blob: 239a29267c1fff0b0a2b891e2da9b5a4daf12dc9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "device_info_linux.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//v4l includes
#include <linux/videodev2.h>
#include "ref_count.h"
#include "trace.h"
namespace webrtc
namespace videocapturemodule
VideoCaptureImpl::CreateDeviceInfo(const WebRtc_Word32 id)
videocapturemodule::DeviceInfoLinux *deviceInfo =
new videocapturemodule::DeviceInfoLinux(id);
if (!deviceInfo)
deviceInfo = NULL;
return deviceInfo;
DeviceInfoLinux::DeviceInfoLinux(const WebRtc_Word32 id)
: DeviceInfoImpl(id)
WebRtc_Word32 DeviceInfoLinux::Init()
return 0;
WebRtc_UWord32 DeviceInfoLinux::NumberOfDevices()
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceApiCall, webrtc::kTraceVideoCapture, _id, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
WebRtc_UWord32 count = 0;
char device[20];
int fd = -1;
/* detect /dev/video [0-63]VideoCaptureModule entries */
for (int n = 0; n < 64; n++)
sprintf(device, "/dev/video%d", n);
if ((fd = open(device, O_RDONLY)) != -1)
return count;
WebRtc_Word32 DeviceInfoLinux::GetDeviceName(
WebRtc_UWord32 deviceNumber,
char* deviceNameUTF8,
WebRtc_UWord32 deviceNameLength,
char* deviceUniqueIdUTF8,
WebRtc_UWord32 deviceUniqueIdUTF8Length,
char* /*productUniqueIdUTF8*/,
WebRtc_UWord32 /*productUniqueIdUTF8Length*/)
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceApiCall, webrtc::kTraceVideoCapture, _id, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
// Travel through /dev/video [0-63]
WebRtc_UWord32 count = 0;
char device[20];
int fd = -1;
bool found = false;
for (int n = 0; n < 64; n++)
sprintf(device, "/dev/video%d", n);
if ((fd = open(device, O_RDONLY)) != -1)
if (count == deviceNumber) {
// Found the device
found = true;
} else {
if (!found)
return -1;
// query device capabilities
struct v4l2_capability cap;
if (ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_QUERYCAP, &cap) < 0)
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceVideoCapture, _id,
"error in querying the device capability for device %s. errno = %d",
device, errno);
return -1;
char cameraName[64];
memset(deviceNameUTF8, 0, deviceNameLength);
memcpy(cameraName, cap.card, sizeof(cap.card));
if (deviceNameLength >= strlen(cameraName))
memcpy(deviceNameUTF8, cameraName, strlen(cameraName));
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceVideoCapture, _id, "buffer passed is too small");
return -1;
if (cap.bus_info[0] != 0) // may not available in all drivers
// copy device id
if (deviceUniqueIdUTF8Length >= strlen((const char*) cap.bus_info))
memset(deviceUniqueIdUTF8, 0, deviceUniqueIdUTF8Length);
memcpy(deviceUniqueIdUTF8, cap.bus_info,
strlen((const char*) cap.bus_info));
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceVideoCapture, _id,
"buffer passed is too small");
return -1;
return 0;
WebRtc_Word32 DeviceInfoLinux::CreateCapabilityMap(
const char* deviceUniqueIdUTF8)
int fd;
char device[32];
bool found = false;
const WebRtc_Word32 deviceUniqueIdUTF8Length =
(WebRtc_Word32) strlen((char*) deviceUniqueIdUTF8);
if (deviceUniqueIdUTF8Length > kVideoCaptureUniqueNameLength)
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceVideoCapture, _id, "Device name too long");
return -1;
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceInfo, webrtc::kTraceVideoCapture, _id,
"CreateCapabilityMap called for device %s", deviceUniqueIdUTF8);
/* detect /dev/video [0-63] entries */
for (int n = 0; n < 64; ++n)
sprintf(device, "/dev/video%d", n);
