)) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Cannot Add 10 ms audio, input frequency not valid");
return -1;
// If the length and frequency matches. We currently just support raw PCM.
if ((audio_frame.sample_rate_hz_ / 100)
!= audio_frame.samples_per_channel_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Cannot Add 10 ms audio, input frequency and length doesn't"
" match");
return -1;
if (audio_frame.num_channels_ != 1 && audio_frame.num_channels_ != 2) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Cannot Add 10 ms audio, invalid number of channels.");
return -1;
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
// Do we have a codec registered?
if (!HaveValidEncoder("Add10MsData")) {
return -1;
const AudioFrame* ptr_frame;
// Perform a resampling, also down-mix if it is required and can be
// performed before resampling (a down mix prior to resampling will take
// place if both primary and secondary encoders are mono and input is in
// stereo).
if (PreprocessToAddData(audio_frame, &ptr_frame) < 0) {
return -1;
// Check whether we need an up-mix or down-mix?
bool remix = ptr_frame->num_channels_ != send_codec_inst_.channels;
if (secondary_encoder_.get() != NULL) {
remix = remix ||
(ptr_frame->num_channels_ != secondary_send_codec_inst_.channels);
// If a re-mix is required (up or down), this buffer will store re-mixed
// version of the input.
int16_t buffer[WEBRTC_10MS_PCM_AUDIO];
if (remix) {
if (ptr_frame->num_channels_ == 1) {
if (UpMix(*ptr_frame, WEBRTC_10MS_PCM_AUDIO, buffer) < 0)
return -1;
} else {
if (DownMix(*ptr_frame, WEBRTC_10MS_PCM_AUDIO, buffer) < 0)
return -1;
// When adding data to encoders this pointer is pointing to an audio buffer
// with correct number of channels.
const int16_t* ptr_audio = ptr_frame->data_;
// For pushing data to primary, point the |ptr_audio| to correct buffer.
if (send_codec_inst_.channels != ptr_frame->num_channels_)
ptr_audio = buffer;
if (codecs_[current_send_codec_idx_]->Add10MsData(
ptr_frame->timestamp_, ptr_audio, ptr_frame->samples_per_channel_,
send_codec_inst_.channels) < 0)
return -1;
if (secondary_encoder_.get() != NULL) {
// For pushing data to secondary, point the |ptr_audio| to correct buffer.
ptr_audio = ptr_frame->data_;
if (secondary_send_codec_inst_.channels != ptr_frame->num_channels_)
ptr_audio = buffer;
if (secondary_encoder_->Add10MsData(
ptr_frame->timestamp_, ptr_audio, ptr_frame->samples_per_channel_,
secondary_send_codec_inst_.channels) < 0)
return -1;
return 0;
// Perform a resampling and down-mix if required. We down-mix only if
// encoder is mono and input is stereo. In case of dual-streaming, both
// encoders has to be mono for down-mix to take place.
// |*ptr_out| will point to the pre-processed audio-frame. If no pre-processing
// is required, |*ptr_out| points to |in_frame|.
int AudioCodingModuleImpl::PreprocessToAddData(const AudioFrame& in_frame,
const AudioFrame** ptr_out) {
// Primary and secondary (if exists) should have the same sampling rate.
assert((secondary_encoder_.get() != NULL) ?
secondary_send_codec_inst_.plfreq == send_codec_inst_.plfreq : true);
bool resample = ((int32_t) in_frame.sample_rate_hz_
!= send_codec_inst_.plfreq);
// This variable is true if primary codec and secondary codec (if exists)
// are both mono and input is stereo.
bool down_mix;
if (secondary_encoder_.get() != NULL) {
down_mix = (in_frame.num_channels_ == 2) &&
(send_codec_inst_.channels == 1) &&
(secondary_send_codec_inst_.channels == 1);
} else {
down_mix = (in_frame.num_channels_ == 2) &&
(send_codec_inst_.channels == 1);
if (!down_mix && !resample) {
// No pre-processing is required.
last_in_timestamp_ = in_frame.timestamp_;
last_timestamp_ = in_frame.timestamp_;
*ptr_out = &in_frame;
return 0;
*ptr_out = &preprocess_frame_;
preprocess_frame_.num_channels_ = in_frame.num_channels_;
int16_t audio[WEBRTC_10MS_PCM_AUDIO];
const int16_t* src_ptr_audio = in_frame.data_;
int16_t* dest_ptr_audio = preprocess_frame_.data_;
if (down_mix) {
// If a resampling is required the output of a down-mix is written into a
// local buffer, otherwise, it will be written to the output frame.
if (resample)
dest_ptr_audio = audio;
if (DownMix(in_frame, WEBRTC_10MS_PCM_AUDIO, dest_ptr_audio) < 0)
return -1;
preprocess_frame_.num_channels_ = 1;
// Set the input of the resampler is the down-mixed signal.
src_ptr_audio = audio;
preprocess_frame_.timestamp_ = in_frame.timestamp_;
preprocess_frame_.samples_per_channel_ = in_frame.samples_per_channel_;
preprocess_frame_.sample_rate_hz_ = in_frame.sample_rate_hz_;
// If it is required, we have to do a resampling.
if (resample) {
// The result of the resampler is written to output frame.
dest_ptr_audio = preprocess_frame_.data_;
uint32_t timestamp_diff;
// Calculate the timestamp of this frame.
if (last_in_timestamp_ > in_frame.timestamp_) {
// A wrap around has happened.
timestamp_diff = ((uint32_t) 0xFFFFFFFF - last_in_timestamp_)
+ in_frame.timestamp_;
} else {
timestamp_diff = in_frame.timestamp_ - last_in_timestamp_;
preprocess_frame_.timestamp_ = last_timestamp_ +
static_cast<uint32_t>(timestamp_diff *
(static_cast<double>(send_codec_inst_.plfreq) /
preprocess_frame_.samples_per_channel_ = input_resampler_.Resample10Msec(
src_ptr_audio, in_frame.sample_rate_hz_, dest_ptr_audio,
send_codec_inst_.plfreq, preprocess_frame_.num_channels_);
if (preprocess_frame_.samples_per_channel_ < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Cannot add 10 ms audio, resmapling failed");
return -1;
preprocess_frame_.sample_rate_hz_ = send_codec_inst_.plfreq;
last_in_timestamp_ = in_frame.timestamp_;
last_timestamp_ = preprocess_frame_.timestamp_;
return 0;
// (FEC) Forward Error Correction
bool AudioCodingModuleImpl::FECStatus() const {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
return fec_enabled_;
// Configure FEC status i.e on/off.
const bool enable_fec) {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
if (fec_enabled_ != enable_fec) {
// Reset the RED buffer.
memset(red_buffer_, 0, MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_BYTE);
// Reset fragmentation buffers.
