blob: 482a65c9a48f6e8028ec9d9f2979e022df1db4a2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
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// Unit tests for DelayManager class.
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq4/delay_manager.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq4/mock/mock_delay_peak_detector.h"
namespace webrtc {
using ::testing::Return;
using ::testing::_;
class DelayManagerTest : public ::testing::Test {
static const int kMaxNumberOfPackets = 240;
static const int kTimeStepMs = 10;
static const int kFs = 8000;
static const int kFrameSizeMs = 20;
static const int kTsIncrement = kFrameSizeMs * kFs / 1000;
virtual void SetUp();
virtual void TearDown();
void SetPacketAudioLength(int lengt_ms);
void InsertNextPacket();
void IncreaseTime(int inc_ms);
DelayManager* dm_;
MockDelayPeakDetector detector_;
uint16_t seq_no_;
uint32_t ts_;
: dm_(NULL),
ts_(0x12345678) {
void DelayManagerTest::SetUp() {
EXPECT_CALL(detector_, Reset())
dm_ = new DelayManager(kMaxNumberOfPackets, &detector_);
void DelayManagerTest::SetPacketAudioLength(int lengt_ms) {
EXPECT_CALL(detector_, SetPacketAudioLength(lengt_ms));
void DelayManagerTest::InsertNextPacket() {
EXPECT_EQ(0, dm_->Update(seq_no_, ts_, kFs));
seq_no_ += 1;
ts_ += kTsIncrement;
void DelayManagerTest::IncreaseTime(int inc_ms) {
for (int t = 0; t < inc_ms; t += kTimeStepMs) {
EXPECT_CALL(detector_, IncrementCounter(kTimeStepMs))
void DelayManagerTest::TearDown() {
EXPECT_CALL(detector_, Die());
delete dm_;
TEST_F(DelayManagerTest, CreateAndDestroy) {
// Nothing to do here. The test fixture creates and destroys the DelayManager
// object.
TEST_F(DelayManagerTest, VectorInitialization) {
const DelayManager::IATVector& vec = dm_->iat_vector();
double sum = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {
EXPECT_NEAR(ldexp(pow(0.5, static_cast<int>(i + 1)), 30), vec[i], 65536);
// Tolerance 65536 in Q30 corresponds to a delta of approximately 0.00006.
sum += vec[i];
EXPECT_EQ(1 << 30, static_cast<int>(sum)); // Should be 1 in Q30.
TEST_F(DelayManagerTest, SetPacketAudioLength) {
const int kLengthMs = 30;
// Expect DelayManager to pass on the new length to the detector object.
EXPECT_CALL(detector_, SetPacketAudioLength(kLengthMs))
EXPECT_EQ(0, dm_->SetPacketAudioLength(kLengthMs));
EXPECT_EQ(-1, dm_->SetPacketAudioLength(-1)); // Illegal parameter value.
TEST_F(DelayManagerTest, PeakFound) {
// Expect DelayManager to pass on the question to the detector.
// Call twice, and let the detector return true the first time and false the
// second time.
EXPECT_CALL(detector_, peak_found())
TEST_F(DelayManagerTest, UpdateCounters) {
// Expect DelayManager to pass on the counter update to the detector.
EXPECT_CALL(detector_, IncrementCounter(kTimeStepMs))
TEST_F(DelayManagerTest, UpdateNormal) {
// First packet arrival.
// Advance time by one frame size.
// Second packet arrival.
// Expect detector update method to be called once with inter-arrival time
// equal to 1 packet, and (base) target level equal to 1 as well.
// Return false to indicate no peaks found.
EXPECT_CALL(detector_, Update(1, 1))
EXPECT_EQ(1 << 8, dm_->TargetLevel()); // In Q8.
EXPECT_EQ(1, dm_->base_target_level());
int lower, higher;
dm_->BufferLimits(&lower, &higher);
// Expect |lower| to be 75% of target level, and |higher| to be target level,
// but also at least 20 ms higher than |lower|, which is the limiting case
// here.
EXPECT_EQ((1 << 8) * 3 / 4, lower);
EXPECT_EQ(lower + (20 << 8) / kFrameSizeMs, higher);
TEST_F(DelayManagerTest, UpdateLongInterArrivalTime) {
// First packet arrival.
// Advance time by two frame size.
IncreaseTime(2 * kFrameSizeMs);
// Second packet arrival.
// Expect detector update method to be called once with inter-arrival time
// equal to 1 packet, and (base) target level equal to 1 as well.
// Return false to indicate no peaks found.
EXPECT_CALL(detector_, Update(2, 2))
EXPECT_EQ(2 << 8, dm_->TargetLevel()); // In Q8.