fd = open(device, O_RDONLY);
if (fd == -1)
// query device capabilities
struct v4l2_capability cap;
if (ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_QUERYCAP, &cap) == 0)
if (cap.bus_info[0] != 0)
if (strncmp((const char*) cap.bus_info,
(const char*) deviceUniqueIdUTF8,
strlen((const char*) deviceUniqueIdUTF8)) == 0) //match with device id
found = true;
break; // fd matches with device unique id supplied
else //match for device name
if (IsDeviceNameMatches((const char*) cap.card,
(const char*) deviceUniqueIdUTF8))
found = true;
close(fd); // close since this is not the matching device
if (!found)
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceVideoCapture, _id, "no matching device found");
return -1;
// now fd will point to the matching device
// reset old capability map
MapItem* item = NULL;
while ((item = _captureCapabilities.Last()))
delete static_cast<VideoCaptureCapability*> (item->GetItem());
int size = FillCapabilityMap(fd);
// Store the new used device name
_lastUsedDeviceNameLength = deviceUniqueIdUTF8Length;
_lastUsedDeviceName = (char*) realloc(_lastUsedDeviceName,
_lastUsedDeviceNameLength + 1);
memcpy(_lastUsedDeviceName, deviceUniqueIdUTF8, _lastUsedDeviceNameLength + 1);
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceInfo, webrtc::kTraceVideoCapture, _id, "CreateCapabilityMap %d",
return size;
bool DeviceInfoLinux::IsDeviceNameMatches(const char* name,
const char* deviceUniqueIdUTF8)
if (strncmp(deviceUniqueIdUTF8, name, strlen(name)) == 0)
return true;
return false;
WebRtc_Word32 DeviceInfoLinux::FillCapabilityMap(int fd)
// set image format
struct v4l2_format video_fmt;
memset(&video_fmt, 0, sizeof(struct v4l2_format));
video_fmt.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
video_fmt.fmt.pix.sizeimage = 0;
int totalFmts = 3;
unsigned int videoFormats[] = {
int sizes = 13;
unsigned int size[][2] = { { 128, 96 }, { 160, 120 }, { 176, 144 },
{ 320, 240 }, { 352, 288 }, { 640, 480 },
{ 704, 576 }, { 800, 600 }, { 960, 720 },
{ 1280, 720 }, { 1024, 768 }, { 1440, 1080 },
{ 1920, 1080 } };
int index = 0;
for (int fmts = 0; fmts < totalFmts; fmts++)
for (int i = 0; i < sizes; i++)
video_fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat = videoFormats[fmts];
video_fmt.fmt.pix.width = size[i][0];
video_fmt.fmt.pix.height = size[i][1];
if (ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_TRY_FMT, &video_fmt) >= 0)
if ((video_fmt.fmt.pix.width == size[i][0])
&& (video_fmt.fmt.pix.height == size[i][1]))
VideoCaptureCapability *cap = new VideoCaptureCapability();
cap->width = video_fmt.fmt.pix.width;
cap->height = video_fmt.fmt.pix.height;
cap->expectedCaptureDelay = 120;
if (videoFormats[fmts] == V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV)
cap->rawType = kVideoYUY2;
else if (videoFormats[fmts] == V4L2_PIX_FMT_MJPEG)
cap->rawType = kVideoMJPEG;
// get fps of current camera mode
// V4l2 does not have a stable method of knowing so we just guess.
if(cap->width >= 800 && cap->rawType != kVideoMJPEG)
cap->maxFPS = 15;
cap->maxFPS = 30;
_captureCapabilities.Insert(index, cap);
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceInfo, webrtc::kTraceVideoCapture, _id,
"Camera capability, width:%d height:%d type:%d fps:%d",
cap->width, cap->height, cap->rawType, cap->maxFPS);
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceInfo, webrtc::kTraceVideoCapture, _id, "CreateCapabilityMap %d",
return _captureCapabilities.Size();
} // namespace videocapturemodule
} // namespace webrtc