// Set fec_enabled_.
fec_enabled_ = enable_fec;
is_first_red_ = true; // Make sure we restart FEC.
return 0;
const bool /* enable_fec */) {
fec_enabled_ = false;
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceWarning, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
" WEBRTC_CODEC_RED is undefined => fec_enabled_ = %d",
return -1;
// (VAD) Voice Activity Detection
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::SetVAD(const bool enable_dtx,
const bool enable_vad,
const ACMVADMode mode) {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
return SetVADSafe(enable_dtx, enable_vad, mode);
int AudioCodingModuleImpl::SetVADSafe(bool enable_dtx,
bool enable_vad,
ACMVADMode mode) {
// Sanity check of the mode.
if ((mode != VADNormal) && (mode != VADLowBitrate)
&& (mode != VADAggr) && (mode != VADVeryAggr)) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Invalid VAD Mode %d, no change is made to VAD/DTX status",
return -1;
// Check that the send codec is mono. We don't support VAD/DTX for stereo
// sending.
if ((enable_dtx || enable_vad) && stereo_send_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"VAD/DTX not supported for stereo sending");
return -1;
// We don't support VAD/DTX when dual-streaming is enabled, i.e.
// secondary-encoder is registered.
if ((enable_dtx || enable_vad) && secondary_encoder_.get() != NULL) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"VAD/DTX not supported when dual-streaming is enabled.");
return -1;
// If a send codec is registered, set VAD/DTX for the codec.
if (HaveValidEncoder("SetVAD")) {
int16_t status = codecs_[current_send_codec_idx_]->SetVAD(enable_dtx,
if (status == 1) {
// Vad was enabled.
vad_enabled_ = true;
dtx_enabled_ = enable_dtx;
vad_mode_ = mode;
return 0;
} else if (status < 0) {
// SetVAD failed.
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"SetVAD failed");
vad_enabled_ = false;
dtx_enabled_ = false;
return -1;
vad_enabled_ = enable_vad;
dtx_enabled_ = enable_dtx;
vad_mode_ = mode;
return 0;
// Get VAD/DTX settings.
// TODO(tlegrand): Change this method to void.
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::VAD(bool* dtx_enabled, bool* vad_enabled,
ACMVADMode* mode) const {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
*dtx_enabled = dtx_enabled_;
*vad_enabled = vad_enabled_;
*mode = vad_mode_;
return 0;
// Receiver
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::InitializeReceiver() {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
return InitializeReceiverSafe();
// Initialize receiver, resets codec database etc.
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::InitializeReceiverSafe() {
initial_delay_ms_ = 0;
num_packets_accumulated_ = 0;
num_bytes_accumulated_ = 0;
accumulated_audio_ms_ = 0;
first_payload_received_ = 0;
last_incoming_send_timestamp_ = 0;
track_neteq_buffer_ = false;
playout_ts_ = 0;
// If the receiver is already initialized then we want to destroy any
// existing decoders. After a call to this function, we should have a clean
// start-up.
if (receiver_initialized_) {
for (int i = 0; i < ACMCodecDB::kNumCodecs; i++) {
if (UnregisterReceiveCodecSafe(i) < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"InitializeReceiver() failed, Could not unregister codec");
return -1;
if (neteq_.Init() != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"InitializeReceiver() failed, Could not initialize NetEQ");
return -1;
if (neteq_.AllocatePacketBuffer(ACMCodecDB::NetEQDecoders(),
ACMCodecDB::kNumCodecs) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"NetEQ cannot allocate_packet Buffer");
return -1;
// Register RED and CN.
for (int i = 0; i < ACMCodecDB::kNumCodecs; i++) {
if (IsCodecRED(i) || IsCodecCN(i)) {
if (RegisterRecCodecMSSafe(ACMCodecDB::database_[i], i, i,
ACMNetEQ::kMasterJb) < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Cannot register master codec.");
return -1;
registered_pltypes_[i] = ACMCodecDB::database_[i].pltype;
receiver_initialized_ = true;
return 0;
// Reset the decoder state.
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::ResetDecoder() {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
for (int id = 0; id < ACMCodecDB::kMaxNumCodecs; id++) {
if ((codecs_[id] != NULL) && (registered_pltypes_[id] != -1)) {
if (codecs_[id]->ResetDecoder(registered_pltypes_[id]) < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"ResetDecoder failed:");
return -1;
return neteq_.FlushBuffers();
// Get current receive frequency.
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::ReceiveFrequency() const {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceStream, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
WebRtcACMCodecParams codec_params;
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
if (DecoderParamByPlType(last_recv_audio_codec_pltype_, codec_params) < 0) {
return neteq_.CurrentSampFreqHz();
} else if (codec_params.codec_inst.plfreq == 48000) {
// TODO(tlegrand): Remove this option when we have full 48 kHz support.
return 32000;
} else {
return codec_params.codec_inst.plfreq;
// Get current playout frequency.
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::PlayoutFrequency() const {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceStream, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
return neteq_.CurrentSampFreqHz();
// Register possible receive codecs, can be called multiple times,
// for codecs, CNG (NB, WB and SWB), DTMF, RED.
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::RegisterReceiveCodec(
const CodecInst& receive_codec) {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
if (receive_codec.channels > 2) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"More than 2 audio channel is not supported.");
return -1;
int mirror_id;
int codec_id = ACMCodecDB::ReceiverCodecNumber(&receive_codec, &mirror_id);
if (codec_id < 0 || codec_id >= ACMCodecDB::kNumCodecs) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Wrong codec params to be registered as receive codec");
return -1;
// Check if the payload-type is valid.
if (!ACMCodecDB::ValidPayloadType(receive_codec.pltype)) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Invalid payload-type %d for %s.", receive_codec.pltype,
return -1;
if (!receiver_initialized_) {
if (InitializeReceiverSafe() < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Cannot initialize reciver, so failed registering a codec.");
return -1;
// If codec already registered, unregister. Except for CN where we only
// unregister if payload type is changing.
if ((registered_pltypes_[codec_id] == receive_codec.pltype)
&& IsCodecCN(&receive_codec)) {
// Codec already registered as receiver with this payload type. Nothing
// to be done.
return 0;
} else if (registered_pltypes_[codec_id] != -1) {
if (UnregisterReceiveCodecSafe(codec_id) < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Cannot register master codec.");
return -1;
if (RegisterRecCodecMSSafe(receive_codec, codec_id, mirror_id,
ACMNetEQ::kMasterJb) < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Cannot register master codec.");
return -1;
// TODO(andrew): Refactor how the slave is initialized. Can we instead
// always start up a slave and pre-register CN and RED? We should be able
// to get rid of stereo_receive_registered_.
