blob: 9be2f3f9bd38eaa004f77c916c92f9a7de8c916f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include "webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/include/bwe_defines.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/include/remote_bitrate_estimator.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_rtcp_defines.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtcp_utility.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_utility.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/tmmbr_help.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "webrtc/typedefs.h"
namespace webrtc {
class ModuleRtpRtcpImpl;
class NACKStringBuilder
void PushNACK(uint16_t nack);
std::string GetResult();
std::ostringstream _stream;
int _count;
uint16_t _prevNack;
bool _consecutive;
class RTCPSender
RTCPSender(const int32_t id, const bool audio,
Clock* clock, ModuleRtpRtcpImpl* owner);
virtual ~RTCPSender();
void ChangeUniqueId(const int32_t id);
int32_t Init();
int32_t RegisterSendTransport(Transport* outgoingTransport);
RTCPMethod Status() const;
int32_t SetRTCPStatus(const RTCPMethod method);
bool Sending() const;
int32_t SetSendingStatus(const bool enabled); // combine the functions
int32_t SetNackStatus(const bool enable);
void SetStartTimestamp(uint32_t start_timestamp);
void SetLastRtpTime(uint32_t rtp_timestamp,
int64_t capture_time_ms);
void SetSSRC( const uint32_t ssrc);
int32_t SetRemoteSSRC( const uint32_t ssrc);
int32_t SetCameraDelay(const int32_t delayMS);
int32_t CNAME(char cName[RTCP_CNAME_SIZE]);
int32_t SetCNAME(const char cName[RTCP_CNAME_SIZE]);
int32_t AddMixedCNAME(const uint32_t SSRC,
const char cName[RTCP_CNAME_SIZE]);
int32_t RemoveMixedCNAME(const uint32_t SSRC);
uint32_t SendTimeOfSendReport(const uint32_t sendReport);
bool TimeToSendRTCPReport(const bool sendKeyframeBeforeRTP = false) const;
uint32_t LastSendReport(uint32_t& lastRTCPTime);
int32_t SendRTCP(const uint32_t rtcpPacketTypeFlags,
const int32_t nackSize = 0,
const uint16_t* nackList = 0,
const bool repeat = false,
const uint64_t pictureID = 0);
int32_t AddReportBlock(const uint32_t SSRC,
const RTCPReportBlock* receiveBlock);
int32_t RemoveReportBlock(const uint32_t SSRC);
bool REMB() const;
int32_t SetREMBStatus(const bool enable);
int32_t SetREMBData(const uint32_t bitrate,
const uint8_t numberOfSSRC,
const uint32_t* SSRC);
bool TMMBR() const;
int32_t SetTMMBRStatus(const bool enable);
int32_t SetTMMBN(const TMMBRSet* boundingSet,
const uint32_t maxBitrateKbit);
* Extended jitter report
bool IJ() const;
int32_t SetIJStatus(const bool enable);
int32_t SetApplicationSpecificData(const uint8_t subType,
const uint32_t name,
const uint8_t* data,
const uint16_t length);
int32_t SetRTCPVoIPMetrics(const RTCPVoIPMetric* VoIPMetric);
int32_t SetCSRCs(const uint32_t arrOfCSRC[kRtpCsrcSize],
const uint8_t arrLength);
int32_t SetCSRCStatus(const bool include);
void SetTargetBitrate(unsigned int target_bitrate);
int32_t SendToNetwork(const uint8_t* dataBuffer, const uint16_t length);
void UpdatePacketRate();
int32_t AddReportBlocks(uint8_t* rtcpbuffer,
uint32_t& pos,
uint8_t& numberOfReportBlocks,
const RTCPReportBlock* received,
const uint32_t NTPsec,
const uint32_t NTPfrac);
int32_t BuildSR(uint8_t* rtcpbuffer,
uint32_t& pos,
const uint32_t NTPsec,
const uint32_t NTPfrac,
const RTCPReportBlock* received = NULL);
int32_t BuildRR(uint8_t* rtcpbuffer,
uint32_t& pos,
const uint32_t NTPsec,
const uint32_t NTPfrac,
const RTCPReportBlock* received = NULL);
int32_t BuildExtendedJitterReport(
uint8_t* rtcpbuffer,
uint32_t& pos,
const uint32_t jitterTransmissionTimeOffset);
int32_t BuildSDEC(uint8_t* rtcpbuffer, uint32_t& pos);
int32_t BuildPLI(uint8_t* rtcpbuffer, uint32_t& pos);
int32_t BuildREMB(uint8_t* rtcpbuffer, uint32_t& pos);
int32_t BuildTMMBR(uint8_t* rtcpbuffer, uint32_t& pos);
int32_t BuildTMMBN(uint8_t* rtcpbuffer, uint32_t& pos);
int32_t BuildAPP(uint8_t* rtcpbuffer, uint32_t& pos);
int32_t BuildVoIPMetric(uint8_t* rtcpbuffer, uint32_t& pos);
int32_t BuildBYE(uint8_t* rtcpbuffer, uint32_t& pos);
int32_t BuildFIR(uint8_t* rtcpbuffer, uint32_t& pos, bool repeat);
int32_t BuildSLI(uint8_t* rtcpbuffer,
uint32_t& pos,
const uint8_t pictureID);
int32_t BuildRPSI(uint8_t* rtcpbuffer,
uint32_t& pos,
const uint64_t pictureID,
const uint8_t payloadType);
int32_t BuildNACK(uint8_t* rtcpbuffer,
uint32_t& pos,
const int32_t nackSize,
const uint16_t* nackList,
std::string* nackString);
int32_t _id;
const bool _audio;
Clock* _clock;
RTCPMethod _method;
ModuleRtpRtcpImpl& _rtpRtcp;
CriticalSectionWrapper* _criticalSectionTransport;
Transport* _cbTransport;
CriticalSectionWrapper* _criticalSectionRTCPSender;
bool _usingNack;
bool _sending;
bool _sendTMMBN;
bool _REMB;
bool _sendREMB;
bool _TMMBR;
bool _IJ;
int64_t _nextTimeToSendRTCP;
uint32_t start_timestamp_;
uint32_t last_rtp_timestamp_;
int64_t last_frame_capture_time_ms_;
uint32_t _SSRC;
uint32_t _remoteSSRC; // SSRC that we receive on our RTP channel
std::map<uint32_t, RTCPReportBlock*> _reportBlocks;
std::map<uint32_t, RTCPUtility::RTCPCnameInformation*> _csrcCNAMEs;
int32_t _cameraDelayMS;
// Sent
uint32_t _lastSendReport[RTCP_NUMBER_OF_SR]; // allow packet loss and RTT above 1 sec
uint32_t _lastRTCPTime[RTCP_NUMBER_OF_SR];
// send CSRCs
uint8_t _CSRCs;
uint32_t _CSRC[kRtpCsrcSize];
bool _includeCSRCs;
// Full intra request
uint8_t _sequenceNumberFIR;
uint8_t _lengthRembSSRC;
uint8_t _sizeRembSSRC;
uint32_t* _rembSSRC;
uint32_t _rembBitrate;
TMMBRHelp _tmmbrHelp;
uint32_t _tmmbr_Send;
uint32_t _packetOH_Send;
// APP
bool _appSend;
uint8_t _appSubType;
uint32_t _appName;
uint8_t* _appData;
uint16_t _appLength;
// XR VoIP metric
bool _xrSendVoIPMetric;
RTCPVoIPMetric _xrVoIPMetric;
// Counters
uint32_t _nackCount;
uint32_t _pliCount;
uint32_t _fullIntraRequestCount;
} // namespace webrtc