blob: 261cd88d6e31a1e0e546f73d94e41ad1e525236a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/engine_configurations.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_conference_mixer/interface/audio_conference_mixer.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_conference_mixer/source/level_indicator.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_conference_mixer/source/memory_pool.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_conference_mixer/source/time_scheduler.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/interface/module_common_types.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/list_wrapper.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/scoped_ptr.h"
namespace webrtc {
class AudioProcessing;
class CriticalSectionWrapper;
// Cheshire cat implementation of MixerParticipant's non virtual functions.
class MixHistory
// MixerParticipant function
int32_t IsMixed(bool& mixed) const;
// Sets wasMixed to true if the participant was mixed previous mix
// iteration.
int32_t WasMixed(bool& wasMixed) const;
// Updates the mixed status.
int32_t SetIsMixed(const bool mixed);
void ResetMixedStatus();
bool _isMixed;
class AudioConferenceMixerImpl : public AudioConferenceMixer
// AudioProcessing only accepts 10 ms frames.
enum {kProcessPeriodicityInMs = 10};
AudioConferenceMixerImpl(int id);
// Must be called after ctor.
bool Init();
// Module functions
virtual int32_t ChangeUniqueId(const int32_t id);
virtual int32_t TimeUntilNextProcess();
virtual int32_t Process();
// AudioConferenceMixer functions
virtual int32_t RegisterMixedStreamCallback(
AudioMixerOutputReceiver& mixReceiver);
virtual int32_t UnRegisterMixedStreamCallback();
virtual int32_t RegisterMixerStatusCallback(
AudioMixerStatusReceiver& mixerStatusCallback,
const uint32_t amountOf10MsBetweenCallbacks);
virtual int32_t UnRegisterMixerStatusCallback();
virtual int32_t SetMixabilityStatus(MixerParticipant& participant,
const bool mixable);
virtual int32_t MixabilityStatus(MixerParticipant& participant,
bool& mixable);
virtual int32_t SetMinimumMixingFrequency(Frequency freq);
virtual int32_t SetAnonymousMixabilityStatus(
MixerParticipant& participant, const bool mixable);
virtual int32_t AnonymousMixabilityStatus(
MixerParticipant& participant, bool& mixable);
// Set/get mix frequency
int32_t SetOutputFrequency(const Frequency frequency);
Frequency OutputFrequency() const;
// Must be called whenever an audio frame indicates the number of channels
// has changed.
bool SetNumLimiterChannels(int numChannels);
// Fills mixList with the AudioFrames pointers that should be used when
// mixing. Fills mixParticipantList with ParticipantStatistics for the
// participants who's AudioFrames are inside mixList.
// maxAudioFrameCounter both input and output specifies how many more
// AudioFrames that are allowed to be mixed.
// rampOutList contain AudioFrames corresponding to an audio stream that
// used to be mixed but shouldn't be mixed any longer. These AudioFrames
// should be ramped out over this AudioFrame to avoid audio discontinuities.
void UpdateToMix(ListWrapper& mixList, ListWrapper& rampOutList,
MapWrapper& mixParticipantList,
uint32_t& maxAudioFrameCounter);
// Return the lowest mixing frequency that can be used without having to
// downsample any audio.
int32_t GetLowestMixingFrequency();
int32_t GetLowestMixingFrequencyFromList(ListWrapper& mixList);
// Return the AudioFrames that should be mixed anonymously.
void GetAdditionalAudio(ListWrapper& additionalFramesList);
// Update the MixHistory of all MixerParticipants. mixedParticipantsList
// should contain a map of MixerParticipants that have been mixed.
void UpdateMixedStatus(MapWrapper& mixedParticipantsList);
// Clears audioFrameList and reclaims all memory associated with it.
void ClearAudioFrameList(ListWrapper& audioFrameList);
// Update the list of MixerParticipants who have a positive VAD. mixList
// should be a list of AudioFrames
void UpdateVADPositiveParticipants(
ListWrapper& mixList);
// This function returns true if it finds the MixerParticipant in the
// specified list of MixerParticipants.
bool IsParticipantInList(
MixerParticipant& participant,
ListWrapper& participantList);
// Add/remove the MixerParticipant to the specified
// MixerParticipant list.
bool AddParticipantToList(
MixerParticipant& participant,
ListWrapper& participantList);
bool RemoveParticipantFromList(
MixerParticipant& removeParticipant,
ListWrapper& participantList);
// Mix the AudioFrames stored in audioFrameList into mixedAudio.
int32_t MixFromList(
AudioFrame& mixedAudio,
const ListWrapper& audioFrameList);
// Mix the AudioFrames stored in audioFrameList into mixedAudio. No
// record will be kept of this mix (e.g. the corresponding MixerParticipants
// will not be marked as IsMixed()
int32_t MixAnonomouslyFromList(AudioFrame& mixedAudio,
const ListWrapper& audioFrameList);
bool LimitMixedAudio(AudioFrame& mixedAudio);
// Scratch memory
// Note that the scratch memory may only be touched in the scope of
// Process().
uint32_t _scratchParticipantsToMixAmount;
ParticipantStatistics _scratchMixedParticipants[
uint32_t _scratchVadPositiveParticipantsAmount;
ParticipantStatistics _scratchVadPositiveParticipants[
scoped_ptr<CriticalSectionWrapper> _crit;
scoped_ptr<CriticalSectionWrapper> _cbCrit;
int32_t _id;
Frequency _minimumMixingFreq;
// Mix result callback
AudioMixerOutputReceiver* _mixReceiver;
AudioMixerStatusReceiver* _mixerStatusCallback;
uint32_t _amountOf10MsBetweenCallbacks;
uint32_t _amountOf10MsUntilNextCallback;
bool _mixerStatusCb;
// The current sample frequency and sample size when mixing.
Frequency _outputFrequency;
uint16_t _sampleSize;
// Memory pool to avoid allocating/deallocating AudioFrames
MemoryPool<AudioFrame>* _audioFramePool;
// List of all participants. Note all lists are disjunct
ListWrapper _participantList; // May be mixed.
ListWrapper _additionalParticipantList; // Always mixed, anonomously.
uint32_t _numMixedParticipants;
uint32_t _timeStamp;
// Metronome class.
TimeScheduler _timeScheduler;
// Smooth level indicator.
LevelIndicator _mixedAudioLevel;
// Counter keeping track of concurrent calls to process.
// Note: should never be higher than 1 or lower than 0.
int16_t _processCalls;
// Used for inhibiting saturation in mixing.
scoped_ptr<AudioProcessing> _limiter;
} // namespace webrtc