// Register stereo codecs with the slave, or, if we've had already seen a
// stereo codec, register CN or RED as a special case.
if (receive_codec.channels == 2 ||
(stereo_receive_registered_ && (IsCodecCN(&receive_codec) ||
IsCodecRED(&receive_codec)))) {
// TODO(andrew): refactor this block to combine with InitStereoSlave().
if (!stereo_receive_registered_) {
// This is the first time a stereo codec has been registered. Make
// some stereo preparations.
// Add a stereo slave.
assert(neteq_.num_slaves() == 0);
if (neteq_.AddSlave(ACMCodecDB::NetEQDecoders(),
ACMCodecDB::kNumCodecs) < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Cannot add slave jitter buffer to NetEQ.");
return -1;
// Register any existing CN or RED codecs with the slave and as stereo.
for (int i = 0; i < ACMCodecDB::kNumCodecs; i++) {
if (registered_pltypes_[i] != -1 && (IsCodecRED(i) || IsCodecCN(i))) {
stereo_receive_[i] = true;
CodecInst codec;
memcpy(&codec, &ACMCodecDB::database_[i], sizeof(CodecInst));
codec.pltype = registered_pltypes_[i];
if (RegisterRecCodecMSSafe(codec, i, i, ACMNetEQ::kSlaveJb) < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Cannot register slave codec.");
return -1;
if (RegisterRecCodecMSSafe(receive_codec, codec_id, mirror_id,
ACMNetEQ::kSlaveJb) < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Cannot register slave codec.");
return -1;
if (!stereo_receive_[codec_id] &&
(last_recv_audio_codec_pltype_ == receive_codec.pltype)) {
// The last received payload type is the same as the one we are
// registering. Expected number of channels to receive is one (mono),
// but we are now registering the receiving codec as stereo (number of
// channels is 2).
// Set |last_recv_audio_coded_pltype_| to invalid value to trigger a
// flush in NetEq, and a reset of expected number of channels next time a
// packet is received in AudioCodingModuleImpl::IncomingPacket().
last_recv_audio_codec_pltype_ = -1;
stereo_receive_[codec_id] = true;
stereo_receive_registered_ = true;
} else {
if (last_recv_audio_codec_pltype_ == receive_codec.pltype &&
expected_channels_ == 2) {
// The last received payload type is the same as the one we are
// registering. Expected number of channels to receive is two (stereo),
// but we are now registering the receiving codec as mono (number of
// channels is 1).
// Set |last_recv_audio_coded_pl_type_| to invalid value to trigger a
// flush in NetEq, and a reset of expected number of channels next time a
// packet is received in AudioCodingModuleImpl::IncomingPacket().
last_recv_audio_codec_pltype_ = -1;
stereo_receive_[codec_id] = false;
registered_pltypes_[codec_id] = receive_codec.pltype;
if (IsCodecRED(&receive_codec)) {
receive_red_pltype_ = receive_codec.pltype;
return 0;
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::RegisterRecCodecMSSafe(
const CodecInst& receive_codec, int16_t codec_id,
int16_t mirror_id, ACMNetEQ::JitterBuffer jitter_buffer) {
ACMGenericCodec** codecs;
if (jitter_buffer == ACMNetEQ::kMasterJb) {
codecs = &codecs_[0];
} else if (jitter_buffer == ACMNetEQ::kSlaveJb) {
codecs = &slave_codecs_[0];
if (codecs_[codec_id]->IsTrueStereoCodec()) {
// True stereo codecs need to use the same codec memory
// for both master and slave.
slave_codecs_[mirror_id] = codecs_[mirror_id];
mirror_codec_idx_[mirror_id] = mirror_id;
} else {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"RegisterReceiveCodecMSSafe failed, jitter_buffer is neither "
"master or slave ");
return -1;
if (codecs[mirror_id] == NULL) {
codecs[mirror_id] = CreateCodec(receive_codec);
if (codecs[mirror_id] == NULL) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Cannot create codec to register as receive codec");
return -1;
mirror_codec_idx_[mirror_id] = mirror_id;
if (mirror_id != codec_id) {
codecs[codec_id] = codecs[mirror_id];
mirror_codec_idx_[codec_id] = mirror_id;
codecs[codec_id]->SetIsMaster(jitter_buffer == ACMNetEQ::kMasterJb);
int16_t status = 0;
WebRtcACMCodecParams codec_params;
memcpy(&(codec_params.codec_inst), &receive_codec, sizeof(CodecInst));
codec_params.enable_vad = false;
codec_params.enable_dtx = false;
codec_params.vad_mode = VADNormal;
if (!codecs[codec_id]->DecoderInitialized()) {
// Force initialization.
status = codecs[codec_id]->InitDecoder(&codec_params, true);
if (status < 0) {
// Could not initialize the decoder, we don't want to
// continue if we could not initialize properly.
webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"could not initialize the receive codec, codec not registered");
return -1;
} else if (mirror_id != codec_id) {
// Currently this only happens for iSAC.
// We have to store the decoder parameters.
if (codecs[codec_id]->RegisterInNetEq(&neteq_, receive_codec) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Receive codec could not be registered in NetEQ");
return -1;
// Guarantee that the same payload-type that is
// registered in NetEQ is stored in the codec.
return status;
// Get current received codec.
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::ReceiveCodec(
CodecInst* current_codec) const {
WebRtcACMCodecParams decoder_param;
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
for (int id = 0; id < ACMCodecDB::kMaxNumCodecs; id++) {
if (codecs_[id] != NULL) {
if (codecs_[id]->DecoderInitialized()) {
if (codecs_[id]->DecoderParams(&decoder_param,
last_recv_audio_codec_pltype_)) {
memcpy(current_codec, &decoder_param.codec_inst,
return 0;
// If we are here then we haven't found any codec. Set codec pltype to -1 to
// indicate that the structure is invalid and return -1.
current_codec->pltype = -1;
return -1;
// Incoming packet from network parsed and ready for decode.
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::IncomingPacket(
const uint8_t* incoming_payload,
const int32_t payload_length,
const WebRtcRTPHeader& rtp_info) {
WebRtcRTPHeader rtp_header;
memcpy(&rtp_header, &rtp_info, sizeof(WebRtcRTPHeader));
if (payload_length < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"IncomingPacket() Error, payload-length cannot be negative");
return -1;
// Store the payload Type. This will be used to retrieve "received codec"
// and "received frequency."