EXPECT_EQ(2, dm_->base_target_level());
int lower, higher;
dm_->BufferLimits(&lower, &higher);
// Expect |lower| to be 75% of target level, and |higher| to be target level,
// but also at least 20 ms higher than |lower|, which is the limiting case
// here.
EXPECT_EQ((2 << 8) * 3 / 4, lower);
EXPECT_EQ(lower + (20 << 8) / kFrameSizeMs, higher);
TEST_F(DelayManagerTest, UpdatePeakFound) {
// First packet arrival.
// Advance time by one frame size.
// Second packet arrival.
// Expect detector update method to be called once with inter-arrival time
// equal to 1 packet, and (base) target level equal to 1 as well.
// Return true to indicate that peaks are found. Let the peak height be 5.
EXPECT_CALL(detector_, Update(1, 1))
EXPECT_CALL(detector_, MaxPeakHeight())
EXPECT_EQ(5 << 8, dm_->TargetLevel());
EXPECT_EQ(1, dm_->base_target_level()); // Base target level is w/o peaks.
int lower, higher;
dm_->BufferLimits(&lower, &higher);
// Expect |lower| to be 75% of target level, and |higher| to be target level.
EXPECT_EQ((5 << 8) * 3 / 4, lower);
EXPECT_EQ(5 << 8, higher);
TEST_F(DelayManagerTest, TargetDelay) {
// First packet arrival.
// Advance time by one frame size.
// Second packet arrival.
// Expect detector update method to be called once with inter-arrival time
// equal to 1 packet, and (base) target level equal to 1 as well.
// Return false to indicate no peaks found.
EXPECT_CALL(detector_, Update(1, 1))
const int kExpectedTarget = 1;
EXPECT_EQ(kExpectedTarget << 8, dm_->TargetLevel()); // In Q8.
EXPECT_EQ(1, dm_->base_target_level());
int lower, higher;
dm_->BufferLimits(&lower, &higher);
// Expect |lower| to be 75% of base target level, and |higher| to be
// lower + 20 ms headroom.
EXPECT_EQ((1 << 8) * 3 / 4, lower);
EXPECT_EQ(lower + (20 << 8) / kFrameSizeMs, higher);
TEST_F(DelayManagerTest, MaxAndRequiredDelay) {
const int kExpectedTarget = 5;
const int kTimeIncrement = kExpectedTarget * kFrameSizeMs;
// First packet arrival.
// Second packet arrival.
// Expect detector update method to be called once with inter-arrival time
// equal to |kExpectedTarget| packet. Return true to indicate peaks found.
EXPECT_CALL(detector_, Update(kExpectedTarget, _))
EXPECT_CALL(detector_, MaxPeakHeight())
// No limit is set.
EXPECT_EQ(kExpectedTarget << 8, dm_->TargetLevel());
int kMaxDelayPackets = kExpectedTarget - 2;
int kMaxDelayMs = kMaxDelayPackets * kFrameSizeMs;
EXPECT_EQ(kExpectedTarget * kFrameSizeMs, dm_->least_required_delay_ms());
EXPECT_EQ(kMaxDelayPackets << 8, dm_->TargetLevel());
// Target level at least should be one packet.
EXPECT_FALSE(dm_->SetMaximumDelay(kFrameSizeMs - 1));
TEST_F(DelayManagerTest, MinAndRequiredDelay) {
const int kExpectedTarget = 5;
const int kTimeIncrement = kExpectedTarget * kFrameSizeMs;
// First packet arrival.
// Second packet arrival.
// Expect detector update method to be called once with inter-arrival time
// equal to |kExpectedTarget| packet. Return true to indicate peaks found.
EXPECT_CALL(detector_, Update(kExpectedTarget, _))
EXPECT_CALL(detector_, MaxPeakHeight())
// No limit is applied.
EXPECT_EQ(kExpectedTarget << 8, dm_->TargetLevel());
int kMinDelayPackets = kExpectedTarget + 2;
int kMinDelayMs = kMinDelayPackets * kFrameSizeMs;
EXPECT_EQ(kExpectedTarget * kFrameSizeMs, dm_->least_required_delay_ms());
EXPECT_EQ(kMinDelayPackets << 8, dm_->TargetLevel());
TEST_F(DelayManagerTest, Failures) {
// Wrong sample rate.
EXPECT_EQ(-1, dm_->Update(0, 0, -1));
// Wrong packet size.
EXPECT_EQ(-1, dm_->SetPacketAudioLength(0));
EXPECT_EQ(-1, dm_->SetPacketAudioLength(-1));
// Minimum delay higher than a maximum delay is not accepted.
// Maximum delay less than minimum delay is not accepted.
} // namespace webrtc