blob: 7815288dc6565e5ee12cdd79ba98fc673142a0f5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "test/testsupport/fileutils.h"
#include "voice_engine/test/auto_test/fixtures/after_streaming_fixture.h"
#include "voice_engine/test/auto_test/voe_standard_test.h"
class TestRtpObserver : public webrtc::VoERTPObserver {
virtual ~TestRtpObserver();
virtual void OnIncomingCSRCChanged(const int channel,
const unsigned int CSRC,
const bool added);
virtual void OnIncomingSSRCChanged(const int channel,
const unsigned int SSRC);
void Reset();
unsigned int ssrc_[2];
unsigned int csrc_[2][2]; // Stores 2 CSRCs for each channel.
bool added_[2][2];
int size_[2];
TestRtpObserver::TestRtpObserver() {
TestRtpObserver::~TestRtpObserver() {
void TestRtpObserver::Reset() {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
ssrc_[i] = 0;
csrc_[i][0] = 0;
csrc_[i][1] = 0;
added_[i][0] = false;
added_[i][1] = false;
size_[i] = 0;
void TestRtpObserver::OnIncomingCSRCChanged(const int channel,
const unsigned int CSRC,
const bool added) {
char msg[128];
sprintf(msg, "=> OnIncomingCSRCChanged(channel=%d, CSRC=%u, added=%d)\n",
channel, CSRC, added);
TEST_LOG("%s", msg);
if (channel > 1)
return; // Not enough memory.
csrc_[channel][size_[channel]] = CSRC;
added_[channel][size_[channel]] = added;
if (size_[channel] == 2)
size_[channel] = 0;
void TestRtpObserver::OnIncomingSSRCChanged(const int channel,
const unsigned int SSRC) {
char msg[128];
sprintf(msg, "\n=> OnIncomingSSRCChanged(channel=%d, SSRC=%u)\n", channel,
TEST_LOG("%s", msg);
ssrc_[channel] = SSRC;
class RtcpAppHandler : public webrtc::VoERTCPObserver {
void OnApplicationDataReceived(const int channel,
const unsigned char sub_type,
const unsigned int name,
const unsigned char* data,
const unsigned short length_in_bytes);
void Reset();
~RtcpAppHandler() {}
unsigned short length_in_bytes_;
unsigned char data_[256];
unsigned char sub_type_;
unsigned int name_;
static const char* const RTCP_CNAME = "Whatever";
class RtpRtcpTest : public AfterStreamingFixture {
void SetUp() {
// We need a second channel for this test, so set it up.
second_channel_ = voe_base_->CreateChannel();
EXPECT_GE(second_channel_, 0);
transport_ = new LoopBackTransport(voe_network_);
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_network_->RegisterExternalTransport(second_channel_,
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_base_->StartReceive(second_channel_));
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_base_->StartPlayout(second_channel_));
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_rtp_rtcp_->SetLocalSSRC(second_channel_, 5678));
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_base_->StartSend(second_channel_));
// We'll set up the RTCP CNAME and SSRC to something arbitrary here.
voe_rtp_rtcp_->SetRTCP_CNAME(channel_, RTCP_CNAME);
void TearDown() {
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_network_->DeRegisterExternalTransport(second_channel_));
delete transport_;
int second_channel_;
LoopBackTransport* transport_;
void RtcpAppHandler::OnApplicationDataReceived(
const int /*channel*/, const unsigned char sub_type,
const unsigned int name, const unsigned char* data,
const unsigned short length_in_bytes) {
length_in_bytes_ = length_in_bytes;
memcpy(data_, &data[0], length_in_bytes);
sub_type_ = sub_type;
name_ = name;
void RtcpAppHandler::Reset() {
length_in_bytes_ = 0;
memset(data_, 0, sizeof(data_));
sub_type_ = 0;
name_ = 0;
TEST_F(RtpRtcpTest, RemoteRtcpCnameHasPropagatedToRemoteSide) {
if (!FLAGS_include_timing_dependent_tests) {
TEST_LOG("Skipping test - running in slow execution environment...\n");
// We need to sleep a bit here for the name to propagate. For instance,
// 200 milliseconds is not enough, so we'll go with one second here.
char char_buffer[256];
voe_rtp_rtcp_->GetRemoteRTCP_CNAME(channel_, char_buffer);
TEST_F(RtpRtcpTest, SSRCPropagatesCorrectly) {
unsigned int local_ssrc = 1234;
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_base_->StopSend(channel_));
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_rtp_rtcp_->SetLocalSSRC(channel_, local_ssrc));
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_base_->StartSend(channel_));
unsigned int ssrc;
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_rtp_rtcp_->GetLocalSSRC(channel_, ssrc));
EXPECT_EQ(local_ssrc, ssrc);
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_rtp_rtcp_->GetRemoteSSRC(channel_, ssrc));
EXPECT_EQ(local_ssrc, ssrc);
TEST_F(RtpRtcpTest, RtcpApplicationDefinedPacketsCanBeSentAndReceived) {
RtcpAppHandler rtcp_app_handler;
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_rtp_rtcp_->RegisterRTCPObserver(
channel_, rtcp_app_handler));
// Send data aligned to 32 bytes.
const char* data = "application-dependent data------";
unsigned short data_length = strlen(data);
unsigned int data_name = 0x41424344; // 'ABCD' in ascii
unsigned char data_subtype = 1;
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_rtp_rtcp_->SendApplicationDefinedRTCPPacket(
channel_, data_subtype, data_name, data, data_length));
// Ensure the RTP-RTCP process gets scheduled.