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
// Check there are packets missed between the last injected packet, and the
// latest received packet. If so and we are in AV-sync mode then we would
// like to fill the gap. Shouldn't be the first payload.
if (av_sync_ && first_payload_received_ &&
rtp_info.header.sequenceNumber > last_sequence_number_ + 1) {
// If the last packet pushed was sync-packet account for all missing
// packets. Otherwise leave some room for PLC.
if (last_packet_was_sync_) {
while (rtp_info.header.sequenceNumber > last_sequence_number_ + 2) {
} else {
// Leave two packet room for NetEq perform PLC.
if (rtp_info.header.sequenceNumber > last_sequence_number_ + 3) {
last_sequence_number_ += 2;
last_incoming_send_timestamp_ += last_timestamp_diff_ * 2;
last_receive_timestamp_ += 2 * last_timestamp_diff_;
while (rtp_info.header.sequenceNumber > last_sequence_number_ + 1)
uint8_t my_payload_type;
// Check if this is an RED payload.
if (rtp_info.header.payloadType == receive_red_pltype_) {
// Get the primary payload-type.
my_payload_type = incoming_payload[0] & 0x7F;
} else {
my_payload_type = rtp_info.header.payloadType;
// If payload is audio, check if received payload is different from
// previous.
if (!rtp_info.type.Audio.isCNG) {
// This is Audio not CNG.
if (my_payload_type != last_recv_audio_codec_pltype_) {
// We detect a change in payload type. It is necessary for iSAC
// we are going to use ONE iSAC instance for decoding both WB and
// SWB payloads. If payload is changed there might be a need to reset
// sampling rate of decoder. depending what we have received "now".
for (int i = 0; i < ACMCodecDB::kMaxNumCodecs; i++) {
if (registered_pltypes_[i] == my_payload_type) {
if (UpdateUponReceivingCodec(i) != 0)
return -1;
// Codec is changed, there might be a jump in timestamp, therefore,
// we have to reset some variables that track NetEq buffer.
if (track_neteq_buffer_ || av_sync_) {
last_incoming_send_timestamp_ = rtp_info.header.timestamp;
if (nack_enabled_) {
// Codec is changed, reset NACK and update sampling rate.
last_recv_audio_codec_pltype_ = my_payload_type;
// Current timestamp based on the receiver sampling frequency.
last_receive_timestamp_ = NowTimestamp(current_receive_codec_idx_);
if (nack_enabled_) {
int per_neteq_payload_length = payload_length;
// Split the payload for stereo packets, so that first half of payload
// vector holds left channel, and second half holds right channel.
if (expected_channels_ == 2) {
if (!rtp_info.type.Audio.isCNG) {
// Create a new vector for the payload, maximum payload size.
int32_t length = payload_length;
uint8_t payload[kMaxPacketSize];
assert(payload_length <= kMaxPacketSize);
memcpy(payload, incoming_payload, payload_length);
codecs_[current_receive_codec_idx_]->SplitStereoPacket(payload, &length); = 2;
per_neteq_payload_length = length / 2;
// Insert packet into NetEQ.
if (neteq_.RecIn(payload, length, rtp_header,
last_receive_timestamp_) < 0)
return -1;
} else {
// If we receive a CNG packet while expecting stereo, we ignore the
// packet and continue. CNG is not supported for stereo.
return 0;
} else {
if (neteq_.RecIn(incoming_payload, payload_length, rtp_header,
last_receive_timestamp_) < 0)
return -1;
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
// Update buffering uses |last_incoming_send_timestamp_| so it should be
// before the next block.
if (track_neteq_buffer_)
UpdateBufferingSafe(rtp_header, per_neteq_payload_length);
if (av_sync_) {
if (rtp_info.header.sequenceNumber == last_sequence_number_ + 1) {
last_timestamp_diff_ = rtp_info.header.timestamp -
last_sequence_number_ = rtp_info.header.sequenceNumber;
last_ssrc_ = rtp_info.header.ssrc;
last_packet_was_sync_ = false;
if (av_sync_ || track_neteq_buffer_) {
last_incoming_send_timestamp_ = rtp_info.header.timestamp;
// Set the following regardless of tracking NetEq buffer or being in
// AV-sync mode. Only if the received packet is not CNG.
if (!rtp_info.type.Audio.isCNG)
first_payload_received_ = true;
return 0;
int AudioCodingModuleImpl::UpdateUponReceivingCodec(int index) {
if (codecs_[index] == NULL) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"IncomingPacket() error: payload type found but "
"corresponding codec is NULL");
return -1;
current_receive_codec_idx_ = index;
// If we have a change in the expected number of channels, flush packet
// buffers in NetEQ.
if ((stereo_receive_[index] && (expected_channels_ == 1)) ||
(!stereo_receive_[index] && (expected_channels_ == 2))) {
if (stereo_receive_[index] && (expected_channels_ == 1)) {
// When switching from a mono to stereo codec reset the slave.
if (InitStereoSlave() != 0)
return -1;
// Store number of channels we expect to receive for the current payload type.
if (stereo_receive_[index]) {
expected_channels_ = 2;
} else {
expected_channels_ = 1;
// Reset previous received channel.
prev_received_channel_ = 0;
return 0;
bool AudioCodingModuleImpl::IsCodecForSlave(int index) const {
return (registered_pltypes_[index] != -1 && stereo_receive_[index]);
int AudioCodingModuleImpl::InitStereoSlave() {
if (neteq_.AddSlave(ACMCodecDB::NetEQDecoders(),
ACMCodecDB::kNumCodecs) < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Cannot add slave jitter buffer to NetEQ.");
return -1;
// Register all needed codecs with slave.
for (int i = 0; i < ACMCodecDB::kNumCodecs; i++) {
if (codecs_[i] != NULL && IsCodecForSlave(i)) {
WebRtcACMCodecParams decoder_params;
if (codecs_[i]->DecoderParams(&decoder_params, registered_pltypes_[i])) {
if (RegisterRecCodecMSSafe(decoder_params.codec_inst,
i, ACMCodecDB::MirrorID(i),
ACMNetEQ::kSlaveJb) < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Cannot register slave codec.");
return -1;
return 0;
// Minimum playout delay (Used for lip-sync).
int AudioCodingModuleImpl::SetMinimumPlayoutDelay(int time_ms) {
if ((time_ms < 0) || (time_ms > 10000)) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Delay must be in the range of 0-10000 milliseconds.");
return -1;
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
// Don't let the extra delay modified while accumulating buffers in NetEq.
if (track_neteq_buffer_ && first_payload_received_)
return 0;
return neteq_.SetMinimumDelay(time_ms);
// Get Dtmf playout status.
bool AudioCodingModuleImpl::DtmfPlayoutStatus() const {
return false;
return neteq_.avt_playout();
// Configure Dtmf playout status i.e on/off playout the incoming outband
// Dtmf tone.
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::SetDtmfPlayoutStatus(
const bool /* enable */) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceWarning, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"SetDtmfPlayoutStatus() failed: AVT is not supported.");
return -1;
const bool enable) {
return neteq_.SetAVTPlayout(enable);
// Estimate the Bandwidth based on the incoming stream, needed for one way
// audio where the RTCP send the BW estimate.
// This is also done in the RTP module.
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::DecoderEstimatedBandwidth() const {
CodecInst codec;
int16_t codec_id = -1;
int pltype_wb;
int pltype_swb;
// Get iSAC settings.
for (int id = 0; id < ACMCodecDB::kNumCodecs; id++) {
// Store codec settings for codec number "codeCntr" in the output struct.
ACMCodecDB::Codec(id, &codec);
if (!STR_CASE_CMP(codec.plname, "isac")) {
codec_id = 1;
pltype_wb = codec.pltype;
ACMCodecDB::Codec(id + 1, &codec);
pltype_swb = codec.pltype;
if (codec_id < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"DecoderEstimatedBandwidth failed");
return -1;
if ((last_recv_audio_codec_pltype_ == pltype_wb) ||
(last_recv_audio_codec_pltype_ == pltype_swb)) {
return codecs_[codec_id]->GetEstimatedBandwidth();
} else {
return -1;
// Set playout mode for: voice, fax, or streaming.
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::SetPlayoutMode(
const AudioPlayoutMode mode) {
if ((mode != voice) && (mode != fax) && (mode != streaming) &&
(mode != off)) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Invalid playout mode.");
return -1;
return neteq_.SetPlayoutMode(mode);
// Get playout mode voice, fax.
AudioPlayoutMode AudioCodingModuleImpl::PlayoutMode() const {
return neteq_.playout_mode();
// Get 10 milliseconds of raw audio data to play out.
// Automatic resample to the requested frequency.
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::PlayoutData10Ms(
int32_t desired_freq_hz, AudioFrame* audio_frame) {
TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_BEGIN0("webrtc", "ACM::PlayoutData10Ms", 0);
bool stereo_mode;
if (GetSilence(desired_freq_hz, audio_frame)) {
TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END1("webrtc", "ACM::PlayoutData10Ms", 0,
"silence", true);
return 0; // Silence is generated, return.
// RecOut always returns 10 ms.
if (neteq_.RecOut(audio_frame_) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"PlayoutData failed, RecOut Failed");
return -1;
int seq_num;
uint32_t timestamp;
bool update_nack = nack_enabled_ && // Update NACK only if it is enabled.
neteq_.DecodedRtpInfo(&seq_num, &timestamp);
audio_frame->num_channels_ = audio_frame_.num_channels_;
audio_frame->vad_activity_ = audio_frame_.vad_activity_;
audio_frame->speech_type_ = audio_frame_.speech_type_;
stereo_mode = (audio_frame_.num_channels_ > 1);
// For stereo playout:
// Master and Slave samples are interleaved starting with Master.
const uint16_t receive_freq =
bool tone_detected = false;
int16_t last_detected_tone;
int16_t tone;
// Limit the scope of ACM Critical section.
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
if (update_nack) {
nack_->UpdateLastDecodedPacket(seq_num, timestamp);
// If we are in AV-sync and have already received an audio packet, but the
// latest packet is too late, then insert sync packet.
if (av_sync_ && first_payload_received_ &&
NowTimestamp(current_receive_codec_idx_) > 5 * last_timestamp_diff_ +
last_receive_timestamp_) {
if (!last_packet_was_sync_) {
// If the last packet inserted has been a regular packet Skip two
// packets to give room for PLC.
last_incoming_send_timestamp_ += 2 * last_timestamp_diff_;
last_sequence_number_ += 2;
last_receive_timestamp_ += 2 * last_timestamp_diff_;
// One sync packet.
if (PushSyncPacketSafe() < 0)
return -1;
if ((receive_freq != desired_freq_hz) && (desired_freq_hz != -1)) {
TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END2("webrtc", "ACM::PlayoutData10Ms", 0,
"stereo", stereo_mode, "resample", true);
// Resample payload_data.
int16_t temp_len = output_resampler_.Resample10Msec(
audio_frame_.data_, receive_freq, audio_frame->data_,
desired_freq_hz, audio_frame_.num_channels_);
if (temp_len < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"PlayoutData failed, resampler failed");
return -1;
// Set the payload data length from the resampler.
audio_frame->samples_per_channel_ = (uint16_t) temp_len;
// Set the sampling frequency.
audio_frame->sample_rate_hz_ = desired_freq_hz;
} else {
TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END2("webrtc", "ACM::PlayoutData10Ms", 0,
"stereo", stereo_mode, "resample", false);
memcpy(audio_frame->data_, audio_frame_.data_,
audio_frame_.samples_per_channel_ * audio_frame->num_channels_
* sizeof(int16_t));
// Set the payload length.
audio_frame->samples_per_channel_ =
// Set the sampling frequency.
audio_frame->sample_rate_hz_ = receive_freq;
// Tone detection done for master channel.
if (dtmf_detector_ != NULL) {
// Dtmf Detection.
if (audio_frame->sample_rate_hz_ == 8000) {
// Use audio_frame->data_ then Dtmf detector doesn't
// need resampling.
if (!stereo_mode) {
audio_frame->sample_rate_hz_, tone_detected,
} else {
// We are in 8 kHz so the master channel needs only 80 samples.
int16_t master_channel[80];
for (int n = 0; n < 80; n++) {
master_channel[n] = audio_frame->data_[n << 1];
audio_frame->sample_rate_hz_, tone_detected,
} else {
// Do the detection on the audio that we got from NetEQ (audio_frame_).
if (!stereo_mode) {
receive_freq, tone_detected, tone);
} else {
int16_t master_channel[WEBRTC_10MS_PCM_AUDIO];
for (int n = 0; n < audio_frame_.samples_per_channel_; n++) {
master_channel[n] = audio_frame_.data_[n << 1];
receive_freq, tone_detected, tone);
// We want to do this while we are in acm_crit_sect_.
// (Doesn't really need to initialize the following
// variable but Linux complains if we don't.)
last_detected_tone = kACMToneEnd;
if (tone_detected) {
last_detected_tone = last_detected_tone_;
last_detected_tone_ = tone;
if (tone_detected) {
// We will deal with callback here, so enter callback critical section.