// Ensure we received the data in the callback.
EXPECT_EQ(data_length, rtcp_app_handler.length_in_bytes_);
EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(data, rtcp_app_handler.data_, data_length));
EXPECT_EQ(data_name, rtcp_app_handler.name_);
EXPECT_EQ(data_subtype, rtcp_app_handler.sub_type_);
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_rtp_rtcp_->DeRegisterRTCPObserver(channel_));
TEST_F(RtpRtcpTest, DisabledRtcpObserverDoesNotReceiveData) {
RtcpAppHandler rtcp_app_handler;
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_rtp_rtcp_->RegisterRTCPObserver(
channel_, rtcp_app_handler));
// Put observer in a known state before de-registering.
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_rtp_rtcp_->DeRegisterRTCPObserver(channel_));
const char* data = "whatever";
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_rtp_rtcp_->SendApplicationDefinedRTCPPacket(
channel_, 1, 0x41424344, data, strlen(data)));
// Ensure the RTP-RTCP process gets scheduled.
// Ensure we received no data.
EXPECT_EQ(0u, rtcp_app_handler.name_);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, rtcp_app_handler.sub_type_);
TEST_F(RtpRtcpTest, InsertExtraRTPPacketDealsWithInvalidArguments) {
const char payload_data[8] = { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H' };
EXPECT_EQ(-1, voe_rtp_rtcp_->InsertExtraRTPPacket(
-1, 0, false, payload_data, 8)) <<
"Should reject: invalid channel.";
EXPECT_EQ(-1, voe_rtp_rtcp_->InsertExtraRTPPacket(
channel_, -1, false, payload_data, 8)) <<
"Should reject: invalid payload type.";
EXPECT_EQ(-1, voe_rtp_rtcp_->InsertExtraRTPPacket(
channel_, 128, false, payload_data, 8)) <<
"Should reject: invalid payload type.";
EXPECT_EQ(-1, voe_rtp_rtcp_->InsertExtraRTPPacket(
channel_, 99, false, NULL, 8)) <<
"Should reject: bad pointer.";
EXPECT_EQ(-1, voe_rtp_rtcp_->InsertExtraRTPPacket(
channel_, 99, false, payload_data, 1500 - 28 + 1)) <<
"Should reject: invalid size.";
TEST_F(RtpRtcpTest, CanTransmitExtraRtpPacketsWithoutError) {
const char payload_data[8] = { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H' };
for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
// Try both with and without the marker bit set
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_rtp_rtcp_->InsertExtraRTPPacket(
channel_, i, false, payload_data, 8));
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_rtp_rtcp_->InsertExtraRTPPacket(
channel_, i, true, payload_data, 8));
// TODO(xians, phoglund): Re-enable when issue 372 is resolved.
TEST_F(RtpRtcpTest, DISABLED_CanCreateRtpDumpFilesWithoutError) {
// Create two RTP dump files (3 seconds long). You can verify these after
// the test using rtpplay or NetEqRTPplay if you like.
std::string output_path = webrtc::test::OutputPath();
std::string incoming_filename = output_path + "dump_in_3sec.rtp";
std::string outgoing_filename = output_path + "dump_out_3sec.rtp";
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_rtp_rtcp_->StartRTPDump(
channel_, incoming_filename.c_str(), webrtc::kRtpIncoming));
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_rtp_rtcp_->StartRTPDump(
channel_, outgoing_filename.c_str(), webrtc::kRtpOutgoing));
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_rtp_rtcp_->StopRTPDump(channel_, webrtc::kRtpIncoming));
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_rtp_rtcp_->StopRTPDump(channel_, webrtc::kRtpOutgoing));
TEST_F(RtpRtcpTest, ObserverGetsNotifiedOnSsrcChange) {
TestRtpObserver rtcp_observer;
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_rtp_rtcp_->RegisterRTPObserver(
channel_, rtcp_observer));
unsigned int new_ssrc = 7777;
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_base_->StopSend(channel_));
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_rtp_rtcp_->SetLocalSSRC(channel_, new_ssrc));
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_base_->StartSend(channel_));
// Verify we got the new SSRC.
EXPECT_EQ(new_ssrc, rtcp_observer.ssrc_[0]);
// Now try another SSRC.
unsigned int newer_ssrc = 1717;
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_base_->StopSend(channel_));
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_rtp_rtcp_->SetLocalSSRC(channel_, newer_ssrc));
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_base_->StartSend(channel_));
EXPECT_EQ(newer_ssrc, rtcp_observer.ssrc_[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_rtp_rtcp_->DeRegisterRTPObserver(channel_));