CriticalSectionScoped lock(callback_crit_sect_);
if (dtmf_callback_ != NULL) {
if (tone != kACMToneEnd) {
// just a tone
dtmf_callback_->IncomingDtmf((uint8_t) tone, false);
} else if ((tone == kACMToneEnd) && (last_detected_tone != kACMToneEnd)) {
// The tone is "END" and the previously detected tone is
// not "END," so call fir an end.
dtmf_callback_->IncomingDtmf((uint8_t) last_detected_tone, true);
audio_frame->id_ = id_;
audio_frame->energy_ = -1;
audio_frame->timestamp_ = 0;
return 0;
// (CNG) Comfort Noise Generation
// Generate comfort noise when receiving DTX packets
// Get VAD aggressiveness on the incoming stream
ACMVADMode AudioCodingModuleImpl::ReceiveVADMode() const {
return neteq_.vad_mode();
// Configure VAD aggressiveness on the incoming stream.
int16_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::SetReceiveVADMode(const ACMVADMode mode) {
return neteq_.SetVADMode(mode);
// Statistics
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::NetworkStatistics(
ACMNetworkStatistics* statistics) const {
int32_t status;
status = neteq_.NetworkStatistics(statistics);
return status;
void AudioCodingModuleImpl::DestructEncoderInst(void* inst) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceDebug, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
if (!HaveValidEncoder("DestructEncoderInst")) {
int16_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::AudioBuffer(
WebRtcACMAudioBuff& buffer) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceDebug, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
if (!HaveValidEncoder("AudioBuffer")) {
return -1;
buffer.last_in_timestamp = last_in_timestamp_;
return codecs_[current_send_codec_idx_]->AudioBuffer(buffer);
int16_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::SetAudioBuffer(
WebRtcACMAudioBuff& buffer) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceDebug, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
if (!HaveValidEncoder("SetAudioBuffer")) {
return -1;
return codecs_[current_send_codec_idx_]->SetAudioBuffer(buffer);
uint32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::EarliestTimestamp() const {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceDebug, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
if (!HaveValidEncoder("EarliestTimestamp")) {
return -1;
return codecs_[current_send_codec_idx_]->EarliestTimestamp();
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::RegisterVADCallback(
ACMVADCallback* vad_callback) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceDebug, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
CriticalSectionScoped lock(callback_crit_sect_);
vad_callback_ = vad_callback;
return 0;
// TODO(turajs): Remove this API if it is not used.
// TODO(tlegrand): Modify this function to work for stereo, and add tests.
// TODO(turajs): Receive timestamp in this method is incremented by frame-size
// and does not reflect the true receive frame-size. Therefore, subsequent
// jitter computations are not accurate.
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::IncomingPayload(
const uint8_t* incoming_payload, const int32_t payload_length,
const uint8_t payload_type, const uint32_t timestamp) {
if (payload_length < 0) {
// Log error in trace file.
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"IncomingPacket() Error, payload-length cannot be negative");
return -1;
if (dummy_rtp_header_ == NULL) {
// This is the first time that we are using |dummy_rtp_header_|
// so we have to create it.
WebRtcACMCodecParams codec_params;
dummy_rtp_header_ = new WebRtcRTPHeader;
if (dummy_rtp_header_ == NULL) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"IncomingPayload() Error, out of memory");
return -1;
dummy_rtp_header_->header.payloadType = payload_type;
// Don't matter in this case.
dummy_rtp_header_->header.ssrc = 0;
dummy_rtp_header_->header.markerBit = false;
// Start with random numbers.
dummy_rtp_header_->header.sequenceNumber = rand();
dummy_rtp_header_->header.timestamp =
(static_cast<uint32_t>(rand()) << 16) +
dummy_rtp_header_-> = 1;
if (DecoderParamByPlType(payload_type, codec_params) < 0) {
// We didn't find a codec with the given payload.
// Something is wrong we exit, but we delete |dummy_rtp_header_|
// and set it to NULL to start clean next time.
delete dummy_rtp_header_;
dummy_rtp_header_ = NULL;
return -1;
recv_pl_frame_size_smpls_ = codec_params.codec_inst.pacsize;
if (payload_type != dummy_rtp_header_->header.payloadType) {
// Payload type has changed since the last time we might need to
// update the frame-size.
WebRtcACMCodecParams codec_params;
if (DecoderParamByPlType(payload_type, codec_params) < 0) {
// We didn't find a codec with the given payload.
return -1;
recv_pl_frame_size_smpls_ = codec_params.codec_inst.pacsize;
dummy_rtp_header_->header.payloadType = payload_type;
if (timestamp > 0) {
dummy_rtp_header_->header.timestamp = timestamp;
// Store the payload Type. this will be used to retrieve "received codec"
// and "received frequency."
last_recv_audio_codec_pltype_ = payload_type;
last_receive_timestamp_ += recv_pl_frame_size_smpls_;
// Insert in NetEQ.
if (neteq_.RecIn(incoming_payload, payload_length, *dummy_rtp_header_,
last_receive_timestamp_) < 0) {
return -1;
// Get ready for the next payload.
dummy_rtp_header_->header.timestamp += recv_pl_frame_size_smpls_;
return 0;
int16_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::DecoderParamByPlType(
const uint8_t payload_type,
WebRtcACMCodecParams& codec_params) const {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
for (int16_t id = 0; id < ACMCodecDB::kMaxNumCodecs;
id++) {
if (codecs_[id] != NULL) {
if (codecs_[id]->DecoderInitialized()) {
if (codecs_[id]->DecoderParams(&codec_params, payload_type)) {
return 0;
// If we are here it means that we could not find a
// codec with that payload type. reset the values to
// not acceptable values and return -1.
codec_params.codec_inst.plname[0] = '\0';
codec_params.codec_inst.pacsize = 0;
codec_params.codec_inst.rate = 0;
codec_params.codec_inst.pltype = -1;
return -1;
int16_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::DecoderListIDByPlName(
const char* name, const uint16_t frequency) const {
WebRtcACMCodecParams codec_params;
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
for (int16_t id = 0; id < ACMCodecDB::kMaxNumCodecs; id++) {
if ((codecs_[id] != NULL)) {
if (codecs_[id]->DecoderInitialized()) {
assert(registered_pltypes_[id] >= 0);
assert(registered_pltypes_[id] <= 255);
&codec_params, (uint8_t) registered_pltypes_[id]);
if (!STR_CASE_CMP(codec_params.codec_inst.plname, name)) {
// Check if the given sampling frequency matches.
// A zero sampling frequency means we matching the names
// is sufficient and we don't need to check for the
// frequencies.
// Currently it is only iSAC which has one name but two
// sampling frequencies.
if ((frequency == 0)||
(codec_params.codec_inst.plfreq == frequency)) {
return id;
// If we are here it means that we could not find a
// codec with that payload type. return -1.
return -1;
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::LastEncodedTimestamp(
uint32_t& timestamp) const {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
if (!HaveValidEncoder("LastEncodedTimestamp")) {
return -1;
timestamp = codecs_[current_send_codec_idx_]->LastEncodedTimestamp();
return 0;
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::ReplaceInternalDTXWithWebRtc(
bool use_webrtc_dtx) {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
if (!HaveValidEncoder("ReplaceInternalDTXWithWebRtc")) {
webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Cannot replace codec internal DTX when no send codec is registered.");
return -1;
int32_t res = codecs_[current_send_codec_idx_]->ReplaceInternalDTX(
// Check if VAD is turned on, or if there is any error.
if (res == 1) {
vad_enabled_ = true;
} else if (res < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Failed to set ReplaceInternalDTXWithWebRtc(%d)",
return res;
return 0;
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::IsInternalDTXReplacedWithWebRtc(
bool* uses_webrtc_dtx) {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
if (!HaveValidEncoder("IsInternalDTXReplacedWithWebRtc")) {
return -1;
if (codecs_[current_send_codec_idx_]->IsInternalDTXReplaced(uses_webrtc_dtx)
< 0) {
return -1;
return 0;
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::SetISACMaxRate(
const uint32_t max_bit_per_sec) {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
if (!HaveValidEncoder("SetISACMaxRate")) {
return -1;
return codecs_[current_send_codec_idx_]->SetISACMaxRate(max_bit_per_sec);
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::SetISACMaxPayloadSize(
const uint16_t max_size_bytes) {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
if (!HaveValidEncoder("SetISACMaxPayloadSize")) {
return -1;
return codecs_[current_send_codec_idx_]->SetISACMaxPayloadSize(
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::ConfigISACBandwidthEstimator(
const uint8_t frame_size_ms,
const uint16_t rate_bit_per_sec,
const bool enforce_frame_size) {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
if (!HaveValidEncoder("ConfigISACBandwidthEstimator")) {
return -1;
return codecs_[current_send_codec_idx_]->ConfigISACBandwidthEstimator(
frame_size_ms, rate_bit_per_sec, enforce_frame_size);
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::SetBackgroundNoiseMode(
const ACMBackgroundNoiseMode mode) {
if ((mode < On) || (mode > Off)) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"The specified background noise is out of range.\n");
return -1;
return neteq_.SetBackgroundNoiseMode(mode);
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::BackgroundNoiseMode(
ACMBackgroundNoiseMode* mode) {
return neteq_.BackgroundNoiseMode(*mode);
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::PlayoutTimestamp(
uint32_t* timestamp) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceStream, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
if (track_neteq_buffer_) {
*timestamp = playout_ts_;
return 0;
return neteq_.PlayoutTimestamp(*timestamp);
bool AudioCodingModuleImpl::HaveValidEncoder(const char* caller_name) const {
if ((!send_codec_registered_) || (current_send_codec_idx_ < 0) ||
(current_send_codec_idx_ >= ACMCodecDB::kNumCodecs)) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"%s failed: No send codec is registered.", caller_name);
return false;
if ((current_send_codec_idx_ < 0) ||
(current_send_codec_idx_ >= ACMCodecDB::kNumCodecs)) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"%s failed: Send codec index out of range.", caller_name);
return false;
if (codecs_[current_send_codec_idx_] == NULL) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"%s failed: Send codec is NULL pointer.", caller_name);
return false;
return true;
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::UnregisterReceiveCodec(
const int16_t payload_type) {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
int id;
// Search through the list of registered payload types.
for (id = 0; id < ACMCodecDB::kMaxNumCodecs; id++) {
if (registered_pltypes_[id] == payload_type) {
// We have found the id registered with the payload type.
if (id >= ACMCodecDB::kNumCodecs) {
// Payload type was not registered. No need to unregister.
return 0;
// Unregister the codec with the given payload type.
return UnregisterReceiveCodecSafe(id);
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::UnregisterReceiveCodecSafe(
const int16_t codec_id) {
const WebRtcNetEQDecoder *neteq_decoder = ACMCodecDB::NetEQDecoders();
int16_t mirror_id = ACMCodecDB::MirrorID(codec_id);
bool stereo_receiver = false;
if (codecs_[codec_id] != NULL) {
if (registered_pltypes_[codec_id] != -1) {
// Store stereo information for future use.
stereo_receiver = stereo_receive_[codec_id];
// Before deleting the decoder instance unregister from NetEQ.
if (neteq_.RemoveCodec(neteq_decoder[codec_id],
stereo_receive_[codec_id]) < 0) {
CodecInst codec;
ACMCodecDB::Codec(codec_id, &codec);
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"Unregistering %s-%d from NetEQ failed.", codec.plname,
return -1;
// CN is a special case for NetEQ, all three sampling frequencies
// are unregistered if one is deleted.
if (IsCodecCN(codec_id)) {
for (int i = 0; i < ACMCodecDB::kNumCodecs; i++) {
if (IsCodecCN(i)) {
stereo_receive_[i] = false;
registered_pltypes_[i] = -1;
} else {
if (codec_id == mirror_id) {
if (stereo_receive_[codec_id]) {
stereo_receive_[codec_id] = false;
// Check if this is the last registered stereo receive codec.
if (stereo_receiver) {
bool no_stereo = true;
for (int i = 0; i < ACMCodecDB::kNumCodecs; i++) {
if (stereo_receive_[i]) {
// We still have stereo codecs registered.
no_stereo = false;
// If we don't have any stereo codecs left, change status.
if (no_stereo) {
neteq_.RemoveSlaves(); // No longer need the slave.
stereo_receive_registered_ = false;
if (registered_pltypes_[codec_id] == receive_red_pltype_) {
// RED is going to be unregistered, set to an invalid value.
receive_red_pltype_ = 255;
registered_pltypes_[codec_id] = -1;
return 0;
int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::REDPayloadISAC(
const int32_t isac_rate, const int16_t isac_bw_estimate,
uint8_t* payload, int16_t* length_bytes) {
if (!HaveValidEncoder("EncodeData")) {
return -1;
int16_t status;
status = codecs_[current_send_codec_idx_]->REDPayloadISAC(isac_rate,
return status;
void AudioCodingModuleImpl::ResetFragmentation(int vector_size) {
for (int n = 0; n < kMaxNumFragmentationVectors; n++) {
fragmentation_.fragmentationOffset[n] = n * MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_BYTE;
memset(fragmentation_.fragmentationLength, 0, kMaxNumFragmentationVectors *
memset(fragmentation_.fragmentationTimeDiff, 0, kMaxNumFragmentationVectors *
memset(fragmentation_.fragmentationPlType, 0, kMaxNumFragmentationVectors *
fragmentation_.fragmentationVectorSize =
// TODO(turajs): Add second parameter to enable/disable AV-sync.
int AudioCodingModuleImpl::SetInitialPlayoutDelay(int delay_ms) {
if (delay_ms < 0 || delay_ms > 10000) {
return -1;
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
// Receiver should be initialized before this call processed.
if (!receiver_initialized_) {
if (first_payload_received_) {
// Too late for this API. Only works before a call is started.
return -1;
initial_delay_ms_ = delay_ms;
// If initial delay is zero, NetEq buffer should not be tracked, also we
// don't want to be in AV-sync mode.
track_neteq_buffer_ = delay_ms > 0;
av_sync_ = delay_ms > 0;
return neteq_.SetMinimumDelay(delay_ms);
bool AudioCodingModuleImpl::GetSilence(int desired_sample_rate_hz,
AudioFrame* frame) {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
if (initial_delay_ms_ == 0 || !track_neteq_buffer_) {
return false;
if (accumulated_audio_ms_ >= initial_delay_ms_) {
// We have enough data stored that match our initial delay target.
track_neteq_buffer_ = false;
return false;
// We stop accumulating packets, if the number of packets or the total size
// exceeds a threshold.
int max_num_packets;
int buffer_size_bytes;
int per_payload_overhead_bytes;
neteq_.BufferSpec(max_num_packets, buffer_size_bytes,
int total_bytes_accumulated = num_bytes_accumulated_ +
num_packets_accumulated_ * per_payload_overhead_bytes;
if (num_packets_accumulated_ > max_num_packets * 0.9 ||
total_bytes_accumulated > buffer_size_bytes * 0.9) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceWarning, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"GetSilence: Initial delay couldn't be achieved."
" num_packets_accumulated=%d, total_bytes_accumulated=%d",
num_packets_accumulated_, num_bytes_accumulated_);
track_neteq_buffer_ = false;
return false;
if (desired_sample_rate_hz > 0) {
frame->sample_rate_hz_ = desired_sample_rate_hz;
} else {
frame->sample_rate_hz_ = 0;
if (current_receive_codec_idx_ >= 0) {
frame->sample_rate_hz_ =
} else {
// No payload received yet, use the default sampling rate of NetEq.
frame->sample_rate_hz_ = neteq_.CurrentSampFreqHz();
frame->num_channels_ = expected_channels_;
frame->samples_per_channel_ = frame->sample_rate_hz_ / 100; // Always 10 ms.
frame->speech_type_ = AudioFrame::kCNG;
frame->vad_activity_ = AudioFrame::kVadPassive;
frame->energy_ = 0;
int samples = frame->samples_per_channel_ * frame->num_channels_;
memset(frame->data_, 0, samples * sizeof(int16_t));
return true;
// Must be called within the scope of ACM critical section.
int AudioCodingModuleImpl::PushSyncPacketSafe() {
last_incoming_send_timestamp_ += last_timestamp_diff_;
last_receive_timestamp_ += last_timestamp_diff_;
WebRtcRTPHeader rtp_info;
rtp_info.header.payloadType = last_recv_audio_codec_pltype_;
rtp_info.header.ssrc = last_ssrc_;
rtp_info.header.markerBit = false;
rtp_info.header.sequenceNumber = last_sequence_number_;
rtp_info.header.timestamp = last_incoming_send_timestamp_; = stereo_receive_[current_receive_codec_idx_] ?
2 : 1;
last_packet_was_sync_ = true;
int payload_len_bytes = neteq_.RecIn(rtp_info, last_receive_timestamp_);
if (payload_len_bytes < 0)
return -1;
// This is to account for sync packets inserted during the buffering phase.
if (track_neteq_buffer_)
UpdateBufferingSafe(rtp_info, payload_len_bytes);
return 0;
// Must be called within the scope of ACM critical section.
void AudioCodingModuleImpl::UpdateBufferingSafe(const WebRtcRTPHeader& rtp_info,
int payload_len_bytes) {
const int in_sample_rate_khz =
(ACMCodecDB::database_[current_receive_codec_idx_].plfreq / 1000);
if (first_payload_received_ &&
rtp_info.header.timestamp > last_incoming_send_timestamp_ &&
in_sample_rate_khz > 0) {
accumulated_audio_ms_ += (rtp_info.header.timestamp -
last_incoming_send_timestamp_) / in_sample_rate_khz;
num_bytes_accumulated_ += payload_len_bytes;
playout_ts_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(
rtp_info.header.timestamp - static_cast<uint32_t>(
initial_delay_ms_ * in_sample_rate_khz));
uint32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::NowTimestamp(int codec_id) {
// Down-cast the time to (32-6)-bit since we only care about
// the least significant bits. (32-6) bits cover 2^(32-6) = 67108864 ms.
// we masked 6 most significant bits of 32-bit so we don't lose resolution
// when do the following multiplication.
int sample_rate_khz = ACMCodecDB::database_[codec_id].plfreq / 1000;
const uint32_t now_in_ms = static_cast<uint32_t>(
clock_->TimeInMilliseconds() & kMaskTimestamp);
return static_cast<uint32_t>(sample_rate_khz * now_in_ms);
std::vector<uint16_t> AudioCodingModuleImpl::GetNackList(
int round_trip_time_ms) const {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
if (round_trip_time_ms < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceWarning, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
"GetNackList: round trip time cannot be negative."
" round_trip_time_ms=%d", round_trip_time_ms);
if (nack_enabled_ && round_trip_time_ms >= 0) {
return nack_->GetNackList(round_trip_time_ms);
std::vector<uint16_t> empty_list;
return empty_list;
int AudioCodingModuleImpl::LeastRequiredDelayMs() const {
return std::max(neteq_.LeastRequiredDelayMs(), initial_delay_ms_);
int AudioCodingModuleImpl::EnableNack(size_t max_nack_list_size) {
// Don't do anything if |max_nack_list_size| is out of range.
if (max_nack_list_size == 0 || max_nack_list_size > Nack::kNackListSizeLimit)
return -1;
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
if (!nack_enabled_) {
nack_enabled_ = true;
// Sampling rate might need to be updated if we change from disable to
// enable. Do it if the receive codec is valid.
if (current_receive_codec_idx_ >= 0) {
return nack_->SetMaxNackListSize(max_nack_list_size);
void AudioCodingModuleImpl::DisableNack() {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
nack_.reset(); // Memory is released.
nack_enabled_ = false;
} // namespace webrtc